Butbutbut Russia can't make anything but VodKa modules!!11!
It must be true because I read it on Russia hating websites
It must be true because I read it on Russia hating websites
This one line quote show how sometime of better frequently text translated from russian to english are so obscure and ...George1 wrote:Russia to Develop Main Engine for T-50 PAK FA Fighters by 2020
George1 wrote:Russia to Develop Main Engine for T-50 PAK FA Fighters by 2020
kvs wrote:George1 wrote:Russia to Develop Main Engine for T-50 PAK FA Fighters by 2020
Flight testing starting in 2017. So they have basically completed the design and component engineering. It is all about refinement and debugging
for the next 3 years. Does not look like they are in a super hurry to deliver the product, which is very wise. A lot of internet "experts" have
time frame gut feelings detached from reality. Ten years for design and testing is very reasonable for such a device.
The English in this article is very sloppy. They talk about R&D completing by 2020 at the same time that they talk about flight testing. This
is not the correct used of the term R&D.
HM1199 wrote:just made this xD