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Walther von Oldenburg
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par far
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    Decline of the western society

    par far

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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  par far Tue Apr 28, 2020 11:42 am

    ahmedfire wrote:
    In that case these migrants from Egypt can stay back in Egypt and design frigates. I'm quite sure Egypt is also building these ships. What's the need to migrate to predominantly White countries?

    To reduce the Brain drain , you need to invest more in the Scientific Research and establish the industrial base to apply the researchers ideas but this is exactly what the third world suffers from .

    Yet those who are arrested are invariably Muslims....mostly Pakistanis but some Blacks as well.

    Neither the Office for National Statistics, nor the Home Office, nor the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, has published any such data .

    The Home Office does track the ethnicity of criminal defendants and publishes this data once every two years. The report in 2016, showed that of the 25,121 people convicted for a violent crime that year, 83 percent identified as white, 7 percent identified as black; and 5.8 percent identified as Asian (In the UK “Asian” is used to describe people of South Asian descent  such as Pakistani, Indian, Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi,  unlike in the United States, where “Asian” is more often used to describe people of East Asian descent such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean) .

    In the year ending March 2018 there is a 77% increase in homicides committed with knives by under 18s (2016 to 2018). And a 93% increase in the number of under 16s admitted to hospital due to knife attacks (since 2012).
    Toxic environments for children, created by austerity made the children become both perpetrators and victims . As example in last 6 years there is 422 million reduction in spending  on services for young people , 3,500  of youth service jobs lost , 600 of youth centres closed , 130,000 of places in youth centres eliminated .

    You need to check Homes, schools, neighbourhoods or recreational activities to know what is happening , It is no coincidence that the vast majority of knife crime takes place in neighbourhoods suffering from huge social disadvantage and disinvestment.
    Children and young people don’t trust the authorities to protect them and they start carrying weapons and of course if everyone carried a weapon so the cimes probability will rise up .The Shortage of police investigators has been described as a “national crisis” in England ,even London’s Metropolitan Police Service is short some 700 detectives.

    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Screen97

    So leaving all this and pointing on Muslims is non-academic.

    @ahmedfire, don't waste your time... white people have been clinging on to the idea of being the smart ones all their lives, they are not going to let that one go any time soon. The bringer of civilisation and technology to the world... despite the fact that they were called the dark ages in europe because technology didn't improve and things didn't get better because religion ruled the day and sadly white religions can be just as backward as any others when it comes to that sort of thing...

    They divided the world into categories... first world is us... white people from colonised countries... includes basically the west but not eastern europe. The first world is the best, and it is white and it is the most advanced in technology and science and warfare and religion and civilisation. (BTW the first world includes Nazi Germany). The second world is not as good, in technology and science and warfare and religion... they are less civilised because they are communist, but they compete with us for hearts and minds and bodies in the third world... you would think the third world countries that turned to the second world instead of the first would be poor while the third world who turned to the first world would be advancing and developing and becoming more like an American... which is the goal of the system. In fact most countries that looked to the soviets but were not targeted specifically for destruction like Syria used to be and Libya were actually pretty good countries compared with the countries the west has helped. The third world is the non white countries that are poor and resource rich but need a westerner to go in and show them how to do things correctly.

    This is pretty much how the west sees the world... they are in for a shock...

    They got fat and lazy and now their elections have nothing to do with real or serious issues and are basically popularity contests with the people actually in control the ones that provided the money for the election run... and they couldn't give a shit about voters... they just want the rules changed so they can make even more money... that is the purpose of investing money... to make more.

    They don't understand the systems are broken and they see the Russians and Chinese improving and getting better and they are standing still or even going backwards... so they blame them for everything... election didn't go the way the western media predicted... must be Putin. The US is haemorrhaging money and its debt is increasing despite AAA credit ratings from biased credit agencies... it must be Chinas fault... want a new 5g network... well you can't let the chinese make it because chinese hardware and software does not have the backdoors and weaknesses we demand western companies build in to their systems so we can spy... so you can't buy Chinese stuff because we have no evidence at all they will use it to spy on you... ironically if we did we would probably keep quiet... they don't give a shit if china spies on you... as long as they can continue to spy too... They spy on you... it has been proven over and over... and don't think US law saves you because the Americans get their western allies to spy on americans, which bypasses laws against americans spying on americans... but as snowden proved they just spy on americans anyway... who is going to stop them? Well if you buy Chinese hardware... you can. Of course that goes for Russian hardware too... so buy both or either when you can... America and her allies will try to make it hard for you though.

