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    Russian Agriculture News


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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  Rmf Sat May 06, 2017 2:48 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:

    The harvest of greenhouse vegetables is 80% more than the year before

    And given the amount of new greenhouses being constructed round the clock it will only be getting bigger. russia
    import substitution from turkey.

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jul 13, 2017 12:29 am

    Agricultural drone Agrofly
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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:16 am

    Rmf wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:

    The harvest of greenhouse vegetables is 80% more than the year before

    And given the amount of new greenhouses being constructed round the clock it will only be getting bigger. russia
    import substitution from turkey.

    Funny thing is, the biggest benefactor for the sanctions on turkey products is Syria. They been supplying Russia with more tomatoes as example.

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  George1 Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:44 pm

    In 2017 the export of agricultural products from Russia will exceed $20.5 billion

    By the end of 2017 Russia will put abroad a record amount of agricultural products — a total of more than us $20.5 bn (in 2016 and $17 billion)

    Such a forecast at the XVII annual conference on investments in agriculture "agricultural holdings of Russia — 2017" organized by the magazine "Agroinvestor", said the Director of the analytical center "Sovekon" Andrei Sizov. Exports, in his view, remains the main driver of growth of the agricultural sector. This year, despite an increase in production in many agricultural sectors, agriculture will add no more than 2-3%, he said.

    "This is a good, but modest results, — said Sizov. — Especially in comparison with the previous figures. For example, last year the industry showed an increase of almost 5%." Among the main reasons for the slowdown — a stronger ruble and reduction of prices due to record harvest of basic grains. According to "SovEcon", most of the grain fell in the Volga region by 30-40%. In the Central regions of the country fell by about 20%, and in the South — 10-15%. At the same time the main beneficiaries of the situation in the current season will be the ports, elevators and carriers of grain, the expert believes. This will allow them to invest in the development of their business.

    The growth of investment activity in agriculture in 2017 is also slowed down and may be only about 2%. The main problem of business stagnation of demand in the stabilization of consumers ' income. According to Sizov, a marked increase in food consumption should not be. "By world standards we already eat pretty good, he says. Global drivers of demand growth it is hard to see".

    Although the volume of export of agricultural products increased, the share of Russia in world exports remains insignificant. The main Russian export commodity — grain occupies in the overall trade in the world only 6%. As for the other products, the share of our country's export of fish and oil is less than 3%, meal — about 2%, meat — less than 1%. The world's largest exporters at the end of 2016 — the United States and the European Union (more than $130 billion), and Brazil and China (over $60 billion). "Russia has something to strive", — said Sizov.

    However, the growth rate of world trade in the next 10 years will decrease, the expert said. So, the forecast of FAO, the largest decline is expected for pork. If during the period 2005-2015, the export volume of this product in the world increased by 41%, in 2016-2026's growth of pork imports will not exceed 1%. Significantly reduced the rate of wheat from 68% to 10%, and poultry — from 60% to 14%. At the same time, pay attention Sizov, milk and dairy products will be stored a pretty good rate of 23.5% over the period 2016-2026, compared with 41% in 2005-2015.

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    Post  kvs Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:22 am

    Russian Agriculture News - Page 9 F_c2RlbGFub3VuYXMucnUvdXBsb2Fkcy8yLzEvMjE3MTUxODAyOTM3MV9vcmlnLmpwZWc_X19pZD0xMDM2Njk=

    Russian grain exports have shown a clear increasing trend over the last 10 years. Of course natural variability related
    to weather is superimpose on this graphic but the underlying increase is definitely not noise.

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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Mar 04, 2018 4:33 pm

    Dumb headline as always but content is solid:

    Putin’s sanctions war created a Russian cheese industry overnight

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jun 21, 2018 4:13 am

    Butthurt of losers from Moscow Times is delicious. Clowns don't even make an effort to take any photos, they just used Japanese ones (Naotake Murayama / Flickr).

    I posted whole text so you guys don't have to give them any clicks:

    Oyster Farming Booms After Russia’s Import Ban

    Domestic seafood production has seen an unprecedented boom in the last few years, with a boost in the oyster and mussel harvest coming from the annexed Crimean peninsula.

    The Kremlin imposed an embargo on Western food imports, including oysters, in response to U.S. sanctions on Russia in the wake of its seizure of Crimea in 2014. Until 2014, Russia did not commercially produce oysters and mussels. The production of cheese, fish and other products has adjusted to the import ban with varying degrees of success.

