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    Russian Economy General News: #5


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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  zg18 Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:29 am

    kvs wrote:I will give you a counter example that utterly destroys this NATO propaganda BS.   Russia can produce six Project 636.3 submarines
    for $2 billion dollars.   One Japanese Soryu class sub which is no better and in the same category of diesel-electrics goes for $2 billion.   Clearly
    Russia is way more efficient at producing this high tech product and the exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar simply cannot explain
    a factor of six difference in the price.  

    This , that is why we have GDP PPP measurement , which in case of Russia gives much better comparison of economic power with other powers than nominal GDP. In case of Russia GDP PPP is TWICE the size of nominal....

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  GarryB Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:50 am

    Actually you just need to look at austerity measures being imposed on Greece by the EU to see what efficient and well developed commercial enterprises are in the west.

    The US and EU limits imports of NZ beef and dairy products because they can't compete with our farmers, but you think they are better than Russian farmers?

    Another superiority myth.

    With a devalued currency the Russias should be well set to compete on the international market for selling products... the high value of the western currencies means they can buy their raw materials cheaply and make money because of this, the Russians should be able to make money on the exchange rate making their raw domestic materials and labour cheap, and earn money because of the value of their currency compared with the value of their customers overseas.

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:31 am

    kvs wrote:
    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    medo wrote:
    This is exactly what I said for some time ago. Russia will become extremely powerful concurent for the West in the international market. They produce their products now with the same high quality as the west with similarly economically and ecologically effective industry, but Russia not only have cheaper currency, but also far lower taxes and debts to pay. EU have large debts and they simply could not lower the taxes, actually they are increasing taxes, that they could pay interests for public debts and to pay public sector.

    There are a few reasons why the GDP/capita in Russia is lower than in the West. One of them is that the Russian economy and industries are not as well developed and efficient than their Western counterparts. So I think the highlighted part of your post is not correct. Russia is not yet on par with the West in this regard.

    You have no clue what you are talking about.   Your so called efficiency is nothing of the sort.   This bogus metric is obtained by dividing
    the GDP by the active population and called "efficiency".   Total, ludicrous nonsense.   Efficiency is related to, you know, actual production.  
    So you cannot use the whole GDP which includes the fluff called the "financial industry" and all of the extra territorial economic revenue
    you generate thanks to transnationals.   You have to use the fraction of the GDP related to domestic production.   Manufacturing in
    the USA is less than 20% of GDP.   So start by comparing apples to apples.

    I will give you a counter example that utterly destroys this NATO propaganda BS.   Russia can produce six Project 636.3 submarines
    for $2 billion dollars.   One Japanese Soryu class sub which is no better and in the same category of diesel-electrics goes for $2 billion.   Clearly
    Russia is way more efficient at producing this high tech product and the exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar simply cannot explain
    a factor of six difference in the price.  

    Please, dont bother answering him. I answered him dozens of times and the dolt refuses to listen. He is simply trolling. Him and his other account.

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:20 am

    sepheronx wrote:Please, dont bother answering him.  I answered him dozens of times and the dolt refuses to listen.  He is simply trolling. Him and his other account.

    Just tell him this.

    Most of the times Soyuz and Proton brought Western satellites and humans into the aerospace. U.S. bought RD-180 from Russia. The basic part of ISS is made and controlled by Russia.

    Titanium valley is inside Russia. Russia has the biggest titanium producer in the world. Titanium part of U.S. metallurgy companies are made in factories in Russia, by the hands and brains of Russian workers and engineers.

    Russia spearheaded in oil drilling technologies. It is Russia who taught the West how to drill oil in the past. Russia spearheaded in turbin drilling, angled drilling, branched drilling, drilling in harsh terrains, in the deep water...

    Russia is the Lord in nuclear technologies. They make zicron parts for the nuclear reactor cores. They manage to manufacture non-tritium H-bomb. They made Tsar Bomba. While U.S. H-bomb still needs tritium.

    In Russian and European cities, people live in industrially-made apartments and have well-organized large-scale heating system using the excessive heat from the power plant. Meanwhile the U.S. cities are literally gigantic village, people live in expensive hand-made wooden houses, and have no public heating system. U.S. people use individual heaters which is less effective and emit more carbon dioxide into the air.

