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    Questions and Ideas

    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Questions and Ideas - Page 14 Empty Re: Questions and Ideas

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Tue Apr 14, 2015 1:26 pm

    victor1985 wrote:Ok thanks you very much.
    What i didnt understand: multiply whit a sinusoidal? what that means? How asignal can be multiply?

    Wait i think i got it. You have 4 frecvencyes that come A yours A of enemy B and C. To find wich A is yours you amplify signal that all A to be seen. Is that corect?

    And trigonometric identities also i didnt understanded.

    victor1985 wrote:Well i readed again. Amplify whit a sinusoid. Mean exacly what? You make frecvency or carrier frecvency bigger to the AM from your example?


    I'll answer these over time. It may take a while because over the next few weeks I would be very busy.

    To illustrate the operation of a lock-in amplifier, here are the equations, which I was referring to.

    I'll explain these equation later. For the time being,

    Questions and Ideas - Page 14 Fl6BNeG

    Last edited by Morpheus Eberhardt on Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:58 pm; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : Corrections and additions)

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    Post  victor1985 Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:48 pm

    Ok so multiply carriers. For better understand i would ask first how noise works. I mean how jam whit noise signals. Basicly a radar receive a signal. That signal has either a amplitude or frecvency modulation also different carriers. So a enemy power up signals per s to make you receive let say 3 A frecvencyes at same time. And make you impossible to form a message. But .... as far as i see the message is received too. So how come noise can make bad?
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:33 pm

    victor1985 wrote:Ok so multiply carriers. For better understand i would ask first how noise works. I mean how jam whit noise signals. Basicly a radar receive a signal. That signal has either a amplitude or frecvency modulation also different carriers. So a enemy power up signals per s to make you receive let say 3 A frecvencyes at same time. And make you impossible to form a message. But .... as far as i see the message is received too. So how come noise can make bad?

    In the above equations, I haven't included the noise. Noise is bad, because when you add enough noise to a signal, the output "looks" just like the noise, and you can't discern your signal from the noise.

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    Post  victor1985 Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:19 pm

    Well the enemy jumps between frecvencies. You could simply have a message in that continuous same AAA frecvencies would be the message itself. In thi if the enemy jumps between frecvencies would miss the message if stick to one frecvency stay more tine on single frecvency not knowing you frecvency modulation or carryes you choose for message.

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    Post  victor1985 Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:58 pm

    A precise jump in given frecvencies whit message form from lot of frecvencies could help. Lets say 100 103 105 till 117 are "turn left " message. And also for not repeating 120 130 and so on mean also turn left.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:52 pm

    I saw on tv that in the sun light materials are becoming other materials that are heavier.

    That process is called Fusion... two light atoms collide with such force they fuse into a single heavier atom... so two hydrogen atoms each with one electron and one proton and one neutron smash into each other and form a single atom with two electrons and two protons and two neutrons... in other words to hydrogen atoms collide and form a helium atom. When they do this a small amount of matter is destroyed releasing enormous amounts of energy. It actually occurs naturally in the core of a star where the pressure and temperature allow it to happen spontaneously.

    the vast majority of matter in the early universe was hydrogen and some helium, but as the clouds of hydrogen slowly formed into masses and the gravity of those masses made them collapse on themselves forming balls of hydrogen that got heavier and heavier until the pressure and heat at their cores was sufficient to start fusion... so they started the process of converting hydrogen into helium and then helium into heavier elements. Look up the periodic table, as each element collided new heavier elements were formed and more energy is released... the process continues until iron is formed... iron conducts heat efficiently and causes the core to stop fusing because the temperature drops dramatically. This all happens in the core of the star... the outer layers contain mostly hydrogen and helium still and when the core stops fusing the outer layers are no longer being pushed out by what is pretty much a continuous nuclear explosion of enormous power. When the core stops fusing the outer layers collapse in on the core and cause an enormous explosion called a Nova.

    This crushes the core in an instant and can create many of the heavier elements found on earth like lead and uranium and titanium etc etc. In fact all the elements like oxygen and iron and carbon are all created in the fusion cores of small to medium sized stars.

