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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News


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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:14 pm

    You are aware that it won't matter if police bring a gun or not, you know that, right? You can't be dumb enough to realize that, your method doesn't work because the police will be blamed regardless (oh, police had hidden snipers, oh they we're government mercenaries, etc etc etc). Look at Ukraine. Citizens we're torching cops, shooting police officers, beat them to death or cripple them etc etc etc. In end, police were blamed and no protestors were charged. Many innocent dead and the bad guys won

    So spare us your retardation on how to handle protestors.

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  Admin Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:03 am

    Milk and eggs are supposed to be price controlled but the price has doubled in the last week. They have no control on inflation.

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  nomadski Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:00 pm

    @mikethe terrible

    You may be right . Certainly if the government can not easily control peaceful demos and allow people to express themselves . And either police or protesters are getting killed or injured , then demos must stop . They have then proved useless . But it is still a little early . During past four days there have been say ten dead . Average of two per day . Where hundreds of thousands have participated . Is it worth or good to be accused of acting against the people , and be made objects of greater hatred by the people right now ? Perhaps the violence can cease . And demonstrations lead to greater organised direction for the people. It is worth waiting for . Remember there are millions of Iranians who strongly support the government . So there is more benefit in waiting and securing peaceful protest . However if level of violence picks up . Then we have to understand that demos by themselves may not solve Iran's problems . Then I think you are right .

    I thought that if the source of the problem is overpopulation , that we can not do anything about this . We must feed the people . And if the source of the problem is economic corruption by mercantile minority that have power , that demos by themselves will not change the power structure and limit their influence . You need prolonged political development and political parties for that . And if source of problem are sanctions . And it seems ......a large portion of that is the problem . Then only war now can solve that . It looks now that the nuclear deal failed . Iran not recieved money for sale of oil . And government did not disclose the full facts . 32 million people on food aid , no longer receiving this aid . Government without a budget . So solution that is possible and will change the situation is to build the pucking nukes . Then attack American bases in region and make them pay . There is change for you Donald Mc.Donald Trumpet ! You kill us , we kill you .

    Also just because there are some violent aimless and disordered rioters and armed terrorist on the streets , this does not mean that peaceful and organised and orderly and cooperative demonstrators should be banned . The government can gather a sample of constructive demonstrators and allow a secure route and put on TV for people to watch and learn .


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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:59 am

    I am right, and it was obvious today too since a police officer and 3 civillians were killed by protester with rifle. And a bunch (50) attacked a police and militia facility.

    They are getting violent, the protesters.

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  nomadski Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:53 am

    Yes agree . Those that have turned violent are being dealt with on the as and when needed basis . An those disturbing the peace are being arrested . But are those that need to have their voices heard , being heard at all ? Is the government publicising at least one orderly peaceful protest on TV ? I heard some unions took part initially . Surely their leaders can see the benefit of organising at least one peaceful demo ! Once the state ( if it can ) shows to the public that it is not against hearing the legitimate voices of the peaceful demonstrators and their legitimate complaints , it has the moral upper hand .

    But now we come to the " iron fist " . At no time should authorities use provocative statements against tbe rioters . Even when they are being shipped to prison . Also it is not helpful to accuse the disturbed public of being direct agents of America or Usrael . The authorities can acknowledge their complaint . And inform them of consequences of rioting .

    The authorities can and should inform the public that the sanctions have not been lifted . And that the rioters should not arm themselves to kill their brothers and eat their flesh . But join the army to kill their enemy that is causing their poverty .

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  d_taddei2 Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:10 pm

    Does anyone suspect foreign involvement?

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jan 02, 2018 2:11 pm

    d_taddei2 wrote:Does anyone suspect foreign involvement?

