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Walther von Oldenburg
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48 posters

    Decline of the western society


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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Fri Apr 24, 2020 12:38 pm

    ahmedfire wrote:
    par far wrote:The one thing I don't get is, how the western countries are in a downward spiral economically and the western countries can't take care of the people in their countries but are taking in millions of refugees and immigrants? Why is this happening?

    The west is slowly destroying itself.

    Most refugees are workers  and no place in the world has an older population that's not into baby making than Europe .With fertility rates expected to hit zero in Europe in the next decade, the only way the European Union can fight elderly poverty and maintain its expensive entitlement programs is to increase immigration , at some limits refugees are useful .

    Since marriage and children are now a turn-off for many males, it leaves immigrants and their "old ways" to fill the baby gap. But immigrants
    will feel the same pressures after one generation. They are subject to the same absurd divorce laws and their female offspring will be
    narcissistic bimbos who drink the faminazi koolaid. Funny who the disintegration of the family in the west is celebrated by the fake stream

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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  ahmedfire Fri Apr 24, 2020 12:51 pm

    But immigrants
    will feel the same pressures after one generation. They are subject to the same absurd divorce laws and their female offspring will be
    narcissistic bimbos who drink the faminazi koolaid

    I guess most ME immigrants keeps their social habits protected , they still keeping on the normal family organized with higher birth rates .If there are not enough working-aged people paying taxes, there is not enough money to pay for social security.Either taxes have to go higher to make up for that, or countries need to find a way to expand their tax base.
    par far

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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  par far Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:17 pm

    ahmedfire wrote:
    par far wrote:The one thing I don't get is, how the western countries are in a downward spiral economically and the western countries can't take care of the people in their countries but are taking in millions of refugees and immigrants? Why is this happening?

    The west is slowly destroying itself.

    Most refugees are workers  and no place in the world has an older population that's not into baby making than Europe .With fertility rates expected to hit zero in Europe in the next decade, the only way the European Union can fight elderly poverty and maintain its expensive entitlement programs is to increase immigration , at some limits refugees are useful .

    The fertility rate in Europe is engineered to be the way it is, if the elite in Europe had worked on increasing the fertility rate of their respective countries by promoting family, religion and had they set up the needed resources for people to raise a family than the fertility rate in Europe would have been fine.

    Most refugees come to Europe(and western countries) to get free money and benefits, they don't want to work and we are seeing this. Most refugees that are coming over are involved in crime, rape and criminal activities. That is not how you help your country.

    The elites in the West made 2 big mistakes(along with other mistakes) and they are making a 3rd one that is leading to the rapid decline of the west:

    The 1st mistake they made: Was not to divide Russia into small pieces when the Soviet Union collapsed(they now say this openly), it is to late now. Had they divided Russia into small parts, they would have grabbed the resources and could have controlled the small states. The Western elites did try to destroy Russian industries, they were not able to totally destroy them because they were too busy robbing Russia. Thank god Putin came into the picture.

    The 2nd mistake they made: Was to give most of the manufacturing jobs that the west had to China, so the western elites could make more money. But at the same time they did not keep tabs on China and get try to install a friendly West  Chinese government (it is too late now) because the western elites were making so much money. And now China has risen to challenge the West.

    These 2 mistakes that they made, they did not know at the time because they were blinded by money and now these mistakes have come back to bite them.

    The 3rd mistake that the western elites are making right now is bringing in too many 3rd world immigrants but they are blinded because they are making money. The mistakes they are making right now is destroying countries, so they can make money from stealing the resources of these countries and brining all the people from those countries into the West. And these people coming over are pissed and they are taking it on the local population, we can see this in Sweden where rape has gone up rapidly because of the refugees and immigrants, there Muslim grooming gangs all over Europe (especially in England). The western elites don't know that to much immigration does not work and Muslims(which are the majority that is coming) won't ever integrate into the society they are coming in to, history has shown us this. What they say is true "bring the 3rd world into your country and you become the 3rd world".

    The Western Elites will regret their 3rd mistake in the future, same way they are regretting mistakes 1 and 2.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:16 am

    My point about female conversion to western "values" cannot be fobbed off. We have had a case in Ontario where the father
    honour murdered his daughter because she was adopting western norms. So even Islamic culture is not enough to counteract
    the pernicious influence of western snake oil. That is the magic of western snake oil. It promises people a free lunch and zero
    effort. That is what feminazis brainwashed females with. So now we have a sluts who ride the cock carousel from their late
    teens to their early 30s chasing every "hunk" (of shit) that they think is the holy grail. Then they bitch about no good men
    being around to marry them when they are spent by their middle 30s. They are not good for birthing children, they are good
    for spreading VD.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 25, 2020 7:16 am

    The one thing I don't get is, how the western countries are in a downward spiral economically and the western countries can't take care of the people in their countries but are taking in millions of refugees and immigrants? Why is this happening?

    The west is slowly destroying itself.

    It is their morality and ethics... on paper the US of A was made from immigrants... from Europe mostly... so white immigration is encouraged... you might have noticed that the two nurses that looked after Dopey Boris... one was from South Africa I think and the other was a Kiwi...

    It is also that most western countries need cheap labour to do all the jobs well educated people don't want to do.

    It is that need for cheap labour that drove them to move most production to China... nothing to do with being nice to China to offset Russia, and everything to do with the lax labour laws in China and low wages there.

    Problem for them is that they underestimated the Chinese... when the local guy they put in position of manager of the factory starts working the first thing he does is hire more people... the people running the factory in an 8 hour shift get to train two more people each so they can have two more 8 hour shifts and run the factory 24 hours a day... the company logo doesn't go on the product made during those other 16 hours and they are sold on the local market or in other poor countries where no one could afford the original product anyway.

    Take the example of Nike.... you make boots for 8 hours with the Nike logo and you make so many thousand per day (8 hour shift) to meet the quote for the company Nike who then sells those boots for 3-4 hundred US dollars a pair. They might pay the workers a dollar an hour and from start to finish it might take 3 hours to make a boot with everything organised to work in a fixed set of production and assembly steps. The materials used my cost 10-15 dollars per boot. When the workers finish their shift they remove the remaining Nike badges from the machine that stitches them on to the boot and the next shift puts in the Nukee badge which looks similar but is different and then they make the same boot. They sell it in places in Asia for $40 per pair of boots... they make thousands so he earns tens of thousands of dollars per day... it is a volume thing... there are lots of people who want cheap boots who don't know what Nike means anyway.