    In Russian and European cities, there are well-organized public transport system. In U.S. people mostly travel from home to workplaces by private cars, which consumed more fuel and emitted more carbon dioxide.

    M1 Abrams is inferior to Leo 2, and is inferior to T-72B/T-80U/T-90A. Abrams was penetrated by 20mm gun in the rear. Abrams still use human loader while for long T-xx has used autoloader.

    F-15 was defeated by Su-30 in military exercises. Europe rejects M16 design and use the basic design of SVT and AK to make their own rifles. Meanwhile nobody match the popularity of AK... yet. NATO's 5,56mm is clearly inferior to Russian M43 7,62mm and M74 5,45mm.

    Etc etc.
    Prince Darling

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  Prince Darling Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:53 am

    guys the best EU companies are obviously more efficient than russian ones in more or less ever consumer product segment.
    There are obviously some exeptions but you are blind if you think that EU in general is behind russian economy or even on par with russian economy.

    i am sorry if that upsets you. russia has a lot of catching up to do, branding and consumer comfort are the areas where most has to be done, functionality and quality of build not soo much, but Russian branding outside Russia is very very weak (very much doubt that the average person has heard of many russian brands outside energy/weapons/vodka sector)

    it will be very interesting to see, how russian industry reacts to the oil price drop and low value rubel (great news for them to be honest) and if they expand into foreign markets as i expect, now is the time that money will be going into non-energy sectors, as the oil and gas market wont be bringing in astronomical returns such as in the 100$ oil era.

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:18 pm

    Prince Darling wrote:guys the best EU companies are obviously more efficient than russian ones in more or less ever consumer product segment.
    There are obviously some exeptions but you are blind if you think that EU in general is behind russian economy or even on par with russian economy.

    i am sorry if that upsets you. russia has a lot of catching up to do, branding and consumer comfort are the areas where most has to be done, functionality and quality of build not soo much, but Russian branding outside Russia is very very weak (very much doubt that the average person has heard of many russian brands outside energy/weapons/vodka sector)

    it will be very interesting to see, how russian industry reacts to the oil price drop and low value rubel (great news for them to be honest) and if they expand into foreign markets as i expect, now is the time that money will be going into non-energy sectors, as the oil and gas market wont be bringing in astronomical returns such as in the 100$ oil era.

    The sector that Russia lags behind is marketing and market researches. That is the result of Soviet planned economy prior 1991. But there is no way that Russian industry/manufacture/science is inferior.

    That is the reason why a lot of Russian brands suffered terribly after 1991. But inside Western goods there are considerable number of Russian/Chinese/Japanese... parts.

    Remember. Titanium parts of Boeing is made by Russian.

    Russia being inferior in science is a myth.
    Karl Haushofer

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  Karl Haushofer Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:23 pm

    kvs wrote:
    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    medo wrote:
    This is exactly what I said for some time ago. Russia will become extremely powerful concurent for the West in the international market. They produce their products now with the same high quality as the west with similarly economically and ecologically effective industry, but Russia not only have cheaper currency, but also far lower taxes and debts to pay. EU have large debts and they simply could not lower the taxes, actually they are increasing taxes, that they could pay interests for public debts and to pay public sector.

    There are a few reasons why the GDP/capita in Russia is lower than in the West. One of them is that the Russian economy and industries are not as well developed and efficient than their Western counterparts. So I think the highlighted part of your post is not correct. Russia is not yet on par with the West in this regard.

    You have no clue what you are talking about.   Your so called efficiency is nothing of the sort.   This bogus metric is obtained by dividing
    the GDP by the active population and called "efficiency".   Total, ludicrous nonsense.   Efficiency is related to, you know, actual production.  
    So you cannot use the whole GDP which includes the fluff called the "financial industry" and all of the extra territorial economic revenue
    you generate thanks to transnationals.   You have to use the fraction of the GDP related to domestic production.   Manufacturing in
    the USA is less than 20% of GDP.   So start by comparing apples to apples.

    I will give you a counter example that utterly destroys this NATO propaganda BS.   Russia can produce six Project 636.3 submarines
    for $2 billion dollars.   One Japanese Soryu class sub which is no better and in the same category of diesel-electrics goes for $2 billion.   Clearly
    Russia is way more efficient at producing this high tech product and the exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar simply cannot explain
    a factor of six difference in the price.  

