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    Syrian War: News #19


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:07 am

    Russia could wipe out all of IDLIB terrorist in just hours  with conventional weapons  if they used heavy incendiary bombs..and in seconds with nukes.... and had no care for civilians lives..  Political games of using civilians as human shields.. are not only used by Alqaeda and ISIS like groups.. but also
    by the Pentagon too. .since their bases in Syria are deployed in zones with heavy civilian
    concentration around their base.. US also when provoking Russia with their warships ,they like to invite nations that Russia is looking to have very good relations ,,,,,,, like Germany
    and France or italy..

    So is a war of deception , using valuable factions ,that Russia cares about them.. and use them as human shields.. wisely enough Germany refused to participate with their military
    in Syria.. Merkel knew very well the AMericans will do everything to get German troops
    and Russian troops into a fight.. provoked by US.

    in more news..
    apparently social media syrianperspective blogs is reporting that sputnic Arabic.. is claiming
    that... western spies were captured by Syrian army in their advances on IDLIB..

    The Arabic-language website of Sputnik quoted Brigadier General Ali Maqsoud as saying on Thursday that they have captured ‘advisers’ and intelligence officers from several countries, including Turkey and Israel. He said that the Syrian army surrounded a large number of terrorists during SAA counter attacks and has detained 25 to 30 foreign intelligence officers, adding that militants launched several desperate attacks to free the foreign agents but were forced to retreat.

    and after Russia small success in IDLIB ,bombing headshoppers.. Trump is now using twitter to accuse Russia of "warcrimes" for bombing civilians.. and demanding Russia
    to stop..


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:53 pm

    Man those Russian made Kornets are hurting Assad, he lost three tanks and a few gun trucks today alone.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Regular Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:12 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Man those Russian made Kornets are hurting Assad, he lost three tanks and a few gun trucks today alone.

    It only shows how good ATGMs are and how hard is to destroy the operator. Usually it's already too late and ATGM system and it's operator training cost way less than tank and their crew.
    Russian ATGM killing Syrians on both sides is only good for ROSOBORONEXPORT ATGM sales... Fuck sake

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jun 05, 2019 7:55 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Man those Russian made Kornets are hurting Assad, he lost three tanks and a few gun trucks today alone.

    Usually people says a Hit = "tank destroyed"
    but most times the tank can be repaired in a day or one week..
    it all depends where the hit was.. if the munition explode.. can be a total destruction..

    in more news..
    It seems those Syrian army casualties are not in vain... if reports are true
    they recovered more territory in IDLIB.. even with Turkey help..

    Jun 4
    Yesterday the NFL shelled western Hama with Grad rockets, today the SAA captured three towns in northwestern Hama as a response, al-Qayutiyah, al-Humyrat and Qyratah.

    The terrorist operation in Syria is unsustainable ,because those that finance IDLIB
    will spend a fortune ,feeding millions there... since a city cant be self sufficient in a war..
    Russia for example can bomb.. the power plant and electric grid of IDLIB with ease..
    So it will be a total nightmare for any goat sucker to live there..  Is not that Syria will be a paradise either but they trade with the world.. while IDLIB is an artificially created state..with no long term future.. and the entire operation will collapse if Erdogan is killed
    or lose Power... because opposition to Erdogan wanted to Restore in full relations with
    Syria..  and so that means end the interference and invasion of Syria.. and close the border for idlib terrorist and it will die the entire operation.. is impossible Erdogan can sustain/hold idlib for a decade or more when half of its population oppose that war..and Russia will be bombing his goat suckers every day or week.. making sure ,life for them will be a hell..

    Only option Erdogan have to create a permanent IDLIB will be declaring war on Syria ,IRAN  and Russia.. and so this will threaten the existence of Turkey itself.. since Russia can send Turkey economy to the stone age.. not only with sanctions but also with their airforce bombing.. and leave in total darkness all Turkey , without electricity and water service turkey major cities .. And NATO will not join Turkey in a war with Russia. So Erdogan is risking the existence of Turkey itself ,if goes into a war with Russia.. or threaten at least its economy or its own political future ,if continue playing same duplicity games.. with Syria.. Erdogan will have to choose .. sooner or later...if want to keep relations with terrorist and Russia at same time..  it will find that is not possible..

