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    Decline of the western society


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    Decline of the western society - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:51 pm

    One of the stories I have heard from a prof at a major Canadian university is that students wanted to know what questions were on the final exam.
    Not what subjects, but what exact questions. Thus making the exam a pointless rubber stamp. I thought this was a bit odd at the time but
    now I realize that this is the mentality of the "participation trophy" generation. The child centered education chickens are coming home to roost.

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    Post  kvs Fri Sep 25, 2020 6:58 pm

    The US is a joke. And they still try to sabotage other countries with crap like the Navalny novichoke hoax.

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    Post  kvs Tue Sep 29, 2020 1:12 am

    Canada is a 3rd world, corrupt toilet. The thug cops will harass and threaten you if you engage in lawful activity because they
    run a protection racket. My experience with Canadian police in terms of driving tickets tells me that the above is not an exaggeration.
    They outright lie to you in your face what you did "wrong". Like the clown cop who claimed I did not look for other cars when
    "ran through" a stop. My real crime was starting too fast after the clown in front of me who was taking his sweet time to
    get through the intersection. I was physically stopped and did not "run" anything. I guess I should have stopped again just
    to make sure there was no corrupt Canadian cop giving me a ticket on false pretenses.

    This is "freedom" in Canada.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Isos Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:09 pm

    lol1 lol1

    Decline of the western society - Page 27 Smarts11

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    Decline of the western society - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Hole Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:44 pm

    Decline of the western society - Page 27 Maxres12
    Hillary after Trumps re-election.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:46 pm

    Hole wrote:Decline of the western society - Page 27 Maxres12
    Hillary after Trumps re-election.

    Looks more like George Soros....the likeness is uncanny!!!
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    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:43 am

    Hillary after Trumps re-election.

    So you sayin if Trump wins Hilary Clinton becomes 1000 times more attractive... not buying that....  Razz

    Looks more like George Soros....the likeness is uncanny!!!

    You are not wrong...

    Note the pro democrats are talking about a potential civil war because they think WHEN Trump loses that he wont give up power and will get all salty... you know... like Hilary supporters did with their Trump is not my president banners etc etc.

    After cheating Sanders for the democrat election why would Trump think Hilary could win anything fair and with out cheating... she won the democrat nomination by cheating and lost the actual election to Trump because she wasn't able to cheat...

    Kind of a pattern there I think...
    par far

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    Decline of the western society - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  par far Sun Nov 01, 2020 6:54 pm

    "Fierce GUN BATTLE filmed in France’s Montpellier as ‘two rival gangs’ clash in broad daylight (VIDEO)."

    France Has been doing this all over the world, nice to see them get some back.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:51 am

    The problem is that the people who made the decisions that led to chaos around the world live in gated communities and will be completely untouched by this sort of stuff.

    Equally if there is any conflict in the US over the election result all the rich bastards that paid the corrupt officials to make laws that make them richer will just leave the US for a country like New Zealand or Australia... we speak English and a nice climate and lifestyle as long as you have plenty of money it is easy and they do.

    Just coming on to summer as well...

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    Decline of the western society - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:31 pm

    Didn't realize Musk Rat was the main villain in Total Recall

    Elon Musk refused to recognize earth's laws in a future colony on Mars

    What he really want's to say is he wants his own sex slaves, and tax people for air.

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    Post  PapaDragon Mon Nov 02, 2020 10:45 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Didn't realize Musk Rat was the main villain in Total Recall

    Elon Musk refused to recognize earth's laws in a future colony on Mars

    What he really want's to say is he wants his own sex slaves, and tax people for air.

    Tax for air?

    He would be straight up selling it and charging in advance pwnd

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    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 03, 2020 5:34 am

    Sounds like no matter who goes to live there and work for him some sort of rebellion is inevidable and it wont belong to him for very long...

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Nov 03, 2020 7:30 pm

    “The gunman shot dead on Monday was [reportedly] known to domestic intelligence because he was one of 90 Austrian Islamists who wanted to travel to Syria.”

    Always look for the Syria connection.

    Amazing how many in the world supported the jihadists there.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Nov 04, 2020 2:38 am

    White helmet funding money well spent I guess... they created the situation in Syria and stirred it up as much as they could to get Assad out so they could put someone more agreeable to their plans into power there and it seems the blow back has been a bitch.