    But Finland does produce a lot more per one citizen than Russia does. Finnish economy and industry is more efficient than the Russian one. This is why people in Finland have higher salaries and higher purchasing power than people in Russia. I wish Russia well but it is not a fully developed country yet.
    Karl Haushofer

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  Karl Haushofer Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:26 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Please, dont bother answering him.  I answered him dozens of times and the dolt refuses to listen.  He is simply trolling. Him and his other account.

    Just tell him this.

    Most of the times Soyuz and Proton brought Western satellites and humans into the aerospace. U.S. bought RD-180 from Russia. The basic part of ISS is made and controlled by Russia.

    Titanium valley is inside Russia. Russia has the biggest titanium producer in the world. Titanium part of U.S. metallurgy companies are made in factories in Russia, by the hands and brains of Russian workers and engineers.

    Russia spearheaded in oil drilling technologies. It is Russia who taught the West how to drill oil in the past. Russia spearheaded in turbin drilling, angled drilling, branched drilling, drilling in harsh terrains, in the deep water...

    Russia is the Lord in nuclear technologies. They make zicron parts for the nuclear reactor cores. They manage to manufacture non-tritium H-bomb. They made Tsar Bomba. While U.S. H-bomb still needs tritium.

    In Russian and European cities, people live in industrially-made apartments and have well-organized large-scale heating system using the excessive heat from the power plant. Meanwhile the U.S. cities are literally gigantic village, people live in expensive hand-made wooden houses, and have no public heating system. U.S. people use individual heaters which is less effective and emit more carbon dioxide into the air.

    In Russian and European cities, there are well-organized public transport system. In U.S. people mostly travel from home to workplaces by private cars, which consumed more fuel and emitted more carbon dioxide.

    M1 Abrams is inferior to Leo 2, and is inferior to T-72B/T-80U/T-90A. Abrams was penetrated by 20mm gun in the rear. Abrams still use human loader while for long T-xx has used autoloader.

    F-15 was defeated by Su-30 in military exercises. Europe rejects M16 design and use the basic design of SVT and AK to make their own rifles. Meanwhile nobody match the popularity of AK... yet. NATO's 5,56mm is clearly inferior to Russian M43 7,62mm and M74 5,45mm.

    Etc etc.

    I'm not saying that Russia does not excel in many different fields. But on average Russians are poorer than westerners. And per capita the Western economies produce more than the Russian economy does.

    The primary job for an economy is to generate wealth and security for the citizens of a country. The best measurement for this is the average purchasing power per capita. In Finland it is still a lot higher than in Russia, even if Finnish economy is not doing so well right now.
    max steel
    max steel

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  max steel Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:25 pm

    Finland Only country in the EU that managed a negative GDP. Finance minister Alexander Stubb and Foreign Minister Timo Soini (look up in dictionary what "timo" means in civilized languages) promise to CIA that they can do better: Says Stubb: "We only managed a -1% drop in GDP but guarantee that our new program will bring it down to -2% by year end". Soini chimes in: "We remain fully committed to the Baltification of Finland in accordance with out atlantist policies."

    Linked story and photo about Finns on 30 July in the center of Helsinki queing for charity bread at a food bank. With 22% real unemployment this is the only way for many people to survive. Finland's mainstream media does not want to show these pictures so as to expose the crumbling welfare state with a president and government exclusively preoccupied with building a EU superstate and NATO-led aggression against Russia. Exports to Russia down by 42% in May, more people beyond the poverty line.

    Last edited by max steel on Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Karl Haushofer

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  Karl Haushofer Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:27 pm

    max steel wrote:Finland Only country in the EU that managed a negative GDP. Finance minister Alexander Stubb and Foreign Minister Timo Soini (look up in dictionary what "timo" means in civilized languages) promise to CIA that they can do better: Says Stubb: "We only managed a -1% drop in GDP but guarantee that our new program will bring it down to -2% by year end". Soini chimes in: "We remain fully committed to the Baltification of Finland in accordance with out atlantist policies."