    Exactly  .

    Actually some western elite who look at others as a potential danger are serial killers who think the working mom is not something easy but killing half milion children is something hard but it worth to achieve their mental illness goals .

    The Office for National Statistics, or the Home Office, or the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime will not publish any data on crimes committed by muslims and blacks because they don't want to be seen as racist.

    The muslims in England were grooming girls for decades and everyone but they did not to say anything because they would be viewed as racist(now think for a second of the muslims were doing this in Russia or China, they would have be in prison and facing charges and other not nice stuff.)

    If you took a look at the history of muslims and Islam, raping and converting non believers is what they do and have have been doing for a thousand year.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Tue Apr 28, 2020 12:37 pm

    Note how the NASA bimbo over-achiever blocked imaging requests that would likely have saved the Columbia shuttle crew.
    I was not aware of how ridiculous NASA managers are. They make incompetent Soviet red directors look like geniuses.
    Why does approval even have to be given for imaging of a potentially damaged part of the wing? Any perforation is
    lethal and they knew this since the beginning.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:38 pm

    Canada and its "high standard of living". Vindictive jacking up of fines. Real freedom. Something to bark at Russia
    to prove superiority. bounce lol1

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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:09 pm

    So now the SJW book burners and historical revisionists are attacking Frank Herbert's Dune for being racist.

    Well, then, why not write your own woke literature? Why just sit there and bitch about existing literature?
    Huckleberry Finn uses racist language but is not racist. Write something better and forget about the
    "old trash".

    No. That would require IQ and talent. Something SJW drones utterly lack. SJWs are the worst sort of racist
    trash. In the name of "love" for minorities, they hate the majority. It's not 1850 you f*cking retards. And
    spreading the "racist" smear on whole ethnic groups, is racist itself.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  ahmedfire Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:51 am

    The Office for National Statistics, or the Home Office, or the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime will not publish any data on crimes committed by muslims and blacks because they don't want to be seen as racist.

    And of course you have your own research centers which authorized by government to search and inspect such data and confirm it  Very Happy

    The muslims in England were grooming girls for decades and everyone but they did not to say anything because they would be viewed as racist(now think for a second of the muslims were doing this in Russia or China, they would have be in prison and facing charges and other not nice stuff.)

    The whites in England were grooming girls for decades .

    Here is how the media plays the propaganda role regarding some reports .

    The report faced fierce criticism from academic researchers. Ella Cockbain, a lecturer in security and crime science, is an expert on child sexual exploitation. She said it “is a case study in bad science: riddled with errors, inconsistencies, a glaring lack of transparency, sweeping claims and gross generalisations unfounded its own ‘data’”.

    Nazir Afzal is the Crown Prosecution Service’s former lead on child sexual abuse and the prosecutor most responsible for bringing down grooming gangs. The media, he observes, pounce on cases involving Asians, but often ignore those involving white perpetrators.

    Given all this, the figure of 84% of grooming gangs being Asian seems dubious. There have, however, been previous studies suggesting disproportionate Asian involvement. Two CEOP reports, in 2011 and 2013, noted that the data was so “incomplete” and “inconsistent” that one could not “draw national conclusions about ethnicity”. Nevertheless, data available suggested “a disproportionate number of offenders… as Asian”.
    The social mores of many British Muslims are deeply conservative. Given the numbers involved, however, it is difficult to infer that the culture of particular communities is causally responsible for grooming gangs.

    If you took a look at the history of muslims and Islam, raping and converting non believers is what they do and have have been doing for a thousand year.

    HAHAHA still people repeat such propaganda ,Indonesia is the country that has the largest number of Muslims in the world, and the majority of people in Malaysia are Muslims. But, no Muslim army ever went to Indonesia or Malaysia .

    Muslims ruled Spain (Andalusia) for about 800 years. During this period the Christians and Jews were doing their respective religions, and this is a documented historical fact. Muslims ruled India for about a thousand years, and therefore had the power to force each and every non-Muslim of India to convert to Islam, but they did not, and thus more than 80 percent of the Indian population remains non-Muslim.Islam spread rapidly on the East Coast of Africa. And likewise no Muslim army was ever dispatched to the East Coast of Africa.

