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    Russian Economy General News: #3


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    Russian Economy General News: #3 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #3

    Post  George1 Thu Jan 08, 2015 3:05 pm

    Russia's Ruble Collapse Strikes Ex-Soviet Currencies

    LONDON — Falling energy prices and the plunge in the Russian ruble are hitting currencies across the former Soviet states, with Belarus and Turkmenistan having already devalued this week and markets betting that Kazakhstan will follow soon.

    Countries of the former Soviet Union have had their own currencies for two decades but many still depend on Russia, both for trade and for money sent home from workers living there.

    Those with their own energy exports that are least dependent on Moscow, like Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, are seeing revenues hit by the same falling oil prices that wrecked the ruble after the Ukraine crisis threw Russia's economy into reverse.

    Financial markets are betting on a near 20 percent devaluation in the next three to six months in Kazakhstan's pegged tenge currency, which was already devalued by 19 percent last year.

    Others that float more freely, like Armenia's dram and Georgia's lari, are also expected to tumble further, along with bond and stock markets in the region.

    "Obviously this sharp fall in the ruble and oil is putting heavy pressure on all of these countries," said Piotr Matys, an emerging markets strategist at Rabobank.

    A devaluation can be helpful in rebalancing an out-of-kilter economy, but it also creates problems by pushing up the value and interest costs of any debt borrowed in international currencies like the dollar, and hiking inflation.

    As the second biggest of the ex-Soviet economies, it is Kazakhstan and its tenge that is being most closely watched.

    The benefits of last year's devaluation have been more than wiped out by the ruble's recent slump, and though the Central Bank has said there will be no repeat, oil's 50 percent price drop now means it may have no choice.

    "If you look across the universe of oil producers, those that haven't adjusted yet will, it's as simple as that," said Jan Dehn, at emerging market specialist fund manager at Ashmore.

    "The ostrich solution of sticking your head in the sand and pretending it hasn't happened really doesn't work for very long," Dehn added.

    Half of Kazakhstan's revenues last year came in one way or another from oil, so the state budget is likely to fall heavily into the red. And with the year-end cut off for many of the government's key performance metrics now passed, Kazakh watchers think a devaluation could come at any time.

    "The NBK [Kazakh Central Bank)] is trying to make a brave face of it and hold the line, but this line is really not credible," said Demetrios Efstathiou, head of CEEMEA Strategy at Standard Bank. "We think they will eventually want to move, the only question is timing."
    Oil Pressure

    Azerbaijan, the other big former Soviet oil producer, has a more robust balance sheet, having been one of the fastest growing economies in the world over the last decade. But it is bound to be hurt as oil and gas projects get shelved.

    The Azeri currency, the manat, may fare better than the tenge. It has fallen only fractionally in recent months and authorities have a decent arsenal of reserves. But the pressure remains.

    "They haven't devalued before so the question is whether they will devalue now," said Efstathiou. "There is a small chance, but I think Kazakhstan is much more likely."

    It is not just the oil producers that are in trouble. Former Soviet states without oil of their own to sell tend to be the ones that are still most dependent on trade and economic ties with Moscow: like Belarus, Armenia and Ukraine itself.

    Armenia relies on Russia for 80 percent of the remittances sent home by workers living abroad, a vital source of capital to fund a balance of payments deficit of 10 percent of GDP. Those workers are now earning devalued rubles.

    Belarus sends Russia half its exports. Even distant Uzbekistan, with no Russian border, sends a quarter of its exports there.

    No ex-Soviet country has seen its intimate economic relations with Russia more starkly exposed by the Ukraine crisis than Ukraine itself, which has been pushed to the brink of bankruptcy.

    Its hryvnia was one of the few currencies to fall more than the ruble last year, and is now hovering just off an all-time low, awaiting a decision from the IMF on a desperately-needed bailout.

    Ukraine's economy has been hurt not just by the direct impact of war with Russian-backed separatists that killed more than 4,000 people, but by the loss of cheap Russian gas imports and damage to its own Russia-bound exports.

    Gas debt repayments to Russia and spending to support the hryvnia have more than halved Ukraine's foreign currency reserves during 2014 to a 10-year low and left them under $10 billion, barely sufficient to cover two months of imports.
    par far

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    Post  par far Thu Jan 08, 2015 4:17 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:

    Attacking Glazyev, from the likes of you? Stick to things you know best: clutching straws on things such as the moon landing, and how better looking French ships look compared to Russian ships, claiming the Nazi's and Hitler were the good guys (and you claim to be pro-Russian)... Rolling Eyes

    WTF.. when i said Nazis were "good guys".. there was no Good guys in world war 2.. only greedy people fighting for their interest. US and UK created Hitler.. and provoked world war 2.. with their sanctions on germany.. Just like today ,they are provoking world war3 with their sanctions on Russia..  Who dropped an atomic Bomb in Japan is not better than Hitler.. and Stalin , many say he was worse. CHurchil wanted US to nuke Russia and continue the war ,when they were rebuilding their nation..Not good guys dude in that war..  

