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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News


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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 12 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  KiloGolf Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:42 pm

    starman wrote:
    Isos wrote:A source in russian MoD says the story about the F-35 escaping radar detection is total bullshit It was said in the first article they escape radar detection in syria Irak and Iran and by deduction russian radars too.

    So they really got as far as Iran without resistance of any kind? Didn't they need refueling over Syria or Iraq? If so, why wasn't that stopped?
    But maybe it's all fake:

    Maybe the Russians let them through, as a message to Iran and their stupid stance a year ago to not allow Tu-22M3 to be based there.

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    Post  PapaDragon Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:44 pm

    starman wrote:.......
    So they really got as far as Iran without resistance of any kind? Didn't they need refueling over Syria or Iraq? If so, why wasn't that stopped?
    But maybe it's all fake:

    It's Iran's job to provide resistance. I doubt anyone else is concerned over it .

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 12 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  JohninMK Sat Mar 31, 2018 10:44 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    starman wrote:.......
    So they really got as far as Iran without resistance of any kind? Didn't they need refueling over Syria or Iraq? If so, why wasn't that stopped?
    But maybe it's all fake:

    It's Iran's job to provide resistance. I doubt anyone else is concerned over it .
    Does anyone here really think that this is more than Israeli bullshit?

    Can you imagine the US giving permission for a flight of this length over this hostile territory with the chance of being shot down of mechanical etc fault? Plus the need for refuelling. Imagine if one had gone down in Iran. The US knows just how visible the F-35 is, especially in infra red and that is certainly not invisable. It also knows the PR and sales disaster that could have unfolded if it did go down.

    Methinks the F-35 is not going anywhere near danger or capture anytime soon, the risks are just too high.


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    Post  Isos Sat Mar 31, 2018 10:45 pm

    Some years ago Russian radars have detected a missile lunch in the middle of the mediteranean sea by Israel and USA from Russian Mainland. They would have seen the F-35 easily and alerted the Iranians if it was the case. They would have intercepted those two pigs with F-14.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:03 am

    Methinks the F-35 is not going anywhere near danger or capture anytime soon, the risks are just too high.

    The only value in such a mission would be to prove to your enemy that their defences are completely ineffective... in other words it is a chest beating display... as such I would expect it to be all over the BBC and CNN that Iranian air defences can't see the F-35... I mean it would be in US interests even just to say S-300 can't detect the new very very expensive fighters we want NATO to buy in enormous numbers... they would be in sell/brag mode... they are not.

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    Post  starman Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:19 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    The only value in such a mission would be to prove to your enemy that their defences are completely ineffective...

    Even that would be sort of dumb since it would provoke the opponent into improving his AD. It would be better to downplay your capabilities until they're actually needed.

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    Post  starman Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:22 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    It's Iran's job to provide resistance. I doubt anyone else is concerned over it .

    But if the story were true the IAF violated the airspace of two other states. It's the responsibility of any sovereign state to protect its airspace as best it can.

    Last edited by starman on Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 12 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  starman Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:27 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    Maybe the Russians let them through, as a message to Iran and their stupid stance a year ago to not allow Tu-22M3 to be based there.

    If the morons on Capitol Hill really dump the Iran deal, Iran would resume nuclear work, and arms purchases, but it would also need protection against an Israeli attack (and/or a US one, given the lunacy of Bolton). Under those circumstances, Iran should definitely consider giving Russia basing rights, for air and naval units, to ward off attack. Maybe China too, for good measure. Smile

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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:04 pm

    starman wrote:
    KiloGolf wrote:
    Maybe the Russians let them through, as a message to Iran and their stupid stance a year ago to not allow Tu-22M3 to be based there.

    If the morons on Capitol Hill really dump the Iran deal, Iran would resume nuclear work, and arms purchases, but it would also need protection against an Israeli attack (and/or a US one, given the lunacy of Bolton). Under those circumstances, Iran should definitely consider giving Russia basing rights, for air and naval units, to ward off attack. Maybe China too, for good measure. Smile

    Time to give those basing rights was nearly 2 years ago during DeZ campaign

    Russia and China have no reason to jump into already burning fire this late into the game

    starman wrote:But if the story were true the IAF violated the airspace of two other states. It's the responsibility of any sovereign state to protect its airspace as best it can.

    Then Syria, Iraq and Iran should get on it

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    Post  GarryB Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:46 am

    Even that would be sort of dumb since it would provoke the opponent into improving his AD. It would be better to downplay your capabilities until they're actually needed.

