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    Serbia Breaking News:


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    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:04 pm

    Prince Darling wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    Prince Darling wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    Prince Darling wrote:Vucic attacked in Srebrenica.

    Vucic is the very definition of the Serbian 5th column if I ever seen one.

    please explain, he did the right thing and has gaing huge political capital from being attacked.

    most of the world leaders are sorry for Vucic now, they arent talking about evil serb genocide as always.

    sometimes you have to expose yourself a bit, to expose the fact that the other side also has some idiot extremists and that the situation isnt black and white.

    Previous "hardline" policies are just stupid as they get absolutely nothing done, but you have your "pride" (whatever that means)

    The guy has a knack for regurgitating EU/NATO talking points, he even attacked the Turkish Stream, and supported the 'Croatian Stream'...a conveniently, expediently, and hastily assembled paper project if I ever heard of one....and even hiring warmonger Tony Blair to advise on Serbian economics for Christ's sake...a man who's even hated in his native UK, even by his Labor party constituency, with the blood of Serbian and Iraqi children on his grubby hands.

    that is probably because he is a top statesman and has a responsiblity to a lot of people, and doesnt have the privilage of anonymous internet armchair strong comments.

    he just figured out that you have to play by the rules of the EU if you are in europe, or you will be economically destroyed to third world lvl basically

    "privilage of anonymous internet armchair strong comments"

    No need to resort to ad hominem attacks to express your opinion, that's quite petty and unnecessary on your part.

    As far as playing by the's a cop out if I ever heard one, there's plenty of Pro-West financial advisers in the world not named Tony Blair, and the Croatian Stream is a pure politically motivated paper project, even less promising than the Nabucco pipeline, a blantant example of a hastily politically assembled project.

    In fact claims of 'playing by the EU rules' is an abject joke, considering how the new president of Croatia (a long time kept creature of NATO) is already trying to start trouble in Northern Serbia with it's ethnic Hungarian population, of course with EU/US support. Even acting as a vassal won't prevent you from getting prepped with 'Vaseline'.

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    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:45 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    Prince Darling wrote:Vucic attacked in Srebrenica.

    Vucic is the very definition of the Serbian 5th column if I ever seen one.

    You are mistaken. He (and president) managed to convince Russia to put a veto in UN. This visit was requested by Russia. Veto rocked the boat and Russia wanted a gesture that would stabilise the boat.

    This was cheap and easy and best of all, with this incident we even managed to get some media points while Jihad crowd made morons of themselves.

    Darling makes some good points. Politics and diplomacy are complicated.

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    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  cheesfactory Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:55 pm

    Vucic is the greatest shame of Serbia of the past 10 years. When he was on serbian graves to put flowers for the killed Serbs in RS or RSK? I can write here names of hundreds of massacred friends, brothers and sisters. He is the greatest traitor in history of serbs. They should kill him today, this assfucked slave of Obama/Merkel. I wish this everyday to this degenerate!

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    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:07 pm

    cheesfactory wrote:Vucic is the greatest shame of Serbia of the past 10 years. When he was on serbian graves to put flowers for the killed Serbs in RS or RSK? I can write here names of hundreds of massacred friends, brothers and sisters. He is the greatest traitor in history of serbs. They should kill him today, this assfucked slave of Obama/Merkel. I wish this everyday to this degenerate!

    So then, I assume Tadic, Milosevic and Djindjic were all patriots in you opinion? (not that Vucic is even remotely honorable)

    You do not really grasp how serious situation is.

    Please tell me, what would you do if you were in charge? (keep in mind that we are alone and surrounded by enemies on all sides)

    Posts : 49
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    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  cheesfactory Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:44 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    cheesfactory wrote:Vucic is the greatest shame of Serbia of the past 10 years. When he was on serbian graves to put flowers for the killed Serbs in RS or RSK? I can write here names of hundreds of massacred friends, brothers and sisters. He is the greatest traitor in history of serbs. They should kill him today, this assfucked slave of Obama/Merkel. I wish this everyday to this degenerate!

    So then, I assume Tadic, Milosevic and Djindjic were all patriots in you opinion? (not that Vucic is even remotely honorable)

    You do not really grasp how serious situation is.