    The only thing i said was that Hitler had at least ONE really good cause ,to fight the criminal Neoliberal jewish banking industry ..That today have hostage half of the world in terrorism and wars ,they provoked most Wars in the previous 100 years...If he had success wiping Britain and US military power.. the world will be much better place today ,much more balanced if he just fight the west. Stalin cause of naturally defending their nation was also good one... Ideally will have been better if Hitler just target the west and not Soviet Union.  But thats not the way things happened.. And Glazyev is a pathetic liar .. nothing of what he told is truth..  Neither Russian central Bank
    "works for the west" as so naive people have been fooled to believe.. neither it is blocking Putin orders of creating a payment system ,they are testing it.. and The central bank is moving away of US with CHina in rubles..  completely bypassing the American Dollar system..that throws away to the toilet all Glazyev conspiracy theories.  and he better stop giving his nonsense lectures confusing people.  yes moon landing was a hoax.. but lets not get that here.

    And yes im Pro Russia.. But i also have my preferences.. and i dislike half good things.. i only want perfection and nothing else. THings that impress  in every way ,shape or form possible . but lets not talk about that  here either.

    In other news.. France is pushing for Europe to Lift sanctions on Russia..

    The news above is BIG DEAL.. this is why i try to avoid judgments on Putin policy on its foreign policy..
    because in moments like this , is when Russia needs to expand its relations to avoid being contained by US.
    like in soviet times. US have clearly failed to Isolate Russia from Europe.. And Putin correct moves have been the reason for it.  US is creating a situation in Europe ,where they are the ones being isolated from the world..
    In the SYrian war UK backed down from supporting US war. and in the Ukraine war is france the ones backing down to support US.   You definitively needs to give credit to Putin Policy ,,because is effectively splitting europe and making it very hard for OBAMA to isolate them from the west.

    This is a speech given by Adolf Hitler, some 65 years ago and the shocking(or the not so shocking thing is) that is very true even today. The same things he mentioned are true today as well.

    par far

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    Post  par far Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:10 pm

    Putin’s Opportunity to Bust the US Petro Dollar, can this actually work.

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russian Economy General News: #3 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #3

    Post  Hannibal Barca Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:56 pm

    Total crap. Communist logic. You don't bust anyone, you replace him, assuming you can.
    Don't expect USA to burn down his aircraft carriers as long as dominate the seas, you may expect someone else to build more carriers,
    that's what happened with the British empire it took United States to bust them in the 40s although they where virtually bankrupt since WWI.
    Same with dollar, is unsound, EVERYONE knows is unsound but there is no ALTERNATIVE yet.
    Russia's tiny economy and non-existent industry can't ever replace it.
    If someone else grows bigger as a trading nation and as economic powerhouse then dollar will collapse in a day.
    China can do it, but not tomorrow. The rest are simply to far behind.
    Whether you back your currency with gold or oil or whatever can't change this reality.

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    Russian Economy General News: #3 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #3

    Post  flamming_python Thu Jan 08, 2015 9:38 pm

    par far wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:

    Attacking Glazyev, from the likes of you? Stick to things you know best: clutching straws on things such as the moon landing, and how better looking French ships look compared to Russian ships, claiming the Nazi's and Hitler were the good guys (and you claim to be pro-Russian)... Rolling Eyes

    WTF.. when i said Nazis were "good guys".. there was no Good guys in world war 2.. only greedy people fighting for their interest. US and UK created Hitler.. and provoked world war 2.. with their sanctions on germany.. Just like today ,they are provoking world war3 with their sanctions on Russia..  Who dropped an atomic Bomb in Japan is not better than Hitler.. and Stalin , many say he was worse. CHurchil wanted US to nuke Russia and continue the war ,when they were rebuilding their nation..Not good guys dude in that war..  

    The only thing i said was that Hitler had at least ONE really good cause ,to fight the criminal Neoliberal jewish banking industry ..That today have hostage half of the world in terrorism and wars ,they provoked most Wars in the previous 100 years...If he had success wiping Britain and US military power.. the world will be much better place today ,much more balanced if he just fight the west. Stalin cause of naturally defending their nation was also good one... Ideally will have been better if Hitler just target the west and not Soviet Union.  But thats not the way things happened.. And Glazyev is a pathetic liar .. nothing of what he told is truth..  Neither Russian central Bank
    "works for the west" as so naive people have been fooled to believe.. neither it is blocking Putin orders of creating a payment system ,they are testing it.. and The central bank is moving away of US with CHina in rubles..  completely bypassing the American Dollar system..that throws away to the toilet all Glazyev conspiracy theories.  and he better stop giving his nonsense lectures confusing people.  yes moon landing was a hoax.. but lets not get that here.