    Linked story and photo about Finns yesterday 30 July in the center of Helsinki queing for charity bread at a food bank. With 22% real unemployment this is the only way for many people to survive. Finland's mainstream media does not want to show these pictures so as to expose the crumbling welfare state with a president and government exclusively preoccupied with building a EU superstate and NATO-led aggression against Russia. Exports to Russia down by 42% in May, more people beyond the poverty line.
    Yeah, Finland is in a gutter right now. Things are likely going to get worse before they get better.

    But Finns do live better than the Russians. You only have to cross the border from Finland to Russia to see a noticeable difference. Hopefully Russia will be able to close this gap in the future.

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:01 pm

    Have you? Care to share your perosnal photos?

    I keep hearing the claims, but not seen the evidence.

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:12 pm

    Prince Darling wrote:guys the best EU companies are obviously more efficient than russian ones in more or less ever consumer product segment.
    There are obviously some exeptions but you are blind if you think that EU in general is behind russian economy or even on par with russian economy.

    i am sorry if that upsets you. russia has a lot of catching up to do, branding and consumer comfort are the areas where most has to be done, functionality and quality of build not soo much, but Russian branding outside Russia is very very weak (very much doubt that the average person has heard of many russian brands outside energy/weapons/vodka sector)

    it will be very interesting to see, how russian industry reacts to the oil price drop and low value rubel (great news for them to be honest) and if they expand into foreign markets as i expect, now is the time that money will be going into non-energy sectors, as the oil and gas market wont be bringing in astronomical returns such as in the 100$ oil era.

    This is true. Some of it has to do with what our vietnam friend said, but a lot of it has to also do with suffocation of the market. Some new names may pop up, but only in sectors were the economy was untouched (Tesla electric cars vs standard automotive companies). There is no way, no matter how much marketing and bullshit avtovaz will pull, their cars will never be big or even enter various markets. Simply to do with the fact of multitude of reasons - 1. Politics, 2. Overproduction from other brands, 3. Strength of the other companies positions in their respective countries. They will fill a nitch market but the only thing they can do now is take in companies that already produce such goods to open a manufacturing plant in Russia. Outside of that, Russian domestic companies will always face issues with EU and NA goods in competition. They did afterall have far more than 25 years headstart.

    Hence why they must push their brands in developing countries whom dont already have manufacturing for such goods there. Hence why Avtovaz has to be more agressive. But since Avtovaz isnt Russian anymore so maybe other companies will have to.

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  Austin Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:33 pm

    Some instersting data for Oil at $40

    Probability of conservative scenario for Russian economy in next 3 years is low — ministry

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  Austin Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:36 pm

    Perfect Storm ?

    Trade turnover between Russia and China expected to recover in 2-3 years

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  Austin Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:43 pm

    Help Russia during testing time of sanctions, Rostec appeals to Modi government
    Karl Haushofer

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  Karl Haushofer Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:01 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Have you? Care to share your perosnal photos?

    I keep hearing the claims, but not seen the evidence.
    I don't have any personal photos to offer, but the infrastructure does get a lot poorer when you go to Russia.

    For example Kuusamo (a small city in northern Finland) is a modern and well developed Finnish town. You can nowadays cross to Russia from Kuusamo. You should see how these small villages and towns  look like in East Karelia (or Viena Karelia as it is called in Finland) in Russia. It looks probably the same that Kuusamo looked in the 1940's and 1950's. There is no running water in these villages. You see cows, hen and chicken wandering on the dirt roads at summers.

    They look like this:

    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Kuva-Jyrki-Nisonen1

    I realize that this is not how all of Russia looks like, but there are no underdeveloped places like this in Finland at all. Even the most remote villages have the basic services (even internet connections).

    Last edited by Karl Haushofer on Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:02 pm

    Austin wrote:Some instersting data for Oil at $40

    Probability of conservative scenario for Russian economy in next 3 years is low — ministry

    They should, imo, set a budget with the idea of oil being $20bbl. The budget at first would be considerably smaller, but over time, excess of money from oil and gas should go directly to the governments reserve (not CBR) so that it would be used to finance important infrastructure and major state run companies exapansions. This would ultimately break the bond between fed budget and oil/gas.

    These stress tests are nothing but hoopla. Europe did plenty on their banking system and it was a joke. Essentially, Russia needs to step back a bit, maybe extend deadlines when certain projects need to be finished (SAP-2020) and move any saved finances towards industry, construction and services.

