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    Syrian Civil War: News #2


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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Stealthflanker Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:22 pm

    Viktor wrote:It seems that Syrian PVO is not dead after all  thumbsup


    Yeah... Nonetheless, they can't enforce Syrian air soverignity at all. I really wonder where are Syrian fighter patrols whenever Israeli strike pack appeared.

    That is painful.

    and so far i heard no use of precision munition used by SyAAF against those ISIS terrorists.


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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:54 am


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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Book. Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:24 am

    جانب من الاشتباكات بين مجاهدي الجبهة الشامية وقوات الأسد على جبهة باشكوي
    Syria Rebel show the GoPro camera Levantine Front...
    Clash the Assad army the Paschkoa front! [Live TV]

    Published on Aug 26, 2015 [08.27.2015 17:22:52]

    Aljbhh_ahamih #
    # Vth_halb side of the clashes that took place between the Mujahideen of the Levantine Front and the forces of Assad on the axis Paschko

    Rebel ride Bmp hit hard the Assad army!

    See the crazy fire fight!  Surprised
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Aug 28, 2015 4:12 pm

    I saw this yesterday, and I had the thought that there was things Russia did not do for Syria, until the USA began to do certain things, but I can't remember exactly what. and I thought I remembered that in a speech Pres. Putin said that, but IDK which speech. nor what exactly he said.

    Russia ramps up Syria military
    involvement: pro-Assad paper
    Al-Watan reported that Russia has dispatched military advisors and seeks to build a base in Jableh

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Sat Aug 29, 2015 12:32 am

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 0acKpKc

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Book. Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:07 am

    حلب - الخالدية || 27 8 2015 || استهداف قوات النظام بقذائف الجهنم واصابات مباشرة بفضل الله
    Aleppo - Khalidiya || 27 8 2015 || Syria Rebel Brigade 16 target regime forces the Big Mother Motar!

    Published on Aug 27, 2015 [08.28.2015 20:06:28]

    Home made motar so big

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 29, 2015 12:22 pm

    Looks like a small calibre mountain gun... probably 76mm or 105mm at the most.

    I would say the only thing improvised was that ammo... very dodgy.

    The 120mm mortar is a much better much more effective much safer weapon to use.

    This video shows they are desperate.
    max steel
    max steel

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  max steel Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:20 pm

    NAF got hold on american anti-mortar radars provided to azov right sector  .I  guess Russia had a look to it. Isnt it ?

    Post#1000 Very Happy Colonel !

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  ExBeobachter1987 Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:03 am

    Exploring the 'other Syria'

    ALEPPO, Syria — During a recent trip to Aleppo, which self-styled pundits like to call a “Sunni” city, I stopped by the stall of a street vendor, a woman covered in black attire, to see what she had to offer. Filled with Syrian army badges and pins with the Syrian flag along with images of President Bashar al-Assad and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, the stall reflected the spirit at the fore – or being brought to the fore — in regime-controlled areas.

    Nasrallah posters are not unusual in Homs, a city with a large Shiite population, but in Aleppo, his image adorning walls next to posters of Assad is a sight that defies comprehension. In the “other Syria,” the one we don't hear about, Hezbollah’s support on the battlefield, from Qusair to Qalamoun, has earned Nasrallah a reputation that transcends sectarian boundaries. This was exemplified by my Christian guide, a native of Homs, who sang along enthusiastically when our Alawite driver played a song in praise of Nasrallah while driving us from Homs to Tartus. I also saw it in Baqdash, the famous ice cream parlor in the old city of Damascus whose walls were once covered with photos of famous visitors, including Turkish first lady Emine Erdogan and Jordan’s King Abdullah. Today, the only frame left on the wall holds a thank you letter from Nasrallah for the financial support the establishment has provided to “the resistance.” Asked why the celebrity photos were gone, the shop owner replied, “No one who undermines this country can have their picture on this wall.”

    Meanwhile, Assad’s most widely displayed poster features the slogan “We are with you.” Earlier, such displays of veneration could have been explained as an effort to keep the feared Mukhabarat (the intelligence directorate) at bay, but at this time of war, the urge to lionize the leader has deepened.

