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    Decline of the western society


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    Decline of the western society - Page 20 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  jhelb Tue Jun 30, 2020 6:35 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:They look better than you and they are better educated than you

    And from the looks of thing those countries will not white majority countries for too long

    Also you are not white and never will be, that Arab French-wannabe troll we have here is whiter than you
    By all means do share your path breaking findings with countries across Europa and North America. Because Russians, Belarussians are classified as White across the western hemisphere.

    PapaDragon wrote:Time to separate wheat from chaff, we are ready  thumbsup
    Given your dislike for Whites and love for colored people maybe you can shift to third world asian, african countries. In due course you will also develop their muddy colour.

    PapaDragon wrote:

    jhelb wrote:White people should put their differences and unite. Just like Asians do in their countries. Respect each other and stop hating themselves. There's nothing wrong from being white..

    Every time white people united us Serbs got fucked nearly into extinction

    Turks did less damage in 4 centuries than white people in several decades

    So no, white people should definitely not unite

    In fact white people can go fuck themselves and drop dead, I have my popcorn ready, it's party time
    You struggle to read as well. Those comments were made by Regular(not that I disagree with him) but you attributed those comments to me.

    miketheterrible wrote:That's true. It's a free for all here and it scares me not for my future but my children's future. Off to Moscow State university for them then (if they are smart enough to get in).
    Canadian government just like most western government is trying to make Whites a minority across Canada. I heard this compliant from several Canadians.

    Quite natural that some Canadians will protest against such discriminatory government measures.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 20 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  The-thing-next-door Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:45 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    The west is getting what it deserves... as usual the common people suffer while the rich and power have the mobility to run away when the civil war starts... do you think it is any different when the west destroys countries to bring them democracy? It is the average person who suffers and dies while the rich worry about their swiss bank accounts...

    Run to where exactly? In the event of a second us civil war and subsequent collapse the Russian forces will hunt down and exterminate all remnants of their plutocracy. You should really stop acting as if this is some hopeless dystopia and playing up the power of stock collecting morons.

    There is no illuminati, there are no lizard people, just a single indecisive and mentally bancrupt plutocratic county in control of most trade and thier minions that will soon crumble under the weight of its own incompetence.

    Money will not save you if all those around you demand your blood, money only has any power when you have corrupt people to give it to.

    And at everyone who comes with the "Russians arent white" bullshit Russia was one of the bigger european empires and historically has been considered no less "white" than france or germany. Playing victim is a cheap, dirty and annoying tactic that works only on parents and morons so stop acting like a bunch of mellenial turds!

    As for the "civilised" people of western europe were human sacrificing savages who only discovered civilisation when they were crushed under the boot of the Roman empire, hardly a glamourous beginning for the self proclaimed "master race".

    Europe rose and fell it is now no more than a bunch of second rate powers acting as a nuke spunge for pindostan and if they keep up thier hubris they will be a desert of craters.

    Now can you all please stop with the whiny nonsense and get back to discussing the topic at hand!

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    Decline of the western society - Page 20 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Regular Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:21 pm

    Sorry, on the phone and it doesn't allow proper formating

    Regular wrote:...Did Ireland do this? Why are they have gangs in Cork who stab Irish children like pigs.

    Let me check Ireland's diplomatic track record.... yup they definitely should not get a free pas, stab at it boys  Cool

    Rolling Eyes it's a country of ex slaves that had no colonial past. It does have perverted leader, but still crime by imports is crazy high and it's not the poles who don't integrate. I run business in North and South and guess who are the ones cutting my curtainsiders and attacking subbie drivers? Who is throwing rocks at my vehicles that we try to fix with my bloody fingers? I came here risking all and worked my way from one lorry on a credit and some future welfare queen is fucking my property up? We leave back of trailers open when empty and do you think it saves it from being cut? When I used to work in Italy there was no such shit, there is no such shit in Norway.

    Driver can dislike blacks all he wants but if that interferes with his job performance then he should not be surprised if he gets the pedal

    There was no interfering in this case, this man threatened to burn the taxi and didn't wear the mask. Driver had all rights to refuse to drive him. Also, Yandex registered in Holland, not even Russia, this is disgrace.

    Russians aren't white

    Whites were quite specific about it

    Whites who? Who exactly denounced Russia? Those who lick feet and praise hillary? Who exactly denounced russians apart from politicians and some amerimutts?
    I'm half russian myself, not even a single person in my family considers himself to be негр. Even in Vladivastok you will see white familiar faces and do they consider themselves nipon or chinese?
    Even researchers call Russia majority white country, same phenotype is found across whole slavic world apart from otoman rape babies - Bulgars and the rest.

