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    Russian Agriculture News


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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  Krepost Sat Jan 15, 2022 4:10 am

    GarryB wrote:
    Another hate report/article.

    Due to poor weather conditions, grain (wheat, barley, rye etc.) harvest was indeed down this year compared to a record 2020. But it is very much in line with the 2019 harvest.

    The use of language is abysmal these days....

    Normally worst is reserved for bad, but for a straight As student their worst score might be 98 percent, so saying it was their worst subject is a little misleading as it suggests they weren't any good at it... which the actual numbers show they are.

    More importantly... how much food does the EU import from Russia at the moment? I thought the Russian EU food embargo was made reciprocal by EU countries so Russian food production numbers wont seriously effect the situation in the EU anyway.


    Nowadays, Russia is a net food exporter (It used to be a net importer a decade or so ago)
    2021 Russian food exports totaled about $35 Billion.
    That is more than twice its arms exports.
    The main exports are grains, oils, fish, confectionary cream that the Chinese love.
    EU is not the main buyer of Russian food.
    The main markets for Russia's food exports are: The CIS countries, China and the Middle-East.
    The EU, USA, Africa, Pakistan, South Asia etc. are secondary markets.
    I do purchase Made in Russia food here in Canada (confectionary, wheat flour, oats, buckwheat, Mayonnaise, canned fish etc.)
    Do you find Russian food in New Zealand groceries?

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  Kiko Mon Jan 24, 2022 8:12 pm

    Russian food exports set a new historical record, 24.01.2022.

    In November 2021, food exports from Russia reached $3.82 billion, a new historical record. This is reported by the Russian Export Center (REC, part of the VEB.RF group). We exported more than usual, for example, peas, which, against the backdrop of rising meat prices, are replacing animal protein.

    In November 2021, we exported more food than in all of 2002. The previous monthly record was set in August 2021 at $3.44 billion.

    The main food exports of Russia in November 2021 were traditionally wheat ($953 million), crustaceans ($540 million, the main part is crabs), sunflower oil (430 million), frozen fish (313 million, the main part is pollock, cod , salmon, as well as caviar and liver), rapeseed oil (120 million), barley (113 million), chocolate products (100 million), flax seeds (97 million) and corn (95 million).

    The main buyers of Russian food in November 2021 are Turkey (512 million dollars), Egypt (306 million), China (291 million), Kazakhstan and the Netherlands (279 million each), Iran (247 million), the Republic of Korea (218 million), Belarus (160 million) and Japan (145 million).

    The largest increase in supplies in physical terms was recorded in the export of legumes (by 2.2 times compared to November 2020), beef (by 2.1 times), margarine and analogues (+93%), crustaceans (+91%), sugar (+ 59%), fish fillets (+54%), soft drinks (+53%), processed grains (+41%), flax seeds (+31%) and beer (+28%).

    The sharp increase in beef supplies abroad is explained by the great work of the Rosselkhoznadzor and exporters to open markets, says Roman Kostyuk, director general of the National Union of Beef Producers. Our beef sells well in Vietnam, UAE, China, Kazakhstan. But, firstly, such a jump was from a low base. And secondly, further growth is limited by our capabilities. There is a shortage of beef in the domestic market. There is not enough raw material (livestock) for the production of a quality product. Since our beef is not cheap, it is difficult for us to compete, for example, with Brazil, Uruguay or Ukraine. And for premium beef in Russia today, only two players can provide stable volumes and quality. Therefore, the supply of Russian beef can only grow by about 30%, the expert estimates.

    A significant increase in the export of legumes (peas, chickpeas, etc.) is due to a high harvest, increased global demand for cheap vegetable protein instead of an expensive animal, and a decrease in the supply of legumes from Canada, explains Dmitry Rylko, Director General of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies. Also in November 2021, there was a recovery in fish supplies after a decline in exports to China at the end of 2020. But mostly the record was made possible by rising global food prices. At the same time, they will most likely decrease in the near future. And that means that the growth of Russian food exports in money terms will be more modest, if at all, the expert believes. In addition, in the first half of 2022, Russia will not be able to export much grain due to the low harvest of 2021, coupled with export quotas and duties.

    According to the Federal Customs Service, in January-November 2021, the share of food products and raw materials for their production in Russian exports amounted to 7.3%. Compared to January-November 2020, the value of supplies of these goods increased by 22.1% (primarily due to the growth in world food prices), while physical volumes decreased by 9%. The largest growth in 2021 was shown by milk and cream (23.2%), cheese and cottage cheese (18.8%), fresh meat and ice cream (15.4%). At the same time, supplies of fresh and frozen fish (minus 15.4%), sunflower oil (14.8%), barley (13.5%), wheat and meslin (10.8%) decreased.

    Earlier, the REC reported that in 2021 Russia increased non-resource non-energy exports by 36% compared to 2020. It is expected that by the end of the year the total amount will exceed $191 billion, which will be a historical record.

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 25, 2022 8:49 am

    Do you find Russian food in New Zealand groceries?


    For most of my life we were part of a club.... the WTO be dammed what actually happened was that each small country was in a political grouping so with us being in the British commonwealth then we got our fruit like Bananas from specific countries only and bananas from other countries just didn't get a look in. Even now there are countries that grow bananas that I can't buy bananas from, I don't know which end that is because of... either we don't buy or they don't sell, but lots of foods are politically sourced.

    I would love to try this Russian icecream and Russian chocolates, but there is no where I can buy such things from despite this country and Russia both being in the WTO.

    If I won lotto I would open up a Russian shop and sell Russian products... I am sure it would be popular and with the trade rate should be rather profitable too... 17 million this weekend... so my fingers are crossed.

    But this boom in food production would not have been possible without EU sanctions allowing Russia to respond with a food import ban.... a dangerous move because there is a serious risk of food shortages.... but they clearly had confidence in the sector to grow and develop.

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:12 am

    UrinePeon's are dependent on Russia for gas today....tomorrow it will be grain! Cool Razz

    A new chance for Russian exports: carbon neutrality can leave Europe without grain

    As experience shows, not everything and not always goes smoothly in this direction. European leaders on the path to carbon neutrality (the so-called "green deal") often have to deal with situations where the list of problems arising from too sharp intensification of decarbonization processes, at a certain stage, exceeds the possible positive effect. The most striking example of this is the energy crisis that began in Europe at the end of last year. However, this is far from the limit. According to experts from the Coceral association, the "green course" (carbon neutrality) can leave Europe without grain and contribute to the development of a food crisis.

    The organization's general secretary, Iliana Axiotiades, says the reason for this could be the global greening strategies that the EU plans to adopt. In her opinion, some of them are akin to a "real disaster" that will "erupt" sooner or later.

