Regarding Russian export "dependence". That is part of the whole "gas station posing as a country" narrative. Of course the clowns pushing this narrative can't get their numbers straight. So one day oil and gas account for 50% of Russia's GDP, another day they account for 33% (even though Russia exports more than just oil and gas) and so on. Oil and gas account for 6.4% of Russia's GDP. That is it.
The dirty trick or brain-dead ignorance at play here is that nominal trade dollar value is compared against the nominal exchange rate GDP. This comparison is not valid since exports are not subtracted first. Russia exported about $450 billion worth of goods in 2018 ( From this you get the 31% exports. But just as every dollar of sales abroad is equal to many rubles in domestic revenue, every dollar imports is equal to many rubles of domestic costs. The GDP only sees the 10% trade surplus. So Russia's actual dependence on foreign trade is 10% and not 31%. In the case of Canada and its 3% trade deficit, the GDP has to be stimulated by either robust internal growth or borrowing. It is borrowing that is hiding the 3% trade deficit.
If 52% of Russian exports are oil and gas, then we have $234 billion in revenues. Russia's (civilian biased) PPP GDP was $4.2 trillion in 2018. Since the PPP GDP has been normalized into dollars the imports have to be counted in dollars to have apples to apples comparison. So we get 0.234/4.2 = 0.0557 or 5.57%. The oil and gas industry is not just exports and there are amplifier effects on Russia's domestic economy (e.g. local jobs and expenditures) so this gives us a GDP contribution of 6.4% > 5.6%.
Some economic analysts think Moscow has more to fear from an abrupt removal of the sanctions than additional ones. “The single biggest danger to the Russian economy would be if the US woke up one day and lifted all the sanctions,” says a senior official who advises the Russian central bank. “There would be a massive inflow of capital, the currency would spike, all the government’s policies would be in tatters. It would be a disaster.”
This article is pretty much the acceptance of defeat by the sanction-er free world.
Why would the policies be in tatters? The government would lower the taxes even further, put more money into the welfare and other funds and give some guidance where to invest the incoming money.
The Russia is a gas station idiots should explain why Russia is not bowing to US or western pressure on everything and why it has not collapsed yet if what they think is true.
Why are the Russians not sell outs to western hegemony?
Better question would of course by why is the west sold out to big business and money instead of what is best for their populations and why is the money controlled western media not investigating its own corruption and instead trying to find corruption everywhere else...
Putin even have problems to influence Belarus when Belarus consider US the leader of the world.
Lukashenko added how the United States is "the greatest empire, the leading country in the world." An emphasis Moscow may note, even if it wouldn't dispute the accuracy.
And this is the eternal problem , the mother of all problems Russia face. The root of its misery , the cause of its 5th column.. the reason why Russia have no allies.. who are Russian allies? China and Russia are only strategic allies.. just like Iran is another..
they cooperate on security and economy because is mutually benefit.. but they are totally different nations ,totally different cultures, totally different priorities.. you can't integrate Russia and China to work as one.. russian society feel european not chinese.. Russian girls.. have seen their blogs on social media ,their opinions and ideas of Russia ,all of them 100% prefer to raise a family with someone from the american or european continent than from someone from their own country ,or asia or middle east.
This is why no developed country wants to integrate with Russia block.. they see Russia outdated nation with a primitive government and weak country ,like a gas station.. and this is really very bad for russia image in the world for russia influence. and consider United States the leader of the world.. Ukraine had a revolution to split from Russia 2 times.. each one to split even further.. first to become a sovereign independent nation in the 90s and second one in 2014 to completely distance from russia past and become integrated into Europe.. Kasakistan passed a law to elimiate the russian language.. gerogia also want integration with europe.. Kazan a big city south of moscow ,about half of its population don't see themselves as Russian but muslim.. and they also were pushing to make tatar language the official language in kazan and russian as secondary optional. all this things are very powerful signs.. that Putin's is developing Russia in a wrong way .because is not influencing correctly ,not even its own society.. his party are losing popularity the more time pass. putin leadership and image is eroding , experiencing fatigue.
So where does this go ? Putin strategy in russia development will only lead to its own auto destruction... he is like a medicine and cancer at the same time.. first saved Russia from economic collapse ,by nationalizing Oil and gas and investing in military.. but at the same time ,he is moving Russia in the wrong direction.. to the glorious past.. this is a very serious problem ,for Russia future.. because Russia can't exist.. can't survive by a powerful military alone .. it will self destruct from the inside by the 5th column.. which are not necessarily the bad guys its majority,but people tired of the same old nation traditions ,same old government and the ones that look more into the future.. Putin thinks ,he can influence the world away of NATO by holding olympics and with politeness bullshit.. or because Russian powerful weapons and nukes will convince them to do it.. the moron even told it in the hypersonic conference..
Putin’s : “They Didn’t Listen to Us Then, They Will Listen to Us Now”
So it is more than clear ,that Putin believe its tactics of politeness bullshit with bullies and enemies + promoting sports "so nations get along together" and powerful weapons ..will be what will make the west to take seriously Russia ,to listen Russia.. putin told it.. they did not listen but they will listen now..
So my question here to all fanboys who believed to be "Experts" in russia economic development , in this forum.. did anything have changed since Putin last hypersonic conference ? is Russia listened now? did they respect Russia interest in the world now? nothing have changed at all.. zero..