    And yes im Pro Russia.. But i also have my preferences.. and i dislike half good things.. i only want perfection and nothing else. THings that impress  in every way ,shape or form possible . but lets not talk about that  here either.

    In other news.. France is pushing for Europe to Lift sanctions on Russia..

    The news above is BIG DEAL.. this is why i try to avoid judgments on Putin policy on its foreign policy..
    because in moments like this , is when Russia needs to expand its relations to avoid being contained by US.
    like in soviet times. US have clearly failed to Isolate Russia from Europe.. And Putin correct moves have been the reason for it.  US is creating a situation in Europe ,where they are the ones being isolated from the world..
    In the SYrian war UK backed down from supporting US war. and in the Ukraine war is france the ones backing down to support US.   You definitively needs to give credit to Putin Policy ,,because is effectively splitting europe and making it very hard for OBAMA to isolate them from the west.

    This is a speech given by Adolf Hitler, some 65 years ago and the shocking(or the not so shocking thing is) that is very true even today. The same things he mentioned are true today as well.

    Yes, Hitler was really after the Rothschild American Banking system and the Jews/Masons in charge of it.

    That's why he declared war on America - only after Japan had declared war on both the Americans and the British and it became obvious that escelation was inevitable anyway.

    But before that had already invaded the USSR, conquered Yugoslavia & Poland, exterminated hundreds of thousands of gypsies & ordinary Jewish workers/middle-class/villagers throughout Europe, euthenized the disabled, annexed Czechoslovakia, helped out the Italians in Albania by conquering Greece...
    But all along, he was really just after the Jewish bankers in America. Go figure.

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    Post  Rmf Thu Jan 08, 2015 10:21 pm

    back to topic ,any new news about industrial production in the west for Q4?
    it seems german industrial output dropped 2% unexpectedly...
    now euro will be dropping... tongue

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    Post  Vann7 Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:00 pm

    flamming_python wrote:

    Yes, Hitler was really after the Rothschild American Banking system and the Jews/Masons in charge of it.

    That's why he declared war on America - only after Japan had declared war on both the Americans and the British and it became obvious that escelation was inevitable anyway.

    But before that had already invaded the USSR, conquered Yugoslavia & Poland, exterminated hundreds of thousands of gypsies & ordinary Jewish workers/middle-class/villagers throughout Europe, euthenized the disabled, annexed Czechoslovakia, helped out the Italians in Albania by conquering Greece...
    But all along, he was really just after the Jewish bankers in America. Go figure.


    Hitler ideology was completely opposite to the Euromaidan excrement and CIA-Banderas who were jumping in kiev..
    Which Promote US world hegemony and the continuation of their European Colonies Union.  They not even now care about the Independence of Ukraine and have given US the keys of their nation..and they now welcome western elite to take directly control of their nation and occupy positions in politics. Shows how corrupt Ukraine have become.

    Hitler had noble goals and really good ideas how to develop a nation.. he unfortunately became greedy and addicted to power.and began to invade also Russia.. and the entire world. Effectively Hitler was the reason BRitain lost its Empire. And Americans the big winners of world war 2.. they were not invaded... not cities destroyed..and they made a lot of money selling goods for gold ,not only to Britain ,Europe and Russia.

    This is exactly what the american-jews elite wants to do now again.. to provoke Europe into a war with Russia..and they stay behind the conflict.. selling weapons to both sides and goods. This is how US artificial inflated economy can work over long times ..with wars and overthrow of governments. and control of their nations.


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    Post  Vann7 Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:11 pm

    That is the reason why Putin told the collapse of  soviet union was the greatest
    tragedy in the world in modern times.. because it was.. many former soviet republics became not only
    independent but  a threat to Russia nation security by welcoming NATO.. aside that many territorial claims began
    with potential wars.. between former soviets republics like is the case of Armenia vs Azerbaijan.

    Democracy and freedom could been have achieved without breaking the soviet Union.. and even under COmmunism.
    Look at China for example is a communist nation ,and they enjoy prosperity and people freely travel and they are raising millions from poverty every year.

    Now the world is close to a third world war.. and why is that? Because Western Powers use Former Soviet republics to
    attack Russia and threaten their nation security and sabotage their economy too..

