And a chinese newspaper is saying the leaders of the revolution in hong kong took training seminars
by US NGOs groups in Hong Kong-America Center , that were seeking to "promote Democracy" and
to allow the chinese people to "understand AMericans better".
As always the Bastard americans neocons pick always the most vulnerable ..(just like in Ukraine)
The youngest people ,That is the most ignorants in the entire society for their lack of life experience ,the more easily to brainwash because who understand nothing about world politics ,about economy or what democracy or freedom and liberty really is and that do not understand the real goals of the Americans with CHina .
take a look at the chineese protesting ..barely have age to drive a car..
This is like watching an ex-convict Pedophile ,who escaped from jail.. flirting with a 9 years old girl ,kissing her head in a children playground park .. in a lonely place and police passing and doing nothing.
You can even see Western Elite media like @Reuters located in strategic places fully documenting everything as if they knew before hand it was going to happen and were .
The protesters do not understand how they are fooled by the most Undemocratic Nation in the world.. to destroy their country.. had they all , had a little more knowledge of the Games that Americans play.. not a single one of them will be there.. and instead of asking for "Freedom" or "democracy" things that could mean any thing and is not a real concept.. they instead will protest peacefully one day only for X or Y laws and work with the actual government they have.
What is more amazing is not how could the chinesse government allow such NGOs to operate in CHINA or those meetings to ever happen.. what is more amazing is PUTIN with sitting on his hands doing nothing , just like the
Imbecile did in Ukraine for the sake of "political correctness" when a western sponsored revolution was seeking to overthrow Yakunovych as they did it..
Near a week have pass and China have been unable to remove the occupy movement in hong kong using peaceful ways.. They all have been trained by the US Congress dirty money how to counter police ,by "coincidence " they all equipend with gas mask ,creating barricades and repeating slogans /mantras to stimulate the spirit of the occupy
What the hell is wrong with Russia Government?
Do they want to experience the ukraine conflict all over again ? but this time in China?
Did they know the danger that could be for Russia if US get away with his dirty tricks and provoke a civil war
in a nuclear powered China ,which is the last hope for Russia economy? and install a Hostile muslin factions to Russia in Power?
We were on the verge of a world war 3 ,for the incompetence of Russian Government not helping Yakunovych
to maintain control of Ukraine at very least until legitimate elections happened.. Putin simply did not interfere in Ukraine directly and now have a HUGE problem that threaten their nation security at their borders.. and thousands of ukrainians killed because of Russia passivenes in preventing the civil war to continue in kiev.
Now we are again on another US attempt to provoke a civil war and overthrow a Government in Another major important Nation for Russia economy. I really hope someone in Russia Government wake up and help China
how to effectively neutralize this hostile Prostest ..that is NOT PEACEFUL because is blocking Roads and stopping
Bussiness operations and refuse any negotiations.. It is only hong konk but if ever is successful it could spread quickly in all other CHINA cities..
China is doing right is not using lethal force.. but doing a HUGE Mistake in allowing this protest to last more than a couple of days.. all the students needs to be one by one removed from the place ,arrested.. and forced to do communitarian work ,washing cars for many months for no pay . for the Fools that think democracy is the solution.
is not.. China will have never had the progress they have major economy.and development.if they didn't had the Government system they have now.