    The Russian oyster harvest increased by 265 times in the past three years, the RBC business portal cited the Federal Agency for Fishery saying Wednesday. Around 2 metric tons of oysters were domestically made in 2014; the number shot up to 531 metric tons by 2017.

    Mussels farmers also ramped up their harvest from 100 to 1,165 metric tons in three years, a nearly 12-fold increase, RBC said.

    The annexed Crimean peninsula was the top oyster and mussel farming region, followed by the Pacific region of Primorye, the Black Sea region of Krasnodar and the northwestern Republic of Karelia, according to the Federal Agency for Fishery.

    The agency credited new legislation that expanded the distribution of fish farming sites, in addition to the Kremlin’s import ban on Western-raised seafood, with the three-year surge in harvesting the seafood delicacy

    265 times more oysters and 12 times more mussels in 3 years. That's a lot of seafood right there thumbsup

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Jun 21, 2018 4:44 am

    I read that on sdelanounas. I laughed. These sanctions/counter sanctions are really doing wonders for Russia. Surprised its GDP isn't growing much faster since all indicators are high now.

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    Post  kvs Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:30 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:I read that on sdelanounas.  I laughed.  These sanctions/counter sanctions are really doing wonders for Russia.  Surprised its GDP isn't growing much faster since all indicators are high now.

    I think that Russia's GDP has been understated for the last 18+ years. Originally it served to keep NATO deciders ignorant about
    Russia's revival. This may sound silly, but you can clearly see the pattern in the NATO fake stream media. It was writing Russia
    off until 2014 and after. But now it is spreading hysteria about a "reviving Russia" (as if it was the USSR or something). Since
    NATO deciders are idiots who drink their own propaganda koolaid, Russia is still playing the "weak" card to keep them complacent.
    I do not think that it is that effective anymore, but the Russian leadership appears to think it is still worth it.

    Another reason that the Russian GDP is not inflating as much is likely related to the large reduction of foreign borrowing and
    the very large paydown of foreign debt after 2014. Both of these processes count as pure GDP loss. Paying down US$200
    billion on a nominal US$1.2 trillion economy is substantial. It would amount to a 16.7% GDP drop if done in one year. Since
    the 2015 recession in Russia was real and induced by the shock devaluation of the ruble in late 2014, we are looking at around
    a 20% GDP loss spread out from 2014 onward. But if you look at the reported GDP loss it is much smaller, so substantial
    growth has been hidden by the financial conditions.

    Also, the GDP is a strange construct and seems to be blind to the sort of restructuring that Russia is undergoing. Import
    substitution does not appear to be treated as a net gain for the Russian economy. This would be consistent with the idiotic
    notion that foreign borrowing is a GDP positive contribution. So imports are treated like domestic production. Of course,
    this is BS. The long term money loss offshore is totally ignored.

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  kvs Sat Jun 23, 2018 5:42 pm

    Russia’s Q1 GDP growth was 5.8%, but government reports 1.3%

    Good timing Smile

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jun 28, 2018 4:27 pm

    Russia has no foodz!!! lol1

    Russia Taps Smaller Ports to Keep Up Record Wheat Export Pace

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    Post  Hole Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:28 pm

    This small ports will grow bigger each year.

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jun 28, 2018 10:39 pm

    Hole wrote:This small ports will grow bigger each year.


    Dumbass Soviets never expected to produce this much food, let alone export it hence tiny ports (one of many reasons they tanked so hard)

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  George1 Tue Oct 09, 2018 5:41 pm

    Putin calls to expand presence of Russian agricultural producers on domestic, int'l market

    He recalled the growth of agricultural production in Russia by 20% over the past five years, which he called 'a real breakthrough'

    MINERALNYE VODY, October 9. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin calls to steadily expand presence of domestic agricultural producers on internal and international markets of agricultural products.

    "There is a need to consistently work on broadening presence of Russian producers on the domestic market and exploring foreign ones," the head of state said.

    The growth of agricultural production in Russia by 20% over the past five years is a real breakthrough, the President said. "In recent years, the agro-industrial complex has shown a positive trend. Over 5 years, the volume of production has grown by more than 20%. This is what is called a breakthrough without any exaggeration," he said.

    The Russian leader recalled that at the end of last year, the volume of export supplies of food and agricultural raw materials grew by 21%, exceeding $20 bln, which recently seemed absolutely incredible. Putin compared this figure with the export of arms, which today stands at $15 bln.

    The president also noted that in the seven months of this year, agricultural exports grew by almost one third to $13 bln.