    But then who is to say that Iran didn't detect the plane and just didn't fire at it because it likely had the known positions of Irainan air defences and flew around them and never got in range for a good shot.

    Playing dumb is certainly the sort of thing you would expect from Trump, but he also seems to me to be the sort of person who loves to boast too... if the US tears up the agreement with Iran he will likely state one of the reasons being that the US can attack Iran at will and have already overflown them... whether he states with the F-35 or not is another matter... but of course the real question is... why do it with an F-35 and not the F-22 when they had it in the region... the obvious answer would have to be that there are no F-22s for sale to Israel...

    If that is the case then who could possibly know the truth... when it comes to sales the truth goes out the window in the US.

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    Post  starman Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:24 pm

    GarryB wrote:But then who is to say that Iran didn't detect the plane and just didn't fire at it because it likely had the known positions of Irainan air defences and flew around them and never got in range for a good shot.

    But weren't the F-35s supposed to have flown over Iran's nuclear sites, presumably defended by its AD?

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    Post  GarryB Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:00 am

    There is no evidence to suggest they ever entered Iranian air space let alone flew over any nuclear sites...

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    Post  starman Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:55 am

    GarryB wrote:There is no evidence to suggest they ever entered Iranian air space let alone flew over any nuclear sites...

    Right if they had they probably would've been detected and shot at.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 05, 2018 1:54 am

    At least fired upon, or a protest from the Iranian government regarding the violation of Iranian airspace...

    The very idea that an F-35 is totally invisible to all radar is preposterous... in a normal invasion... even with F-117s the long wave long range radars of a country have to be taken out first... in Desert Storm they used low flying Apache helos to take out certain radars before the F-117s went in to take on everything else.

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    Post  yavar Wed Apr 18, 2018 3:20 pm


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    Post  nomadski Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:40 am

    The response to this abrogation of nuclear deal by yank and England ( silent approval ) and France with open approval , will most likely pull in Germans and to an extent the Chinese too . Under such circumstances , I can not possibly imagine that Iran can do much if any trade , export oil , feed it's people adequately . Let alone expand it's economy . The alternative of accepting humiliating defeat . Reverse the gains of the revolution . And live under the boot of yank , is I believe a fate worse than death . And is even more unacceptable .

    Therefore I say that whatever the public response of Iranian authorities might be to the abrogation of the nuclear deal . That Iran should use this opportunity to develop a credible minimum nuclear detterent . And it should do so quickly and possibly secretly .

    Initial severe public and open reactions could range from mild to severe depending still on actual events and degree of damage to economy . These are range of options :

    ( 1 ) Compliance with the Deal with remaining partners . And developing nukes in secret .

    ( 2 ) Enrichment of uranium to 20 percent . And developing nukes Iin secret .

    ( 3 ) Buying back enriched uranium from Russia . And developing nukes in secret .

    ( 4 ) Leaving NPT . And developing nukes in secret .

    ( 5 ) Carrying out an underground nuke test . Declaring possession of small nuke arsenal .

    ( 6 ) Atmospheric test . With display of full nuke force on parade .


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    Post  lulldapull Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:01 am

    nomad bro there is no other way out. We have to go all the way and declare nuke weapon capability. A hot test will have to be carried out or else no one would take us seriously!

    Its over playing these stupid appeasement games.


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    Post  GarryB Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:03 pm

    And that is what the west gets for treating Iran like a criminal... they are only try to get nuclear weapons because that seems to be all the west respects... so why not.

    The problem is that leaving the NPT means giving up civilian reactors and nuclear electricity generation support from Russia.

    Perhaps Iran should ask for Russian nuclear weapons to be based in Iran as part of a defense pact... the same way US tactical nuclear weapons are in Germany and Turkey... I am sure Israel wont mind because it has 200 nuclear weapons it acquired illegally for this very situation... and besides they would be under Russian control so they would be as safe as US weapons in Turkey and Germany...

    I think developing nuclear weapon capability is just inviting the US and Israel to attack Iran.

    I would think that the end of the nuclear agreement with the west should be immediately followed by purchases of arms that were not allowed under the nuclear agreement... some MiG-31s would be valuable additions... together with S-300 and S-400 systems, and the Pantsir systems to defend them... I would say local production of many of the parts should be easily arranged so that no one could embargo them or control their delivery.

    Perhaps even the Su-30 with local production and an upgrade of the radar and addition of the RVV-BD long range AAM with production of that in Iran as a super Phoenix type missile could be considered as a way of giving Iran a modern fighter aircraft that can protect Iranian airspace effectively.

    Iranians are a clever and capable people... they have managed to keep their F-14s flying all these years... a minor miracle.