    Among others, Axiotiades identifies two, in her opinion, the most dangerous initiatives. The first is the so-called “biodiversity conservation” strategy. Its essence lies in the fact that many biological species, just like people, suffer from the consequences of climate change. And if so, then they need to be rescued immediately. To this end, the EU intends to create entire landscapes with their own ecosystems, using agricultural land for this.

    As a result of such actions, the agro-industrial complex of Europe may lose at least 10% of arable land. Axiotiades believes that the size of the areas that they want to withdraw from use is too large and needs to be substantially adjusted.

    The second initiative, which, in her opinion, should be categorized as "defective" is the intricate name "From the farm to the fork", and aims to establish the relationship between the production of "healthy" products with human health and "package" all this in wrapper of "green" ideas. Simply put, to make agro-industrial products as environmentally friendly as possible.

    To achieve these goals, the EU proposes to focus on organic agriculture, increasing the land allocated for it from 8% to 25%. Much attention within the framework of the strategy is paid to the issues of soil depletion and the use of mineral fertilizers. So, by 2030, their number should be reduced by 20%, and pesticides by at least 50%.

    Coceral predicts that if all of the above really succeeds, then by 2030 the EU will face a colossal shortage of grain. For example, wheat production may be reduced by 19 million tons, barley - by 12 million tons, corn - by 9 million tons.

    As a result, the world grain trading system may undergo significant changes. As experts in this industry note, one of the countries that, in the light of ongoing changes, can significantly strengthen their positions in the world market is Russia.

    In the last agricultural season alone, its grain exports amounted to 48 million tons, including wheat - 38.4 million tons. However, in light of the active expansion of arable land in Russia, the forecasts for this year are more than favorable. Thus, according to preliminary data from the domestic Ministry of Agriculture, the volume of grain supplied abroad can be significantly increased. By and large, Europe's Green Deal is becoming a new chance for Russian exports.

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  Kiko Sun Feb 20, 2022 3:50 pm

    Stronger and bigger: Europeans are addicted to Russian alcohol

    Millions of decalitres

    Last year, Russia sold almost three million decaliters of strong alcohol worth $195 million, 20 percent more than in 2020, according to Agroexport under the Ministry of Agriculture.

    Traditionally, the lion's share of exports is vodka ($160 million). Producers won back the fall due to the pandemic: according to the Federal Customs Service, in 2020, supplies decreased by seven percent.

    "Perhaps, the growth is additionally caused by the fact that British and Swedish brands have risen in price more than Russian ones," says Sergey Chernikov, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics of RUDN University.

    Russian whiskey, cognac, brandy were also in demand. The export of gin and juniper liqueurs increased two and a half times, to almost three million dollars.

    Domestic strong alcohol was sent to 75 countries. Most of all - in Europe. Thus, deliveries to Latvia increased by 51 percent in physical terms. In Germany - a quarter. In addition, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are among the main importers.

    Significantly increased sales to China (66 percent), Azerbaijan and Hungary (62 percent), Georgia (32 percent), Vietnam (three times), Uzbekistan (2.7 times).

    This is primarily a result of the loosening of covid restrictions. Tourists have returned to the countries of the former USSR, where there has always been a high demand for Russian alcohol.

    “The restaurant sector is also recovering. In general, growth is noticeable, but they have not yet returned to the pre-Covid level,” Sergey Chernikov notes.

    In 2020, the global spirits market shrank by 8.7 percent, according to research firm Euromonitor International. In 2021, plus three percent. According to analysts, the indicators will exceed pre-Covid values ​​only in 2023.

    On the stock exchanges, so-called sinful shares are distinguished - dubious for investors. These are securities of producers of alcohol, tobacco products, the gambling industry. Some consider them beneficial. Others avoid it for ethical reasons.

    "But, as practice shows, the more difficult the political situation in the world, the more alcohol they buy," financial analyst Andrey Plotnikov points out. For example, the shares of the LVMH holding, which owns, in addition to Louis Vuitton, such brands as Hennessy (cognac) and Moët (champagne), since 2008 brought investors 1,300 percent in profit over 13 years.

    "The consumption of strong alcohol this year will grow by eight percent. Accordingly, domestic exports will add another three or four," RIA Novosti's interlocutor predicts.

    With vodka around the world

    Russia is not a leader in this market at all. Although brands that are perceived as Russian are popular in the world.

    For example, "Russian Standard", which began its international expansion twenty years ago, is now represented in 86 countries. The Beluga Group is not far behind. According to the target operating indicators, in two years the share of the holding's exports should increase to 13 percent against nine in 2020.

    "Competent promotion of domestic brands, their participation in international exhibitions and events will further increase the supply of Russian vodka," believes Igor Veretennikov, an expert at the investment consulting company

    The Union of Producers of Alcoholic Products estimates the export potential of forty-degree alcohol at half a billion dollars. It is expected that the positive dynamics will continue in all categories.

    The world vodka market has a peculiarity - ten "drinking countries", the main consumers. In monetary terms, the United States is in first place - 39 percent (Russia - 24, Poland - 11). In natural terms, Russia is the leader (145 million decalitres, the United States has 40 million).

    Approximately 20 percent of the forty-degree alcohol produced in the world is consumed in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Germany, England, Romania and Uzbekistan. Moreover, five of the ten "drinking countries" are former Soviet republics.

    According to experts, this list is unlikely to change in the coming years. Cultural traditions, including alcohol consumption, change very slowly.

    Prices are different. Analysts predict a rise in price of strong drinks in the Russian market. Since February 6, the minimum cost of domestically produced alcohol has already been increased: half a liter of vodka - 261 rubles instead of 243 rubles, cognac - 480 (was 446).

    In fact, companies have been rewriting price tags since November. They explained it by increased costs for bottles, labels and logistics. Vodka is cheaper than 300, and cognac - 600 is not found in stores.

    Analysts warn that the trend will continue. But the more expensive the product, the harder it is to sell. There will be more willing to produce illegal, cheaper. By the way, the demand for such products is increasing. More than a quarter of strong alcohol in the country is counterfeit, according to the Higher School of Economics.

    Therefore, as analysts and market players themselves note, the state should carefully control all production.

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  Kiko Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:07 pm

    In 2022, the sown area will be increased by almost one million hectares

    This year, the weather allowed the planting season to start earlier than usual - in the south of the country it has been going on since mid-February, more than 90 thousand hectares have already been sown. The Ministry of Agriculture assures that there is everything necessary to carry out the work without failures: seeds, mineral fertilizers, machinery, fuel. Now the issue of increasing the financing of "short" loans due to the increase in the key rate of the Central Bank is being worked out.