    Criticism of the regime notwithstanding, the citizenry's growing desire to embrace their “Syrianness” and to save the Syrian state seems to have reduced the rift that opened along sectarian fault lines after 2011. In previous trips to Syria, I had observed that many Syrians would frown when asked whether they were Alawite or Sunni. They sensed malice in the question and would answer pointedly, “I’m a Syrian.” The number of such people appears to have markedly increased. Inquiring about someone’s sect was taboo and remains so, but with one major difference: Before, the question would cause annoyance, now it causes anger.

    Myriad reasons can be attributed to why criticism of the regime has toned down while the emphasis on Syrianness has grown. Chief among them are the stories of people who have been attacked, kidnapped, tortured or killed simply because of their sect. Kamal Banqasli, a businessman from Aleppo, is a man with one such story.

    During a conversation at a private dinner, Banqasli displayed the scars on his arms and feet as he shared his story. “I was kidnapped by opposition forces. They demanded a ransom of 1 million Syrian pounds [$5,300], which I rejected. Then they tortured me. I had my arms slashed with a knife and two toes broken. The group’s qadi [legal cleric] ruled that I should be executed by gunfire,” Banqasli recounted. “Just as they were about to shoot me, their leader intervened, saying, ‘Hold on, the sentence is canceled.’ He pushed the hand of the executioner down, but the man had already pulled the trigger. The bullet hit my knee instead of my head. It turns out that they had had a discussion among themselves about how I was not with them, but not with the regime either, so they could benefit from me in the future if they spared my life. They kept me bleeding for four hours before handing me over to relatives.”

    As with any other war, the Syrian war is one of two different stories. One reflects the consequences of military action — tragic civilian losses, destruction and millions of suffering refugees — and, as such, it is a condemnation of the regime. Its dramatic scale overshadows the story of the “other Syria,” which we rarely hear about, but which explains why the regime remains on its feet.

    The pictures of “martyrs” I saw plastered along the streets of Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Tartus and Latakia speak to how the war has swallowed lives from various communities. In Bab Tuma, in Damascus' old city, a wall displaying pictures of Shiite victims faces a wall displaying pictures of the Christian dead. On Arman Street in Homs, a giant board displays the photos of 1,300 people killed in the conflict — Alawites, Sunnis, Shiites and Christians alike. In Latakia, the obituary notice of a fallen Muslim fighter, inscribed with a Quranic verse, faces one of a Christian victim with a citation from the Bible. In Homs and Latakia, Muslims and Christians living in mixed neighborhoods are at ease with each other’s culture. Visiting the other’s religious shrines or marking religious holidays together is not an uncommon practice. This special fabric of Syrian communities continues to serve as a social glue.

    The fantastical belief that Assad will ultimately withdraw to the mainly Alawite coastal strip and create an Alawite state there is met with a big laugh in Latakia, which along with Tartus has become a safe haven for thousands of Sunnis fleeing bloodshed in other areas. I asked Tartus Governor Safwan Abu Saadeh how the city was coping with the influx. “Tartus’ population of 900,000 has doubled. Tartus is now a little Syria,” he said. “People came from Raqqa, Aleppo, Homs, Deir ez-Zor and Idlib. They are all Sunnis.”

    Some of the new arrivals are accommodated by the government, while others rent homes with their own means. Many have found work and provide for themselves. Barring occasional rocket fire, Latakia and Tartus retain their relaxed atmospheres. The pressure of the newcomers is not immediately discernible in the streets.

    Latakia’s beach offers a good illustration of the newcomers’ profile, refuting the Alawite state scenario. Next to the Ramel al-Janoubi Palestinian refugee camp, the beach resembled a fairground when I took an evening walk through the area. Families had sat down to eat, enjoying themselves. With a Turkish journalist in their midst, refugees from Idlib and Aleppo were eager to slam the Turkish government — and those were the conservative and pious Sunnis. Defying the sectarian narrative, the scene at the beach was like one cheerful brushstroke over a gloomy picture of war.

