Peŕrier Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:35 pm
GunshipDemocracy wrote: Peŕrier wrote:A few small carriers would be just a little nuisance to any real carrier, the more so if equipped with an handful of subpar aircrafts.
Just developing a similar capability without any try to get a vertical landing capability, would be a more reasonable approach.
so you know better what Russians fleet needs then Russia's admiralty?
Russian aircraft
cruisers are nothing like small aircraft. Air wing is just add-on. Offensive capabilities can be 16x zircons which no British AC cannot handle.
No, I know pretty well history of naval warfare, and cheap ships have always been severely defeated by even just a few serious ships.
16 or even 100 Zirkon would not hit anything but water without detection and targeting capabilities at very long range.
Something only aircrafts could provide for.
So a bunch of small flat tops equipped with aircrafts not able to hold their ground against their opponent's aircrafts, will see their own aircrafts wiped out without even knowing where the enemy's aircraft carriers are, then they will become just targets.
Moskva and Kiev classes were not some smart vessels, they were the most Soviet Navy could convince the Politburo to fund at first.
Having demonstrated their limited capabilities, they got the required funds and switched to the Kuznetsov class, and then designed the 1143.7 class, a full fledged CVN.
While a modern 1143.7 could prove itself to be too expensive and to be exceeding the needs of today's Russian Navy, a modern Kiev would be a waste of money.
A modern Kuznetsov could be the sweet spot for russian navy, maybe getting rid of all the hype about having long range ASh missiles.
Give it aircrafts only, and top notch sensors and command facilities.
All the attack roles should be performed by aircrafts only, and to a lesser degree by the escorts, not by the aircraft carrier on its own.
In turn, if the only need is ASW capabilities, just design an helicopter carrier able to keep pace with frigates and destroyers.
Then you will actually save lots of money to build the required frigates and destroyers, avoiding to design and build VTOL junk.
Last edited by Peŕrier on Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:52 pm; edited 2 times in total