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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Decline of the western society


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    Decline of the western society - Page 21 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:44 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:32% of U.S. households missed their July housing payments.

    Americans have fake wealth. I see a lot of comparisons between per capita GDP.

    1) GDP does not trivially scale with the work force. The US GDP consists of its transnational footprint and since the 1970s
    the US middle class has been in decline with the offshoring of good paying jobs. Theoretically the US could have the largest
    GDP and every American worker can be a pauper.

    2) Nobody accounts for costs of living. If I make $100,000 per year and my costs are over $90,000 then I am not better
    off than someone who earns $30,000 and has costs of $10,000. Some of my in-laws in Canada who were raking in the
    cash were at the end of day nearly bankrupt.

    Russians are not saddled with mortgage and rent costs like Americans and basically all westerners.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 21 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  thegopnik Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:40 pm

    Well this is sad. they were sort of my go to source to see what military technology is being done along military production numbers. They use to show Russian military exhibits on the left hand side and they no longer do this. For example they use to show the Russian army expos and now they no longer show the army 2020 expo for August. Guess they really do not what Russian industries to gain profit.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:32 pm

    thegopnik wrote:Well this is sad. they were sort of my go to source to see what military technology is being done along military production numbers. They use to show Russian military exhibits on the left hand side and they no longer do this. For example they use to show the Russian army expos and now they no longer show the army 2020 expo for August. Guess they really do not what Russian industries to gain profit.

    An example of sore loser-ness rampant in the west. While bleating about their innate superiority, they can't stand real competition.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:55 pm

    BLM are terrorists. That includes all of their supporters.

    This ain't no left wing movement. It is a woke cult.

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    Post  Cyberspec Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:11 am

    kvs wrote:So the story that Slavs moved into the Balkans 1500 years ago is BS.   Why am I not surprised.  

    I posted on this before but it corroborates the genetic research.   The Etruscan people appear to have been Slavs.   The only successful
    translation of Etruscan that I have seen has been by the Polish researcher Volansky during the 1800s.

    You can't laugh this off.   Western anti-Slavic linguists have not even managed to figure out a single translation and
    here you have full passages being successfully translated.   The chance that this is random is approaching the
    monkeys typing out Hamlet limit.

    Yes I agree on the Etruscans....A Serbian priest and researcher Svetislav Bilbija, translated Etruscan using the modern Serbian language as a basis decades ago (I think back in the 1930's). He wrote a book called Old European Language and the writing of the Etruscans

    There's a couple of Italian linguists who support the hypothesis that ancient Etruscan is related to Slavic languages

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    Post  Cyberspec Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:28 am

    jhelb wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:And yes, some of the proto Slavs went as far east as India via Iran and Afghanistan....not the other way around as you're suggesting
    If this was true then people from Iran and Afghanistan would have been White, they are not. Hindus certainly are not WHITE, they are dark skinned.

    We're talking about events back in the Bronze age...alot has happened since then. A lot of Iranians have fairly light complexion still.

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    Post  kvs Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:57 am

    BTW, all clowns who try to laugh off western Slavs as some sort of fiction like the Ukr 40,000 year history are idiots.
    There are plenty of place names in Germany which are Slavic. In fact, linguistically, Germanic and Slavic come from
    one root. Talk about 1500 years ago as if it 150 years ago is utter nonsense. There are few historical records
    like those of Rome to establish events. (For example, Romans saw people in the coastal region of present day Albania
    on some occasions and nobody at other times, but Albanians claim to be descendants of Ilyrians who lived there
    2000 years ago).

    Western Slavs have been eradicated over time. Either through assimilation or extermination. In the case of Etruscans
    it has been through mostly extermination. And only a bonehead would deny a coherent translation of whole paragraphs.
    It is impossible to cherry pick translated vocabulary to translate paragraphs. There is no chance of coincidence of
    many different words and for those coincidences to also make coincident meaningful sentences. Again, only idiots fob
    off such empirical evidence because it does not fit their political stance or agenda.

