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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT


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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  thegopnik Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:38 pm

    Russians were mocked for using nuclear warheads for interceptors in the past, but they have no idea that the new short range versions are kinetic and the medium and long range are only nuclear.

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 20, 2020 4:57 am

    Yes, I realize that. But in the vacuum of space the size of the fireball will not be very large because of the lack of oxygen.

    Combustion and oxygen have nothing to do with it... a nuclear fire ball is not fuel burning... it is pure energy... you do know the sun is not a few centimetres across don't you?

    The heat transmission in space will actually be worse because there is no air to absorb the heat on its way to the warhead...

    So if a U.S ICBM is carrying let's say 5 warheads, this fireball can destroy 2-3 warheads and some additional decoys , but the remaining 2 or 3 warheads will still survive.

    Single US ICBMs carrying 5 warheads wont only target Moscow. That would be stupid because if that missile failed in flight then Moscow would be safe.

    Standard procedure is to decide how many warheads you will need to hit a target... Moscow is a high priority so they will probably want to hit it with 10-15 warheads because they know there is an ABM system operating there and they need to overwhelm it... so from 15 missiles one warhead will be heading towards Moscow from each missile... the remaining 70 warheads from those 15 missiles will each be targeted at a different target... they might want 4 warheads for Leningrad, so one warhead from each of four of the missiles will be going for Leningrad (hehehe old maps)...

    French and UK missiles will also be targeting Moscow too... and probably Chinese and soon German and Japanese one presumes.

    US warheads manouver small amounts to move onto target... they are not actively trying to evade interception so missing the target by 10m for a kinetic interceptor means a miss and a failure... for for a nuke it is probably too close... save some money and dial down the accuracy or the power of the warhead...

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  kvs Thu May 07, 2020 7:30 pm

    Yanqui turds want to ban the Nudol.   Even though there are no treaties that would allow them to do this.  bounce

    The current big NATzO naval exercise in the Barents Sea is a pathetic attempt to wave the dick around to frighten
    Russians.   Like Hitler promised to do when he yapped about driving Russians beyond the Urals and putting up giant
    statues of German soldiers to keep them from coming back.  lol1

    A key element of the US ABM "shield" was its planned deployment on ships off of Russia's Arctic coast.   That is
    where they still had a chance to intercept Russian ICBMs during the boost phase.   But the clowns just assumed
    that Russia's 1990s military presence on its Arctic coast would never improve.   Reality has planted a steel-toed
    boot up NATzO's collective ass and Russia has dramatically increased its Arctic coast military presence and
    capability.   Those ABM shield boats will not stay afloat long enough to take out Russian ICBMs.  

    No amount of NATzO naval exercises in the Barents Sea will stop Russia's military development in the Arctic.

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri May 08, 2020 12:21 am

    kvs wrote:

    Yanqui turds want to ban the Nudol.   Even though there are not treaties that would allow them to do this.  bounce

    The current big NATzO naval exercise in the Barents Sea is a pathetic attempt to wave the dick around to frighten
    Russians.   Like Hitler promised to do when he yapped about driving Russians beyond the Urals and putting up giant
    statues of German soldiers to keep them from coming back.  lol1

    A key element of the US ABM "shield" was its planned deployment on ships off of Russia's Arctic coast.   That is
    where they still had a chance to intercept Russian ICBMs during the boost phase.   But the clowns just assumed
    that Russia's 1990s military presence on its Arctic coast would never improve.   Reality has planted a steel-toed
    boot up NATzO's collective ass and Russia has dramatically increased its Arctic coast military presence and
    capability.   Those ABM shield boats will not stay afloat long enough to take out Russian ICBMs.  

    No amount of NATzO naval exercises in the Barents Sea will stop Russia's military development in the Arctic.

