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    Syrian Civil War: News #7


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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  crod Fri May 13, 2016 7:04 am

    hard to know what is happening on the ground but it would appear ISIS scumbags are gaining some footholds where they were previously routed. SFA appear to making some ground too though I thought they were supposed to be in a cease fire?

    the amount of Hez casualties is concerning if accurate, the Zionist turds will move on south Lebanon. mad dog bibi needs to shore up is credentials and support!

    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Guest Fri May 13, 2016 9:00 am

    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 CiQkuw9VAAEKkZO

    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 CiQktU5UgAANvRL

    M62P3 120 mm mortar round used in Aleppo by "opposition"

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Regular Fri May 13, 2016 9:47 am

    IAF is impressive by any means. Mustafa Amine Badreddine eliminated in precision strike.
    Good Intel and probably green light from Russia.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Visc Fri May 13, 2016 10:19 am

    Regular wrote:IAF is impressive by any means. Mustafa Amine Badreddine eliminated in precision strike.
    Good Intel and probably green light from Russia.

    It has not yet been fully investigated and concluded by what means he was assassinated. I don't think it was an airstrike but we will see.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  KoTeMoRe Fri May 13, 2016 10:46 am

    Regular wrote:IAF is impressive by any means. Mustafa Amine Badreddine eliminated in precision strike.
    Good Intel and probably green light from Russia.

    I'd say this is a very very nasty shot from Israel. They know Russia and Iran are in a very uncomfortable position with each other about the way the cease-fire is going. So this is nothing more but an attempt to break the camel's back.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  calm Fri May 13, 2016 10:49 am

    Israel sent a message to Hezbollah though. Literally, right after Sayyed Nasrallah's speech, they assassinated Baddredine.
    Quntar, Mughaniyah, and now Bareddine; Israeli Military Intelligence has infiltrated the Syrian networks.
    Only idiots underestimate Israel's capabilities. They are like eagles watching from afar. They wait for the right moment to strike.
    Arabs are notorious for selling each other out; that's one of the reasons why Hezbollah & the Syrian Intel have a strained relationship.
    Some people wonder what is Russia's role in the Hezbollah-Israel conflict; it is simple - they have no role. Russia does not oppose Israel.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Regular Fri May 13, 2016 10:52 am

    KoTeMoRe wrote:

    I'd say this is a very very nasty shot from Israel. They know Russia and Iran are in a very uncomfortable position with each other about the way the cease-fire is going. So this is nothing more but an attempt to break the camel's back.
    And it's not the first time Israel is playing Russia like this. I hope this will be topic behind curtains and it will be last IAF strike there. Israel is acting similar to Turkey now and playing dangerous game were they could end up reaping what they sow.

    Some people wonder what is Russia's role in the Hezbollah-Israel conflict; it is simple - they have no role. Russia does not oppose Israel.
    Why Russia should oppose Israel? It's not their conflict and it serves no interest. Israel and Russia have very pragmatic relationship, no stupid sanctions, ideology, human rights yada yada, just business. It still doesn't mean Russians will let Israel to shit in their backyard like they did now.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Vann7 Fri May 13, 2016 11:44 am

    Russia does not oppose neither Israel or Hezbolah. they can work with both.
    The attack on hezbolah can only happen through spies ,infiltrated. Is not the first
    time it happens.Too many Muslins betray each other for the right money.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Neutrality Fri May 13, 2016 12:38 pm

    This just got in. had a link to the SOHR article:

    16 commanders of JAN taken out by a single air strike. Which air force the plane belongs to is unknown yet.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Solncepek Fri May 13, 2016 1:28 pm


    Breaking: Israel kills Hezbollah commander in airstrike over Damascus

    Around midnight Damascus time, an Israeli jet hauled through the southern outskirts of Damascus and struck an Hezbollah unit near the Damascus International Airport.

    During the airstrike, Hezbollah commander Mustafah Badr Al-Deen (Mustafa Badreddine) was killed in a pinpoint target attack.

    His death has been confirmed by a military source in Damascus.

