andalusia Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:28 am
This is an important read for students of history and economics. This book is not a dry textbook of Feder's proposed economic theory. It appears to be meant as a concise, readable document to be used as a tool to educate post WWI Germans that there is an alternative to the economy that was thrusted on them; one that was not based on interest. The book also effectively unmasks the "global capitalists" or "Mammonists" that posed a threat to Germany (and world) whose sole goal for living is to "pile money on top of money."
On balance, I find Feder's views quite convincing. Feder's program was more or less put into practice when Chancellor Hitler came to power. Further it proved highly successful as Germany pulled out of the depths of depression within a few years (Great Britain and United States remained in economic depression/recession until WWII pulled them out.) Since WWII, very little has been discussed about this success. Most historians I find cast a biased dark light on this period and make unsupported claims that Germany's economic rebound was attributed mostly to militarization (untrue).
I think Feder's theory in whole/part may be put in practice today. Particularly, given the current global financial debacle and unfathomable concentration wealth is the "stuff" he warned his readers nearly 100 years ago. I think it is well worth the intellectual exercise by our politicians, academics, and business leaders to determine the viability of Feder's approach. That said, I believe that for this plan to truly work a nation's citizenry must be willing to act as community and its leaders must be honest and interested in doing what's best for their constituents. Working against all this are the same Mammonists Feder spoke of back in 1919.
This is the economic theory that transformed Germany in the 30s. Gottfried Feder attacks the banking system of the Western world, which is why his book is suppressed.
The core of it is ending usury by bringing the privately owned banking system that controls the Western world under public supervision. Interest ought not to be charged for socially necessary projects, such as building homes for people, and factories to create work.
Usury, living off interest charged on loans of money, contravenes the canons of all the main religions of the world. It divides and destroys communities by creating vast differences of wealth. Usurers grow wealthy at great speed, without creating anything of value, and thereby devalue the amounts of money earned by people who do the useful work of making things or performing services.