    The point is that this manager was probably making 40-50 thousand dollars per year at the very best from Nike, but his factory is earning him millions... so eventually he buys the factory himself and starts making new boot designs... it isn't rocket science... he can buy different boots on the open market and rip them apart and work out what shaped bits of fabric you need and what is holding it all together and come up with something similar... change colours and shapes and there will be a continuous market and you become one of the many new millionaires or billionaires in China... build more factories... expand in to other products... buy the contractors that built your factory and use their plans to create a new factory building company...

    The workers in the factories of course don't get rich, and those that complain about working conditions might disappear but there are thousands of people wanting jobs there who get turned away every day so not a problem...

    60 years ago this happened in Japan... Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, next it will likely happen in Bangledesh and India... will they handle it well and grow and develop, or not.

    Who knows... all the west knows is that they get to the point where they want more money for wages and conditions and it is no longer profitable so they move to the next country.

    They need poor countries that effectively supply slave labour to produce the cheap crap that the western consumer society needs to continue... work so you can afford this or that that you might be impressed by and show all your friends but once the shine wears off it goes in a cupboard or drawer and is never seen again... because now you want the 2020 model...

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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  jhelb Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:14 pm

    GarryB wrote:It is their morality and ethics... on paper the US of A was made from immigrants... from Europe mostly... so white immigration is encouraged...
    It's preference. Nothing wrong with it. It's only natural that White people will have a preference for White people. Whatever US is today or Russia is, it's because of the hard work, dedication of White people. Look at all the major US companies...all of them created by Whites.

    GarryB wrote:you might have noticed that the two nurses that looked after Dopey Boris... one was from South Africa I think and the other was a Kiwi...
    Didn't get this part. What has the nationality of these two nurses got to do with BoJo? Most people...nurses, doctors working at NHS are colored people. Mostly illegal immigrant from Africa and Asia.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:18 pm

    Two professional immigrant workers saved their glorious leader... and I said one might have been from South Africa and the other was a kiwi... I didn't mention skin colour...

    It's only natural that White people will have a preference for White people.

    The people who have done the most damage and continue to do the most damage today to Russia are and were white.

    But you keep talking like Hitler, I am sure your grandparents would approve...

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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  jhelb Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:23 pm

    GarryB wrote:But you keep talking like Hitler, I am sure your grandparents would approve...
    I'm not. Trump, Brexit clearly proves my point. Locals are tired of immigration. I didn't elect Trump, nor did I have a vote for Brexit.

    GarryB wrote:It is that need for cheap labour that drove them to move most production to China... nothing to do with being nice to China to offset Russia, and everything to do with the lax labour laws in China and low wages there.

    You are on the dot. But now in this Trump, Brexit era globalization is being reversed. The fact that Trump was elected and Brexit happened stands testimony to the fact that the local White population is sick, tired of immigration, especially from Asia and Africa. They now want to rest back control of their country.

    GarryB wrote:The people who have done the most damage and continue to do the most damage today to Russia are and were white.

    No that is not true. White Russians have been killed in large numbers by Mongols. Fortunately, Putin/Kremlin never allowed such reckless immigration into Russia something that Eu allowed.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  jhelb Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:35 pm

    ahmedfire wrote:the only way the European Union can fight elderly poverty and maintain its expensive entitlement programs is to increase immigration , at some limits refugees are useful .

    Russia, along with most of eastern Europe, Ireland, South America seems to be doing just fine without immigrants/refugees. Industrial production has increased, jobs have increased. Moreover with most of the manufacturing jobs being automated via 3D, AI etc there is no need for immigrants.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:14 pm

    The offshoring fad is and was driven by greed. Instead of making Nike sneakers in the USA they make them in foreign sweatshops to
    get higher profits. In the USA they would need to pay the workers higher wages. The USA was not doing too bad after
    WWII with domestic production. But that was not good enough, they greedy oligarchy needed more. They threw American
    workers under the bus and it felt good busting all those unions. And any loss of demand for Nike sneakers in the USA is
    more than offset by emerging new markets in the global economy.

    I wonder whether the above really worked out for the globalist parasites. If the local production was indeed being diverted
    to fill local market demand with "knock-offs" (from the same factories) then that would nullify any offshore demand for
    the "real thing". That defeats the whole offshoring racket. But I suppose that there are transient effects here. Domestic
    demand in the USA does not disappear overnight, and there is actual new demand abroad.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  ahmedfire Sat Apr 25, 2020 9:17 pm

    The fertility rate in Europe is engineered to be the way it is, if the elite in Europe had worked on increasing the fertility rate of their respective countries by promoting family, religion and had they set up the needed resources for people to raise a family than the fertility rate in Europe would have been fine.

    Fertility, mortality, and net migration together determine the size of a nation’s working-age population.

    Europe population tend to have a lower fertility rate due to lifestyle choices associated with economic affluence where mortality rates are low, birth control is easily accessible and children often can become an economic drain caused by housing, education cost and other cost involved in bringing up children. Higher education and professional careers often mean that women have children late in life. This can result in a demographic economic paradox.

    Elite can't just turn the societies in one click , the western society was built through multiple effects since revolutions there till now .Over dependency ,individualism , changing gender roles, family habits and religious beliefs are somethings you can't control easily and will be faced by a political and social moves which the elite try to avoid .

    The governments there have a limited choices and the best one is immigiration plus some refugees .

    The 3rd mistake that the western elites are making right now is bringing in too many 3rd world immigrants but they are blinded because they are making money. The mistakes they are making right now is destroying countries, so they can make money from stealing the resources of these countries and brining all the people from those countries into the West. And these people coming over are pissed and they are taking it on the local population, we can see this in Sweden where rape has gone up rapidly because of the refugees and immigrants, there Muslim grooming gangs all over Europe (especially in England). The western elites don't know that to much immigration does not work and Muslims(which are the majority that is coming) won't ever integrate into the society they are coming in to, history has shown us this. What they say is true "bring the 3rd world into your country and you become the 3rd world".

    The Western Elites will regret their 3rd mistake in the future, same way they are regretting mistakes 1 and 2.

    That are the views of the far-right parties in Europe ,they are nitpicking against immigrants and Muslims .

    Most of their studies just look at the total crimes, which can include crimes committed by natives against natives, or crimes committed by natives against foreigners, even. So just using these total crime numbers, you cannot clearly see whether immigrants or refugees commit more crimes against natives.