    Everyone who's ass is on the line

    This is what happens when you drag your feet and halfass important stuff

    Iran should have thrown every last meatbag it had available at Syria the moment Russia started doing complicated stuff for them

    Idlib should have been cleared and Euphrates crossed

    But instead of that they keept trying to stick their dicks into Israel/Palestine thing yet again while expecting that Russia would do their job for them

    In the end Russia did what I said they would: secure the coast and population, fortify their bases and let diplomats take over

    Now Iran has entire East Syria under Uncle Sam's control who is ready to make his move

    I don't think this whole thing is lost on Iranian population, there are only so many balls you can drop in a row before people start asking awkward questions, these military fuckups, mixed up priorities and lack of planning are certainly part of the cause of dissatisfaction

    And now things are heating up, this should be fun

    They are already blaming Israel for all this and for the first time I agree: had they quickly dealt with problem at hand in Syria instead of wasting time doing usual Israel/Palestine bullshit none of this would be happening

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  ATLASCUB Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:17 pm

    Lol that's guaranteed. It can not coincide with the newly touted approach to Iran as well as New Year for its kick off ceremony. Please.....

    I think the Joker's right here: "It's not about money. It's about sending a message. Everything burns!"

    I could go into detail about the little details but who cares....

    Iran should be able to handle it.

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  nomadski Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:07 pm

    I was thinking about environmental factors such as nutrition affecting polymorphism ( determination of ratio of castes of workers to soldiers ) in ant and Bee societies !

    Ants are about 100 million years old . Humans are two million years old . The book of the ants is therefore 100 million years sitting in their library with it's unchanged laws .

    In my view some Iranians are wrong to be blaming the situation on corruption ( recent price hikes alone ) . Since corruption is a most usual function of a capitalist economy . For example in developed nations , there exist a level of five to ten percent unemployment . This is deliberately engineered to allow competition among the poor working class to allow for lowering of wages . In Iran the levels are much higher , and point to the lack of economic growth , capitalist or otherwise . People must first be able to work and earn and buy and consume in order to allow exploitation and profiteering to exist !

    The problem in my mind goes to show overpopulation . Sure for a country that is well integrated into world economy and is in their camp and can be heavy export and import dependant . Then population growth may not prove to be a big problem . But for a country that was sanctioned from day one to allow and encourage population growth and try to develop an export / import dependant economy ( mostly a consumerist of imported products ) , one that could be further sanctioned was wrong . The ideal population in Iran is one that allows for consumption of all goods by internal market , without need for import of any goods . The resistance economy must now address the social planning issue .

    The obvious problem leading to massive unemployment despite Iran's average population growth and Iran's more than average resources both material and technical point to the external factors of prolonged sanctions leading to low economic growth and business growth ( government and banking support for business start up ) and fast population growth ( Iran should lower population growth , below international average ) .

    I believe the Iranians must now stop back bitting and address the real cause of stagnation . And move foreward with resistance economy . There is a need for long term social and economic planning . There needs to be a body set up by authorities or leadership for this . Parliament or groups can not do this .

    Last edited by nomadski on Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:57 am; edited 6 times in total
    par far

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  par far Thu Jan 04, 2018 8:03 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    d_taddei2 wrote:Does anyone suspect foreign involvement?

    Everyone who's ass is on the line

    This is what happens when you drag your feet and halfass important stuff

    Iran should have thrown every last meatbag it had available at Syria the moment Russia started doing complicated stuff for them

    Idlib should have been cleared and Euphrates crossed

    But instead of that they keept trying to stick their dicks into Israel/Palestine thing yet again while expecting that Russia would do their job for them

    In the end Russia did what I said they would: secure the coast and population, fortify their bases and let diplomats take over

    Now Iran has entire East Syria under Uncle Sam's control who is ready to make his move

    I don't think this whole thing is lost on Iranian population, there are only so many balls you can drop in a row before people start asking awkward questions, these military fuckups, mixed up priorities and lack of planning are certainly part of the cause of dissatisfaction

    And now things are heating up, this should be fun

    They are already blaming Israel for all this and for the first time I agree: had they quickly dealt with problem at hand in Syria instead of wasting time doing usual Israel/Palestine bullshit none of this would be happening

    This post is false, the plan to destabilize Iran has been been going on for the last 30 years. Part of the reason this is happening is because Iran along with Russia and Iranian allies have won in Syria and have made a land corridor between Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus-Beirut. But it would not have mattered how much land the Iran-Russia alliance would have grabbed in Syria or fast the Iran-Russia alliance would have grabbed it, this was bound to happen.