    One teacher killed and beheaded and three people in a church killed... France wouldn't care if it was in Syria... and there were rather more than three people brutally murdered in Syria with their assistance.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:35 pm

    The PiSs party isn't the only thing getting fucked in Poland.
    Decline of the western society - Page 27 EmHMywIU8AAdZBs?format=png&name=small

    Poland is really adapting to Western values quite well! Embarassed Wink

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    Post  kvs Fri Nov 06, 2020 8:10 pm

    This fits into this thread even though it is a medical problem.

    How does one go to smearing grapefruit juice as a "killer" when it is the interaction of Big Pharma excrement
    with this natural substance that is the problem? The above video is a case study in the delusional mental
    bubble that westerners live in. It does not strike the maker of this video that the real problem is Big Pharma
    garbage and not a fruit! The brainwashed reflex is to blame the natural substance and somehow treat the
    poison posing as medicine as sacrosanct.

    I have seen this pattern elsewhere. In the case of atherosclerosis we have the blaming of LDL cholesterol which
    is vital for life. Somehow all the free radicals from nitrites and nitrates that are used as preservative agents
    (e.g. prepared meats and other foods) are a non issue. This sort of Big Pharma fellatio gave us the Baycol
    disaster where people were dying after three months of taking it since it destroyed cells. The problem was
    that the dose of the Bayer patented statin was too high even though the FDA approved this drug. I guess
    they never had any Phase I and II trials!

    If a doctor tells you to take statins tell him/her to get fucked. Change your diet and exercise regime and do
    some research. If you have a functional brain you can cut through the crap and will not be fooled by false
    medicine or some other boogieman designed to keep you on the plantation. Statins are coenzyme Q10 blockers.
    They are a literal metabolism poison and are like shooting at a mosquito with a howitzer. No dose is safe since
    it directly disrupts the metabolism. Just because there is no 100% fatality does not mean it is a valid medicine.
    And if your doctor gives you some BS about how they know better. They fucking don't. The Framingham
    heart study, the premier longest running study with hundreds of thousands of participants, of the link between
    LDL levels and heart disease has found no link between high LDL and heart disease. It actually found a statistically
    significant link between low levels of LDL and heart disease.

    The way that cells manage to deal with polyunsaturate oil intake is to deploy LDL to fill gaps created by kinked
    unsaturated fatty acids. That is why the BS dietary advice to avoid saturated fats lowers LDL. It creates an
    artificial sink for it. If you really have a problem with LDL to HDL ratio being too high, control your carbohydrate
    intake (sugars, starches, etc). High levels of glucose are processed into triglycerides which then become VLDL
    and LDL and in the process HDL is consumed. All those "fat free cookie" advertisements in coffee shops make
    me cringe. The fat in the cookies is least of your health concerns unless it is trans-fat which results from overcooking
    of cis bond fatty acids (the normal kind) giving trans bon fatty acids. Trans-fats have been shown to directly
    affect the immune system and other metabolic functions in a negative way. If you enjoy donuts, you are likely
    consuming too much of it since the donut joints skimp on deep fry oil replacement and use polyunsaturated frying
    oil which is simply retarded since polyunsaturates convert from cis to trans much more easily than saturates.


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    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Nov 13, 2020 9:15 pm

    Poodleland is really getting the shaft from the EU:
    The #EU to punish member state #Poland by reducing funds for the country due to its "violations of the human rights of the LGBT people".
    Decline of the western society - Page 27 Emto4W_WMAEgLbx?format=jpg&name=900x900

    lol1 pwnd

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    Post  kvs Fri Nov 13, 2020 10:55 pm

    Gay pride parades and tranny access to female toilets as well as participation in female sports leading to serious injuries
    of women apparently is all about "rights".

    Fuck off Bruxelles retards. Keep on importing those Daesh jihadis.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:56 pm

    Curry house chef prepared food after wiping his bottom with his bare hands because he doesn't use toilet paper for 'cultural reasons'

    The west is a toilet. The "cultural reasons" are all indigenous to immigrant "culture" in the UK.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  thegopnik Sun Nov 15, 2020 3:28 pm

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    Post  kvs Sun Nov 15, 2020 4:04 pm

    These SJW PC totalitarian cunts are promoting pedophilia based on their neo-Trotskyist "post-modernist" ideology.
    They are a dangerous freak show.

