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    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News


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    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:24 pm

    George1 wrote:Russian shipbuilding still in trouble

    A couple of recent announcements indicate that Russian shipbuilders are continuing to struggle with construction of new types of ships. First came the announcement, right at the end of 2015, that the commissioning of the Admiral Gorshkov frigate was being delayed for another year, until the end of 2016. At the same time, the navy announced that the Admiral Grigorovich frigate will be commissioned in the first quarter of 2016. It had previously been expected to be commissioned in May 2015, before being repeatedly pushed back. In addition, commissioning of the lead ship of the Alexandrit class (Project 12700) of minewsweepers has been pushed back yet again, to May 2016. It was originally planned to be in the fleet back in 2013. And sea trials of the Ivan Gren amphibious ship were also delayed until the first quarter of 2016. As a result, in 2015 the Russian Navy received no new blue water surface ships.

    On the other hand, it lost the services of several ships, including the Steregushchiy corvette that suffered a fire in April and both Neustrashimyi class frigates. The latter ships are waiting to be overhauled at Yantar shipyard, but the overhaul will take a long time since Ukraine will not supply replacement engines for the ships. The lack of engines will delay construction on most of the larger classes of surface ships, including Project 22350 (Admiral Gorshkov class hulls 3-4), Project 11356 (Admiral Gorshkov class hulls 4-6), and Project 20385 (Stereguschiy class variant, replaced by Project 20380 with less reliable Russian-built engines).

    Submarine construction may seem better on the surface, with the commissioning of two Improved Kilo class ((Project 636) diesel submarines and the return to active service in 2015 of the Akula class submarine Gepard and the Sierra class submarine Pskov after length overhauls. While there is no doubt that Russian submarine construction is in much better shape than the construction of ocean-going surface ships, there are problems here as well. First of all, despite being commissioned back in 2013, the Severodvinsk SSN remains in sea trials for the third year.

    But more importantly, development of a new class of diesel-electric submarines appears to be in trouble. Problems with propulsion systems have long delayed commissioning of the lead vessel of the Lada class, resulting in the decision taken several years ago to build six Improved Kilo class submarines for the Black Sea Fleet. The Russian Navy appeared to be moving on in announcing the successor Kalina class, which was to have air-independent propulsion systems (AIP). Russian experts argued that AIP would be ready by 2017-18, and the new submarines could be built relatively quickly after that. However, the Russian Navy recently announced, with quite a bit of fanfare, that it had ordered another six Improved Kilo class submarines for the Pacific Fleet. These are very good submarines, which undoubtedly be equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles that will give them a potent anti-ship and land-attack capability. But the implication of this announcement is that the Russian Navy does not expect to receive any of the new Kalina class submarines any time soon, and is therefore ordering the tried and true submarines to fill the gap.

    All in all, it seems that Russian shipbuilding is continuing to “tread water,” successfully building ships that it has already built in the past but having serious problems with delays in the new projects that were expected to form the core of the Russian Navy in the 2020s.

    ...So were back to citing Dmitry Gorenburg now lol? lol1

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    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:36 pm


    First we have this:

    ....On the other hand, it lost the services of several ships, including the Steregushchiy corvette that suffered a fire in April and both Neustrashimyi class frigates. The latter ships are waiting to be overhauled at Yantar shipyard, but the overhaul will take a long time since Ukraine will not supply replacement engines for the ships. ...

    And then in the very same paragraph we have this:

    ...The lack of engines will delay construction on most of the larger classes of surface ships, including Project 22350 (Admiral Gorshkov class hulls 3-4), Project 11356 (Admiral Gorshkov class hulls 4-6), and Project 20385 (Stereguschiy class variant, replaced by Project 20380 with less reliable Russian-built engines)....

    So Russian engines are "less reliable" than Ukrainian engines that just happen to have tendency to spontaneously combust?  Suspect

    My advice: stick with the shitty no good less reliable Russian engines and leave amazing super awesome Ukrainian engines to next set of morons willing to pay money for something that will turn their entire fleet of ships into real life metaphor of Ukrainian nation.

    As for Severodvinsk, it may be on trials but it is only ship of it's class and is needed to get data for Yasen-M vessels that are being built now. And I am sure that, even while on "trials", it is more than capable of dumping it's entire load of Kalibrs on Saudi oil fields at the moments notice... You can kill that entire country that way without actually killing a single person.  Twisted Evil

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    Post  GarryB Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:21 am

    you can talk about problems with Ukrainian made components holding up production, but at the end of the day when current model Corvettes can attack land targets 1,500km away and hit them with such precision that conventional warheads can be used rather than small nukes, I think that speaks for itself... the Kirov class battle cruisers have never had that capability, though with upgrades that can be added.

    Those same corvettes can carry Onyx supersonic anti ship missiles and will soon be able to carry Zircon hypersonic anti ship missiles in their UKSK launchers... 8 tube launchers making them able to carry the same main armament of a Sovremmeny Destroyer or a Udaloy class anti sub destroyer.

    The Frigates... when they come on line have the firepower of a Sov and a Udaloy... they can carry 8 Onyx and 8 equivalents of the anti sub SS-N-14 silex missiles in the Klub family in vertical launch tubes... still just a frigate.

    The reality is that the numbers of vessels really doesn't show the reality of the situation... it would be like looking at the thousands of piston engined propeller driven fighters in 1945 and comparing that with the number of jet powered aircraft in 1955... rather less jets, but those older planes wouldn't stand a chance against the jets.

