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    Russian Agriculture News


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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  Hole Mon Jul 18, 2022 1:03 pm

    Russian Agriculture News - Page 22 Fx8nva10
    Back to real news  Very Happy

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  Kiko Thu Jul 28, 2022 11:42 am

    Egypt terminated contracts for the purchase of 240 thousand tons of wheat from Ukraine, 28.07.2022.

    The General Directorate of Egypt for the supply of goods canceled contracts under which the country was supposed to receive 240,000 tons of wheat from Ukraine, sources say.

    Wheat was purchased in December for $346-360 per ton, but due to the situation in Ukraine, the goods never arrived. Reuters reports that Egypt has "released" suppliers of Nibulon and Inerco from obligations, RIA Novosti reports.

    At the end of last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov paid a working visit to Egypt. Recall that Egypt increased purchases of Russian wheat almost three times - from 41 thousand to 114.6 thousand tons. It was also reported that Egypt wanted to join the BRICS. Egyptian banks decided to connect to the Russian payment system "Mir".

    State Duma Deputy Oleg Morozov, commenting on the agreement on the creation of a grain corridor for the export of agricultural products from Ukraine via the Black Sea, pointed out that Russia clearly understands what problems its close partners in Africa, for example, Egypt, have with food, and in every possible way contributes to improving the situation: “The deal will be another signal from Moscow to African countries so that they understand who is their friend and who is their enemy.”

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    Post  Kiko Tue Aug 02, 2022 1:21 am

    Purchases of grain to the state fund to stabilize prices began in Russia, by Tatyana Karabut for Rossiskaya Gazeta. 01.08.2022.

    Grain purchases for the State Intervention Fund have started in Russia. With its help, it is possible to stabilize grain prices and provide millers and bakers with raw materials at affordable prices.

    According to the National Commodity Exchange (NTB, part of the Moscow Exchange group), the first day of trading on August 1 ended without a result. All 12 auctions have been cancelled. It was planned to purchase 16.2 thousand tons of wheat of the third class of crops in 2021 and 2022.

    The Ministry of Agriculture explained to RG that the lack of sales following the results of the first exchange trading as part of government procurement interventions in the grain market was due to nothing more than technical reasons related to the accreditation procedure for bidders. Grain purchases by NTB are also scheduled for August 2 - it is planned to purchase 16.2 thousand tons of wheat of the 4th class of last year's harvest. And on August 4, in terms of trading - 10.8 thousand tons of wheat of the 3rd and 4th classes of the 2021 crop.

    In total, as part of state interventions, this year it is planned to purchase up to 1 million tons of grain in the regions of Siberia, the Urals and central Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture reported earlier. Over the next few years, the state fund is planned to be increased to 3 million tons of grain - these reserves will be enough for two to three months. In addition, this year, for the first time, purchases will begin for the state fund of sugar: it is planned to purchase 90,000 tons, and in the coming years to expand to 250,000 tons.

    In the event of a sharp rise in prices, grain will be sold to producers of certain types of bread and bakery products, as well as wheat, rye-wheat and rye flour. This will allow the market to "cool down" and maintain a stable situation, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

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    Post  Scorpius Tue Aug 02, 2022 1:23 am

    The harvesting campaign on the Crimean Peninsula is nearing completion. To date, more than 2 million tons of winter cereals and legumes have been harvested in Crimea.
    Today, the harvest has been harvested from an area of 558 thousand hectares of early grain and leguminous crops (95% of arable land), about 2.079 million tons have been harvested.
    In the post—Soviet period, 2017 was a record year - then 1.73 million tons of grain were threshed.
    The result of 2022 is close to the absolute record of Soviet times — in 1989, collective farmers collected 2.236 million tons of grain.

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    Post  Kiko Tue Aug 02, 2022 7:30 pm

    The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia will develop a plan for an accelerated transition to seeds of domestic selection, 02.08.2022.

    The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia will develop a plan for the accelerated transition of the crop industry to seeds of domestic selection.

    This is reported by TASS with reference to the statement of the ministry.