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    Post  higurashihougi Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:54 am

    Vann7 wrote:That is the reason why Putin told the collapse of  soviet union was the greatest
    tragedy in the world in modern times...

    The collapse of the USSR is not the tragedy for communism, or Marxism, or for the labour community. Because after Stalin died, the USSR fell into the hand of military dictactorship, based on the alliance of military generals and political scumbags, like Khruschyov or Brezhnev.

    Khruschyov, Brezhnev and his allies twisted the idea of Lenin and Marx, using the agenda of "destalinization" to solidify their power, establish the military dictactorship, and crushed the industrial/science faction which were expected to be the successor of Stalin.

    After the USSR collapsed, the military dictactorship was also destroyed. Productivity and science and labour was gradually liberated. But Russia in 199x was severely plauged by the fifth columnists and the rabies dogs of White House until Putin came to power, destroyed the 5th column, and facilitate the growth of production and technology.

    A number of people consider Andropov as the last true communist of USSR... and today Andropov's equivalent is Putin. Although the color is different, the spirit is more or less similar.

    Vann7 wrote:Now the world is close to a third world war.. and why is that? Because Western Powers use Former Soviet republics to
    attack Russia and threaten their nation security and sabotage their economy too..

    WW3 has already begun. That is the political-economical war between the Axis BRICS of Russia-China-India and the Western Allies of the U.S.

    The nature of WW is the fight between old powers and new powers. Old powers aka Allies are corrupted state who lived on colonies, exploitation, corruption, and old rules which favour their domination. New powers aka Axis are rising ones who put science, technology and industry as the core of development, because they do not have large influence sphere or big colonies, they have to develop science to increase the effeciency.

    And unlike WW1 and 2, today the Axis has Russia on their side. In WW1, Russia was dominated by corrupted aristocrats who were slave of the West. In WW2, Germany fell under the stupid and crazy regime of Nazism, Hitler was a crazy dog and a stupid scum who crazily and foolishly choose the USSR as his target, which lead to terrible consequences for German and Russian people.

    But in this WW3, Russia is lead by Putin who actively purges the 5th columnists and the rabies dogs of White House, and China, India,... are not plagued by the crazy, barbaric, stupid ideology of Nazism.

    WW will ended with the victory of the Axis. That means the corrputed, parasitic goverments in the West will be collapsed. They will be replaced by goverments who embrace science, technology, who effectively use the public fund for the sake of the society, unlike the current corrputed goverment in White House.

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    Post  George1 Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:47 pm

    Russia's Communists Propose Progressive Income Tax, 'Anti-Usury Law'

    Russian Communists in the Duma are planning to propose two draft bills once parliament starts up again after the holidays. One proposes the introduction of a progressive income tax, the other an 'anti-usury' law aimed at banks charging exorbitant rates.

    MOSCOW, January 8 (Sputnik) — The Communist fraction of Russia's lower house of parliament plans to propose a draft bill on the introduction of a progressive income tax in the country once the parliament goes back to work after the New Year's holidays, RIA Novosti has reported.

    The bill proposes that Russians earning less than 20,000 rubles a month (equivalent to about $320 US) be exempt from paying income tax entirely, while those earning 400,000 or more (about $6,400) be taxed at a rate of 35 percent. Communist Party Duma deputy Vadim Solovyev told RIA Novosti that the bill, which they had originally proposed two years ago, has been modified and updated.

    "[Income] over 20,000 rubles would be taxed along a progressive scale. Income between 20,000-50,000 rubles would be taxed 10 percent, income from 50,000 to 100,000 13 percent, income from 100,000-200,000, 15 percent, income from 200,000 to 400,000, 25 percent, and income over 400,000 — 35 percent," Solovyev explained.

    In Solovyev's words, those who earn more could afford to pay more into the budget. Russia presently has a 13 percent flat income tax rate, one of the lowest rates in Europe. The flat rate was introduced in 2000 as part of a series of measures aimed at increasing revenues and income tax compliance rates during a difficult period in Russia's transition to capitalism.

    Average monthly wages in Russia are presently about 32,250 rubles a month (about $515 US, not accounting for purchasing power parity).

    The Duma's Communists are also set to introduce a so-called "anti-usury" bill aimed at assisting honest borrowers who have been stuck with high percentages, penalties and bank fees after paying off the principle of their loan. According to Central Committee Secretary Sergei Obuhov, one of the authors of the project, people who have paid the principal of their loan should not become "banks' slaves."

    Accordingly, the bill will propose that percentages and penalties should be limited by law.

    "Since the government is conducting an offshore amnesty, it should also carry out a credit amnesty. If we are willing to provide amnesty for funds which have been stolen and exported abroad to offshore [tax shelters], we should also forgive citizens for the debts they have been made to pay after having repaid their loan principle. An 'anti-usuary law' has been drafted and we will introduce it [for debate] right after the New Year," Obuhov told RIA Novosti.