    This time, winter crops did not disappoint: their condition is much better than last year. “And even better and above the average multi-year level,” Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev reported on February 25. It was the problems with winter crops in the previous agricultural season (drought in the fall of 2020 and a protracted spring of 2021) that caused the low yield of many crops last year.

    According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Agriculture, the total sown area will exceed 81 million hectares, which is almost 1 million hectares more than last year.

    Due to the early start of the sowing season, some regions asked to increase the plan for the purchase of fertilizers, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The volume of deliveries for February-May increased by 860 thousand tons and almost reached 7 million tons in physical weight.

    Also, state support funds should be available to farmers for carrying out spring field work. The Ministry of Agriculture sent all federal limits to the regions in December last year. Now we need to quickly make changes to the regional legislation, which provides for the advance payment of part of the costs of farmers, Patrushev said.

    In addition, due to the sharp increase in the key rate of the Bank of Russia (from 9.5% to 20%), the Ministry of Agriculture is considering the issue of allocating additional funds for "short" preferential loans to farmers for the sowing season.

    The concessional lending plan for 2022 provides for subsidies in the amount of 28.5 billion rubles for short loans and 71.9 billion rubles for investment loans. This includes 10.4 billion rubles for new short-term loans to be issued this year and 3 billion rubles for investment loans.

    Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Affairs Nadezhda Shkolkina says that the 10.4 billion rubles allocated for the sowing campaign is not enough. According to her, there is an agreement with the government and the Ministry of Agriculture that in case of receipt of applications from the regions, the issue of allocating additional funds will be considered. But if earlier it was about an amount of at least 15-20 billion rubles, then with an increase in the key rate of the Central Bank, it will probably be 20 or 30 billion rubles. In any case, the deputies intend to ask the government, despite the difficult economic situation, to allocate funds for the effective implementation of the sowing season.

    The share of domestic seeds in the Russian market is 63%. At the same time, we sow almost all wheat with our own seeds.

    “Under the conditions of sanctions, agriculture is becoming the driver of the economy and the key to the country's food security. It is very important to effectively carry out the sowing campaign and at least maintain the export potential,” Shkolkina said.

    In any case, this sowing campaign will take place without losses: farmers buy seeds and mineral fertilizers ahead of time. At the same time, in order to provide them with the necessary amount of ammonium nitrate (the most affordable mineral fertilizer), the government suspended its export from February 2 to April 1, 2022 inclusive. In addition, there is a quota for the export of nitrogen (including ammonium nitrate) and complex nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers until June 1.

    The Achilles' heel of the domestic agro-industrial complex remains, perhaps, dependence on imported seeds. Now self-sufficiency in domestic seeds is 63%. Whereas the Food Security Doctrine sets a minimum threshold of 75%. At the same time, for example, our sugar beet seeds are almost 100% imported. True, wheat seeds are almost completely their own.

    But even here the situation does not look deadlocked. At a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management Minister of Education and Science Valery Falkov said that, for example, for such a problematic crop as potatoes, 29 new domestic competitive varieties of potatoes have been registered since 2018. If in 2018 we had about 1 thousand tons of domestic elite seeds at our disposal, in 2021 we already have 19 thousand tons. To ensure national security, in order not to feel import dependence, we need 30,000 tons of elite potato seeds.

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  Kiko Fri Mar 04, 2022 7:44 pm

    Records of the Russian agro-industrial complex in 2021

    The Russian agro-industrial complex (agriculture + food industry) in 2021, just like industry, was marked by a number of high quantitative achievements. Let's consider the main ones.

    Crop production

    The grain harvest amounted to 121.3 million tons - this is the fifth result in history after the indicators of 2017, 2020, 1978 and 1973. (record - 135.5 million tons in 2017).

    The wheat harvest amounted to 76 million tons - this is the third result in history, second only to the record of 2017 and 2020. (86 million tons each).

    The corn harvest amounted to 15.2 million tons - this is the second result in history, only slightly inferior to the record in 2016 (15.3 million tons).

    The harvest of legumes amounted to 3.84 million tons - this is the second result for modern Russia (maximum - 4.26 million tons in 2017); during the Soviet period, starting from the mid-1960s, harvests usually exceeded 4 million tons.

    The sunflower harvest amounted to 15.66 million tons - this is a new historical maximum that surpassed the record of 2019 (15.38 million tons).

    The soybean harvest amounted to 4.66 million tons - this is another historical maximum that surpassed the record of 2019 (4.36 million tons); over the past 24 years, the soybean crop has declined only 4 times.

    The rapeseed harvest amounted to 2.79 million tons, renewing the historical maximum for the fifth year in a row, during this time the harvest increased by 2.8 times.

    The tomato harvest amounted to 3.06 million tons - this is by far the best result for modern Russia, and most likely for all time: for example, in 1987, on average, in terms of vegetable harvest, agricultural enterprises received 1.48 million tons of tomatoes , and the role of part-time farms in this segment was then not too big.

    The harvest of melons and gourds amounted to 1.9 million tons - this is the second result in history, second only to the record of 2018 (1.97 million tons); for the Soviet period, there are data only for some years, but their value (maximum - 1.3 million tons in 1985) does not give grounds to assume record figures.

    In 2021, a record harvest of fruits and berries was harvested in Russia - about 4.6 million tons (Rosstat published data only on fruits and berries, without grapes, according to late reports from the Ministry of Agriculture, the grape harvest was expected at the level of 2020 - 680 thousand tons , we used a slightly lower estimate - 650 thousand tons). The record of the RSFSR is 3.97 million tons in 1983, however, the Crimean factor has a significant influence here. If Crimea is excluded from current indicators, then the 2021 harvest will drop to about 4.3 million tons, and will still be a record. If we take Crimea into account in terms of the Soviet period, then the 2021 harvest will be approximately the third in history, clearly inferior to the peak of 1983-1984. (for example, in 1990, 501,000 tons of fruit were harvested in the Crimea after a large-scale felling of vineyards and in the conditions of an incipient general crisis).

    Animal husbandry

    The number of pigs at the end of 2021 reached 26.2 million heads - this is the maximum since 1994, continuous growth has been recorded since 2011.

    New historical records have been reached in meat production. Rosstat has not yet published data on slaughter weight, which usually contains final statistics, but the main results can already be judged.

    Production of livestock and poultry in live weight increased by 0.3%. This means that the historical record of meat production in 2020 - 11.2 million tons - has improved slightly. The peak of the RSFSR - 10.1 million tons in 1989 and 1990 increased by 0.4%., then Crimea produced another 0.2 million tons.