    The most amusing thing about this is that they're trying their hardest to convince their useful idiot plebs that it's only job is being Anti-Sat! lol1 Nudol is a fully fleshed out 'mobile' ABM, with a range of 3,500km and can cover an area of 7,000km in diameter. It's capable of taking out everything from strategic aircraft (B-1 Lancers, B-2 Spirits, B-52s, AWACs, Dooms Day aircraft), SRBMs and IRBMs, satellites, all the way to ICBMs in mid-course, but will primarily be used to take out short, intermediate, and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

    There is clearly a concerted effort to convince the world that Nudol and S-500 are simply ASAT systems, but the truth is there is no end to the Anti-Sat systems already in Federation service: Tirada-2, Krasukha-2, MiG-31 with Kontakt, Peresvet, probably Murmansk-BM. The ASAT role for the new mobile ABMs are simply ancillary/auxiliary roles, hardly their main roles.

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  miketheterrible Fri May 08, 2020 12:50 am

    I'm unsure how they would convince Russia to drop Nudol when it was the US who broke the ABM agreement in first place over the failed GBI system.

    I'm assuming they want to add it to start? Because we all know Russia will laugh and say no.

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  kvs Fri May 08, 2020 1:44 am

    Since when were ASAT systems "bad".   Do the yanquis expect to have the GPS working during WWIII.   That must be some
    extra fine crack they are smoking.

    And we can see the koolaid guzzling since they think that Russia will yield on such issues.


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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  GarryB Sat May 09, 2020 7:46 am

    During the cold war the obvious method to bring them to the table would be to put Pershing IIs in Turkey where they are very close so their flight time to Moscow would be less than ten minutes, so defence and retaliation decisions would need to be taken in 3 minutes or less to actually have time to be acted on.

    These days they could base their missiles in Ukraine it wouldn't help because the Russians have the defensive missiles and systems to stop most of them and they could then retaliate any way they like...

    Their problem is probably that up until now they thought they could just send AEGIS class cruisers to the arctic ocean to shoot down all those Russian ICBMs and have more AEGIS cruisers on either US coastline shooting down cruise missiles and SLBMs and anything else that wanders in to the line of fire... but now after having a chance to try it they realise it wont work. MiG-31s with Kinzhal can destroy their AEGIS ships in the arctic ocean and extended range Iskanders which are now permitted with the removal of the INF treaty could also deal with a lot of these ships too, not to mention the Russian subs they can no longer reliably detect...

    They will be in a panic right now...

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:50 pm

    Another test of Nudol ASAT was carried out

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  dino00 Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:31 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Another test of Nudol ASAT was carried out

    It's from April

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  Sujoy Sun Jun 21, 2020 6:16 pm

    Defense contractor says A-235 Nodol anti-ballistic missile and anti-satellite system will have both nuclear and conventional warhead options.

    I suspect that the conventional warhead is required because the effect of nuclear diminishes in the exo domain so nuclear will not have a major advantage over hit-to-kill.

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:01 am

    The real problem is that a nuke set off in space sends a flash that is both intensely bright but also rather hot that could damage satellites in orbit over the interception point.

    The EMP pulse would also effect communications and ability to track targets using radar.

    While the effect of blast will be practically zero in a vacuum the intense light and heat should effect the decoys rather more than the real warheads too, but having said that I rather suspect the tactic will be that any large group of incoming targets (warheads and decoys) could be engaged with a nuclear armed weapon which will destroy many of the warheads and damage the decoys to the point where they are no longer effective as decoys so the conventionally armed interceptors can then be use against any warheads revealed as warheads.

    In five years time the defence will be even better because warheads flying past S-400 and S-500 batteries could also be intercepted on their way to other targets so incoming weapons that need to fly over defended areas will have their missile numbers whittled down on the way too.

    I mean the first country to have a real unified IADS and ABM weapons actually capable of doing the job of Star Wars will be Russia... and when the Americans think they can leap ahead with space based systems then Russia will add those capabilities to their existing system and make it even more capable...

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:42 am

    It is possible that the kinetic interceptor will also be the final stage of the Nudol missile.

    Nudol will be a classic dueling version of a long-range intercept missile defense system. There is reason to believe that the following three circumstances were taken into account in the tactical and technical task for the development of a new system.

    Firstly, the new system should be capable of non-nuclear interception, since the previously developed anti-missiles were mainly with a special warhead, which sharply reduced the scope of their possible use. The use of a missile with a special charge actually means the beginning of a nuclear war.