    On December 4, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed an amnesty on capital returning to Russia. In November, the Russian government amended the country's tax code forcing the Russian owners of foreign-based companies to inform Russia's Federal Tax Service of their profits.

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    Russian Economy General News: #3 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #3

    Post  Kimppis Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:32 pm

    Btw, can someone explain to me how the Russian GDP is supposed to decrease by something like 5% this year if Ukraine's decreased "only" 7-8% last year (last time I checked)? Ukraine is a total fucking mess. And Russia's economy was down 0.5% in November, IIRC. How is it suddenly going to collapse to -4-5%? Sure, the oil price was fine during the first half of last year, or so, and that is going to be a lot worse on average this year but I'm just curious how is it going to work.

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    Post  sepheronx Fri Jan 09, 2015 3:15 pm

    Kimppis wrote:Btw, can someone explain to me how the Russian GDP is supposed to decrease by something like 5% this year if Ukraine's decreased "only" 7-8% last year (last time I checked)? Ukraine is a total fucking mess. And Russia's economy was down 0.5% in November, IIRC. How is it suddenly going to collapse to -4-5%? Sure, the oil price was fine during the first half of last year, or so, and that is going to be a lot worse on average this year but I'm just curious how is it going to work.

    Becausr, multiple of reasons:
    - currency value in exchange rate. As soon as it drops in half of its value to USD, its nominal gdp value drops in half as well (this is where gdp nominal value is BS) as all gdp numbers are based around USD. Hyrvina did not drop as low in terms vs ruble value.
    - Russias economy is much larger than Ukraines, by a long shot, and is third in total amoint of world FDI (foreign direct investment) and many foreigners are pullijg billions of their money out of Russia (capital flight). FDI much lower than before.
    - Theoretical amount lost due to lower oil prices/value. While Russia signed contracts for set amount of its oil/gas at set anount price and volume for x amount of years, if oil and gas value drops, Russias total amount drops unless they increase volume to respective country. If they do that, oils value can drop even further.
    - oil may be only 18% of Rus GDP value, but if it drops in half in value, there will be a drop in the total amount of growth as well. A 4% decline with both sanctions and oil value loss is not bad at all since Russia lost even more in 2008/9 but still not good.

    So this year Russia will feel a pinch and probably generate a deficite of $45B in order to upkeep spending, but next year and year after they are taking in consideration of import substitution and growth in domestic demand will increase enough to bring gdp back in the positives.

    Ukraines economy is pigmy, and even if it drops a measily 7%, that is a lpt for a country with nearly nothing. Add in that inflation is around 20%, that makes it worst too. But they will survive as well.

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    Post  Vann7 Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:23 am

    Kimppis wrote:Btw, can someone explain to me how the Russian GDP is supposed to decrease by something like 5% this year if Ukraine's decreased "only" 7-8% last year (last time I checked)? Ukraine is a total fucking mess. And Russia's economy was down 0.5% in November, IIRC. How is it suddenly going to collapse to -4-5%? Sure, the oil price was fine during the first half of last year, or so, and that is going to be a lot worse on average this year but I'm just curious how is it going to work.

    Because western financing system its rules how they measure "good economy" is completely bullshit..
    IT assume all the money Russia gov and russian citizens have earned through 2014.. will be spent buying
    ipods and other american products valued in dollars.  So based on western bullshit tables.. If For sake of example
    Russia sells a millions of combat jets in RUbles.. and makes more money that year than all western powers combined.
    But if Saudi Arabia choose to sell Oil at 10$ per barrel for years.. and Russia becomes completely isolated from the west for sanctions..then the western business will start dropping all their rubles.. completely collapsing its value.. to zero..  Even though Russia sold a million of combat jets..  based on western rating.. the GDP of Russia will be inferior to a third world nation like SOmalia with the way the western system works. That Assume all nations depend on the dollar to operate.. which is not true.  This is why a company like Apple or google have a bigger GDP.. than Russia.. just selling Iphones.. But in real practice those companies can be replaced overnight by alternatives.. like Yotaphone and Yandex.. but Russian Energy cannot be replaced.. RUssian technology and rare materials cannot be replaced.
    So western minions will like to compare Russia economy based on how is the perception in western financial markets.

