calm wrote:Vann7 have you ever been under Tomahawk attack?
That is not weapon of God, nothing will happen. It will be business as usual after first wave.
No amount of cruise missiles will help rebels to capture anything in Ghouta. Stop fantasizing.
You don't see the danger of NATO attacking again Syria ,after Russia warned them to not do it
that will retaliate. understand?
Even if all missiles are intercepted.. or most of them.. Russia will have strike back,because it will be a
clear act of war of NATO after Russia told them ,that Russian soldiers are operating with Syrian army in damascus.
So if RUssia don't punish NATO for another aggression and limit to just intercept its missiles.. then NATO will continue
attacking Russia ,attacking Assad, until they manage to wound RUssian soldiers.. So this could trigger a world war 3...
If RUssia don't respond and shoot back at the aggressors ,then it will encourage more NATO Countries ,to join
in the attacks on Syria.. weakness after being attacked will put in danger the entire operation of Russia in Syria
and even Russia military base, which already was attacked by NATO guided drones..
and if RUssia retaliate , Trump will be forced to retaliate ,to avoid being impeached or be seen as a traitor.. so this could escalate in a matter of minutes into a regional war ..and then in little time with nukes being used. This is also not mentioning how a third party player ,in US Coalition or Israel a happy trigger general ,could attack a Russian warships or Russia base to make it look US was behind the attack..and provoke a war. So the attack goals not neccessarily have to be to capture anything. But instead to humiliate Putin ,before the elections to damage its image seriously if he chickens out and do not fight back. The possibilities of a world war 3 ,are not far from the Cuban missile crisis.
Because IF US attacks again Syria on the pretex of chemicals... then they will continue doing this all the time, then Russia to effectively stop americans future aggression ,by sending a real ultimatum on Syria will require that Russia target American military bases in Syria and US warships doing the attack.
Niki Haley is even on record speaking about Attacking Assad Castle.. So even when Assad will be safe..because
there have to be a very deep bunker underground made by the Russians.. the hostile action main goal will be to humiliate Russia in the world , to show that Russia as a weak nation ,this also will demoralize Russian troops significantly if they lose soldiers and Russia do nothing.. in the next Hours , or Days . We will could be seen a
dramatic escalation of the war and trigger something much bigger ,with people killed in NATO and RUssia side.
Watch for "Mysterious Accidents" ,in both sides ,,the small battles could even not be published to the world. Remember the "Bird" that damaged the F-35 plane according to Israel ? also it will not be surprising ,if the previous hellicopter crash of Americans in IRAQ was a retaliation of Syria army on them.. In any case Putin will need nerves
of IRON in times like this.. You also have the possibility of US nuking Assad Castle send a message to russia..
and what is Russia going to do ? Russia will have to be strong ,more than ever ,or else ,face a big Risk of NATO to be overconfident and start a full scale war against Syrian army.
Tomahawks without a capable land force on the ground, will be meaning-less.
There is a capable land force already, is called ISIS and Alqaeda and other terrorist groups ,that
NATO-Israel-Turkey support.
In any case .. something tells me ,it will be better if Russia warns US , to send shockwaves worldwide
of world war 3 , declaration of war ,a regional war ,IF they attack Syria ,and harm Russian soldiers operating together
with Syrian troops.. That will create major protest world wide ,and US will have been clearly warned , So they will have less arguments of defenses if they don't listen the warning..This will be a clear red line ,drawn by Russia in Syria..
And will not allow at least US to justify any aggression in Syria after such warning.