    For Syrians, economic hardship remains a problem as serious as security. Abu Ahmed, a greengrocer in Latakia, said, “The tomatoes and cucumbers are coming from Hama and Homs. A truck from Aleppo used to deliver for 5,000 [Syrian] pounds [$26], now it comes for 100,000 pounds [$530]. The price of diesel [per liter] has increased from 7 [$.04] to 140 pounds [$.74]. Shipping costs have tripled, and sales are down.” At the two marketplaces I toured in Damascus, people voiced a common grievance: Wages have remained the same over the past four years, while food prices have tripled.

    The regime’s efforts to alleviate economic stress are noteworthy. The government has continued to pay the salaries of public employees, including those in rebel-controlled areas. Garbage collection and other public services remain in operation. In short, the state continues to function. Even more remarkably, the regime has used its capacity to the fullest to sustain the supply of critical products, such as wheat and flour. Grain produced in the rural areas of Idlib, Raqqa, Aleppo and Hasakah is taken to regime-controlled areas by contracted trucks and shipped to cities via a perilous route, escorted by the military. In other words, the Mukhabarat structure — one of the reasons behind the uprising — is now fortifying the pillars of the regime through crisis management.

    Power and water cuts are also serious problems plaguing the population. Power and water have both become weapons in contested areas, with Aleppo being in a particularly dire situation. Here is how the head of the city’s water authority, Mustapha Melhis, described the state of affairs:

    Our water reservoirs are 90 kilometers [56 miles] away, in Hafsa, a region held by IS [Islamic State]. In May, they cut the amount of water [supplied] by half. They asked for sterilization tablets although they had them in their stocks. Using this pretext, they cut the water and resumed the supply only after the tablets were delivered. Our engineers are with them and are held as captives. We still pay their salaries. The second aspect of the problem is distribution. The water pumped by IS flows to the Suleiman Halabi and Bab al-Nairab stations here [in Aleppo]. Both areas are controlled by Jabhat al-Nusra, and they are using the water as a weapon to impose their demands. In return for water, they ask for electricity, for instance. Because they attack transformers, power outages occur. When we began using diesel to generate power, they started asking for electricity. To keep the [water] pumping station working, we wanted to send a diesel power-generation unit there via the Red Crescent. They added a condition that the machine should deliver electricity to them as well. We proceeded, but the pumps were switched off anyway. They are now pumping us half of the water. … We are able to supply water only one day per week. The people working with Nusra there are our employees as well, a total of eight people. They are kept in a room and made to work on shifts of four people, banned from using mobile phones. We dispatch teams for maintenance work as well. They are not taken captive because they bring in equipment.

    Aleppo Governor Mohammad Marwan Olabi noted, “The power plants are outside the city. Terrorists control two areas from where electricity lines to Aleppo pass. A line of Syria’s general electricity network passes via Zurbi. They keep targeting the power lines. In the north, we have a thermal power plant, which is also held by armed groups. Whenever they want to put pressure on Aleppo, they cut the electricity. And when electricity is gone, the water supply is cut off as well.”

    As the war drags on, the Syrian people’s social and cultural fabric has emerged as its strongest hedge against sectarian strife. Although it took a blow in the beginning, this fabric seems to be strengthening anew.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  KoTeMoRe Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:36 pm

    ExBeobachter1987 wrote:Exploring the 'other Syria'

    ALEPPO, Syria — During a recent trip to Aleppo, which self-styled pundits like to call a “Sunni” city, I stopped by the stall of a street vendor, a woman covered in black attire, to see what she had to offer. Filled with Syrian army badges and pins with the Syrian flag along with images of President Bashar al-Assad and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, the stall reflected the spirit at the fore – or being brought to the fore — in regime-controlled areas.