    Nazis can make the Ukraine last bastion of white race (as long as it's properly disarmed and don't present security risk for Russia of course)
    Yeah right.. german nazis support Donbas and despise Ukraine. Many such cases. Decline of the western society - Page 20 14408110

    You are so outdated, it's not 2014.. Do you think they prefer fake country who is importing US CARGO CULT, worship of POC and gays and they is ruled by jewish oligarchs? Ukraine hoisted massive gay flag and they have gay parades all the time. It's more liberal than Poland.

    You know term Zhidobandera?

    Decline of the western society - Page 20 Starda11
    Decline of the western society - Page 20 B3oh_g11
    Decline of the western society - Page 20 0wt_nj11

    Better stick to topics you know - you clearly out of your waters with anything related to this.

    And even if it does change only good Nazi is still a dead Nazi

    But weren't they heros not long ago? Gubarev was member of what movement? Who fought and bled for Mozgovoy and other commanders? Have you ever been on vk?

    Decline of the western society - Page 20 Rne10
    Decline of the western society - Page 20 1000_510
    Decline of the western society - Page 20 Russia10

    Russians made huge mistake when they decided to poosyfoot around denazification in East Europe, they should have exterminated all that vermin before 50s rolled around, they would have had far fewer headaches today

    It's not how it works, even if they all died, nazism appeared in Russia in 90s and it's very prelevant due to it being exteme of third position. You have very simplistic understanding based on us propaganda. It's not unsophisticated shit as seen in west as there Euroasianism involved too.. Duginism has Nazi branches too. I would say it's scary to see NazBolshevik ideology too as for me it resonates as the one that would be the most popular, taking communist and nazist ideas and blending into two. In the end, I consider wild capitalism to be much much bigger threat to Russia.

    jhelb wrote:Today Neo Nazis should be considered our allies in the fight against coloured people...

    Not really, Russia should let west destruct itself and kill their way to London. Twisted Evil Nazis tend to splinter alot.

    [quote="jhelb"]Coloured people from Asia and Africa are hell bent on taking over Russia/Europa and North America. ...

    Good, survival of the fittest

    Time to separate wheat from chaff, we are ready  thumbsup

    Yes, imagine Russia replaced by these

    Budishm and Hinduism were bedrocks of civilization long before Abraham decided to try out this monotheism thingy

    Abrahamic religions are not my thing -Russian and Baltic paganism is has roots from Hinduism and it's very interesting adaptation.

    Every time white people united us Serbs got fucked nearly into extinction

    No, Russia saved Serbs ALL THE TIME. You were like a little cousin of Russian who always needed help and Russia always came. But now your nation is led by dogs and you bend knees for NATO who killed you, you watch US movies and listen to their music, you dress like them. What shocked me the most in Novi Sadi that no one spoke russian and insisted in English which is harder for me to speak. Even in Estonia or Bulgaria I can speak Russian easier. Talking about Prodazhna shkura.

    Turks did less damage in 4 centuries than white people in several decades

    So no, white people should definitely not unite

    Weren't you sold to slavery then? Who else fucked you? Victimhood is only thing you know?

    In fact white people can go fuck themselves and drop dead, I have my popcorn ready, it's party time

    Say that in Moscow, guess how long will you live?  I am not joking, try your luck with this shit in Russia and someone whit no breaks will end you on spot. Even policeman will feed you sticks from this inflamatory shit. If not white russians your nation would not exist. Hope you won't anger any eastern European with this as westerners might be obedient dogs, but in the east we are wolves when angered.

    Also, you whole post reeks of LGBTQ/PRO-IMIGRANT/LIBERAST crap that gets shut down in Russia. Tip fucking top - guess you are against Russians voting YES in the elections? Navalny hates whites alot too and have almost identical opinion like you.

    Ps. I think all extremes are very damaging, both nazis and radical commies and they shouldn't be let to power in any way

    Last edited by Regular on Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:07 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Decline of the western society - Page 20 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jul 01, 2020 4:02 am

    jhelb wrote:By all means do share your path breaking findings with countries across Europa and North America. Because Russians, Belarussians are classified as White across the western hemisphere.

    You are pale

    Pale doesn't mean white

    You think pigment makes you equal?

    Do you think French, Germans, Poles, Balts, Finns or Scandinavians think you are equal?

    Just because you are supposedly equal on some irrelevant paper doesn't mean diddly squat because for them you are and always have been nothing more than Asiatic mutt

    jhelb wrote:Given your dislike for Whites

    WW1, WW2, 90s, hell yeah I have dislike for whites

    At least Muslims are honest about wanting to exterminate us unlike fork tongued inbreds

    Regular wrote:Whites who? Who exactly denounced Russia?