    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Crimes10

    Germany has about 20–25 million crime per year , about 25% of all crimes are reported to the police ,less than two million people are identified as suspects by the police (10% of all crimes), and less than 800,000 (roughly 3.2%) are finally convicted by the courts. This implies that roughly one in 30 crimes leads to a conviction.Basing the analysis on  the law enforcement statistics to evaluate crimes committed by foreign residents can lead to diverging results.

    Germany hate crime: Nearly 10 attacks a day on migrants in 2016

    Migrants are people who some of them could do crimes like Germans or any EU nation .Also some of them are Engineers and doctors and nurses and hard workers , picturing them as a monsters who will eat the cute white western citizens, is funny , i have a friend who went to Canada and in one year only he became the CEO in his company thanks to his high Engineering skills as described by the company owner .The Head of the Australian  Guided Missile Frigate System Program Office is an Egyptian woman , the father of femtochemistry is an Egyptian scientist "Ahmed Zewail " .

    In England ,during the calendar year of 2018, there were 14,700 recorded knife crimes, according to the service.

    The London Knife Crime Strategy

    The 80-page document makes no mention of Muslims or immigrants. Rather, in a section titled, "Who are the offenders and who are the victims," the plan cites a police analysis that found almost 90 percent of offenders were male in 2016 and 2017, and of those, 62 percent were people described as having black, Asian and other minority ethnic backgrounds.The claims about the Muslims and immigrant status of offenders are unlikely to be verifiable because they’re not official categories that the country’s Ministry of Justice would include in their statistical releases.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sat Apr 25, 2020 10:10 pm

    I don't like smearing immigrants as the source of all problems. But the crime wave in the EU was real and it happened after 2017.
    So that graph is not really evidence of anything. There has been a drop in crime rates in Canada over the last 30 years too.
    But Canada did not get flooded with refugees. That is the critical detail. Canada is not so easy to get into even though it
    takes in over 300,000 immigrants per year and these immigrants are not 100% going on welfare. By contrast as of early 2019,
    97% of the refugees unleashed by Turkey had not found any jobs in Germany.

    The absorption capacity for immigrants is a serious issue and not some irrelevant detail. Pumping in more immigrants than
    the system can handle is stupid and spreads misery to both old and new citizens. PC drones cannot even admit this obvious
    fact and instead revise the truth to push their agendas.

    Also, Canada and the USA are better structured to accept immigrants since they are nations built from waves of immigrants.
    Europe and the Old World have a much harder time absorbing immigrants. That is why France has Algerian ghettos. So
    the immigrant absorption capacity of the old world is smaller per capita than Canada or the USA.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  GarryB Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:39 am

    I'm not. Trump, Brexit clearly proves my point. Locals are tired of immigration. I didn't elect Trump, nor did I have a vote for Brexit.

    Locals are trained chimps who believe the BBC and CNN and Fox News are telling them the truth, or at least telling them things they need to know.

    Locals around the world were sick of immigration from Europe about 300 years ago but in that case the voice or opinion of the locals was ignored.... why should the new immigrants be any different?

    You are on the dot. But now in this Trump, Brexit era globalization is being reversed. The fact that Trump was elected and Brexit happened stands testimony to the fact that the local White population is sick, tired of immigration, especially from Asia and Africa. They now want to rest back control of their country.

    But nothing has changed. Strict sanctions on China will just mean Apple and 3M will stop manufacturing in China... and move production to India or Bangledesh... there is no way they will move it to the US or UK because it is just too expensive... their profit margins would plummet and they would have to explain to their shareholders why they aren't getting nice big payouts this year... and their CEOs would have to take a pay cut because you can't pay the workers less than minimum wage... or can they?

    No that is not true. White Russians have been killed in large numbers by Mongols. Fortunately, Putin/Kremlin never allowed such reckless immigration into Russia something that Eu allowed.

    The most Russians killed over the last few centuries were killed by Hitler and Stalin... both white guys.

    Moreover with most of the manufacturing jobs being automated via 3D, AI etc there is no need for immigrants.

    Automation eliminates menial repetitive or dangerous jobs, but you still need someone to monitor the machines to make sure there is no problem, and of course refilling ink or parts or adjusting the machine for different products etc etc still needs people.

    The offshoring fad is and was driven by greed. Instead of making Nike sneakers in the USA they make them in foreign sweatshops to
    get higher profits. In the USA they would need to pay the workers higher wages. The USA was not doing too bad after
    WWII with domestic production. But that was not good enough, they greedy oligarchy needed more. They threw American
    workers under the bus and it felt good busting all those unions. And any loss of demand for Nike sneakers in the USA is
    more than offset by emerging new markets in the global economy.

    I wonder whether the above really worked out for the globalist parasites. If the local production was indeed being diverted
    to fill local market demand with "knock-offs" (from the same factories) then that would nullify any offshore demand for
    the "real thing". That defeats the whole offshoring racket. But I suppose that there are transient effects here. Domestic
    demand in the USA does not disappear overnight, and there is actual new demand abroad.

    The fundamental problem is when you take away factory and production jobs then there is only tourism and service industry jobs... how many staff does McDonalds need? If you have only medial low paying jobs who can afford $400 boots?

    The 80-page document makes no mention of Muslims or immigrants. Rather, in a section titled, "Who are the offenders and who are the victims," the plan cites a police analysis that found almost 90 percent of offenders were male in 2016 and 2017, and of those, 62 percent were people described as having black, Asian and other minority ethnic backgrounds.The claims about the Muslims and immigrant status of offenders are unlikely to be verifiable because they’re not official categories that the country’s Ministry of Justice would include in their statistical releases.

    The real problem is corruption in the west... it is institutionalised so it is harder to spot, but in this case they don't want a backlash regarding knife crime or immigrants so they neglect to record whether an immigrant was involved. After you hear or see a neighbour getting stabbed you realise there is no time for help to come to protect you so you have to carry a knife to protect yourself... and when everyone is carrying a knife then of course the chance of an incident is increased.

    I don't like smearing immigrants as the source of all problems. But the crime wave in the EU was real and it happened after 2017.

    RT did a doco on refugees in Sweden not that long ago and most of them being undocumented and not having citizenship yet because they are in the process of trying to get it means they are not allowed to work... and with lots of free time I wonder why they would get into trouble...

    They didn't go there to rape white women, they went to work and to get a better life... what they find is a hostile local population that probably speaks a different language and a totally different culture and you have to put your life on hold while some pen pushers look at the thousands of forms you have already filled out trying to decide whether you are ISIS or not...