    Tell me about the people now in Europe and U.S who are turning to Islam , did muslims raping them and enforcing them to do that ? Muslims are minority there by the way !

    Forget all this and tell me more about the rape and murder crimes  commited by CRUSADERS through history  Smile

    the crusaders came from Europe into the Middle-east and invaded it, killed and raped .when the TRINITARIAN CHRISTIAN CRUSADERS invaded Jerusalem, civilians were massacred, raped and their property looted en masse (including mosques and synagogues). It was described in the words of a crusader eyewitnes account:Our men followed and pursued them, killing and hacking, as far as the temple of Solomon, and there there was such a slaughter that our men were up to their ankles in the enemy's blood.

    Pope Urban II said that Christ commanded to go and exterminate Muslims .

    CRUSADERS enjoyed catapulting the severed heads of fallen Muslim warriers into besieged cities. After a victory near Antioch, crusaders brought severed heads back to the besieged city. Hundreds of these heads were shot into the city, and hundreds more impaled on stakes in front of the city walls. A crusader bishop called it a joyful spectacle for the people of God.

    Not only did the Crusaders rape and massacre; they made a party of it. They hatted out their horses in the white wigs of the Constantinopolitan ladies.

    But that's not just in the old past , Bush Talked on 2001 about "the Crusade war" and before that the whites killed the Vietnamese and burned Japanese and raped German women and then Iraqis women and stole the latinos .

    I can add a very long list if you want .

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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  ahmedfire Wed Apr 29, 2020 9:09 am

    The brain drain is everywhere... not just from third and second world countries to first world countries... even within a country you will have people moving from rural backwater areas to urban areas for reasons of getting a job and improved comfort.

    Had a lot of friends who went to the UK to get jobs and earn big money... most of them came back to NZ to have kids because the schools over there frightened them... Form living in a squalid one bedroom apartment in London they can buy a two storey mansion here for the money they paid in rent...

    I agree but 3rd world don't have the mechanism to use even the people who don't travel outside cry
    par far

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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  par far Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:26 pm

    ahmedfire wrote:
    The Office for National Statistics, or the Home Office, or the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime will not publish any data on crimes committed by muslims and blacks because they don't want to be seen as racist.

    And of course you have your own research centers which authorized by government to search and inspect such data and confirm it  Very Happy

    The Muslims not only rape white girls but also girls of other religion, this was in the news and this is in various books written by people who researched this.

    The muslims in England were grooming girls for decades and everyone but they did not to say anything because they would be viewed as racist(now think for a second of the muslims were doing this in Russia or China, they would have be in prison and facing charges and other not nice stuff.)

    The whites in England were grooming girls for decades .


    Here is how the media plays the propaganda role regarding some reports .

    The report faced fierce criticism from academic researchers. Ella Cockbain, a lecturer in security and crime science, is an expert on child sexual exploitation. She said it “is a case study in bad science: riddled with errors, inconsistencies, a glaring lack of transparency, sweeping claims and gross generalisations unfounded its own ‘data’”.

    Nazir Afzal is the Crown Prosecution Service’s former lead on child sexual abuse and the prosecutor most responsible for bringing down grooming gangs. The media, he observes, pounce on cases involving Asians, but often ignore those involving white perpetrators.

    Given all this, the figure of 84% of grooming gangs being Asian seems dubious. There have, however, been previous studies suggesting disproportionate Asian involvement. Two CEOP reports, in 2011 and 2013, noted that the data was so “incomplete” and “inconsistent” that one could not “draw national conclusions about ethnicity”. Nevertheless, data available suggested “a disproportionate number of offenders… as Asian”.
    The social mores of many British Muslims are deeply conservative. Given the numbers involved, however, it is difficult to infer that the culture of particular communities is causally responsible for grooming gangs.

    This Nazir Afzal is a muslim, why would a muslim bad mouth other muslims?

    If you took a look at the history of muslims and Islam, raping and converting non believers is what they do and have have been doing for a thousand year.


    HAHAHA still people repeat such propaganda ,Indonesia is the country that has the largest number of Muslims in the world, and the majority of people in Malaysia are Muslims. But, no Muslim army ever went to Indonesia or Malaysia .

    Muslims ruled Spain (Andalusia) for about 800 years. During this period the Christians and Jews were doing their respective religions, and this is a documented historical fact. Muslims ruled India for about a thousand years, and therefore had the power to force each and every non-Muslim of India to convert to Islam, but they did not, and thus more than 80 percent of the Indian population remains non-Muslim.Islam spread rapidly on the East Coast of Africa. And likewise no Muslim army was ever dispatched to the East Coast of Africa.