    The reason for the protests are mostly poverty, corruption and economical inequality, the Iranian people wanted the government to fix these things, so they protested(there was likely a  foreign hand involved here), the US, Israel and the Saudi's made it more worse with their Kurdish mercenaries to stir up more trouble.

    If Iran had "grabbed Idlib and had crossed the Euphrates and thrown everything at Syria" like you are saying, it would have helped Assad but it would have not stopped the destabilization attempts(which is going on with these protests) in Iran.

    Iranian understand what is happening, so they coming out in support of the government and condemning the violence.

    "Iranian demonstrators condemn violence, support Islamic Republic in several cities."

    The US is mulling sanctions on Iran in support of their mercenaries, so we know there are foreign hands involved in this.

    "Trump admin. mulling new Iran sanctions to bolster riots."


    If you look at what these riots are for their aim is Iran and Russia.


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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  yavar Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:18 pm

    Iran IRGC Frees Iranian Hostage in Afghanistan soil ایران آزادی گروگان توسط سپاه در خاک افغانستان

    IRGC Frees Iranian Hostage in Afghanistan
    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) forces rescued an Iranian engineer who had been kidnapped at an eastern border area in Iran and held hostage inside Afghanistan for ten days, a commander announced.
    Commander of the IRGC Ground Force’s Quds Base General Mohammad Marani said on Sunday that the successful mission to free the Iranian national on the Afghan soil followed a special intelligence operation and coordination with the legal authorities.
    Hossein Hajmalek, an engineer working for Jahad Nasr company, a contractor cooperating with the IRGC, was kidnapped on a route between the eastern cities of Hamoon and Zabol on December 14 on his way back home, the commander explained.
    Kidnappers took the Iranian engineer to Afghanistan, the general added, saying his charred car was found in a village in the Afghan province of Nimruz two days later.
    According to the commander, the hostage’s father asked the IRGC Quds Base for help after the kidnappers demanded ransom and threatened to kill the hostage.
    The IRGC fighters launched a special operation following intelligence activities and coordination with the authorities and freed Hajmalek on December 24, he added.
    General Marani also noted that five people have been arrested inside Iran in connection with the hostage taking.

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  franco Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:03 pm

    Iran's military power

    The most important player in the Middle East arena is Iran. Despite the difficult relations with a number of countries in the region and some world leaders, this state maintains and builds its potential in various spheres, including in the field of the armed forces. The specifics of the situation in the Middle East compels official Tehran to pay special attention to the development of the army and its armaments. As a consequence, the Iranian armed forces are among the most powerful in their region.

    In late April, an updated version of the famous Global Firepower rating was published, which determines the defense potential of many countries in the world. The development of the army and related spheres allowed Iran to take the 20th place in the general list. With this result, he outstripped many countries in his region, having passed only Turkey (8th place), Egypt (12th place) and Israel (15th place). The estimation of Iran by the GFP method is 0.4024. Consider factors that allow the Iranian army to have a very high potential, and also to take their places in various ratings.

    The current situation in the armed forces of Iran is described in an interesting way in the recent reference book The Military Balance 2017. The authors of this publication write that Iran still maintains a specific army with a mass of outdated technology, but with well-trained personnel and strategic nuclear Arms, which are a key element of security. Indeed, in the arsenal of the Iranian army there are still some examples of weapons and equipment that have long been written off in other countries. However, at the same time the country manages to maintain a sufficiently high potential.

    At the moment the population of Iran exceeds 82.8 million people. Approximately half the population is employed, about 1.4 million people are employed each year of the draft age. In total, the armed forces employ 523,000 people. There is also a 350-thousand-strong reserve, consisting of retired volunteers.

    The most interesting feature of the armed forces of Iran is their division into two separate structures with their own command. There is a full-fledged army with ground forces, air force and navy. In addition, there is a separate structure called the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which also has its own ground forces, the Air Force and the Navy. Despite formal separation, both the army and the IRGC have similar goals and in most cases should work together.

    The most numerous structure in the armed forces of Iran is the land forces. They serve 350 thousand people. The troops are managed by five headquarters with a division of responsibility zones by region. The ground forces have 8 armored brigades, 14 mechanized brigades, 12 light infantry and one airborne brigade. There are also aviation and artillery units. To the ground forces there are 10 brigades of special purpose with different functions.