    Much bigger stars create much bigger explosions called super novas where the cores can be crushed down so hard that the parts of the atoms themselves are crushed together.

    Most of the mass of an atom is in the Protons and the Neutrons in its core. In fact if you scale an atom up so the core is the size of a basket ball the electrons would be the size of a pin head and would be orbiting the core about 2 miles away.

    A neutron has no electrical charge... it is neutral, while the proton has a positive charge and is slightly lighter than a neutron. An electron is tiny and is the exact weight difference between a neutron and proton and has a negative charge. If you could take an electron a crush it into a proton the charges would cancel each other out and the mass would be the same as a neutron.

    One of the outcomes of a super nova is that the atoms in the core of the giant star are crushed down so hard that the electrons and protons are crushed together and all that is left is neutrons... but instead of being miles apart when scaled up, they are right next to each other.

    This makes the resulting neutron star incredibly dense... a single teaspoon of the matter from a neutron star would weigh hundreds of millions of tons on earth and if you ever managed to get some not only would the contents of that teaspoon instantly fall rapidly down toward the centre of the earth due to its gravity, the earth would actually be pulled up toward the mass by the gravity the mass generates adn you and the tea spoon would be crushed into the surface of the material by the gravity it exerts on everything around it.

    Gravity is a very weak force... it takes an object the size of the earth to hold the atmosphere and you and I on its surface... but that is because it is not very dense... half of the earth is thousands of kms away from you so it has less gravitational effect on your body.

    If you compressed the mass of the entire earth down to the size of a 20 cent piece you would create a singularity... a point of infinite gravity (a black hole).

    If that star that collapses is big enough that is what happens to the core too... it becomes a point of infinite mass and collapses completely in on itself and forms a black hole.

    We are very lucky that some time in the past a nearby nova occurred to create all the elements on earth to allow us to exist... without carbon and oxygen and all the other elements we simply would not exist... we are made of star dust.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:56 pm

    BTW a star can fuse atoms at about 3 million degrees C, but only because it is not only hot but is also under enormous pressure. On earth to do the same we need much higher temperatures because we can't replicate the same pressure.

    Magnetic fields are used to contain the material as no physical container could withstand the 10 million degrees needed for fusion to take place.

    BTW man perfected controlled fusion half a century ago... the problem is that it is a fusion explosion and they needed a fission explosion to generate the heat to get it started.

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    Post  victor1985 Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:06 pm

    I saw most of this things on internet. So the big question: could we have a fusion reactor just for creating materials? I mean instead of going into a iron mine or import the iron better would be to take simple mud and tronsform it into iron. This could be done at a industrial scale?

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    Post  victor1985 Sat Apr 18, 2015 6:08 pm

    I know radio waves are best for see all thinking of energy required but....can be maibe done a field of antennas that can pass trought clouds whit microwaves? Would consume huge energi but the accuracy would be faw better. Also lets think that at a surface of a material is no straight line so even invisible planes reflect waves in all parts.

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    Post  victor1985 Sat Apr 18, 2015 6:10 pm

    Also a microwave fries up the enemy devices because of his high temperature that powers up
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Questions and Ideas - Page 14 Empty Re: Questions and Ideas

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:56 am

    victor1985 wrote:I saw most of this things on internet. So the big question: could we have a fusion reactor just for creating materials? I mean instead of going into a iron mine or import the iron better would be to take simple mud and tronsform it into iron. This could be done at a industrial scale?

    Conceptually you can use fusion reactors to generate elements up to a binding energy per nucleon of that of Ni-62, as the fusion reactions involved would be exothermic.

    Beyond that, based on our current knowledge, you would need supernovas to endothermically generate the higher-atomic-mass elements.

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    Post  collegeboy16 Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:13 am

    its entirely possible, but not practical unless you have a philosopher's stone at hand Razz . the energies needed to produce even miniscule amounts of heavier materials via fusion would always be way, way , biggur than just going around the universe and mining it.

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    Post  victor1985 Fri May 08, 2015 8:09 pm

    Well i try to understand jamming. Is about noise. So i guess longest the message is less chances are that noise produce the message randomly. So what part of a radar occur whit message receiving and see it between noise?