    Start with 1800 and work your way to now, you will notice a pattern

    Regular wrote:same phenotype is found across whole slavic

    Nobody was looking at Serbian phenotype when they were exterminating us (or Russian back during Generalplan Ost)

    And if you are stupid enough to buy into the whole phenotype story then you deserve to be removed from the gene pool

    You think whites take this phenotype bullshit seriously? They don't need phenotype to know who is and who isn't one of them and you definitely aren't

    Regular wrote:But weren't they heros not long ago? Gubarev was member of what movement? Who fought and bled for Mozgovoy and other commanders? Have you ever been on vk?

    I know for a fact that DNR was unfortunately riddled with Nazi scum but also that all those shits were conveniently "KIA"

    It's good to know that Russia knows a thing or two about putting rabbid dogs out of their misery (after getting some mileage out of them first)

    Regular wrote:nazism appeared in Russia in 90s

    A lot of filthy shit appeared in Russia in the 90s, everyone knows that

    Fortunately they got around to cleaning it up

    Regular wrote:Yes, imagine Russia replaced by these

    Definitely an upgrade from white Nazi inbreds, Europe is making huge strides on that front

    Moral of the story: don't​ be a fucking Nazi and this will not become preferable option

    Regular wrote:No, Russia saved Serbs ALL THE TIME.

    Who was taking about Russia?

    I was talking about white inbred European assholes who keep trying to exterminate us

    Russia isn't white and never will be (and they sure as shit didn't try to actively exterminate us despite selling us out)

    So leave Russia out of this

    Regular wrote:What shocked me the most in Novi Sadi that no one spoke russian and insisted in English which is harder for me to speak.

    Nobody speaks Russian here, nobody spoke Russian here even at peak communism

    Why would we speak speak Russian? Russian​ state never came anywhere close to reaching this place and their tourists only started coming here couple of years ago

    First thing immigrants from Russia do is to learn to speak Serbian

    If you want people to speak Russian instead of English either make it default language on the internet or start making better movies

    Regular wrote:Navalny hates whites alot too

    Navalny loves whites

    I'd say he loves whites so much that he can't get anyone to vote for him because everyone figured out he is a wannabe Nazi bitch

    He clearly suffers from same delusion you have about being white when he isn't

    Regular wrote:If not white russians

    There is no such thing as white Russians (except maybe a cocktail)

    There is just Russian same way there is just Serb or Greek or Chinese or Pole or Italian

    This is not a team sport

    No matter what happens with white eurotrash we will always play the game the same way we always did: alone

    Because it doesn't matter if what skin color enemy is, what matters is that they are and always will be the enemy


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    Decline of the western society - Page 20 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  GarryB Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:06 am

    Nazis were Russia's enemy in the past, not now. Situation has changed. Today Neo Nazis should be considered our allies in the fight against coloured people.

    Nazis are losers... even if there is a war coming you'd be better off making sure you are on the other side from the nazis... they are not the smartest people... it is pretty obvious to look at them...

    Coloured people from Asia and Africa are hell bent on taking over Russia/Europa and North America. They are promoting BLM, Islamic jihad and dangerous paganism like Buddhism and Hindoism.

    If they wanted to invade and take over they could all come, but only a tiny number are going and it is not to take over... it is just to live in a nice place where they can find work and bring up a family away from open war and slavery.

    Unfortunately when they get to the west it takes 10 years to process their application to become citizens and in that time they are not allowed to work so they are getting bored and doing stupid shit that every young person does when they are bored and frustrated.

    You could solve most of the problems by giving them all automatic job visas so they can get the menial jobs the locals are not interested in... if they are working and earning money so they can buy the stuff they see in the shops and being carried and used by everyone around them they will have less time and less reason to get in to trouble.

    A western prison is probably better than middle class living in many of the countries these people come from... and that is mainly because the west wont let any good governments who want to help their people and country grow get in to power... they get murdered and replaced by people just interested in taking money from big western companies that essentially rape them of their resources.

    Today Neo Nazis, just like Russia are fighting against these dangerous ideologies.

    Well then Russia is fucked because all these wonderful white countries you talk about being your allies have been trying to fuck you over for the last 500 years... you have no future with those bastards... you would have a better future with China and India and most countries in Africa and Asia and central and south america who also know what it is like to be abused by the white west.

    And even if it does change only good Nazi is still a dead Nazi

    Nazis have no redeeming features at all... and apart from the split up of Yugoslavia and the illegal coup in the Ukraine they don't normally win for long... but that has more to do with western support than anything else... which seems to be failing in the Ukraine under Trump...

    In fact white people can go fuck themselves and drop dead, I have my popcorn ready, it's party time

    We can say that and it isn't racist, because we are both white.... Smile

    I hate to be bearer of bad news Papa, but even though is slavics are not considered white, we are lumped together with whites simply because of our skin and eye color.