    Please tell me, what would you do if you were in charge? (keep in mind that we are alone and surrounded by enemies on all sides)

    What you assume from my words about Tadic, Slobo and Zoran is only fantasy blabla, no comment.
    What the fuck a serbian PM, in this case the biggest traitor Vucic, is searching in Srebrenica? Was Serbia officially a part of the war crimes in Srebrenica? Whats wrong with you? Too much looking RTS and B92?

    From what a serious situation you're talking about, which justifies to lose the face of Serbia in front of every Serb? Are you kidding the souls of all the thousands of killed Serbs in the bosnian war?


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    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  Cyberspec Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:34 am

    Probably a bit harsh, but it's a pity one of those rocks didn't crack Vucic's skull Cool I don't have anything positive to say about him.

    At the end of the day I suppose you could count this as a small PR victory for Serbia

    Posts : 13669
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    Location : Fort Evil, Serbia

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:19 pm

    Cyberspec wrote:Probably a bit harsh, but it's a pity one of those rocks didn't crack Vucic's skull Cool I don't have anything positive to say about him.

    At the end of the day I suppose you could count this as a small PR victory for Serbia

    Not harsh at all!!!

    He needs that rock to the skull. thumbsup pwnd

    Good skull fracture will help keep his ego on proper size. No one likes egotistical pricks. lol1 attack

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    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  George1 Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:03 am

    Belgrade to Appeal to Int’l Courts if Croatia Closes Border With Serbia

    Serbia will seek protection at international courts in case Croatia closes the border between the two countries, Serbian Minister of Labor Aleksandar Vulin said, as cited by the local media.

    BELGRADE (Sputnik) – On Thursday, Croatian authorities stated that they could close the border with Serbia, if once again several thousands of migrants arrive in Croatia from the Serbian territory in one day.

    "We want to warn Croatia and any other country that the closure of international roads is unacceptable and that we will request the protection of our economic and other interests in international courts," Vulin said, as cited by the Tanjug news outlet Thursday.

    The minister added that if Croatia is unable to take care of just about 6,000 people, it should not be a cause of threat to its neighbors, or a reason to deprive refugees of basic human rights.

    According to Croatian authorities, in the last two days the country saw an influx of about 7,000 refugees and migrants and began to experience problems with their supervision, accommodation and transport to transit centers or to the borders of the neighboring countries. The refugees, mostly from the Middle East and North Africa, aim to use Croatia as a transit country on their way to reach the wealthier states of the Western Europe.

    Read more:

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    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  mutantsushi Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:11 am

    Of note, Croatia was implicated as a transit/supplier country in NATO/GCC arming of jihadis in Syria.

    Not sure what Serbia is doing re: it's police/border guards right now though, unless they're hoping to solicit aid from EU?

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  Guest Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:28 pm

    Few minutes ago happend explosion in Serbian explosives factory Milan Blagojević, five workers have been hospitalised, tree of which with heavy burns. They were transported to nearby hospital in Čačak. One is on intensive care, two are at this moment in operation room others are in somewhat better condition and apparently out of lifethreat. Its still not being decided if 3 badly wounded ones will be transported by helicopter to Military Medical Academy in Belgrade.

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Fabrika


    Site of the company:

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  Guest Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:00 pm

    Merkel warns of war in Balkans

    Read more at:

    "Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned that closing borders within Europe could lead to military conflict in the Balkans as she once again sought to defend her refugee policies on Monday. Speaking at a conference in Darmstadt in southern Germany, Merkel said that if Germany closed its border to Austria it could result in military conflict, reports Spiegel. Merkel said that the fence built by Hungary on its border with Serbia “will build up fault lines“ between the states in the Balkan region, many of whom were involved in a bloody war in the 1990s. “I don’t want to it to happen that military conflict is once again necessary there,“ Merkel said, adding that while she didn’t want to be a harbinger of doom, escalations into violence happen more quickly than one thinks.

    The chancellor said that a rise in tension between Balkan states is what led her to recently call a conference to discuss the refugee routes through the region. The danger is that if Germany closes its border then these countries will do likewise, she continued. Merkel added that it was Germany’s responsibility, as the largest state in the EU, to find a resolution to the problem that encourages solidarity rather than division. “I am pretty sure we can achieve that,“ said the Chancellor. Merkel’s warning ‘dramaticized’ Dr. Jochen Töpfer, expert in South European politics at Berlin’s Free University, told The Local that Merkel’s comments are somewhat “dramatized.“ “I don’t think that building border fences would directly cause [military confrontation],“ he said. “These states are trying to get into the EU and they want to present a good image of themselves.”