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:43 pm

    Regular wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Man those Russian made Kornets are hurting Assad, he lost three tanks and a few gun trucks today alone.

    It only shows how good ATGMs are and how hard is to destroy the operator. Usually it's already too late and ATGM system and it's operator training cost way less than tank and their crew.
    Russian ATGM killing Syrians on both sides is only good for ROSOBORONEXPORT ATGM sales... Fuck sake

    Oh sure good for export bad when you trying to accomplish a geopolitical goal, when your proxy army is getting torn up by your own weapons

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:26 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Regular wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Man those Russian made Kornets are hurting Assad, he lost three tanks and a few gun trucks today alone.

    It only shows how good ATGMs are and how hard is to destroy the operator. Usually it's already too late and ATGM system and it's operator training cost way less than tank and their crew.
    Russian ATGM killing Syrians on both sides is only good for ROSOBORONEXPORT ATGM sales... Fuck sake

    Oh sure good for export bad when you trying to accomplish a geopolitical goal, when your proxy army is getting torn up by your own weapons

    True but that proxy army agreed to became proxy army only recently once it was dropped by previous sponsors so like Professor Hulk said "I see this as an absolute win"


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:37 pm

    Summary of Syrian army recent days new advances.
    after capturing -losing and recapturing an strategic city.. last week..

    Southfront good report..

    and even better ANNA news is Back at Syria ..
    videos of Syrian army advance in IDLIB , from last week progress. it seems..

    ANNA News report with English subtitles: SAA battles to liberate Al Gab, Northern Hama.

    Foreign mercenaries in Idlib and Turkey's role in arming terrorism


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  GarryB Thu Jun 06, 2019 8:58 am

    If they couldn't get Kornets they would be using something else anyway...

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  kvs Thu Jun 06, 2019 2:37 pm

    The tone by the resident trolls makes it seem like "Assad" is losing (notice the propaganda language of replacing the SAA
    by Assad as if the whole conflict is between him and some "rebels", bugger off). WTF is this nonsense? It is the "rebels"
    that are losing and badly. That is why precious NATO hyenas are baying for blood again to rescue their proxies.


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Thu Jun 06, 2019 4:11 pm

    kvs wrote:The tone by the resident trolls makes it seem like "Assad" is losing (notice the propaganda language of replacing the SAA
    by Assad as if the whole conflict is between him and some "rebels", bugger off).   WTF is this nonsense?  It is the "rebels"
    that are losing and badly.  That is why precious NATO hyenas are baying for blood again to rescue their proxies.

    Assad is the leader of the country and the SAA, like it or not the SAA is carrying out Assad's orders with some pushing from Russia. So if they lose Assad loses.

    If that is propaganda language you are just one biased dude, Oh right the SAA decided to launch the offensive without Assad's permission. I swear what an idiotic remark on your part.

    I know you are talking about me and before you try and paint words in my mouth learn to read.

    Did I say Assad was losing? no, I did not. I said the SAA is taking noticeable losses and they are, losing armor and manpower every day. They are "winning" just very slowly atm and the cost is heavy. That isn't propaganda that is called FACT, because you don't like it doesn't make it untrue.

    Second, they are rebels they are opposing the government via force, that is by definition a rebel. You can call them proxi's if you want sure, but at that point, it becomes which term do you prefer. That doesn't make anything propaganda.

    I don't think anyone here EVER implied no one was supporting the rebels, I have said numerous times that isn't the case.

    That said the rebels are losing but not badly, yeah they are losing ground by very slowly and are making the SAA pay for it with blood which is what I clearly said

    So wtf is your non-sense, I could call you one of the worst Russian propagandists on this forum because you are.