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:58 pm

    KVS, I explained this to you some time ago. Your claim is like claims of "scholars" in early modern era that English comes from Hebrew. Wolanski postulates that Etruscans spoke something like modern Russian which is impossible. Slavs in Roman times spoke a language that was nothing like modern Slavic languages, it was much closer to Lithuanian All features we consider "Slavic" that distinguish Slavic and Baltic languages developed between AD 200 and 800.  

    Etruscan is nothing like Indo-European languages. (Dacian and Thracian were either Balto-Slavic or related)

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    Post  Regular Tue Jul 14, 2020 11:55 pm

    Hmm, never heard about Baltic and etruscan connection. Thracian one seem to be plausible and more researched. Need to do some reading.

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    Post  kvs Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:01 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:KVS, I explained this to you some time ago. Your claim is like claims of "scholars" in early modern era that English comes from Hebrew. Wolanski postulates that Etruscans spoke something like modern Russian which is impossible. Slavs in Roman times spoke a language that was nothing like modern Slavic languages, it was much closer to Lithuanian All features we consider "Slavic" that distinguish Slavic and Baltic languages developed between AD 200 and 800.  

    Etruscan is nothing like Indo-European languages. (Dacian and Thracian were either Balto-Slavic or related)

    You explained nothing. You merely repeated western dogma. I can judge for myself the quality of the translations and
    don't need to appeal to authority to "make my case". Authority is not an argument and clearly is many times compromised


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    Post  kvs Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:28 am

    Note the lame appeal to the Indo-European commonality. If that was the source of the overlap of Etruscan with Slavic, then
    we should also have the same with Celtic. I find not such overlap (aside from the obvious Indo-European one).


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    Post  kvs Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:20 am

    BTW, I do not buy the FYROM claim on Alexander the Great. There is basically no evidence he was not Greek. A lot of
    ethnic nationalism that arose in the 1800s has concocted history that is designed to create a national myth. This does
    not make the story of western Slavs into fiction.


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    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:10 am

    kvs wrote:BTW, I do not buy the FYROM claim on Alexander the Great...

    Nobody does, it's a meme at this point

    Modern day Macedonians moved here alongside rest of us Slavs millennia ago and picked up a name of old Greek province that area used to belong to

    They probably mixed up with locals that lived there at the time but we all did in places where we ended up so it's nothing unique (we Serbs could call ourselves Moesians by that logic but that wouldn't make us Romans or something)

    They recently doubled down on the whole Alex the Great thing but for the longest of times everyone thought they were just being funny until the whole kerfuffle with the life Greeks started over it, only then did everyone go "Holy shit, they are actually serious about this, lol!"

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:12 am

    Chronology of evolution of Proto Balto-Slavic to Common Slavic and then to modern Slavic languages is well known (and Russian scholars played no small part in it). You need to literally deny the entire field of historical linguistics in order to believe that language spoken by Slavs (or their ancestors) in 300 BC sounded like modern Slavic languages.

    BTW Ancient Macedonian language was likely a dialect of Greek. Obviously Alexander was Greek.

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:44 pm

    kvs wrote:

    BLM are terrorists.   That includes all of their supporters.

    This ain't no left wing movement.   It is a woke cult.

    The Western mainstream left wing movement, i.e. the social democrats, have absolutely nothing to do with socialism or democracy. They are opportunits who are supportive of welfare states, which originates from Bismarck Germany and reached their highest developments in the Nazi and facist regimes. The true socialists are oppressed in the West because they are fighting for the things that both the Western mainstream left and right parties fear the most: a grassroot democracy where every person is free both in economical and political sense (i.e. having citizen rights and having control of production process) and is able to actively participate in social management to protect his own freedom and rights.

    For the problem of Black Lives Matters movement, on my opinion, is similar to the early worker movements when workers destroyed the factories and machines because they misunderstood the causes of their suffering and they did not know the core problem in the society. BLM participants probably are the same, they are angered and upset about the current society, but do not know why and how, and they vent their anger wrongly which results in extremism and inappropriate violence.