    A rare picture of him can be seen here:
    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 13187759_10156831295065361_2107616974_n

    Furthermore, two paramilitary Iranian commanders were reportedly killed.

    Mustafah Badr Al-Deen has maintained a largely underground presence but is considered one of the most high ranking military commanders in Hezbollah.

    In December 2015, a similar Israeli airstrike killed another senior Hezbollah commander in the countryside of Damascus; namely Samir Kuntar.

    It is not known how the Israeli jet entered Syrian airspace this time nor why the Syrian anti-aircraft units of Damascus were unable to respond.

    It is also unknown how the Israeli intelligence obtained his exact position, although an informant is presumed to have revealed his coordinates.

    On May 6, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) lost the Syrian village of Khan Touman, strategically located near the Aleppo-Damascus highway southwest of Aleppo, to Jaysh al Fath, a jihadist-led alliance of rebel groups. Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s Syria branch, and other jihadi groups publicized footage of the assault and its aftermath on social media, which included images of captives and dead bodies. This ambush has garnered significant public attention in Iran, with some observers describing the rout as the Guard’s worst loss in the Syrian war.

    According to an unconfirmed report by Iranian outlet Jam News, 80 pro-government combatants were killed, including members of the Afghan Fatemiyoun Division, Lebanese Hezbollah, and the IRGC. Footage on social media shows a large number of Afghans and Iranians, and possibly some Hezbollah fighters, among the dead. An alleged text message exchange among trapped Afghans in Khan Touman has since gone viral, particularly for its ominous ending: “God willing we will be martyred, not captured.”

    The Revolutionary Guard has thus far acknowledged the wounding of 21 and the loss of 17 military “advisers,” including the deaths of two senior officers: Brigadier General Second Class Javad Dourbin, a retired commander who went to Syria last month, and Brigadier General Shafi Shafii, a commander in the Guard’s external arm the Qods Force. Thirteen were regular ground forces from the 25th Karbala Division, stationed in the northern Iranian province of Mazandaran. Bearing the brunt of the ambush, this unit has rotated back to Iran. One soldier was from the IRGC Hazrat-e Seyyed ol-Shohada Unit (Tehran province) and another from Karaj, Alborz province.

    According to parliamentarian Mohammad Esmail Kowsari, a former senior Guard commander, five or six Iranians were captured in Khan Touman. According to a journalist with the IRGC-affiliated Fars News, Jaysh al Fath executed three Iranian prisoners and took five to an undisclosed location on May 10, raising the purported number of prisoners to eight.

    Videos and photos taken of two of the captives claimed that they were Iranians or Hezbollah fighters, though Hezbollah has denied that any of its members were captured in the ambush. The two appeared to be native Syrian Arabic speakers (Jund al-Aqsa, an al Qaeda front group, claimed the execution of one of them yesterday). Other footage of prisoners shows two Afghan Fatemiyoun Division members.

    Although Qods Force Commander Qassem Soleimani missed a scheduled briefing of Iranian parliamentary-elects on May 8, with sources citing “travel,” he was in Iran on May 11 to attend the funeral of his former commander. Rear Admiral Second Class Mohammad Nazeri, commander of the IRGC Navy Eba Abdollah Commando Unit, was Soleimani’s trainer in 1979 (and was also present during the arrests of the British and US navy sailors in 2007 and 2016). The IRGC officially announced at first that Nazeri was “martyred” on Guard Day during a mission in the Persian Gulf; subsequent public statements and biographies indicate that he succumbed to chemical complications sustained after being gassed in the Iran-Iraq War.

    Nonetheless, Iranian officials and commanders have attempted to downplay the loss of Khan Touman. Ali Akbar Velayati, the supreme leader’s top foreign policy advisor, boasted that the pro-regime coalition in Syria is “stronger” than ever.