    “In the near future, it is necessary to develop a roadmap for the transition of the industry to domestic seed material for sunflower and other crops. In particular, in order to accelerate the introduction of Russian selection in agricultural production, it is planned, by analogy with mineral fertilizers, to form a plan for the purchase of seeds broken down by region," the ministry noted.

    Earlier, Russian Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev, during the plenary session of the All-Russian Field Day 2022, announced the readiness of the authorities to increase direct support for farmers.

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  Scorpius Sat Aug 06, 2022 7:07 pm

    As of August 5, 55 million tons of grain have been harvested in Russia. 27% of the area has been processed. It is a realistic achievable goal to collect 130 million tons this year.

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    Post  Scorpius Sat Aug 06, 2022 7:25 pm

    Let me give some retrospect. RIA article in 2010:

    "In 2010, farms of all categories (agricultural organizations, farmers, population), according to calculations, harvested 60.9 million tons of grain in weight after completion... This year, grain has been harvested by 37.3% less than the level of the previous year," the report of the statistical office says.

    MOSCOW, Dec 30 - RIA Novosti. Rosstat calculated the grain harvest in Russia in 2010: it amounted to 60.9 million tons in net weight, which is 37.3% less than in 2009, when 97.1 million were harvested, but slightly higher than the data announced by the authorities, who estimated the harvest at 60.3-60.5 million tons.

    These summer dry conditions have developed on the territory of the Volga, Ural, parts of the Southern and Central Federal Districts. The death of crops occurred on an area of more than 13.3 million hectares, which is 30% of the area of crops in the affected regions, 17% of the total sown area of the Russian Federation or 30% of the total sown area of grain crops in the country.

    "In 2010, farms of all categories (agricultural organizations, farmers, population), according to calculations, harvested 60.9 million tons of grain in weight after completion... This year, grain has been harvested by 37.3% less than the level of the previous year," the report of the statistical agencies says.

    Earlier, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Government of the Russian Federation reported two figures for the grain harvest this year - 60.3 and 60.5 million tons. As previously explained by the president of the Russian Grain Union Arkady Zlochevsky, the agar department is based on data coming from the regions, and Rosstat conducts more accurate calculations.

    For comparison: the grain harvest in Russia in 2007 amounted to 81.5 million tons, in 2008 - 108.2 million tons.

    Rosstat also reports that 5.3 million tons of sunflower were harvested in farms of all categories in 2010, which is 17.3% less than in 2009. The sugar beet harvest decreased by 10.7% to 22.2 million tons.

    According to Rosstat, for next year's harvest, winter grain crops in agricultural organizations on December 1, 2010 were sown on an area of 11.1 million hectares, which is 17.8% less than a year ago. The finch was plowed on 21.2 million hectares against 20.8 million hectares on the same date in 2009.

    Article in the newspaper "Trud" dated October 12, 2000:

    Of course, this can be considered a victory. After all, the state loaf has become heavier by 10 million tons. But if not for the losses, the gain could be twice as much...

    The top officials of the state are generally satisfied that the current loaf is noticeably larger than last year's. The Russian president stressed that "such a grain harvest gives the country the opportunity to get away from foreign dependence in this area," and thanked the Kuban, Altai, Orenburg peasants who distinguished themselves in the battle for bread...
    At the same time, the head of state directly stated that the agricultural sector of the economy is a priority, and the future belongs to large-scale commodity production. In previous years, it seemed that not collective farms (renamed AO, LLP), but a newly minted class of farmers would feed the country. But now it is clear to everyone: the sole proprietors practically do not grow grain. They feed us just collective farms, which for the first time in the last ten years are not blasphemed, but praised. For the fact that in the most difficult conditions - without equipment, fuel, often without wages, on naked enthusiasm - most of the crop was grown and harvested on time - 68 million tons. A big one, because losses, and serious ones, could not be avoided. They will amount to almost 10 million tons - a billion dollars in monetary terms.
    It is on bread as a strategic product that the government intends to bet. It is not for nothing that the draft of the federal target program "Grain" has been developed and the task is set in it - to bring its production to 90-92 million tons by 2005. And this is impossible without the necessary amount of agricultural machinery, seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products. But first of all - without financial recovery of agricultural enterprises. Recently, in a conversation with a correspondent of "Labor", Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government Alexey Gordeev, who oversees the agricultural sector, said that the authorities consider the restructuring of rural debts to be the number one task. Of course, they will not be written off from all of them, but they will postpone the repayment of the main debts (30 billion rubles) for ten years and write off hopeless fines and penalties (in the amount of 74 billion). According to experts, within a year after the restructuring, about 70 percent of collective agricultural enterprises in Russia will work effectively.
    It is unlikely, of course, that Russia will become a "great grain power" in the foreseeable future. The main positions in the world bread market are firmly occupied by Americans, Canadians, and Argentines. But we have our own niche, albeit not very large, but the CIS countries, Turkey, North Korea and a number of other states. So, the door to the world market is not slammed in front of us either. In any case, it's time to realize that Russia's grain field is no less rich than oil, gas, and ore deposits.