    The other thing to do is fire the economics minister. Get someone else who knows more about their own economy. Someone who will act rather than not. This guy sure sounds alot like the idiots we have in our government.

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:07 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Have you? Care to share your perosnal photos?

    I keep hearing the claims, but not seen the evidence.
    I don't have any personal photos to offer, but the infrastructure does get a lot poorer when you go to Russia.

    For example Kuusamo (a small city in northern Finland) is a modern and well developed Finnish town. You can nowadays cross to Russia from Kuusamo. You should see how these small villages and towns  look like in East Karelia (or Viena Karelia as it is called in Finland) in Russia. It looks probably the same that Kuusamo looked in the 1940's and 1950's. There is no running water in these villages. You see cows, hen and chicken wandering on the dirt roads at summers.

    They look like this:

    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Kuva-Jyrki-Nisonen1

    I realize that this is not how all of Russia looks like, but there are no underdeveloped places like this in Finland at all. Even the most remote villages have the basic services (even internet connections).

    I highly doubt your last statement, as we have various areas in Canada that doesnt have internet. Some even without running water.

    But also take into consideration of sheer size of Russia and population vs Finland.  Much easier for Finland.  As well, that photo has powerlines going to those homes. So they clearly have utilities.  Roads suck, I agree.
    Karl Haushofer

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  Karl Haushofer Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:20 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:

    I highly doubt your last statement, as we have various areas in Canada that doesnt have internet. Some even without running water.

    But also take into consideration of sheer size of Russia and population vs Finland.  Much easier for Finland.  As well, that photo has powerlines going to those homes. So they clearly have utilities.  Roads suck, I agree.

    Well, anyone can build a wooden shack to a Finnish forest and go to live there without internet connection. But every population center (with more than 50 people) has an access to internet, even in the northern part of the country.

    Yes, I think they have utilities but a these small villages in Eastern Karelia don't have a running water. In northern Finland there were some small villages without running water in the 1970's but not anymore.

    And I think population density is more important than the size of the country. Finland has a very low population density, especially in the northern Finland. This is why it's impressive that Finland has been able to develop the whole country. Might be a different thing in the future though. Finland is going downwards rather than upwards.

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:27 pm

    145 - 147 mil pop vs 5.5mil

    17,098,242 km^2 vs 338,424 km^2

    Utilities in Finland have a lot less distance to travel to connect to other locations. As well, lower population, easier it is to take care of it, unless you are an African country.

    Go back to your hole flagship....karl or whatever.

    Btw, good job on ignoring KVS reply. But he did put you in yoir place and doesnt quite work out to your liking.

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:33 pm

    China is Russia’s No.1 Partner in Arctic Development - Lavrov

    Pakistan Keen to Join EEU Free Trade Area - Prime Minister

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Oldie but goldie

    Post  bmtppk Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:42 pm

    i thought one of the guys here said my grandfathers dont get 5k-6k RUB per month

    hahhaha even the russian guy says that in the comments, also another comment that caught my eye

    Это внучка Сталина — Крис Эванс. Ей 40 лет, живёт в Портленде,США владелица винтажного магазина.
    «Гражданин США Сергей Хрущёв бывает в Москве наездами, в основном на презентациях своих книг и похоронах своих родственников. Правнучка Никиты Сергеевича, Нина Львовна Хрущёва, преподает на факультете международных отношений в университете New School в Нью-Йорке.

    Преподавала хореографию в Майами внучка председателя КГБ СССР и Генсека КПСС Юрия Андропова, Татьяна Игоревна Андропова. Там же, в США, живет и её брат Константин Игоревич Андропов.
    Правнук Леонида Ильича по линии сына, Дмитрий, сейчас изучает политологию в Оксфордском университете. В Калифорнии живет и племянница Леонида Брежнева — Любовь Яковлевна.
    Дочь главного идеолога позднего коммунизма, аскета Михаила Суслова, Майя Михайловна Сумарокова, с 1990 года вместе с мужем и двумя сыновьями живет в Австрии.

