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Walther von Oldenburg
Odin of Ossetia
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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  kvs Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:33 am

    There is a dark side to this "porn". Czechia was and probably still is a main hub for white slavery. It is a trap where women from
    Moldova, Ukraine and Russia are lured by promise of better paying modeling jobs or similar and when they arrive their passports
    are taken from them and they are gang raped to "break them in" to work in the porn and prostitution industry.

    Czechia is a really scummy country. The non-Slav wannabe complex has become congenital.


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  kvs Sat May 09, 2020 6:22 pm

    Russia's leadership needs to grow a pair. All of the countries in the EU that have been demolishing WWII memorials should have
    been subjected to harsh sanctions including on gas supplies. Let them buy gas from America.


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Czechia is a really scummy country.

    Post  PapaDragon Sat May 09, 2020 8:58 pm

    kvs wrote:Russia's leadership needs to grow a pair. All of the countries in the EU that have been demolishing WWII memorials should have
    been subjected to harsh sanctions including on gas supplies. Let them buy gas from America.

    Why waste effort on them?

    If they want to be pro-nazi shits more power to them, it should ease their transition into multiracial society down the road (those North African and Arab asylum seekers need to go somewhere)

    Russia should ask for repatriation of all Red Army soldiers buried in East Europe, they deserve to rest in non-nazi land

    Gas should keep flowing, money is money and this pathetic Soviet nostalgia needs to die already

    East Europeans are nuclear warning shot targets, nothing else

    What Russia should do for example is take a slice of land in front of Czech embassy in Moscow and erect a gold plated monument to Reinhardt Heydrich the Protector of Bohemia and liberator of Prague

    Just play the game by the existing rules and chillax


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  kvs Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:53 pm

    The current shenanigans of Lukashenko demonstrate the rot of the former Warsaw pact and even former Soviet republics without
    the Russian center. They were all welfare leeches who never really developed the ability to stand on their own. After 1989
    they just got corrupt comprador elites like all banana republics. This phenomenon is related to the fact that the internal
    ability of a banana republic to generate wealth is small, but selling both the resources and the people of those republics down
    the river to colonialists is a guaranteed way to get rich. Thus all banana republic elites serve foreign masters.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sun Sep 20, 2020 1:40 pm

    The head of the Lithuanian Railways, Maris Kleinbergs, announced the decrease in the flow of goods due to the fact that Russia has diverted them to its own ports. He stressed that, in previous years, the flow of goods from Russia made up 70% of the total.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  GarryB Mon Sep 21, 2020 5:51 am

    I am sure the flow of goods from the EU will increase to compensate... but with the UK leaving the fold there will be less bonus prizes to hand out...

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Mon Sep 21, 2020 9:10 am

    GarryB wrote:I am sure the flow of goods from the EU will increase to compensate... but with the UK leaving the fold there will be less bonus prizes to hand out...

    Well, considering that every other country  in Europe has either a direct access to the sea or some foreign ports much closer and more practical than those in the baltic statelets...I would say, fat chance of it. They can try to ask their new buddy Poland to help them instead of using the polish ports of Gdanks and Gdynia.... Laughing

    The only country for which it could have made sense to use those ports was bielorussia. As for as Russia, the only reason was that in soviet times Moscow invested a lot of money in building expensive infrastructure there, and it was practical to keep using that... at least until Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia did not decide to shoot themselves in the foot, and Moscow finally invested in developing their own infrastructure able to cope with large shipments...

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  kvs Mon Sep 21, 2020 3:21 pm

    I will repeat what I noted before: the Baltics formed thanks to being on the trade route from Central Asia to northern Europe via the Russian hinterland.
    The Norse were heavily involved in this trade and this is a key reason that at one stage, Russia invited Scandinavians to be rulers.

    Now these idiots are cutting off their noses to spite their own faces. They have lopped off, thanks to their demented Russophobia the primary
    trade links that were their historic raison d'etre. Even if they were not as heavily dependent on this trade flow, it is retarded to kill it.
    We see how Uncle Swine-shit and his NATzO hyena pack skew the brain function of assorted leaders. As with Yugoslavia and Izetbegovic,
    they develop an invincibility syndrome because they think that they can do anything with the yanquis at their back and also develop
    illusions about becoming rich simply by crawling up Uncle Swine-shit's ass. The language I use is crude since it fits perfectly this
    transformation process.


