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Russian dude got some moves!
^ AM seriously hittin on the guy
Turk1 wrote:^^ haah! That Russian dances like a retard. Watch this dance!!
Wait a second....he was sexyTurk1 wrote:^^ haah! That Russian dances like a retard. Watch this dance!!
GarryB wrote:
Many people hope for the collapse of countries they see as an enemy still... their beliefs often have little to do with reality.
150 million is not some magic number that when reached will create an open fair happy society.
Russia has a few problems... just like any other country does.
Personally I like Putin and I think he is pushing things along better than any other leader in the world... if he was a New Zealander I would prefer him to be our prime minister and I am sure there are a few Americans here who would vote him American president if he was an American citizen with American values and issues at heart.
Half the problem is that the west sees growth as positive, stable level numbers as some sort of stagnation, and decline as a descent into poverty and chaos.
The reality is that if you take away migration then most of the west has shrinking population problems too, but these problems are covered by immigration which as you mention causes its own problems.
There are many people who will leave their country in search of a better place for their children, but with a growing economy and job creation in Russia I rather suspect the flood of people leaving the country for better employment prospects has dropped to a trickle. Of course there will always be those looking for a better climate or a thousands other different reasons... and that is fine.
Of course things are not helped by the negative picture of Russia painted in the western media, but I am sure over time the real people will get tired of these sad old stereotypes and with contact through the internet those dumb white euro centric westerners will realise most people from Russia are just people, they are not satan worshipping baby eaters. They don't back Syria to spite the west. They back Syria because they have good relations with Syria and port facilities there. Just like the west has good relations with Saudi Arabia and has lots of facilities there despite that regime being nothing like a democracy. Iran and Syria give their people a vote and in many ways are much more moderate and tolerant societies than Saudi Arabia.
The western media wont tell you that.
I guess this will help also.
sorry for the double topic
People say that the food produced in the communist block was many times worse than the western food...
There needs to be a slave or poor class or group to create products for the masses but without needing to be paid at a livable wage because that would make the consumer items too expensive.
——I have to say , In recent years, this trend has changed.
chenzhao wrote:There needs to be a slave or poor class or group to create products for the masses but without needing to be paid at a livable wage because that would make the consumer items too expensive.
——I have to say , In recent years, this trend has changed. Today anybody who wants start a factory in China, must pay more and comply with more strictly labour laws. From wikipedia, year 2008's Russia's minimum wage was aroung $130 monthly. And here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_wages_in_Peoples_Republic_of_China
is minimum wage in China by different provinces. Most province's minimum wage standard is nearly the same as Russia's in 2008.