    Secondly, the system must be transportable, that is, not tied to any object or center. Most likely, Nudol has the ability to transport and deploy to a theater of operations and is located on multi-axle wheeled conveyors.

    Thirdly, the system must ensure the interception of a ballistic target or spacecraft at an altitude of at least 500-750 km and at least 700-800 km in range, that is, in near space. In other words, Nudol must have the ability to destroy low-orbit spacecraft.

    Test launches of the A-235 Nudol missile defense system have been carried out, as far as is known, since 2014 from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk Region.

    The missile defense for Nudoli is uniquely two-stage and solid fuel. At present, Russia has developed new formulations of high-energy mixed formulations of solid rocket fuel. The anti-missile launch from the transport and launch container will be carried out using a powder pressure accumulator, then the first stage solid propellant rocket engine will be launched, then the second stage, and the combat stage at the final section will be guided by shunting engines (according to various sources, or solid propellant rocket engine, or liquid rocket engine). The launch weight of the missile defense is about 10 tons.

    The developed Nudol missile defense system has an order of magnitude better performance than the A-135 Amur missile defense system, developers say. This is a completely new system based on a new element base with very promising features.

    With the completion of the full deployment of the missile attack warning system (including the space echelon) and the adoption of the promising Nudol missile defense system, Russia will regain the positions that were largely lost in the 1990s - Moscow will be able to control outer space from all directions and will have the ability to conduct anti-satellite combat in near space.

    The Nudol system (14Ts033), presumably, includes a command and computing point (KVP) 14P078, a multifunctional guidance radar, a 14P222 launcher with 14A042 missiles in transport and launch containers, a complex of communications equipment and missile maintenance facilities.

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  dino00 Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:10 pm

    Space Command calls out another Russian anti-satellite weapon test russia Command calls out another Russian anti-satellite weapon test/12/16/space-command-calls-out-another-russian-anti-satellite-weapon-test/

    They insist with the Satellite thing.

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  kvs Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:36 pm

    dino00 wrote:Space Command calls out another Russian anti-satellite weapon test  russia Command calls out another Russian anti-satellite weapon test/12/16/space-command-calls-out-another-russian-anti-satellite-weapon-test/

    They insist with the Satellite thing.

    Gotta love that inane and cheesy propaganda language: called out. Maybe Russia should "call out" every test that the yanquis do.
    America, the God-appointed master of Earth.

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  GarryB Thu Dec 17, 2020 4:27 am

    Absolutely hilarious... talk about the pot calling the kettle black...

    A working link to the article:

    But an organisation called Space Command calling Russian activities in space dangerous and alarming is amusing on its own... but.

    Space Command used the most recent incident to again draw a contrast between Russia’s diplomatic stance on space weapons and its perceived aggression behavior. Russia has advocated for the international adoption of the Treaty on Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space and of the Threat or Use of Force Against Outer Space Objects, and at the United Nations it has pushed for a No First Placement of Weapons in Outer Space resolution. Given Russian anti-satellite weapon development and it’s activities on orbit, Ford compared these diplomatic efforts to a snake oil salesman.

    Following the new test, Dickinson also called out Russia for hypocrisy.

    “Russia publicly claims it is working to prevent the transformation of outer space into a battlefield, yet at the same time Moscow continues to weaponize space by developing and fielding on-orbit and ground-based capabilities that seek to exploit U.S. reliance on space-based systems,” he said. “Russia’s persistent testing of these systems demonstrates threats to U.S. and allied space systems are rapidly advancing.”

    Russia has repeatedly asked the US to sign agreements on various treaties to prevent weapons developments and weapon use in space which the US REFUSES TO EVEN DISCUSS.

    Given the US wont even talk about such things, does that not indicate they have weapons programmes of their own and that if the US wont sign agreements banning the use of weapons in space that they should instead prepare for any potential conflict or US weapons placed in space by a country not prepared to ban their development and use?

    Accusations from a snake oil salesman to someone who knows their tactics oh so well and is clearly defending themselves before the accuser has a capability that is a problem.