    Pork production in live weight increased by 0.4%. This means that the historical record of 2020 - 4.28 million tons - has improved a little, production has been continuously growing since 2006. The peak of the RSFSR - 3.5 million tons in 1989.

    The production of poultry for slaughter in live weight remained at the level of 2020. Accordingly, the production of poultry meat also remained at the record level of 2019-2020. (5.015 million tons). The peak of the RSFSR is 1.83 million tons in 1989.

    Milk yield amounted to 32.3 million tons - this is a repetition of the best figure for the last 18 years in 2009; growth is recorded for the fifth year in a row, before that, a stable positive trend in the modern period was observed only in 2006-2009.

    Egg production amounted to 44.9 billion eggs - for the fourth year in a row, production is at the maximum level for modern Russia. In 1992, without Crimea, we had 42.9 billion units, in 1990 Crimea produced 1.1 billion, but then production declined. The peak of the Soviet period was 49.1 billion pieces in 1988, and taking into account the Crimea, about 50.5 billion.

    Food industry

    The production of sausages amounted to 2408 thousand tons - this is a new historical maximum: the current grouping, used since 2017, is about 200 thousand tons less than the previous one, for which the peak was 2533 thousand tons in 2012.

    Cheese production (without cheese products) amounted to 602 thousand tons - this is another historical maximum, growth for the eighth year in a row; peak of the RSFSR - 460 thousand tons in 1989.

    Groats production amounted to 1606 thousand tons - this is the best result since 1994; in 1986, production reached 3.1 million tons.

    The production of processed and canned potatoes reached 377 thousand tons - this is another historical record: until the 2010s. the product was not even included in the expanded list of important types of food products, and in 2010 the output was only 119 thousand tons.

    Feed production amounted to 32.1 million tons - this is the best result since 1992, continuous growth has been going on since 2001; in 1990, production was 41 million tons.

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  teh_beard Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:23 pm

    While I, as a Russian, want to be glee and proud about this "top grain exporter" sentiment, I'm not.
    Thats because I know wee bit about it. Sure, fertilisers that give those mad results are Russian, but, important, whose seed grain is?


    So I'm more then sceptical about this bolster and glory lasting past this year harvest.

    Then again, same would apply to all others, if we were ever apply sanctions on export of said fertilisers. Seeing how gas and oil silently exckuded from sanctions and keep flowing I don't see it likely to happen...

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:50 pm

    teh_beard wrote:While I, as a Russian, want to be glee and proud about this "top grain exporter" sentiment, I'm not.
    Thats because I know wee bit about it. Sure, fertilisers that give those mad results are Russian, but, important, whose seed grain is?


    So I'm more then sceptical about this bolster and glory lasting past this year harvest.

    Then again, same would apply to all others, if we were ever apply sanctions on export of said fertilisers. Seeing how gas and oil silently exckuded from sanctions and keep flowing I don't see it likely to happen...

    Seeds are the least of the problem honestly.  Russia can source from nearly anywhere and obtain seeds themselves from same harvest if they tried.

    Somehow I doubt all of them are imported from the Dutch. Especially when various years ago I have posted on this forum of various crops grown from seeds genetically modified within Russia. Now I dont like the concept of GMO's, but well.....

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:13 pm

    Kiko wrote:Records of the Russian agro-industrial complex in 2021

    The Russian agro-industrial complex (agriculture + food industry) in 2021, just like industry, was marked by a number of high quantitative achievements. Let's consider the main ones.

    Crop production

    The grain harvest amounted to 121.3 million tons - this is the fifth result in history after the indicators of 2017, 2020, 1978 and 1973. (record - 135.5 million tons in 2017).

    The wheat harvest amounted to 76 million tons - this is the third result in history, second only to the record of 2017 and 2020. (86 million tons each).

    The corn harvest amounted to 15.2 million tons - this is the second result in history, only slightly inferior to the record in 2016 (15.3 million tons).

    The harvest of legumes amounted to 3.84 million tons - this is the second result for modern Russia (maximum - 4.26 million tons in 2017); during the Soviet period, starting from the mid-1960s, harvests usually exceeded 4 million tons.

    The sunflower harvest amounted to 15.66 million tons - this is a new historical maximum that surpassed the record of 2019 (15.38 million tons).

    The soybean harvest amounted to 4.66 million tons - this is another historical maximum that surpassed the record of 2019 (4.36 million tons); over the past 24 years, the soybean crop has declined only 4 times.

    The rapeseed harvest amounted to 2.79 million tons, renewing the historical maximum for the fifth year in a row, during this time the harvest increased by 2.8 times.

    The tomato harvest amounted to 3.06 million tons - this is by far the best result for modern Russia, and most likely for all time: for example, in 1987, on average, in terms of vegetable harvest, agricultural enterprises received 1.48 million tons of tomatoes , and the role of part-time farms in this segment was then not too big.

    The harvest of melons and gourds amounted to 1.9 million tons - this is the second result in history, second only to the record of 2018 (1.97 million tons); for the Soviet period, there are data only for some years, but their value (maximum - 1.3 million tons in 1985) does not give grounds to assume record figures.

    In 2021, a record harvest of fruits and berries was harvested in Russia - about 4.6 million tons (Rosstat published data only on fruits and berries, without grapes, according to late reports from the Ministry of Agriculture, the grape harvest was expected at the level of 2020 - 680 thousand tons , we used a slightly lower estimate - 650 thousand tons). The record of the RSFSR is 3.97 million tons in 1983, however, the Crimean factor has a significant influence here. If Crimea is excluded from current indicators, then the 2021 harvest will drop to about 4.3 million tons, and will still be a record. If we take Crimea into account in terms of the Soviet period, then the 2021 harvest will be approximately the third in history, clearly inferior to the peak of 1983-1984. (for example, in 1990, 501,000 tons of fruit were harvested in the Crimea after a large-scale felling of vineyards and in the conditions of an incipient general crisis).

    Animal husbandry

    The number of pigs at the end of 2021 reached 26.2 million heads - this is the maximum since 1994, continuous growth has been recorded since 2011.

    New historical records have been reached in meat production. Rosstat has not yet published data on slaughter weight, which usually contains final statistics, but the main results can already be judged.

    Production of livestock and poultry in live weight increased by 0.3%. This means that the historical record of meat production in 2020 - 11.2 million tons - has improved slightly. The peak of the RSFSR - 10.1 million tons in 1989 and 1990 increased by 0.4%., then Crimea produced another 0.2 million tons.

    Pork production in live weight increased by 0.4%. This means that the historical record of 2020 - 4.28 million tons - has improved a little, production has been continuously growing since 2006. The peak of the RSFSR - 3.5 million tons in 1989.