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 002564bc674515aac62208

    Merkel is most likely trying to create a fear among the Balkan countries that stops them before they take the decision to erect barriers along their borders, he added. But Töpfer also cautioned that one shouldn’t downplay the deteriorating situation in the Balkan region, emphasizing that the wars of the 1990s are “dormant rather than solved.” There is a trend back towards nationalism in the region, which the EU has supported by funding nationalist rather than moderate political groupings, he asserts. “In these countries there is widespread poverty and a struggle over the few resources they have. If you suddenly add half a million refugees to this system you increase the tension that exists there.” Further coalition talks On Thursday, Merkel is again scheduled to meet coalition party heads Sigmar Gabriel and Horst Seehofer to discuss the topic of transit zones for refugees. The proposal to process asylum applications before refugees cross the border has until now been roundly rejected by Sigmar Gabriel, leader of the centre-left Social Democratic Party."


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    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  George1 Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:43 pm

    Kosovo's bid to join UNESCO fails

    UNESCO has not accepted Kosovo as a member; the proposal failed to gain a two-thirds majority at the organization's General Conference in Paris on Monday.

    142 countries voted - 92 in favor, 50 against, while 29 abstained. Pristina's bid required 95 votes in favor to be successful.

    Among the countries that voted against were Brazil, China, Russia, Spain, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Palestine, North Korea, Slovakia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Bahrain, Indonesia.

    Those who abstained, included, among others, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Colombia, Greece, Nigeria, Peru, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, and Zambia.

    Among the countries that were in favor of the bid were Belgium, France, Canada, Bulgaria, Belize, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Malaysia, Pakistan, Panama, Norway, New Zealand, Portugal, the Czech Republic, the UK, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Chad, Thailand, Turkey, Afghanistan, Albania, Germany, Andorra.

    Earlier in the day, Serbia tabled a proposal to postpone a decision - but this proposal was rejected.

    The request to allow Kosovo to join was explained as an issue "unrelated to recognizing Kosovo as a state or supporting its UN membership," while a vote in favor would "give citizens of Kosovo access to cultural values and education and support UNESCO's mission."

    Serbia and others who opposed the request maintained that allowing Kosovo to join would represent "a politicization of the organization, and a violation of international law."

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  Guest Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:33 am

    Serbian Red Star fans during match with Real raised Russian flag and transparent with the name in honor of Russian pilot.

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  Guest Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:45 am

    "The first negotiating chapters for Serbian accession to the European Union may open in the next two to three weeks, Serbia’s chief negotiator with the European Union said on Friday.

    BELGRADE (Sputnik) – The next European General Affairs Council and Foreign Affairs Council, where Miscevic said EU enlargement appears on the agenda at intergovernmental conferences, are scheduled on December 14-15. Miscevic said she expected the sides to open talks with Chapter 32 on financial control and the contentious Chapter 35 on normalizing relations with Kosovo. Chapters on consumers and health protection, as well as those on cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs, are expected to follow. The chapters appear in the 28-member bloc’s accumulated legal acts and court decisions encompassing the body of EU law, known to as the "EU acquis." The head of the European Union’s delegation to Serbia, Michael Davenport, named a similar timetable of "two to three weeks" for accession talks on Thursday.

    Davenport presented a European Commission report to Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic on November 10, outlining progress the country made on its EU path. The report estimated the the Balkan country's preparation to EU accession as moderate in majority of areas, including foreign policy. Vucic told Sputnik two weeks ago that Belgrade’s refusal to introduce sanctions against Russia in line with the European Union caused Brussels to mark down Serbia’s progress in the report. Serbia received official EU candidate status on March 1, 2012. The European Council officially announced the launch of negotiations in January 2014, but talks were yet to begin."


