Sujoy wrote:In SYRIA , NATO is supporting Sunni militants against Assad . And in IRAQ they are bombing these same Sunni militants (ISIS).
If anyone here finds a method to this madness , drop me a line .
USA has lack of oil and those who have biggest oil reserviors happen to live in ME mainly, control of oil means control of oil prices and therefor control of lot of countries who buy the oil EU.
They don't want to pay for oil, the US economy knows only one way to make money and that is constant war, since they are printing money out of nowhere and for every printed dollar they bring interest with it which has to be paid back to the banks someday, so they end up always having more debt then money because the entire money system is based on enslavery due the interest and therefor growing debt so US has to spread war and terror to justify more war and terror and loot and rape countries for resources and at same time surround China and Russia who have even more natural resources to keep the debt system running.
They don't care about who they support if there were some militant libertarian anarchistic pacifist they would fund them to overthrow a government that is not ass licking US and when those same MLAP group would attack a country like Saudi who is already stuck with their entire head up the US rear they would fight the MLAP back.
US are the founders of Al-CIAda and FSA they were trained in US slave countries for one purpose to overthrow Syria,Lybia,Egypt and several other countries now again Iraq and next probably Iran.