    "Let me note that as far back as 20 years ago, Russia had to buy grain abroad, and today our country is the largest supplier of wheat, the largest in the world, and ranks second in the world in grain supplies in general," the Russian leader recalled. Speaking about the components of Russian exports of agricultural products, Putin noted that exports of sugar, vegetable oil, pork and poultry are increasing.

    The head of state stressed that the transition of the country’s agricultural sector to the export model of the development proves that qualitative changes are taking place in the domestic agro-industrial complex. He added that Russian agriculture has reached a new level of sustainability and become less vulnerable to market fluctuations, and domestic food consumption is becoming less dependent on imports.


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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:56 pm

    Food consumption should be based on nearly 0% for imports.

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    Post  Hole Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:15 pm

    0% will never happen. Not only because some fruits don´t grow in Russia. They are selling pork to China... and buying pork from China.

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  George1 Sat Nov 10, 2018 2:10 pm

    Russia has captured more than half of the world’s wheat market in recent years, becoming the world’s biggest exporter of grain, thanks to bumper harvests and attractive pricing. In 2016, Russia became the world leader in wheat exports. Since the early 2000s, its share of the world wheat market has quadrupled.

    On Thursday, Russian agricultural ministry raised the forecast of wheat exports for the current marketing year to 35 million metric tons. In late October, the ministry also increased projections for grain crop to 109 million metric tons from 105 million metric tons, citing improved conditions in Siberia. However, Russian producers managed to harvest 112.7 million tons of grain as of October 25.

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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Nov 25, 2018 1:51 pm

    Russia to see a record fish catch of over 5mn tonnes in 2018

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    Post  dino00 Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:02 pm

    The export of agricultural products from the Russian Federation in 2018 will be about $ 26 billion

    MOSCOW, Dec 3 - PRIME. According to the results of 2018, the volume of agricultural exports from Russia will amount to about $ 26 billion, said the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Patrushev, at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    "The total volume of agricultural exports, as we expect, will be about $ 26 billion by the end of this year," said Patrushev, whose words are quoted in a message on the Kremlin website.

    The harvest, which Russia received in 2018, will allow the country to send the planned volumes of grain abroad: the export potential for grain crops is 39 million tons, for wheat - 34 million, said Patrushev.

    "The harvest we received will allow both to meet the domestic demand of the Russian Federation for food, and to send the volumes we have planned for export. According to our estimates, the export potential for grain crops will be 39 million tons, of which 34 million will be wheat," said the head Ministry of Agriculture.

    According to the Minister of Agriculture, Russia in 2018 harvested a good grain harvest - 110 million tons in net weight, grain and leguminous crops are threshed on 100% of the area.

    The total export of cereals in the 2017-2018 agricultural year (from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018) amounted to 52.422 million tons, including 40.449 million tons of wheat. Earlier, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation said that the export of grain from Russia in the current agricultural year could be 38-39 million tons, wheat - 34-35 million.

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    Post  Hole Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:06 pm

    Nice video about agricultural production in Russia.

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    Post  dino00 Thu Dec 20, 2018 1:56 pm

    Last year, we exported $20 billion worth [of agricultural products], this year it will be $25 billion. These are the numbers that could have never come to my mind before. We export $16 billion worth of arms, while the exports of agricultural products will amount to $25 billion," Putin said.

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    Post  Hole Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:39 pm

    Russian arms are to cheap. Very Happy

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    Post  dino00 Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:16 pm

    The Ministry of Agriculture raised the forecast for wheat exports in 2018-2019 agricultural year to 37 million tons

    MOSCOW, Dec 21 - PRIME. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation raised the forecast for the export of wheat from Russia in the 2018-2019 agricultural year (from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019) to 37 million tons, the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture reported.

    Earlier on Friday, the Ministry of Agriculture announced an increase in the forecast for grain exports in the current season to 42 million tons. "Of these, wheat is 37 million tons," the press service said.

    In 2017-2018 agricultural year, exports of grain from the Russian Federation amounted to 52.422 million tons, including 40.449 million tons of wheat. Following the last agricultural year, Russia ranked first in the world in the export of wheat, overtaking both the United States and the European Union countries. Earlier, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation expected that in the current season grain exports from Russia will amount to 39 million tons, and wheat - 34 million tons.

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    Post  Hole Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:54 pm

    And in a few years the russian far east will become one of the largest exporter of soybeans.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:11 pm

    In 2018 Russia Exported More Wheat Than Any Country Ever

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