    Velayati met with Syrian President Bashar al Assad in Damascus on May 7 to reassure him of the Islamic Republic’s commitment to his government. Velayati then reiterated to the media that Assad remaining in power is Tehran’s “red line.” The IRGC Karbala unit issued an official statement on May 7 praising “martyrs” and urging people to remain calm and to ignore “the psychological warfare of the takfiris [Muslims who accuse other Muslims of being apostates] on social media.” The commander and spokesman of the unit echoed this view in subsequent press statements. IRGC Deputy Commander Brigadier General Hossein Salami, said on May 10 that the fall of Khan Touman was not a strategic setback and that the “Axis of Resistance” is in control of the war.

    Senior Iranian officials and commanders have indicated that forces would retaliate for Jaysh al Fath’s ambush. Ali Shamkhani, secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, told a reporter on May 9 that “Iran and its allies – meaning Russia, Syria, and Hezbollah” consider the assault “a major pre-planned violation” of the ceasefire that would not be left unanswered. Mohsen Rezaei, former IRGC commander and current member of the Expediency Discernment Council, warned of “harsh revenge” in an Instagram post the same day. Salami similarly vowed on May 10 that recently lost areas would be retaken. The spokesman of the 25th Karbala Division announced on the same day that the remains of 12 Iranians killed in Khan Touman would be retrieved after “the liberation of areas.”

    State and IRGC-affiliated media outlets have also been claiming that preparations are underway for a “large-scale” counterattack with the participation of the Syrian military, Hezbollah, Iraqi militias, and Iranian forces to retake Khan Touman. These reports aim to highlight the central role of the Syrian army assisted by Iranian “advisers.” They also provide unverifiable figures of large numbers, perhaps in the hundreds, of opposition deaths. Kayhan, the supreme leader’s unofficial mouthpiece, ran the headline “the resistance took revenge, 500 terrorists killed in Khan Touman” on May 11. An op-ed in the newspaper boasted, “no military has the Islamic Republic’s capability” to “confront takfiri terrorism.”

    Iranian officials and IRGC-affiliated outlets have been projecting a narrative that forces backed by the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey violated an extended ceasefire to launch the ambush, though they did not mention that Nusrah was excluded from the truce. Shamkhani told parliamentary-elects on May 8 that “Americans and their regional and terrorist allies,” including Nusrah, took advantage of the “goodwill” of the ceasefire.

    Rezaei has similarly censured the “terrorists” who “took advantage of the ceasefire,” accusing Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia of supporting these groups. In a condolences letter, Judiciary chief Ayatollah Sadegh Amoli Larijani blasted “the devilish deception of takfiris and their dishonorable attack” and proclaimed the ambush will strengthen the “iron will” of the defenders “pure Muhammadean Islam” to drive back the “army of blasphemy, polytheism and Satan.”

    On May 8, the IRGC-affiliated media agency Tasnim underscored the same two themes of truce-breaking and foreign support. An op-ed in Fars News published the next day proclaimed that the ambush showed “there can be no hope to a political solution in Syria.” Kayhan’s lengthy op-ed published today questions the merits of the ceasefire, proclaiming that assaults on Al Ais last month and Khan Touman this past week are proof that “terrorists groups and the governments that back them” including the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey were never committed to the ceasefire.

    Iranian officials have not publicly criticized Russia, but the media has objected to perceived Russian inaction. Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian told Iranian media that during his travel to Moscow last week he discussed “causes of ceasefire violations” including “terrorist and armed groups that are incorrectly called moderates and take advantage of the ceasefire.” Russia’s indifference was similarly criticized by reformist-leaning newspaper Ghanoon – which ran the headline “Aleppo became Karbala” (the 680 CE battle that sealed the Sunni-Shi’a schism) the day after Nusrah’s ambush. Tabnak, owned by Rezaei, also attacked Russian “indifference” and its alleged failure to provide air cover against Jaysh al Fath’s assault while Russian forces “leisurely” enjoyed a symphony orchestra in the ruins of Palmyra. Kayhan insinuated today that Russia was naive to believe negotiators were coming around to accepting Assad’s continued rule, so a ceasefire could help Assad consolidate power. The newspaper stated that Tehran was always skeptical towards the truce arrangements. Iranian special forces were also reportedly angry about the lack of Russian air cover in an intense engagement with Nusrah last month.