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  kvs Mon Sep 21, 2020 5:13 pm

    Latvia has succeeded in killing off its final factory for sprat processing. This factory was established in 1892 and survived until now through
    all sorts of tribulations.

    It is apparent from this incident and the related ones that the nazionalist regime in Latvia is cleansing out all of the "Soviet" legacy and in
    this case the added bonus is that they get rid of the Jew owner who has left to live in Israel instead of dealing with the harassment. This
    tells me that the nazionalists think they can resurrect the destroyed factories and industries or establish all new ones with a flick of their fingers.
    These clowns are totally retarded, and not just semi-functional autistics. There will be nothing arising from their finger flicking other than
    the noise made by their fingers.

    And there won't be any EU welfare either. The EU is bleeding red and spiraling the toilet bowl just like its owner Uncle Swine-shit.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  nomadski Mon Sep 21, 2020 7:56 pm

    What I noticed about Eastern Europeans, is the large amount of social problems and social breakdown. I tried to link this to economic poverty. But noticed that they are not the poorest in Europe, or indeed the world. But they top the ranks in child neglect and abuse. I think there is a poverty of spirit or morality. No firm adherence to moralistic ideas. Perhaps by the church or social or political bodies. It is this, that is leading Eastern Europe to their troubles. Starting from Lithuania down to Bulgaria. Poland is the centre. Are they protestant? Maybe why, the English like them so much. And why the English always play the wicked part in American movies!

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Hole Mon Sep 21, 2020 9:26 pm

    Poles are catholic.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  kvs Tue Sep 22, 2020 12:38 am

    nomadski wrote:What I noticed about Eastern Europeans, is the large amount of social problems and social breakdown. I tried to link this to economic poverty. But noticed that they are not the poorest in Europe, or indeed the world. But they top the ranks in child neglect and abuse. I think there is a poverty of spirit or morality. No firm adherence to moralistic ideas. Perhaps by the church or social or political bodies. It is this, that is leading Eastern Europe to their troubles. Starting from Lithuania down to Bulgaria. Poland is the centre. Are they protestant?  Maybe why, the English like them so much. And why the English always play the wicked part in American movies!

    The clowns in charge of Latvia are composed of a large part of western diaspora who were never "communized". So they are whatever religion (Catholic or Protestant)
    that is common in Latvia historically. The real problem here is the 5th column political whore nature of these clowns. They are agents of foreign powers and not
    real nationalists.

    But you have hit on an important observation. Communism created aggressive welfare bums with an entitlement syndrome. Humans are really pathetic and the fact
    that the system was subsidizing these regions and giving people jobs and housing for which they really did not have to work, generated unrealistic expectations. So
    many to this day think that they can get rich if they join the NATzO club.


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  nomadski Tue Sep 22, 2020 8:40 am

    If we could find the cause of this Eastern European disease, then we could cure it.  This rotten Apple grows, identically in all these regions. The same extremism. The same politics. Located in a distinct geographical area. A band of territory from North to South. Therefore these rotten Apples grow on the same tree. What factor, unites these territories?  Climatic, historic, developmental ?

    Subcidized economy, during soviet times, does not explain it. Many other regions with the same conditions. But without the disease. Isolated historic events, only apply to a single region. Not to the whole region. And as you said, there is a mix of religions. We need to find one or more uniform factors, in a restricted geographical area.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Sep 22, 2020 6:23 pm

    At least in case of Poland it's mostly history.

    Poland for 1000 years had it's own history of statehood, being a major power and a culture that for significant periods of time was more developed than Russian one. They aren't some Nenets tribesmen who own their entire civilization to Russia.

    Poles tend to see Russian political culture as barbaric and unsophisticated and to see modern Russia as a continuation of Tsarist absolutism. The Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth in the early modern era had (nominally at least) 10% of it's population with the right to vote which was surpassed in Britain in 1830s.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  nomadski Tue Sep 22, 2020 7:03 pm

    This may explain, why the poles or Lithuanians exert their own national identity. Against one where this identity, is expressed by means of an amalgamated Russian or soviet culture. After collapse of Soviets, the CIS was formed. Each region identifies strongly with own national culture.