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    Post  victor1985 Fri May 08, 2015 8:14 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Unbelievable, Viktor and GarryB will love this! Rostec just dropped a bombshell the size of the Tsar Bomba!!! As I already pointed out the strategic importance to develop 'Photonics' (lasers replacing electrons in electronics, a field backed by the Foundation for Strategic Studies). This Rostec article recognizes that the domestic electronics industry is significantly behind the West, and also the strategic importance in jumping ahead of everyone in the field of 'Photonics'. It documents the potential of 'Photonics' when it's fully developed, and the success of KRET developing the field photonics and it's application in radars, with very promising results in the field while it's in it's infancy.

    Some VERY important data points in the article:

    1.) Electronics based on photonics will have decreased the need for 'servers' down to 1/100th the current level, and will increase the data transfer rate by 10 fold!

    2.) When fully mature photonics will allow truck based radars to have the same power, resolution, and capability as massive OTH radars!

    3.) KRET's early work in radiophotonics (photonics based radars) are incredibly promising. Developments in the field while it's in it's infancy allows airborne radars (AEW while based on photonics) weight to be cut down 1/2 the current weight, and increased the resolution by 10 fold!

    4.) Photonic based radars will have it's ECM resistance grow by several orders of magnitude! Will be heavily resistant to electro-magnetic storms...

    5.) By the 2020's photonic based AESA radars will grow by leaps and bounds in capability. The weight of AESA radar will be cut down by 1.5 to 3 times, increase the reliability and efficiency by 2 to 3 times, and increase the scanning speed and resolution by several dozen times that of contemporary AESA radars!

    6.) Photonics can also be effectively applied in housing, for example, in urban and rural heating systems. Instead of hot water energy photons will be used. They will be distributed in photonic crystal fibers with a thickness of human hair, the energy of which is converted into heat with almost 100% efficiency!

    KRET creates a laboratory for research in Photonics

    The group has been developing radar and EW systems based on new technologies

    Questions and Ideas - Page 14 Afar

    In recent years, electronic systems all often replaced on the photon. Linked it in the first turn with a different physical nature of the photon. That same is a photon and what unique capabilities of military technology will provide a new direction – believe that radio Photonics?

    Faster electron

    Photonics is essentially analogue electronics, are used instead of electrons are quanta of the electromagnetic field – photons. These are the most common number of particles in the Universe, unlike electrons, do not have mass and charge. Therefore, photonic systems are not affected by external electromagnetic fields, have much better transmission range and bandwidth of the signal.

    As a field of science Photonics began in 1960 with the invention of the first important technical devices using photons, laser. The very term "Photonics" began to be widely used in the 1980-ies in connection with the beginning of widespread use of optical fiber transmission. By the way, in our country the first development of such fiber optic cables engaged in the design Bureau of the cable industry, now part of KRET.

    We can say that these developments have made a revolution in telecommunications in the last century and became the basis for the development of the Internet. Actually, until about 2001 Photonics was largely focused on the telecommunications.

    Today "telecommunication" Photonics helps in the creation of a new direction – radio Photonics, which arose from the fusion of electronics, wave optics, microwave optoelectronics and other fields of science and industrial production.

    In other words, believe that radio Photonics deals with the problems of transmission, reception and transformation of information by using electromagnetic waves of microwave range and photonic devices and systems. Believe that radio Photonics allows you to create radio frequency devices with the options that are unattainable for traditional electronics.

    Modern radio apparatus moves in the optical range, and ignoring this fact often leads to very serious consequences. For example, initially in the design of information and telecommunication, service and technical networks of the super-Jumbo A380 were not included photonic network. Used aluminum cable, and its length was more than 500 km away. This has led to serious problems on Board the aircraft. For their decision required a full replacement of all cable networks on each side of which was built for the A380. The result – two years of delays and almost 5 billion euros in financial losses, and the largest Corporation narrowly escaped financial collapse.