    Interestingly IF Russia was self efficient and could produce 100% all their needs without exporting anything.. and Russia relations completely break with the west.. it will be possible for Russia to become a very rich and wealthy nation.. with more modern cities and technology than anything you see in the west.. STill under American financial system.. their GDP will equal to african with Ebola plague. That said GDP is not a real measure of economy..  is just
    Politics and manipulation and perception.   Real Economy is material things production that people needs and buy.
    But for american financial system.. real economy is just how you stand vs their rating of the dollar. which is completely foolish... SInce Their economy is based in printing money from thin air ,and selling paper dollars..for people to buy oil..   So if Japan needs Oil from Saudi Arabia... they need to buy american paper dollars first.. and use american currency to buy Oil.. The more a nation currency is used the more value it have.. and This is how you artificially create economy. By artificially creating a demand for their currency..In other words Americans have found a way to business and have special rules in business that have nothing to do with economy.. but Fraud.
    Reason why i hope The world put an end to their fraud system.. and everyone stop using Dollars and use their own currencies whenever they want to trade..

    The american financial system legalize fraud and artificial ways to inflate your economy.. and allows them and their major allies to be the only ones who benefit from it.. So americans could have infinite debt.. and never pay it.. and still have a credit of AAA.. and a GDP larger than anyone.. This is why USA used to have a larger GDP more than all other nations combined. Is not that they are more efficient or very rich nation.. is only they created a fraudulent system.. that allows them to forever be at the top in the financial system.. For their fraud to work.. many nations needs to buy their debt and recognize their artificial currency paper as if was gold or something of value.

    Imagine if your bank told can get any loan you want..and as many as you want and don't have to pay it? Anyone can be rich that way.. and this is exactly what US financial system is.. a complete fraud.. so is a game that the entire world for fear of retaliation of USA have welcomed.. but this will change soon with BRICS nations.. that will stop using Dollars.. and it will expand to the entire world.. until everyone just use its currency to buy anything and not helping Americans to artificially create a demand of their currency.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:39 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  sepheronx Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:32 am

    Hence why gold is a far better entity than fiat currency as its universal value. Maybe Russia should never accept USD but bitcoin or gold.

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    Post  NationalRus Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:37 am

    gold needs to be more introduced in to the fiat system more and more for stable currency value not only for reserves specialy we russia need to bck the rubel at least with somthing! the rubel is in the shit not the first year... it been volatile since like forever and that even with massive interest rates of our central bank.... that high interest rates keep us berly under 10% inflation..... while cutting of credit to lenders who cant afford tht high interests and with that cripple also our economy

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    Russian Economy General News: #3 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #3

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:37 am

    Ukrainian economy only shrinking by 7% is an absolute load of BS.

    I guess they got enough economic wizards from the US, to embellish the situation for investors, airbrush the figures and perform some voddoo magic to keep the zombie-economy in the Ukraine from defaulting as it was due to months ago already. They had no damn money when the coupists took power, the IMF/US/EU have barely given them any money since, and yet apparently they are still somehow running on fumes, with the same 'few dozen million dollars' left in the treasury, as there was last February.

    Their economy has shrunk by much larger amounts too. Just the Donbass by itself - is already a good few percentage points into the negative. Add all the shit, and there's a lot of it, and we're looking at closer to 11-12% contraction.
    Let's wait for the figures - I'm sure even the best-educated economy fakers from Washington won't be able to cover this failure of an economy up very effectively.

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    Post  sepheronx Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:46 am

    NationalRus wrote:gold needs to be more introduced in to the fiat system more and more for stable currency value not only for reserves specialy we russia need to bck the rubel at least with somthing! the rubel is in the shit not the first year... it been volatile since like forever and that even with massive interest rates of our central bank.... that high interest rates keep us berly under 10% inflation..... while cutting of credit to lenders who cant afford tht high interests and with that cripple also our economy

    Value of your currency to USD shouldn't be your concern, because if you are Russian, why spend on US goods? No need. Technically, it should be governments job to stomp out the people who are over inflating Russian made products. If your currency to USD drops by half, goods made in your country does not automatically rise by half, that is simply market manipulation, and the gov has to stomp that out or Russians will face an issue.

    Stabilizing the currency to gold is good for importing goods, but there shouldn't be a need to concentrate on importing, or your problems will never be solved. Relying on imports makes you a slave to someone else.

    The high interest is not what the CBR should have done. They should be dealing with the issue of market manipulation and companies price gouging. One way of doing this is letting companies default and buy out shares for pennies, and resell the company in privatization.

    Outside of that, gold and other currencies should be for forex and rubles should be demanded for its sales of products, or half rubles half other currency. Outside of that, there isn't a reason why if your currency is valued at millions of rubles to USD, why it should even matter.