    Pretty standard western tactic... accuse your opponent of breaking the rules so they can justify doing it themselves... look at the INF treaty... claims but no proof of an Islander missile they said could break the treaty definition... then after it ends Tomahawk missiles being tested just over two weeks after the end of the treaty in direct violation that bans the use of ground based launchers for cruise or ballistic intermediate range missiles...

    I guess this means the US are about to test some anti satellite weapons and put them in to service...

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  kvs Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:18 am

    That is a routine ploy in hate propaganda. Accuse your hate target of all the sins you are guilty of. And play the victim
    to justify your "reluctant" need to engage in aggression against the target.

    The problem for the yanquis is that they are nowhere near as great as they think and Russia is nowhere near as inferior
    as they imagine. American will be another "also ran" over the last 1000 years of idiots trying to take Russia down.
    But they chose the wrong time since Russia has never been more ready in the last 1000 years.

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  George1 Thu Dec 17, 2020 2:32 pm

    Nudol launches

    1) The launch on August 12, 2014 - from the Plesetsk test site - was unsuccessful according to the US Department of Defense, however, according to the planet4589 web resource. org was successful;

    2) The launch on April 22, 2015 - Plesetsk - according to the US Department of Defense and the web resource, was unsuccessful;

    3) Startup November 18, 2015 - Plesetsk - successful;

    4) Start-up on May 25, 2016 - Plesetsk - successful;

    5) Launch on December 16, 2016 - made from the "base in the central part of Russia" (Kapustin Yar test site?) - successful.

    6) The launch on March 26, 2018 - Plesetsk - from a standard mobile launcher (previous launches were made from test launchers) - successful.

    7) Launch on December 23, 2018 - Plesetsk - from a standard mobile launcher - successful

    8 ) Launch on April 15, 2020 - Plesetsk - from a standard mobile launcher - success was not reported.

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  Scorpius Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:49 pm

    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 EpD3lnqXEAALJPE?format=jpg&name=medium
    Likely launch of the Nudol anti-missile on December 16. Perhaps it was he who caused such a this reaction

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  kvs Fri Dec 18, 2020 9:32 pm

    Americans really are retards. How is an ASAT weapon any sort of "weaponization of space". By that "logic" the US ABM is also
    a "weaponization of space".


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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  PhSt Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:47 pm

    Americans really are retards. How is an ASAT weapon any sort of "weaponization of space". By that "logic" the US ABM is also
    a "weaponization of space".

    Typical American double talk. This retarded accusation is meant for consumption by NATzOphile morons. This foolish drivel shouldn't be allowed to go unanswered, Russia needs to respond (and this needs to be echoed worldwide by RT and other Russian media assets) by pointing out that the US has possessed assets that have the same function for years. Another important point to make is that anti-satellite systems like Nudol are NOT "SPACE BASED" weapons so America needs a strong slap in the face for this Brazen Lie Rolling Eyes


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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  GarryB Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:30 am

    You mean like claiming a version of Iskander breaches the INF treaty so they can start loading tomahawks into their Aegis Ashore facilities in Europe and elsewhere including Japan...

    That is their mechanism for breaking treaties... accuse the other side of breaking it and then pull out and then openly break it yourself... would not surprise me if they didn't already have Tomahawks there anyway...

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  franco Sun Jun 13, 2021 8:57 pm

    Long arm "Nudoli"

    Russian missile defense system with the introduction of a new complex will acquire unprecedented opportunities

    On April 26, an event took place that made it extremely difficult for the Washington hawks to implement their aggressive plans against Russia: the successful launch of the A-235 Nudol missile, a combat element of a promising domestic anti-missile and anti-space systems.

    Russia expands the combat capabilities of missile defense

    " The flight speed of the A-235 Nudol anti-missile was at least three kilometers per second, which is more than four times the speed of a bullet fired from a Kalashnikov assault rifle. "

    The press service of the Russian defense department reported that as a result of the test launch of a new Russian anti-missile missile, the task was completed in full: the target, located at a distance of about three thousand kilometers, was hit. According to Major General Sergei Grabchuk, commander of one of the formations of the Military Space Forces, the rocket not only hit the conditional target with a high degree of accuracy, but fully confirmed the characteristics laid down by the developer.