    The production of poultry for slaughter in live weight remained at the level of 2020. Accordingly, the production of poultry meat also remained at the record level of 2019-2020. (5.015 million tons). The peak of the RSFSR is 1.83 million tons in 1989.

    Milk yield amounted to 32.3 million tons - this is a repetition of the best figure for the last 18 years in 2009; growth is recorded for the fifth year in a row, before that, a stable positive trend in the modern period was observed only in 2006-2009.

    Egg production amounted to 44.9 billion eggs - for the fourth year in a row, production is at the maximum level for modern Russia. In 1992, without Crimea, we had 42.9 billion units, in 1990 Crimea produced 1.1 billion, but then production declined. The peak of the Soviet period was 49.1 billion pieces in 1988, and taking into account the Crimea, about 50.5 billion.

    Food industry

    The production of sausages amounted to 2408 thousand tons - this is a new historical maximum: the current grouping, used since 2017, is about 200 thousand tons less than the previous one, for which the peak was 2533 thousand tons in 2012.

    Cheese production (without cheese products) amounted to 602 thousand tons - this is another historical maximum, growth for the eighth year in a row; peak of the RSFSR - 460 thousand tons in 1989.

    Groats production amounted to 1606 thousand tons - this is the best result since 1994; in 1986, production reached 3.1 million tons.

    The production of processed and canned potatoes reached 377 thousand tons - this is another historical record: until the 2010s. the product was not even included in the expanded list of important types of food products, and in 2010 the output was only 119 thousand tons.

    Feed production amounted to 32.1 million tons - this is the best result since 1992, continuous growth has been going on since 2001; in 1990, production was 41 million tons.

    Nice! Good to see growth surpassing levels prior to the SAR-Covid-19 outbreak.

    This is the difference between effective leadership and shit leadership. It only took VVP a single a year to adjust the agriculture industry to surpassing pre-pandemic levels. Mediocre leadership like Gordochev and Boorish Yelpsin, literal pieces of shit stuck to the end of a stick, couldn't dream of getting the same results in the span of a decade! clown pwnd

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    Post  teh_beard Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:18 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:
    Seeds are the least of the problem honestly.  Russia can source from nearly anywhere and obtain seeds themselves from same harvest if they tried.

    Somehow I doubt all of them are imported from the Dutch.  Especially when various years ago I have posted on this forum of various crops grown from seeds genetically modified within Russia.  Now I dont like the concept of GMO's, but well.....
    Sadly, it is a fact. Dutch are premier supplier of seeds - tulip madness did indeed amount to something. And for all the talk of "import-substitution" we still rely on them for everything from onions to wheat...
    Maybe this latest occasion will finally motivate us to get our ass in gear, but it will be still painful.

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    Post  miketheterrible Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:32 pm

    teh_beard wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:
    Seeds are the least of the problem honestly.  Russia can source from nearly anywhere and obtain seeds themselves from same harvest if they tried.

    Somehow I doubt all of them are imported from the Dutch.  Especially when various years ago I have posted on this forum of various crops grown from seeds genetically modified within Russia.  Now I dont like the concept of GMO's, but well.....
    Sadly, it is a fact. Dutch are premier supplier of seeds - tulip madness did indeed amount to something. And for all the talk of "import-substitution" we still rely on them for everything from onions to wheat...
    Maybe this latest occasion will finally motivate us to get our ass in gear, but it will be still painful.

    I am not saying you are wrong, but is there anything I can read about this?

    Interesting you guys are reliant on their seeds while we are reliant on American Monsanto seeds.

    Although, I imagine if you guys cant source it from the dutch anymore, you will just source it from India or somewhere else. I doubt it will cause any trouble or delay.

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    Post  kvs Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:14 pm

    This Dutch seeds issue looks like a Yeltsin legacy. It needs to be rectified ASAP.

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    Post  miketheterrible Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:26 pm

    kvs wrote:This Dutch seeds issue looks like a Yeltsin legacy.   It needs to be rectified ASAP.

    It will. People underestimated Russia for so much and import substitution has done absolute wonders. Doesn't mean it stops because of sanctions. On the contrary, it further drives more import substitution.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 05, 2022 2:40 am

    Independence only makes sense when it is needed, because it costs time and money and resources that could often be better put to something else.

    Up to now it made sense to buy dutch seeds because they were likely good quality and relatively cheap and it was something they sold commercially which means they probably have a rather efficient and effective setup to handle everything.

    Well now it will likely no longer be available, so Russia needs to look in two different directions... other countries that are not part of the west that can replace the dutch as suppliers, but also growing the seeds themselves...

    The first might be problematic... you bought dutch seeds because of quality and price and volume I suspect... are there other countries that can supply the quality and volume at a reasonable price... it does not have to be just one country.

    The second will be more expensive but then with your excess food production capacity reducing that a little to produce your own quality GMO free and pesticide free seeds would be something you could export to other countries in direct competition with the dutch so they learn pretty quick that trying to hurt Russia also hurts themselves.

    Edit: I would add that part of looking elsewhere for other potential suppliers is important because Russia likely buys a few things from the dutch and so finding other suppliers of those things would be important too because anything they do sanction needs to be replaced and anything they don't sanction they wont sanction because it means too much to them to cut you off, so finding alternatives for everything you buy from them, and also alternative markets for everything they buy from you will be useful even if you don't use them straight away.

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    Post  Kiko Sun Mar 06, 2022 7:05 am

    miketheterrible wrote:
    kvs wrote:This Dutch seeds issue looks like a Yeltsin legacy.   It needs to be rectified ASAP.

    It will. People underestimated Russia for so much and import substitution has done absolute wonders. Doesn't mean it stops because of sanctions. On the contrary, it further drives more import substitution.

    Within the framework of the Russian Food Security Doctrine, there must be a National Seed Production and Distribution Programme with adequate state financing and coordination.

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    Post  Kiko Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:06 pm

    Russia temporarily halts grain exports, 15.03.2022.

    Restrictions cover shipments to post-Soviet states.

    Russia has temporarily banned grain exports to the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) to protect the domestic food market amid mounting pressure from Ukraine-related sanctions on the country’s economy.

    According to a decree signed late on Monday by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Russia will not export wheat, rye, barley and maize to neighboring EAEU states until June 30. These states include Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and share a free customs zone with Russia, with supplies to the union not subject to Russia's grain export quotas and taxes.

    However, according to Deputy Prime Minister Viktoria Abramchenko, the export of grain within the quota under individual licenses would not be banned.

    The decree also prohibits the export of white and raw sugar to third countries until August 31.

    The ban is a necessary measure “to protect the domestic food market in the face of external constraints,” a government statement said.