    Questions and Ideas - Page 14 Danil-Kolodin_KRET_high_DKOL2740(1)

    Radiophony breakthrough

    In microelectronics Russia, as you know, behind the Western countries. It is through technologies in the field of radio Photonics invited to compete. Today Russian scientists in the sphere of defense technologies consider it impossible to give up electrons and to pay attention to the photons which have no mass and fly faster.

    According to experts, servers, operating on the principles of Photonics, decreased a hundred times compared to the current, and the data transfer rate would be increased tenfold.

    Or, for example, a ground radar station. Today, this radar is a multi-storey building, but if you start to believe that radio Photonics work, then the station can be installed on a conventional truck. The efficiency and range will be exactly the same – thousands of kilometers. Several mobile and small complexes can be combined into a network, which will increase characteristics of these radars.

    Believe that radio Photonics instead of electronics

    Photonic technologies will significantly expand the capabilities and airborne radars. New developments in this area more than twice reduce the weight of existing antennas and radars, tenfold increase their resolution. Also radiophonic antennas will be a unique resistance to electromagnetic pulses, which occur, for example, during close lightning strikes or when solar magnetic storms.

    All this will create a broadband radars that level of resolution and speed can be called radar vision. Such system is also planned in the civil sphere, for example, on high-speed trains for instant detection of obstacles on the tracks.

    Photonics can also be effectively applied in housing, for example, in urban and rural heating systems. Instead of hot water energy will act photons. They will be distributed in photonic crystal fibers with a thickness of human hair, the energy of which is converted into heat with almost 100% efficiency.

    Laboratory of the future

    In Russia radiophonie technology develops KRET. Today, the group and the Foundation for advanced studies working on a promising project "Development of active phased array-based radio Photonics" (ROPAR). The project includes the creation of a special laboratory on the basis of the Concern and the development of universal technology, which will be the basis for radar and electronic warfare systems for the new generation.

    According to KRET CEO Nikolai Kolesov, the latest technology will allow in 2020 to create an effective and advanced transmitting / receiving apparatus, radar, electronic intelligence and electronic countermeasures of the new generation.

    One of the main areas of work will be the creation of an active phased array (AESA) of the new generation, in which the main elements were created using the principles of radio Photonics. They will reduce the weight of the system is 1.5-3 times increase in 2-3 times the reliability and efficiency, as well as dozens of times to increase the scanning speed and resolution.

    If successful, the technology will open up new opportunities for improving the "smart skin" that will be on the Russian aircraft of the latest generation, including the PAK FA. Such a system of built-in elements throughout the area of the fuselage will allow the crew to get in any time solid radar picture within a radius of 360 degrees, will provide for the operation of antenna systems in active and passive radar, raising all kinds of noise, secretive and noise-immune data transmission, communication with the ground and other aircraft, hoopsnake and more.

    In addition, on the basis of new materials and elements, created on the basis of the principles of Photonics, KRET will learn the advanced technologies of high-power photodetectors and semiconductor laser modules.

    KRET creates a laboratory for research in the field of photonics
    Is this based on laser tehnology or how? Photons are free in reactions like in reactors. So how they free photons? Else only laser can be.

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    Post  victor1985 Fri May 08, 2015 8:19 pm

    I dont understand. Somehow wires are replaced by photons? Or the radar waves are replaced by photons?

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    Post  victor1985 Fri May 08, 2015 8:20 pm

    If is top secret no problem. Dont mind.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri May 08, 2015 8:28 pm

    victor1985 wrote:I dont understand. Somehow wires are replaced by photons? Or the radar waves are replaced by photons?

    You replace electrons in electronics, with photons (laser beams) from photonics. So instead of having electronics that makes up a system, you have photonics that make up a system.

    It's comparable to going from making naval warships out of wood, to making naval warships out of metal...or making fighter jets from steel, then transitioning to making fighter jets out of titanium, and carbon fiber synthetic composites.

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    Post  victor1985 Fri May 08, 2015 8:40 pm

    Well there is a big problem: photons travel at the speed of light. What kind of computer could interprete data that comes at the speed of light? And what device could understand dwta that comes at that speed? Because you understand that must be a device that transform photon flux into readable data.

