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    New Zealand and Australia relationship


    Posts : 100
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    Join date : 2014-09-03

    New Zealand and Australia relationship  Empty New Zealand and Australia relationship

    Post  type055 Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:08 am

    In my mind NZ and Aus have very similar culture

    both have very good  scenery, and abundant natural resourses

    NZ to Aus  is like Canada to US

    they have very good relationsip, no conflict ,   I  don't know much about their relations~

    a lot of NZ people work in Aus .

    over 90 percent of  Australian are white, and many people are  racism.        NZ people are good heart, are ready to help others  

    am I right ?    

    I want to konw more about these two coutries . teach me ~thanks ~

    Posts : 41148
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    Join date : 2010-03-30
    Location : New Zealand

    New Zealand and Australia relationship  Empty Re: New Zealand and Australia relationship

    Post  GarryB Wed Jun 03, 2015 12:18 pm

    Not all kiwis are good at heart, but generally most are nice... even if I do say so myself...  Embarassed 

    If you had asked 40 years ago most Kiwis would think of themselves as basically British, but with Britain joining the EU and not really being very nice to us a lot of the time there are many who would prefer to follow the US.

    The Aussies very much have changed allegiances and look to the US for leadership.

    there is plenty of conflict between our two countries, but mostly it plays out on the sports field.

    We generally share many values and beliefs so things are generally rather good between us.

    In terms of racism, sadly there are plenty of those around in both countries but I would say the Aussies are worse... from memory it was about 1967 that the Australians stopped counting the Aborigines as flora and fauna in their census...

    The comparison with Canada and the US is not too far wrong, NZ is considered the little brother of Australia... generally by Australians.

    If we meet in a London pub we will be best buddies... unless the All Blacks have recently beaten the Wallabies and then there might be some tension... but generally they will still hold one cup or other in another sport so things will be OK.

    Most of the Aussie guys I know are good blokes...

    Posts : 100
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    Join date : 2014-09-03

    New Zealand and Australia relationship  Empty Re: New Zealand and Australia relationship

    Post  type055 Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:42 pm

    GarryB wrote:Not all kiwis are good at heart, but generally most are nice... even if I do say so myself...  Embarassed 

    If you had asked 40 years ago most Kiwis would think of themselves as basically British, but with Britain joining the EU and not really being very nice to us a lot of the time there are many who would prefer to follow the US.

    The Aussies very much have changed allegiances and look to the US for leadership.

    there is plenty of conflict between our two countries, but mostly it plays out on the sports field.

    We generally share many values and beliefs so things are generally rather good between us.

    In terms of racism, sadly there are plenty of those around in both countries but I would say the Aussies are worse... from memory it was about 1967 that the Australians stopped counting the Aborigines as flora and fauna in their census...

    The comparison with Canada and the US is not too far wrong, NZ is considered the little brother of Australia... generally by Australians.

    If we meet in a London pub we will be best buddies... unless the All Blacks have recently beaten the Wallabies and then there might be some tension... but generally they will still hold one cup or other in another sport so things will be OK.

    Most of the Aussie guys I know are good blokes...

    thx what's the most popular sports in NZ and Aus ? American football ?

    I heard all Aussies and kiwis watch US tv program and movie.

    what's the mil strategy of NZ ? In cold war time , NZ on which side?

    I always envy NZ's geographic position, has few neighbor, live far far away from conflict zone .


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    Location : Pindos ave., Pindosville, Pindosylvania, Pindostan

    New Zealand and Australia relationship  Empty Re: New Zealand and Australia relationship

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:40 pm

    GarryB wrote: If we meet in a London pub we will be best buddies...unless the All Blacks have recently beaten the Wallabies and then there might be some tension... but generally they will still hold one cup or other in another sport so things will be OK.

    ...Or unless the Aussie's are piss-drunk, and confuse a rugby team with actual Black people and 'abos', then the 'mad max' bogan comes out of them!!! lol1

    Posts : 41148
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    Join date : 2010-03-30
    Location : New Zealand

    New Zealand and Australia relationship  Empty Re: New Zealand and Australia relationship

    Post  GarryB Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:51 am

    thx what's the most popular sports in NZ and Aus ? American football ?

    No. American football is not that popular.

    In terms of playing sport I would say in the winter the two most popular sports would be soccer and Rugby, but most soccer players stop when they get to highschool.

    Our soccer team is not very strong and there is no real path from kids to adult representative games, in rugby on the other hand there are clear options and many with the required talents have a clear future with Rugby.

    Netball is also very popular and then there would be Hockey (ie field hockey) and golf and other minor sports.

    In terms of watching sport Rugby and rugby league, as well as netball dominate in winter, while in summer cricket is the dominant sport. Netball is also watched, but our teams perform poorly against the Aussies at the moment so it is not wildly popular outside the fanatics.

    Other sports include rowing and sailing and golf.

    On our Sky channel we have a rugby channel and a horse racing channel and the rest are mixed sports channels that show cricket and netball and rugby and rugby league.

    Most programmes on TV are either british or american...

    Our location is great for defence, but not so great for trade... we are a long way from anywhere.

    Most kiwis don't fear invasion, though a few xenophobic fear a migration invasion. We really don't think about being invaded very much... and history has shown us that the only wars we get involved in are the ones we are dragged into by our major international allies... starting from the Boer war, through WWI and WWII to korea and vietnam and the post cold war combat in afghanistan and other places...

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