    The world's largest wheat exporter, Russia, has seen its foreign sales plunge by nearly a third since the beginning of the 2021-2022 agricultural year (July 1, 2021) to March 10, due to a poor harvest, the Ministry of Agriculture said on Monday. The country’s overall grain exports also dropped, with barley deliveries dwindling by 34.7% to 2.9 million tons, and corn shipments falling by 21.7% to 1.8 million tons.

    Global grain prices have been on the rise due to supply shortages and amid concerns over future supply issues related to the crisis in Ukraine, which, combined with Russia, accounts for about 30% of global wheat exports. Analysts have been voicing concerns that the current situation may lead to a full-blown global food crisis.

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    Post  miketheterrible Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:15 pm

    Russia needs to get an idea of what it's domestic consumption rate is and work towards that then look at export.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Mar 16, 2022 4:36 am

    Actually producing their own seeds would be a valuable product for the export market... I rather suspect it is not just Russia that buys dutch seeds and is therefore reliant on good will from the west to grow their crops... perhaps Russia could become the seed bank for the rest of the world, selling GMO free and pesticide free seeds to the world... that would be highly technical as they could optimise the seed breeds to each location around the world for optimal performance...

    I suspect if you are selling to Asian and African and American markets then that would be an enormous volume of seeds, but if the dutch can manage it in their tiny country it obviously does not take up a lot of land space...

    This means the dutch will get the satisfaction of seeing the hit on Russian food production for a short period, which might make them feel better about the loss of income for not selling them the seeds they normally buy each year, but in the long term they will now have a seed selling competitor that will have lower operating costs and pay much lower wages paid in Rubles rather than Euros... talk about short term gain for long term pain... for Europe.

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    Post  Kiko Fri Mar 18, 2022 10:22 pm

    We will definitely not starve, but other countries are a question, by Denis Skrypka for VZGLYAD. 18.03.2022.

    While other industries are only looking around in confusion, the agricultural sector is already entering the fields. In Russia, everything will be all right with food - it cannot but be with our resources. But I can't say the same about other countries.

    The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) is in shock. The text signed by its CEO, posted on the central page of the official website, formulated an absolutely unambiguous call to all participants in the global food market and governments of all countries to stop the sanctions race and urgently correct what has already been heaped up.

    The whole essence of the article, by the way, written in quite human language: Russia is too global player in the market of agricultural products and its components, and by punishing it with sanctions, the West is actually punishing the whole world.

    The facts are not to be dismissed:

    – More than 1/3 of world grain exports are accounted for by Russia and Ukraine. More than 50 countries around the world depend on this grain for more than 30% of their total grain consumption.

    - According to various estimates, from 50 to 60% of the world's sunflower oil is also in Russia and Ukraine. We are world leaders in the export of rapeseed oil.

    – The key suppliers of mineral (nitrogen and potash) fertilizers for the EU, Central Asia and North Africa are Russia and Belarus.

    In all the conflicts of the last century, all sides tried to observe the rule “we do not touch the food chains”. Precisely because the world has been truly global for many, many years. Now, sanctions and direct bans at all levels are tearing supply chains and agricultural production to shreds. This is a view from above. And now about what we have inside.

    The other day I was at an industry conference on the topic of the beginning of a new production season in the agro-industrial complex. From the important voice:

    - Food crisis. Global. That is, the world. Not even a crisis, but almost a catastrophe. Moreover, it did not start with the beginning of the operation in Ukraine. And a couple of years ago. Now just at one point everything came together and no longer shut up. Everyone in the industry is aware of this.

    - Under-application of mineral fertilizers around the world, from the levels of previous years this year is projected from 20 to 40%. For you to understand, the weight of fertilizers in the yield of major crops is 30-40%. Why no fertilizer? Soaring gas prices, disruption of global logistics (even since the pandemic), insane sanctions against Belarus and Russia. Why insane - see the next paragraph.

    – In Russia: critical zones are seed material, primarily for sunflower, corn and sugar beet. Some components of plant protection products in crop production. Spare parts and equipment - it hurts a lot, but we'll get out. In animal husbandry, poultry farming has the most problems - almost 100% of live bait (fertilized eggs) is imported. Well, for pigs in the field of veterinary medicine - key vaccines are completely imported.

    - From the previous paragraphs, the forecast follows - a total of 15-20% yield loss only for these factors. But! These are problems, in fact, next season. Because in serious agro-industrial production, everything is laid in the fall. And winter crops this year for the first time in almost five years, for the most part, develop in favorable weather conditions. First of all, moisture.

    - And most importantly: everything produced now will remain domestically. Even if I would really like to take it out and sell it at those insane prices that are published on the exchange charts. Export closed. And not even prohibitions and financial restrictions. Physically, there is no transport for large shipments. Neither sea nor railway. And cars - do not dung. And this is not our initiative.

    This, I want to remind you, is the view of direct market participants. At work, I myself constantly communicate directly with farmers of very different sizes and levels across the country. Now these conversations have become even more active and more substantive. And now I can already summarize everything I heard in several theses, reflecting the plans and moods of direct agricultural producers:

    - all available areas and everything for which there is enough planting material will be sown and processed. "Eat everything!";

    - where there is not enough "professional" seeds, selected commercial grain from stocks will be used;

    - the problem with equipment and spare parts is being solved and will be solved by all available means and peasant ingenuity;

    – are ready to feed both their country and Ukraine. “We understand everything, we won’t let anyone starve,” I heard everywhere;

    – There are fertilizers in the country and there are more and more offers. It is noticeable to everyone.

    I can say that I have not seen such composure and in a good evil determination to do my job for a long time. And while other branches are only looking around in confusion, the agricultural sector is already entering the fields. In Russia, everything will be all right with food - it cannot but be with our resources. But I can't say the same about other countries.

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    Post  Kiko Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:46 pm

    As expected, they're banging their openly stupid laughing faces against the wall:

    Food becomes the weapon of the West, by Olga Samofalova for VZGLYAD. March 23, 2022.

    Russia and Ukraine account for almost a third of world wheat exports. Western countries are warning about the coming colossal shortage of grain and an even greater rise in prices. Will the main buyers - the countries of North Africa and the Middle East - be able to find an alternative to Russian wheat? And why do large Western agricultural companies stay in Russia?

    American farmers are concerned about the unprecedented drought in the south of the country, in particular, in Kansas. This will deal a serious blow to the grain harvest. Weather is a traditional factor that is beyond human control and makes adjustments to the grain harvest. However, this year the drought in the US is far from the main factor for the formation of shortages and rising prices for grains and wheat. The situation in Ukraine and the Western sanctions strikes against Russia pose even more threats to the established order in the global grain market. The markets for the US and Russian-Ukrainian suppliers are different. However, the reduction of supply in several regions at once promises much more negative consequences for the world.

