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Hannibal Barca
18 posters

    The Skripal poisoning thread


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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  Sujoy Tue May 19, 2020 8:37 am

    GarryB wrote:
    What do you guys think of that?
    That's correct. Here in India too, several people who spoke against the US or UK either disappeared mysteriously or ended up dead. US and UK control almost all the major political parties in India and they use these local assets to eliminate any individual who is seen as a threat to their interest.

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  GarryB Tue May 19, 2020 10:18 am

    Well that is what I don't get... the story is so garbled and incoherent it is pathetic... Inspector Morse, and Lewis, and that one John Nettles plays would be disgusted...

    Those two Russian guys were supposed to have put it on their door knob, but despite cameras everywhere, no film of them any where near the house, and the records of their travels mean they couldn't have gotten to their house till after 1pm and the Skripals left before 11am...

    This stuff is supposed to be ten times worse than the worst nerve agent... a drop on the skin should kill in minutes, but the lady that died had the stuff sprayed directly all over her because she thought it was perfume... and she still didn't die till days later.

    the suggestion is that the chemical was brought in to the country in a perfume bottle... which makes no sense if the target was the father and not the daughter... maybe it was the umbrella thing... squirt him as you walk past, or when he is standing somewhere... even still throwing it in a dumpster that doesn't get emptied for a month for this other guy to find and give to his girlfriend is a bit of a stretch as well...

    It all sounds very Mickey Mouse...

    The story I remember hearing from I think that Alex Salmond guy, that he was at a dinner with lots of exUK soldiers and that he was told by them that it was driven by the Ukraine to try to frame Russia and embarrass Putin...

    Either way... I think rather less of the UK government than I did before, and the sanctions have only made Russia stronger... so I really don't care anymore... though knowing what actually happened would be interesting.

    That's correct. Here in India too, several people who spoke against the US or UK either disappeared mysteriously or ended up dead. US and UK control almost all the major political parties in India and they use these local assets to eliminate any individual who is seen as a threat to their interest.

    Ironically the UK and the west has a long history of making inconvenient people disappear... so it is amusing that they are pointing the finger at Putin... when Assange catches Covid and dies will lots of countries recall their diplomats from the UK too?

    Last edited by GarryB on Wed May 20, 2020 5:43 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Location : Pindos ave., Pindosville, Pindosylvania, Pindostan

    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue May 19, 2020 1:06 pm

    Sujoy wrote:
    GarryB wrote:
    What do you guys think of that?
    That's correct. Here in India too, several people who spoke against the US or UK either disappeared mysteriously or ended up dead. US and UK control almost all the major political parties in India and they use these local assets to eliminate any individual who is seen as a threat to their interest.

    The guy who founded the Non-Align Movement comes to mind.

    Posts : 41148
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    Join date : 2010-03-30
    Location : New Zealand

    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  GarryB Wed May 20, 2020 5:46 am

    Gaddafi was calling for African countries to stop using the US dollar in international trade and oil production, while Saddam in the 1990s called for the same and invaded Kuwaite to try to create a larger arab country, instead of having lots of individual ones that squabbled between themselves and could not offer a united front against western demands for oil...

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