    Russia can effectivley crash the economic system by demanding gold for its resources based upon a value they deem gold is at (not in a USD value) and Europe would be in massive trouble, forcing them to make changes. Since Russia is the net exporter for resources that are in demand, they can hold Europe by the balls, but they are not doing it. I would fathom the idea of Russian gov stepping away from central bank and giving loans of their own out, based upon rates they demand. In 2008/9, private companies running their own pawn shops were giving out personal and buisness loans at 5% rates while CBR was giving out at 16% rates. So it can be done.

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    Post  flamming_python Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:56 am

    I'll also say that Russia can hit back at the West hard through the Ukraine. Make them pay through the ass for this ruin of an economy.

    A German official recently called on Russia not to call in the Ukraine's debts, which the British FM found a little weird given that Germany is among the nations sanctioning Russia.
    But really it just goes to highlight just how much of a crappy Germany has been put in, forced to pay the Ukraine's bills.

    - Russia should call in all debts. Naturally. Every single one. Immediately and all at the same time.
    - It should dump all the toxic Ukrainian bonds that it has; even if it looses money, the main thing is that the Ukraine (and through them - the West) looses more and the Ukrainian economy and government is clearly not headed to a better place; so dumping bonds now would be prudent.
    - Increase import restrictions on a larger variety of goods; notably, any Ukrainian company involved in Ukrainian MoD orders (however pathetic they may be); should be sanctioned and not allowed to business with Russian companies.. although this may have to wait for a while until Russia can substitute all critical Ukrainian military imports. However the preliminary stages should be launched now.
    - It should play some games with the Ukrainian currency & stocks too - but only if it stands to gain some money itself through the speculation.
    - Refuse to sell them coal. Let them buy coal from the rebels instead. But this may have to wait again, until import substitution of military goods is completed.
    - Offer all Ukrainian qualified workers at defence & high-tech companies endangered by the ruling retards - work as specialists in Russia.
    - Speaking of import substituion for Ukrainian goods - speed it the hell up. We can hardly tie the noose any tighter while they're holding our balls in a bear trap.
    - Ban all Ukrainian ruling party, all Maidanists, all members of the even more nationalist 'opposition parties', all participants in unconstitutional military action in the Donbass - from Russia. Freeze any accounts and assets they may have in Russian banks, or in Russian soil. Require all Russian companies/enterprises having dealings with any such persons - to cut their business ties with them. Any products produced by any businesses owned by any of these individuals, or any services offered by such companies - must be banned from Russian territory.

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    Post  kvs Sat Jan 10, 2015 4:58 am

    In 2013 the Ukrainian nominal GDP was $175.5 billion and its exports were $71.1 billion. PPP vs nominal is not important for this discussion.
    The Donbas accounted for 25% of Ukraine's exports (Donetsk and Lugansk together). That means 10.1% of Ukraine's GDP has disappeared
    just from the Donbas exports. Of course the GDP of the Donbas is not just exports so the actual loss is higher. Don't forget the loss
    of Crimea as well.

    The figure of 7% GDP decline is ludicrous and hilarious. I suspect that there will be a 10% GDP contraction in the Kiev controlled parts
    of Ukraine. So the total GDP decline is over 20%. The Donbas was sending tax receipts to Kiev so not counting it in the GDP loss
    figure is accounting sophistry.

    My 10% figure for rump Ukraine is actually too low. Russia's economic ties with Ukraine were vital for its industry. The financial
    and services sector of Ukraine is not developed like in the USA, so industry is a bigger fraction of the GDP. This industry is facing
    collapse. Ukraine has entered a depression.

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    Post  sepheronx Sat Jan 10, 2015 6:52 am

    While fitch has lowed Russia's rating to BBB-, Dagong (a Chinese credit institution rating agency) states that Russia's debt is safer than US and that Russia is at A rating while US is at A-.

    Seems that Chinese loans to Russia are safe. US loans to Russia are not. Not surprising.

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    Post  kvs Sat Jan 10, 2015 6:32 pm

    sepheronx wrote:While fitch has lowed Russia's rating to BBB-, Dagong (a Chinese credit institution rating agency) states that Russia's debt is safer than US and that Russia is at A rating while US is at A-.

    Seems that Chinese loans to Russia are safe.  US loans to Russia are not.  Not surprising.

    These Mickey Mouse US based rating firms lost all credibility in 2008. They were giving gold status to
    junk and the meltdown revealed their shenanigans. These clown outfits have been downgrading Russia's
    credit rating since the beginning in a transparently biased and detached from reality way.

    But at the end of the day the clowns only succeeded in shooting themselves in the head. By suppressing
    investment into Russia from the west, they made Russia more independent.

    There is this silly phrase about large corporations being too big to fail. In the case of Russia this label
    is not silly and deadly serious. Russia is too big and advanced to fail from the shit being flung at it by
    western chimps.