    Last edited by SeigSoloyvov on Thu Jun 06, 2019 5:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  nomadski Thu Jun 06, 2019 4:21 pm

    Vann said , not enough troops to encircle or advance in Idlib . Also I heard people in Aleppo,  demonstrate against presence  of Turkish military . How to change,  balance of forces in favour of SAA ? Solution one is to drop light arms and food into heavy populated area . If civilian population pro - goverment , then they can destroy the rats , in close quarter fighting . This maybe true in Aleppo.  If civilians will not fight rats ,  then these small calibre light arms with limited Ammo will not change balance of military force , then use weapons that are less than lethal . Does not kill . But removes ability to fight . Leaflet , false news of infections diseases in militant area on news ( needing evacuation and vaccination ) , irritants , mild laxatives or food mixed with laxatives  , smells of fresh food or grass , music  or film CD or DVD . Historical videos of one Rat eating another Rat  .  TV broadcast into area , sound of music films or peace films or feel good films , of life in Syria  before  Rat / saudi / yank wars .

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Thu Jun 06, 2019 5:14 pm

    It's fair to question if they do, on average if you are attacking dug in positions you need 3-4x the defenders.

    The SAA in its current forum is having a hard time advancing, all attacks have been restricted to small scale rather than the huge areas of land they grabbed against ISIS at a time by Russ'a own admission there were an estimated 30k Rebels in Idlib before Assad took Damascus fully, all those rebels went to Idlib so add another 10kish, Add mercenaries to that number.

    The SAA doesn't have the 100K plus army they would need for a job like this, they can advance but it's going to be very small advances at one time until either they kill enough guys that they can afford bigger operations or they lose enough that they have to stop advancing.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Isos Thu Jun 06, 2019 5:41 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:It's fair to question if they do, on average if you are attacking dug in positions you need 3-4x the defenders.

    The SAA in its current forum is having a hard time advancing, all attacks have been restricted to small scale rather than the huge areas of land they grabbed against ISIS at a time by Russ'a own admission there were an estimated 30k Rebels in Idlib before Assad took Damascus fully, all those rebels went to Idlib so add another 10kish, Add mercenaries to that number.

    The SAA doesn't have the 100K plus army they would need for a job like this, they can advance but it's going to be very small advances at one time until either they kill enough guys that they can afford bigger operations or they lose enough that they have to stop advancing.

    They have russian bombers. There seem to be no real ground operation there but just bombing them when they show up.

    Russia won't provide kornets anymore so turkish stock will be lower everyday and one day turks will stop providing them as their own stock will be limited. It is not a cheap weapon at all, especially the export variant.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 07, 2019 2:57 am

    The profit margin on the Kornets is rather high, so if anyone wants to buy them to give them away that is fine... if they didn't have any the Americans would likely hand over thousands of TOWs, which, while less capable on paper, would only require minor changes in tactics and would kill most things a Kornet would kill.

    I mean the Syrians are not operating Armatas after all...

    And Kvs is quite right... these reports from the terrorists are suggesting they are bravely fighting the evil Assads forces and making them pay an enormous price... considering the history of the region that is not even nearly true.

    And of course considering these terrorists would destroy Syria as a country for their murderous American and Israeli and Saudi backers what is a high cost exactly?

    There would be no such thing as a high cost to keep peace and stability in the region... only someone in the region helping the terrorists create chaos to further Washingtons interests would suggest Assad was paying too high a price and perhaps therefore the Syrian people should give up and be led by ISIS... obviously a plan for peace and prosperity because we all know how well the US and Saudi Arabia look after the countries they destroy... Afghanistan and Libya etc etc.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 07, 2019 3:00 am

    You could say the US could easily have given more support to Iraq to deal with ISIS, as the Iraqi soldiers suffered significant casualties dealing with those terrorists too... but the Americans did fuck all to help their proxies then.... but America is an exceptional country living the American dream... lets hope they don't wake up any time soon and realise they are screwing themselves and destroying the empire they could have had handed to them on a plate...

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Fri Jun 07, 2019 6:31 pm

    GarryB wrote:The profit margin on the Kornets is rather high, so if anyone wants to buy them to give them away that is fine... if they didn't have any the Americans would likely hand over thousands of TOWs, which, while less capable on paper, would only require minor changes in tactics and would kill most things a Kornet would kill.

    I mean the Syrians are not operating Armatas after all...

    And Kvs is quite right... these reports from the terrorists are suggesting they are bravely fighting the evil Assads forces and making them pay an enormous price... considering the history of the region that is not even nearly true.

    And of course considering these terrorists would destroy Syria as a country for their murderous American and Israeli and Saudi backers what is a high cost exactly?