    Tell me about the people now in Europe and U.S who are turning to Islam , did muslims raping them and enforcing them to do that ? Muslims are minority there by the way !

    Forget all this and tell me more about the rape and murder crimes  commited by CRUSADERS through history  Smile

    the crusaders came from Europe into the Middle-east and invaded it, killed and raped .when the TRINITARIAN CHRISTIAN CRUSADERS invaded Jerusalem, civilians were massacred, raped and their property looted en masse (including mosques and synagogues). It was described in the words of a crusader eyewitnes account:Our men followed and pursued them, killing and hacking, as far as the temple of Solomon, and there there was such a slaughter that our men were up to their ankles in the enemy's blood.

    Pope Urban II said that Christ commanded to go and exterminate Muslims .

    CRUSADERS enjoyed catapulting the severed heads of fallen Muslim warriers into besieged cities. After a victory near Antioch, crusaders brought severed heads back to the besieged city. Hundreds of these heads were shot into the city, and hundreds more impaled on stakes in front of the city walls. A crusader bishop called it a joyful spectacle for the people of God.

    Not only did the Crusaders rape and massacre; they made a party of it. They hatted out their horses in the white wigs of the Constantinopolitan ladies.

    But that's not just in the old past , Bush Talked on 2001 about "the Crusade war" and before that the whites killed the Vietnamese and burned Japanese and raped German women and then Iraqis women and stole the latinos .

    I can add a very long list if you want .

    There is no religion that has killed more people in the name of religion than Islam. It even says in the Quran, the Islamic holy book to kill people.

    The Qur'an commands its followers to launch jihads or holy wars of conquest to force conversions to Islam.

    Fight and slay the unbelievers wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war. (Surah IX:5)

    Fight those who do not believe in Allah or the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and his apostle, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth (i.e. Islam), (even if they are people of the Book), until they pay the tax with willing submission and feel themselves subdued. (Surah IX:29)

    Seize them and slay them wherever you find them. (Surah IV:89,91)

    Last edited by par far on Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:43 pm; edited 3 times in total
    par far

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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  par far Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:32 pm

    kvs wrote:
    par far wrote:
    kvs wrote:I don't like smearing immigrants as the source of all problems.   But the crime wave in the EU was real and it happened after 2017.
    So that graph is not really evidence of anything.   There has been a drop in crime rates in Canada over the last 30 years too.  
    But Canada did not get flooded with refugees.   That is the critical detail.   Canada is not so easy to get into even though it
    takes in over 300,000 immigrants per year and these immigrants are not 100% going on welfare.   By contrast as of early 2019,
    97% of the refugees unleashed by Turkey had not found any jobs in Germany.

    The absorption capacity for immigrants is a serious issue and not some irrelevant detail.   Pumping in more immigrants than
    the system can handle is stupid and spreads misery to both old and new citizens.  PC drones cannot even admit this obvious
    fact and instead revise the truth to push their agendas.

    Also, Canada and the USA are better structured to accept immigrants since they are nations built from waves of immigrants.
    Europe and the Old World have a much harder time absorbing immigrants.   That is why France has Algerian ghettos.   So
    the immigrant absorption capacity of the old world is smaller per capita than Canada or the USA.  

    Canada takes in 300,000 migrants, some say it is more than that. But Canada does not make 300,000 new jobs every year, it is only matter of time  before  Canada looks like Europe  with all the ghettos. Crime and homelessness has gone up in big Canadian  cities.

    Immigration is a Ponzi racket for the west.   It creates transient GDP stimulus which attenuates quickly thus requiring more immigrant
    imports.   Immigration into Canada today is not a sign of robust economic growth, it is a sign of GDP decline and is just another trick
    in addition to cheap credit to keep the bubble inflated.

    Very true and now this bubble is going to burst. They can't keep it going forever, I wonder how the western countries will pay the huge amounts of debt they have and on top they keep bringing in refugees and Immigrants and putting them on welfare(I wonder whose brilliant idea this was.)

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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  ahmedfire Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:34 pm

    There is no religion that has killed more people in the name of religion than Islam. It even says in the Quran, the Islamic holy book to kill people.