    Iran has a large fleet of armored vehicles, including a variety of models, including long-dated ones. The armored units have more than 1500 tanks of several types. The most numerous (560 units) are machines of the T-55 family of Soviet, Chinese and domestic production. Also there are 480 newer T-72s. The troops have obsolete American M47, M48 and M60 in significant quantities. There are 610 infantry combat vehicles of Soviet design. The fleet of armored personnel carriers (at least 640 units) includes both M113 tracked vehicles or domestic analogues, as well as wheeled BTR-50 and BTR-60 Soviet assemblies. There are at least 35-40 repair and evacuation and other auxiliary armored cars.

    Artillery units are armed with up to three hundred self-propelled units with guns up to 203 mm caliber. There are combat vehicles of Soviet, American and Iranian production. The most numerous ACS of Iran is the American M109 - there are one and a half hundred such machines. More than 2,000 towed artillery systems of various types with caliber up to 203 mm have been retained. As in the case of self-propelled artillery, towed guns were purchased from the USSR / Russia, the United States or produced independently. There is self-propelled and towed rocket artillery in the amount of about 1500 units. The most numerous is the "Type 63" launcher of Chinese production - 700 units. The troops have 3,000 mortars in caliber from 81 to 120 mm.

    The ground forces exploit at least 30 operational-tactical missile systems of several types. This weapon is a further development of Soviet or North Korean complexes.

    The military air defense has a significant number of MANPADS of the family "Igla" and "Strela", as well as similar samples of Iranian production. Also in the army there are more than 1,100 antiaircraft guns of various types. There are self-propelled armored vehicles ZSU-23-4 (up to 100) and ZSU-57-2 (up to 80). Towed anti-aircraft artillery is represented by various systems from machine guns ZPU-2 to guns M-1939.

    The Iranian army also has its own aviation units. There are about three dozen light multipurpose and training aircraft of several types of foreign production. Support for the troops is assigned to 50 AH-1J Cobra helicopters and 50 HESA Shahed 285 aircraft of its own production. There are 173 transport helicopters, including 20 heavy CH-47 Chinooks and dozens of light Bell 205 and Bell 206. In recent years, production of unmanned aerial vehicles for various purposes has been mastered.

    Army ground forces are complemented by similar units from the IRGC. The Corps ground forces are managed by 31 regional headquarters and include 2 armored divisions, 3 armored brigades, at least 8 light infantry divisions and more than 5 similar brigades. The airborne troops of the IRGC include one brigade. The ground troops of the IRGC are invited to use the same technique as the main army.

    The naval forces of the Iranian army are manned by 18,000 men. The fleet of the army and the IRGC are armed with almost four hundred ships and boats of various types, the bulk of this technology is intended to protect the coast.

    The fleet has 21 submarines. The main submarine forces are the 877 submarines of the Russian construction in the number of three units. Also there are at least 17 small and ultra-small submarines with torpedo armament, built on two projects of Iran's own design.

    The surface fleet includes 81 ships and a boat. There are seven corvettes of three projects equipped with missile, artillery and torpedo weapons. In the system there are 16 missile boats of several types, and about half of them are used as part of the Coast Guard units. Several dozen torpedo boats of a number of projects of domestic and foreign construction are preserved.

    Iran has an amphibious fleet consisting of 13 ships and 11 boats. The largest of the landing ships can take on board up to 10 tanks or 225 soldiers. Boats have a smaller capacity, but some of them due to the use of an air cushion differ in other possibilities.

    Mineral forces are represented by five ships of several projects. One of the existing minesweepers, however, is based on the Caspian Sea and is used as a training vessel. The rest can solve combat missions in the Persian Gulf.

    In the naval aviation of Iran serves 2,600 people. The search and destruction of enemy submarines is assigned to 3 P-3 Orion aircraft and 10 SH-3D helicopters. Also in the interests of the fleet, 16 aircraft and 20 different types of helicopters intended for auxiliary work should be used.

    The coastal defense compounds have several types of missile systems. Also on the shore are two marine brigades with a total strength of 2,600 people.