    The European Union and Greece should prepare for a shortage of grain in the market, Greek First Deputy Foreign Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis said on Tuesday. Cereal prices have already risen in Europe. The shortage will mean significant price increases and unrest in the wider region, especially in North Africa and the Middle East, the Greek minister said.

    Russia is on the list of the world's largest grain suppliers, and sanctions in this area will lead to “deficit and price increases and will especially hit the poorest countries,” emphasizes the Eastern Committee of the German Economy, which brings together German companies in Eastern Europe and the CIS. They believe that sanctions should not lead to the complete destruction of the Russian economy and the impoverishment of the population. Because a complete rupture of European-Russian economic ties is completely counterproductive for the peaceful future of Europe.

    French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian demanded to deal with the problem of food security. According to him, the scale of grain production in Ukraine and Russia is known, and the consequences in Ukraine are already visible: the impossibility of harvesting, sowing and exporting. The situation in Ukraine could provoke a global food crisis as early as 2022, French Minister of Agriculture and Food Julien Denormandie told Le Figaro.

    Russia and Ukraine together provide about 26% of world wheat exports. Russia accounts for 16% of world exports, Ukraine for 10%

    (data from the USDA). For many years, Russia has been moving towards regaining its leadership in wheat exports. And she achieved this by 2018, seriously increasing her market share and overtaking both the United States and the European Union in this indicator.

    The situation in Ukraine and the sanctions strike by the West on Russia may lead to a reduction in wheat exports from Russia and a reduction in the harvest in Ukraine. Deliveries of Ukrainian grain through the Sea of ​​Azov have already been stopped. The Black Sea ports continue to operate, although not at full capacity. Therefore, Russia continues to export. In March, it can export more than 2 million tons of wheat, subject to good weather, Dmitry Rylko, general director of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR), predicts. This will be a good result if the problems with logistics and payment due to sanctions do not make their own adjustments. Egypt and Turkey, as the main buyers of Russian wheat, are trying to import as much grain from Russia as possible this month.

    The main buyers of inexpensive Black Sea wheat are African and Asian importers. Thus, Qatar, Rwanda, Kyrgyzstan, Egypt depend on 80% of wheat supplies from Russia, and Turkey depends on 70%.

    If, for one reason or another, grain exports from Russia stop or are limited, then these countries will have to look for alternative suppliers. The West will probably not dare directly to ban wheat exports from Russia. But it doesn't have to be to hurt. The US can threaten sanctions against ships that call at Russian ports or deal with "toxic" Russian goods. And this will immediately make it difficult to export grain from Russia. Another option is that Russia itself could ban grain exports as a retaliatory measure or to ensure its own food security against the backdrop of price chaos and shortages in world markets.

    Either scenario will lead to a shortage and an even more serious increase in wheat prices, which already reached a 14-year high in the first week of Russia's special operation in Ukraine.

    Will buyers from Africa and Asia be able to find an alternative to Russian and Ukrainian wheat? In addition to Russia and Ukraine, which account for 26% of world wheat exports, there is also the EU, which occupies 18% of the market, Australia - 13%, USA - 11%, India - 5%. In the EU, they have already started talking about the need to sow all available unused fields, but they are talking about fodder crops - soybeans and corn, which should be fed to livestock. The US will have problems with the wheat harvest due to drought. The local Department of Agriculture says US farmers will grow only slightly more wheat this year than they did last year.

    Australia is trying to produce and export more, but has not yet been able to move up significantly. There is also talk of a modest increase in exports, if it happens at all. India itself consumes a lot of wheat, but has recently begun to export it in small quantities. This country may well take advantage of high wheat prices and increase its exports. Alternative suppliers are located in more remote regions (USA, Australia, India), which will, of course, make the delivery of goods more expensive.

    In any case, no other producer is able to completely replace the Ukrainian and Russian volumes of wheat so quickly. Therefore, a fierce price struggle will begin for scarce expensive wheat. The "extra" wheat will go to those countries that can pay a higher price for it. In an unequal struggle, the richer developed countries will win, and the poorest will lose, where the proportion of hungry will inevitably continue to grow. Food products have already become more expensive than ever, and the withdrawal of Russian and Ukrainian wheat from the market will make bread and flour more expensive.

    Rising food, fertilizer and energy prices as a result of the situation in Ukraine threaten to cause a global food crisis, said UN Secretary General António Guterres. “The effects are already being felt around the world with soaring food, energy and fertilizer prices. This threatens to turn into a global famine,” he said. According to him, it is necessary to "stop hostilities and give peace a chance."

    Unlike a number of Western companies, such as Ikea, McDonald's, the largest agricultural companies are not fleeing Russia. For example, Cargill, Bayer and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) have ignored calls to cut ties with Russia and continue to sell seeds and farm crops in Russia. Because they understand that we are talking about the availability of food both for the Russians themselves and for residents of other countries.

    So, last week, some Ukrainian and American organizations in the field of ecology and agriculture wrote a letter demanding that Cargill completely leave Russia, WSJ notes. This company has been operating in our country since 1964. She runs local livestock feed and grain factories – and has refused to shut them down. “Food is a basic need, it should never be used as a weapon,” retorted Cargill, which back in the 1990s bought the Efremovsky glucose-treacle plant in the Tula region, then built an oil extraction plant in the Volgograd region , an elevator in the Voronezh region and more.

    The German company Bayer also said that food restrictions would only increase the loss of life. Therefore, the company has already supplied Russian farmers with both seeds and pesticides needed for crops. Another producer of pesticides and seed grains, Syngenta, is also continuing to supply seeds and chemicals to Russian farmers to alleviate the global food crisis. Her business in Russia and Ukraine is estimated at one billion dollars. ADM, Bunge and Viterra will also continue to operate in Russia, as will the grain division of commodity giant Glencore. But they will restrict some operations and expansion. ADM, along with Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus, is one of the world's top four agricultural commodity traders. ADM is a traditional American agro-industrial company, which operates in many emerging markets, including Russia. In 2018, ADM bought out 50% of the division for the production of starches and syrups from the Rostov holding Aston for 3 billion rubles.

    Back in 2004-2005, the American company Bunge acquired elevators in the Krasnodar Territory and the Voronezh Region and a grain terminal in Rostov-on-Don. In 2008, the company commissioned an oil extraction plant in the Voronezh region, where it produces the well-known sunflower oil of the Oleina and Ideal brands.

    The fact that Russian wheat exports continue now also indicates that international traders have decided not to exacerbate food problems in the world.

    The UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimated that about 13 million people would be on the verge of starvation due to rising food prices and supply disruptions. It will not be Western countries that impose sanctions that will suffer in the first place, but low-income countries. There are fears that a coming food crisis could lead to food riots.