    Дочь Горбачева Ирина Вирганская живет, в основном, в Сан-Франциско, где располагается главный офис «Горбачев-Фонда», в котором она работает вице-президентом».
    Да, и что-то никто из детей коммунистических бонз не хочет оседать в КНДР или Венесуэле

    Коммунисты порвали свои партбилеты. Горбачёв теперь в Англии юбилеи справляет. Дети наших комунистов учатся в Кембриждах, ездят на иностранных Бентли.Круизят на яхтах идея обзывать других предателями процветает до сих пор вступить во 2 Мировую войну, захватив Польшу с дружком-Гитлером Сначала послать наш Солдат на советско-нацистский парад в Бресте, врать им 70 лет про изобилие при коммунизме, потом обокрасть, дав им нищенские пенсии? Товарищ, не там предателей ищете.А где парт билет Путлера — Дочь Сталина — десятилетия жила и умерла в США.
    — Сын Хрущева — гражданин США.
    — Где дочери Путина? В России их не видно.
    — Депутат Пехтин. С сыном в США.
    — Министр транспорта Московской области — Кацыва. С сыном в США.
    — Дети депутата Железняка — живут в Швейцарии.
    — Дети Астахова. Один во Франции, другой в Англии.
    — Дети и внуки "главного патриота России" главы РЖД Владимира Якунина живут за пределами страны — в Англии и Швейцарии.
    — Дочка министра иностранных дел Сергея Лаврова Екатерина живет и учится в США.
    — Сын — вице–спикера госдумы А.Жукова долго жил и учился в Лондоне.
    — Дочь вице–спикера гос.думы Сергея Анденко учится и живёт в Германии.
    — Старший сын вице–премьера Дмитрия Козака — Алексей живет за границей и занимается строительным бизнесом.
    — Младший брат Алексея Козака, Александр, работает в Credit Suisse
    — Старший сын депутата Ремезкова, Степан, недавно закончил милитер–колледж Вэлли Фордж в Пенсильвании (год обучения стоит 1 млн 295 761 руб.). Его младшая дочь живёт в Вене, где занимается гимнастикой. Маша Ремезкова представляла сборную Австрии(!!!) на детских соревнованиях в Любляне.
    — Дочь депутата В. Фетисова — Анастасия, выросла и выучилась в США.Писать и читать по–русски Настя так и не научилась.
    — Дочь Светланы Нестеровой, депутата гос.думы от фракции "Единая Россия" — живет в Англии.
    — У главного борца за "традиционные православные ценности" Е. Мизулиной сын Николай учился в Оксфорде, получил диплом и переехал жить на постоянной основе в толерантную Бельгию, где разрешены однополые браки.
    — Дочь депутата Воронцова Анна проживает в Италии. Туда она переехала из Германии.
    — У единоросса Елены Раховой, прославившейся тем, что она ленинградцев, проживших менее 120 дней в блокаде, назвала "недоблокадниками", дочь живет в США.
    — Дочь экс–спикера ГД,одного из основателей партии "Единая Россия", а ныне члена Совбеза Бориса Грызлова Евгения живёт в Таллине. И даже недавно получила эстонское гражданство.
    — Сын бывшего министра образования Андрей Фурсенко живёт на постоянной основе в США.
    — Сын В.Никонова (внука Молотова), президента фонда "Политика" — гражданин США.
    Дочь Лаврова в сША
    Мужская смертность в России одна из самых высоких в мире. При этом 30% умерших - это мужчины трудоспособного возраста. Средняя продолжительность жизни у мужчин на 13 лет меньше, чем у женщин - у женщин 72 года, у мужчин 58,8. Основные причины - алкоголизм, онкология, травмы и отравления. Смертность от злоупотребления алкоголем за последние 5 лет возросла в России в 3,5 раза. По смертности в дорожно-транспортных происшествиях Россия обогнал европейские страны в два раза Россия - богатейшая страна в миреУдивляться надо не тому, что жить стало хуже, а тому, что мы вообще живы . Целые города и села прекращают свое существование из-за отсутствия в них населения

    funny how all the ''important people''s children either are citizens of a foreign country or live there. Because they know russia is a shithole after being in foreign countries. They know the country is fucked. it kinda makes me sad there is NO future for russians in russia

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    Russian Economy General News: #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #5

    Post  flamming_python Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:27 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:
    Karl Haushofer wrote:

    I highly doubt your last statement, as we have various areas in Canada that doesnt have internet. Some even without running water.

