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Walther von Oldenburg
Odin of Ossetia
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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" Empty Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  kvs Sun Sep 08, 2019 12:12 am

    There is some sort of historical revisionist wave happening. It started with the BS ceremony in Poland and was followed by all the
    Nazi quisling regimes such as Estonia, Croatia and Bulgaria pretending to be the true defenders of "European values" against the
    Nazis and the Soviets.

    Croatia takes the cake for this demented revisionism by claiming it was fighting the Nazis during WWII.

    (I can even cite Wikipedia to get the facts on these clowns).

    The funny thing about this spasm of dementia is that it comes at a time when the US is declining and Russia is ascending. Maybe
    these hater clowns love to pretend that Russia is falling apart, but anyone with a functional brain will know that this just ain't so.


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    Post  kvs Sun Sep 08, 2019 12:44 am

    The speaker lays out the reality of WWII and the revisionist trash today. His take down of Banderastan is classic.
    Banderastan celebrates the genocide facilitators (including death camp guards) while pissing on the millions who
    fought the Nazis as part of the USSR.


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    Post  kvs Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:07 pm

    Demented Latvian regime is repressing t-shirts with images of Putin on them. Meanwhile, goose-stepping in some SS veterans parade is perfectly fine for these
    self-anointed guardians of "European values" (aka nazism).

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    Post  Hole Wed Sep 11, 2019 9:00 pm

    Orban is evil because he is a right-wing populist, but torch marches through Riga are fine. Mad Embarassed

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    Post  kvs Sat Sep 14, 2019 10:26 pm

    Bulgaria is a revisionist POS.   They are actually claiming that Russia got its Slavic culture and language from Bulgars.   What a load of shit a mile high.
    Bulgars are a turkic people with no commonality with slavs.    It is the Bulgars that moved from the Volga region (near present day Tatarstan) that picked
    up the Slavic language and culture on the way.    And the Cyrillic alphabet was created thanks to the Byzantine Empire and not because of Bulgars.   Greeks
    deserve vastly more credit for it.  

    Bulgar drones sound a lot like Ukr Banderite drones.   I have a question for these clowns: why is there no Ukr language and alphabet?   Ukrainian is a
    form of Slavic which is understandable to Russians.   And Ukrs never had their own alphabet.   For revisionist clowns who claim to have 40,000 years
    of history that is an epic fail.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:02 am

    kvs wrote:

    Bulgaria is a revisionist POS.   They are actually claiming that Russia got its Slavic culture and language from Bulgars.   What a load of shit a mile high.
    Bulgars are a turkic people with no commonality with slavs.    It is the Bulgars that moved from the Volga region (near present day Tatarstan) that picked
    up the Slavic language and culture on the way.    And the Cyrillic alphabet was created thanks to the Byzantine Empire and not because of Bulgars.   Greeks
    deserve vastly more credit for it.  

    Bulgar drones sound a lot like Ukr Banderite drones.   I have a question for these clowns: why is there no Ukr language and alphabet?   Ukrainian is a
    form of Slavic which is understandable to Russians.   And Ukrs never had their own alphabet.   For revisionist clowns who claim to have 40,000 years
    of history that is an epic fail.

    Bulgars were of northern Korean origin. Bulgarians do not even like Turks.

    Did not Varangians had their own runes or something like that? Ukrainian Cyrillic is slightly different from its Russian counterpart.


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:07 am

    kvs wrote:

    Bulgaria is a revisionist POS.   They are actually claiming that Russia got its Slavic culture and language from Bulgars.   What a load of shit a mile high.
    Bulgars are a turkic people with no commonality with slavs.    It is the Bulgars that moved from the Volga region (near present day Tatarstan) that picked
    up the Slavic language and culture on the way.    And the Cyrillic alphabet was created thanks to the Byzantine Empire and not because of Bulgars.   Greeks
    deserve vastly more credit for it.  

    Bulgar drones sound a lot like Ukr Banderite drones.   I have a question for these clowns: why is there no Ukr language and alphabet?   Ukrainian is a
    form of Slavic which is understandable to Russians.   And Ukrs never had their own alphabet.   For revisionist clowns who claim to have 40,000 years
    of history that is an epic fail.