    Although Iran and its militias have been suffering increasing casualties, with official tallies between 400 and 700, the IRGC can sustain its involvement for a long period of time. According to an announcement made by a former Guard commander who was in Khan Touman as an “advisor” two weeks ago, 1,200 Iranian fighters have been killed in Syria since 2012, a higher figure than their official numbers. The figure may reflect unreported deaths or losses by the Qods Force, who are known to not publicize their fatalities. The commander claimed that many have registered as “volunteers” to deploy, but that they do not have permission yet. He also reiterated repeated warnings that if Iran loses in Syria, it would have to fight the same forces in its western province of Kurdistan.

    The Syrian military announced on May 8 that a ceasefire in Aleppo would be extended by 48 hours starting the following day. US officials said that they are trying to move beyond localized and short-term ceasefires to restore a nationwide truce. However, Nusrah’s strategy of rejecting ceasefires — as well as the continuous violations by the regime, its allies, and a potential IRGC assault in southern Aleppo — undermine prospects for a sustainable ceasefire in Syria.

    The funeral for Quds Force Brigadier General Second Class Javad Dourbin in his hometown of Bandar-e Anzali, Gilan Province, on May 9:
    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 1-Funeral-for-Quds-Force-Brigadier-General-Second-Class-Javad-Dourbin-1024x713

    IRGC 25th Karbala Division soldiers returning home after 40-day tour in Aleppo:
    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 2-IRGC-25th-Karbala-Division-soldiers-returning-to-Sari-Mazandaran-province-1023x682

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  ultron Fri May 13, 2016 1:29 pm

    Neutrality wrote:This just got in. had a link to the SOHR article:

    16 commanders of JAN taken out by a single air strike. Which air force the plane belongs to is unknown yet.

    I put my money on Iranians. Russians are too stubborn and won't attack Nusra because Nusra is embedded with Ahrar and Ahrar is not on the UN terror list. Russia has done practically 0 airstrikes since Putin signed that damn peace treaty with Obama who plays Putin like a rag doll.

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    Post  ultron Fri May 13, 2016 1:33 pm

    Unless Putin wants to spend his remaining days preoccupied with Syria, he must immediately terminate ceasefire and reject any future ceasefire. Stalin didn't beat Hitler using ceasefire. Wars are not won using ceasefire. Obama may want a ceasefire, but that's only buying time for Trump or Hillary.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  PapaDragon Fri May 13, 2016 2:44 pm


    lol1 lol1 lol1

    Don't make me laugh this hard man...Razz

    You may want to leave Russia out of that BS headline. Russians are there to do some real geopolitical work and to score some durka scalps while they are at it.

    They are definitely not there to get themselves stuck in some Mid-East Shia/Sunni/Jewish/Whatever shitstorm that lasted for centuries and will last for centuries to come.

    If Iran has issues with how Russia operates they are free to take over. I am sure they will do much "better" job. I remember their amazing performance at Khan Touman the other day (defensive position, superior numbers and gear, full recon and air-support from VKS and they still scattered like rats).

    If SAA has issues with how Russia operates they are also free to take over. Or even better, they should have done their job 5 years ago so now they would not need Russia.
    Those idiots can't even hold position against some retards with AKs for more than 10 minutes so best course of action for them would be to STFU.

    If Hezbollah has issues with how Russia operates they can ask for Iran to cover their asses.
    After all Iranian Air Force has flown so many sorties in this war did it not? Or maybe Hezbollah might want to ask themselves how come their local bros keep selling them out.

    And seriously, where the fuck is Iranian Air Force? Are they doing Saudi thing "we'll go to war but only after big boys go first"?
    Well Russia is already rolling so what the fuck is Ayatollah Airlines waiting for, official invitation?

    And all those mentioned above are free to ask USA to take over supply duties from Russia.

    This looks like the same thing as the last time: Israel cashed in another coupon from the VKS. Big deal, move along...