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    Post  victor1985 Fri May 08, 2015 8:45 pm

    Similar can be done whit electromagnetic waves. But is missing the device. Maibe whit another kind of cpu maibe a system whitout cpu. Maibe a plasma display or others....

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    Post  victor1985 Fri May 08, 2015 8:47 pm

    It must be a device that react and display at the speed of light.

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    Post  mutantsushi Sat May 09, 2015 7:04 am

    victor1985 wrote:I dont understand. Somehow wires are replaced by photons? Or the radar waves are replaced by photons?
    The radar is working more or less the same in terms of passing thru the air and hitting the target,
    Photonics here is about high quality/bandwidth signal generation/detection and A/D conversion...
    It isn't otherwise changing the internal processing of the radar system*, just a new means of interacting with radar signal...
    (*besides changes resulting from allowing higher bandwidth and cleaner noise situation)

    Links to work Selex is doing on it...

    and Thales:
    (which also covers optical control of radar beam steering)

    Last edited by mutantsushi on Sat May 09, 2015 8:58 am; edited 1 time in total
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sat May 09, 2015 8:33 am

    victor1985 wrote:I dont understand. Somehow wires are replaced by photons? Or the radar waves are replaced by photons?

    Radar waves are already constituted of photons. The photonics and optical computing replace a large portion of the electronics.

    One of the advantages of photonics and optical computing includes free space propagation that provides for parallelism and volume and weight savings.

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    Post  victor1985 Sat May 09, 2015 4:39 pm

    How nice would be if another form of cpu could be made and not function on electrons ....thus errors would be eliminate. Also i wanna ask : quantity of photons in particle form can be measured in free space? I mewn outside. Because maibe a radar that measure light would be usefull. Cause sun itself is a big radar.
    Mike E
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    Post  Mike E Sun May 10, 2015 9:17 am

    I have an idea with questions that come along with it.... 

    Because the Armata turret is modular and replaceable, would it be possible to say mount it on other platforms? The Kurganets seems to be wide enough to support a large turret ring, and hence a turret... Combined with the fact that the current Armata turret is not all that heavy, it does not seem all that unrealistic to mount it on that platform.

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    Post  GarryB Sun May 10, 2015 11:11 am

    Because the Armata turret is modular and replaceable, would it be possible to say mount it on other platforms? The Kurganets seems to be wide enough to support a large turret ring, and hence a turret... Combined with the fact that the current Armata turret is not all that heavy, it does not seem all that unrealistic to mount it on that platform.

    The Russians and the Soviets have a long history of mounting obsolete tank turrets in concrete at borders and even current tank turrets on small river craft... as an unmanned turret the Armata MBT turret would therefore be ideal as likely would the IFV turret and the Mortar carrier turret and indeed both the 152mm artillery turret (ie coalition) and the turret of the vehicle for rocket artillery.

    Regarding the use of the Armata MBT turret on lighter vehicles it would likely be useful on the Kurganets and Boomerang but because of reduced weights likely impractical on the typhoon.

    Even if it is not exactly the same turret it could be a slightly scaled down model for the lighter vehicles... not the Ephoca lite turret will be fitted to all the vehicle families with its 30mm cannon to begin with.

    I saw most of this things on internet. So the big question: could we have a fusion reactor just for creating materials? I mean instead of going into a iron mine or import the iron better would be to take simple mud and tronsform it into iron. This could be done at a industrial scale?

    In practical terms the fusion reaction inside a star only stops at iron because iron is a good conductor of heat and therefore when enough iron is in the core it starts to cool down too rapidly and the fusion process stops. When that stops the outward pressure from the fusion ceases and the outer layers of material are no longer being pushed out by the powerful fusion reactions so the outer shell of material collapses under gravity... which causes an enormous rise in temperature and pressure and in a small star creates an explosion so big it is called a nova and a white dwarf is often created... bigger stars might create a neutron star and even bigger stars might create a supernova and a black hole... a point of infinite gravity.

    The main point of fusion for the future will be to generate power... smashing light elements together to create slightly heavier elements is generally the most efficient way to do it...

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