    The Guard Corps of the Islamic Revolution has its own naval forces, in which 15 thousand people serve. Another 5 thousand are reduced to one brigade of marines of the IRGC. The main task of the IRGC fleet is to protect the coast from various threats. For this purpose, it includes more than 110 patrol ships and ships, including missile anti-ship weapons. Artillery and torpedo boats are also used. The IRGC has its own landing fleet of four ships. There are coastal defense units, which are armed with missile systems, similar to Navy systems.

    In the air force serves 18 thousand people. In addition, the air force includes air defense troops, which serve 12 thousand. A characteristic problem of the air force is the presence of a significant number of obsolete foreign equipment. The air force has 5 fighter squadrons, 9 squadrons of fighter-bombers and 1 similar unit operating front-line bombers. There is one reconnaissance and naval patrol squadron. The work of aviation at large removals is provided by tankers of one squadron. Transport tasks are solved by five squadrons, training is conducted on the basis of four. Most of the helicopters belong to the army aviation, but there are several similar squadrons in the Air Force.

    Fighter aircraft is manned by American and Soviet / Russian aircraft. The most common (more than 60 units) remains a technique like F-4D / E Phantom II. There is also a fairly large (more than 55) grouping of F-5 aircraft. In total, more than 260 fighters are in operation. Attack of ground targets is assigned to 39 bombers and Su-24 and Su-25 attack aircraft.

    Transport aviation has 117 sides, including 12 heavy IL-76 aircraft, 19 medium C-130 and other equipment. In particular, the park of light passenger cars is equipped with several types of aircraft. As flying tankers, American aircraft of several types of Boeing brand are used. For the training of pilots, more than 150 helical and jet aircraft of several types are used.

    The fleet of helicopters consists of 35-40 cars of several models. There are at least two heavy CH-47 and more than 30 medium Bell 214. Not long ago the Iranian industry has established the production of its own transport and multipurpose helicopters, their number in the troops is constantly growing.

    The air defense forces belonging to the Air Force are equipped primarily with missile systems. On arms there are more than 500 complexes of different types with different characteristics. Portable, stationary and mobile missile systems of various types of foreign production are used. The main supplier of the SAM was Russia, which sold Iran the Tor-M1, S-300PMU2, Strela, etc. systems. Also there are old systems of American, British and French production. A small number of artillery installations are operating.

    The structure of the Corps of the Guards of the Islamic Revolution also includes missile forces, which are the basis of strategic forces. This type of troops has in its composition several compounds that operate missile systems of various types. It is known that the missile forces are armed with at least 12 mobile complexes with medium-range missiles Shahab-3. Another 10 such missiles are deployed with the use of silo launchers. There is information about the presence of Sajil-2 missiles. The grouping of short-range missiles is represented by approximately two dozen complexes of the Fateh family and Shahab.

    Approximately at the beginning of the current decade, a cyber command was created in Iran, whose tasks include working with information systems and solving corresponding special tasks. By now, only the very existence of such a structure is known, as well as its belonging to the IRGC. Other information, such as the number of personnel, the features of technical equipment and the tasks to be solved remain a secret. All information about cyberwarfare is based only on fragmentary information and various estimates.

    In 2016, Iran's domestic gross product reached 12962 trillion reais (more than 412 billion US dollars) - 5124 dollars per capita. At the same time GDP growth was observed at 4.5% compared to 2015. Inflation for the year decreased from 11.9% to 7.4%. Last year, defense spending was allocated 499 trillion reais ($ 15.9 billion). These costs allowed to support the armed forces in the current state, as well as ensure the purchase of various new weapons and equipment.

    A significant growth of the economy is provided by a large number of workers - 29.75 million people. The country has slightly less than 173 thousand km of motor roads, more than 8,440 km of railways and 850 km of inland waterways. There are 319 airfields and 3 large seaports. The most important element of the Iranian economy is the extraction of minerals. According to the GFP, at present Iran produces 3236 thousand barrels of oil daily and consumes 1,870,000 barrels. The explored reserves reach 158 billion barrels.

    Over the past few decades, Iran has to live and work in conditions of international pressure and lack of access to a variety of necessary technologies, products, etc. Nevertheless, the mobilization of own resources and the support of a few friendly states allow the country to obtain the desired results, as well as have a sufficiently powerful army, favorably different from a number of other armed forces in the region.