    The Qur'an commands its followers to launch jihads or holy wars of conquest to force conversions to Islam.

    Fight and slay the unbelievers wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war. (Surah IX:5)

    Fight those who do not believe in Allah or the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and his apostle, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth (i.e. Islam), (even if they are people of the Book), until they pay the tax with willing submission and feel themselves subdued. (Surah IX:29)

    Seize them and slay them wherever you find them. (Surah IV:89,91)

    Yeah i know very well such games when anyone with bad intentions can quote a verse of scripture out of context to seemingly prove a point.

    But believe me you don't know and you don't understand what are you talking about , i'm pretty sure because i did hit such discussions hundreds of times and always guys like you start Google copy-paste process without having any academic fair studies . You don't know the academic rules to understand what you just copied .Arabic language is a very sensitive and flexible language , you need to study it hard along with other religious sciences to know what Quran is saying .

    I can explain to you all of that but guess what ,this will never change anything so you are free to think whatever you need , call Islam as terrorism and Muslims as sexual abusers ,at the end of the day your thoughts will not change anything around .

    And i don't accuse Christianity or Judaism for what some christians or jews did through history .Religion is something constant but believers are humans who could do mistakes and get affected by multiple factors .

    Have a nice day .

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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:47 pm

    French police showing their humanity.

    How I wish for Navalny and his maggot 5th column to get such treatment. Instead we have kid glove treatment which
    is labelled "brutality" by the NATzO fake stream media.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Fri May 01, 2020 11:13 am

    Feminazi and female hypocrisy. They are not happy when the rules that they demand work against their "feels".
    Here we see toxic femininity fully exposed.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  nomadski Fri May 01, 2020 1:08 pm

    Well since title of topic is decline of western, and KVS posting relevant comment, I do not want to digress. But it is true that Islam has also had fair share of war. But I would not say it has been the most violent faith or belief system. Other belief systems have also had fair share of violence, without exception. And some much much more. And it is not always a question of faults by people, misapplication or misreading of a belief system. All belief systems or laws, were limited by time and circumstance. Physical laws or social laws. This gets even worse as time passes and circumstances change. There are no eternal human laws. Ahmedfire, you mention well the horror of crusades. One horror that you forgot to mention, is that crusaders killed and roasted and ate the Muslim children as food. All in the name of Christ. And how about revolutionary Iran. The " Muslims" who captured and imprisoned Marxists, who refused to renounce their beliefs, were allowed to Rape virgin female prisoners. So they would not go to Hell as virgin. Before being executed. All in the name of Muhammed. ( I believe this account to be true and  much worse accounts during  very violent and bloody revolution).

    Now I come to western decline. KVS mentions family breakdown. Regularly. This is important. I live in UK. And some areas of towns, are father free zones. This is the result of bad  ( capitalistic) laws, that facilitate family breakdown, to supply cheap female labour for profit creation. Dressed up as woman's lib or equality. The net result is that poverty is widespread. Nobody looking after children. And they become victims of abuse.

    I went out at night to buy Pizza. On return to my car, in a side road, there were two  white English children. A girl and boy. The boy about 11 and girl about ten years old. The boy said to me  " ........ Hey mister, do you want to take her home? She is lovely you know ! ".  He was pimping a ten year old. Modern Britain!  I felt sick to my stomach. So this problems belong to entire society. Not just a few from this or that group.

    Last edited by nomadski on Fri May 01, 2020 2:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Fri May 01, 2020 2:21 pm

    We are entering a serious collapse juncture. The ridiculous anti male laws in the west have succeeded in reducing marriages and
    bearing of children. Feminism has amplified toxic femininity to the Nth degree. Modern western women are married to the state
    and think males are disposable. As I have posted elsewhere a while back, societies have life cycles. The "ageing" of a society
    is reflected in the mentality of its individuals. Every new generation slips in key parameters from the previous one. This is because
    humans have no ability for consistent autonomous behaviour. The "background state" is what shapes our beliefs and actions.
    Advances in living standards have resulted in the decline of individual character. There are hordes of idiots who take everything
    for granted, who do not know what real life is. Reality is not some slave to human whim, it is the final arbiter on everything and
    does not care about humans.