    The flight speed of the A-235 Nudol missile was at least three kilometers per second, which is more than four times the speed of a bullet fired from a Kalashnikov assault rifle. According to Grabchuk, the adoption of the A-235 can not only radically improve the existing characteristics of the Russian missile defense, but also expand the range of its combat capabilities.

    The information announced by the press service of the Ministry of Defense and disseminated by the official media can be positioned as a kind of announcement of the imminent introduction of the system tested at the Kazakhstani test site into the structure of the national missile defense, where it should become an effective replacement for the A-135 system that is currently protecting the Russian capital " Amur".
    What the West will say

    Most foreign military analysts, considering the results of the Nudoli range tests, are of the opinion that the testing period for a promising Russian missile defense system will soon end, whose main task will be, first of all, to reliably protect Moscow and the Central Industrial Region of the Russian Federation from intercontinental ballistic missiles of a potential enemy.

    Most representatives of the Western expert community position the A-235 project as a top secret and deadly development. Their fears are at least justified. The main danger of "Nudoli", in their opinion, lies in the possibility of its dual, that is, anti-missile and anti-space applications. And some foreign experts directly call the destruction of American space satellites the key goal of this program. And this is despite the fact that an impartial analysis of the combat potential of the promising Russian A-235 system as a probable factor threatening the designs of the United States forces us to recognize the prevalence of its anti-missile version over the anti-satellite one.

    The 2014 Crimean referendum on the return of the peninsula to Russia and the subsequent sharp deterioration in relations with Washington and Brussels forced the political and military leadership of the Russian Federation to take decisive measures to create an effective "nuclear umbrella" over strategically important regions of the country.

    The US administration, expecting somewhat different dividends from the Kiev Maidan, did not immediately accept the seriousness of Russian intentions and slept not only the reunification of Crimea, but also the beginning of the “Russian spring”. However, Washington realized the colossal image losses inflicted on it and unleashed an information, diplomatic and sanctions war against the Russian Federation. The ghost of the third world (war) has risen over the world again.

    No matter how strange it may sound, the first dove of peace that made the overseas hawks think about the inevitability of a retaliatory strike was a photo in the calendar of 2015, in which the Almaz-Antey Military Space Defense Concern JSC presented an anti-missile launcher unknown to the American special services. A well-organized leak has perfectly fulfilled its mission - it has instilled in the hot heads of the apologists for a global nuclear strike the idea of ​​the reality of a response from Russia. In addition, the high international authority of Almaz-Antey did not allow Western analysts to ignore the signal. The Pentagon decided not to rush things and wait for the results of the first tests.

    In November 2015, The Washington Times published an article by national security expert Bill Hertz, which described the successful completion of the first test of the A-235. It is noteworthy that this launch was not a starting one. The first Nudoli test that fulfilled its task took place back in August 2014. The next few years were spent on fine-tuning a promising interceptor missile, which, in light of its unique ability to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles, even in space, looks quite justified and logical.

    Obviously, the news of the successful result of the field tests acquired the status of a sensation, and for Pentagon analysts it also became a source of headaches. The absence in the Western information field of loud discussions of the news announced by the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry testifies not only to Washington's unwillingness to draw the attention of the world community to this topic, but also to the Americans' unconditional understanding of the seriousness of the changed situation. Analysts of the American special services cannot fail to understand that the introduction of the A-235 "Nudol" system in combination with the supercomputer "Elbrus-3M" providing ultra-fast control and the multifunctional circular-view radar station "Don-2N" will provide the Russian Federation with a multi-level missile defense system, overcome which ICBMs available to NATO are not possible.The new promising complex will be able to effectively intercept enemy air attack weapons in high, middle and lower space.

    What distinguishes "Nudol"

    According to Viktor Murakhovsky, a member of the Expert Council of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation, the key characteristics that fundamentally distinguish the A-235 from the currently functioning missile defense systems are a high degree of mobility and the possibility of non-nuclear destruction of warheads of intercontinental ballistic missiles of a potential enemy. Taking into account the level of mutual velocities, the indicator of which at the moment of interception can reach 10 kilometers per second, the presence of an explosive in the warhead is no longer a necessity.