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    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News

    Post  RedJasmin Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:41 am

    My view is that there are various issues all piling up which have conspired to squash shipbuilding for the last two decades.

    1. Aging talent. Similar to in the aerospace and other high skill engineering sectors in Russia, the marine engineering sector has a serious issue with an ageing workforce, and a shortage of young high quality talent due the collapse in training regimes in the 90s, and the declining perceived status of engineering and other production sectors over better paying "new economy" jobs.

    2. Lost era. Disruption to the industry caused by the Soviet collapse some design areas, particularly marine electronics and propulsion essentially had a "lost generation", missing out on developments like the azimuth pod thruster and the like.

    3. Mission. I often think part of the naval establishment feel they are in the Soviet Union and fighting the Cold War, and another part are trying to pull all the various assets together and seeing if they can form a cohesive modern vision out of it that answers specifically Russian needs. Until there is some consensus in the establishment about what the role of the navy should be, it's going to be hard for shipbuilders to plan ahead with some idea of what sort of orders they will be getting.


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    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News

    Post  sepheronx Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:07 am

    The defense industry employs over 600,000 people. And no, not all of them are old.  You are aware that plants like sukhoi has their own acadomy as well?

    Yeah, no.  Good job on copying whatever is said from western msm and possibly wikipedia.

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    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News

    Post  Isos Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:18 pm

    sepheronx wrote:The defense industry employs over 600,000 people. And no, not all of them are old.  You are aware that plants like sukhoi has their own acadomy as well?

    Yeah, no.  Good job on copying whatever is said from western msm and possibly wikipedia.

    They lack specialists not workforce. It's easy to form a 20 years old guy to do a specials task but harder to form an ingeneer that will lead a team about the new generation of tanks, ships, jet ...

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    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News

    Post  sepheronx Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:20 pm

    And yet there doesnt seem to be that much evidence to support that theory, seeing as how Russia is not only coming up with new systems, but state of the art.

    Armata tank, T-50, Gorshkov, Borei, etc.  All new designs.

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    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News

    Post  Isos Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:32 pm

    sepheronx wrote:And yet there doesnt seem to be that much evidence to support that theory, seeing as how Russia is not only coming up with new systems, but state of the art.

    Armata tank, T-50, Gorshkov, Borei, etc.  All new designs.

    25 years without designing anything new is an evidence. A lot of them went in Israel, you can analyse Israel arms: all derivated of russian programs (trophy, surface to air missiles...). It's totaly normal that they produce today new thing, Russia has the good universities to support this. You can't deny that.

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    Post  sepheronx Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:52 pm

    But that comoletely goes agaibst the statement earlier.  You cant design something new if you dont work at it.  You could say US lacks skilled workers cause of similar statement - lack of real new equipment.  But that isnt the case.

    During the 90's, Russia was still working on projects but there was no real financial gain behind it and thus they never saw the light of day in real use.  Su-47 Berkut as an example, or T-95 tank.  Then there was other projects like Ivan Gren in the earlier 2000's and as well as Su-37, MiG - light 5th gen aircraft designed but never made, etc etc.  Israel gets majority of their tech from US.  Then they come up with some other additional tech.  But outside of that, they are not something super new an advanced, but quite practical and good for Israeli needs.  Merkava, Iron Dome, Green Pine, etc.

    Russia lost a lot of engineers, that is true, but majority of the population are considered skilled workers due to public education that reaches to university level.  And after soviet Union, how many of these guys were left without a job?

    After money came back, so did new designs.  And they were relatively quick at that too, which leads me to believe they always had the tallent just not the funds.

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    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News

    Post  Isos Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:09 pm

    sepheronx wrote:After money came back, so did new designs.  And they were relatively quick at that too, which leads me to believe they always had the tallent just not the funds.

    Yes that's what I was saying. I agree with you. I just wanted to point that the lack of money pushed some good engineers to found new job, but not in defence industry. Now with money coming back they come back too.

    Those projects are good but they didn't sell them, that's the problem. Other countries like USA and Israel haven't designed much more than russia but they sold their stuff, upgrade packages ...

    I think 2015 is a start of a new era for the russian industry. If they manage to sell some better export version and not monkey version, it's will be better.


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    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News

    Post  George1 Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:27 pm

    Kronstadt Marine Plant joined the USC

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    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News

    Post  George1 Wed May 11, 2016 9:46 am

    Interview with President of JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation" Alexei Rakhmanov

    The newspaper "Vedomosti" in its issue of May 10, 2016 published an uninteresting interview with the president of JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation" Alexei Rakhmanov. Our blog brings her some shortened version of this interview, in the version posted on the website edition.

    - What are the indicators of USC in 2015?
    - According to preliminary calculations, the revenue will be summed at the level of 304 billion rubles. (+ 8% in 2014), net profit - more than 20 billion rubles. (Increased by about two times). At the same time, our order backlog estimated amount of about 1 trillion rubles., A significant proportion of it provides a long-term program of military shipbuilding. But we certainly see and quite a large volume of orders, which can perform for our oil and gas, fishing and shipping companies. Target for 2016 - about 400 billion rubles. Revenue and 14 billion rubles. Net profit.
    - 1 trillion rubles. - A list for how long?
    - This is the amount of the order, to which we can expect in the medium term - up to 2024-2025 years. It is clear that this figure can not be taken into account emerging new projects, the real figure may be higher. And if we extrapolate our revenues for the years 2014-2015. a 10-year period, it will exceed 3 trillion rubles. In this regard, our key objective - increasing the proportion of the portfolio of orders of civil and military-technical cooperation (MTC, arms exports).
    - What is their share in the proceeds of USC?
    - The share of civilian shipbuilding this year - 10%, and the task in 2025 to bring it to 25%. Share in BTC - 15%, the remaining 75% - is the fulfillment of the state defense order.