    I would say Flanker production and T-90 tank production would be two quick easy ways to boost the defences of Iran to the point where Israel or the US wont even try to attack them. The US would put enormous pressure not to sell Brahmos, but selling them Yakhont would be a quick and easy and effective way of blocking the straits if they need to...

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    Post  GarryB Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:08 pm

    If production of T-90s and Su-30s is too expensive then a trade agreement where Russia gets limited basing rights that are written so that if Iran wants Russia to leave they are obligated to do so... unlike the US agreement with Cuba that is basically an unwanted occupation.

    Perhaps Russia could make their base into a cultural and economic town that promotes cooperation with Iranian businessmen and trade and business and cultural links between the countries instead of just being a military base.

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:38 pm

    Just found this from last December. Have no idea on the validity of his theory but it puts forward an interesting proposition, not limited, as it says, to Iran. The Kerguelen mentioned is either an island in the south Indian ocean of a place in Brittany, take your pick! I can't find any other references to this but the shear number of incidents must raise doubts along with no satellite pictures of the drilling rigs and couldn't have been hidden. The costs would have been horrific.

    Iran has been making antitank warheads since 1988 at least (first version of the Toofan, second version in 2000), and I show these weapons need nuclear fission to work. See here for confirmation of the ability to dig deep underground with France (the “Superdeep Kola Borehole” is known since long ago – this is an example with French underground nuclear tests in the Kerguelen, in a pattern matching precisely the development of a new nuclear warheads, in an area with no volcanic activity) – my point is that all major countries do nuclear tests underground by digging more than 10 kms so that the CTBTO does not officially confirm it is a nuclear test (“because no human has ever dig so deep underground, do you understand ?”).

    My previous version of this article on Iran pointed to an area that happens to have a volcanic history. Hence it is not possible to discriminate (because magma formation creates earthquakes dominated by P waves, like underground nuclear tests), even though it may be tempting for a power willing to take the risk of digging there to better hide their tests. However, other earthquakes in the past in Iran have all the characteristics we seek (not very deep, dominated by P waves, no volcanic activity in the area, i.e. far from any mountain that could be a volcano).

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    Post  lulldapull Wed Apr 25, 2018 1:46 pm

    Garry, Iran hinted at quitting the NPT today as being nice and in compliance with the IAEA didn't cut the mustard! Talking with these criminals in the West is pointless! they want an Iran surrender. Nothing short of that would appease them, and I'm doubtful even that might be enough. They'd want to invade anyway after that. It's totally useless dealing with the West. They are a terrorist entity.

    GarryB wrote:And that is what the west gets for treating Iran like a criminal... they are only try to get nuclear weapons because that seems to be all the west respects... so why not.

    The problem is that leaving the NPT means giving up civilian reactors and nuclear electricity generation support from Russia.

    Perhaps Iran should ask for Russian nuclear weapons to be based in Iran as part of a defense pact... the same way US tactical nuclear weapons are in Germany and Turkey... I am sure Israel wont mind because it has 200 nuclear weapons it acquired illegally for this very situation... and besides they would be under Russian control so they would be as safe as US weapons in Turkey and Germany...

    I think developing nuclear weapon capability is just inviting the US and Israel to attack Iran.

    I would think that the end of the nuclear agreement with the west should be immediately followed by purchases of arms that were not allowed under the nuclear agreement... some MiG-31s would be valuable additions... together with S-300 and S-400 systems, and the Pantsir systems to defend them... I would say local production of many of the parts should be easily arranged so that no one could embargo them or control their delivery.

    Perhaps even the Su-30 with local production and an upgrade of the radar and addition of the RVV-BD long range AAM with production of that in Iran as a super Phoenix type missile could be considered as a way of giving Iran a modern fighter aircraft that can protect Iranian airspace effectively.

    Iranians are a clever and capable people... they have managed to keep their F-14s flying all these years... a minor miracle.

    I would say Flanker production and T-90 tank production would be two quick easy ways to boost the defences of Iran to the point where Israel or the US wont even try to attack them. The US would put enormous pressure not to sell Brahmos, but selling them Yakhont would be a quick and easy and effective way of blocking the straits if they need to...

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    IRAN: Latest and Breaking News - Page 12 Empty Re: IRAN: Latest and Breaking News

    Post  nomadski Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:13 pm

    If Russia and China remained Iran sole trading partner , allowing Iran to export oil and expand it's economy , as to alleviate hunger and create employment . Then there is no economic need to go to war . But that does not mean that they won't go to war . If war happens , then Iran can not protect itself with conventional weapons . Even very good ones from Russia . And the Russians will not go to nuclear war with yanks over Iran . They will not even go to conventional war with yanks over Syria . Therefore Iran needs nukes . It's own independent detterent . The Russians and Chinese have to see the wisdom of this and be grateful that their friend in the middle east is undefeatable . A safe investment .


