Vann7 Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:40 pm
ultron wrote: Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Just retaliation for doign the same to Alawis, Christians etc.
You know very well that Sunni Arabs are the most disloyal demographic group in Syria. SAa officer corps has always been dominated by Alawis and Christians so Bashar and Hafez distrusted Sunnis all along. They had a good reason to.
Good point. ISIS only infests Sunni Arab places. In Iraq's Anbar and Nineveh provinces. In Sunni Arab places of Syria. In Sunni Arab places of Yemen.
They are not found in Alawite and Shia and Christian and Kurdish places in Syria. They are not found in Shia and Kurdish places in Iraq. They are not found in Shia places in Yemen.
This has nothing to do with political correctness. This is a fact.
The only correct thing you have said in the entire Syrian conflict. LOL
In Syria the zones with strong sunni population ,like IDlib ,RAqqa and some suburbs in damascus and homs are the zones where more civilian support they received.
It is true that majority of Syrian army is Sunni , but is not less true what you have stated.
Sunni Islam is basically the most friendly territory that wahhabi terrorist can recruit people and find support. Both are wrong Sunni and Shia,both are sectarian and intolerant to Christians.. look at IRAN .So called "secular" nations ,there is death penalty over there for any Iranian that convert to Christianity is against their laws ,a major crime, for sponsoring christianity to muslins.. Other ugly facts that no Russian media will like to touch is how muhhamed raped/married a 9 year old girl or how he chopped the heads of many who opposed him. Those are the ugly facts.. the trouble facts ,that are banned its discussion in any country with strong muslin population that also no media in the world will like to talk. not even Russian media or the kremlin will touch those forbidden subjects ,for fear of major division and ethnic conflicts against muslins ,than already is. The only moderates muslins are Alawis and any other sect that have distanced as much as possible of their own prophet teachings and follow their own
religious leaders with more reforms ,and that are truly secular and welcome real equal rights for womens and have more tolerance for freedom of expression. So terrorist only problem with Assad is his reformist views about Islam. Assad calls the muslin brotherhood (FSA) a terrorist organization and IRAN call them political opposition.
There is a real religious war in middle east..and only the more educated ones in middle east ,can see beyond the horizon of how US and ISrael are using muslins sectarian long difference for their own advantage ,and remove from power Government not aligned with US imperialism.
In short anyone with the ability to do third grade mathematics under a quick inspection of middle east will quickly see Islam is at the core of the problems with its violence. and that is not just US and ISrael thing ,that their role is merely to fuel divisions in an already very weak alliance that always existed between Shias and Sunnis and much more moderate factions like
Alawis and others.
The only solution for middle east .. is overthrow the Saudi Monarchi ,the major sponsor of terror and wahhabi ideology and replace it for a true secular nation..and have the European Union declare sanctions against any middle east country that do not truly have freedom of religion and welcome christians there.
That is total intolerance for countries intolerant to freedom of expression. and use economic sanctions to pressure IRAN ,Saudi Arabia, Turkey and any other middle east nation that try to impose a religion on everyone by force.
Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:23 pm; edited 4 times in total