    - What are the main objectives you set for yourself now, after fifteen years of leadership USC?
    - I see the USC mission is to strengthen the country's defense: high-quality and timely implementation of the state defense order and at the same time do everything to support the production, economic and infrastructure development of the civil shipbuilding. We, as a responsible manufacturer committed to providing the demand of both Russian and foreign customers for high-tech ships and vessels. And as a responsible employer we pay serious attention to the training and retraining of personnel - in order to raise the level of knowledge and skills in the entire shipbuilding industry.

    USC sells 30.2% stake in the Novorossiysk Shipyard
    - Non-competitiveness of the car industry in the USSR was able to integrate into the world market, not least due to the fact that with your participation were created understandable and attractive to investors, the rules of the game. How big is the role of industry officials?
    - When I was engaged in the automotive industry, we felt that in order to be globally competitive in certain sectors, we need to have a volume of not less than 3 million products. This can be done, if you combine a number of assets. This option was not supported because of the difference of shareholders' interests [of automobile enterprises]. So we went for option "B" - "Localization" - and that is implemented today. Maximum development of the state that is interesting: the tax base, new capacities. And a system of state selective aid to those who can reach the level of, at least a little close to the global automotive industry.
    - What do you think you can manage to pull shipbuilding, as once the auto industry?
    - If you want to laugh God, tell him about your plans. It will be possible or not depends not only on me but on my team, on the situation in the country on the world stage. There are a lot of factors, and I would not make plans.
       I am ready to engage in the development of the industry as much as the country's leadership sees fit.
       Everyone has an error, a lot has not yet been done, but we are trying to build an effective structure, not to lie, to fulfill its obligations, to appreciate their employees. As much as it may sound pompous.
       I would like to build a system with resistance to complex industry-climate, which in a few years we are trying to catch up on everything that has been done 20-25 years.
       You open, it happens, and you read the article, "the USC repair submarine 12 years." It seems to be true, but let's ask: how USC was financed last 10 years? And it turns out that a more or less adequate money allocated only last 3-4 years. In this sense, I am grateful to the Government and the Ministry of Defence that appeared rhythmic funding.

    The main customer
    - While USC remains primarily a military equipment manufacturer. Are you satisfied in conjunction with the customer difficulty as the Ministry of Defence?
    - I would never complain about your customer, whether it is the Ministry of Defense, commercial company or travel agency in Finland. The customer has the right to demand, is entitled to their opinion. But it must not be forgotten that in shipbuilding products manufacturing cycle, taking into account the design takes up to 6-7 years. During this time, changing laws, managers, economic situation. Often without adjustments do not, for objective reasons, and here we are arguing with the customer. But I am sure that in each case we find a solution, because everyone is trying to do what is best for the country.
     And we, and the Defense Ministry are interested in clear and transparent rules of the game. If you want from me the finished product on time, it is possible when I get the right to discipline their suppliers for missed deadlines. And for those who do not have direct contracts with USC, I can not do it. And if we agree on the procedure for passing ships, it is possible to speak about the performance or non-compliance with its obligations USC only if passed by the order and the amount of work remain unchanged until the end of the contract.
    - How well do you do for a military order?
    - Margin of military orders on any of the projects does not exceed 6%.
    - The adopted amendments to the Federal Law № 275 of the state defense order, tighten the procedure of payments between the customer and can not reduce the margin even further?
    - We are absolutely clear why they are taken. Obviously, bringing order to the budget funds needed. Nevertheless, in spite of the stated objectives, the law does not create incentives to reduce costs. Moreover, we almost lose the Treasury function. Except, perhaps, the administration of payments.
    Elementary loans to cover cash shortages become a problem, and the interest on the loan fall in net profit, which is already enough to swear.
    Particularly acute in the realities of the Federal Law № 275-date is a question the use of the Ministry of Defense standard for penalties. In the current realities of their size becomes comparable with revenues of enterprises. And then what? Bankruptcy? I do not think that this state approach.
    USC in 2021 to invest 31 billion rubles in modernization "Severnaya Verf"
    There is a saying: hard to swim against the tide, especially with their hands tied. This is exactly the situation. To achieve high economic efficiency in terms of more regulation, to put it mildly, difficult. We talk about our problems, and I'm glad that we hear in the Ministry of Defense. Hope, discussed the changes in the federal law will help solve most of our problems.