    When citizens become too dumb and detached from reality, that is the end stage of society. It will collapse. However, this time
    around we will not see what happened with the decline of Rome. Rome was an agrarian power where people could survive on
    farms even if cities declined and became depopulated. Modern society in substantial parts of the world is urbanized with
    mechanized farming. City residents are not just going to flip over into being farmers. There will be strife and starvation first.
    The crash is going to be really hard for modern civilization. Sure, in some parts of the world people are already living the
    "collapse lifestyle". So for them the crash may be softer. But I think even there we will have serious problems. Even
    3rd world countries are dependent on global supply chains including oil and transport equipment.

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    Post  kvs Fri May 01, 2020 4:32 pm

    And example of both the falsity of the "strong and independent woman" feminist BS and the political correctness brain rot.
    PC degeneracy, I have to say, is driven to a large extent by females. Too much shallow, feels based "analysis" from this
    part of the population. Easy to fool with emotional tricks.


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    Post  kvs Fri May 01, 2020 9:46 pm

    An $880 fine given to a student for skate-boarding in an empty non-fenced park by three enforcement stooges.
    An average municipal stooges is paid about $45 per hour so having three of them means $135 per hour to administer
    $880 tickets. I doubt they give one out every hour considering how empty the parks are. So we have $1090
    in salaries per day to collect $880 times some factor likely less than 2 per day.

    "Law" enforcement clowns in Canada and in the USA are glorified highway robbers. In my case the cop clown actually
    lied about the reason for my ticket.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat May 02, 2020 2:02 am

    kvs, you'll love this! Non-Binary, Gender-Fluid grave robbing in New Orleans! lol1


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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  ahmedfire Sat May 02, 2020 7:22 am

    nomadski wrote:Ahmedfire, you mention well the horror of crusades. One horror that you forgot to mention, is that crusaders killed and roasted and ate the Muslim children as food. All in the name of Christ. And how about revolutionary Iran. The " Muslims" who captured and imprisoned Marxists, who refused to renounce their beliefs, were allowed to Rape virgin female prisoners. So they would not go to Hell as virgin.  Before being executed. All in the name of Muhammed. ( I believe this account to be true and  much worse accounts during  very violent and bloody revolution).

    Yes cannibalism did happene in Syria 1098 in the city of Maarat al-Numan ,30km south of Idlib .

    The people in the city had low warriors. The Crusaders promised them safe conduct if they surrendered ,they did but the Crusaders start killing everyone .The city wasn't rich and Crusaders start feeling hungry , they boiled adults in cooking-pots, impaled children on spits and devoured them grilled .

    I'm not sure about a wide rate of rape crimes in Iran but if this happened so they would be criminals and if they said "All in the name of Muhammed" they would be criminals and liars too .Rape is a very high-level crime in Islam .

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    Post  kvs Sat May 02, 2020 12:52 pm

    Even though the ranter in the above video is a right winger he is 100% on target with the insanity of politicians bashing
    single men. In the real world, it is single mother families that are a source of a lot of criminals. That is because females
    are abusive to males and growing up without a father to protect male children from welfare queen, bitch mommies who
    PMS 24/7, leaves serious, lasting psychological scars that can make men into criminals and bad actors in society. Of
    course, if the husband is a limped dick loser who lets the wife do whatever she wants, then the male and female
    children can be messed up as well.

    I feel sorry for boys growing up in single mother families. There are all sorts of cases where the female has them
    chemically castrated or genitally mutilated with "gender reassignment" surgery. In Brazil we had the case of two lesbians
    who had a "son" killing him by cutting off his private parts which led to a year of suffering and then death. Females
    have a hate on for males. That is an undeniable fact. All this BS about love and soul mates is pure fiction. All
    families are disfunctional if the female thinks she is free to do what she wants. And feminizm has brainwashed western
    women to think that they have no obligations to "the patriarchy". Combined with the pathological female "innocence
    complex" (no woman ever admits to wrong doing except perhaps if she is before a judge being sentenced for a crime,
    but even then it is likely a ploy to get a reduced sentence), we have perfect recipe for abusive behaviour.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sat May 02, 2020 12:56 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:kvs, you'll love this! Non-Binary, Gender-Fluid grave robbing in New Orleans! lol1

    The alphabet soup fringe is composed of deviants. That is harsh but true. Some are more benign than others, but the
    veins of sociopathy run strong through them. For example, in the gay community the fight for rights is no longer about
    consenting adults having relations and "marriage", but is now about lowering the age of consent and to relable pedophilia
    as a flavour of LBGTQ. So the boundaries of degeneracy are being pushed into the darkest crevice to whitewash
    abusers and degenerates. I bet the above case will have all sorts of SJW retards on social media claim that this
    specimen has "a right" to her lifestyle choices. Next step is to abolish the concept of crime. Since criminals are
    a minority with rights too.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  GarryB Sun May 03, 2020 12:05 am

    How about I lighten the tone... a US comedian called Christopher Titus has released a movie called "Special Unit".

