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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  higurashihougi Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:31 am

    World War 3, begin Cool

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 10993965_10153104097221181_6892312767495433369_n

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:16 am

    The Pukrainian SBU is really turning in to a Gestapo apparatus:

    OSCE monitor handcuffed & blindfolded by Ukraine security agents, released ‘with apologies’

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  franco Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:26 pm

    Number of the Volunteer Battalions and organizations in Ukraine;

    Volunteer battalions defending Ukraine: who are they?

    Most battalions have strict subordination to Ukrainian security forces and closely cooperate with the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

    Assault units of the National Guard of Ukraine:

       Regiment (former battalion) "Azov"
       Battalion of Kulchinskogo
       2nd special purpose battalion "Donbass"

    Special Purpose Battalions of Patrol Service of Police:

       Golden Gates [to heaven) - KR]
       Peacekeper (Mirotvorets)
       Saint Maria
       +25 other battalions

    Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

    Territorial Defense Battalions:

       Kievan Rus
       Batkivshina (Fatherland)
       +38 other battalions

    Armed Forces of Ukraine:

       Battalion "Phoenix" (3rd battalion of the 79th air-mobile brigade)
       Battalion UNSO (54th recon-subversive battalion of the 30th mechanised brigade)

    Coordinate their activities with the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Internal Affairs:

       Volunteer Ukrainian Corps "The Right Sector"
       Battalion OUN (Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists)

    Another interesting infographic from Ukrainian propaganda resource shows the Ukrainian volunteer battalions as of March 2015 with the break down of their subordination. It should be noted that the actual head count of each battalion is very different, and a number of them, apparently, are no bigger then a company. Besides, some of these battalions (primarily subordinated to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine) are not a purely on a volunteer basis, and are partially comprised with mobilized troops.

    The most part of the volunteer battalions remains outside the Armed Forces of Ukraine, subject to either the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (on the rights of special purpose police), or the National Guard of Ukraine (also part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs). Thus, the main part of the most "ideological" composition of volunteer battalions either did not take any direct part in hostilities, or was involved sporadically.

    [Mainly terrorizing local population - KR]

    In general, the number of volunteers enrolled in the Ukrainian volunteer battalions, is surprisingly limited, and, under the most objective estimate, in the year of the civil war in Ukraine did not exceed 10 thousand people (excluding foreigners) - with almost 40 million population, remaining under the control of Kiev. The militant resource of Ukrainian nationalism was seriously overrated. This, in particular, did not allow to turn the National Guard of Ukraine into the ideological-volunteer "revolutionary guard" of the  post-maidan regime, as it was intended at its creation, and NG for the most part remains "re-painted" Internal troops. In fact, even the DPR and LPR were able to attract a larger number of volunteers from among the population of the territories under their control, than the rest of Ukraine produced of the "Ukrainian patriots". This factor significantly affects the overall combat readiness of the Ukrainian forces, equipped mostly of the mobilized force.

    Despite all the PR around the Ukrainian volunteer units (PR on both sides of the front), the volunteers had a fairly limited impact on the course of hostilities, and practically the whole burden of the war was carried (and will be carried) by the armed forces of Ukraine.

    NOTE: according to Cassad and other sources there about about 24 or so Volunteer Battalions operating in Donbass. They would have between 300-800 personnel per unit for a total of 12-15,000 alone. There would be at least that many more stationed in the rest of Ukraine enforcing Government control with most of them being in a company or 2 strength (100-300 people). So I believe this authors total of 10,000 to be low. My point in posting was to show how many units and who they are under (supposedly).

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  gregoire Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:49 pm

    flamming_python wrote:What's the bet on France-Germany playing the good cop/bad cop role in regards to the WW2 Victory celebrations in May; as in - Merkel not going, while Hollande will be going?
    But in actuality, their positions are co-ordinated and pre-planned, so as to appease both sides of the divide.

    I agree. It is all for show but it's a complex dance. The europeans want to throw out the US and neutralize Russia. That's why they support nazism and want their own army. To bad it's not only to late, it will backfire tremendously especially if they try the ukrainian formula (homegrow (in 20+ years) irrational russia haters willing to do anything to damage russia). No, it's clear who the losers are and who the winner. The only thing I don't understand is why so many people have to die.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Vann7 Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:53 pm

    Nothing new.. the usual stuff..

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 CAn1LsBWUAA7_Ni

    The US says that it does not consider NATO drills along Russia's borders to escalate tensions in the region, while Russian drills within Russia itself do


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:02 am

    Time for NAF to mobilize:

    Moscow Says Kiev Violated Minsk Agreements by Failing to Withdraw Weaponry

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  higurashihougi Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:14 am

    Vietnamese Sputnik: Russia will present the evidences and information about the crimes of SBU in Donbass

    From 27 March to 2 April, Vietnam will hold the 132nd Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly. In that event, Russia will present the evidences of war crimes of Kyiv facist in Donbass.