    Military secrets
    - The annual report of USC said that Russia in the period 2009-2014. He ranked second in the number set by the world market submarines, corvettes and frigates. Whether these positions?
    - As long as we produce the quietest diesel-electric submarine in the world ( "Warszawianka" Project 636), we will be buyers. Until we produce the armed corvettes and frigates, we are interested in foreign customers.
    - What else is our best ships of foreign analogues, but what they lose?
    - We still produce submarines and surface ships cheaper than foreign ones. In this regard, the Russian production is of great interest. We learned how to build war machines for the efficient allocation of arms, we have very good relations with the suppliers of the corresponding systems.
    At the same time we are sometimes criticized, that we build the ships, which serve well, but not to live, while the majority of foreign competitors in building ships, in which people live with all the comfort. I do not take this remark as a reproach, but as praise. Our ships do not always look glamorous, but it is good to perform combat missions.
    With regard to export activities, we are pleased that the adopted amendments to the legislation to allow management companies integrated structures qualify for the right of foreign trade activities in the field of military products. We hope that from 1 July 2016 USC will have the right to conduct independent foreign economic activity. In this case, we are together with "Rosoboronexport" will be able to more effectively prove that the Russian weapons is the best in the world.
    - Why do you do if there is a "Rosoboronexport"?
    - The fact that colleagues concentrate on the direction of the "main attack" - the supply of finished products, and in any case it will be the responsibility of "Rosoboronexport". But there is a smaller deal, which is effective for us, but not so interesting for him: the same spare parts, servicing, modernization. We know this topic a little deeper and be able to master it, it seems to us, faster and more efficiently.
    - In 2014, Russia became the world leader in the export of warships in displacement due to supply the Indian Navy aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" (former "Admiral Gorshkov"). Anticipated more such orders?
    - I do not want to reveal military secrets. I can only say that we have quite a large backlog of orders. Backlog at the MTC Corporation and a half decades.
    - But the first place in 2015, Russia lost?
    - Such calculations - none of our business. I think more correct to ask the Federal Service for military-technical cooperation.
    - There is a program of construction of medium and large amphibious ships due to the large depreciation of the existing ones?
    - Of course. On the "Yantar" plant being built such ships, and one of them is scheduled for delivery in the near future.
    - What is the need for them is the Ministry of Defence?
    - I think you'd better answer to the Defense Ministry, if not deem this information to a military secret.
    - Are there any plans in the foreseeable future if it overhaul of the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov", and a long stretch without him?
    - Again, I will give an answer similar to the previous one.
    - What is the fate of the second triple frigates of Project 11356, the construction of which the Kaliningrad factory "Amber" was suspended due to non-delivery of Ukrainian gas turbine power plants?
    - We continue to work within the framework of the state defense order. But it is also considered fundamental possibility of the completion of the second triple frigates of Project 11356 for the benefit of the Indian Navy. The engines for these vehicles are fully paid to the Ukrainian side, manufactured, and at the moment they are in their factory. In the case of the adoption of the Indian side the decision to purchase these frigates we know how to solve the problem.
    - Is there a program of import substitution in engine?
    - The program has also actively implemented. As I said, there are several players who, with the assistance Minpromtorga design and preparing to start production of the major ship systems: diesel generator sets, gas turbine units, main propulsion systems. Test samples and prototypes have already made, we hope to begin mass production until 2018. In this case, the USC will be their main customer.
    - Who will produce the engines?
    - Work on the turbine engines of the Russian manufacture is conducted in Rybinsk on "Saturn", we expect to receive their engines from 2018 for gas turbine gearboxes will be made of the St. Petersburg factory "Star". Also work on import substitution, but the ship's diesel engines is to Kolomna near Moscow plant. We are working on localization and production of diesel engines imported brands.