    But of course the locals want them gone, but since when did people in the west ever get a say in things... money talks... bullshit... like a voting slip... walks...
    par far

    Posts : 3521
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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  par far Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:33 pm

    kvs wrote:I don't like smearing immigrants as the source of all problems.   But the crime wave in the EU was real and it happened after 2017.
    So that graph is not really evidence of anything.   There has been a drop in crime rates in Canada over the last 30 years too.  
    But Canada did not get flooded with refugees.   That is the critical detail.   Canada is not so easy to get into even though it
    takes in over 300,000 immigrants per year and these immigrants are not 100% going on welfare.   By contrast as of early 2019,
    97% of the refugees unleashed by Turkey had not found any jobs in Germany.

    The absorption capacity for immigrants is a serious issue and not some irrelevant detail.   Pumping in more immigrants than
    the system can handle is stupid and spreads misery to both old and new citizens.  PC drones cannot even admit this obvious
    fact and instead revise the truth to push their agendas.

    Also, Canada and the USA are better structured to accept immigrants since they are nations built from waves of immigrants.
    Europe and the Old World have a much harder time absorbing immigrants.   That is why France has Algerian ghettos.   So
    the immigrant absorption capacity of the old world is smaller per capita than Canada or the USA.  

    Canada takes in 300,000 migrants, some say it is more than that. But Canada does not make 300,000 new jobs every year, it is only matter of time before Canada looks like Europe with all the ghettos. Crime and homelessness has gone up in big Canadian cities.
    par far

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    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  par far Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:45 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    I'm not. Trump, Brexit clearly proves my point. Locals are tired of immigration. I didn't elect Trump, nor did I have a vote for Brexit.

    Locals are trained chimps who believe the BBC and CNN and Fox News are telling them the truth, or at least telling them things they need to know.

    Locals around the world were sick of immigration from Europe about 300 years ago but in that case the voice or opinion of the locals was ignored.... why should the new immigrants be any different?

    You are on the dot. But now in this Trump, Brexit era globalization is being reversed. The fact that Trump was elected and Brexit happened stands testimony to the fact that the local White population is sick, tired of immigration, especially from Asia and Africa. They now want to rest back control of their country.

    But nothing has changed. Strict sanctions on China will just mean Apple and 3M will stop manufacturing in China... and move production to India or Bangledesh... there is no way they will move it to the US or UK because it is just too expensive... their profit margins would plummet and they would have to explain to their shareholders why they aren't getting nice big payouts this year... and their CEOs would have to take a pay cut because you can't pay the workers less than minimum wage... or can they?

    No that is not true. White Russians have been killed in large numbers by Mongols. Fortunately, Putin/Kremlin never allowed such reckless immigration into Russia something that Eu allowed.

    The most Russians killed over the last few centuries were killed by Hitler and Stalin... both white guys.

    Moreover with most of the manufacturing jobs being automated via 3D, AI etc there is no need for immigrants.

    Automation eliminates menial repetitive or dangerous jobs, but you still need someone to monitor the machines to make sure there is no problem, and of course refilling ink or parts or adjusting the machine for different products etc etc still needs people.

    The offshoring fad is and was driven by greed. Instead of making Nike sneakers in the USA they make them in foreign sweatshops to
    get higher profits. In the USA they would need to pay the workers higher wages. The USA was not doing too bad after
    WWII with domestic production. But that was not good enough, they greedy oligarchy needed more. They threw American
    workers under the bus and it felt good busting all those unions. And any loss of demand for Nike sneakers in the USA is
    more than offset by emerging new markets in the global economy.

    I wonder whether the above really worked out for the globalist parasites. If the local production was indeed being diverted
    to fill local market demand with "knock-offs" (from the same factories) then that would nullify any offshore demand for
    the "real thing". That defeats the whole offshoring racket. But I suppose that there are transient effects here. Domestic
    demand in the USA does not disappear overnight, and there is actual new demand abroad.

    The fundamental problem is when you take away factory and production jobs then there is only tourism and service industry jobs... how many staff does McDonalds need? If you have only medial low paying jobs who can afford $400 boots?

    The 80-page document makes no mention of Muslims or immigrants. Rather, in a section titled, "Who are the offenders and who are the victims," the plan cites a police analysis that found almost 90 percent of offenders were male in 2016 and 2017, and of those, 62 percent were people described as having black, Asian and other minority ethnic backgrounds.The claims about the Muslims and immigrant status of offenders are unlikely to be verifiable because they’re not official categories that the country’s Ministry of Justice would include in their statistical releases.

    The real problem is corruption in the west... it is institutionalised so it is harder to spot, but in this case they don't want a backlash regarding knife crime or immigrants so they neglect to record whether an immigrant was involved. After you hear or see a neighbour getting stabbed you realise there is no time for help to come to protect you so you have to carry a knife to protect yourself... and when everyone is carrying a knife then of course the chance of an incident is increased.

    I don't like smearing immigrants as the source of all problems. But the crime wave in the EU was real and it happened after 2017.

    RT did a doco on refugees in Sweden not that long ago and most of them being undocumented and not having citizenship yet because they are in the process of trying to get it means they are not allowed to work... and with lots of free time I wonder why they would get into trouble...

    They didn't go there to rape white women, they went to work and to get a better life... what they find is a hostile local population that probably speaks a different language and a totally different culture and you have to put your life on hold while some pen pushers look at the thousands of forms you have already filled out trying to decide whether you are ISIS or not...

    But of course the locals want them gone, but since when did people in the west ever get a say in things... money talks... bullshit... like a voting slip... walks...

    Sweden has become the rape capital of Europe, migrants going to Sweden do go to Sweden to rape white women. I saw a billboard with 5-6 of these blacks holding down a white women, tearing her clothes off and it had a swedish flag in the back. Most of these migrants don't go to Europe or other western countries to work, they go their to get free money and rape the white women and girls. This is simply a fact, look at the Muslim grooming gangs in England(they have muslim leaders calling for converting non-Muslim girls in Islam and if they refuse rapw them.) They did this to a lot of Sikhs girls as well(I know this because I am a Sikh and I looked into this, there books that tell stories of how the horrors these girls faced, it was only until the communities of those affected protested that something was done.)

    Here in Canada there are black pimps that try and lure girls but most people know about all these things from Europe and they educate their kids.