    The fate of such unorganized and anarchist movements is that they may be become the unwilling mercenaries for political factions who use them as tools against other factions.

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    Post  Cyberspec Thu Jul 16, 2020 6:55 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Chronology of evolution of Proto Balto-Slavic to Common Slavic and then to modern Slavic languages is well known (and Russian scholars played no small part in it). You need to literally deny the entire field of historical linguistics in order to believe that language spoken by Slavs (or their ancestors) in 300 BC sounded like modern Slavic languages.

    BTW Ancient Macedonian language was likely a dialect of Greek. Obviously Alexander was Greek.

    Yeah sure  Smile ....according to the German & Vatican version of history to which Russian "mainstream" accademia unfortunately subscribes since the days of Peter the Great

    Here's a few FACTS for you sceptics to chew on...

    Serbian is the oldest Slavic language...even a complete ignoramus can see it by comparing the words...for example..

    Serbian have the original pronounciation words eg: Crkva - Krst - -- in Russian C(e)rk(o)v - Kr(e)rst ....they have additional vocalisation which is sign of later development of the language

    The old Serbian calendar which was in use until 19th century is over 7000 years old....I think it's the year 7529 right now...the church still uses it today

    The ancient Macedonians might not be direct ancestors to todays North Macedonia and yes they belong culturally to the ancient Helenic world,  but they weren't Greeks ethnically speaking.. Their royal house was originally Greek (from Argos) and who used standard Greek as an official language in their kingdom...the common folk couldn't speak it. You have plenty of examples in ancient texts. The Greeks of the time didn't consider them Greeks.

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    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:59 am

    Serbian is not the oldest Slavic langugae. It is as old as every other Slavic language.

    It is not particuervative either. All Slavic languages are archaic in some aspects and innovative in others. Polish has the most archaic vowel phonology, Russian the most conservative consonant phonology, Slovenian has the most archaic accent and the duel number while Bulgarian (and Macedonian) are the only Slavic languages that kept the old tenses aorist and imperfect and did not replace them with a participle (or a participle + be)

    The Common Slavic word was *cь̀rky, a borrowing from Germanic (it's the same word as English "church"). Some Slavic languages then replaced the nominative with accusative and it became tserkov/cerkiew, others regulatized it to a regular feminine noun and it became tserkva.

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    Post  Cyberspec Thu Jul 16, 2020 12:39 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:The Common Slavic word was *cь̀rky, a borrowing from Germanic (it's the same word as English "church"). Some Slavic languages then replaced the nominative with accusative and it became tserkov/cerkiew, others regulatized it to a regular feminine noun and it became tserkva.

    It's the other way around....Germans borrowed it from Slavic. As mentioned above the original is CRKVA
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    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Jul 16, 2020 1:38 pm

    It is not a Slavic word. It is a Greek word (kyriakon) borrowed first into Germanic and then into Slavic. Germanic tribes were clsoer to major centers of civilization and they were first ones to embrace Christanity


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    Post  kvs Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:49 pm

    We have here the rabid denial of western Slav history. This demonstrates the verminous hate the west has for Slavs and Russians
    in particular. A good Slav is a dead Slav.

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Jul 16, 2020 6:41 pm

    What the shit are you talking about? I have no hatred for Slavs, only appreciation.

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    Post  Cyberspec Fri Jul 17, 2020 1:33 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:It is not a Slavic word. It is a Greek word (kyriakon) borrowed first into Germanic and then into Slavic. Germanic tribes were clsoer to major centers of civilization and they were first ones to embrace Christanity

    Maybe we should start a separate thread on this topic...

    Basically, the main point of contention we have is that the Slavs are indigenous to the Balkans which was called Hum / Helm /H'lm meaning a highland/mountainous place or they migrated there in the 9th century from somewhere east of the Carpathians , which is the German/Vatican version, which was imposed as the mainstream view largely in the 19th century to justify "Drang nach Osten"


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    Post  higurashihougi Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:29 am

    I put it here because I don't want to diluted the Armenian - Azerbaijan conflict topic.

    miketheterrible wrote:The 90's showed exactly what I, Papa and others have said - diversity is a weakness, not a strength. When people view themselves as different, they will in turn start to believe in quasi nationalism where they view themselves as superior and "why are we part of this nation if they are different from us". Chechnya did this and also committed atrocities that dwarf whatever happened in the US.

