max steel wrote:1) Do you've any idea what all MIRVed nukes Russia and US posses currently apart from Trident D5 SLBM .
2) What does Moscow treaty states ?
You need to read this report ...
Which explain in detail how complicated is to intercept ICBMs flying at mach 23 , that is high highpersonic speeds..
But to give you a brief intro of the difficulties..
1)ICBM can have up to 100 decoys ,that looks identical to enemy radars to the warhead and impossible to
know which is a decoy or a real nuke for the incoming interceptor missile. This means that if you use an ICBM with 4 warheads.. you will need no less than 100+4 missiles to intercept them. 104 interceptors counter just one ICBM.. imagine how crazy is the claim that US can intercept 1,000 icbms.. thats bullshit. try better 10% of 1,000 if they very lucky .
2)ABM is useless against cruise missiles.. you can launch a cruise missile with a nuke warhead to blind radars..and then use the fire ball to cover your missiles fly path.
3)Then you have maneuverable missiles ,
4) Russia have submarines and can launch missiles either cruise missiles or ballistic from the pacific.. and there
will be nothing between Russian Subs and US coast.. is impossible to trave 60+ submarines that Russia have.
and know at all time where each one is..
5) Russian slow bombers , are always intercepted.. yes.. but the question you need to ask.. can US stop the bombers before they launch the missiles first in a preventive nuclear attack? the answer is NO.. If Russia choose to do a preventive nuclear attack.. (based on information they know the nuclear war is inevitable). US will not know
of Russia attack until is too late.. and already the missile launched.. Remember that US cannot shot down any bomber ,just because its flying.. it can only happen if there is a war and or the attack already was launched. ie.. too late.
6) Russian bombers can launch nukes as far as 3,000km away of US coast.. this is beyond F-22/F-16 interceptors operational space and they escorted by fighters.. that can Jam US missiles to miss and or defend the bomber..
7)Russia very likely in any attack ,will launch first cruise missiles with EMP to disable ,jam US radars.. Radars will not operate well ,if they
8)Russia have reported many times ,that they managed to enter US zones without being intercepted ..
All said the probabilities of US Defense being effective against Russian nuclear offensive is next to zero.. just
10 nukes from 1,000 that hit in the target will be a disaster. The same is true for Russia.. i don't think either RUssia or US have the capabilities to shield completely their nation from a nuclear attack.. the best chance is militarization of space and deploy a program to shutdown withing 20 minutes all US GPS and other navigation military satellites ,
to make it impossible for americans to hit their intended targets .. and for example miss by 1.000km.. which could end hitting Kazakistann or even Europe and not Russia..
Russia however have major advantages in a nuclear war.
a)their territory is far larger than US.. can take more hits..
b)The Russian government have Public Support.. the US government not.. means that the possibilities of a civil
war are higher for US .
c)US is far more developed its infrastructure than Russia.. so Russia have less to lose. Russian have experience
surviving a full tragedy ,and destruction of their nation.. so they can unite even if the most hardest conditoins ,the Americans in the other hand will start a revolution at the first moment they are without cable channel and internet.
All said ,All Russia needs to do.. to destroy USA.. is provoke a major civil war in their nation ,that collapse its economy.. That can be done by just sinking one aircraft carrier... The key is.. that the event is seen as Russia defending itself.. and Americans doing the agression.. THis is why public opinion is important.. in a war between US and Russia.. or anyone else. If you do not have public opinion on your side.. any warship sinked will be enough
to provoke a revolution and outrage of its people. A NAtion wide revolution in US cities can effectively shut down the power of the white house and disband the entire nation. in a week ,.much more destructive than any nuclear attack.