    There would be no such thing as a high cost to keep peace and stability in the region... only someone in the region helping the terrorists create chaos to further Washingtons interests would suggest Assad was paying too high a price and perhaps therefore the Syrian people should give up and be led by ISIS... obviously a plan for peace and prosperity because we all know how well the US and Saudi Arabia look after the countries they destroy... Afghanistan and Libya etc etc.

    Like it or not bodies are a cost, Assad needs bodies to complete his objectives. Losing man is a heavy cost for him.

    If you look at things through such a limited scope, you won't see the bigger picture. This isn't something I should have to explain or mention it should be common sense.

    If Assad wants to complete his objective he will have to pay a price, nothing is free. It becomes can he afford the price he must pay, Assad doesn't have unlimited manpower.

    To suggest he can just throw man after man at the rebels and suffer no cost is the upmost BS and blind view of a fanboy. He cannot afford that, he needs to be careful.

    But yeah pointing this out makes you a propagandist ugh, common sense is lost to some fanboys on this forum I swear.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Vann7 Fri Jun 07, 2019 10:19 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Like it or not bodies are a cost, Assad needs bodies to complete his objectives. Losing man is a heavy cost for him.

    If you look at things through such a limited scope, you won't see the bigger picture. This isn't something I should have to explain or mention it should be common sense.

    If Assad wants to complete his objective he will have to pay a price, nothing is free. It becomes can he afford the price he must pay, Assad doesn't have unlimited manpower.

    To suggest he can just throw man after man at the rebels and suffer no cost is the upmost BS and blind view of a fanboy. He cannot afford that, he needs to be careful.

    But yeah pointing this out makes you a propagandist ugh, common sense is lost to some fanboys on this forum I swear.

    Don't understand your point..
    Syrian army is losing soldiers.. nobody deny this.. and so the terrorist backed by US and Turkey and Israel too..  Who lose more or less.. is not really relevant .. Russia lost more soldiers in World war 2.. far more.. but in the end they recovered their nation back..
    This means that the alternative to Syria.. is either lose a lot of bodies.. fighting NATO backed terrorist.. or lose the entire nation.. and become a new palestine with Israel ,US and Turkey in full control of their land..  So regardless of the outcome.. for Syrian army..
    it is still better to fight ,than not fight.. Because is obviously clear that Turkey ,US and ISRAEL , will not be happy with just greater IDLIB and will continue advancing to completely break Syria in pieces.. So there is no alternative .. than to fight back..  regardless of the human loses... Even if Russia never came to the help of Syria..when ISIS was in Palmyra ,just 30km from Damascus..and Assad only controlled 30% of its territory,  the best options for Syrian Army and Assad will have been the same.. to continue fighting.. Assad will fight even if he is the last man standing.. because to surrender to Alqaeda and ISIS with NATO and ISrael behind them is not an option..  If Syrian army surrender it will be much worse..because they will lose their entire nation forever.. Americans will be celebrating this ,and Israel will be celebrating..and ISIS and Alqaeda will be free to execute millions ,with nobody do anything.. So relax dude...  The Syrian army is doing exactly what needs to be done.. you will be doing the same if Alqaeda terrorist try to invade your house.. and you have a gun.. you will defend yourself and your family.

    But as i said.. It will be quite difficult for Turkey,Israel ,US and their terrorist to hold positions in Syria in any territorial advance if Russia is allowed to freely bomb at will ,any terrorist new captured positions.. they will have no enough time to dig and fortify their positions and will become vulnerable to Russian airforce.  this is why the Syrian army could quicklly recover their loses , last week..   So until now the fight of Syrian army.. since Russia came to Syria.. is more like 2 step forward.. and later 1 step a tactical retreat and repeat..  2 step advanced and the 1 back ,in the end you always advance.. albeit not as fast as ideally .. Syrian army is not fighting just a few civilians that took guns overnight.. they fighting US,Israel and Turkey , with terrorist in the frontline and special forces of NATO providing logistical direct or indirect support .and at times US and Israel airforces directly bomb Syrian army positions.. and their munitions storage bases.

