The scenario being described by you is true to some extent, but it's not entirely true.
Of course not, but some of the people I am discussing this with believe all whites are smart and rich and all black people are dumb and poor... the problem is that they don't understand average.
If you give a test written by a white person largely about western history and culture and some foreigners don't score very well on that test what conclusions can you draw. Certainly nothing to do with intelligence because intelligence has nothing to do with memorising names and dates. Take a group of those superior white people and put them in the village where these dumb foreigners came from and see how long they survive... you fail that test by dying...
There was an aussie movie called Crocodile Dundee... it was a fish out of water comedy.... where you take a street savy New York reporter and put her in the bush in Australia... of course she struggles despite not being an idiot because she is not in a familiar environment any more. Later in the movie the roles are reversed and the guy who helped her survive has to cope with being in New York.
This idea is the who basis for the TV series "The Beverly Hillbillies", and they are very clever ideas because on the surface it is making fun of the dummies from backward places, but if you actually pay attention their ignorance about the way things are done in these sophisticated and civilised places actually makes a lot of sense and is actually a rather good critique of modern living. In the first episode of the hillbillies TV show a woman comes to visit them to work out their heritage. The story is about country folk who strike oil on their land and move to beverly hills with all the other rich people... but these people were dirt poor before they found oil... simple farming folk. Anyway this woman is asking them which boat their family came over on to try and work out how high up they are socially in this community... after telling them why they are asking Jed says, well if you get higher up the social ladder the earlier your ship arrived then I guess the Indians must be at the top socially... the lady asking the questions did not like that and I suspect most Americans at the time wouldn't like that except to poke fun at how ignorant Jed is for saying such a thing... yet he is not dumb, that is perfectly logical.
I have met dumb black people, but I have also met dumb white people and white asian people... skin colour and breeding does not affect intelligence... you could take a new born baby from Paupau New Guinea from some primitive tribe that does not even have a written language and put them with a white family in Britain and the kid would be no different from the other kids within that family... because education and nutrition and experience have more to do with what you know than skin colour ever did.
Not all countries in Western Europe were colonizers.
No they weren't, and not everyone from the UK killed Maori or Aboriginals or American Indians either. But the UK got rich on resources from New Zealand and Australia and what was eventually to become the US. Modern Britain follows US policy of destroying countries that don't allow them to pillage their resources... Venezuela is the most recent example... trying to break a country kills people... why wouldn't people from those vulnerable countries want to move to a nice safe place like the UK or US?
For instance, Scandanavian countries were not invading Asia and Africa.
Life is not fair. Lots of countries end up paying for stuff that was really never their fault... The Soviet Union lost over 25 million people because the British and French were
towards Germany after WWI. That isn't fair either. But then Germany assisted and supported Lenin, which led to a bloody civil war too so maybe they deserved it...
Also, White guys do face discrimination here in the U.S.
People are racist. That is normal. A defence mechanism to fear the unknown. Doesn't make it right, but then what does right or wrong have to do with anything... again look at western behaviour internationally... it is disgraceful... The US keeping sanctions on Iran is essentially murdering Iranians... the weakest and most vulnerable Iranians, but nobody says anything or cares in the moral and caring west... who will bite your head off if you don't follow the script and accept gays and a thousand and one different genders without question... no discussion allowed at all.
The U.S dollar is a fully convertible currency.
Tell that to Russia or Iran or Cuba or North Korea or Venezuela etc etc etc...
It's also the world's reserve currency.
Not for everyone... lots are changing their minds... Libya was attacked and destroyed because Gadaffi suggested an alternative to the US dollar. Saddam was attacked repeatedly and then executed for the same... and guess what legislation Venezuela was putting through when the US decided they needed a different leader...
So even if the Federal Reserve prints Trillions of $$ it won't adversely affect the debt situation.
Don't forget all the big credit rating agencies are in the US and are too afraid of reality to give accurate ratings... very political it is...
As the US continues to use its dollar as a weapon, more and more countries will look to trade in other currencies, which will seriously effect the US dollar and the way the US treats countries. As the US economy, which is built on smoke and mirrors, is revealed to be a house of cards countries holding US debt might start demanding payment in something other than the currency they can print as much of as they wish because many of the other countries those countries trade with might not accept US dollars any more in payment...
The US is printing money and it still can't pay its bills... it is in enormous debt and it doesn't care... that is a huge warning sign...
We have been accumulating trillions of $$ of debts for decades now. Hasn't affected us adversely. We are still the world's largest economy with a population one-fifth of China's. We continue to take in more than a million migrants every year.
Listen to yourself... I spend all my pay on gambling because one more win will solve all my problems, it hasn't affected me adversely yet because I can just get more credit cards to cover my living expenses... roads and bridges and other infrastructure can wait right?
Having more people wont solve debt problems... that just puts more strain on your infrastructure... which you are not maintaining let alone upgrading.
To reduce the Brain drain , you need to invest more in the Scientific Research and establish the industrial base to apply the researchers ideas but this is exactly what the third world suffers from .
The brain drain is everywhere... not just from third and second world countries to first world countries... even within a country you will have people moving from rural backwater areas to urban areas for reasons of getting a job and improved comfort.
Had a lot of friends who went to the UK to get jobs and earn big money... most of them came back to NZ to have kids because the schools over there frightened them... Form living in a squalid one bedroom apartment in London they can buy a two storey mansion here for the money they paid in rent...
Toxic environments for children, created by austerity made the children become both perpetrators and victims . As example in last 6 years there is 422 million reduction in spending on services for young people , 3,500 of youth service jobs lost , 600 of youth centres closed , 130,000 of places in youth centres eliminated .
If immigration wasn't a public policy they would collect the information and prove it was foreigners doing all the bad stuff, but that is not in their interests.... what is also not in their interests is to create opportunities for youth and spend money so they don't have so much free time and anger and frustration.
Those following the agenda will say there is no problem... those who examine the situation will say it is foreigners and muslims, but the reality is that the foreigners and muslims are only the flame... the local youth were turned into oily rags and paint thinner by the decisions of the local government trying to save money in areas they clearly should not have.