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    Post  lulldapull Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:13 pm

    The real face of the West will be revealed once they revoke the Iran nuke deal. Nobody can trust these guys! Period. Putin is a fool to call them 'our Western partners'........What a joke! 30 years now since the end of the Soviet Union, and these guys haven't relented for one single day trying to undermine Russia.

    They leave Iran no choice, but to go toward a nuke deterrent. Once Khamenei passes on, I'm sure the Iranian clergy will have a fresh look at going nuclear. This seems inevitable.

    And @ Garry, it will be a miracle for any weapons deals to materialize between Russia/ China and Iran as there is tremendous pressure from the Zionist controlled US to fall in line, unless Russo-West relations decline further. Only then there is some hope.

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    Post  nomadski Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:55 pm

    We should thank Russia for it's help to Iran . At the same time , they have their own national interests . And they can't or won't go to war with yanks . The net result is for example that we can not rely on nuclear umbrella from Russia to protect Iran . In Cuba nuke crisis , they had to withdraw nukes and avoid WW3 . In Syria , they bravely fought the rats . They lost people . But when it comes to war against yanks , then who can blame them ? They settle on partition ? At least unofficially .

    So can Iran rely on Russians to totally protect them ? No , this is absurd . Since the yanks want to dominate the world . They are not interested in political settlements . Especially leaving in place problematic revolutionary government . Like Iran . That is why economics is unimportant to them , a small share of market in Iran . They can afford the loss . And hope to win the big prize . Their lost foothold in the middle east .

    So they will put sanctions on . And if that did not work . Then war . So if we want to fight a conventional war with them . We may stand upto six months or a year of punishment . Before there is no water . If we buy 500 Russian jets . This makes no difference to them . They make planes in thousands . Their total production of F4 phantom jets was 4000 ! And they made many different jets .

    Even if we stand firm and cause them too much pain with conventional weapons . Then they will use nukes . They used it in Japan . And they have threatened to use it against us . So have the English and French and usraelis and Pakistanis . This whole nuclear deal was to allow for peace . But as I said they don't want peace . And we need nukes .

    I only agree to a hot nuke test , if Iran already possess a minimal credible detterent . Otherwise they may risk an attack , thinking they could take out the facilities in advance . Without anymore warheads going their way . We also need to show an ICBM test . To show they can be delivered too . Leadership can change it's mind . Issue new fatwa . No need to wait for new leadership .


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    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:01 am

    My reasoning is based on the fact that the US doesn't want the existing deal because it does not control Iran enough... even under the deal Iran can interfere in Syria (not judging, just stating a fact... Iran has every right to help its ally Syria in this conflict... in fact more right than the US has to destabilise Syria for its own selfish reasons) and creating long range rockets means Iran can launch her own satellites and the ability to put up satellites and see what Israel and other hostile neighbours are doing in the region can give Iran more power than they want it to have.

    Obviously Iran wont want to sign a deal that means it cannot support allies like Syria or the Palestinians, and it cannot design and make long range missiles to defend itself, so that means Iran is where it was before the agreement was signed... ie back under sanctions and economic blockade.

    Now if Iran decides to withdraw from the NPT then Russia could no longer help them with civilian nuclear power generation, because that is what the signing of the NPT treaty is supposed to provide... you say no to weapons and get power generation technology given to you.

    The only obvious reason to withdraw from the NPT is because you intend to make nuclear weapons and that creates a race, and they will decide how long it would take to make a few bombs and that will be their window to attack you and stop you from building a nuclear weapon... in other words you are telling them to attack you.

    What I am suggesting is that you build up your conventional military first... I talk about Su-30s and MiG-31s but what is most important is an IADS that will command and control your resources to maximise your efficiency. The British didn't have a more powerful air force than the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain... they had much fewer planes, but it was communication and coordination that led to them being able to win most of the fights because distance meant all of the enemy planes could not be present at one time, and watching them they could determine how many interceptors to send up to have a good chance of doing some serious damage without sending up all the planes all the time and exhausting the pilots and ground crew and wearing out the planes.

    Iran does not need to protect every square inch of their land... they don't need thousands of planes and thousands of major SAM systems... look at what the Syrians have done on their own, with fairly limited resources.