    So this is why is wise for Syrian army to advance with major caution ,Because terrorist
    are using suicide bombers car trucks..and they need to minimize their casualties as much as possible.. If the war is slow.. Russia will have better chances to assist Syrian army.. because they dont have more than a dozen of more of combat planes there.

    If anyone ask ,in my opinion ,the Syrian war is consequence of Putin's abysmal and mediocre foreign policy. His overwhelming ignorance , of creating allies ,just to not look like an idiot he is..and try to show Russia also "have allies".  The Syrian war could have been avoided completely if Putin only understood the consequences of be-friending any nation that Russia needs Nothing from them and that is in a position very difficult to defend ,from NATO and surrounded by  powerful enemies..   Russia instead will have avoided that conflict if he pressure Assad to do follow Jordan policy , that is not being bombed , have good relations with US , And with Russia too..  but is more closer to US than Russia.. US major reason to attack Syria is because of its alliance with Russia..  and  Putin needs to understand ,any nation he become allied will be a target for NATO..

    Had Putin ,had any brains.. he will develop a policy of allies,fully based in Russia economic and or military limitations ..but also how easier or harder is that country for Russia to defend. and more importantly if an alliance with that nation ,will not become a major economic burden for Russia.. as Syria is.. that Russia needs to give them free food and free fuel and free weapons.. Defending Syria can drag down Russia economy ,this is consequence of Putin mistaken policy. Instead of Syria , i will have chosen Egypt instead.. Develop good relations with them ,Fully arm egypt its military ,including giving them nuclear weapons to counter Israel.. (check mate).. and then deploy a big naval base there to keep in check ISrael and US naval bases in Italy..  and develop egypt airforce to counter israel.. They will not dare to do to Egypt what they do to Syria if Russia fully modernized their army and gave them a dozens of powerful nukes ..  and another place Russia will be worth of defending is Mexico ,or Venezuela.. This is where Russia needs to have strong military presence. specially big naval bases of Submarines in venezuela..and even better in Mexico will have been very good deterrence to US. and those are strategic places Russia will need
    to be with major bases,in case of a major world war..

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:59 am

    If you look at things through such a limited scope, you won't see the bigger picture. This isn't something I should have to explain or mention it should be common sense.

    Hahahahahaha... yes... retreat to the bigger picture... murdering Syrian people and supporting terrorists because Russia happens to support those Syrian people and are fighting those terrorists is difficult to justify... American interests often boil down to hurting the interests of their potential rivals... they gain nothing tangible, but they annoy and upset their economic rivals...

    Common sense is no use... there is a story of a fisherman who does not return one day and presumed drowned... confirmed a few days later when a fellow fisherman catches the fishermans body in his nets. The family goes to the fisherman to claim the body but that fisherman wants the family to pay because he stopped fishing when he caught the body and did not fish the rest of the day. The amount he demands is large and now that their father is dead they have no source of income and can't really afford to pay. The fisherman goes to a wise man on the hill and asks his advice because he feels a little guilty... the wise man thinks a while and tells him to stick to his price... who else can give them the body of their father/husband? The family goes to the same wise man and asks his advice, and he thinks a while and tells them to stick to refusing to pay such a large amount... who else would buy the body from him?

    All very much common sense... but ignores the morality of right and wrong...

    If Assad wants to complete his objective he will have to pay a price, nothing is free. It becomes can he afford the price he must pay, Assad doesn't have unlimited manpower.

    The choice is to either eliminate a den of terrorists on his territory that will continue to be a threat to his country on a day to day basis... left alone they will only cause problems and damage and eventually become more of a threat... it is not a hard decision.

    To suggest he can just throw man after man at the rebels and suffer no cost is the upmost BS and blind view of a fanboy. He cannot afford that, he needs to be careful.

    He can deal with the problem carefully without using blind frontal charges to make the enemy run out of bullets... artillery and air strikes are most effective, but moving ground forces makes the enemy need to concentrate their forces to deal with them... which creates targets for artillery and air strikes...

    But yeah pointing this out makes you a propagandist ugh, common sense is lost to some fanboys on this forum I swear.

