gaurav wrote:
The basic skills needed(from forces being send to Syria) are experts in IED,car bomb experts, booby traps, protection
from multi sniper fire..combat tactics in/from destroyed buildings, massive stress management,protection
from bursts of gun fire from extremely close range..(10-50 metres)..
Ofcourse age not exceeding 30 years.. That rules out the complete veterans
fairy tale story..
Sorry, but show me IED expert that is younger than 30 years. I wouldn't call him an EXPERT.
Hence the above story is just a fairy tale and nothing much.
Fairy tale in some extends, like number of people and that Russian navy will help them by bringing troops to Syria.
The crap Ukraine should better behave properly with Kremlin and coordinate in Customs Union.. not create fairy stories like this..
So this guy is representive of whole Ukraine? Kremlin is not behaving perfectly too when it comes to relations, it takes two to tango.
Another important skill needed is communication skills with top armour units operating critical zones(daraya, Aleppo, alraqqa, etc) in Syria..
You got this spot on. Or tanks could be manned by Russians/Ukrainians. Chechen war veterans tank crews could properly show how to utilise armour.
Compare FSA to Chechen insurgents - they are children. FSA could only cause some problems for Russian security forces, conventional army would wipe them of map quickly.
The only people who can change the dynamics in Syrian war are the following
caucasus police , fsb , mvd, fskn, special forces (from MOD) etc IN-SERVICE professionals with atleast 5
years in caucasus, chechnya can contribute in Aleppo, homs, al-raqqa etc
With the money Russia pays them I really doubt they would risk their lives far away from their homeland.
otherwise it is a just a joke to send "REGULAR" Infantry .. TO DEATH FIELDS OF SYRIA
You are overestimating FSA and downplaying infantry. Look at Serbian infantry that fought against superior numbers of Albanians. FSA are untrained monkeys that are not even close to being serious combatants. Look at their videos and their tactics. They fail all the time. How many videos of them failing and killing each other are not posted because of propaganda? Can You imagine how many friendly fire incidents those idiots have?
REGULAR ARMY WILL BE CRUSHED (INFANTRY )when atleast couple of hundred groups open fire from corners of building
Ask Russians how to deal with it. Moving by sectors, securing them was good way. Not thunder runs Syria army does. They fail to gain ground. Russians used armour behind infantry with radio communications with squads, they were far from being engaged by anti tank weapons and only 1 Russian tank was lost in all war. Russians were outnumbered but managed to take control eventually by using superior tactics and fire-power. But I doubt Syrian army posses such capability of organisation and probably volunteers wouldn't form and functioning army.
Serbian war was nothing like what Syria war is since last 3 years..
What a undeducated statement. Why You think in that way???
Iraq war can be compared "atleast" because length of Iraq qwar is almost 10-12 years with intermittent civil war..
Because of length? Iraq war had two stages - conventional and insurgency. Conventional war was ended quickly by superior power, insurgency war totally different as US didn't have to face deflectors joining insurgents, they completely controlled sky, intelligence and could operate effectively with UNLIMITED support with supplies, manpower from their own country that wasn't affected.
to go into that kind of environment is just fanatical..
nothing will come out of it ..
Better than die being poor. Those people will take risks not because of being fanatics, their mind is not faded by fanaticism, they would not shed tear about collateral damage or because of future of Syria. They would be motivated to win and they won't deflect or run away.