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    Post  George1 Fri May 13, 2016 2:57 pm


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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  ultron Fri May 13, 2016 4:41 pm

    Shahed 129 armed with a laser guided bomb flying over Maarat al Numan

    Nujaba shoot an Ashtar IRAM at Khan Touman


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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Dima Fri May 13, 2016 5:10 pm

    IAF is impressive by any means. Mustafa Amine Badreddine eliminated in precision strike.
    Good Intel and probably green light from Russia.
    Why is it hard to accept that the Isreali's yet again carried out a successful surprise attack (most likely) from outside the Syrian borders with all the parties coming to know about it after the event?
    Do you guys remember last week or earlier Isreali aircrafts were in the Lebanese airspace for many hours spying on the Hezbollah areas.....probably it had something to do with this strikes?

    Syrian AD is not that heavy and is currently almost non-existent operationally as well coz they are not in an open war with the Isreali's and other terrorists sponsors/backers. So there are lots of areas where anyone can sneak in if they want. Its the same for Russian systems, they just have the S-400 in Latakia and thats expect that it will seal all the holes is plain stupid.

    To say that Russia colluded with this strike (btw, mad dogs needs no ones permission for a strike) will amount to plain treachery of the allies (and almost entire world) who have put their faith in the Russian state.

    Lets not turn the Russians into an utter garbage with absoultely no morals. They are not the kind of ppl who backstab their allies, yes, they have had to bitterly stay out and had to sit on the sidelines on many occasions mainly coz they were helpless. But no, Russian ppl and Russia are not the kind of garbage who will betray you. But there is no denial that there are so many 5th columnists in Russia and we have samples of that in the forums as well.  

    Lets not forget that Russia is still handicapped in its reach (Navy. I say it all the time bitterly!) to fight in the devils backyard and there is a limit to which Russia can escalate the situation in Syria....  
    Let me also add that if Russians want, they too can carry out strikes on the Israeli intelligence HO or other targets in a surprise attack... Its all about choosing the right time.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  ultron Fri May 13, 2016 5:31 pm

    Dima wrote:
    IAF is impressive by any means. Mustafa Amine Badreddine eliminated in precision strike.
    Good Intel and probably green light from Russia.
    Why is it hard to accept that the Isreali's yet again carried out a successful surprise attack (most likely) from outside the Syrian borders with all the parties coming to know about it after the event?
    Do you guys remember last week or earlier Isreali aircrafts were in the Lebanese airspace for many hours spying on the Hezbollah areas.....probably it had something to do with this strikes?

    Syrian AD is not that heavy and is currently almost non-existent operationally as well coz they are not in an open war with the Isreali's and other terrorists sponsors/backers. So there are lots of areas where anyone can sneak in if they want. Its the same for Russian systems, they just have the S-400 in Latakia and thats expect that it will seal all the holes is plain stupid.

    To say that Russia colluded with this strike (btw, mad dogs needs no ones permission for a strike) will amount to plain treachery of the allies (and almost entire world) who have put their faith in the Russian state.

    Lets not turn the Russians into an utter garbage with absoultely no morals. They are not the kind of ppl who backstab their allies, yes, they have had to bitterly stay out and had to sit on the sidelines on many occasions mainly coz they were helpless. But no, Russian ppl and Russia are not the kind of garbage who will betray you. But there is no denial that there are so many 5th columnists in Russia and we have samples of that in the forums as well.  

    Lets not forget that Russia is still handicapped in its reach (Navy. I say it all the time bitterly!) to fight in the devils backyard and there is a limit to which Russia can escalate the situation in Syria....  
    Let me also add that if Russians want, they too can carry out strikes on the Israeli intelligence HO or other targets in a surprise attack... Its all about choosing the right time.

    If Russia won't shoot down Israeli planes, Iran will. Iran has S-300 now and they will use it. Israel illegally flying over Lebanese and Syrian airspace is red line for Iran.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Dima Fri May 13, 2016 6:02 pm

    A discussion on France24 during the period of Palmyra liberation. The report by the UK-France propaganda outlet is on expected lines. What I like is the former French ambassador, he is a man of integrity and have always stood against the 'normal' storyline by the propaganda outlets. As usual the panalist include arseoles and one is the bitch Carol Malouf.