    In the long term not dealing with the Terrorists will create more damage and more problems... it is easier to deal with them now and try to eliminate them as a problem before other problems can be worked on like the Golan Heights and the areas illegally occupied by the US forces.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:01 am

    Assad should impose sanctions on the US for its illegal occupation of Syrian territory and ask any ally and no aligned country to support them... whatever the US says to justify its presence could easily be used by Russia to justify things they have been recently sanctioned for whether there was any evidence or not... and mostly not.

    When the US or Australia brings up Chinese treatment of Tibet, then China can bring this up too.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:35 am

    It's cute you think Russia is supporting Assad because it's "the right thing to do" no it's because it serves their purpose, that is all.

    Yes, they have to eliminate the guys in Idlib, no one denies this but again the point is CAN HE, not must he. Completely missing the point.

    Arty is pretty useless in most cases in Syria, the terrorists have long used borrows to run into and protect themselves. They also run the risk of getting county batteried when they try it.

    The only thing Assad has going for him is those airstrikes, which need to be used during the fighting and with great precision. The Syrian AF isn't capable of this, while the Russians are. Without the Air Force, I doubt he can liberate Idlib.

    He needs to make those blind charges, The airforce cannot do enough damage alone to force the rebels back. The fighting in Idlib is much more complicated then you think.

    Assad at this point has slightly more manpower than the rebels not by much either, If we count the FSA then Assad has fewer men really.

    Hama Airfield was attacked with Surface to Air Missiles, Assad's plan is getting targetted by AA weaponry and cannot conduct airstrikes well because of it.

    Assad lost over six tanks today alone thanks to Kornets. He is bleeding very badly and he hasn't even reached Kahn Shuyakan yet. This battle is getting bloody and fast.

    Let me make this clear for you, if this rate of attrition keeps up for the SAA, they will not be able to liberate Idlib.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ultimatewarrior Sat Jun 08, 2019 10:05 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Man those Russian made Kornets are hurting Assad, he lost three tanks and a few gun trucks today alone.

    These could be Turkey made. Turkey bought Kornet from Russia and reverse engineered it just like Bulgaria bought Faktoria and reverse engineered it and now selling it illegal to Turkey to arm people who hate Russia. Russia should set up a Kornet factory in Syria and churn out thousands of Kornets to teach those people who hate Russia a good lesson.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:05 pm

    It's cute you think Russia is supporting Assad because it's "the right thing to do" no it's because it serves their purpose, that is all.

    Putin made it very clear why Russia is in Syria, and like most Americans you have no clue about the entire situation... which is super ironic considering you claim to be there on the ground.

    Putin said there are thousands of Russians and eastern europeans who have gone to Syria to support terrorism... Russia can either do nothing and let them take over that country and destroy it and then have them come home and try the same thing in Russia or Europe, or Russia can stop them in Syria and make Syria a safe place for Syrian people without the anarchy the Libyans are enduring... Sorry... the peace and democracy provided to them by the US and NATO to save them from being one of the richest and most comfortable countries in Africa with healthcare and education for all that that evil Gadaffi inflicted on them...

    Russia does not care about Assad, what they care about is having a regime in power that can do the job... you know the sort of mundane things the US doesn't give a fuck about like peace and democracy and not getting shot in the street... if American blacks can't be safe on US streets why should Syrians on Syrian streets?

    Yes, they have to eliminate the guys in Idlib, no one denies this but again the point is CAN HE, not must he. Completely missing the point.

    Not can he... but how long will it take...

    Arty is pretty useless in most cases in Syria, the terrorists have long used borrows to run into and protect themselves. They also run the risk of getting county batteried when they try it.

    Attempts at counter artillery just offers more artillery targets. They don't have to get them every time... Idlib is populated by anti Syrian people so collateral damage is OK because they are all terrorists. If they want to fire and move then killing the nearby people is fine... assad will get the blame one way or another anyway... why bother caring any more?

    The only thing Assad has going for him is those airstrikes, which need to be used during the fighting and with great precision. The Syrian AF isn't capable of this, while the Russians are. Without the Air Force, I doubt he can liberate Idlib.

    They don't need to be that precise... just need to miss the friendlies in this case... there are no innocent civilians in this case... these are all ISIS supporters now.

    He needs to make those blind charges, The airforce cannot do enough damage alone to force the rebels back. The fighting in Idlib is much more complicated then you think.