    The surge raised concerns about food security and brings back memories more than a decade ago, when price spikes led to food riots in more than 30 countries, including Africa and the Middle East.

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    Post  kvs Thu Mar 24, 2022 12:10 am

    Russia should prioritize exports to the global south. Let EU-tards eat shit.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 24, 2022 6:52 am

    Respect to those companies not willing to see people starve for politics... respekt

    People in Russia wont starve, but in the third world more will die because the west are a bunch of censored

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    Post  miketheterrible Fri Mar 25, 2022 6:44 pm

    Kuban became the first region of Russia to fully switch to domestic wheat seeds

    In addition, Kuban is virtually independent of the supply of imported grape seedlings. According to RBC with reference to the regional administration, in 2022 Kuban nurseries will produce up to 4 million seedlings of local selection.

    Here we do not depend on imported seedlings. We focus on our own selection. Therefore, the prospects for the future harvest this year are good.

    The head of the region also said that the sowing campaign in the region is not in danger, everything necessary for its implementation in the Kuban is there.

    Today, the number one task is to provide the domestic market with high-quality Kuban products. The sowing campaign is running normally.

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    Post  Kiko Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:22 pm

    Food and prosperity: how Russian farmers will cope with the current crisis, by Athanasius Lavrinenko, Evgenia Pertseva for Izvestia. 05.04.2022.

    Putin set a task for the agro-industrial complex to bring agriculture to outstripping growth rates.

    Russia is able to provide lower prices for products in the domestic market than in the world . On April 5, Vladimir Putin stated this at a meeting on the development of the agro-industrial and fishery complexes. As for the main food groups, the Russian market is fully provided with its own production . Nevertheless, against the backdrop of the current crisis , the Russian Federation should be more prudent in the supply of products abroad, the president believes . Meanwhile, in the coming years, the authorities plan to bring agriculture to faster growth rates - above 3%.

    World crisis

    Against the backdrop of a difficult situation in the international arena, Vladimir Putin holds regular meetings on the situation in key sectors of the economy. This time, government members, heads of Russian banks and other structures focused on issues related to the processing industry and food production.

    The situation on the global food market over the past two years has noticeably worsened, the head of the Russian Federation noted. According to him, mistakes in the economic, energy and food policies of developed countries have led to a sharp increase in food prices around the world.

    “ And the situation has only gotten worse in recent weeks ,” he added. - Against the backdrop of minimal food supplies in the world, new sanctions are being introduced, the work of enterprises and the logistics of supplying fertilizers from Russia and Belarus are blocked, and their own production of fertilizers in the West is falling due to high prices for natural gas, which is also the result of their activities, in fact , — our partners in the West.

    Under the current conditions, a shortage of fertilizers on the global market is inevitable and not all countries will be able to purchase the required volume for the current season , Vladimir Putin is sure. As a result, productivity will also decrease. At the same time, the president warned that developed countries would try to "pull the flow of food onto themselves" through the mechanism of financial emission . And this, in turn, will exacerbate food shortages in the world's poorest regions, spur new waves of migration and, in general, provoke an additional increase in food prices.

    Against this background, Vladimir Putin called for an increase in the production and supply to the domestic market of not only high-quality, but also affordable food products , including fish products, in order to minimize negative external effects for Russians. This, according to him, is a key task this year.

    “At the same time, it is strategically important to reduce the dependence of the domestic agro-industrial complex and the fishing industry on import purchases, and along the entire chain, as they say, from the field to the counter,” the head of the Russian Federation said.

    Particular attention, according to the president, should be paid to such items as seeds and breeding products, vitamins, feed additives, plant protection products . Clear guidelines for import substitution are required here, he believes. However, Russia has been working on the development of the agro-industrial complex since 2014 , when Western countries began to actively impose sanctions, recalled Galina Ryazanova, associate professor of the Department of Institutional Economics at the State University of Management, in an interview with Izvestia. Over the past seven years, agricultural production has increased by 15% and food production by more than 25% .

    What is and what is missing

    As for the main food groups, the Russian domestic market is fully provided with its own goods . Moreover, for some of them (sunflower oil or grain), the capacities of domestic enterprises cover demand in excess, Vladimir Putin noted. So, at the end of 2020, the Russian Federation became a net exporter of agricultural products . That is, Russia sells more food and agricultural products abroad than it buys.

    At the moment, Russian deliveries cover about 160 countries of the world , the head of the Russian Federation said. This year, however, food exports will have to be more prudent, the president warned. At the same time, he stressed that the increased production volumes make it possible to ensure food prices in Russia are lower than on the world market.

    Russia, indeed, has no problems with final products, the level of self-sufficiency is very high , Georgy Ostapkovich, director of the HSE Center for Market Research, told Izvestia. He explained that the country has a high level of localization of pork production (almost 100%), beef - 70-75% (the rest is imported by Brazil and Argentina), milk - 60-70% (about 30% is imported by Belarus). Therefore, the population with low incomes will be able to get the basic goods necessary for life, the expert specified.

    While high-income people will be able to compensate for premium and luxury products in other countries, he is sure. In production, the situation is different - the Russian Federation depends on the import of seeds, such as potatoes, sugar beets, and crosses (breed hybrids) of chickens and bulls are also actively imported into the country . In addition, manufacturers need foreign harvesting equipment, packaging and other components of the process. However, at the meeting, Vladimir Putin set the task of increasing the production of domestic agricultural machinery, food equipment and components for fishing vessels.

    If in the field of production of meat and dairy products and crop production, Russia is almost completely ready to provide for itself, then in the field of breeding and breeding materials, the situation is not so good , added in an interview with Izvestia, a professor at the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations of the State University of Management Galina Sorokina. According to her, the classical market mechanisms, without the protectionist policy of the state, could almost destroy the enterprises and research institutes involved in breeding.

    — The fact is that modern technologies and high production volumes made it possible to sell livestock genetic resources and seeds at significantly lower prices than similar products of national producers, which led to a series of bankruptcies and the exit of Russian breeders from the market. Although Rospotrebnadzor periodically made claims about the quality of foreign genetic material, the expert explained.

    As a result, for example, the share of imported crosses in the production of poultry meat is about 95%. A similar situation is with sugar beet seeds, and seeds of domestic corn and sunflower breeding are less than 40%, the expert concluded.

    Despite all the difficulties, the authorities set themselves ambitious goals. According to the president, in the coming years, domestic agriculture and food production should reach outstripping growth rates - above 3% . During the meeting, Vladimir Putin supported the government's idea to allocate at least an additional 153 billion rubles to support the agro-industrial complex.

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