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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Dima Fri May 13, 2016 6:30 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) announced today that 13 military advisors were killed, 21 others wounded in Syria, most of them at Aleppo battlefields; thus raising the number of Iranians killed while fighting radical militants in Syria to 247.

    RIP to those heroes, Syria should be grateful it has such allies as Iran and Russia...

    And such a shame its other neighbours are supporting its enemies without consequences...

    The Iranians have scarified a lot in men and they need to be supported. The problem with the Iranian and other anti-terrorists groups is that all are heavily dependent on the Russian air-support and in cases artillery support.

    This is the biggest drawback....Iranians need to have their own hardware like aircrafts, helos, artillery, tanks and bmps so that they can support the troops (all allied) in assault.

    What surprises me is why Iran and Russia are not yet making any military hardware deals. Its required on an urgent basis that will help greatly in counter-terrorits offensive. This will be a good for Russian mil hardware sales and will greatly improve Iranian military capablity.

    Train the new users in Russia/Iran and ship the hardwares (first/urgent batch) directly to Syria where the Iranians can take over.
    The hardwares I'm talking about are as follows......

    MiG-29M (for gods sake promote it, for sure Iranians will buy it. It would be better to send them to Syrian than to upgrade the Iranian Su-24 and then send them in) ---- atleast supply those meant for Syria to Iran.

    Mi-35M/Mi-28 - atleast 24
    T-90S ----- atleast 40 units
    BMP-2M upgraded

    Btw, how about employing the cost-effective Uran 3M24 missiles. We have already seen those 4 & 8x canistered truck based system so why not use them to occasionally make some kebabs in the distant areas?
    par far

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  par far Fri May 13, 2016 7:53 pm

    calm wrote:
    Israel sent a message to Hezbollah though. Literally, right after Sayyed Nasrallah's speech, they assassinated Baddredine.
    Quntar, Mughaniyah, and now Bareddine; Israeli Military Intelligence has infiltrated the Syrian networks.
    Only idiots underestimate Israel's capabilities. They are like eagles watching from afar. They wait for the right moment to strike.
    Arabs are notorious for selling each other out; that's one of the reasons why Hezbollah & the Syrian Intel have a strained relationship.
    Some people wonder what is Russia's role in the Hezbollah-Israel conflict; it is simple - they have no role. Russia does not oppose Israel.

    Hezbollah will respond and when they do respond it like 9-10 Jewish assholes dead, they are also like Hawks watching, there are also Hezbollah spies inside Israel(remember the last time something like this happened, Hezbollah responded and coward Jews said through Russia that they don't want war with Hezbollah, Israel knows, Iran has used this war, to give more advanced weapons to Hezbollah).

    The biggest thing going against Iran, the SAA and Hezbollah is that they don't have a capable Air Force(Iran had the chance to modernize it's Air Force when the Soviet Union collapsed but the idiot Iranian leaders at the time said no need for that) and they have to depend on Russia for that and Russia is there to play geopolitical games. Iran is learning the hard, that you need a strong Air Force.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Kadmos45 Fri May 13, 2016 8:45 pm

    Funny thing, when Quntar was killed by Israeli aistrike months ago some guys here categorically denied that fact, and did bought nonsensical version about rebel attack instead. LOL

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  x_54_u43 Fri May 13, 2016 8:56 pm

    Dima wrote:
    IAF is impressive by any means. Mustafa Amine Badreddine eliminated in precision strike.
    Good Intel and probably green light from Russia.
    Why is it hard to accept that the Isreali's yet again carried out a successful surprise attack (most likely) from outside the Syrian borders with all the parties coming to know about it after the event?
    Do you guys remember last week or earlier Isreali aircrafts were in the Lebanese airspace for many hours spying on the Hezbollah areas.....probably it had something to do with this strikes?

    Syrian AD is not that heavy and is currently almost non-existent operationally as well coz they are not in an open war with the Isreali's and other terrorists sponsors/backers. So there are lots of areas where anyone can sneak in if they want. Its the same for Russian systems, they just have the S-400 in Latakia and thats expect that it will seal all the holes is plain stupid.