    There is no rush, they can take their time, look for lines of communication, weapon stores, ammo reserves etc and hit them when you find them.

    This is a siege... but they can escape into Turkey and off to the EU if they want... hopefully.

    Let me make this clear for you, if this rate of attrition keeps up for the SAA, they will not be able to liberate Idlib.

    And that is your mistake... who said anything about Liberate... this is an ISIS friendly hole... tip fuel down it and then light it up.... and repeat...

    Russia should set up a Kornet factory in Syria and churn out thousands of Kornets to teach those people who hate Russia a good lesson.

    Nah, very few of the terrorists drive modern tanks that would require Kornets to defeat them. Upgraded Sagger missiles with a mere range of 3km and a pure HE frag warhead would be rather more useful in dealing with light trucks and buildings and MG positions...

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    Post  kvs Sat Jun 08, 2019 7:21 pm

    Idlib is never going to be some re-ignition point for regime change in Syria.   it will be whittled away over some time of convenience for "Assad".
    NATO bleaters will just keep on bleating.   Like the boy who cried wolf and chicken little.   These bleater idiots have blown their wad and are now
    the joke of the world with their chemical warfare weapons of mass destruction BS.

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    Post  Vann7 Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:04 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:

    The only thing Assad has going for him is those airstrikes, which need to be used during the fighting and with great precision. The Syrian AF isn't capable of this, while the Russians are. Without the Air Force, I doubt he can liberate Idlib.

    He needs to make those blind charges, The airforce cannot do enough damage alone to force the rebels back. The fighting in Idlib is much more complicated then you think.

    Assad at this point has slightly more manpower than the rebels not by much either, If we count the FSA then Assad has fewer men really.

    Hama Airfield was attacked with Surface to Air Missiles, Assad's plan is getting targetted by AA weaponry and cannot conduct airstrikes well because of it.

    Assad lost over six tanks today alone thanks to Kornets. He is bleeding very badly and he hasn't even reached Kahn Shuyakan yet. This battle is getting bloody and fast.

    Let me make this clear for you, if this rate of attrition keeps up for the SAA, they will not be able to liberate Idlib.

    Assad  have over 5,000 Tanks when the war began.. some hundred of them where T-72..
    and they had reactive armor and there are videos , plenty of them ,of T-72 being hit by RPGs several times and don't go down..  according to one Syrian tank commander , on anna news interview.. the Russian tanks have been very good for them.. and when get damages
    they can be repaired quickly in a matter of hours or days.. When the reporter tried to pressure him with the question ,of whether Russian T-72 were good.. he told that the only
    thing give them more problems are mines.. Because to repair tanks hit by mines takes more time ,since the engine have to be removed.. etc etc..  Im sure i have seen videos of Kornets in Syria in rebels hands right from the start of the war .. in 2011..  Point is those T-72 tanks
    have very little technology inside ,just a piece of metal..and so they are easy to repair..most times.. Soldiers can die for sure but the tank most times can be repaired.

    You downplay the syrian army capabilities... saying that without Russia ,they will have
    never done anything.. well remember the Syrian army was alone from 2011 to 2015..
    so it was 4 years they had to hold... more than 75,000 terrorist armed,financed and trained by NATO. with NATO special forces and airforce help. and United Nations help.. with demanding ceases of fires when rebels losing and humanitarian corridors. No

    Stephan de mixtura ,the so called negotiator for peace in Syria ,was demanding Assad
    to give Autonomy to the Free Syrian army (Alqaeda) ,when they controlled eastern aleppo Laughing   This is how sick that people are and how difficult is the war ..that not only needs to fight with bullets..but with politics too.. and on top suffer US and Europe sanctions on Syria
    to break their economy.. while NATO helps Alqaeda and ISIS to over run syria..