    Well the stupid irony is that in the west the other term for white is Caucasian... and they aren't white either...

    Everyone who talks about the white race has their own unique formula for determining who counts and who does not... it is a bit like religion... it is often the closest cousins that fight the most.

    I also explained to them it was stupid that they blame people now for something done hundreds of years ago that no one alive today is responsible for, but whatever.

    Not only that... but they expect the apology.

    Their ancestors got screwed by some of my ancestors, I accept that... but it is not like all whites lived in mansions and didn't have to work and all coloured people worked as slaves to keep all the white people comfortable. A lot of white people were in situations just as bad or worse than many black people. I am sure there were bastards on both sides but to suggest all whites owe all blacks an apology now is ridiculous and wont fix anything at all.

    World isn't sunshine and lollipops, shit will happen and when it does you have to deal with whatever happens

    If some idiots don't know history it's their problem but one constant remains: nobody will be looking after you except yourself

    Words to live by.

    Because Russians, Belarussians are classified as White across the western hemisphere.

    Really? Perhaps the people who tell you this want you as cannon fodder, because most of the time I look at maps and information that treats Europe and Russia as two different things.

    [qutoe]Given your dislike for Whites and love for colored people maybe you can shift to third world asian, african countries. In due course you will also develop their muddy colour.[/quote]

    The only problem with having dark coloured skin is ignorant fools who can't work out that skin colour is like eye colour and hair colour and ultimately means fuck all. There are people with beautiful pale skin you would stab you as soon as your back is turned and the darkest coloured people who might try to stop them if you weren't being such a dick to them.

    Canadian government just like most western government is trying to make Whites a minority across Canada. I heard this compliant from several Canadians.

    Quite natural that some Canadians will protest against such discriminatory government measures.

    Canada is a land of immigrants that started things by stealing all the land from the people already living there... what sort of treatment should they expect?

    Run to where exactly? In the event of a second us civil war and subsequent collapse the Russian forces will hunt down and exterminate all remnants of their plutocracy.

    Why do you think they would go to the bother?

    Russia probably has to thank those idiots... if they had been smarter and befriended Russia and then sucked her dry it might have been an energy civil war in Russia being fought instead of a civil war in the US... As far as Russia is concerned a collapsed US is just less ships doing crazy shit to defend their right to sail where they like when they like.

    You should really stop acting as if this is some hopeless dystopia and playing up the power of stock collecting morons.

    The decisions Trump makes is all about the rich people who finance him and nothing to do with voters... it is the rich people in the US that bribe both sides that have created this situation. US forces are in Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria because some rich people in the US make lots of money with them being in there risking their lives. It has nothing to do with the average US voter... all the money they piss away on foreign wars they could have a fully funded healthcare system and education system and their infrastructure would work and be new... but that wont make big US companies richer...

    There is no illuminati, there are no lizard people, just a single indecisive and mentally bancrupt plutocratic county in control of most trade and thier minions that will soon crumble under the weight of its own incompetence.

    That would require organisation and coordination and it would make more sense. When a big contributor to Trumps election campaign demands a nice cushy job like diplomat they are pissing all over democracy... diplomat is a serious job and they are handing these jobs out to people who funded their election campaign... it is outrageous and wouldn't be allowed in a little tin pot dictatorship let alone the last self proclaimed super power leader of western thinking...

    The west is broken and they don't care.

    Money will not save you if all those around you demand your blood, money only has any power when you have corrupt people to give it to.

    Money buys you a nice gated community and the phone number of the local police chief and as many body guards as you need... you are only in danger if a political enemy gets in to power... but rich people fund both sides of the political spectrum otherwise the laws they pay for might get over turned next election...

    And at everyone who comes with the "Russians arent white" bullshit Russia was one of the bigger european empires and historically has been considered no less "white" than france or germany. Playing victim is a cheap, dirty and annoying tactic that works only on parents and morons so stop acting like a bunch of mellenial turds!

    I think they are white but I also don't think that matters... Hitler was happy to exterminate them all so they would be able to live in comfort on the land they used to live on. He knew that Asia is full of Asians and Africa is full of Blacks, and he didn't think it necessary to keep Soviets alive just in case...

    Not really, Russia should let west destruct itself and kill their way to London. Twisted Evil Nazis tend to splinter alot.

    Nahh... let the west collapse and burn and then piss on the ashes... Russia does not need more land and it certainly doesn't need to be nurse maid to the wreckage of the west either.

    Because it doesn't matter if what skin color enemy is, what matters is that they are and always will be the enemy

    They might use skin colour to get you on side, but only to use you... Russians were OK when they were fighting most of the Germans on the Eastern front but now they are evil half asians who can't be trusted... that is not my opinion, but I don't give a shit about skin colour anyway.