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    Post  kvs Sat Aug 06, 2022 11:04 pm

    The year 2010 was a total weather outlier. We had a months long blocking event that resulted in floods in Pakistan and tinder dry
    conditions across Russia leading to vast forest fires and smoke choking cities like Moscow. There was no way that grain harvests
    would be normal that year. Only 5th column liberasts would blame the "regime" for this "failure". It was a freaking act of God.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Aug 08, 2022 11:58 pm

    Meat consumption in Russia may reach a new record, by Tatyana Karabut for Rossiskaya Gazeta. 08.08.2022.

    Despite the rising cost of food and sanctions pressure, by the end of the year, Russia is expected to increase the consumption of meat, milk, fruits and vegetables. At the same time, not only the amount of food eaten increases. Russians tend to diversify and improve their menu.

    In particular, last year's record for meat consumption may be broken this year. Last year it reached 77 kg per person per year, this year it may increase by another 1-2 kg due to an increase in pork production, experts of the Russian Agricultural Bank predict. At the same time, not just the amount of meat eaten is growing: turkey has ceased to be exotic, the consumption of duck, guinea fowl, geese, and quail meat is growing. As a result, the share of traditional chicken, pork, beef fell below 90%.

    Consumption of dairy products could rise by 1%, up to 243 kg per person per year. The main driver will be the growth in consumption of cheese and butter. Rosselkhozbank experts attribute this to the development of cheese making in the country. Smaller growers are experimenting with spices, molds and aging to attract buyers.

    In Russia, they eat 107-108 kg of vegetables per person per year. This is about the same as in Europe.

    Due to the emergence of new greenhouses, the consumption of vegetables is growing, including in remote regions of the Trans-Urals and the Far East. In the first quarter, production increased by about 5%. Such dynamics may continue at the end of the year, experts of the Russian Agricultural Bank believe. In addition to the usual cucumbers and tomatoes, the construction of greenhouses for growing peppers, eggplants and garden strawberries is expected. In total, Russians eat 107-108 kg of vegetables per person per year, which roughly corresponds to or even exceeds the level of consumption in most EU countries.

    Russians are also eating more and more fruits. This year, consumption could reach 64 kg per person per year. The share of imports remains high at the expense of citrus fruits and bananas, as these cannot be grown in the Russian climate. But after the introduction of the food embargo in 2014, fruits are imported from friendly or neutral countries (Turkey, Ecuador, Azerbaijan, South Africa, Egypt).

    Speaking about the trends in the food market in our country, one should not forget about the purchasing power of the population, the director of the Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after. V.M. Gorbatov RAS Oksana Kuznetsova. The same meat basket for a reason consists mostly of poultry meat, as the most affordable animal protein in our country. Many meat processors are also increasingly using poultry meat in sausages instead of beef and pork to keep their products available to customers. “All this tells us that consumption growth can be based not on an increase in production as such, but on an increase in the standard of living and well-being of our citizens, first of all. It is processing that most sensitively captures the mood of the consumer,” the expert says.

    Unconditional growth in the production of vegetables and fruits in our country will also be difficult to maintain in the absence of purchasing power and cardinal decisions to develop domestic agricultural science and investment activity in the field of domestic seed production, adds Kuznetsova.

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    Post  kvs Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:50 am

    Good news. Russians destroyed their health on the carb and vegetable oil diet of the 1990s and into the 2000s. Meat was and still
    is expensive and in the 1990s people simply could not afford it.