    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  Guest Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:34 pm

    Special asphalt carrying river boat superstructure was finished in Serbian Kladovo shipyard on Danube river. Its 135m long and 8m tall. Its made to carry up to 7.000 cubic m of asphalt in 5 separate tanks. After outfitting in Netherlands it will be used by French company Total. There is possibility for another contract to build one more ship of this class. Bulding of the hull took record breaking 6 months, it was built by 350 workers in cooperation with Romanian partners, Kladovo shipyard was paid 6,5mil euros, total ship worth after outfittin will be 14mil. Its worth mentioning this is biggest ship of this type in the world, it will sail under name "Lapresta".

    Kladovo shipyard


    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Lapres10

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Lapres11


    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  Guest Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:16 am

    Two Siberian tigers become friends with three German Shepherds in a Serbian reservation.

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  Guest Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:32 pm

    Serbian sport club Red Star was celebrating 24 years since they won 1991. Intercontinental world Cup in Japan when current footbal team coach Miodrag Božović nicknamed Grof (Duke) showed up wearing T-shirt featuring Vladimir Putin. Few days ago he rejected to take team to Turkey for pre season preparations due to "safety", now everyone thinks he had other reasons. Almost everyone at the celebration was amused by his act and supported it.

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Sp-bozovic-grof_620x0


    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  Guest Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:44 pm

    Three Serbian organisations created a big mural in Novi Sad as shown by footage shot on Monday, to honour pilot Oleg Peshkov of the Sukhoi Su-24 that was downed in Syria by Turkish forces in November.

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    Post  OminousSpudd Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:25 pm

    Very cool.

    As an aside, I really wish RT moderated its YT comment section of all the DC paid filth.

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    Post  sepheronx Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:55 pm

    that is very beautiful. Thank you to the Serbians involved in that.

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  Guest Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:16 pm

    OminousSpudd wrote:Very cool.

    As an aside, I really wish RT moderated its YT comment section of all the DC paid filth.

    Yeah... "fuck serbia for starting WW1 and fuck serbia for genociding bosnian muslims. NATO should totally fuck up serbia and give parts of it to its neigboring countries." - not sure what i hate more in this comment. His grammar or BS he wrote.

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    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  OminousSpudd Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:47 am

    Militarov wrote:
    OminousSpudd wrote:Very cool.

    As an aside, I really wish RT moderated its YT comment section of all the DC paid filth.

    Yeah... "fuck serbia for starting WW1 and fuck serbia for genociding bosnian muslims. NATO should totally fuck up serbia and give parts of it to its neigboring countries." - not sure what i hate more in this comment. His grammar or BS he wrote.

    I don't know what lunatic "values" RT is sticking to to justify not moderating, but they essentially let the sock puppet accounts win every time, the idea isn't to convince anyone of anything, it's to strangle conversation, which is exactly what they acheive on every video. With that in mind, I'd still like to find the wankers behind those messages, and personally punch them repeatedly in the face.

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  Guest Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:42 pm

    Amusing video from today.

    Serbian police vs kids from Middle East Smile Take note that some of these kids see snow for the first time even.

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  Guest Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:21 pm

    Militarov wrote:Amusing video from today.

    Serbian police vs kids from Middle East Smile Take note that some of these kids see snow for the first time even.

    Serbian Muslim killers and stuff

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia Breaking News:

    Post  Guest Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:37 pm

    "The Serbian Embassy in Ankara commented on an allegation on Sunday about reports published in several Turkish media outlets, including Daily Sabah, that the PKK terror organization employs Serbian mercenary snipers in its terrorist attacks in Turkey's southeast.

    Serbia Breaking News: - Page 2 Srbija10

    The statement indicated that the Republic of Serbia strongly opposes any participation of its citizens in any armed conflicts in third countries. "The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has passed a law that sharply sanctions any such activity. Bearing in mind that the allegations cannot and should not be in any case or way related to the official policy or activities of the Republic of Serbia and its institutions. The embassy expects to be officially informed about the case by the Turkish side so the relevant Turkish and Serbian institutions can work together on its clarification in the aim of the fight against terrorism," the statement from the embassy said. It was previously claimed through media reports that recent intelligence information suggests PKK's correspondents in Europe employed Serbian mercenary snipers and a PKK sniper killed in southeastern Cizre town was a Serbian national. Three of the eight snipers were claimed to have been killed by Turkish security forces so far."

    "Serbian mercenaries are fighting in Iraq, not for the money, but for the thrills."
    - abit more "Serbs are killers" propaganda


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