    Limited financial and political opportunities lead to significant problems in the modernization and modernization of the army, but even in such conditions, Tehran, in general, copes with the difficulties that arise. Thanks to this, political will and certain military capabilities allow the Iranian administration not only to maintain the current state of affairs, but also to intervene in current conflicts. For example, Iranian military experts are involved in the fight against piracy in the Gulf of Aden, promote peacekeeping operations in the Sudan, and also give serious support to government forces in Syria.

    In general, Iran successfully copes with the existing difficulties and solves the assigned tasks of one kind or another. The mobilization of forces and resources, combined with ideological training and other factors, led to the building of sufficiently powerful armed forces with relatively powerful capabilities. From the point of view of the defense potential, Iran deservedly can be considered one of the leaders of the Middle East region.


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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  yavar Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:51 am

    Iran army Navy plane issue warning to US coalition warship ایران هشدارهواپیماهای ارتش به۲ ناو ائتلاف


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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  nomadski Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:52 pm

    First of all my condolences to all Russian forum members for the tragic fire that killed so many children . Loosing a child is truly an unbearable experience . Second I would like to comment on the latest news from America , on the Yanks probable official withdrawal from the nuclear deal . As far as practical purposes , the Yanks have already withdrawn from the deal . By Trump decertifying the deal . Since the present policy of Yank is to impose it's exceptionalism or monopoly capitalism on the rest of the world , and they have recently put tariffs on companies in the EU , and the continuation of pressure and sanctions on Russia and stopping China from exporting about a thousand goods into America , then it is clear that they can not establish free trade with the rest of the world or compete on a level playing field .

    Under such conditions , Iran can and should establish contacts now with all sanctioned companies around the world , in order to establish trade with them . In this case the yanks can do nothing , because these companies by trading with Iran , will loose little or no trade with the yanks . The sanctions can be greatly weakened or broken in this way . The mistake that the yanks are making , under the duress of their inefficient economy and political arrogance , is that they have already alienated the rest of the world against themselves . There are no more partners in crime for them .

    I said before that the deal may be weaker but not dead . Therefore the Iranians can have a proportional response to the yank infringement . Perhaps starting with what I just said , and then if damage becomes significant to the economy , a resumption of full enrichment . And any military attack to be responded with a nuke test .

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    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 29, 2018 6:00 am

    Since the present policy of Yank is to impose it's exceptionalism or monopoly capitalism on the rest of the world , and they have recently put tariffs on companies in the EU , and the continuation of pressure and sanctions on Russia and stopping China from exporting about a thousand goods into America , then it is clear that they can not establish free trade with the rest of the world or compete on a level playing field .

    I think it is ironic that the EU are squealing about tariffs and subsidies... most farms in the UK or France would have folded overnight if they were in New Zealand or Australia... they only survive because they get enormous subsidies from their governments and tariffs and tax breaks and the like... the irony is I applaud the US for bringing this up but as usual in the end the US is actually no better... it supports industries that are weak because the situation of the US does not make production in that area efficient...

    Of course the real purpose of these sanctions is for trump to reopen existing trade agreements so they can be adapted to be more in favour of the US. They don't want collective agreements with large groups because large groups have more power and more weight than each country on its own... it would be easier to bully each european country than all of them at once for instance.

    The end of this deal with the world will mean Iran can no longer reliably support western equipment like aircraft or ships or anything else because essential support and spares could be withheld with an overnight decision from the US congress... this should be good for China and Russia in terms of market share in Iran... and ultimately good for Iran because as Russia and China are becoming aware, the west has no friends and does not want rivals, so if you want to improve and develop you need to look elsewhere.

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  Isos Thu Mar 29, 2018 6:13 pm

    According to french sputnik news two israeli f-35 have flown in Iranian airspace to identify targets.

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    Post  KiloGolf Thu Mar 29, 2018 7:37 pm

    Isos wrote:According to french sputnik news two israeli f-35 have flown in Iranian airspace to identify targets.

    So it begins.
    Iran will soon find out why neglecting its Air Force for over 30 years was an act of utter stupidity.

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Mar 29, 2018 8:20 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    Isos wrote:According to french sputnik news two israeli f-35 have flown in Iranian airspace to identify targets.