    But the problem is not soviet or Russian domination. Not anymore. The problem is the rise of extremist right wing politics. Why did the poles open their territory for American rendition flights, for unknown persons, captured in ME? They knew there would be torture. Against people, the poles had no war. Was it simply money? But I think it is more than that. A lack of morality. A degeneration. Not elevated democratic politics.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Sep 22, 2020 8:21 pm

    Poland has strong positive ties with US. Polish generals fought in the US war of independece, in 1918 US supported Polish independence and in 1980s US supported the Solidarity movement morally and with money probably as well.

    With Russia not so much. It's mostly a history of war and occupation although Poles do make a strong distinction between Russia as a country and Russians as people.

    In case of other ex-WarPac countries the negativity is mostly due to communism. Although in case of Czechs a lot of pro-Russian sentiment used to exist in the past before ww1. The first Pan Slavic convention was organizeed in Prague in 1848.

    In case of the Baltics there used to be a group that was very pro-Russian - the Baltic Germans were pretty much a model minority in the Russian Empire with a monstrous overrepresentation in government, military and business, during the Russian Civil War they fought for the Whites in contrast to other minorities (Jews, Georgians, Latvians etc) which formed an overrepresentation among the Bolsheviks.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  kvs Tue Sep 22, 2020 10:58 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Poland has strong positive ties with US. Polish generals fought in the US war of independece, in 1918 US supported Polish independence and in 1980s US supported the Solidarity movement morally and with money probably as well.

    With Russia not so much. It's mostly a history of war and occupation although Poles do make a strong distinction between Russia as a country and Russians as people.

    In case of other ex-WarPac countries the negativity is mostly due to communism. Although in case of Czechs a lot of pro-Russian sentiment used to exist in the past before ww1. The first Pan Slavic convention was organizeed in Prague in 1848.

    In case of the Baltics there used to be a group that was very pro-Russian - the Baltic Germans were pretty much a model minority in the Russian Empire with a monstrous overrepresentation in government, military and business, during the Russian Civil War they fought for the Whites in contrast to other minorities (Jews, Georgians, Latvians etc) which formed an overrepresentation among the Bolsheviks.

    Poland has been one of the spears of conquest aimed at Russia by the Popes. Just like the Knights of the Teutonic Order. So Poland's endless drang nach osten
    is its own fault and not Russia's. The occupation of Poland by the Russian Empire was vastly softer than any Polish occupation of Ukraine. Russian Orthodox religion
    was not rammed down the throats of Poles like the Poles tried to force Catholicism on Ukrainians. The result was the Uniates. And the reason Poland got occupied
    was because it was actively engaged in trying to regime change Russia during the time of the troubles. Specifically they tried to install a fake Czar to rule as their
    (and the Pope's) quisling.

    The story with Poland has always been selective use of timelines. Like with the so-called partition of "Poland" by Stalin and Hitler. The fact that Stalin reclaimed the
    lands that were grabbed by Poland in 1920 is selectively excluded to make it look like it was a simple land grab. Poland's annexation of western Ukraine and Belorus
    was not historically based aside from delusions of imperial grandeur. Funny how one Pole told me a while back that Poland considers western Ukraine to be part of
    Poland. Much like Turkey considers Kurd lands to be Turkish.

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    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:56 pm

    Poland has actually been the strongest bastion of the Slavs for centuries, even the high-ranking Nazis admitted that Poland blocked the German expansion to the East for 700 years. Poland is actually the most genetically Slavic country in the world.

    And that "fake" Czar - he might have been the real thing - it was some Ruthenian-origin magnates who installed him, not really the Poles.

    Meanwhile Russia elected Finnish thralls as its ruling dynasty, allowed itself to be lorded over by a tiny German minority from the 18th century until 1917, it partitioned the mostly Slavic Belarussian-Lithuanian-Polish Commonwealth together with two German states, across centuries it betrayed very loyal allies from Montenegro and Serbia.

    And nobody forced the Ukrainians to become Catholics under Polish rule. Where did you get this falsehood from?


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Fri Sep 25, 2020 12:01 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    Poland has actually been the strongest bastion of the Slavs for centuries, even the high-ranking Nazis admitted that Poland blocked the German expansion to the East for 700 years. Poland is actually the most genetically Slavic country in the world.

    And that "fake" Czar - he might have been the real thing - it was some Ruthenian-origin magnates who installed him, not really the Poles.