    It could be that the Russophobes are AstroTurf artificially propped up, while the grassroots Russophiles are being suppressed. Compared to the Soviet era, Pro-Russian publicized influence hardly has a foothold, but the grassroots on other-hand:

    A meeting of friends of Russia took place in Bulgaria, bringing together more than 15 thousand people

    As the link points out, this event has been held 16 years prior by authentic grassroots activists.

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    Post  kvs Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:14 pm

    As pointed out in the video, these "friends" have a systematic pattern of behaviour throughout history which makes them enemies. Today the Bulgarian grassroots are foaming
    at the mouth Russia haters and swallow the nazionalist piss-fermented koolaid with relish.

    To these retards I say: if Russia was as bad as you project it to be, then it would have wiped you out instead of wasting trillions of dollars worth of investment
    on you. You were the worms who allied yourself with Hitler and his genocide agenda. You only flipped sides once you saw that the Nazis were losing.
    Russia had every right to constrain your mythical freedom.


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    Post  Hole Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:36 pm

    Russia withdrew it´s forces from Bulgaria at the beginning of the 50´s. Bulgaria wasn´t blackmailed to send troops to Afghanistan or somewhere else. And today? Thousands of foreign troops in the country.

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    Post  kvs Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:18 pm

    Hole wrote:Russia withdrew it´s forces from Bulgaria at the beginning of the 50´s. Bulgaria wasn´t blackmailed to send troops to Afghanistan or somewhere else. And today? Thousands of foreign troops in the country.

    Russia committed the unforgivable sin that it denied billions of former Warsaw Pact member citizens from realizing their manifest destiny to be dollar billionaires under
    any capitalist system.   This syndrome ravages the minds of all these clowns.    They forget that before WWII none of them were rich, especially the Baltics and Bulgaria
    which were dirt poor agrarian societies.    Communism actually raised their standard of living but their hubris makes them believe that they would have been richer
    if not occupied by the Soviets.   Of course they distort the meaning of the word occupy as you point out.    

    As we have seen with Ukraine after 2014, any wealth that these ingrates would have without the USSR would have to have been internally generated.    Just how likely
    would these backward agrarian societies of the 1930s have advanced to economic superpower status in 40+ years.   Not bloody likely since the old west is not
    interested in competition.   It is interested in mercantilist sheep which consume value added products and export unprocessed resources such as minerals and
    agricultural output.   Bulgaria would have been in a very similar state to the 1930s in the 1990s for the vast majority of its population.   Some 1% comprador class
    would have gotten richer.   But so what?
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:42 pm

    Are you sure kvs?

    South Korea in 1940s was even poorer than Bulgaria, Taiwan wasn't rich either. Japan was bombed to shreds.

    Are you so sure NATO-affiliated Bulgaria wouldn't reach at least the level of Spain?

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    Post  Hole Sun Sep 15, 2019 9:13 pm

    Yes, because the west changed a lot since then. Back in the cold war days the oligarchs in the west had to show that they have the better system. Since the 90´s the tax system and the social welfare system were changed to the better for the super-rich. Since 2008 the rich got 90% of the wealth that were "generated".

    Bulgaria is a member of the EU for 12 years now and the country didn´t improve much, because the elite wants the people of countries like Bulgaria or Romania to go to Germany or France and work for 2 or 3 Euros an hour. That pressures the local population to also accept less and less money.

    According to the CIA North Korea was better off then the South even at the beginning of the 80´s.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  flamming_python Mon Sep 16, 2019 2:16 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Are you sure kvs?

    South Korea in 1940s was even poorer than Bulgaria, Taiwan wasn't rich either. Japan was bombed to shreds.

    Are you so sure NATO-affiliated Bulgaria wouldn't reach at least the level of Spain?

    And in the 70s Bulgaria was responsible for something like 1/3rd of the world export of circuit boards and microelectronics; it had 200,000 people working in this industry out of its 8 million population. It was supplying the Soviet space program with computers, and a bunch of other Soviet sectors too. It was also exporting to the West.
    Bulgarian research institutes were among the pioneers in the eastern bloc for robotics, early AI and various computer technologies.
    The country's automotive, metallurgical and shipbuilding industries were built from scratch in the socialist period.
    Bulgaria had a huge tourist industry. Biggest tourist destination in the Eastern bloc. Only as of 2016 has it again reached its previous milestone set in 1990; that of over 10 million tourists per year.
    Dozens of dams, other power plants, chemical works, mines, railroads, motorways, pipelines, etc... were built during the socialist era. What infrastructure has been built there since 1991? A metro system in the capital. Well, whoppee.
    The country was undergoing breakneck industrialization, urbanization, construction of mass-housing projects by the 60s.