    No, diversity doesn't work especially when you got cultures that contradict your own and own laws. As well, as long as human greed and stupidity exists, so will the ideas of racism will too. And no, many cultural groups are far more racist than average whites and I see this every day where I am in a diverse country. Vietnam, where you are from isn't a diverse country. So you don't get to state what works and what doesn't when;
    1) USSR failure and events shortly after proved me correct
    2) I am in a diverse country of Canada which I see racism live and well in the minority groups and trying to all strip rights of others away to push the crap they left their country for, here.

    So spare me your lack of knowledge and experience in this

    Just because the West promoted a selfish, naccrisist version of "minority rights" to break Russia aparts, that does not mean all kinds of minority rights is inherently bad like that. Just because "minority rights" in Canada is degenerated does not means elsewhere of the world is the same. Or Canada will be the same forever.

    Why don't you just try once to reclaim the true value of "minority rights" and rescue it from the depravity and selfishness of Western capitalism ? Rejecting minority rights get you to nowhere except provide a good excuse for the Western propaganda machine to continue their calumniation campaign.

    Sorry we have not experienced multiculturalism at the level of you. But we experienced cultural oppression. We know exactly what happened when a nation is oppressed by other power. And by the way Vietnam is a little bit more diverse than you think, even within the Kinh majority there is not completely homogenous in lifestyle, thinking, and even dialects. And we experienced quite a number of issues of the ethnic minorities, too, all these issues are being solved by solidarity, not by forcing a Vietnamese chauvinism on the minorities.

    GarryB wrote:Well I can understand what he is doing... should state funded schools support every little ethnic language and culture... my brother is a teacher and he had parents complaining that their children have no manners.... why isn't he teaching them manners. He is a high school teacher and basically said we only have them from 9am to 3pm... you have them the rest of the time.

    From my experiences the teachers do teach the manners to the pupils, and in some school I see that the teachers are very strict on the students. Parents are obligated to be the main factor in teaching ethics and morality to their own children, but that does not mean the teacher just stay there and coldly watch. Teachers are not simply people who transfer knowledge. They are the second father, "the father in the school". The student is expected to respect their teachers similar to their own fathers and the teachers are expect to be responsible as the real fathers.

    You can't tell a child to only mimics their biological parents and not mimics the person who teach them in the schools. The child mimics both.

    GarryB wrote:If these ethnic minorities have not taught their children to speak their ethnic minority tongue by the time they go to school why do they think the Russian government should teach them about their culture

    Because most of the governments, claim that they care for their citizens (athough in reality they only care for the ruling class but that will be another story), and the citizens in the ethnic minorities are also citizens. Don't you think it is their right to enjoy an acceptable level of governmental support for their own culture just as the Russian citizens enjoy the support in protecting their Russian culture ?

    I never say that the government should spoil the minorities at the expense of Russian people. But turning a cold shoulder to the minorities, let them fend of for themselves and die out in the process, that is not the right thing to do.

    kvs wrote:Well, it was Lenin who drew up the borders that left an enclave of Armenia inside Azerbaijan.   So the history of communism
    is the foundation of the conflict.

    It is the result of the popular referendum and the local Nakhchivan people decide to stay with Azerbaijan. Lenin's decision is to consult the opinion of the local people and that is appropriate. (Edit: It seems like you are mentioning the Nagorno-Karabakh region. If that is the case I apologize for misunderstand your comment.)

    And ethnic conflicts existed long before communism. The USSR did not invent the conflicts between Russian, Poland, German, or other ethnic and national groups. Do you honestly believe that all ethnic groups are living in harmony and happiness under the suppressive regime of the Tsarist Russia ? And then the Bolshevik came in and suddenly all ethnic groups became greedy and fought each others to death ?