    In civilian sector
    - Why Russian shipbuilders account for such a tiny proportion of Russian orders for civilian equipment -. 4% in 2009-2014, according to the USC report for 2015?
    - Domestic shipbuilders are building as much as they bought domestic shipowners. The reasons are not the biggest demand - cost and cautious attitude towards the quality of products. Devaluation of the ruble made that part of the works and services that provide the Russian shipyards, quite competitive on the world market. However, the cost of components in the global division of labor remained the same, and the same for shipyards in Germany, Korea or Russia. For example, only 5% of the price of the trawler up design work and only 15% - the cost of the actual construction. At the same time, the lion's share - the price of imports (50%) and national (20%) of materials and equipment. These figures show that the price of 2/3 is laid on the table in the designer, who chooses the equipment. And he chooses it in accordance with the terms of reference of the customer.
    We strive to rectify the situation by going from design organizations. But keep in mind that long breaks in their work, have occurred in the past decades have led to the destruction of continuity. This affects including in the implementation of design solutions speed.
    - How will you increase the share of civil orders in the portfolio? And it is important, if the state defense order for decades to ensure you download the shipyards?
    - If you look at the USC only as a military shipbuilding company, then you can forget about the future. This is including the fact that the financing of the state defense order rush subsides by 2020 Evolve, we can only consortium producing and military and civilian equipment. All major innovation, all the technological breakthroughs, all modern shipbuilding enterprises management practices come to us through the citizen, through communication with suppliers, designers, and so on. D. The import substitution program also applies mostly to the citizen and it enables us to find solutions that can be easily adapted for naval shipbuilding. Any narrowing of the horizon of our communication, including with competitors, leads to stagnation in the industry.
    USC plans to put a fleet of about 20 warships and vessels in 2016
    Now, about the strategy of increasing the share of civil orders. We work to reduce costs in order to offer customers more attractive prices. Now combine the shipyard in clusters in the North-West region are implementing the concept of a distributed shipyard: spend modernization of enterprises, not as separate production units, as well as the platforms group, each of which has its own specialty. On some we develop metal Cutting, production buildings and sections, others forming this production into larger units and then - in the finished products. Thus, we reduce investment costs, concentrate efforts at the points of competence and collecting finished Court where efficient from the standpoint of tax and customs legislation.
    In December 2015 the USC has signed an agreement with the free economic zone "Lotus" in the Astrakhan region. It allows the production of the necessary buildings and sections us not to pay customs duties and VAT.
     The corporation established control for each type of commercial shipbuilding. Sometimes they offer a rather unusual form of cooperation. For example, one oil and gas company, we are working on the scheme, the cost of the open (when the customer sees what margin we earn, see the whole structure of our costs, can be compared with world prices). In this way we show that is absolutely open, working at a fixed margin, which we agree from the outset.
    - And what is the margin?
    - In civil orders, we are working for a net margin of about 10-15%. This, on the one hand, not particularly large, on the other - allow development finance program. We see the construction of passenger ships one of the promising areas of activity, along with the creation of fishing and icebreaking fleet. In this position there is reason: the fact that the deterioration of the domestic courts in the present moment more than 70%, and the average age of the equipment for a long time exceeded the specified operating time. It is typical for the river and for the fishing fleet, as well as for river cruise ships.
    Thus, updating the civil fleet vessels bound. And USC has the manufacturing resources in order to increase the pace of manufacturing: the necessary power is on SMZ, the Amur shipyard in the group KNRG (a group of "Caspian Energy" Astrakhan - "Vedomosti."), At the Khabarovsk plant, Nizhny Novgorod plant "Red Sormovo ". And, of course, a lot of potential in the USC shipbuilding cluster in the North West, the real rate of growth in the region Shipbuilding - 10-15% per year.
    This topic may add that we expect to create a captive leasing company, which will be one of the tools for financing transactions ( "Goznak-leasing"). We plan that one of the leasing companies under the jurisdiction of Industry and Trade will be transferred in the next few months USC. Its capital is now about 10 billion rubles., And we will gradually increase the volume of orders. The law on the budget for 2016 is expected contribution to the charter capital of the USC in the amount of 4 billion rubles. These funds will be spent on the development of the leasing of passenger ships. The problem - for 10 years to build a leasing company with a portfolio of orders at the level of 300 billion rubles. We will start to build equipment that neither in Russia, nor in the Soviet Union was built about 50 years.
    - The leasing company is the sales tool or another and should earn?
    - Of course, the main thing for us is to create an additional market our products. But there is no point in creating an unprofitable business.
    - USC's not all civil projects can be implemented?
    - We are not ready to build ships with a displacement of over 100 000 tons - there on the trigger power limit for lifting mechanisms. But the implementation of the program of technical re-equipment will be able to produce a displacement of up to 250 000 tons. Another question is whether it will demand? In answer it, in my opinion, can only state by running long-term planning mechanism. And I also appeal to pay attention to such an effective tool as input-output balance, for which in Soviet times was responsible Gosplan, and now Rosstat and the Ministry of Economic Development.
    - Which segments of civil shipbuilding the most promising for USC?
    - At the moment, we have built about 45 units of sea and river equipment, including transport, research, rescue and auxiliary vessels. 17 icebreakers and ice ships of different classes, including a series of 60-megawatt nuclear icebreakers Project USC 22220. obviously the largest producer of ice-breakers in the world.
    We also have the relevant competencies for the construction of high-tech specialized vessels for offshore operations. This is the segment where we are valued, and where Russia needs to stake out their place and continue to actively compete in the global market.
    We know how and we are able to build drilling platforms and all kinds of marine equipment for oil and gas offshore. Plus there is a certain experience in the construction of fishing vessels, vessels of mixed profile "river - sea".

    Grown to dividends
    - What is the investment program at USC 2015-2017 gg. and what will the investment?
    - Total in 2015 the USC Company implemented more than 80 investment projects of capital construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production facilities, including 60 - in the framework of the federal program. The total amount spent on investment projects amounted to more than 11.8 billion rubles., Of which more than 6.6 billion rubles. - The federal budget.
    In 2016, the amount of which is formed of the budget funds, credit money, as well as equity, it was to be about 37 billion rubles. However, the situation is changing in connection with the optimization of the budget.
    We believe that the investment will create a modern shipbuilding industry for the construction of civil and military vessels, marine equipment (including ice-resistant), and warships; to carry out the replacement of worn out equipment in the modern; develop and build new engineering services and networks; repair and build objects of capital construction. The main issue now with optimized performance of our investment program.
    - What percentage of in 2015 were loaded USC power and how this figure may be in 2016?
    - The average rate will be uninformative. It is better to talk about specifics. So, in the factories of the Northwest Cluster, including our shipyard in Helsinki, current loading approaches 100%. But the Far Eastern companies, by contrast, underutilized. In 2016, we expect to normalize the situation on them by redirecting incoming orders and greater inclusion in cooperation.
    - Is it important to USC because of its defense tasks to be profitable?
    - Of course! Like any business structure. During 2014 the USC for the first time in the history of dividends paid - about 500 million rubles. (USC Board of Directors has not yet considered the question of the payment of dividends for 2015 and also appointed the date of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders -. "Vedomosti"). We plan to continue to do that, to be efficient and profitable, if only because that the profit will be one of the main sources of funding for our development.

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    Post  Dima Wed May 25, 2016 8:50 pm

    Two news articles from earlier dates.

    12 November 2015
    Project involving development of a test rig for steam 75 MW turbines to be supported by the Russian government

    The Industrial Development Foundation of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade has agreed to provide St. Petersburg Tractor Plant CJSC (Zavod Kirov-Energomash OJSC) with a EUR 7 mln loan to upgrade the unique test rig for super-power marine steam-turbine plants.