    I will decide whether I like or trust someone on their thoughts AND deeds... not on whether they have a full head of hair or blue eyes or the colour of their skin... that is just the height of stupidity.

    And when it comes to intelligence... skin colour doesn't make any difference either... you don't need to be asian to dry clean a shirt, most things you don't need genius level intelligence to do...

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    Decline of the western society - Page 20 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Regular Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:37 pm

    To be honest, all these modern right and left radicals are counter movements who were born because of capitalist consumerism. They are misguided as they go for each other throats rather solve anything.

    I think that's where evil lurks these days. Greed, corporations and corruption, globalist elites. This causes destruction of my own home from inside.

    I believe that it's US elites fault that we see this rot in almost all the world. They are pushing their agenda world wide, look at gay flag in embassy or BLM worshiping signs in Korea (wtf?????)

    You become a nazi when you get disgusting agenda pushed down your throat - you become a commie when you see rich corporations stepping on you and taking your hard work. Enemy is EXACT SAME, why these radicals can't understand this.. and it can still be dismantled peacefully!

    Also, my russian side of family celebrate Victory day and they are more or less into socialism more than me, but westerners would call them Nazis because - they hate gays, immigrants and American culture. They also hate jews (Ticket - airport - Tel Aviv)
    You see, jews in Russia tend to speak towards Russians in condescending manner, like how backward is their culture and how stubborn russians are.
    Simon from Vice news made fun of dead civilians in Donbass.. made fun of Russians in Russia.
    Varlamov makes fun of Russian towns and cities.. he pretends to be russian when it suits him and then he clearly states hes a jew when it doesn't.
    Kac is another example of Russian liberal who hates Russians, their traditions and even food (?????) while still lives in Russia.
    Countless jewish oligarchs who siphon money out to Cyprus and Israel.. If you hate them, automatically you become a nazi?

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    Decline of the western society - Page 20 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  GarryB Thu Jul 02, 2020 2:34 am

    To be honest, all these modern right and left radicals are counter movements who were born because of capitalist consumerism. They are misguided as they go for each other throats rather solve anything.

    Exactly... trump would rather screw over Obamas legacy than do something good for the American people and the Democrats are no better... they will torpedo anything Trump wants... I mean a few years ago it was the Democrats that wanted a wall between the US and Mexico but now Trump wants it it is wrong... they are idiots fighting for the sake of fighting... but the stupid thing is that when they get in to office they all do the same shit... invade countries and bail out the banks and the rich and ignore that everything has to be imported now because cheaper overseas labour and no workers rights means companies don't want to make stuff in the US or the west in general.

    I think that's where evil lurks these days. Greed, corporations and corruption, globalist elites. This causes destruction of my own home from inside.

    Money is power and the only way to make big money is with money.

    I believe that it's US elites fault that we see this rot in almost all the world. They are pushing their agenda world wide, look at gay flag in embassy or BLM worshiping signs in Korea (wtf?????)

    Pretending to care about gay rights is easier than dealing with the problems of the majority of workers rights. I see the US judicial system has decided that if a bank employee managing pension funds starts to feather their own nest as long as they don't steal it all they can't be prosecuted or sued... so 10,000 say teachers get together with a pension fund with my bank worth say half a million per teacher over their lifetime... that is 5 billion dollars... I can move it around and basically use it to bail out some shares I have and then take my money out of those shares at a huge profit and not worry about their shares because I am then going to move them around but move my own shares first and make profit after profit for myself and a few select people I tell and they can loose half their value... the fund might go down to 2.5 billion dollars but that is OK because I get my management fees and I make my profits too. US law says if you are a teacher and I mismanage your pension fund you can't sue because if you draw your pension out now you should get the full amount you are entitled to so you haven't lost any money at all... of course if you all try to draw out your pension money a lot of you are going to lose badly on your investments but you can sue because you might get all your money... how stupid is that?

    If I could do everything over again I would be a banker because you can do no wrong... all those bad loans and the bailouts you still get pensions and bonuses and no one goes to jail... the rich getting richer...

    Countless jewish oligarchs who siphon money out to Cyprus and Israel.. If you hate them, automatically you become a nazi?

    The problem is labels but it goes both ways... you can hate some jews without hating them all... I don't hate all Americans... just the people they are selecting to represent them in government... the huge irony is that the west talks about tolerance but does not practise it... you have to accept alternative lifestyles but we don't accept you not accepting that. Also if that alternative lifestyle is Russian then we don't accept that either. You can be a black rich jewish person who is not sure what gender they are today.... perhaps Magenta? just don't be Russian.

    The constitution vote in Russia has been reported in the western media as a vote to allow Putin to remain president till 2036 and nothing else was mentioned... that is all that it was... It seems rather elaborate just to extend his time in power.