    Nasrallah posters are not unusual in Homs, a city with a large Shiite population, but in Aleppo, his image adorning walls next to posters of Assad is a sight that defies comprehension. In the “other Syria,” the one we don't hear about, Hezbollah’s support on the battlefield, from Qusair to Qalamoun, has earned Nasrallah a reputation that transcends sectarian boundaries. This was exemplified by my Christian guide, a native of Homs, who sang along enthusiastically when our Alawite driver played a song in praise of Nasrallah while driving us from Homs to Tartus. I also saw it in Baqdash, the famous ice cream parlor in the old city of Damascus whose walls were once covered with photos of famous visitors, including Turkish first lady Emine Erdogan and Jordan’s King Abdullah. Today, the only frame left on the wall holds a thank you letter from Nasrallah for the financial support the establishment has provided to “the resistance.” Asked why the celebrity photos were gone, the shop owner replied, “No one who undermines this country can have their picture on this wall.”

    Meanwhile, Assad’s most widely displayed poster features the slogan “We are with you.” Earlier, such displays of veneration could have been explained as an effort to keep the feared Mukhabarat (the intelligence directorate) at bay, but at this time of war, the urge to lionize the leader has deepened.

    Criticism of the regime notwithstanding, the citizenry's growing desire to embrace their “Syrianness” and to save the Syrian state seems to have reduced the rift that opened along sectarian fault lines after 2011. In previous trips to Syria, I had observed that many Syrians would frown when asked whether they were Alawite or Sunni. They sensed malice in the question and would answer pointedly, “I’m a Syrian.” The number of such people appears to have markedly increased. Inquiring about someone’s sect was taboo and remains so, but with one major difference: Before, the question would cause annoyance, now it causes anger.

    Myriad reasons can be attributed to why criticism of the regime has toned down while the emphasis on Syrianness has grown. Chief among them are the stories of people who have been attacked, kidnapped, tortured or killed simply because of their sect. Kamal Banqasli, a businessman from Aleppo, is a man with one such story.

    During a conversation at a private dinner, Banqasli displayed the scars on his arms and feet as he shared his story. “I was kidnapped by opposition forces. They demanded a ransom of 1 million Syrian pounds [$5,300], which I rejected. Then they tortured me. I had my arms slashed with a knife and two toes broken. The group’s qadi [legal cleric] ruled that I should be executed by gunfire,” Banqasli recounted. “Just as they were about to shoot me, their leader intervened, saying, ‘Hold on, the sentence is canceled.’ He pushed the hand of the executioner down, but the man had already pulled the trigger. The bullet hit my knee instead of my head. It turns out that they had had a discussion among themselves about how I was not with them, but not with the regime either, so they could benefit from me in the future if they spared my life. They kept me bleeding for four hours before handing me over to relatives.”

    As with any other war, the Syrian war is one of two different stories. One reflects the consequences of military action — tragic civilian losses, destruction and millions of suffering refugees — and, as such, it is a condemnation of the regime. Its dramatic scale overshadows the story of the “other Syria,” which we rarely hear about, but which explains why the regime remains on its feet.

    The pictures of “martyrs” I saw plastered along the streets of Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Tartus and Latakia speak to how the war has swallowed lives from various communities. In Bab Tuma, in Damascus' old city, a wall displaying pictures of Shiite victims faces a wall displaying pictures of the Christian dead. On Arman Street in Homs, a giant board displays the photos of 1,300 people killed in the conflict — Alawites, Sunnis, Shiites and Christians alike. In Latakia, the obituary notice of a fallen Muslim fighter, inscribed with a Quranic verse, faces one of a Christian victim with a citation from the Bible. In Homs and Latakia, Muslims and Christians living in mixed neighborhoods are at ease with each other’s culture. Visiting the other’s religious shrines or marking religious holidays together is not an uncommon practice. This special fabric of Syrian communities continues to serve as a social glue.

    The fantastical belief that Assad will ultimately withdraw to the mainly Alawite coastal strip and create an Alawite state there is met with a big laugh in Latakia, which along with Tartus has become a safe haven for thousands of Sunnis fleeing bloodshed in other areas. I asked Tartus Governor Safwan Abu Saadeh how the city was coping with the influx. “Tartus’ population of 900,000 has doubled. Tartus is now a little Syria,” he said. “People came from Raqqa, Aleppo, Homs, Deir ez-Zor and Idlib. They are all Sunnis.”