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    Post  kvs Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:16 pm

    par far wrote:
    kvs wrote:I don't like smearing immigrants as the source of all problems.   But the crime wave in the EU was real and it happened after 2017.
    So that graph is not really evidence of anything.   There has been a drop in crime rates in Canada over the last 30 years too.  
    But Canada did not get flooded with refugees.   That is the critical detail.   Canada is not so easy to get into even though it
    takes in over 300,000 immigrants per year and these immigrants are not 100% going on welfare.   By contrast as of early 2019,
    97% of the refugees unleashed by Turkey had not found any jobs in Germany.

    The absorption capacity for immigrants is a serious issue and not some irrelevant detail.   Pumping in more immigrants than
    the system can handle is stupid and spreads misery to both old and new citizens.  PC drones cannot even admit this obvious
    fact and instead revise the truth to push their agendas.

    Also, Canada and the USA are better structured to accept immigrants since they are nations built from waves of immigrants.
    Europe and the Old World have a much harder time absorbing immigrants.   That is why France has Algerian ghettos.   So
    the immigrant absorption capacity of the old world is smaller per capita than Canada or the USA.  

    Canada takes in 300,000 migrants, some say it is more than that. But Canada does not make 300,000 new jobs every year, it is only matter of time  before  Canada looks like Europe  with all the ghettos. Crime and homelessness has gone up in big Canadian  cities.

    Immigration is a Ponzi racket for the west. It creates transient GDP stimulus which attenuates quickly thus requiring more immigrant
    imports. Immigration into Canada today is not a sign of robust economic growth, it is a sign of GDP decline and is just another trick
    in addition to cheap credit to keep the bubble inflated.

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    Post  kvs Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:18 pm

    par far wrote:
    GarryB wrote:
    I'm not. Trump, Brexit clearly proves my point. Locals are tired of immigration. I didn't elect Trump, nor did I have a vote for Brexit.

    Locals are trained chimps who believe the BBC and CNN and Fox News are telling them the truth, or at least telling them things they need to know.

    Locals around the world were sick of immigration from Europe about 300 years ago but in that case the voice or opinion of the locals was ignored.... why should the new immigrants be any different?

    You are on the dot. But now in this Trump, Brexit era globalization is being reversed. The fact that Trump was elected and Brexit happened stands testimony to the fact that the local White population is sick, tired of immigration, especially from Asia and Africa. They now want to rest back control of their country.

    But nothing has changed. Strict sanctions on China will just mean Apple and 3M will stop manufacturing in China... and move production to India or Bangledesh... there is no way they will move it to the US or UK because it is just too expensive... their profit margins would plummet and they would have to explain to their shareholders why they aren't getting nice big payouts this year... and their CEOs would have to take a pay cut because you can't pay the workers less than minimum wage... or can they?

    No that is not true. White Russians have been killed in large numbers by Mongols. Fortunately, Putin/Kremlin never allowed such reckless immigration into Russia something that Eu allowed.

    The most Russians killed over the last few centuries were killed by Hitler and Stalin... both white guys.

    Moreover with most of the manufacturing jobs being automated via 3D, AI etc there is no need for immigrants.

    Automation eliminates menial repetitive or dangerous jobs, but you still need someone to monitor the machines to make sure there is no problem, and of course refilling ink or parts or adjusting the machine for different products etc etc still needs people.

    The offshoring fad is and was driven by greed. Instead of making Nike sneakers in the USA they make them in foreign sweatshops to
    get higher profits. In the USA they would need to pay the workers higher wages. The USA was not doing too bad after
    WWII with domestic production. But that was not good enough, they greedy oligarchy needed more. They threw American
    workers under the bus and it felt good busting all those unions. And any loss of demand for Nike sneakers in the USA is
    more than offset by emerging new markets in the global economy.

    I wonder whether the above really worked out for the globalist parasites. If the local production was indeed being diverted
    to fill local market demand with "knock-offs" (from the same factories) then that would nullify any offshore demand for
    the "real thing". That defeats the whole offshoring racket. But I suppose that there are transient effects here. Domestic
    demand in the USA does not disappear overnight, and there is actual new demand abroad.

    The fundamental problem is when you take away factory and production jobs then there is only tourism and service industry jobs... how many staff does McDonalds need? If you have only medial low paying jobs who can afford $400 boots?

    The 80-page document makes no mention of Muslims or immigrants. Rather, in a section titled, "Who are the offenders and who are the victims," the plan cites a police analysis that found almost 90 percent of offenders were male in 2016 and 2017, and of those, 62 percent were people described as having black, Asian and other minority ethnic backgrounds.The claims about the Muslims and immigrant status of offenders are unlikely to be verifiable because they’re not official categories that the country’s Ministry of Justice would include in their statistical releases.

    The real problem is corruption in the west... it is institutionalised so it is harder to spot, but in this case they don't want a backlash regarding knife crime or immigrants so they neglect to record whether an immigrant was involved. After you hear or see a neighbour getting stabbed you realise there is no time for help to come to protect you so you have to carry a knife to protect yourself... and when everyone is carrying a knife then of course the chance of an incident is increased.

    I don't like smearing immigrants as the source of all problems. But the crime wave in the EU was real and it happened after 2017.

    RT did a doco on refugees in Sweden not that long ago and most of them being undocumented and not having citizenship yet because they are in the process of trying to get it means they are not allowed to work... and with lots of free time I wonder why they would get into trouble...

    They didn't go there to rape white women, they went to work and to get a better life... what they find is a hostile local population that probably speaks a different language and a totally different culture and you have to put your life on hold while some pen pushers look at the thousands of forms you have already filled out trying to decide whether you are ISIS or not...

    But of course the locals want them gone, but since when did people in the west ever get a say in things... money talks... bullshit... like a voting slip... walks...

    Sweden has become  the rape capital  of Europe, migrants going to Sweden do go to Sweden  to rape white women.  I saw a billboard with 5-6 of these blacks holding  down a white women, tearing her clothes off and it had a swedish flag in the back. Most of these migrants don't go to Europe  or other western countries  to work, they go their to get free money and rape the white women and girls. This is simply  a fact, look at the Muslim grooming gangs in England(they have muslim leaders calling for converting non-Muslim girls in Islam and if they refuse rapw them.) They did this to a lot of Sikhs girls as well(I know this because I am a Sikh and I looked into this, there books that tell stories  of how the horrors these girls faced, it was only until the communities of those affected protested that something was done.)

    Here in Canada there are black pimps that try and lure girls but most people know about all these things from Europe and they educate their kids.

    These facts cannot be denied. And there is definitely an anomalous amount of crime with the Turkish-sourced refugees. Likely because they have a large
    fraction of ISIS and other jihadi trash and not just honest refugees.