    Obviously, domestic developers have demonstrated to their opponents the ability to create an anti-missile for the implementation of confident transatmospheric interception, that is, at altitudes exceeding one hundred kilometers.

    It is noteworthy that the process of removing any restrictions for the upcoming deployment of an anti-missile defense system, the key element of which will be the A-235 Nudol launchers, was launched by Russia's main potential adversary. It was the actions of the United States, which consisted of a unilateral withdrawal from the ABM Treaty and dated at the beginning of the 2000s, ensured its denunciation. Therefore, the Russian Federation is not only legally free in the choice of territorial areas for the deployment of the national anti-missile and anti-space defense system, but also is not obliged to agree with anyone on the number of its constituent elements. The prospect of the widest possible application of the Nudol system is becoming more than obvious, in no way limited to the protection of the capital region.

    The concept of a rapid global strike, adopted by the United States, including by means of hypersonic air attack weapons, predetermines appropriate steps on the part of the political and military leadership of the Russian Federation. They involve the organization of cover with A-235 systems for the areas of deployment of formations and units of the Strategic Missile Forces, the bases of strategic missile submarine cruisers, industrially important territories and facilities (hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants).

    According to experts in the field of missile defense of the analytical portal South Front, the combination of such promising weapons as the S-500 Prometheus long-range and medium-range anti-aircraft missile system and the A-235 Nudol system can provide the Russian Federation with an integrated defense of the air and outer space. level that should be positioned as a "nuclear umbrella". The very one, the possession of which minimizes the hopes for success of Washington's apologists for the concept of a quick global strike. The publication believes that in no more than five years, the President of the Russian Federation will have a strategic nuclear potential, allowing the Washington administration to issue binding ultimatums.

    Nevertheless, the main source of excitement for overseas analysts remains the anti-satellite capabilities of the Russian promising system. According to ex-Pentagon official Mark Schneider, the Russian interceptor missile is capable of destroying the entire "confrontation potential" of the United States, based on satellites. And besides, Nudol is vivid proof that there is a huge asymmetry in relation to space weapons.

    The Minister of Defense of Marius Blaschak, who is permanently grieving about the former greatness of Poland, went even further, and traditionally accused the Russian president of trying to restore the empire. Translated from the Polish political into the publicly available Russian, the insult is that thanks to the achievements of the domestic military-industrial complex in general and the A-235 Nudol in particular, "Sherkhan is no longer able to protect his ever-whining Tabaki."

    Cosmic fears of the "hegemonic power"

    Understanding of these hysterical characteristics of the potential of the promising Russian project A-235 lies in the plane of the Pentagon's conviction that the Russian Federation is striving to limit the “extraterrestrial” capabilities of the “lord of the globe and its cosmic environs” as much as possible, depriving him of the ability to wage small victorious wars even with third world countries. Because the success, for example, of the hostilities against Iraq in 2003, in the opinion of most overseas analysts, was only possible thanks to the GPS navigation system and spy satellites.

    There is a hypothesis about the desire of the Americans to use small and ultra-small satellites of the Cubesat and Nanosat format as full-fledged substitutes for a space military group in the event of its destruction by Russian anti-missile missiles. Thus, reasonable doubts about the civilian specialization of commercial satellites launched by NASA are transformed into confidence about their at least dual purpose. And the key task of such a distributed architecture of the space group is, according to the Pentagon, the creation of a means of salvation from absolute "information blindness and deafness."

    However, the version of the US military department is not shared by analysts of the conservative American edition of the National Interest, which specializes in international politics. They believe that as a result of the destruction of even one space satellite in orbit by an anti-missile system, a situation will arise, the description of which, in their interpretation, looks like this: “A cloud of dangerous debris is formed around the planet, other satellites of any nation for decades or even centuries. "

    Such conclusions are indirectly confirmed by the consequences of tests of space weapons, in the organization of which some states, primarily the United States, show recklessness bordering on dementia. As an example, to put it mildly, the short-sighted behavior of the Pentagon, which is always dissatisfied with the Russian actions, can be cited the fact of the destruction of its own spy satellite in 2008. The wreckage of this spacecraft is still flying around the planet, creating a real danger to all space groups in space.