    Some of the new arrivals are accommodated by the government, while others rent homes with their own means. Many have found work and provide for themselves. Barring occasional rocket fire, Latakia and Tartus retain their relaxed atmospheres. The pressure of the newcomers is not immediately discernible in the streets.

    Latakia’s beach offers a good illustration of the newcomers’ profile, refuting the Alawite state scenario. Next to the Ramel al-Janoubi Palestinian refugee camp, the beach resembled a fairground when I took an evening walk through the area. Families had sat down to eat, enjoying themselves. With a Turkish journalist in their midst, refugees from Idlib and Aleppo were eager to slam the Turkish government — and those were the conservative and pious Sunnis. Defying the sectarian narrative, the scene at the beach was like one cheerful brushstroke over a gloomy picture of war.

    For Syrians, economic hardship remains a problem as serious as security. Abu Ahmed, a greengrocer in Latakia, said, “The tomatoes and cucumbers are coming from Hama and Homs. A truck from Aleppo used to deliver for 5,000 [Syrian] pounds [$26], now it comes for 100,000 pounds [$530]. The price of diesel [per liter] has increased from 7 [$.04] to 140 pounds [$.74]. Shipping costs have tripled, and sales are down.” At the two marketplaces I toured in Damascus, people voiced a common grievance: Wages have remained the same over the past four years, while food prices have tripled.

    The regime’s efforts to alleviate economic stress are noteworthy. The government has continued to pay the salaries of public employees, including those in rebel-controlled areas. Garbage collection and other public services remain in operation. In short, the state continues to function. Even more remarkably, the regime has used its capacity to the fullest to sustain the supply of critical products, such as wheat and flour. Grain produced in the rural areas of Idlib, Raqqa, Aleppo and Hasakah is taken to regime-controlled areas by contracted trucks and shipped to cities via a perilous route, escorted by the military. In other words, the Mukhabarat structure — one of the reasons behind the uprising — is now fortifying the pillars of the regime through crisis management.

    Power and water cuts are also serious problems plaguing the population. Power and water have both become weapons in contested areas, with Aleppo being in a particularly dire situation. Here is how the head of the city’s water authority, Mustapha Melhis, described the state of affairs:

    Our water reservoirs are 90 kilometers [56 miles] away, in Hafsa, a region held by IS [Islamic State]. In May, they cut the amount of water [supplied] by half. They asked for sterilization tablets although they had them in their stocks. Using this pretext, they cut the water and resumed the supply only after the tablets were delivered. Our engineers are with them and are held as captives. We still pay their salaries. The second aspect of the problem is distribution. The water pumped by IS flows to the Suleiman Halabi and Bab al-Nairab stations here [in Aleppo]. Both areas are controlled by Jabhat al-Nusra, and they are using the water as a weapon to impose their demands. In return for water, they ask for electricity, for instance. Because they attack transformers, power outages occur. When we began using diesel to generate power, they started asking for electricity. To keep the [water] pumping station working, we wanted to send a diesel power-generation unit there via the Red Crescent. They added a condition that the machine should deliver electricity to them as well. We proceeded, but the pumps were switched off anyway. They are now pumping us half of the water. … We are able to supply water only one day per week. The people working with Nusra there are our employees as well, a total of eight people. They are kept in a room and made to work on shifts of four people, banned from using mobile phones. We dispatch teams for maintenance work as well. They are not taken captive because they bring in equipment.

    Aleppo Governor Mohammad Marwan Olabi noted, “The power plants are outside the city. Terrorists control two areas from where electricity lines to Aleppo pass. A line of Syria’s general electricity network passes via Zurbi. They keep targeting the power lines. In the north, we have a thermal power plant, which is also held by armed groups. Whenever they want to put pressure on Aleppo, they cut the electricity. And when electricity is gone, the water supply is cut off as well.”

    As the war drags on, the Syrian people’s social and cultural fabric has emerged as its strongest hedge against sectarian strife. Although it took a blow in the beginning, this fabric seems to be strengthening anew.