    Congresswoman Valentina Pentrenko said that, since the 132nd IPU assembly will be held in Vietnam - a country had experienced a brutal war, therefore Russia's presentation of SBU war crimes will be very persuasive.

    A greeting from Vietnam. respekt respekt russia russia russia  Being a Vietnamese, I am eager to see Russia's presentation of facist crimes. russia russia russia russia

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  AlfaT8 Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:32 am

    higurashihougi wrote:Vietnamese Sputnik: Russia will present the evidences and information about the crimes of SBU in Donbass

    From 27 March to 2 April, Vietnam will hold the 132nd Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly. In that event, Russia will present the evidences of war crimes of Kyiv facist in Donbass.

    Congresswoman Valentina Pentrenko said that, since the 132nd IPU assembly will be held in Vietnam - a country had experienced a brutal war, therefore Russia's presentation of SBU war crimes will be very persuasive.

    A greeting from Vietnam. respekt respekt russia russia russia  Being a Vietnamese, I am eager to see Russia's presentation of facist crimes. russia russia russia russia
    Looks like Russia's dead serious about getting Vietnam out of the TPP. thumbsup

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  higurashihougi Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:34 pm

    Lavrov announced: Vietnamese President, Mr. Trương Tấn Sang, will certainly arrive at Russia to attend the May 9 Celebration.

    30 April is the Day of Unification in Vietnam. 9 May is Victory Day. 2 September is the National Day of Vietnam. Lavrov said that, Russia and Vietnam expected mutual activities of both countries in these holidays, that means both countries will attend the national celebrations of each other.

    Again, greeting from Vietnam. russia love love

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  etaepsilonk Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:26 pm

    Interesting... So Ukraine may have brought in what appears to be K2 tank Wink

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    Post  sepheronx Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:34 pm

    Doubt it. But if so, if used in hostilities, it will make a good capture by Novorussian fighters.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Vann7 Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:44 pm

    LOL...There was a discussion in Russia "Beyond the headlines"... the 5th column undercover
    western media... about Gorbashev claiming "Democracy" is the solution for Russia.. and
    "dialogue" with the west..  how naive is the imbecile..    

    Then in the same article ,in comments . there was an army of fake posters .. all saying how Russia problems is that its economy is  "incompatible with the west and modern times" and how infantile they are for blaming its problems to the west..  Rolling Eyes  that people should stop conspiracies theories.. that US gov had anything to do with the revolution in Ukraine to damage Russia.  Rolling Eyes

    Then i reply to the Neoliberal minion ... that Russia problems is not its economy..or its democracy.. but rather ..Russia biggest problem was its own economic success,and that is was not a vassal state of the americans.. and its competitiveness and development and its increasing influence with Europe.. which was a threat to USA world leadership and Geopolitical world hegemony objectives..

    Long story short my comments were censored by the website. Laughing  
    When i didn't offended anyone ,and just exposed what was happening .

    So the censorship in western neoliberal media is no joke.. in full scale censoring mode..
    everywhere.. Media like CNN ,FOX ,BBC ,Guardian ,Moscow times ,Russia Beyond headlines are banning their so loved democracy and promoted freedom of speech.. they so much praise.. and any discussion that contradict their story telling. and almost zero mention of the warcrimes of Kiev against its own people..

    on similar note.. CNN media comparing North Korea with similar crazy both are.. and calling for Russian nationals to take weapons against Putin ..  Laughing

    notice their comments section disable. No freedom of expression in the "freedom land".
    what are they afraid of people discussing?   Wink

    They critisize Russia for inviting North Korea leader..What they don't mention is That Putin
    also Invited Obama to their victory parade. and all major european nations. Smile

    check what moscow times disclaimers about his closed comments sections.. Smile

    Dear reader,

    Due to the increasing number of users engaging in personal attacks, spam, trolling and abusive comments, we are no longer able to host our forum as a site for constructive and intelligent debate.

    It is with regret, therefore, that we have found ourselves forced to suspend the commenting function on our articles.

    The Moscow Times remains committed to the principle of public debate and hopes to welcome you to a new, constructive forum in the future.


