Is clear the west is trying to use the Tatars (which ancenstors were Russian/European kidnapers ,human traffiqers and criminals ,that was their business) to destabilize Crimea and keep economic sanctions on..
The Tatar leader for sure was bribed with big money to join the west crusade.. How could he want Crimea to return to Ukraine which now does not allow any language ,neither Russian ,neither Tatar to be spoken? And is ruled by Ultra Nationalist fascist? that are bombing/killing civilians women and children in eastern ukraine? and the same they will do with them..if ever ask for autonomy.He had to be paid for becoming a rat.. his face of "victim" and "injustice" ,is not convincing, i really hate opportunist and charlatans.,who try to deceive people for personal gains and money. Why the tatar leader have to be executed in public for cooperating with the west in the destabilization of Crimea. Russia needs to kick any Tatar from Crimea that is hostile to the will of 98% of crimean population and sent to turkey in a fishing boat with no passport ,for no returning.
OMG.. lol
TR1 who call the west a "Democracy" and "freedom"..have to see this interview!!!!
That interview posted above ,have to make viral in the west.. Shows an anti putin journalist
fired by US freedom media for expressing a view different from western propaganda. He claims
kiev from his experience and family experience is far worse than Russia in every respect when it comes to human rights.
This interview with the 5th column ,anti-putin journalist is priceless.. Finally an example
of an opposition of Russian Government that see the light.. He supported the chechen independence.. because he says all minorities have the right to live their life the way they choose if the government does not respect them.. but on the same context he happens to have family in Crimea who lost 17 family members ,to the bombing of kiev in eastern ukraine. So naturally his views on Ukraine..are very strong against Kiev actions..for personal family experience.. that he have way before the war began. of kiev repression. the anti putin journalist is very pro life ,pro independence and supportive of Russian Government . he went as far that not only Support Crimea independence ,but also DOnbass..
He rightly see that Russia protected Crimea from the violence that was comming towards them..after the coup in kiev. he says that . if it was right for Ukraine indepence why is wrong the same in Crimea and donbass?
Now comes the tricky question.. that Indepence is not possible always.. no matter how noble it is the movement.. A nation that is land locked cannot be independent.. ie.. Chechenia.. because
will depend on Russia for everything to exist.. cannot have for example travel outside its territory without Russia assistance to allow passing by its territory. Same with Tatars territory.. they cannot be independent because they are landlocked/water locked. All said Independence is only possible when the region/territory geography and resources allows it..when is peaceful and more than anything if that break up. does not threaten the security of a major power near.
All said The RUssian government is fully justified to crack down on any independence movement that is fueled from abroad.. is not popular and takes weapons.. and threaten the security of their entire nation. Ukraine will have a legal right for crimea and eastern Ukraine if the protest were all artificially created ,incited from abroad and did were not popular inside. But thats is not the case of Ukraine..