    The huge irony is that here in New Zealand there are no limits at all on how long or how often you can be Prime Minister...

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    Decline of the western society - Page 20 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Jul 02, 2020 3:23 am

    Neo Nazi or Nazi or racist supermacy groups are the tools to keep the workers in check, especially in welfare states like Germany or Nordic ones. The affair of Anton Brevik is not an irregular, discrete events, people like him are maintained in capitalism for the system's existence.

    The mechanism is simple: welfare, stable job and good salary is only for citizens, and the bourgeioise are free to exploit the non-citizen ones such as immigrants and foreign people, especially the illegal workers who are not protected by the laws and are completely under the mercy of the employers. If these non-citizen workers protest ? The bourgeioise mobilize the racist supermacy groups to deal with them.

    Donald Trump use the very similar tactics when he said make XXX great again and launched anti-immigrant rhertoric.

    Probably everybody here knew it already, but the first welfare state in the world were Bismarck Germany, and the highest level of welfare state is Nazism. Modern welfare states in Europe are imported from the German model. Welfare states are NOT socialism, although the Western media always say so.

    We can see why anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant and "theories" of "Muslim invasion" are deliberately circulated in the West. And that the Baathism, Nasserism, or similar regimes in the Arab world are not "socialism" as they proclaimed, but a bourgeioise dictactorship of the civil magistrates and institutional intelligentsia.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 20 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Regular Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:58 pm

    Capitalism needs constant growth. Constant influx of cheap labour. A caste of obedient workers and caste of mindless consumers. Music, arts, culture and traditions are hijacked and used to make profits and control. Decline of the western society - Page 20 Yalcl110

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    Decline of the western society - Page 20 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:20 pm

    And the system crashes when consuming capacity no longer has the ability to circulate the increasing amount of goods as capital. For the capitalists the solution in that circumstance is the destruction of capital. Which means tons of milk are being poured into the sewers while billions of people do not have enough food to eat.

    Businessmen always say that they are selling goods "correspond to the need of consumers". It is not the case. They are selling goods according to the needs of the manufacturers themselves. The consumers do not really need 1000 plastic straws attached to 1000 milk boxes, they only need one straw for all the milk boxes. But the manufacturers need to sell 1000 plastic straw to realize a much larger amount of surplus value.

    Music, arts, culture and traditions are hijacked and used to make profits and control.

    I frequently find it is amusing to see that, moral textbooks strongly praise the virtue of thrift, but daily advertisements and modern culture works strongly negate it.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:28 am

    Music, arts, culture and traditions are hijacked and used to make profits and control.

    We are told Europe has value to the world because of its civilised nature, its art, its culture, its music... but all that civilised shit goes out the door when they are at war... the Germans shamed themselves on the eastern front and their excuse was that culture and morals and ethics only count when dealing with other cultured moral ethical groups... it seems once a group is identified as enemy these civilised cultured lords can be as depraved and evil as they please...

    Which by definition makes them worse than the worst of savages they so disdain.

    One breath... we are better people... then next is ordering human beings into gas chambers for extermination.

    We are superior to the savages, while we burn and murder and steal better than any savage that ever existed.

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    Post  higurashihougi Fri Jul 03, 2020 11:22 am

    Cultural superiority demands cultural inferiority for its existence, just like debt collectors require debt owners, and oppressors require oppressed ones. The paradox of the so-called civilized class is that they want to keep the civilization for themselves, which means the degradation and obscurantism for everyone else, which is actually against the common notion of civilization itself.

    The orthodox criterion of morality, ethics, and civil in a historical classed society always preserves the dominance of the ruling class and preserves the miserable situation of the oppressed, exploited common people. Which means obscurantism for the common people is morally justified, exploitation of the common people is morally justified, and enslaving the common people is morally justified.

    As long as the society consist of a class whose existence and development is maintained on the cost and exploitation of the another class, then the disgusting "moral codes" of hypocrisy, greedy and cruelty will continue to exist to defend such exploitation. Only when class is abolished and humanity already abandon all kinds of social oppression in their daily life then the true humane moral code can be achieved.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:22 pm

    "Regular" - a little word of advice, stop taking the money for your propaganda work here you take from the Security Service of Ukraine; German Nazis and Ukrainians are still co-operating with each other in Poland to this day. Who are you trying to fool?

    I already wrote that the "Jew" they like to photograph so much is fake. Those photographic operations of theirs are an excellent way to cover up their anti-Semitic past.

    The Serb guy "from Fort Evil" - you know what about equality, perhaps you should lecture some of your fellow Serbo-Croat self-supremacists about claiming their mythical origins from Iran, or Afghanistan, or India, or the Middle East, "who came to organize the Slavs" because I guess the Slavs are too dumb to organize themselves, but the Original Serbo-Croats were so superior and shit.