    The problem is that chicken and pork are ruined by being fed grains such as soy. The fat of these animals becomes laden with
    linoleic acid. If they had natural diets (e.g. free range chickens), then they would be ideal food sources.

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    Post  Kiko Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:15 am

    Expert predicted a record grain harvest in Russia, 08.14.2022.

    The grain harvest in Russia in 2022, according to the forecast of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR), can reach a record 145 million tons, said Dmitry Rylko, director of the institute.

    “A record high, about 145 million tons in total, and wheat - 95 million [tons]. This will be an absolute record,” TASS reports Rylko’s answer to a question about the projected grain harvest in Russia.

    Speaking about the possible risks for the harvest, the director of the institute noted the late harvest. Due to the possible deterioration of the weather in the regions of Central Russia and the Volga region, farmers may lose part of the crop, in addition, a decrease in its quality is possible.

    According to Rosstat, published in February, in 2021, the grain harvest in the Russian Federation amounted to 121.3 million tons. At the same time, the estimate of the wheat harvest was 76 million tons, including 53 million tons of winter wheat.

    Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Russia remains the number one exporter of wheat in the world. Prior to this, Putin said that the grain harvest in 2022 could reach 130 million tons.

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    Post  caveat emptor Sun Aug 14, 2022 4:49 pm

    This estimate looks to be on a very optimistic sides, as others predict possible record harvest, but below 140 million tons.

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  Scorpius Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:45 pm

    The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia confirms the existence of risks for farmers to achieve the forecast grain yield of 130 million tons (wheat – 87 million tons).
    The SovEcon analytical Center estimates the wheat harvest at 90.9 million tons.
    The Institute of Agricultural Market Conjuncture (ICAR) raised the forecast of wheat production to 95 million tons, the forecast of gross harvest reached 144.5 million tons.
    ​According to the latest estimate of the company ProZerno, 136.1 million tons of grain will be harvested in 2022, in particular 88.1 million tons of wheat.
    Rusagrotrans increased the forecast for the wheat harvest to 96.1 million tons, the forecast for the harvest of all cereals and legumes – 145.1 million tons.
    ​The Russian Grain Union gives a forecast for wheat harvest at the level of 83-84 million tons, total grain harvest – 123-125 million tons.
    The Ministry of Agriculture of the USA in its forecast indicates the wheat harvest in the Russian Federation in the amount of 81.5 million tons.
    The International Grain Council (IUCN) estimates wheat production in Russia at 85.2 million tons, the total grain harvest at 125.8 million tons.

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    Post  caveat emptor Sun Aug 14, 2022 9:22 pm

    I would go with Sovecon estimates, as Andrey Sizov is best in business. When new WASDE report comes out, all expectations are that forecast indicator will be revised higher.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:41 pm

    "Smena" (Change) has come: will the Russian broiler be able to displace American chickens, by Nikolai Guryanov for RIANOVOSTI. 08.18.2022.

    Chicken meat is the most popular meat among Russians. Most of it is produced in Russia, but 95 percent of breeding material and eggs are imported. Geneticists came up with a solution: they bred their own broilers. Will they be able to completely replace foreign ones - in the material of RIA Novosti.

    Western chickens have taken over Russia

    Chicken accounts for almost half of the country's meat consumption, at 34 kilograms per person per year. Products come mainly from Russian poultry farms. However, eggs and day-old chicks are purchased from abroad.

    The producer of a breeding herd receives a hybrid (cross) by crossing the so-called lines - genetically homogeneous birds with certain qualities. Usually they take the Cornish and Plymouth Rock breeds. The first is meat, with large muscles of the chest, thighs, and lower legs. The second has better reproduction. These are the ancestors. They produce parents with high egg production. And their chickens - actually broilers - are quite meaty. Ancestors and parents are sent to poultry farms, which are already making the final product.

    In the USSR , there were a dozen and a half of their own lines of chickens - egg, meat and meat-egg. But the industry did not survive the crisis of the 1990s. In recent decades, the Russian market has actually been divided between two manufacturers of breeding material - the British Aviagen Group and the American Cobb Vantress. The British supply crosses (interbreeding hybrids) of chickens Ross 308, the Americans - Cobb 500. According to various estimates, they control from 95 to 98 percent of the market (some experts even talk about 99).