    All I see though now, granted from an outsider's perspective - is that legacy being destroyed. Computer industry has been wiped out, automotive, shipbuilding too; no new railroads since the 80s. A little bit of development in the metallurgical sector, based off the old socialist legacy - that's about it. Universities and institutes have gone down the drain. Tourism has recovered to its previous level, albeit after a whole 26 years. Masses of Bulgarians exiting their country to work in richer countries and send money back home. Airports have been spruced up for the occasion. Remittances from abroad accounting for a not-insignificant portion of their GDP by now. And now EU nationals buying up homes there since land is cheap - albeit still not that cheap for the average Bulgarian, and increasing numbers of foreigners buying up homes will ultimately serve to make home ownership less accessible for the natives by driving up prices.

    So no I don't think that Bulgaria would have reached any level under NATO-affiliation. It's enough to look at what the country has achieved since 1991 to be sure. Yeah, maybe propped up by some virtual financial economy and handouts from Germany for its public sector, as Greece is now. Well 40% of young Greeks are forced to look for work abroad now.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Godric Tue Sep 17, 2019 2:32 pm

    kvs wrote:

    There is some sort of historical revisionist wave happening.   It started with the BS ceremony in Poland and was followed by all the
    Nazi quisling regimes such as Estonia, Croatia and Bulgaria pretending to be the true defenders of "European values" against the
    Nazis and the Soviets.

    Croatia takes the cake for this demented revisionism by claiming it was fighting the Nazis during WWII.

    (I can even cite Wikipedia to get the facts on these clowns).

    The funny thing about this spasm of dementia is that it comes at a time when the US is declining and Russia is ascending.   Maybe
    these hater clowns love to pretend that Russia is falling apart, but anyone with a functional brain will know that this just ain't so.

    that's a joke coming from those Croatian revisionists scumbags ... they were that bad even the SS complained about there brutality to Berlin ... or the fact they tried to create a Catholic only state with the blessing of the Vatican killing a million Orthodox Serbs and 10s of thousands of Jews in the process the Ustashe flag is the same flag Croatia flies today it's on par with the Swastika

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    Post  kvs Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:04 pm

    Some Polish moron general gives his views of Russia's special forces and the soldiers who fought in various wars including WWII.
    Basically, Russians are barbarians who lack the sophistication of westerners. This is a sample of the hate-filled chauvinist
    bubble of delusion that dominates NATO decision makers. The self-image is so detached from reality as to be shocking.
    The projection of inferiority onto Russians is simply pathological.

    The video gives some examples that pop this bubble of delusion. Interesting how Hollywood puts out movies and TV shows
    that engage in whitewashing of epic failures by US special forces and soldiers. I recall these BS movies and shows from the
    1980s where Delta Force was mythical in its prowess and where the My Lai massacre was excused as stress on US soldiers
    from Vietnamese daring to fight back against the invaders.

    Abu Ghraib tells us who the real barbarians are. No amount of Polish bootlick apologia coupled with propaganda talking points
    can erase and reshape reality.


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:15 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Some Polish moron general gives his views of Russia's special forces and the soldiers who fought in various wars including WWII.
    Basically, Russians are barbarians who lack the sophistication of westerners.   This is a sample of the hate-filled chauvinist
    bubble of delusion that dominates NATO decision makers.    The self-image is so detached from reality as to be shocking.
    The projection of inferiority onto Russians is simply pathological.  

    The video gives some examples that pop this bubble of delusion.   Interesting how Hollywood puts out movies and TV shows
    that engage in whitewashing of epic failures by US special forces and soldiers.   I recall these BS movies and shows from the
    1980s where Delta Force was mythical in its prowess and where the My Lai massacre was excused as stress on US soldiers
    from Vietnamese daring to fight back against the invaders.  

    Abu Ghraib tells us who the real barbarians are.   No amount of Polish bootlick apologia coupled with propaganda talking points
    can erase and reshape reality.

    The Poles love their coprophilia.

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    Post  kvs Fri Dec 27, 2019 7:35 pm

    Discussion of the current historical revisionist spasm in NATO. Supposedly the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was a full blown
    alliance between the Reich and the USSR. Following this logic, Poland was allied with the Reich as well.