    To say that Russia colluded with this strike (btw, mad dogs needs no ones permission for a strike) will amount to plain treachery of the allies (and almost entire world) who have put their faith in the Russian state.

    Lets not turn the Russians into an utter garbage with absoultely no morals. They are not the kind of ppl who backstab their allies, yes, they have had to bitterly stay out and had to sit on the sidelines on many occasions mainly coz they were helpless. But no, Russian ppl and Russia are not the kind of garbage who will betray you. But there is no denial that there are so many 5th columnists in Russia and we have samples of that in the forums as well.  

    Lets not forget that Russia is still handicapped in its reach (Navy. I say it all the time bitterly!) to fight in the devils backyard and there is a limit to which Russia can escalate the situation in Syria....  
    Let me also add that if Russians want, they too can carry out strikes on the Israeli intelligence HO or other targets in a surprise attack... Its all about choosing the right time.

    There is no such thing as moral and good natured feelings in politics and geopolitical games.

    Russia most likely knew and simply didn't care. Hezbollah has been on the sidelines for quite a while in the Syria conflict, they simply don't have the manpower to make an impact.

    Ignore all talk of letting the Syrians decide for themselves, Russia and the US have decided for them already. It is not even a question anymore.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  PapaDragon Fri May 13, 2016 9:56 pm

    Dima wrote: ...................The Iranians have scarified a lot in men and they need to be supported. The problem with the Iranian and other anti-terrorists groups is that all are heavily dependent on the Russian air-support and in cases artillery support.................


    Iran has it's Air Force last time I checked so why aren't they using it? My answer would be because they lack balls just like their Saudi cousins and want someone else to bleed for them while they sit on their asses.

    Dima wrote:.................This is the biggest drawback....Iranians need to have their own hardware like aircrafts, helos, artillery, tanks and bmps so that they can support the troops (all allied) in assault.....

    Iranians already have  their own hardware like aircrafts, helos, artillery, tanks and bmps. And they can always buy more if they need to which brings me to my next point:

    Dima wrote:..........What surprises me is why Iran and Russia are not yet making any military hardware deals. Its required on an urgent basis that will help greatly in counter-terrorits offensive. This will be a good for Russian mil hardware sales and will greatly improve Iranian military capablity.  .............

    Only thing that is surprising here is the fact that Russia hasn't already thrown Iran to the wolves after they fucked them over. For years Russia supported Iran and negotiated nuclear deal and lifting of sanctions.

    And what was the first thing Iranians did? They instantly signed multi-billion $$$ deals with USA and EU and told Russian companies to fuck off. Only reason they are not buying weapons from the West is because nobody wants to sell it to them.

    Dima wrote:............Btw, how about employing the cost-effective Uran 3M24 missiles. We have already seen those 4 & 8x canistered truck based system so why not use them to occasionally make some kebabs in the distant areas?

    They are cost-effective but they still cost. Do Iranians plan on paying that effective cost? Didn't think so...

    If Ayatollah & Co want some more assistance after their little display of cunt-qualities then they better start signing contracts for triple-digit numbers of aircraft both civilian and military and four-digit numbers for tanks, APCs, IFVs, etc... (each, not combined!!!). Everything else in six-digit numbers at least.
    Payment up-front, no credits or loans and they better make it snappy.

    And if Iran really insists on sticking with that bullshit story that they don't have hardware then it's not a problem at all.

    Iran is a country with population of 80 million people. That is a lot of cheap biomass to throw in the meat grinder so they can always do smart thing and play to their strength.

    But like I already said, lack of hardware and manpower is not a problem, it's the testicles that they have shortage of.

    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Guest Sat May 14, 2016 12:07 am

    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Rami10

    Another lifegoal achieved lol

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 38 Empty reply

    Post  d_taddei2 Sat May 14, 2016 12:57 am

    Neutrality wrote:This just got in. had a link to the SOHR article:

    16 commanders of JAN taken out by a single air strike. Which air force the plane belongs to is unknown yet.

    as i posted in another thread it was a Russian Tu-160 which dropped 10 bombs.

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