    This did not suit the government at all. In addition, the dominance of only two players had a negative impact on the price. The disruption of logistics in the midst of the pandemic exacerbated the problem. And now the question of one's own genetics has become existential for the Russian poultry industry.

    "Change" instead of Ross

    The active development of their own analogues began several years ago. Adopted in 2020, the subprogram for the creation of a competitive broiler cross assumed that the share of Russian breeding chickens in the market would increase to 15 percent. They staked on the Sergiev Posad All-Russian Research Institute of Poultry (VNITIP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    The selection and genetic center "Change" at the institute is the only such Soviet institution that has survived the test of a market economy. It was possible to save the team and half a century of breeding experience.

    In 2016, on the basis of the Institute, the Federal Scientific Center (FSC) was created, which, in addition to VNITIP, included the Veterinary Institute of Poultry Farming ( Leningrad Region ) and the All-Russian Institute of Poultry Processing Industry ( Solnechnogorsk District,  Moscow Region ). Three breeding centers joined this scientific base. As a result, the cross "Change-9" was developed.

    Recently completed production tests. "The most interesting ones were carried out at enterprises where Ross 308 is grown - on the same equipment, with the same staff, on the same feed. According to the conclusion of these factories, our cross is not worse than imported in terms of productivity, and in some indicators it is better," tells RIA Novosti the director of the SGC "Change" Anatoly Komarov.

    Brawler Chickens

    Among the advantages of this cross is its adaptability to Russian conditions. As Komarov explains, it is primarily about the adaptability of the bird to local feed - in this sense, it is less demanding.

    Another plus of Smena-9 is stable reproduction at a stable growth rate. "Roosters of the paternal parental form provide a high fertility of eggs for the entire period of keeping, so replanting a young rooster is not required," VNITIP reported.
    All other key parameters are close to foreign analogues. “The bird has a good weight, there is no case,” says Alexander Timofeev, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of the Russian Economic University . “Meat is not only on the chest, but also on the paws, thighs. There is a lot of it even on the wings. They grow well. The weight of the carcass after cutting is 1600-2450 grams , mostly 1800-1900. The price is also pleasantly surprising - half as much as for imported broilers".

    Differences from Western crosses are minimal. Farmers note an increased difference in the weight of males and females. Smena-9 has more fat, but this is not critical. In addition, breeders say that our broiler has a more scandalous character: the bird does not like to be picked up and, if not taken care of, can scratch with sharp claws and beak.

    Yours is tastier

    Opinions on the taste of meat vary. Some like it more than Ross or Cobb, others less. However, according to experts, the consumer will not notice the difference.

    Komarov, referring to professional tasters, claims that "Smena-9" is still a little tastier than foreign analogues and surpasses them in tenderness , juiciness, richness of the broth, and aromatic properties.

    The taste, in addition to genetics, is influenced by the forage base and the degree of maturation of the meat.

    “If it grows very quickly, then it does not have time to gain the necessary qualities,” Komarov clarifies. “Our poultry maintains a balance of growth and maturation, the meat gets everything it needs for the best taste.”

    No worse than competitors

    To really compare Russian cross with foreign ones, you need a lot more data, experts say.

    “So far, the multiplication of Smena-9 commercial herds is not enough to compare commercial performance with the Cobb 500 and Ross 308 crosses,” says Albert Davleev, president of the international consulting company Agrifood Strategies. “A larger analysis of daily weight gain, feed conversion, egg production and many others is required parameters. Today, it is impossible to objectively assess the possibilities of domestic cross-country from the point of view of science, statistics and practice."

    Nevertheless, the expert notes that the first performance of experimental and limited industrial batches is relatively comparable with competitors from abroad.

    “When a hybrid enters a new environment, it performs well in the first generation. However, it is not clear whether it will be possible to stay at the same level,” he adds.
    According to him, the conditions at poultry farms can be different - as a rule, they are not as hot as where the first parents and grandparents were bred.