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    Post  ahmedfire Sun Apr 26, 2020 10:08 pm

    I don't like smearing immigrants as the source of all problems. But the crime wave in the EU was real and it happened after 2017.
    So that graph is not really evidence of anything. There has been a drop in crime rates in Canada over the last 30 years too.
    But Canada did not get flooded with refugees. That is the critical detail. Canada is not so easy to get into even though it
    takes in over 300,000 immigrants per year and these immigrants are not 100% going on welfare. By contrast as of early 2019,
    97% of the refugees unleashed by Turkey had not found any jobs in Germany.

    The absorption capacity for immigrants is a serious issue and not some irrelevant detail. Pumping in more immigrants than
    the system can handle is stupid and spreads misery to both old and new citizens. PC drones cannot even admit this obvious
    fact and instead revise the truth to push their agendas.

    Also, Canada and the USA are better structured to accept immigrants since they are nations built from waves of immigrants.
    Europe and the Old World have a much harder time absorbing immigrants. That is why France has Algerian ghettos. So
    the immigrant absorption capacity of the old world is smaller per capita than Canada or the USA.

    I didn't mean to open the gates for everyone and this has no relation to crimes that could some immigrants do .It's ok if they talk about a demographic change or affecting the manpower market and they have the right to discuss that and put the laws according to that,  but giving a traditional photo which was created by Bush administration about the monsters who are coming to kill us is just a propaganda from some patries .

    Migration is not new, nor is it unusual. And when managed properly, it is nothing to fear.  It fuels economic growth in countries
    of origin and arrival  and creating new businesses.

    Trump repeatedly linked immigration with gang violence and murder. These stereotypes are propagated through movies and television series like The Untouchables, The Godfather, Scarface all of which project an enduring image of immigrant communities permeated by criminal elements and terrorism but over a century’s worth of social science research has consistently found that immigrants are no more likely to engage in criminal activity than persons born in the U.S.

    One of the earliest studies on immigration was conducted by the Industrial Commission, a body appointed by William McKinley to investigate questions pertaining to immigration, business, and labor. In 1901, the commission issued a special report that found that “foreign-born whites were less criminal than native whites.

    Periods of increased immigration have historically been accompanied by nativist alarms, perceptions of threat, and pervasive stereotypes of newcomers, particularly during economic downturns or national crises (like the 2000-2002 economic recession and the “war on terror” of the post 9/11 ), and when immigrants have arrived en masse and differed substantially from the native-born in religion, language, physical appearance, and world region of origin.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:23 am

    Sweden has become the rape capital of Europe, migrants going to Sweden do go to Sweden to rape white women.

    Yeah, who cares about Sweden... didn't they put up a rape charge against Assange based on him not wearing a condom while having consensual sex with some innocent white Swedish chick... which we all know is just America strong arming that pure white country to do its dirty work... could care less what happens in Sweden to be honest.

    If what you are saying is true then first of all the women need to harden up and take some responsibility for the situation... learn some self defence and carry a knife or a gun. After they cut the dicks of a dozen rapists I am sure they will think twice... especially when the attempted rapist goes to jail and the girl walks free because it was self defence.. Second if the Swedish politicians are hiding this information then they need new politicians... they need to get active and vote for parties that are  opposed to immigration... when even the most liberal politician knows they will be voted out if they are pro immigration then they will change their tune or they wont be a problem any more anyway. Clearly the people of Sweden don't care so why should I?

    Obviously Sweden needs to take a better look at their immigration criteria and education programmes for new citizens.

    But taking this rubbish and suggesting all immigrants are rapists is just sad xenophobia... like there were no rapists already in sweden...

    I would also add that in this day and age in Sweden it probably counts as rape if you look at a white girl without her consent anyway...

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    Post  jhelb Mon Apr 27, 2020 11:19 am

    ahmedfire wrote:The Head of the Australian  Guided Missile Frigate System Program Office is an Egyptian woman , the father of femtochemistry is an Egyptian scientist "Ahmed Zewail " .

    In that case these migrants from Egypt can stay back in Egypt and design frigates. I'm quite sure Egypt is also building these ships. What's the need to migrate to predominantly White countries?

    ahmedfire wrote:The 80-page document makes no mention of Muslims or immigrants.

    Yet those who are arrested are invariably Muslims....mostly Pakistanis but some Blacks as well.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:40 pm

    White people lost the right to dictate to the world who goes where with their colonial bullshit...

    The black people in the third world didn't choose to be black and certainly didn't choose to be poor and for centuries the white west has been abusing and stealing from the rest of the world... it is payback time...

    Funny how to get to the UK you need a job offer paying more than 40K per year or something and you need to have x amount of money in the bank... a few hundred years ago to get in to Australia you needed either a gun or a criminal record...

    You sent off your scum to pinch land and resources and now you are whining because it is coming back to bite you in the ass...

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    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:58 pm

    @ahmedfire, don't waste your time... white people have been clinging on to the idea of being the smart ones all their lives, they are not going to let that one go any time soon. The bringer of civilisation and technology to the world... despite the fact that they were called the dark ages in europe because technology didn't improve and things didn't get better because religion ruled the day and sadly white religions can be just as backward as any others when it comes to that sort of thing...

    They divided the world into categories... first world is us... white people from colonised countries... includes basically the west but not eastern europe. The first world is the best, and it is white and it is the most advanced in technology and science and warfare and religion and civilisation. (BTW the first world includes Nazi Germany). The second world is not as good, in technology and science and warfare and religion... they are less civilised because they are communist, but they compete with us for hearts and minds and bodies in the third world... you would think the third world countries that turned to the second world instead of the first would be poor while the third world who turned to the first world would be advancing and developing and becoming more like an American... which is the goal of the system. In fact most countries that looked to the soviets but were not targeted specifically for destruction like Syria used to be and Libya were actually pretty good countries compared with the countries the west has helped. The third world is the non white countries that are poor and resource rich but need a westerner to go in and show them how to do things correctly.

    This is pretty much how the west sees the world... they are in for a shock...

    They got fat and lazy and now their elections have nothing to do with real or serious issues and are basically popularity contests with the people actually in control the ones that provided the money for the election run... and they couldn't give a shit about voters... they just want the rules changed so they can make even more money... that is the purpose of investing money... to make more.