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    Post  sepheronx Sat Jan 10, 2015 6:47 pm

    kvs wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:While fitch has lowed Russia's rating to BBB-, Dagong (a Chinese credit institution rating agency) states that Russia's debt is safer than US and that Russia is at A rating while US is at A-.

    Seems that Chinese loans to Russia are safe.  US loans to Russia are not.  Not surprising.

    These Mickey Mouse US based rating firms lost all credibility in 2008.   They were giving gold status to
    junk and the meltdown revealed their shenanigans.   These clown outfits have been downgrading Russia's
    credit rating since the beginning in a transparently biased and detached from reality way.

    But at the end of the day the clowns only succeeded in shooting themselves in the head.  By suppressing
    investment into Russia from the west, they made Russia more independent.

    There is this silly phrase about large corporations being too big to fail.   In the case of Russia this label
    is not silly and deadly serious.   Russia is too big and advanced to fail from the shit being flung at it by
    western chimps.

    If push comes to shove, Russia can call off all debts to their enterprises that are held in the west, and I truly think the western banks know this thus not trying to push more sanctions, in fear that they are going to lose $600B in loans.

    Because if they call off the loans, all money these enterprises gain from both domestic and export sales, are all for them and not for paying off loans to the west. They already lost the western market, so it really doesn't matter much anymore. And majority of the loans are held by energy companies.

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    Russian Economy General News: #3 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #3

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Jan 10, 2015 7:43 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    kvs wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:While fitch has lowed Russia's rating to BBB-, Dagong (a Chinese credit institution rating agency) states that Russia's debt is safer than US and that Russia is at A rating while US is at A-.

    Seems that Chinese loans to Russia are safe.  US loans to Russia are not.  Not surprising.

    These Mickey Mouse US based rating firms lost all credibility in 2008.   They were giving gold status to
    junk and the meltdown revealed their shenanigans.   These clown outfits have been downgrading Russia's
    credit rating since the beginning in a transparently biased and detached from reality way.

    But at the end of the day the clowns only succeeded in shooting themselves in the head.  By suppressing
    investment into Russia from the west, they made Russia more independent.

    There is this silly phrase about large corporations being too big to fail.   In the case of Russia this label
    is not silly and deadly serious.   Russia is too big and advanced to fail from the shit being flung at it by
    western chimps.

    If push comes to shove, Russia can call off all debts to their enterprises that are held in the west, and I truly think the western banks know this thus not trying to push more sanctions, in fear that they are going to lose $600B in loans.

    Because if they call off the loans, all money these enterprises gain from both domestic and export sales, are all for them and not for paying off loans to the west.  They already lost the western market, so it really doesn't matter much anymore.  And majority of the loans are held by energy companies.

    A lot of people have been mentioning that Russia's trump card in the sanctions war is to just enact a debt moratorium and call it a day. Russia has everything to gain and nothing to lose by doing so. Despite the fake end of the Cold War, Russian industries were never allowed in the Western market, and were never allowed to establish a foothold (what a joke), they were blocked the entire way. The West is already applying sanctions and Western ratings agencies are attacking the Russian bond market, Western hedge fund speculators are attacking the Rouble, so this leaves Russia no other choice but to wipe away hundreds of billions of Dollars of debt in retaliation.

    Despite the ridiculously politicized rating agencies, China and India will be investing trillions of Dollars in to Russia in the coming decades.

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    Russian Economy General News: #3 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #3

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:24 pm

    Didn't Fitch so called "rating agency" was giving excelent ratings to the american ENRON energy company..
    and others Banks.. and later they went bankrupt overnight..?  

    This is why i like so much the western anglo-jewish financial industry.. is full of SHIT and disinformation and
    they attack any nation not in line with American GLobal agendas.

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    Post  kvs Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:20 pm

    Vann7 wrote:Didn't Fitch so called "rating agency" was giving excelent ratings to the american ENRON energy company..
    and others Banks.. and later they went bankrupt overnight..?  

    This is why i like so much the western anglo-jewish financial industry.. is full of SHIT and disinformation and
    they attack any nation not in line with American GLobal agendas.

    The US GDP is a fiction. Supposedly 50% of it is finance "industry" out of 70% which is services. WTF is the finance "industry"?
    Industry produces tangible goods. Shuffling money back and forth is an empty process that adds nothing to the economy,
    yet it is being counted as a big contribution. The GDP accounting is full of voodoo which makes the final sum tunable to any
    level desired. For example, foreign borrowing is considered as a plus for the GDP even though the loan plus interest
    must be paid off. Clearly foreign borrowing should be counted as a net negative even if the borrowed money produces economic
    gain. That economic gain is counted as a positive already.

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