    Meanwhile Russia elected Finnish thralls as its ruling dynasty, allowed itself to be lorded over by a tiny German minority from the 18th century until 1917, it partitioned the mostly Slavic Belarussian-Lithuanian-Polish Commonwealth together with two German states, across centuries it betrayed very loyal allies from Montenegro and Serbia.

    And nobody forced the Ukrainians to become Catholics under Polish rule. Where did you get this falsehood from?


    Actually there were three fake Dimitri (all pretending to be the younger (already dead) son of Ivan the terrible) and two of them were actually married to the same polish noblewoman, Marina Mniszech. The first one was actually considered a Zar for a bit less than a year and the second one, even if he was never recognised as the legitimate ruler, was able to control a large part of Russia for about 3 years....

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Ukraine–EU relations

    Post  kvs Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:49 pm

    The above demonstrates the total dementia in the post-Soviet space outside Russia.   A 35% gas hike for Ukr
    consumers is advertised via billboards as a disaster for Russia (the cursed "Mosakli") and scorns them because
    the "market sets the prices for gas and not them".   One can't make this crap up.   And the price hikes are the
    demands of the EU for Ukraine to "market transition" its natural gas consumer pricing.   This BS has already
    severely damaged Ukrainian industry due to extortionate natural gas costs.   BTW, there was a 45% increase
    in consumer gas prices in September.   So a 95.75% increase in less than half a year.  

    As I posted elsewhere, the EU can afford to pay three times more for large projects and even the EU
    cannot sustain local production and ships it to offshore sweatshop havens.   Ukraine simply has no chance
    to live by EU pricing on any shock transition timeline.   Maybe 20 to 30 years of slow transition would work,
    but not on EU-tard timelines.

    But at the end of the day it is Bandera-tards who are raping Ukraine.   They are basically milking Ukrainian
    paupers to give back the IMF loans they stole.   This is what a real tyranny looks like.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Demented Ukr historical revisionists are claiming that borsch is an exclusively Ukrainian food.

    Post  kvs Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:46 pm

    Demented Ukr historical revisionists are claiming that borsch is an exclusively Ukrainian food.  
    This is exactly the sort of inane stealing of Russian history that these nazionlist fucks engage in.
    So anything before 1990 that was Russian has become magically Ukrainian.  

    BTW, Poland has a type of borsch too, does Banderastan claim it for itself as well?   And
    Borsch historically extends through a large part of northern Asia.   Of course all the NATzO
    sources are helping Ukr nazionalists by hyping up the "fact" that it did not originate in
    Russia.   Well, Ukraine is a historical fiction that sits on the land of Kievan Rus.

    In the video, Ostashko gives an example of the annual battle for borsch when Ukr svidomites
    start piling on some social media post with borsch in it. Here we had some Russian comedian
    likely innocently posting a photo of his borsch plate and a storm of svidomite hate ensued
    with 7,000 haters trying to piss on him. The interesting thing is not all of these nazionalist
    revisionist losers but the Russian posters. All of them were making fun of the Ukr idiots.
    There were no mobs of svidomite liberast Russians supporting the Ukr revisionism.

    NATzO has lost the battle for Russian hearts and minds. Its only choice as wannabe rulers
    of the planet is to wage a war of extermination. I think the Russian leadership understands
    this fact.


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:07 am

    kvs wrote:

    Demented Ukr historical revisionists are claiming that borsch is an exclusively Ukrainian food.  
    This is exactly the sort of inane stealing of Russian history that these nazionlist fucks engage in.
    So anything before 1990 that was Russian has become magically Ukrainian.  

    BTW, Poland has a type of borsch too, does Banderastan claim it for itself as well?   And
    Borsch historically extends through a large part of northern Asia.   Of course all the NATzO
    sources are helping Ukr nazionalists by hyping up the "fact" that it did not originate in
    Russia.   Well, Ukraine is a historical fiction that sits on the land of Kievan Rus.

    In the video, Ostashko gives an example of the annual battle for borsch when Ukr svidomites
    start piling on some social media post with borsch in it.   Here we had some Russian comedian
    likely innocently posting a photo of his borsch plate and a storm of svidomite hate ensued
    with 7,000 haters trying to piss on him.   The interesting thing is not all of these nazionalist
    revisionist losers but the Russian posters.   All of them were making fun of the Ukr idiots.
    There were no mobs of svidomite liberast Russians supporting the Ukr revisionism.  