    They don't understand the systems are broken and they see the Russians and Chinese improving and getting better and they are standing still or even going backwards... so they blame them for everything... election didn't go the way the western media predicted... must be Putin. The US is haemorrhaging money and its debt is increasing despite AAA credit ratings from biased credit agencies... it must be Chinas fault... want a new 5g network... well you can't let the chinese make it because chinese hardware and software does not have the backdoors and weaknesses we demand western companies build in to their systems so we can spy... so you can't buy Chinese stuff because we have no evidence at all they will use it to spy on you... ironically if we did we would probably keep quiet... they don't give a shit if china spies on you... as long as they can continue to spy too... They spy on you... it has been proven over and over... and don't think US law saves you because the Americans get their western allies to spy on americans, which bypasses laws against americans spying on americans... but as snowden proved they just spy on americans anyway... who is going to stop them? Well if you buy Chinese hardware... you can. Of course that goes for Russian hardware too... so buy both or either when you can... America and her allies will try to make it hard for you though.

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    Post  RTN Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:38 pm

    GarryB wrote:They divided the world into categories... first world is us... white people from colonised countries... includes basically the west but not eastern europe. The first world is the best, and it is white and it is the most advanced in technology and science and warfare and religion and civilisation. (BTW the first world includes Nazi Germany). The second world is not as good, in technology and science and warfare and religion... they are less civilised because they are communist, but they compete with us for hearts and minds and bodies in the third world... you would think the third world countries that turned to the second world instead of the first would be poor while the third world who turned to the first world would be advancing and developing and becoming more like an American... which is the goal of the system. In fact most countries that looked to the soviets but were not targeted specifically for destruction like Syria used to be and Libya were actually pretty good countries compared with the countries the west has helped. The third world is the non white countries that are poor and resource rich but need a westerner to go in and show them how to do things correctly.

    The scenario being described by you is true to some extent, but it's not entirely true. Not all countries in Western Europe were colonizers. For instance, Scandanavian countries were not invading Asia and Africa. Also, White guys do face discrimination here in the U.S.

    GarryB wrote:The US is haemorrhaging money and its debt is increasing despite AAA credit ratings from biased credit agencies...

    The U.S dollar is a fully convertible currency. It's also the world's reserve currency. So even if the Federal Reserve prints Trillions of $$ it won't adversely affect the debt situation. We have been accumulating trillions of $$ of debts for decades now. Hasn't affected us adversely. We are still the world's largest economy with a population one-fifth of China's. We continue to take in more than a million migrants every year.

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    Post  ahmedfire Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:14 pm

    In that case these migrants from Egypt can stay back in Egypt and design frigates. I'm quite sure Egypt is also building these ships. What's the need to migrate to predominantly White countries?

    To reduce the Brain drain , you need to invest more in the Scientific Research and establish the industrial base to apply the researchers ideas but this is exactly what the third world suffers from .

    Yet those who are arrested are invariably Muslims....mostly Pakistanis but some Blacks as well.

    Neither the Office for National Statistics, nor the Home Office, nor the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, has published any such data .

    The Home Office does track the ethnicity of criminal defendants and publishes this data once every two years. The report in 2016, showed that of the 25,121 people convicted for a violent crime that year, 83 percent identified as white, 7 percent identified as black; and 5.8 percent identified as Asian (In the UK “Asian” is used to describe people of South Asian descent  such as Pakistani, Indian, Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi,  unlike in the United States, where “Asian” is more often used to describe people of East Asian descent such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean) .

    In the year ending March 2018 there is a 77% increase in homicides committed with knives by under 18s (2016 to 2018). And a 93% increase in the number of under 16s admitted to hospital due to knife attacks (since 2012).
    Toxic environments for children, created by austerity made the children become both perpetrators and victims . As example in last 6 years there is 422 million reduction in spending  on services for young people , 3,500  of youth service jobs lost , 600 of youth centres closed , 130,000 of places in youth centres eliminated .

    You need to check Homes, schools, neighbourhoods or recreational activities to know what is happening , It is no coincidence that the vast majority of knife crime takes place in neighbourhoods suffering from huge social disadvantage and disinvestment.
    Children and young people don’t trust the authorities to protect them and they start carrying weapons and of course if everyone carried a weapon so the cimes probability will rise up .The Shortage of police investigators has been described as a “national crisis” in England ,even London’s Metropolitan Police Service is short some 700 detectives.

    Decline of the western society - Page 12 Screen97

    So leaving all this and pointing on Muslims is non-academic.

    @ahmedfire, don't waste your time... white people have been clinging on to the idea of being the smart ones all their lives, they are not going to let that one go any time soon. The bringer of civilisation and technology to the world... despite the fact that they were called the dark ages in europe because technology didn't improve and things didn't get better because religion ruled the day and sadly white religions can be just as backward as any others when it comes to that sort of thing...

    They divided the world into categories... first world is us... white people from colonised countries... includes basically the west but not eastern europe. The first world is the best, and it is white and it is the most advanced in technology and science and warfare and religion and civilisation. (BTW the first world includes Nazi Germany). The second world is not as good, in technology and science and warfare and religion... they are less civilised because they are communist, but they compete with us for hearts and minds and bodies in the third world... you would think the third world countries that turned to the second world instead of the first would be poor while the third world who turned to the first world would be advancing and developing and becoming more like an American... which is the goal of the system. In fact most countries that looked to the soviets but were not targeted specifically for destruction like Syria used to be and Libya were actually pretty good countries compared with the countries the west has helped. The third world is the non white countries that are poor and resource rich but need a westerner to go in and show them how to do things correctly.

    This is pretty much how the west sees the world... they are in for a shock...

    They got fat and lazy and now their elections have nothing to do with real or serious issues and are basically popularity contests with the people actually in control the ones that provided the money for the election run... and they couldn't give a shit about voters... they just want the rules changed so they can make even more money... that is the purpose of investing money... to make more.

    They don't understand the systems are broken and they see the Russians and Chinese improving and getting better and they are standing still or even going backwards... so they blame them for everything... election didn't go the way the western media predicted... must be Putin. The US is haemorrhaging money and its debt is increasing despite AAA credit ratings from biased credit agencies... it must be Chinas fault... want a new 5g network... well you can't let the chinese make it because chinese hardware and software does not have the backdoors and weaknesses we demand western companies build in to their systems so we can spy... so you can't buy Chinese stuff because we have no evidence at all they will use it to spy on you... ironically if we did we would probably keep quiet... they don't give a shit if china spies on you... as long as they can continue to spy too... They spy on you... it has been proven over and over... and don't think US law saves you because the Americans get their western allies to spy on americans, which bypasses laws against americans spying on americans... but as snowden proved they just spy on americans anyway... who is going to stop them? Well if you buy Chinese hardware... you can. Of course that goes for Russian hardware too... so buy both or either when you can... America and her allies will try to make it hard for you though.