    The Moscow Times

    at least they bother explaining "why" they closed comments.. but CNN and BBC don't bother
    to explain anything.. it was funny to see in CNN for example to see when it was opened..
    comments deleted by Admin .. comment deleted .. comment deleted ..  hundreds of comments..
    sometimes the people with more likes.. had their comments deleted for being called "spam".  Its obvious Russian kremlin RT , that some here in this forum call "propaganda" have hit hard the west story telling..and fabrication of news..instead of reporting them.. and they now resort to block and censor discussions. in UK they were threatening to shut down RT completely.. for being "Russian Propaganda".. (iranian media PRESSTV was banned.. however.. for same reasons.) so much for freedom of expression eh?  This is the trick with so called western democracy.. is pure fiction.. not true.. you have freedom of speech if you pose no danger to US story telling ,but if you have a popular news outlet ,with international coverage they will try to ban it.  Smile

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:13 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Post  sepheronx Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:56 pm

    Funny. Because Putin is most popular by nationalists. Also, I thought US officials said they dont support undemocratic overthrows.... lol.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:39 pm

    This is too Rich! Kolomoiysky has gone out-right insane lmao!!!

    Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoysky barricades Ukrnafta HQ in Kiev – reports

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:58 pm

    "dialogue" with the west....

    About what? How Russia should submit to the Washington Consensus? allow elite capitalists to buy control of Russia's energy & resources for a handful of fiat currency? allow 5th columnists to penetrate government policy circles? de-centralise power to the provinces and pave the way to divide the nation into 3 parts (as "recommended by the US State Dept)?

    With all due respect, those US bastards and their cock-sucking euro-trash vassals can just FUCK OFF...

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    Post  sepheronx Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:31 pm

    Big_Gazza wrote:"dialogue" with the west....

    About what?  How Russia should submit to the Washington Consensus? allow elite capitalists to buy control of Russia's energy & resources for a handful of fiat currency? allow 5th columnists to penetrate government policy circles? de-centralise power to the provinces and pave the way to divide the nation into 3 parts (as "recommended by the US State Dept)?  

    With all due respect, those US bastards and their cock-sucking euro-trash vassals can just FUCK OFF...

    Makes no difference as Gorby is one of the most hated men in Russia. Simply a joke. Maybe he wants to star in more Pizza hut commercials? The most hated man in Russia, Yeltsin, is dead. And another well hated man is dead. So Gorby is now ruling in the hate. But he is old too and will kick the bucket eventually.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Cyberspec Mon Mar 23, 2015 12:04 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:This is too Rich! Kolomoiysky has gone out-right insane lmao!!!

    Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoysky barricades Ukrnafta HQ in Kiev – reports

    Yeah this is interesting. An open chalenge to Porky it seems.

    Apparently, he's calling for "financial federalisation", recognition of the DPR/LPR authorities as legitimate and so on...

    Kolomoysky seizes Ukrnafta in Kiev, calls for federalization, hearts Novorossia, ignores US warning

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  flamming_python Mon Mar 23, 2015 12:56 am

    Cyberspec wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:This is too Rich! Kolomoiysky has gone out-right insane lmao!!!

    Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoysky barricades Ukrnafta HQ in Kiev – reports

    Yeah this is interesting. An open chalenge to Porky it seems.

    Apparently, he's calling for "financial federalisation", recognition of the DPR/LPR authorities as legitimate and so on...

    Kolomoysky seizes Ukrnafta in Kiev, calls for federalization, hearts Novorossia, ignores US warning


    Nazis AFAIK made peace overtures to the Soviets too, once it became clear they're gonna get their butts kicked.
    Soviets weren't too keen on forgiving and forgetting too.

    Now this sad sack is thinking that he can get an angle here; now that the US and Poroshenko have turned on him.

    But no Novorussian co-operation with oligarch fascist-collaborators is warranted; he deserves neither forgiveness for his crimes nor does he have anything to offer anyway; he has made a grave mistake by ignoring the 'advice' of the US ambassador (by now a chief powerbrooker who seemingly sets the rules and internal order in the Ukraine); and his life is likely forfeit.
    As is anyone's who ignores the US; I remember reading an article either here or elsewhere recently - about just how reforms in countries like Georgia were carried out - basically; the US basically aided the people they installed to assassinate or imprison all the old oligarchial-political elites of the country that weren't prepared to subscribe to the new order. They effectively wiped-out the whole Soviet-era elite - this was apparently the enlightened, democratic way of 'reforming' the country.

    Back to the topic - hope Porky storms this greedy fuck with extreme prejudice; I could care less about how many of the Ukraine's robber-barons murder each other. Not that Porky is any better mind you - but he will yet have his day too, not to worry.
    For now, the best thing to do is let nature take its course in the inevitable inter-Ukrainian fights for power, while at the same time not letting any one party entrench itself too much; some underdogs could certainly be supported against Porky - just nobody with blood on their hands.