    Half of the chickens will be Russian

    The main advantage of Smena-9 is that it is Russian. "Regardless of what measures our "friends" take against us, we will be reliably provided with breeding products," says Galina Bobyleva, Director General of the Russian Poultry Union.

    According to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, the share of Russian breeding chickens set by the state program - at least 15 percent - can be significantly increased under sanctions.

    "Smena-9" has already been tested in poultry farms. The next task is to form the necessary number of breeding birds of parental forms for the acquisition of poultry farms. For this, a broiler breeding center is being built on the basis of the institute. Five billion rubles were allocated for the project. The VNITIP website states that the new capacities will make it possible to replace imports by 50 percent by 2025.

    Following the Sergiev Posad poultry breeding complexes of progenitor chickens are being erected throughout the country. Thus, "Smena" has concluded contracts for the construction of loudspeakers of the first (where grandparental herds are raised) and second (parental) orders with enterprises from several regions of Russia. One of them is being created in the Narofominsk region on the basis of the Elinar-Broiler poultry farm.

    “But this is the very beginning,” Davleev emphasizes. “The object is at the design stage. That is, we will get an idea of ​​the reproducibility of these new samples no earlier than in one and a half to two years.”

    In case of success, the export of Russian cross is also possible. Interest in Sergiev Posad broilers has already been shown in Belarus , Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan , and Tajikistan.

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    Post  caveat emptor Sun Aug 21, 2022 5:32 pm

    Russia’s wheat harvest estimate increasing with record yields

    MOSCOW, RUSSIA — Sovecon increased Russia’s 2022 wheat harvest estimate to 94.7 million tonnes from 90.9 million tonnes due to record yields in many regions and better prospects for spring wheat after recent rain, Reuters reported.

    Russia is the world’s largest wheat exporter, mainly to the Middle East and Africa.

    However, the higher estimate is not likely to have much impact on the global market because Russian exports “remain painfully slow,” Sovecon said.

    Banks, shippers and insurers are wary despite US assurances over sanctions related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, traders told Reuters.

    Sovecon’s forecast for all grain crops combined was raised to 142.6 million tonnes, including 20.6 million tonnes of barley and 15.1 million tonnes of maize (corn), it said, adding that the estimate is based on the area controlled by Russia at the start of 2022.

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    Post  Scorpius Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:43 am

    Bryansk region: The government notes that even Karachevskaya, not the most fertile land, gave 70 quintals of grain per hectare. And in some areas it is possible to collect about 130 record hundredweight.

    Bashkiria harvested more than 2 million tons of grain/

    In Tatarstan, farmers harvested 3.4 million tons of grain

    Oryol farmers harvested 2.64 million tons of grain with an average yield of 51 quintals/hectare

    In the 2022 season, the yield of winter wheat in the Lipetsk region is 44% higher than last year

    The potential of the Russian Federation to export wheat in this agricultural year exceeds 50 million tons

    Penza region is the leader in the Volga Federal District in terms of yield. The region wants to harvest 2.9 million tons of grain this year.

    In the Middle Urals, grain yields are twice as high as last year

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    Post  caveat emptor Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:55 pm

    They'll have to speed up exports, as they've been going pretty slow last two months. One of the reasons for it is a strong ruble. Otherwise, there will be problems with trying to store so much grain.

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    Post  Kiko Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:08 am

    Putin's 'secret triumph' revealed in Italy

    Corriere della Sera: the development of agriculture has become Putin's "secret triumph".

    MOSCOW, August 30 - RIA Novosti. The development of agriculture in Russia is a "secret triumph" of President Vladimir Putin, according to an article in Italy's Corriere della Sera by Federico Rampini.

    As the journalist writes, he recently "paid" for the fact that, surveying the food situation in the world, along with the good news about the decline in prices for grain and other agricultural products, he gave "another, but more inconvenient one: Russian agriculture is full of health," and this year Russia will achieve record grain exports despite "terrible scenarios".

    Agriculture is Vladimir Putin's "secret triumph," he points out. According to the author, he still remembers the times when American farmers "did not let Soviet citizens go hungry." "Now that memory is somewhere in the distant past. Under Putin, Russia has experienced a tremendous resurgence of agriculture," Rampini emphasizes.