    Their ideology is a sick joke. So if my personal choice is to be a serial killer, then if personal choices cannot be
    criticized, I have the right to be a serial killer. Just like a pervert has a right to be a pedophile. This excrement
    would never fly without the degradation of western education systems and the rise of an idiocracy.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Maximmmm Sun Nov 15, 2020 4:11 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Curry house chef prepared food after wiping his bottom with his bare hands because he doesn't use toilet paper for 'cultural reasons'

    The west is a toilet.   The "cultural reasons" are all indigenous to immigrant "culture" in the UK.

    I mean the fact they let immigrants run rape, sorry "grooming" gangs because of cultural differences says all it needs to.
    After rotherham came out, I read up about the topic and how prevalent it was in basically all of the UK and had the "ok, it seems bad, but it can't be that bad can it?" feeling. Then a while later I was able to talk to somebody who works as a sexual health councillor all over the country and after a few drinks and getting the feel that the person was cool I popped the "is it real" question. Their answer was mindblowing, basically the worst rumours are all true. It's endemic and people refuse to report/follow-up on it. It blew my fucking mind. This was years ago and I'm more of a cynic now, but goddamn the UK is a shithole.

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    Post  kvs Sun Nov 15, 2020 4:44 pm

    Maximmmm wrote:
    kvs wrote:

    Curry house chef prepared food after wiping his bottom with his bare hands because he doesn't use toilet paper for 'cultural reasons'

    The west is a toilet.   The "cultural reasons" are all indigenous to immigrant "culture" in the UK.

    I mean the fact they let immigrants run rape, sorry "grooming" gangs because of cultural differences says all it needs to.
    After rotherham came out, I read up about the topic and how prevalent it was in basically all of the UK and had the "ok, it seems bad, but it can't be that bad can it?" feeling. Then a while later I was able to talk to somebody who works as a sexual health councillor all over the country and after a few drinks and getting the feel that the person was cool I popped the "is it real" question. Their answer was mindblowing, basically the worst rumours are all true. It's endemic and people refuse to report/follow-up on it. It blew my fucking mind. This was years ago and I'm more of a cynic now, but goddamn the UK is a shithole.  

    Interesting how all the pro-female PC drivel has little to do with reality.   This is what you get from PC schizophrenia where minority rights
    are not rationally balanced.   So the right of females not to be raped or sex slaves is trumped by the right of ethnic minorities to engage
    in their rape culture.   PC ideology is not based on any sane principles.  

    Also, the UK has been engaged in ethnic divide and rule tactics for centuries.   So we have the Tamil vs. Hindu problem, the extermination
    of the Huron by the Iroquois in Canada, etc. ad nauseam.   Today they are succoring all sorts of terrorists and minorities as tools to
    destabilize and then control their home countries.   This is not a vain effort.   We saw it succeed in Ukraine where the rotten, Nazi
    diaspora managed to corrupt the political state of the country and foist a NATzO occupation regime on it.    Ukraine was too naive
    to handle the professionals trained for grass roots level regime change operations in Canada, USA and elsewhere.   Most of the target
    countries for divide and rule are also naive and underdeveloped to withstand these tricks.   Thankfully Russia has developed a resistance
    but the NATzO elites think it is all due to Putin and "no man, no problem" is their policy.

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    Post  kvs Sun Nov 15, 2020 11:10 pm

    SJWs really are insane. Getting triggered by female shaped armour takes the prize for inanity. Do these morons want
    women to cut off their breasts to conform to some BS genderless ideal?

    I think they do. They are all into child genital mutilation with their sex change operation advocacy. And their "thinking"
    is going down the path of normalizing pedophilia.


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    Post  Maximmmm Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:09 am

    kvs wrote:

    SJWs really are insane.   Getting triggered by female shaped armour takes the prize for inanity.   Do these morons want
    women to cut off their breasts to conform to some BS genderless ideal?  

    I think they do.  They are all into child genital mutilation with their sex change operation advocacy.   And their "thinking"
    is going down the path of normalizing pedophilia.

    Honestly I'm just pissed that these pictures flew all over the internet, and I haven't seen episode 3 yet. Laughing

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