    So im sure without Russia , Syria already will have been over run ,after 4 years of wars..
    the Syrian army reach their limits.. but how far you think those so called "Rebels" could have lasted without US,Turkey,Jordan,israel ,and EU support?
    How long those rebels will have lasted without endless food supplies from Turkey ? endless munition supplies? without NATO logistics , Drones they receive.. TNT that NATO supply rebels.. trainning.. and artillery shells.. How long can 75,000 rebels last fighting without food supplies ,?  if Turkey for example and NATO dropped support for rebels in northen Syria.. how long they will last?  The Jihadist Rebels will have not lasted not even 6 months fighting against Syrian army without NATO support.. ,trainning ,financing, and weapons supplies ,kornets, bullets and bombs those things are not manufactured in the desert.. you need a foreign nation to provide it to them.. and since Russia joined the war ,they have been retreating almost in all fronts.. means not capturing much munition or supplies... So much that now Turkey army supply the terrorist directlyl with their own Armored infantry vehicles..  To make story short.. Syrian army is fighting NATO major powers and Israel ,Turkey and Jordan proxy in Syria..  and without the interference of those dozens of countries... Russian presence will be not need at all in Syria.. since the Syrian army
    was winning until ISIS came.. + Kurds betrayed Syria , allowing ISIS to sneak into RAQQA
    without a fight.. then Turkey ARmy helped Alqaeda to capture Idlib.   If No foreign nation interfere in the fight.. Russia presence in Syria will be not needed at all.. and those rebels crushed in just weeks or couple of months.. from 2011 to 2013 ,Syria was in control of most of their country.. they had more control of Syria in 2013.. than the one they have today.. that lost Idlib and most of Kurdish zones.. then have US bases in Syria in the eastern desert.  Those thousands of brand new toyota pickup trucks.. were not manufactured in IDLIB or Northen Syria you know more than that.. and neither those hundreds of Drones
    with GPS positioning attacking Russian base with hundred of kilometers distance ,according to Russia military ,and with Artificiall intelligence did not came from a camel ass.. Those are fully supplied by NATO ,and provided satellite intelligence and trainning. Alqaeda and ISIS were just frontline fighters of NATO , their secrets armies,, and US and Israel airforce is terrorist airforce. and Turkey territory and Jordan ,their biggest supply zone of food ,weapons and medical assistance too. So is a miracle that Syria is still standing ,
    because the support of Russia is  limited in terms of airforce close ground support..

    in my opinion. after Putin complete disaster foreign policy , of not preventing the Syrian war, knowing well , Syria will become in the hit list with IRAN if befriend Russia.. the less
    worse thing Russia can do is now help Syria , but in a long term war.. little by little , in a slow way , so that Russia economy could handle it.. and they help Syria with a limited force there.. otherwise.. if Syria liberates all rebels positions in IDLIB tomorrow ,even if Russia could do that.. Turkey army will start a war against Syria.. So it will be a new major war.
    So a long term war is the less worse option for Russia.. the only one that will allow Russia
    to help Syria with a small airforce recover most territory or (all of it with some diplomatic luck).. and without spending a fortune or suffering major casualties the Russian army.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  nero Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:56 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Assad at this point has slightly more manpower than the rebels [...] Assad lost over six tanks today alone thanks to Kornets. [...] If this rate of attrition keeps up for the SAA, they will not be able to liberate Idlib.
    That's nonsensical and shows exactly how much you've been following the conflict.

    The current 'offensives' aren't real offensives to start with. It's more akin to small skirmishes than an actual attack. Otherwise they would've moved in their 4th Armored division, 1st Armored division (which was rebuilt by Russia) and 3rd Armored division. Then launch offensives from several points.

    The material losses are negligible. The reserve stock on tanks and armored vehicles that Syria has is huge. Most of the material is sitting in military bases around Damascus and the rest of Syria and is currently not being used. In addition to that, they haven't deployed the new T-90A tanks that they've got, which shows exactly how much they value these offensives.

    The most important factor, though I doubt it was initially planned by the Syrians, is that HTS and other rebel groups have sent their 'elite' units to retake villages/towns lost in the province. Several of these attacks resulted in large groups of these fighters getting killed by artillery and aircraft. Simply counting last few rebel counter-offensives results in upwards of 500 dead. Hell knows how many more wounded, as they even asked locals to donate blood, which they had stocked up on.

    There is a lot of politics currently in-play on the situation regarding Idlib. Because if the rebels were to flee after losing, their only destination would be Turkey and it is doubtful that they want this to happen. There's been multiple ceasefires now (which were instantly broken, but the announcement of them is more important as it concludes there have been talks) so such inaction will likely stop soon.

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