    So, from 2000 to 2018, the export of agricultural products from Russia increased 16 times, and today the country produces more grain than the United States . Russia and the United States are third and fourth in world production after China and India , which, however, are home to 1.4 billion people, which is why they are forced to use most of the agricultural production for domestic needs.

    Another piece of good news that Moscow "particularly likes" but that the West tries to ignore has to do with the impact of global warming on agriculture, Rampini continues. "Climate change will harm agriculture in some regions, but will benefit it in others. Russia, along with Canada and the Scandinavian countries, is in a winning position," the author argues.

    As a result, depending on the year, Russia controls 13-16% of world grain exports, and by the end of 2022, Russian exports should exceed the level of last year. “Prices remain high, but don’t confuse inflation with shortages. There is an abundance of food in the world, only it is poorly distributed, and some political decisions lead to higher prices: take, for example, India’s decision to stop exporting grain and use it for domestic consumption,” concludes Rampini.

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    Post  ALAMO Tue Aug 30, 2022 8:23 am

    Kiko wrote:
    As a result, depending on the year, Russia controls 13-16% of world grain exports, and by the end of 2022, Russian exports should exceed the level of last year. “Prices remain high, but don’t confuse inflation with shortages. There is an abundance of food in the world, only it is poorly distributed, and some political decisions lead to higher prices: take, for example, India’s decision to stop exporting grain and use it for domestic consumption,” concludes Rampini.

    That part is valid only if we consider the Ukro production cap as the Ukro one Laughing
    Next season, the Russian contribution will be 20% at least.

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    Post  Scorpius Fri Sep 02, 2022 4:21 pm

    As of September 1, 2022, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 117,900 thousand tons of cereals and legumes were harvested, including: 86,900 thousand tons of wheat and 20,800 thousand tons of barley.

    As of September 1, 86.9 million tons of wheat were harvested, which is 20.9 million tons more than on the same date last year. Wheat was harvested from 21.8 million hectares (from 22 million hectares in 2021), the yield was 39.9 c/ha (30 c/ha). Barley was threshed from 6.5 million hectares (6.7 million hectares), 20.8 million tons (16.4 million tons) were harvested with a yield of 31.8 c/ha (24.6 c/ha). Corn for grain was harvested from 4.5 thousand hectares (27.7 thousand hectares), 23.2 thousand tons (122.9 thousand tons) were harvested, the yield was 51.1 c/ha (44.3 c/ha). In total, grain and leguminous crops were threshed from 32.5 million hectares (33.3 million hectares), 117.9 million tons (90.9 million tons) were harvested with a yield of 36.2 c/ha (27.3 c/ha).

    Judging by these figures, the level of 130 million tons will be reached, and probably exceeded.

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    Post  flamming_python Fri Sep 02, 2022 8:14 pm

    Kiko wrote:
    Putin's 'secret triumph' revealed in Italy

    Corriere della Sera: the development of agriculture has become Putin's "secret triumph".

    MOSCOW, August 30 - RIA Novosti. The development of agriculture in Russia is a "secret triumph" of President Vladimir Putin, according to an article in Italy's Corriere della Sera by Federico Rampini.

    As the journalist writes, he recently "paid" for the fact that, surveying the food situation in the world, along with the good news about the decline in prices for grain and other agricultural products, he gave "another, but more inconvenient one: Russian agriculture is full of health," and this year Russia will achieve record grain exports despite "terrible scenarios".

    Agriculture is Vladimir Putin's "secret triumph," he points out. According to the author, he still remembers the times when American farmers "did not let Soviet citizens go hungry." "Now that memory is somewhere in the distant past. Under Putin, Russia has experienced a tremendous resurgence of agriculture," Rampini emphasizes.

    So, from 2000 to 2018, the export of agricultural products from Russia increased 16 times, and today the country produces more grain than the United States . Russia and the United States are third and fourth in world production after China and India , which, however, are home to 1.4 billion people, which is why they are forced to use most of the agricultural production for domestic needs.

    Another piece of good news that Moscow "particularly likes" but that the West tries to ignore has to do with the impact of global warming on agriculture, Rampini continues. "Climate change will harm agriculture in some regions, but will benefit it in others. Russia, along with Canada and the Scandinavian countries, is in a winning position," the author argues.

