It is interesting to see.
While it is not updated for today, it is updated to the end of 2015, we can see intereting things here.
Cargo aircrafts:
- PTS (also called Ermak, Il-106): Project with 3 sizes (payloads of 80 tons, 160 tons and 240 tons) covered today by the An-22, An-124 and An-225 (this last not present in the Russian armed forces). Note that this project is called PTS, not PAK-TA. They are different projects and in my opinion are perfectly compatible because the PTS is to use in non-contested areas, while the IL-PAK-TA is to use in fast operations also in contested areas. I consider very interesting the PTS cargo project that would cover the three biggest cathegories covered today by the An-22, An-124 and An-225 (the last not present today in the Russian armed forces). I consider the philosophy very good, modern and efficient. A sure success.
- Il-214 (MTA still in the report): The comments are oudated by the evolution of the project in 2016. With this project in phase of design still, I would consider likely and very interesting that this project becomes also adapted to the PTS Ermak philosophy of three sizes for three engine configurations. In this case for sizes of 20 tons, 40 tons and 60 tons, covering the cathegories covered today by the An-10/12, Tu-204/214 (not a cargo aircraft) and the Il-76/78/Be A-50. Taking into account that the reports talk about 2 engines for the Il-214, would be doable. In every case, a sure success.
- Il-112: I tend to think that the cargo transported in aircrafts should be packed (grouped) in bigger units than the capacity of this aircraft. 20 tons seems a good size for the basis of the range. Smaller sizes, including the An-72/74 class and the An-24/26/30/32 class, likely can be solved with new transport helicopters (both of size between the Mi-26/27 and the Mi-8 ). Not sure if the Il-112 will succeed.
- Comac C929 (Wide-body airliner): Again, this is not the project called PAK-TA. It seems to be a project of long haul, which means to be in the weight/size class of the Il-86/80/96, an aircraft that is not exhausted still. It would be a project for long range (>10000 Km) with high passenger capacity (over 250). After 2025, a sure success, before maybe a little redundant, eating part of the cycle of life of the Il-86/80/96.
- Frigate Ecojet: Not included in the report, but also in development as a wide body project in the weight/size class of the Il-62. It seems to be designed for mid range (between 5000 Km and 10000 Km) with high passenger capacity (over 250), but would be able to cover also a second configuration for long range (>10000 Km) and mid passenger capacity (between 125 and 250). A sure success where some delay would not be a problem.
- MS-21 (also called Yak-242):The same. It seems to be a project for mid range (between 5000 Km and 10000 Km) with mid passenger capacity (between 125 and 250), wich means to be in the weight/size class of the Tu-204/214, an aircraft that is not exhausted still. After 2025, a sure success, before maybe a little redundant, eating part of the cycle of life of the Tu-204/214.
Order of priority for non-combat air transport in my view:
0.- Su-SJ100 (I expect some order from the Russian Armed Forces in the short term).
1.- Mi-46 (in the An-24/26/30/32 size class with around 10 tons payload).
2.- Il-214 40 or Tu-330 or Be A-40/42 (in the Tu-204/214 size class with around 40 tons payload).
3.- Ka-102 (in the An-72/74 size class with around 15 tons payload).
4.- PTS 80 or Il-106 (in the An-22 size class with around 80 tons payload).
5.- Il-214 or Tu-230 (in the An-10/12 size class with around 20 tons payload).
6.- PTS 160 (in the An-124 size class with around 160 tons payload).
7.- Il-90 or Frigate Ecojet (in the Il-62 size class for double configuration: 1 mid passenger capacity + long range, 2 high passenger capacity + mid range).
8.- Il-214 60 (in the Il-76/78 Be-A50 size class with around 60 tons payload).
9.- Tu-304 or CRAIC CR929 (in the Il-86/80/96 size class for high passenger capacity + long range).
10.- New Helicopter (in the Mi-26/27 size class with around 20 tons payload).
11.- MS-21/Yak-242 (in the Tu-204/214 size class for mid passenger capacity + mid range).
The Il-PAK-TA is not in the list because would be for air transport in contested areas.
Last edited by eehnie on Sat Dec 30, 2017 1:48 am; edited 20 times in total