    I wonder what will happen to these people once a compromise will be found...
    Prince Darling

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Prince Darling Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:03 pm

    Russian jets take to Syrian skies to combat IS

    source is some israeli site, i think they are at debka level
    par far

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  par far Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:25 pm

    Prince Darling wrote:Russian jets take to Syrian skies to combat IS

    source is some israeli site, i think they are at debka level

    Zero Hedge is also reporting they are taking it from the Israeli site, wonder how much truth is there to it.


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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  OminousSpudd Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:29 pm

    Russia Insider:

    Some how I doubt it, as do they. Being originally an Israeli news portal, I doubly doubt it.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:08 am

    par far wrote:
    Prince Darling wrote:Russian jets take to Syrian skies to combat IS

    source is some israeli site, i think they are at debka level

    Zero Hedge is also reporting they are taking it from the Israeli site, wonder how much truth is there to it.

    Just read through that thread. I am not sure why but it has easily one of the largest (10x normal) responses they have had for a while, over 200k reads and over 600 responses but I am none the wiser as to whether it is true or not. There seems to be little if any other confirmation and many seem to assume that what is happening is a combination of the 6xMig-31 plus the forward operating base. Interestingly for a US site, most of it was supportive of any Russian action but then many there are Putin supporters.

    I agree that it is probably not true but the interesting question is who originated the idea and why. This is unlikely to have been just an Israeli journo dreaming it up.

    If it is correct, then the majority view seems to be that it is a top strategic move, being invited in by the sovereign government (like the US in Ukraine) can't be objected to and attacking IS is what everyone else is doing. Side benefits are that the RuAF can ride top cover over the whole country, giving potential co-ordination and/or operational problems to the 'trespassers' of US/NATO and Israel, IFF would be fun. Tactically the use of SU-25s could be a game changer in breaking the supply lines in from Turkey that seem to see very little interdiction currently. Many made the point that support from current Russian SAMs would be vital in case the IAF was turned loose, with lots of talk of S500/400/300 systems. Few expect 'boots on the ground' mainly hardware with advice and guidance. Oh, and a new or upgraded port is mentioned.

    Elsewhere there was a mention of the Egyptians supplying their long range (38km) locally produced Grad rockets.

    Whether or not it is true there seems to be a growing realisation in the West that something has to be done quickly about the situation (refugees into the EU is a good pressure point) and that a basically secular government like now (with or without Assad) is the only option that will not make the situation worse.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:55 am

    Now we have

    The United States would welcome Russian participation in the US-led coalition against the ISIL, US State Department spokesperson Mark Toner said in a briefing on Tuesday.

    WASHINGTON, (Sputnik) — Toner made the statement commenting on an unverified media report that Russia is sending fighter jets to Syria to fight against ISIL terrorists.

    “There is a 37 some odd country coalition that is taking the fight to ISIL [Islamic State],” Toner said. “We would welcome Russia to be more involved in that effort.” The spokesperson noted that the State Department is still looking to verify the report published the Israeli news outlet Ynet on Monday, citing anonymous western officials. "We are frankly still chasing the ground truth on that,” Toner said.

    Members of the US-led coalition have been conducting airstrikes against the ISIL in Iraq and Syria since August 2014.

    Read more:

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  flamming_python Wed Sep 02, 2015 1:42 am

    I can't believe this complete BS report made it through to Israeli news sites, Sputnik News and now the US State Department; and even warranted official comments.

    FFS, it's like a debkafile report getting all the way there.

    Then again, the US State Department has believed and repeated stranger BS coming from Kiev's mouth and its own media's fabrications, so..

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  OminousSpudd Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:09 am

    JohninMK wrote:Now we have

    The United States would welcome Russian participation in the US-led coalition against the ISIL, US State Department spokesperson Mark Toner said in a briefing on Tuesday.

    WASHINGTON, (Sputnik) — Toner made the statement commenting on an unverified media report that Russia is sending fighter jets to Syria to fight against ISIL terrorists.

    “There is a 37 some odd country coalition that is taking the fight to ISIL [Islamic State],” Toner said. “We would welcome Russia to be more involved in that effort.” The spokesperson noted that the State Department is still looking to verify the report published the Israeli news outlet Ynet on Monday, citing anonymous western officials. "We are frankly still chasing the ground truth on that,” Toner said.