    In the end - the Novorussians will be the ones that gain most from all this. They are staying at the side, and only strengthening over time. Another short war and debacle like Debaltsevo, Illovaisk, etc... and the Novorussian army will end up stronger than the Kiev one.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Vann7 Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:14 am

    The Kolomoiysky thing is indeed interesting.. where is my popcorn animation? Smile
    And what he propose is indeed good for novorosiya ,and the fact that the US ambassador
    is lecturing him.. of doing something wrong.  but.. we need to be cautious.. it could be
    all a plan to remove Poroshenko from kiev..   or simply the oligarch is looking to save
    his ass.. by not seeing Ukra NAfta nationalized.  Is a war of oligarch for plundering Ukraine..
    And it looks like KOlomoisky is trying to lure and make a pact with Novorosiya to get the support of their army to overthrow kiev..    The Ghost commander of novorosiya already told in public
    received calls from kiev to help them siege power in Kiev..

    What to say about all this?  For me the biggest problem in kiev was always RADA parliament which is in the pockets of US Government.. ,Yat and who was the temporary president of Ukraine after the coup.  If it is true however ,the above developments.. it could end in a major Oligarch war of battalions .. And kolomoiysky is only fearing he losing his fortune and his UltraNational Batalions being removed.. and now trying to make a deal with Novorosiya to keep
    their fortune.  

    yep.. we need to wait and see what happens next.. bullets will start flying between oligarchs batallions for control of Ukraine oil company. And in no time become a major split in power
    in kiev. If i were to bet Kolomoisky will be killed..  and the right sector and Aidar disbanded..
    but that is a possibility ,the other one is poroshenko being the one overthrow.. We will know for sure in just 6 months or just weeks ,the way things will be. If good for Russia and novorosiya or if not.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  kvs Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:39 am

    If Porosyuk does take on Kolomoisky then I hope they fatally damage each other. In this situation Kolomoisky is the better man
    since Porosyuk is nothing but a US sock puppet.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Cyberspec Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:52 am

    I don't think Porky can just blast him out of there. It's in the middle of Kiev....he has to try and keep some sort of semblence of normality at least in the capital. The initial signs are that they're trying to potray this as not very important.

    But I guess anything is possible over there....there isn't much logic in a lot of what they do

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:07 am


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:21 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:This is too Rich! Kolomoiysky has gone out-right insane lmao!!!

    Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoysky barricades Ukrnafta HQ in Kiev – reports

    Yeah this is interesting. An open chalenge to Porky it seems.

    Apparently, he's calling for "financial federalisation", recognition of the DPR/LPR authorities as legitimate and so on...

    Kolomoysky seizes Ukrnafta in Kiev, calls for federalization, hearts Novorossia, ignores US warning


    Nazis AFAIK made peace overtures to the Soviets too, once it became clear they're gonna get their butts kicked.
    Soviets weren't too keen on forgiving and forgetting too.

    Now this sad sack is thinking that he can get an angle here; now that the US and Poroshenko have turned on him.

    But no Novorussian co-operation with oligarch fascist-collaborators is warranted; he deserves neither forgiveness for his crimes nor does he have anything to offer anyway; he has made a grave mistake by ignoring the 'advice' of the US ambassador (by now a chief powerbrooker who seemingly sets the rules and internal order in the Ukraine); and his life is likely forfeit.
    As is anyone's who ignores the US; I remember reading an article either here or elsewhere recently - about just how reforms in countries like Georgia were carried out - basically; the US basically aided the people they installed to assassinate or imprison all the old oligarchial-political elites of the country that weren't prepared to subscribe to the new order. They effectively wiped-out the whole Soviet-era elite - this was apparently the enlightened, democratic way of 'reforming' the country.

    Back to the topic - hope Porky storms this greedy fuck with extreme prejudice; I could care less about how many of the Ukraine's robber-barons murder each other. Not that Porky is any better mind you - but he will yet have his day too, not to worry.
    For now, the best thing to do is let nature take its course in the inevitable inter-Ukrainian fights for power, while at the same time not letting any one party entrench itself too much; some underdogs could certainly be supported against Porky - just nobody with blood on their hands.

    In the end - the Novorussians will be the ones that gain most from all this. They are staying at the side, and only strengthening over time. Another short war and debacle like Debaltsevo, Illovaisk, etc... and the Novorussian army will end up stronger than the Kiev one.

    Good Post! And I agree with 90% of what your saying, and I wouldn't shed a tear if Portopottyshenko's SBU Gestapo 'double-taps' Kolo between the eyes, however he may be more useful alive than dead. If he goes in to hiding in Ukraine, we could possibly see him cause unrest in Ukraine for his greedy ambitions ultimately weakening Poro's position...but if he escapes to Russia and begs forgiveness and cooperates with the FSB, than he could be useful for information and he may know where all the 'bodies are buried'.

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:46 am

    May be Off Topic but... clip BRDM vs Suckson


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Werewolf Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:57 am

    higurashihougi wrote:May be Off Topic but... clip BRDM vs Suckson

    What garbage this is a complete failure, must be designed from a mentally challanged "engineer".

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