    Exactly  .

    Actually some western elite who look at others as a potential danger are serial killers who think the working mom is not something easy but killing half milion children is something hard but it worth to achieve their mental illness goals .


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    Post  GarryB Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:13 am

    The scenario being described by you is true to some extent, but it's not entirely true.

    Of course not, but some of the people I am discussing this with believe all whites are smart and rich and all black people are dumb and poor... the problem is that they don't understand average.

    If you give a test written by a white person largely about western history and culture and some foreigners don't score very well on that test what conclusions can you draw. Certainly nothing to do with intelligence because intelligence has nothing to do with memorising names and dates. Take a group of those superior white people and put them in the village where these dumb foreigners came from and see how long they survive... you fail that test by dying...

    There was an aussie movie called Crocodile Dundee... it was a fish out of water comedy.... where you take a street savy New York reporter and put her in the bush in Australia... of course she struggles despite not being an idiot because she is not in a familiar environment any more. Later in the movie the roles are reversed and the guy who helped her survive has to cope with being in New York.

    This idea is the who basis for the TV series "The Beverly Hillbillies", and they are very clever ideas because on the surface it is making fun of the dummies from backward places, but if you actually pay attention their ignorance about the way things are done in these sophisticated and civilised places actually makes a lot of sense and is actually a rather good critique of modern living. In the first episode of the hillbillies TV show a woman comes to visit them to work out their heritage. The story is about country folk who strike oil on their land and move to beverly hills with all the other rich people... but these people were dirt poor before they found oil... simple farming folk. Anyway this woman is asking them which boat their family came over on to try and work out how high up they are socially in this community... after telling them why they are asking Jed says, well if you get higher up the social ladder the earlier your ship arrived then I guess the Indians must be at the top socially... the lady asking the questions did not like that and I suspect most Americans at the time wouldn't like that except to poke fun at how ignorant Jed is for saying such a thing... yet he is not dumb, that is perfectly logical.

    I have met dumb black people, but I have also met dumb white people and white asian people... skin colour and breeding does not affect intelligence... you could take a new born baby from Paupau New Guinea from some primitive tribe that does not even have a written language and put them with a white family in Britain and the kid would be no different from the other kids within that family... because education and nutrition and experience have more to do with what you know than skin colour ever did.

    Not all countries in Western Europe were colonizers.

    No they weren't, and not everyone from the UK killed Maori or Aboriginals or American Indians either. But the UK got rich on resources from New Zealand and Australia and what was eventually to become the US. Modern Britain follows US policy of destroying countries that don't allow them to pillage their resources... Venezuela is the most recent example... trying to break a country kills people... why wouldn't people from those vulnerable countries want to move to a nice safe place like the UK or US?

    For instance, Scandanavian countries were not invading Asia and Africa.

    Life is not fair. Lots of countries end up paying for stuff that was really never their fault... The Soviet Union lost over 25 million people because the British and French were censored towards Germany after WWI. That isn't fair either. But then Germany assisted and supported Lenin, which led to a bloody civil war too so maybe they deserved it...

    Also, White guys do face discrimination here in the U.S.

    People are racist. That is normal. A defence mechanism to fear the unknown. Doesn't make it right, but then what does right or wrong have to do with anything... again look at western behaviour internationally... it is disgraceful... The US keeping sanctions on Iran is essentially murdering Iranians... the weakest and most vulnerable Iranians, but nobody says anything or cares in the moral and caring west... who will bite your head off if you don't follow the script and accept gays and a thousand and one different genders without question... no discussion allowed at all.

    The U.S dollar is a fully convertible currency.

    Tell that to Russia or Iran or Cuba or North Korea or Venezuela etc etc etc...

    It's also the world's reserve currency.

    Not for everyone... lots are changing their minds... Libya was attacked and destroyed because Gadaffi suggested an alternative to the US dollar. Saddam was attacked repeatedly and then executed for the same... and guess what legislation Venezuela was putting through when the US decided they needed a different leader...

    So even if the Federal Reserve prints Trillions of $$ it won't adversely affect the debt situation.

    Don't forget all the big credit rating agencies are in the US and are too afraid of reality to give accurate ratings... very political it is...

    As the US continues to use its dollar as a weapon, more and more countries will look to trade in other currencies, which will seriously effect the US dollar and the way the US treats countries. As the US economy, which is built on smoke and mirrors, is revealed to be a house of cards countries holding US debt might start demanding payment in something other than the currency they can print as much of as they wish because many of the other countries those countries trade with might not accept US dollars any more in payment...

    The US is printing money and it still can't pay its bills... it is in enormous debt and it doesn't care... that is a huge warning sign...

    We have been accumulating trillions of $$ of debts for decades now. Hasn't affected us adversely. We are still the world's largest economy with a population one-fifth of China's. We continue to take in more than a million migrants every year.

    Listen to yourself... I spend all my pay on gambling because one more win will solve all my problems, it hasn't affected me adversely yet because I can just get more credit cards to cover my living expenses... roads and bridges and other infrastructure can wait right?

    Having more people wont solve debt problems... that just puts more strain on your infrastructure... which you are not maintaining let alone upgrading.

    To reduce the Brain drain , you need to invest more in the Scientific Research and establish the industrial base to apply the researchers ideas but this is exactly what the third world suffers from .

    The brain drain is everywhere... not just from third and second world countries to first world countries... even within a country you will have people moving from rural backwater areas to urban areas for reasons of getting a job and improved comfort.

    Had a lot of friends who went to the UK to get jobs and earn big money... most of them came back to NZ to have kids because the schools over there frightened them... Form living in a squalid one bedroom apartment in London they can buy a two storey mansion here for the money they paid in rent...

    Toxic environments for children, created by austerity made the children become both perpetrators and victims . As example in last 6 years there is 422 million reduction in spending on services for young people , 3,500 of youth service jobs lost , 600 of youth centres closed , 130,000 of places in youth centres eliminated .

    If immigration wasn't a public policy they would collect the information and prove it was foreigners doing all the bad stuff, but that is not in their interests.... what is also not in their interests is to create opportunities for youth and spend money so they don't have so much free time and anger and frustration.

    Those following the agenda will say there is no problem... those who examine the situation will say it is foreigners and muslims, but the reality is that the foreigners and muslims are only the flame... the local youth were turned into oily rags and paint thinner by the decisions of the local government trying to save money in areas they clearly should not have.

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