    Do not even try to deny it. You have no problems with their feelings of superiority?


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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:51 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:...The Serb guy "from Fort Evil" - you know what about equality, perhaps you should lecture some of your fellow Serbo-Croat self-supremacists about claiming their mythical origins from Iran, or Afghanistan, or India, or the Middle East, "who came to organize the Slavs" because I guess the Slavs are too dumb to organize themselves, but the Original Serbo-Croats were so superior and shit.

    Do not even try to deny it. You have no problems with their feelings of superiority?

    What are you ranting about? I wouldn't take a piss in Afghanistan (or any place similar for that matter...)


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    Post  Regular Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:18 pm

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    "Regular" - a little word of advice, stop taking the money for your propaganda work here you take from the Security Service of Ukraine; German Nazis and Ukrainians are still co-operating with each other in Poland to this day. Who are you trying to fool?

    I already wrote that the "Jew" they like to photograph so much is fake. Those photographic operations of theirs are an excellent way to cover up their anti-Semitic past.

    The Serb guy "from Fort Evil" - you know what about equality, perhaps you should lecture some of your fellow Serbo-Croat self-supremacists about claiming their mythical origins from Iran, or Afghanistan, or India, or the Middle East, "who came to organize the Slavs" because I guess the Slavs are too dumb to organize themselves, but the Original Serbo-Croats were so superior and shit.

    Do not even try to deny it. You have no problems with their feelings of superiority?

    How much do you think I get from bankrupt Ukraine to post in this desolated thread read by 5 people? My english language sucks so bad that any propaganda message would be lost. You are a pole, use your brain, I never supported Ukraine. I support Russian nationalism, I have russian blood and I grew up in russian culture I see no other future than to move there when I have enough rental income + maybe pension. I want to still see this country free of gays and have Russian values and culture and not some globalist gogel mogel with pink haired feminists running amok. This is my end game.

    Also, you really don't know term Zhidobandera? .. wtf really?

    Guess who funds Azov and PS? Ukrainians, Russians or jews?
    Guess who were last two presidents of Ukraine? Ukrainians, Russians or jews?
    Guess what rifles Ukraine brought?
    What drones, ATGM systems, battle control system are they looking to purchase?

    Zionists will ally with nazis to kill russians. Kolomoisky said that how many times? Guess what is counter-reaction to that?

    You probably live in NY and you are part jewish if you are shilling this crap that bends reality..

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    Post  Cyberspec Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:57 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    The Serb guy "from Fort Evil" - you know what about equality, perhaps you should lecture some of your fellow Serbo-Croat self-supremacists about claiming their mythical origins from Iran, or Afghanistan, or India, or the Middle East, "who came to organize the Slavs" because I guess the Slavs are too dumb to organize themselves, but the Original Serbo-Croats were so superior and shit.

    Do not even try to deny it. You have no problems with their feelings of superiority?

    Well if you check out Kljosov (a Russian genetics resercher) he confirms that the oldest Slavic genes originate from the wider area of the confluence of Danube & Sava rivers...hence the rest of the Slavs spread out East and West from there.

    And yes, some of the proto Slavs went as far east as India via Iran and Afghanistan....not the other way around as you're suggesting

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    Post  Regular Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:12 am

    Cyberspec wrote:
    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    The Serb guy "from Fort Evil" - you know what about equality, perhaps you should lecture some of your fellow Serbo-Croat self-supremacists about claiming their mythical origins from Iran, or Afghanistan, or India, or the Middle East, "who came to organize the Slavs" because I guess the Slavs are too dumb to organize themselves, but the Original Serbo-Croats were so superior and shit.

    Do not even try to deny it. You have no problems with their feelings of superiority?

    Well if you check out Kljosov (a Russian genetics resercher) he confirms that the oldest Slavic genes originate from the wider area of the confluence of Danube & Sava rivers...hence the rest of the Slavs spread out East and West from there.

    And yes, some of the proto Slavs went as far east as India via Iran and Afghanistan....not the other way around as you're suggesting

    I think there was another recent discovery of R1a genes dating back to 12k bc.. and it only raises more speculation about origins.

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    Post  Cyberspec Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:25 am

    Cyberspec wrote:
    I think there was another recent discovery of R1a genes dating back to 12k bc.. and it only raises more speculation about origins.

    I'm aware of that. There is even some in Northern China which is even older...I think over 20 000 yrs old.

    I'm not an expert, but I believe the remains were of the generic R haplogroup which are predecesors to both R1A and R1B, so where talking about prehistoric hunter-gatherers. The ones in the Balkans are a fully distinct R1A together with I2 (which is even older...40 000 yrs). These people were already settled, had agriculture and common cultural artifacts (pottery, same design of dwelings and so on). Kljosov says he can date and trace the movement of people from that area by testing the DNA of modern people and show how and when they migrated north, eastward and to a lesser extent westward

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    Post  kvs Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:39 pm

    So the story that Slavs moved into the Balkans 1500 years ago is BS. Why am I not surprised.