    As far as the split of Poland at the start of the war, the USSR merely asserted the fact that the land grab
    by Poland in 1920 of eastern Belorus and Ukraine was not legitimate. All the liars and pinheads that run around
    screeching about the "splitting of Poland" systematically ignore Poland's own aggressive territorial expansion (including
    its land grab of a part of Czechosolvakia after the 1938 appeasement of Hitler at Munich which included the UK
    and France in addition to Poland (peace in our time, LOL). The USSR reclaimed exactly the territory it had lost
    in 1920. It did not grab any more and not 50% as insinuated by the NATO historical revisionists.

    The reason that the USSR did move into its reclaimed territory (grabbed by the Poles) was because it knew full well
    that Hitler's prime target as the USSR itself. The non-aggression pact was nowhere close to an alliance. It was
    a delaying tactic fig leaf. The USSR managed to increase its military strength by 40% thanks to this pact due to
    the extra preparation time. So the there was a full blown preparation for war in the USSR in 1939. In fact the
    preparation for war started in the 1930s with the rapid industrialization effort. Without all of this industry the
    USSR would have been rolled over by the Nazis like any agrarian backwater. Instead, Soviet factories churned out


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    Post  kvs Fri Dec 27, 2019 11:52 pm

    Russians should make no mistake. This revisionism is not some honest conviction of Poles, Balts, and their EU patrons. This is
    all about making Russians feel guilty for non-existent crimes like the Holodomor and for the criminals (including Poles and Balts)
    to launder their dirty history. This is the same cold war policy which tried to make Russians feel guilty about the crimes of
    the USSR and the gulags. When Russians were over-represented in the gulags and the Communist Party of the 1930s had
    an over-representation of Ukrainians.

    To make the absurdity of the above anti-Russian propaganda clear, it is the same as trying to make Jews feel guilty about Auschwitz
    and the Holocaust. (Don't get into an argument about whether the Holocaust was real, it only brings the intellectual level down.)

    The NATO west can go and get f*cked. Only its 5th column whores inside Russia follow this guilt trip BS. None of the clown
    states trying to paint themselves as victims of WWII, were actual victims. This is includes the Italians who moan about their
    MIA on the eastern front as if it was some Russian crime not to deliver the bodies. These fucktards do not have any understanding
    of war. When I was in Karelia back in the 1970s, there were trees pushing out skulls out of the ground with their roots. These
    would be MIAs. There are millions of such cases and Russians are the last to have any guilt about it, you self-righteous swine.


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    Post  kvs Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:17 pm

    Given the foaming at the mouth historical revisionism rampant in the west and in the "new Europe" in particular aimed
    at placing WWII as the "fault of Russia", Putin has finally hit back. Poland was central to the 1938 Munich conference
    where Hitler's military expansionism was appeased by the UK and France at the expense of Czechosolvakia. The
    Polish pre-WWII regime was a on the same page as Hitler when it came to the "Jewish question". Now that Putin
    has used archival records to push back on the whitewashing revisionism, Polish newspaper are crying about Russia
    trying to instigate a conflict between Jews and Poles. As if the anti-Jewish attitude of the pre-WWII regime was
    not a historical fact. Who do these retarded Polish f*cks think they are fooling?
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:54 am

    kvs wrote:

    Given the foaming at the mouth historical revisionism rampant in the west and in the "new Europe" in particular aimed
    at placing WWII as the "fault of Russia", Putin has finally hit back.   Poland was central to the 1938 Munich conference
    where Hitler's military expansionism was appeased by the UK and France at the expense of Czechosolvakia.   The
    Polish pre-WWII regime was a on the same page as Hitler when it came to the "Jewish question".    Now that Putin
    has used archival records to push back on the whitewashing revisionism,  Polish newspaper are crying about Russia
    trying to instigate a conflict between Jews and Poles.   As if the anti-Jewish attitude of the pre-WWII regime was
    not a historical fact.   Who do these retarded Polish f*cks think they are fooling?  

    Poland was most certainly not on the same page with Nazi Germany regarding the Jewish Question.

    Poland's last pre-war parliament (1938-1939):

    There were five ethnic Jewish members of the Polish parliament, and also 18 ethnic Ukrainians.

    It clearly shows that the claim that the ethnic Ukrainians were some sort of persecuted ethnic minority in the inter-war Poland is a lie.

    Both the Jewish and Ukrainian parliamentarians had their own official ethnic clubs within the Polish parliament.