    And that is the other thing... the Americans complained about their ESM aircraft being jammed... when has that ever happened before?

    When has a little middle east country they attacked actually been able to strike back?

    And I don't mean terrorist attacks like 11/9 or the USS Cole attack... especially when they were largely Saudi Arabian attacks on the US, or the USS Liberty attack which was Israel....

    It would not be impossible for Iran to buy Yakhont missiles... 300km range is plenty... most places the gulf is are not even that wide... they could position shipping crates all along their coastline... they can make temporary housing out of them in places... there could be thousands along there as cheap accommodation for locals... and then they could buy the containerised Yakhont system from Russia... and put them there too.

    If war happens , then Iran can not protect itself with conventional weapons . Even very good ones from Russia .

    Actually I think they can... with good coordination, and we know there are several reasons why there is war in Syria and Yemen and indeed in Iraq, but not in Iran... they can claim all the superiority they like but Iran is rather stronger than they like already... Iraq and Syria are in wars because they are too friendly with Iran... if Iran was weak it would have been easier to attack Iran... but they haven't.

    And the Russians will not go to nuclear war with yanks over Iran . They will not even go to conventional war with yanks over Syria .

    Of course... because they recognise nuclear war as being suicide, and that a conventional war could easily escalate out of control to become a nuclear war and therefore also suicide... but you could argue that only firing 105 missiles against three empty targets and not sending those missiles anywhere near Russian forces means the US and UK and France don't want a nuclear or conventional war with Russia either.

    If the US or Israel think Iran could actually nuke Israel then they wont be so aggressive either...

    I hate to say it, but defence agreements that include Russia and China and Iran and other countries in the region could be very valuable to Iran... but I think Iran will have to change some of its policies... including foreign bases on its territory.

    Iran has an enormous coastline along the Persian Gulf... it could find a place that could be suitable for a reasonable port where there is nothing at the moment and they could say to Russia or China that they can build a modest size base to resupply and support operations in the region in return for building up infrastructure in the region in a mutual agreement where Russia or China can't just stay forever and abuse the situation, but Iran can't just chuck them out when everything is built and have a free port built for them by Russia or China...

    I remember reading of a rail line that was going to be built through Iran and Russian companies were interested... that railway could connect that port to Russia for things they need from Russia to support operations but foodstuffs and services could be bought locally to support the local economy.

    Everybody wins.

    Therefore Iran needs nukes . It's own independent detterent .

    Totally agree, but nukes will take time and if you don't build up conventional defences it can be attacked before it is ready.

    That is why I suggest long term nukes, but short term building up conventional forces to just defend yourself... and continue with the long range rockets... but make it space oriented... joint ventures with the Russian space agency... launch pads nearer to the equator get extra speed from the earths rotation for many orbit paths... (makes not difference for polar orbits, but for geostationary orbits it can allow a higher orbit than with the same rocket from a different place further away from the equator).

    Putin is a fool to call them 'our Western partners'........What a joke! 30 years now since the end of the Soviet Union, and these guys haven't relented for one single day trying to undermine Russia.

    I think he means in terms of having to work together... like fellow workers rather than spouses... you don't need to even like the people you work with... you just need to cooperate and get things done.

    And @ Garry, it will be a miracle for any weapons deals to materialize between Russia/ China and Iran as there is tremendous pressure from the Zionist controlled US to fall in line, unless Russo-West relations decline further. Only then there is some hope.

    I think the attack by UK, US, and France has changed the thinking... I think Syria will likely be getting ex Russian S-300 systems are they are withdrawn from service and replaced by S-400 and S-350... and I rather suspect some of those will also be offered to Iran as well.

    To be clear I think Syria will be getting these systems for free... and it would not surprise me if they didn't do something similar for Iran if there was a chance to sell you an IADS to make them more useful.

    I think Iran should be looking at A-50s at the very least and perhaps A-100s if they are for sale. Conversely they could easily approach the Russian Navy and say... you guys are working on EM cats for carriers to launch AEW or AWACS platforms... we want to make a land based version... lets build one together and share the costs... the plane we base it on we will also build as a short range airliner transport for civilian and military use and you guys could do the same to make these cheap... Iran could even make parts for the Russian planes and vice versa... Iran and Russia and the Ukraine were building the An-148 or something weren't they?

    The same factories could be used to make this aircraft, though the land based model can be simpler and cheaper as it wont need folding wings or tail hooks...

    Cheap light transport aircraft are useful and could replace aircraft in the An-26 and An-32 class... it could be a turboprop or a turbofan.

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