    I posted on this before but it corroborates the genetic research. The Etruscan people appear to have been Slavs. The only successful
    translation of Etruscan that I have seen has been by the Polish researcher Volansky during the 1800s.

    You can't laugh this off. Western anti-Slavic linguists have not even managed to figure out a single translation and
    here you have full passages being successfully translated. The chance that this is random is approaching the
    monkeys typing out Hamlet limit.


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    Post  flamming_python Sat Jul 11, 2020 7:36 pm

    kvs wrote:So the story that Slavs moved into the Balkans 1500 years ago is BS.   Why am I not surprised.  

    I posted on this before but it corroborates the genetic research.   The Etruscan people appear to have been Slavs.   The only successful
    translation of Etruscan that I have seen has been by the Polish researcher Volansky during the 1800s.

    You can't laugh this off.   Western anti-Slavic linguists have not even managed to figure out a single translation and
    here you have full passages being successfully translated.   The chance that this is random is approaching the
    monkeys typing out Hamlet limit.


    This is ancient Ukr level research

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    Post  jhelb Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:15 am

    Cyberspec wrote:And yes, some of the proto Slavs went as far east as India via Iran and Afghanistan....not the other way around as you're suggesting
    If this was true then people from Iran and Afghanistan would have been White, they are not. Hindus certainly are not WHITE, they are dark skinned.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 12, 2020 12:41 pm

    Not really... white people have been everywhere so by your logic the whole planet must be white...

    Just because an ethnic group arrives somewhere doesn't mean they completely replace the locals... the Jews have been trying to do that since before 1948 and while they have murdered a lot of people and stolen a lot of land they still have a long way to go before they have butchered themselves to a majority that can then hold actually free and fair elections to steal everything else.

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    Post  nomadski Sun Jul 12, 2020 3:23 pm

    Yes western society is in decline. Their racial purity ideas, racist ideas will be the first to go. ( I think I should have included this, in new topic of incline of western civilization !) For those of you who think blondes are a product of superior Western populations or breeding , I have sad news. Blonde features develop rapidly ( within three thousand years or less) among non blonde migrant populations  into colder climates.

    Linguists discovered common Asian / Indian ( not American Indian) languages with people from Finland !  This means common roots of less than fifteen thousand years. Perhaps much less. But Finnish are colourless like butter. And people in North India are dark shade of brown. Same people ! The colour of skin changed faster than language roots.

    And blondes in Northern India and Iran and Afghanistan ( yes they are some),  are due to local adaptations. Not children of Roman centurions or British colonialists.......or Vikings. Alas there is no exclusive blonde European gene. How sad....

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Jul 12, 2020 5:52 pm

    32% of U.S. households missed their July housing payments.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:39 pm

    nomadski wrote:Yes western society is in decline. Their racial purity ideas, racist ideas will be the first to go. ( I think I should have included this, in new topic of incline of western civilization !) For those of you who think blondes are a product of superior Western populations or breeding , I have sad news. Blonde features develop rapidly ( within three thousand years or less) among non blonde migrant populations  into colder climates.

    Linguists discovered common Asian / Indian ( not American Indian) languages with people from Finland !  This means common roots of less than fifteen thousand years. Perhaps much less. But Finnish are colourless like butter. And people in North India are dark shade of brown. Same people ! The colour of skin changed faster than language roots.

    And blondes in Northern India and Iran and Afghanistan ( yes they are some),  are due to local adaptations. Not children of Roman centurions or British colonialists.......or Vikings. Alas there is no exclusive blonde European gene. How sad....

    The Russian language is strongly influenced by the Altaic language group. According the the clowns at Wikipedia this language group is "controversial",
    but I find a lot of overlap with Japanese that cannot be random. Turkic is also part of the Altaic language group and Turkic speakers also note the
    recognizable features of Japanese. By contrast, Chinese is just too different even if it heavily influences Japanese.

    There is too much Euro-centrism in historiography and linguistics. Russians have a lot of Asian history that is buried under the obsession with all things
    western. I find it funny how there are Asian word elements in Russian that Russians are not even conscious of. For example the root "chi" in "chinovnik",
    "otchizna" and even "chorniy".

    Racial purity is for retards. Biologically, it is genetic stagnation. Mongrel species that have incorporation of new gene supply and turnover of their gene pool
    are the most robust in key parameters. That is why we have sexual reproduction and not asexual reproduction. It really is about having more chances
    to be fit for survival. Genetically isolated populations have serious problems on many levels.

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