    So how many more Polish-hating lies will the ethnic Ukrainians come up with to "justify" their own past genocides and terrorism against the ethnic Poles?

    You are half-Ukrainian "kvs" so perhaps you know the answer?


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    Post  PhSt Sat Apr 04, 2020 2:49 am

    While NATO propaganda media is busy smearing Russia of how they are taking "Advantage" of the current pandemic to spread divisions and panic in the West, NATO is working overtime to rewrite history and erase all traces of Soviet liberation of Europe in WWII.

    ‘Dark day’ in Prague: Czech authorities use sham ‘no mask’ Covid-19 excuse to tear down monument to Soviet liberator

    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" 91805251_3205035996197076_1819882659560554496_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=lddr3ZHB1usAX-GryAJ&_nc_ht=scontent.fyqm1-1

    A monument to Soviet Marshal Ivan Konev, who commanded the forces that liberated Prague from the Nazis in 1945, has been removed and mocked for ‘not having a mask’ by one local official, in what Russia has condemned as an insult.

    Konev is one of the most celebrated Red Army generals, who commanded the 1st Ukrainian Front (army group) that liberated the Auschwitz death camp in January 1945 and the Czech capital several months later, putting an end to six years of Nazi occupation.

    Yet on Friday, the authorities in Prague’s District Six dismantled his statue, using the fact that stay-at-home orders imposed to combat the spread of Covid-19 prevented any protesters from showing up.

    “He didn't have a mask on. Those rules apply to everybody. You can only be outside if your mouth and nose are covered,” district mayor Ondrej Kolar joked on Facebook, prompting a multitude of angry responses.

    Some commenters suggested that Kolar had “his brain affected by the coronavirus” and reminded him that he would have never been born, much less a mayor, had Konev’s troops not liberated the city from the Nazis. The monument actually predates Kolar, who was born in 1984, by four years.

    Others pointed out the cowardly act of removing Konev during the coronavirus lockdown to avoid protests, such as had occurred last September when the decision about the monument was made.

    The Russian mission to OSCE called it a “dark day” in Prague’s history, and Moscow’s embassy in Prague blasted Kolar for his “cynical” joke, calling the removal of the statue a “provocation” aimed at harming ties between Russia and Czechia.

    Adding insult to injury, Konev’s statue is slated to become the first exhibit in a museum dedicated to the “totalitarian regimes” present on Czech territory in various periods, thus equating him with Nazi occupiers such as Reinhard Heydrich, the SS official whom the Czech resistance famously assassinated in 1942.

    This type of behavior by Kolar and his colleagues is possibly inspired by the example of Czechia’s northern neighbor – and fellow EU and NATO member – Poland, which has been dismantling Soviet monuments as part of a broader campaign of historical revisionism asserting moral equivalence between the USSR and Nazi Germany.


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    Post  kvs Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:27 am

    These hater retards can believe what they want. They are on a historical decline curve while Russia is on an ascent curve.
    They will be fluxing to Russia's borders like Mexicans to those of the US in the not so distant future. Russia does have the
    resources and the libensraum, they have nothing but their bile.


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" Empty Dark day’ in Prague: Czech authorities use sham

    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:17 am

    They are just trying to provoke a response... just take note and remember, there will come a time when a suitable response can be formulated and applied.

    Obviously there are no Czech war heroes let alone statues to them anywhere that they could do the same to, but there will come a time when they will want cooperation or support...

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    Post  kvs Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:49 pm

    Czech clowns plan to put a statue of Vlassov in place of the dismantled statue of Konev.

    I predicted this. NATzO is NATzO after all.


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" Empty Czech clowns plan to put a statue

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:43 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Czech clowns plan to put a statue of Vlassov in place of the dismantled statue of Konev.

    I predicted this.   NATzO is NATzO after all.

    Yeah I heard about that. This is the modern Czech Republic, which would engage in this bullshit instead of focusing on the pandemic. BTW a month ago Poland was furious about VVP bringing up how they carved up Czechoslovakia with Hitlers help...neither the Czechs or the Slovaks said anything to defend their 'NATO ally' against the claim, I wonder why?

    Fun Fact: It's said the Czech's have the highest percentage in the world of adult women who participated in pornographic film (something like 2%). May'be Russia should 'erect a monument' for all the Czech women willing to spread eagle on film? Wink Cool

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