    They did not displease the Pentagon, which is well aware, according to the statements of Lieutenant General David D. Thompson about these plans, the actions of India, which in March 2019 shot down its LEO satellite with a modified ballistic missile and made its contribution to turning the orbit into a garbage dump ...

    Obviously, such loyalty instantly evaporates as soon as it comes to cosmic tests conducted by Russians who are always guilty of all mortal sins.

    A-235 or THAAD

    It would be surprising if expert reflections on the unprecedented success of the Russians, who finally mastered the analogue of the American THAAD system, did not appear in the media space of the collective West. It is obvious that the arrogant conviction of a certain cohort of Western specialists that all promising models of modern weapons are only more or less successful copies of the achievements of America and its allies cannot be influenced by any form of objective reality.

    Nevertheless, the comparison of the A-235 "Nudol" with the American mobile ground-based anti-missile complex THAAD cannot be avoided. An analysis of the known test results of the American missile defense system shows its inability to effectively intercept ICBMs. It is geared towards protection against medium and short-range missiles. And the fact that only four of the planned eight batteries are currently deployed suggests that the Pentagon is aware of its actual combat capabilities.

    And now about the basic version of the Russian anti-missile and anti-space defense system A-235 "Nudol". Naturally, there are no exact data on the characteristics of a development project with such a name in open sources, and the available information is limited to reports of positive results of the tests carried out. However, the information available in open sources suggests that the A-235 is based on three key principles:

    1. Non-nuclear interception, significantly expanding the scope of practical application of the anti-missile.

    2. High level of mobility.

    3. Ensuring effective interception in near space, that is, in the altitude range of 500-750 kilometers.

    It is obvious that the political and military leadership of the Russian Federation considers the combination of the A-235 Nudol and S-500 Prometheus systems as the very “nuclear umbrella” of multi-stage missile defense that forms the basis of Russia's global anti-nuclear defense system.
    Vitaly Orlov,se

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  kvs Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:42 pm

    It would be surprising if expert reflections on the unprecedented success of the Russians, who finally mastered the analogue of the American THAAD system

    That is an invalid claim.   The USSR and Russia were never behind in ABM missile tech.    The key work was all done in the 1960s both in the USA and USSR.  
    THAAD is nothing special.   This is the same BS we have been hearing form the west for decades: how Soviet and Russian missiles lack accuracy.    With zero
    proof and zero arguments.   Merely proof by accusation.  

    1) The USSR had laser gyroscopes since the 1960s.

    2) What magic control surfaces do US missiles have that enable them to overcome atmospheric dynamics ten times better than Soviet
    and Russian missiles?  None.   In fact, the USSR/Russia would be better able to understand boundary layer effects and control surface
    characteristics compared to the yanquis given that the fundamental theory of turbulence was founded by Kolmogorov.  

    3) US kinetic kill ABM missiles have shown a poor record of "success" with routine stage managed interception tests of purely ballistic missile
    targets totally failing.  

    BTW, it is funny seeing Americans bitch about Nudol being "merely" an ASAT system.   That makes it at least as good as THAAD you

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    A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT - Page 7 Empty Re: A-235/PL-19 Nudol ABM-ASAT

    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:18 pm

    THAAD is an anti theatre ballistic missile system or ATBM... it is for Scuds and enhanced Scuds at best.

    Even the S-300V is better than THAAD except altitude performance... the main difference is that the S-300V actually intercepts targets of all types including much harder targets than THAAD can't manage.

    S-400 and even S-350 is better in many ways... including cost.

    Nudol has a range of 3,000km... that is a huge step up from existing ABM missiles around Moscow and is better than GBI.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:40 pm

    My comparison to THAAD is misplaced.   GBI is the proper comparison.   An anti-satellite missile system is a GBI class weapon given the
    speed and altitude of satellites.

    But the west is obsessed with its BS accuracy claims.   See:

    It claims a CPI of 0 meters.   What retarded nonsense.   Even if it hits, it is at best half the cross section of the target.   But there
    is a large probability of a total miss.   So the effective CPI is over one meter.

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