    NATzO has lost the battle for Russian hearts and minds.   Its only choice as wannabe rulers
    of the planet is to wage a war of extermination.   I think the Russian leadership understands
    this fact.

    Yeah I saw this bullshit the other day on twitter:
    Thread: Thinking faceWe have prepared the most mouth watering  article for you about... culinary deceptions:

    Flushed faceOr rather, top 8 dishes culturally appropriated by Russia, because food can be instrument of hybrid warfare as well.
    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 EoI-ZkRXcAA_oys?format=jpg&name=4096x4096

    Ukrummy cocksuckers cherry pick when they hold their values, and notice how they never mention how much Uncle Sham steals cultures and claims it as its own. Pizza? Italian! French fries? Belgian! American as apple pie lol?!?! Apple pie is from England you dolts! Of course they don't want to open Pandora's Box on how much 404 Banderastan culturally appropriated from Russia lol! clown pwnd Of course they don't want to speak (Русский) on it. Wink

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    Post  kvs Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:03 am

    The infographic is the definition of inanity.

    1) No Russian considers shashlyk to be a Russian invented food. It doesn't even
    have a Russian name. Tea was not invented in the UK, it is chai or cha. Russians call tea by its real name: chai.

    2) Then we have the patent political BS of treating Belorussians as not-Russian. That is demented revisionist shit.
    And these twats get it wrong, Poland has "deruni" as well so they likely have a more Ukrainian-Polish origin.

    3) I have never eaten dolma in my family's cooking on the Russian side of the family. The name is not Russian and
    it would be like eating at some restaurant Indian food. No fecking way Russians claim that dolma is indigenous.
    (It does not even make sense for Russians to make such a claim since grapes vine related products are not
    historical to Russia and are clearly southern foods coming from the Middle East and Mediterranean).

    4) Nobody in Russia considers plov to an ethnic Russian food. Russians recognize that there are Caucasian
    foods that they like. Western racists try to project onto Russians what they themselves are really like.

    5) Chicken Kiev as a stolen food is clown clown clown clown clown clown clown clown
    This dish is a French influenced one created in the Russian empire. It is not any sort of ancient food
    like borsch. It is definitely not Ukrainian.

    6) I have never heard of any Nalysnyky. This is another retarded example along the lines of Indian restaurants
    selling Indian food in Canada must be Canadians stealing Indian cuisine. Russians love yeast leavened "crepes"
    with which they make both sweet and non-sweet wrapped dishes. For example using soft cheese or ground
    meat and vegetables. This sort of food is rather widespread in different forms. It likely has a layered origin
    extending from Asia to Europe and influenced by later culinary trends. Trying to claim this food is stolen by
    Russians is brain dead. I guess we should make sure to say that anyone eating potatoes, tomatoes, peppers
    and other South and Central American vegetables stole them from the New World.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 2 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 11, 2020 12:19 pm

    Communism created aggressive welfare bums with an entitlement syndrome.

    Was not aware of any communist country that tolerates large numbers of people who don't work yet still receive funding from the government... that is a western thing isn't it?

    The so called welfare state....

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    Post  kvs Fri Dec 11, 2020 3:29 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Communism created aggressive welfare bums with an entitlement syndrome.

    Was not aware of any communist country that tolerates large numbers of people who don't work yet still receive funding from the government... that is a western thing isn't it?

    The so called welfare state....

    Even though the USSR had mandatory work it still created welfare-type leech mentalities. For example, one of my family
    members was asked by someone living in Russia (years after the USSR disappeared) who gave us our house in Canada.
    This was not some problem with language, this was pure welfare bum nonsense. The idea that one earns their way
    was wiped out to be replaced with "what I am entitled to". What you see in Ukraine is not out of nothing national
    chauvinism. They are obsessed with the EU because they expect to live like kings just by "joining" it. If they the had
    a grounded mindset, they would not have such ludicrous expectations. As with the specimen who asked the question
    about our house, they expect to be given something without working for it.

    It is rather clear what is going on. People who are given things for free (including jobs) take them for granted. This
    is known as the tragedy of the commons. In this regard the right wingers are right even if they believe other BS.

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