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Tue Jul 21, 2020 12:17 pm

    kvs wrote:BTW, all clowns who try to laugh off western Slavs as some sort of fiction like the Ukr 40,000 year history are idiots.
    There are plenty of place names in Germany which are Slavic.   In fact, linguistically, Germanic and Slavic come from
    one root.    Talk about 1500 years ago as if it 150 years ago is utter nonsense.   There are few historical records
    like those of Rome to establish events.   (For example, Romans saw people in the coastal region of present day Albania
    on some occasions and nobody at other times, but Albanians claim to be descendants of Ilyrians who lived there
    2000 years ago).  

    Western Slavs have been eradicated over time.   Either through assimilation or extermination.    In the case of Etruscans
    it has been through mostly extermination.    And only a bonehead would deny a coherent translation of whole paragraphs.
    It is impossible to cherry pick translated vocabulary to translate paragraphs.    There is no chance of coincidence of
    many different words and for those coincidences to also make coincident meaningful sentences.   Again, only idiots fob
    off such empirical evidence because it does not fit their political stance or agenda.


    Etruscan DNA still remain in some people from some parts of Tuscany and Umbria.. and about extermination.. i don't know exactly...they were gradually assimilated into the Roman Culture, but they had an enormous influence into the Roman culture as well.

    Anyway I just know that for more than a century Rome was under Etruscan occupation and the last three Roman kings (before the start of the Roman republic) were etruscans:
    Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius and Lucius Tarquinius Superbus..

    The funny thing is that they started themselves war against other etruscan cities (the first of them was apparently forbidden to participate actively to political life in Etruria since his father originated from Greece and so he tried his fortune in Rome).

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    Post  kvs Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:43 pm

    Rodion_Romanovic wrote:
    kvs wrote:BTW, all clowns who try to laugh off western Slavs as some sort of fiction like the Ukr 40,000 year history are idiots.
    There are plenty of place names in Germany which are Slavic.   In fact, linguistically, Germanic and Slavic come from
    one root.    Talk about 1500 years ago as if it 150 years ago is utter nonsense.   There are few historical records
    like those of Rome to establish events.   (For example, Romans saw people in the coastal region of present day Albania
    on some occasions and nobody at other times, but Albanians claim to be descendants of Ilyrians who lived there
    2000 years ago).  

    Western Slavs have been eradicated over time.   Either through assimilation or extermination.    In the case of Etruscans
    it has been through mostly extermination.    And only a bonehead would deny a coherent translation of whole paragraphs.
    It is impossible to cherry pick translated vocabulary to translate paragraphs.    There is no chance of coincidence of
    many different words and for those coincidences to also make coincident meaningful sentences.   Again, only idiots fob
    off such empirical evidence because it does not fit their political stance or agenda.


    Etruscan DNA still remain in some people from some parts of Tuscany and Umbria.. and about extermination.. i don't know exactly...they were gradually assimilated into the Roman Culture, but they had an enormous influence into the Roman culture as well.

    Anyway I just know that for more than a century Rome was under Etruscan occupation and the last three Roman kings (before the start of the Roman republic) were etruscans:
    Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius and Lucius Tarquinius Superbus..

    The funny thing is that they started themselves war against  other etruscan cities (the first of them was apparently forbidden to participate actively to political life in Etruria since his father originated from Greece and so he tried his fortune in Rome).

    From what I learned the Etruscans "disappeared" and anthropologists "don't know" why.  That is not as soft as the above makes it sound.  
    The notion of an Etruscan "occupation" is cringeworthy.   Perugia for example post dates the Etruscans in a clear way with some of the
    ancient Etruscan architecture (e.g. the gates) still intact.   Italy was never invaded by Etruscans.

    And the fact that whole passages of Etruscan (in its original script) have been meaningfully translated stops all the denier bleating
    stone cold.   Linguistics is a science and not politics.   People can take their political refusal to accept facts and shove
    such "thinking".   This sort of political pseudo-think is what gives us murders of people who say "all lives matter".

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