    But also take into consideration of sheer size of Russia and population vs Finland.  Much easier for Finland.  As well, that photo has powerlines going to those homes. So they clearly have utilities.  Roads suck, I agree.

    Well, anyone can build a wooden shack to a Finnish forest and go to live there without internet connection. But every population center (with more than 50 people) has an access to internet, even in the northern part of the country.

    Yes, I think they have utilities but a these small villages in Eastern Karelia don't have a running water. In northern Finland there were some small villages without running water in the 1970's but not anymore.

    And I think population density is more important than the size of the country. Finland has a very low population density, especially in the northern Finland. This is why it's impressive that Finland has been able to develop the whole country. Might be a different thing in the future though. Finland is going downwards rather than upwards.

    Every Russian village has electricity, even some completely remote mountain settlements in Dagestan or villages in the middle of the Siberian tundra.

    Most Russian villages have running water, and I think most are gasified too.

    About internet I dunno, but remote houses or villages can always rely on satellite connections; it's the same for remote regions in most Western countries too.

    State of the roads for most of these villages and small settlements are usually terrible; but if you're acquainted with Russian cars or trucks then you know that they're designed to handle these conditions.

    Generally speaking it's completely unfarir to compare the quality of Finnish and Russian infrastructure. The two countries face completely different challenges. Their climates are similar but that's the only thing in common.
    About the sparcely-populated Finnish North - there are areas in Russia which are x100 as big, and with x10 as few people - than the 'very low population density' Northern Finland.

    Distances between nearest settlements in Russia can reach into the hundreds of kilometres. There can be just a few villages, with few people living between them, but hundreds of kilometres of road still needed to maintain communication between them and with the rest of the country. It's very expensive to maintain such infastructure when there is so little economic benefit to offset the cost, but nevertheless it is usually done (except for small settlements in the far north, which are resupplied by helicopter at great expense).

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    Post  kvs Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:51 pm

    Prince Darling wrote:guys the best EU companies are obviously more efficient than russian ones in more or less ever consumer product segment.

    What are you talking about?  What consumer product segment?  Ever hear of China?  Look at the lebels on these "EU" products.
    You are using the same broad and uninformed brush that the other one was using.  

    It is patent nonsense to claim that "russian" companies are all inferior to some mythical EU companies.   Nokia does not exist anymore
    and the makers of YotaPhone are clearly not inferior in any sense of the word.   Their latest models have truly revolutionary features.

    There are obviously some exeptions but you are blind if you think that EU in general is behind russian economy or even on par with russian economy.

    i am sorry if that upsets you. russia has a lot of catching up to do, branding and consumer comfort are the areas where most has to be done, functionality and quality of build not soo much, but Russian branding outside Russia is very very weak (very much doubt that the average person has heard of many russian brands outside energy/weapons/vodka sector)

    it will be very interesting to see, how russian industry reacts to the oil price drop and low value rubel (great news for them to be honest) and if they expand into foreign markets as i expect, now is the time that money will be going into non-energy sectors, as the oil and gas market wont be bringing in astronomical returns such as in the 100$ oil era.

    What upsets me is the typical chauvinist westerner ignoramus pontification on all things Russian.   Before generalizing based
    on basically nothing, it would help to go and buy a clue.

    It's funny how you and others like you expect Russian transition to capitalism to be instantaneous when every single freaking
    western company took many decades to reach the level you think is somehow intrinsic to your gene pool.   I only need to cite
    names like Novator and Schwabe to demonstrate that Russian companies are reaching world leading levels.   Since Russia is
    in an epic transition that not a single western country has had to endure, it can be forgiven for actually taking a few years
    to spin up.   Finger snapping "internet judges" and their opinions are ridiculous.
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:08 am

    Am I understanding this correctly??

    U.S. International Reserve Position
    The Treasury Department today released U.S. reserve assets data for the latest week. As indicated in this table, U.S. reserve assets totaled $121,181 million as of the end of that week, compared to $120,036 million as of the end of the prior week.

    Russia’s international reserves stood at $364.6 billion as of August 21 — regulator
    August 27, 15:50
    MOSCOW, August 27. /TASS/. Russia’s international reserves mostly comprising gold and foreign currency increased by $1.7 billion in the week of August 14-21 to $364.6 billion, the Central Bank of Russia said on Thursday.

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