    Kirovsky Zavod OJSC plans to build a facility to test marine steam turbine installations under full load with a capacity of 75 MW. The total project cost is about EUR 20 mln. The test facility is slated to be launched in 2016.

    The testing rig is supposed to reduce the time needed for transition from the prototype to serial production and should provide a proper test procedure for power-generating equipment according to current requirements.

    The test rig shall be used in the process of testing steam-turbine plants with a capacity of 72 MW, manufactured by Zavod Kirov-Energomash OJSC This turbine is designed for use in the world's largest atomic icebreaker - Arktika, project 22220.

    Another one, posting for info.

    13 May 2013
    Kirov Group Will Supply Equipment for World's Largest Diesel-Electric Icebreaker

    Kirov-Energomash, a subsidiary of the Kirov Group, will manufacture an anti-icing turbocompressor worth $3.2 million for the next-generation multifunctional icebreaker.

    Kirov-Energomash obtained a contract to manufacture the major part of the ice protection system for the 25-megawatt icebreaker for Russia's state shipping company Rosmorport. According to the contract, Kirov-Energomash will produce an electrical axial turbocompressor with the productivity of 21 m/s and the discharge pressure of 2.12 kgf/cm2. The project cost is estimated at $3.2 million and is scheduled to be completed by April 2014. Currently Kirov-Energomash and designing bureau Iceberg are preparing manufacturing facilities.

    The Kirov Group has a vast experience in developing parts for ice protection systems. In particular, all Russian icebreakers operating in the Arctic are equipped with anti-icing devices with compressors manufactured by Kirovsky Zavod and its subsidiaries. The ice protection system is designed to supply compressed air along the shipboard, which keeps ice from accumulating on the surface and reduces the friction while a vessel is in motion. Therefore, the vessel receives an increased icebreaking capability.  

    The "LK-25" multifunctional icebreaker is the largest and the most powerful diesel-electric icebreaker in the world. It is designed to operate as a single unit as well as an auxiliary ship in the fleet along the Northern Sea Route. The icebreaker can also be utilized for towing, rescue, drilling and oil-extracting operations and expeditions in both sea ice and clear waters. The "LK-25" is capable to run uninterrupted in the ice up to two meters thick.

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    Post  Dima Thu May 26, 2016 7:14 pm

    1/3rd of that total cost is likely to be that of German diesels.

    7FBTK ‏@7FBTK May 16
    Cost to build Mangust patrol craft for Russian Coast Guard in 2013: RUB 146,392,028... cost in 2016: RUB 197,102,733
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    Post  George1 Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:28 am

    Report of JSC "Zelenodolsk Plant named after AM Gorky" for 2015

    OAO "Zelenodolsk plant named after AM Gorky" has published its annual report for 2015. The report said that during the reporting period to the achievements of the company include:

    The market for specialized shipbuilding SDO line:

    Within the framework of the state defense order in 2015, the factory passed the Navy Russia three ships:

    - Small missile ship Project 21631 head. № 634 "Green Dol" on the Black Sea Fleet.
    - Small missile ship Project 21631 head. № 635 "Serpukhov" on the Black Sea Fleet.
    - Transport floating dock project 22570 head. № 571 "Sviyaga" in the Northern Fleet.

    In addition, the plant in the framework of the state defense order in 2015 continued the construction of seven (7) vehicles [actually six]:

    - Small missile ship Project 21631 head. № 636 "Vishny Volochek."

    - Small missile ship Project 21631 head. № 637 "Nut-Zuevo."

    - Small missile ship Project 21631 head. "Ingushetia» № 638.

    - The border patrol ship project 22100 head. "Polar Star» № 111.

    - Patrol boat project 22160 head. Number 161, "Vasily Bykov."

    - Patrol boat project 22160 head. № 162 "Dmitry Rogachev."

    The More tab of six (6) vessels was carried out during the year:

    - Small missile ship Project 21631 head. № 639 "Graivoron" April 10, 2015).

    - Cable Project 15310 ships head. №№ 301, 302 (6 January 2015).

    - Special-purpose boat project 21980 head. Number 988 (12 January 2015).

    - Special-purpose boat project 21980 head. № 989 (May 7, 2015).

    - The border patrol ship project 22100 head. № 112 (June 15, 2015)

    three state contracts concluded in 2015:

    - January 6, 2015 for the supply of two cable ships project 15310;

    - April 9, 2015 for the supply of border patrol ship project 22100 head. Number 112;

    - April 9, 2015 for the supply of border patrol ship project 22100 head. Number 113;

    Special shipbuilding market through BTC:

    In cooperation with JSC "Rosoboronexport":

    - Carries out construction of the frigates "Gepard-3.9" with the PLO.

    February 15, 2013 in the framework of the foreign trade contract signed between JSC "Zelenodolsk Plant named after AM .Gorkogo" and JSC "Rosoboronexport" signed a government contract (State contract) for the delivery of two frigates "Gepard -3.9" with foreign customers ASW 704 [Vietnam].

    State Contract entered into force on May 14, 2013, after receiving from the Vietnamese side of the down payment.

    Currently, work is underway on the 4th stage of construction orders manager. №956, 957 "Electrical equipment, launching" with the term of presentation of the delegation of 704 foreign customers.

    - Has been working for the supply of spare parts kits on previously allocated and built frigates "Gepard-3.9" for foreign customers 704.

    Work together with JSC "Rosoboronexport", FSMTC to find promising export orders:

    - Foreign customers 398 [Kazakhstan] small missile ships of the project 21632 "Tornado".