    Basically a fairness in disabilities act is passed so the LAPD has to hire its quota of four handicapped undercover police officers. Titus plays their training officer and he seems to be the worst cop. The disabled actors are disabled and they are funny, but you laugh with them and not at them.

    Here is the interview scene they posted...

    Don't laugh too much because this might be a documentary of things to come...

    (Note he had a TV sitcom which he is also releasing episodes from daily which I have been enjoying too... a dysfunctional family becomes normal when 67% of families are classed as dysfunctional....)


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    Decline of the western society - Page 13 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  nomadski Sun May 03, 2020 4:25 am


    Yes crimes. Rape is a crime. But worse is murder of innocents. And it happens in most circumstances. Nobody has an absolute licence for the truth. Even modern science, can be wrong or disputed. Let alone old religions. Yet they are those that adhere strictly to dogma. And old laws. That are certainly not applicable. Or simply wrong. Not a solution to the world problems. Yet it is the reactionary elements, who maintain strict adherence to religious symbolism. Devoid of social value. So that they can oppress the majority.  So was and is the case in Iran. The revolution was subverted by the reactionary right wing. Who attacked the Democrats and progressive socialists and revolutionary Muslims. All using  ( misusing) religious feelings of people against people's interests. It is true that the west is corrupt in many ways. But so is the East. Iranian ruling class, comprising of the wealthy and influential factory owners and land owners, are not revolutionary. Nor are they  progressive.  But they wear beards and bruise their foreheads. And revolve around a building to show faith. While in the Bazzar, they Rob. But they have an excellent PR..... or propaganda machine. And efficient state machine to oppress any progressive or socialist voice. They send phone messages to Cuba!  And take photograph with Fidel. While at home they sign the execution order of socialists. To fool the people. While at home they imprison troublesome workers. Or drive them out of work. Or exile their leaders. And they fabricate evidence against them. But at least now, the people's ear  is no longer deafened by the noise of the Iran / Iraq war. At that time, the counter - revolution  MKO  and others hidden  in state apparatus, had a perfect chance to murder progressives and Iranian democratic socialists. And people were looking at Saddam. Now it is difficult to do that. People are looking. So the worst they can do, is imprison.  Or perhaps they can do worse. Shoot on street and say Anarchist. The political situation in Iran is unstable. On account of power resting with this minority. Misusing religion to create a monopoly of power. Unless there is change in Iran. To create a democratic Republic. That allows a pluralistic, proportional, multi - party democracy of progressive religious elements and socialists and social Democrats and yes even Liberal Democrats and all distinct groups and classes to share power. Then Iran faces instability. Perhaps military rule. It is not just the sanctions. The problem is much deeper. And we can not continue to shoot people on the street. Call this the decline of Iranian society.

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    Post  ahmedfire Mon May 04, 2020 6:17 pm

    nomadski wrote:@Ahmedfire

    Yes crimes. Rape is a crime. But worse is murder of innocents. And it happens in most circumstances. Nobody has an absolute licence for the truth. Even modern science, can be wrong or disputed. Let alone old religions. Yet they are those that adhere strictly to dogma. And old laws. That are certainly not applicable. Or simply wrong. Not a solution to the world problems. Yet it is the reactionary elements, who maintain strict adherence to religious symbolism. Devoid of social value. So that they can oppress the majority.  So was and is the case in Iran. The revolution was subverted by the reactionary right wing. Who attacked the Democrats and progressive socialists and revolutionary Muslims. All using  ( misusing) religious feelings of people against people's interests. It is true that the west is corrupt in many ways. But so is the East. Iranian ruling class, comprising of the wealthy and influential factory owners and land owners, are not revolutionary. Nor are they  progressive.  But they wear beards and bruise their foreheads. And revolve around a building to show faith. While in the Bazzar, they Rob. But they have an excellent PR..... or propaganda machine. And efficient state machine to oppress any progressive or socialist voice. They send phone messages to Cuba!  And take photograph with Fidel. While at home they sign the execution order of socialists. To fool the people. While at home they imprison troublesome workers. Or drive them out of work. Or exile their leaders. And they fabricate evidence against them. But at least now, the people's ear  is no longer deafened by the noise of the Iran / Iraq war. At that time, the counter - revolution  MKO  and others hidden  in state apparatus, had a perfect chance to murder progressives and Iranian democratic socialists. And people were looking at Saddam. Now it is difficult to do that. People are looking. So the worst they can do, is imprison.  Or perhaps they can do worse. Shoot on street and say Anarchist. The political situation in Iran is unstable. On account of power resting with this minority. Misusing religion to create a monopoly of power. Unless there is change in Iran. To create a democratic Republic. That allows a pluralistic, proportional, multi - party democracy of progressive religious elements and socialists and social Democrats and yes even Liberal Democrats and all distinct groups and classes to share power. Then Iran faces instability. Perhaps military rule. It is not just the sanctions. The problem is much deeper. And we can not continue to shoot people on the street. Call this the decline of Iranian society.