    So it begins.
    Iran will soon find out why neglecting its Air Force for over 30 years was an act of utter stupidity.

    Bet they wish they had some fresh Flankers right about now

    Or at least that they did not throw a hissy fit over Russia stationing those Tu-22s in Hamadan... (they would not get involved of course but would still be touchy subject for potential attack)

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  KiloGolf Thu Mar 29, 2018 8:29 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    KiloGolf wrote:
    Isos wrote:According to french sputnik news two israeli f-35 have flown in Iranian airspace to identify targets.

    So it begins.
    Iran will soon find out why neglecting its Air Force for over 30 years was an act of utter stupidity.

    Bet they wish they had some fresh Flankers right about now

    Or at least that they did not throw a hissy fit over Russia stationing those Tu-22s in Hamadan... (they would not get involved of course but would still be touchy subject for potential attack)

    Iran is worse than the USAF circa 1950s, when they thought close-in air combat was dead and missiles would sort everything out.
    They've applied the same, failed logic with regards to the concept of Air Force, thinking MRBMs and IRBMs can replace it altogether.

    Go figure. Suspect

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  Isos Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:29 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    KiloGolf wrote:
    Isos wrote:According to french sputnik news two israeli f-35 have flown in Iranian airspace to identify targets.

    So it begins.
    Iran will soon find out why neglecting its Air Force for over 30 years was an act of utter stupidity.

    Bet they wish they had some fresh Flankers right about now

    Or at least that they did not throw a hissy fit over Russia stationing those Tu-22s in Hamadan... (they would not get involved of course but would still be touchy subject for potential attack)

    Iran is worse than the USAF circa 1950s, when they thought close-in air combat was dead and missiles would sort everything out.
    They've applied the same, failed logic with regards to the concept of Air Force, thinking MRBMs and IRBMs can replace it altogether.

    Go figure. Suspect

    But are sure they could have get flankers ? Russia didn't even give them s300 which a deffensive weapon untill very recently.

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  Isos Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:07 pm

    A source in russian MoD says the story about the F-35 escaping radar detection is total bullshit It was said in the first article they escape radar detection in syria Irak and Iran and by deduction russian radars too.

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  KiloGolf Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:50 pm

    Isos wrote:But are sure they could have get flankers ? Russia didn't even give them s300 which a deffensive weapon untill very recently.

    They could have easily purchased 3-4 squadrons of MiG-29SMT in the late 90s and early 00s (say 72-80 planes). And some few Flankers (some 24-30 for a squadron or two) could have followed when Obama sealed the deal with Iran 2 years ago. Nobody would mind then and small-ish numbers wouldn't have alarmed anyone. I mean at the same time Israel and the GCC crowd built gigantic Air Forces.

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:13 am

    Well if Trump rips up the agreement they are free to buy anything they want... I wonder who they will look to buy from?

    I am biased but would like to see them buy from Russia some aircraft to replace their F-14s and F-4s... they already have MiG-29s, so a couple of dozen MiG-29M2s with upgrades to MiG-35s later on perhaps... and a few Su-30s to replace the Tomcats... order long range missiles like the RVV-BD to match the F-14s long range capacity... well exceed it by quite a margin...

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  KiloGolf Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:22 am

    GarryB wrote:Well if Trump rips up the agreement they are free to buy anything they want... I wonder who they will look to buy from?

    I am biased but would like to see them buy from Russia some aircraft to replace their F-14s and F-4s... they already have MiG-29s, so a couple of dozen MiG-29M2s with upgrades to MiG-35s later on perhaps... and a few Su-30s to replace the Tomcats... order long range missiles like the RVV-BD to match the F-14s long range capacity... well exceed it by quite a margin...

    The Obama Iran deal doesn't deny Russia to sell Flankers to Iran.

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  starman Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:22 pm

    Isos wrote:A source in russian MoD says the story about the F-35 escaping radar detection is total bullshit It was said in the first article they escape radar detection in syria Irak and Iran and by deduction russian radars too.

    So they really got as far as Iran without resistance of any kind? Didn't they need refueling over Syria or Iraq? If so, why wasn't that stopped?
    But maybe it's all fake:

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