    As a result, depending on the year, Russia controls 13-16% of world grain exports, and by the end of 2022, Russian exports should exceed the level of last year. “Prices remain high, but don’t confuse inflation with shortages. There is an abundance of food in the world, only it is poorly distributed, and some political decisions lead to higher prices: take, for example, India’s decision to stop exporting grain and use it for domestic consumption,” concludes Rampini.

    It's hardly a secret

    It's a well known fact. Published widely even by the Western media, the Russian agro counter-sanctions since 2014 aimed at developing their own agriculture.

    That these numb-nuts had no idea about anything Russia and thought it would collapse within a few weeks of invading the Ukraine because it's a gas station masquerading as a country is their problem really

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    Post  ALAMO Fri Sep 02, 2022 8:32 pm

    It is news for people living in a vault.
    Respect it, you misogynic homophobic piece of shit!
    Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Post  GarryB Sat Sep 03, 2022 6:19 am

    The stereotype was that Russia is a frozen country that can't produce their own food so they have to import it from the west, so to start with the west thought Russias ban on EU food imports was a great idea... when they failed to solve their own food problems the EU could dictate to Russia from a position of real power.

    When they solved their own problems (most of which being it is hard to start a food business in Russia when competing with cheap imports from the EU) and got production going, it turns out that they seem to be more efficient than European farmers who often get hidden subsidies from their governments... cheats built in to WTO rules to protect their own.

    The irony of the Europeans later going to the WTO over Russian import bans on their products was so salty... Smile

    The current problem is lack of shipping capacity and insurance capacity that Russia will have to deal with because most are European influenced or controlled... but again... it is just another opportunity for Russia and China and India and Brazil and South Africa etc etc... it is a lucrative business that is going to be profitable...

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    Post  ALAMO Sat Sep 03, 2022 9:38 am

    GarryB wrote:The stereotype was that Russia is a frozen country that can't produce their own food so they have to import it from the west, so to start with the west thought Russias ban on EU food imports was a great idea... when they failed to solve their own food problems the EU could dictate to Russia from a position of real power.
    When they solved their own problems (most of which being it is hard to start a food business in Russia when competing with cheap imports from the EU) and got production going, it turns out that they seem to be more efficient than European farmers who often get hidden subsidies from their governments... cheats built in to WTO rules to protect their own.
    The irony of the Europeans later going to the WTO over Russian import bans on their products was so salty...  Smile
    The current problem is lack of shipping capacity and insurance capacity that Russia will have to deal with because most are European influenced or controlled... but again... it is just another opportunity for Russia and China and India and Brazil and South Africa etc etc... it is a lucrative business that is going to be profitable...

    This stereotype is well established, as that is being done by purpose.
    Just take any random western movie that tells a story happening in Russia. Or the Soviet Union, it is irrelevant.
    You will find a rainy, foggy, windy, snowy&cathastrophic landscape, and people wearing thick potato bags on them.
    All of them are notorious sad, drunkards, lacking perspective, and can be killed or missing at any moment, with the terrifying and mighty KGB in the background.
    This is a Russian picture portrayed for generations.
    How a people living in it can realize the matter, and I mean it?
    Most of the people have no bloody idea, that Russia extends itself on the Pacific coast, with crystal waves, sea mammals, orcas, whales and dolphins.
    And yes, they can produce hundreds of things there, from seaweed to shrimps.
    The climate on the Black Sea coast is comparable to the Med, with the average sun hours yearly in pair with the well-known Spanish resorts.
    And yes, they can produce tons of things there, including wine, chees, and olives. Olive oil is not produced on the scale in Russia, as olive trees would compete with other, more endemic agriculture. Just the same way as my neighborhood ceased to produce wine in the XIX century, the areal was used for less problematic and more economically intense hop.
    Still, Cistercian monks harvested wine grapes well into XIX century. And produced the wine from it being on pair with the Mosel ones.
    Agriculture is a science as well, in the Soviet Union agroscientists created a grapevine that was quite OK in the Leningrad region, or even further north.
    Russia and the north of Europe will benefit from the climate changes, the very same way as Canada.

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