    - Foreign customers 144 [Sri Lanka] ocean patrol ship on the basis of the frigate "Cheetah - 5.1" (parties stipulated the basic positions of the contract);

    - Foreign customers 050 [Bangladesh] two patrol ships based on the frigate "Gepard -3.9" (a quotation from the Russian Federation, on the basis of calculations of "Zelenodolsk Plant named after AM .Gorkogo", September 18, 2015 sent to foreign customer for the international tender ).

    - Foreign customers 682 [Saudi Arabia] five patrol ships of project 22160 (materials for the preparation of commercial proposals submitted to the JSC "Rosoboronexport in early December 2015)

    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News

    Post  Guest Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:18 pm

    "A fire broke that out on Tuesday at the Sredne-Neskiy Shipyard damaged "Georgiy Kurbatov", a new mine countermeasures ship being built for the Russian Navy. At 7:30pm on June 7, emergency officials received their initial report about a fire at the shipyard in Pontonnyy, located a few miles east of St. Petersburg. Within five minutes, the first fire engine arrived at the scene. By 8:10pm, the severity of the fire had been raised to Category 3. The fire was localized by 10:20pm, and fully extinguished at 2:54am on June 8.

    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 1

    Despite the damage to the minesweeper, shipyard press secretary Aleksandr Malakhov told reporters that the ship will still be delivered to the Russian MOD on time - fall 2017. Malakhov said this was possible as no major equipment or systems had been installed on the ship prior to the fire. According to Maksim Meyksin, chairman of the St. Petersburg Committee on Industry, the minesweeper's launch, scheduled for July 2016, will be postponed. "

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    Post  Dima Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:29 pm

    ^^^ Bad news indeed if the new 12700 minesweeper caught fire. How can they be so careless and need to also check if there was any foul play with deliberate act on destroying/delaying the process.

    It was to be launched on July 29.

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    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News

    Post  TheArmenian Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:05 am

    It was not ship that caught fire. Things around it burned.

    The ship had nothing fitted on it yet. he hull is made of a special polymer which does not burn.

    Fortunately no one was injured.


    Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Naval Shipbuilding Industry: News

    Post  Guest Thu Jun 09, 2016 2:58 pm

    TheArmenian wrote:It was not ship that caught fire. Things around it burned.

    The ship had nothing fitted on it yet. he hull is made of a special polymer which does not burn.

    Fortunately no one was injured.

    Seems that some hull segments suffered some damage too, but since nothing was outfitted on it, damage is not very "expencive".

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    Post  Dima Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:50 pm

    TheArmenian wrote:It was not ship that caught fire. Things around it burned.

    The ship had nothing fitted on it yet. he hull is made of a special polymer which does not burn.

    Fortunately no one was injured.

    Thanks thats a relief. Very Happy
    The report earlier posted said not much damage was done as nothing was installed implying that the hull caught fire.

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    Post  George1 Fri Jun 24, 2016 6:04 am

    CMDB "Almaz" Annual Report 2015


    The past 2015 was quite interesting in the sense that for the first time after overcoming the crisis of the Russian shipbuilding 90-ies of the last century in six domestic shipyards at the same time were in various stages of testing eight head of vessels designed JSC "CMDB" Diamond ":

    • Oceanographic research vessel "Amber" Project 22010 "Cruys" built on Primorsky shipyard "Yantar" in Kaliningrad;

    • Maritime transport arms "Academician Kovalev" project 20181, built in ship repair "Zvezdochka" in Center

    • Rescue ship "Igor Belousov" Project 21300 "Dolphin", built at the Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg;

    • Border patrol ship "Polar Star" Project 22100 "Ocean", built at a shipyard named after AM Gorky Zelenodolsk, Republic of Tatarstan;

    • Small patrol ship (corvette) 20380 "Perfect", built at the Amur Shipbuilding plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur;

    • Basic minesweeper "Alexander Obukhov" Project 12700 "Alexandra", built on the Mid-Nevsky Shipyard in St. Petersburg

    • Raid Minesweeper "Alatau" project 10750E built at the same shipyard;

    • «Sviyaga" transport floating dock project 22570, built at a shipyard named after AM Gorky Zelenodolsk, Republic of Tatarstan.

    Thus it is necessary to take into account the complex geopolitical situation in the world, costing side of our industry and have a negative impact on the performance of our obligations to customers: the imposition of sanctions by Western countries raised questions about the supply of certain types of marine equipment, including power plants, what else
    sharper revealed sore import problem in our industry in general and shipbuilding in particular.

    In spite of the aggravating factors of the situation, Bureau staff fulfilled the main objectives set for 2015. During the reporting year, in addition to the parent vessels were transferred to government customers serial ships and boats, designed by the Bureau:

    - Serial coast guard vessel project 10410;

    - Serial patrol boat project 12200 "Sable";

    - Seven serial high-speed patrol boat project 12150 "Mongoose".

    In the area of ​​military-technical cooperation with foreign states in the reporting year was handed over to the naval forces of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the two series of missile boats 12418 project, built on the shipyard Ba Son Limited in Ho Chi Minh City under license and under the technical supervision of engineers of "TTSMKB" Diamond". Part of the work designated for the Bureau in the framework of this project was successfully completed in 2015. In addition, Vietnam continues to implement the project TP-400 in favor of the Navy in Vietnam. The project of "CMDB" Diamond "also fulfills its part of the design work.