    I agree about misusing the religion to achieve political targets or even to launch wars , Bush said that "God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq" , but as you said it's a misuse of the religions as anything that could be misused , someone could misuse the kitchen knife to kill someone else.
    ,  it doesn't mean the knife is bad .

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    Post  nomadski Tue May 05, 2020 2:12 am

    Disagree. Using your example of the knife is valid. But not because the knife is good. But because the knife is bad. A good knife, can only be used for a good purpose. How?  Well there was recently an attempt by the British police to distribute safety knives to homes, where there was domestic abuse. To stop people stabbing each other. These knives lacked a sharp point. But had a sharp edge.

    The same with old religious law. A tool that can harm. Take for example the law of men being allowed to marry four wives. They say, this was for a time of war. But economic hardship, brought about by exploitation, ( capitalism) brings about the same effect. The poor unable to marry. And the rich able to marry  and take more than  their fair share of brides to be. Further damaging society. And this aspect of Islam is wrong. The wrong law. The wrong knife. But can we say Islam is wrong?  The same as we can say you or I, are wrong?   I could name many more examples. But this only one example  will suffice. It falsifies the absolutism of thought. But do the wealthy and previlaged, allow criticism? No. They call others Kafirs. Sentence to death. They can not afford to loose the unquestioning obidience of the masses. And have them question authority. Loose power. The reality is, that in the kitchen, you need many knives. As any good cook knows. And some knives can not be used and are old and rusty. And some new knives, a present for you from neighbour, are only good for cutting bread. And you do not eat sliced bread. Yet..........


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    Post  GarryB Tue May 05, 2020 3:12 am

    I think religion would be more respectable if it spoke out a bit more.

    Most religious groups will complain when it is being targeted by bigots, but how often do you hear muslim groups condemn attacks on christians or jews by muslim groups?

    How often do christian groups say... no... you are not attacking Iraq in our name because christianity is a religion of peace not war... when was the last time you saw a jewish group say... hey israel... why do you treat palestinians the way you do... no wonder they fight back...

    But no... they play the victim but never the bad guy... a bit like the Americans... we killed 3 million Vietnamese but we did it for their own good...

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    Post  nomadski Tue May 05, 2020 4:46 am

    Agree. And as well as different old religious doctrines, sharing in the same degree of vagueness and irrelevance in many places. Even those political or religious principles that are relevant and explicit, are not adhered to. This then is no longer a case of an old rusty knife. It is the case of a bad cook. If we compare two   " Islamic " or  "  Christian" country. We see totally different social structures. In one place, there is democracy and law. Majority rule. Freedom. And another, there is nepotistic feudalism. But these differences are attributable  not entirely to religion. Since both exist equally in both places. It is then a function of  the political and social culture and political class in power.

    Iranians in power for example, think of themselves as more advanced. Condemning exile of say the Rohingya or Bahrain human rights activists. But at home they exile others, they dislike. They forgive their own crimes. They claim to fight terror of ISIS.  But they open fire on demonstrators. And claim that they were armed. They just happened to find a bunch of mint new pistols, in a box in some place. Surprising how the terrorist Iranian nation, had not used these previously. And how they did not manage to kill hundreds of security forces with these or similar guns, during demonstrations . And those in power, grow more rampant. They proclaim openly now, that they will shoot demonstrators and will remain in power.............

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