    Members of the US-led coalition have been conducting airstrikes against the ISIL in Iraq and Syria since August 2014.

    Read more:

    In you dreams Uncle Sam, I'm sure you'd just love to get Russia involved in a pointless air war where you can secretively fund the very people your "coalition" are bombing. How stupid are these State Dep. pricks anyway?

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:23 am

    Why on earth would Russia be helping USA with anything these days, especially this particular shitstorm?

    Honestly, it is a gift that keeps on giving: USA keeps looking like idiots that they are, Iran gets to be the good guy, Saudis get in line for some ass-love and best of all, EU gets flooded with refugees and gets taken to the cleaners financially and nosedives politically.

    Perfect storm. russia

    Yes, civilians do get sodomised, again, but what else can civilian hope for? Can't win 'em all...

    Besides, no way Bear-boys will be joining anything ''US-led'' anytime soon.

    Of corse, never say never but for the forseable future this is THE definition of popcorn time. thumbsup
    Prince Darling

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Prince Darling Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:41 am

    flamming_python wrote:I can't believe this complete BS report made it through to Israeli news sites, Sputnik News and now the US State Department; and even warranted official comments.

    FFS, it's like a debkafile report getting all the way there.

    Then again, the US State Department has believed and repeated stranger BS coming from Kiev's mouth and its own media's fabrications, so..

    lol you can invent troll fake news easily.

    when libya was still going on and twitter BS news that was taken as fact started to appear, i admit, even i started a fake gaddafi offensive on one of those oil towns Adjabija or Ras Lanuf, dont really remember, everyone picked it up, because noone was on the ground, to do actual reporting.

    If the story fits the broad narrative it will be picked up

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:08 pm

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) — On Monday, Israeli news outlet Ynet, citing anonymous Western officials, reported that Russia was allegedly going to send MiG-29 and Yak-130 fighter jets to Syria to conduct airstrikes against ISIL militants. The Israeli media claimed that the jets would be deployed to an air base controlled by the Syrian government forces.

    "One should not believe these reports," Kremlin spokesman told reporters commenting on the issue.

    In August, unconfirmed reports surfaced that six Russian MiG-31s landed in Syria as part of an arms deal allegedly signed in 2007. The supposed delivery, according to the Turkish BGN News agency, reflects Russia's intent to help Damascus counter the Islamic State. However, Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG CEO refuted the remors.

    "We did not deploy [the MiG-31s] to Syria and we have no plans to operate them there," Korotkov asserted.

    Read more:

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    Post  medo Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:06 pm

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Enn_1510

    From August pictures from NAPO. There is a Su-24M in ME colors without markings, so there is a good chance, this one is meant for Syria or Iraq. Could be, that those Russian planes and personal could be connected with delivery of additional Su-24M jets to Syrian AF and maybe even some RuAF Su-24M to better support Syrian army on the ground. RuAF will definitively not fly in US led coalition against ISIL, RuAF, if it is actually there, will actually bomb ISIL, not just pretend to bomb ISIL.

    On the other hand, I hope those new build MiG-29M2 (35D), will go to Iraqi AF, that they will be able to increase attacks on ISIL in Iraq, instead of US led coalition, who just pretend to bomb them.

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    Post  sepheronx Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:22 pm

    Very good spotting medo. I wonder if such an aircraft would have the Gefast & T upgrade, as it would definately be a great chance to test it on the field.

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    Post  medo Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:38 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Very good spotting medo.  I wonder if such an aircraft would have the Gefast & T upgrade, as it would definately be a great chance to test it on the field.

    Who knows, but considering they are in NAPO and meant for hot place, I think they got such an upgrade. Syrian AF have their Su-24M upgraded to M2 standard.

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:11 pm

    Huh, I was just looking at that photo report and noticed the weird paint job but I was certain that it was just some old Soviet era bird on historic display...

    Good catch indeed thumbsup

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    Post  medo Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:24 pm

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Slavon10

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Syaaf-10

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 2 Syaaf_10

    Syrian AF use this camo.

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