    These directly report:

    In the reporting year as part of a military ship were transferred to government customers the following ships and boats, designed by JSC "CMDB" Almaz "and built on 13 shipyards:

       - Head the rescue ship "Igor Belousov" Project 21300 "Dolphin"

       - The leading oceanographic research vessel "Amber" Project 22010 "Cruys"

       - Head sea transport weapons "Academician Kovalev" project 20181

       - Parent "Sviyaga" floating dock project 22570

       - Seven serial high-speed patrol boat project 12150 "Mongoose"

       - Serial coast guard vessel project 10410

       - Serial patrol boat project 12200 "Sable"

       - Two series of missile boat project 12418.

       In the reporting year we were under construction head 5 and 13 series units, namely:

       - The head of the project 20385 corvette and one serial of the same project

       - Two serial corvette 20380

       - Head sea transport weapons "Academician Makeyev" project 20183

       - Head base minesweeper "Alexander Obukhov" Project 12700 "Alexander" and the serial "George Kurbatov" the same project

       - The parent raid minesweeper "Alatau" project 10750E

       - Head coast guard vessel "Polar Star" Project 22100 "Ocean"

       - Serial small missile ship project 1234EM

       - Serial towing vessels Project 11982 "Ilmen" and "Ladoga"

       - Two series of missile boat project 12418

       - Two serial service-crew boat project 21270.

       JSC "CMDB" Almaz "has traditionally been an active participant in the process of military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states. For more than 65-year history of the development of the Office for his projects were built and exported about 1,000 naval engineering units in over 40 countries around the world.

       The following projects in the Russian Federation with foreign states military-technical cooperation is planned to be completed after the reporting year:

       • Project 12418 - construction of missile boats (RCA) under the license of "CMDB" Almaz "in the shipyard in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The contract covers the construction of the first 2 RCA in Russia and the subsequent 8 RCA in Vietnam.

       • 10750E Project - construction raid trawlers "Alatau" for the Navy of Kazakhstan is scheduled for completion by mid-2016

       • 1234EM Project - works to correct and support the modernization of small missile ship Navy Algeria will
       completed after the reporting year.

       • Project TP-400 - work on creation of patrol ships for the Navy in Vietnam.

       During the period of "CMDB" Almaz "has worked in the following areas of development of design documentation:

       1. Development of technical projects 20386, 22800, 23550.

       2. Develop a working design, production, acceptance documentation: - Projects 21300, 20181, 20380 (A-A), 22010, 20380 (4), 12200, 20385, 20183, 22570, 22100, SVP-30, 12270M, 11982, 12700 , 22800.

       3. Technical support of construction orders - Projects 12150, 12700, 20380 (K-A, 4), 21300, 20180, 11982, 12200, 20181, 20183, 22570, 11982, and others.

       4. Other design trends.

       5. Implementation of FTP-OCD-2 theme.

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    Post  George1 Mon Jun 27, 2016 10:11 am

    Annual Report of the Northern Design Bureau for 2015

    Published annual report of joint stock company "Northern Design Bureau" (St. Petersburg) in 2015.

    The report says that in the reporting period JSC "Northern PKB" provided documentation and technical experts on the promotion of construction, the builders of plants:

    - Three head orders (projects 22350, 11356 and 22160);

    - Nine serial orders (projects 22350, 11356 and 22460);

    - Modernization of the five orders (projects 11442M, 11551, 1155, 1164, the cruiser "Aurora").

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    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:28 am

    George1 wrote:Annual Report of the Northern Design Bureau for 2015

    Published annual report of joint stock company "Northern Design Bureau" (St. Petersburg) in 2015.

    The report says that in the reporting period JSC "Northern PKB" provided documentation and technical experts on the promotion of construction, the builders of plants:

       - Three head orders (projects 22350, 11356 and 22160);

       - Nine serial orders (projects 22350, 11356 and 22460);

       - Modernization of the five orders (projects 11442M, 11551, 1155, 1164, the cruiser "Aurora").

    So they planning to refit all of their Slava's, Kirovs and Udaloys plus Sovremennyy's?

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    Post  George1 Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:31 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:

    So they planning to refit all of their Slava's, Kirovs and Udaloys plus Sovremennyy's?

    i have the same wonder Question

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    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jun 28, 2016 5:51 pm

    George1 wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:

    So they planning to refit all of their Slava's, Kirovs and Udaloys plus Sovremennyy's?

    i have the same wonder Question

    Given the fact they have yet to finish the Marshal Ustinov they put her in at 2011 right?.

    Not to mention the Tigr and Leopard have been in refit since 2011, the Stormy 2012.

    I have serious doubts they can finish the 15 destroyers, the two remaining Kirov's (unsure if they will refit Lazarev, the slava, the aircraft carrying cruiser.

    Not to mention they want to refit all their Pikes all 10 and haven't finished one yet. The four Sierra's not one is done ether. The eight Oscar's which one isn't done yet.

    Plus build all the stuff they are currently building and plan to.

    I have serious doubts, their ship building industry can pull such a tall order off.

    At the pace they are going zero point in refitting has these ships by the time they get them done they could just build something to replace them.

    I mean hell combined with all the other ships, do they even have enough men to crew this many vessels?. Once you add up the corvettes, subs, support ships, the new frigate classes. The other ships they want to build

    I mean why update the old DD's if your just going to replace them? refitting them wmeans they plans to keep those things in service for a long time.

    Do they even have enough money to maintain such a massive fleet when combined with the newer stuff?

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