Putin is out of touch with reality ,with the world he lives , with his own population young generations , and with the west.. he simply is incapable of understanding ,why Russia is not taken seriously , why is disrespected so much nation , why their interest not respected and its allies attacked , invaded and starved its economy and russia can't do anything about it.. because have no way to influence its enemies ,russia have no leadership in the world.. with the nations seeking to destroy it and can do it from the inside using its own population civil unrest in combination with attacks on oil prices.. which contrary to all idiots who say no.. russia economy is seriously damaged by low oil prices. this was what hit more russia.. the flooding of oil in the market.. hurt the profits of the entire russia energy industry and sanctions on russia minerals hurt the metalurgy industry. . when a country is a weak can be sanctioned easily.. when a country is strong not so much.. russia can't sanction United States at all or harm its economy.. why? because russia have no business leadership.. in the things US needs.
It is weakens the problem.. nobody follow weak people.. they follow strong people , that is not afraid to use force when its interest disrespected...see Iranian example.. US fly drones inside russia airpace.. drone shutdown and now they respect iranian airspace.. their general killed and they retaliate and bomb american military base..wound american soldiers and now they changed their tune ,and spoke softly to iran.. offering a new deal..
so this are 2 ways to be respected. 1)by being strong AND using force to counter adversaries. 2)by being a leader leadership..
russia use none of them ,they do have weapons but don't use them to stop disrespectful nations. americans use both of them.. iranians don't have business to lead,but they are not polite bullshit like putin.. and use force to get respect and surprise surprise.. they do respect this.. no more drones fly near iran today.
All bullies always respect a good punch in the face.. and will always back down..if they aware their adversaries not afraid of a fight..but putin insecurity , weakness , and politeness , gets his planes attacked ,its bases attacked ,its allies ,its soldiers ,and he does nothing.. yet he will not be in a position to ever have to use military force ,if Russia did not created an economy highly depend on energy .. in this forum claims Russia economy is dependent on services.. but even the russian economic misnister have said russia economy is largely dependent in oil... what the morons in this forum don't understand is that all those services depends on oil..that russian energy industry when don't make profits ,the government needs to finance them.. and when oil prices goes down.. the Russian ruble and russia economy collapse..and the bank have to invest billions to rescue it.... so Russia IS a largely dependent economy on energy prices and exports. in direct and indirect ways it is.. if a nation major industry is base in machinery for oil rigs.. and the oil companies show major loses.. then the industry that provide services to oil companies will go down too.. so russia economy is largely dependent on oil price idiots.. russia also have major loans to pay in pipelines they build.. for oil infraestructure and if russia energy industry don't make profits , russia entire energy industry will go down ,creating a chain reaction that will collapse russian economy.. since many of those so called "Services" are oriented around the energy industry. many security staff ,engineers,scientist and even food shops staff will lose their jobs if the russian energy industry lose their jobs.. russia is a cold nation most of the year.. and so it can't live without natural gas. without heat of any kind ,whether is a library or a private hospital or electric company will not work without heat.. so to say russia economy is not dependent on oil and natural gas is laughable .. it is.. most russian services will not work without heat ,without natural gas.. the entire russia economy will collpase without gazprom.. get that idiots.. since the entire russia industry can't operate without heat .. most russian debt is an energy debt.. why not talk about that ? how putin debt was because of the cost of building those pipelines.. and services to russia energy infraestructure is gigantic... too... if russia energy industry collapse.. the entire russia economy collapse. is as simple as that.. so learn something morons..
this doesn't means that the focus of the economy should be on energy.. as putin does.. if russia major business were not based on energy and services to that energy , and instead on high tech and space , then russia will had the business power ,the business leadership ,not only to attract every developed country to its orbit , but also to damage the economy of those nations seeking to destroy it.. as china have done with huawei vs apple..
but as long putin worshipers exist... in russia ,and idiots praise him ,as a genius.. he will continue sinking russia to a long and painful death , that will happen ,because the moron have zero strategy to counter the american empire other than wait.. and wait and wait they change and become their friends..because somehow a change in their hearts will happen..
is a leadership problem ,what russia face , once they get a leader with vision ,that look to the future and not to the old solviet past.. that seek to reinvent russia in a new way its culture instead of worshiping the obsolete past culture .and when counter US high tech industry ,not just in tech demos in a laboratory,but actual international business when russia will start to get leadership in the world and when will be respected. and when nato will completely disband.. since the developed nations follows leaders.. and not followers as russia is..
Modernization of Russian Economy ,from a commodities based economy to high tech exports.. and tech services based on services to high tech and space tech ,not services on repairing tractor used by potatoes industry ,or repairing an oil pipeline..or painting a bananas shop ..Putin needs to transform the economy into a very specialized one.. that require people with high university degrees to do the science and technology what putin needs to promote.. and not distractions like competitive sports ..modernization of russian culture and economy, not only will have the enormous benefit to put Russia back on the map of a world leader..and help russia start earning the respect Russia deserve..if it was by me.. i will have privatized entirely the energy industry to private companies that they can trust and instead invest in free energy revolution.. take full advantage of sun light and make nuclear energy very safe..and accessible not only for small business but also for civilians too in a completely safe way for them and environment. not only have the enormous benefit of ending the petro dollar and the terrorist main source of income that is oil ,but also ending NATO and the destructive nature of the American empire.. if they want to be part of the new most modern world lead by Russian business. but also have the big huge benefit of ending the threat of radical religions like islam.. in russia.. because modernization of your culture ,directly competes with religions that are not dynamic and static in the islam and others.. and this will end destructive ideologies.. that are rascist and backward looking. So russia can only be saved if it looks to the future at all times and never to the past.. unless it is to visit one day a museum.. that is where the past should be in history and not as something that should be emulated at all.. the past is there to not repeat mistakes and to build on top of it .to make life better.. to try to emulate the past as putin wants is a mistake.. it makes your nation outdated with old way of thinking.. and you can have a modern culture without losing your values..and ethics.. The can teach better by example ,the way of conduct for society , if it is a selfish arrogant and repressive government ,it will promote a selfish arrogant and careless society.
What makes you think Russia can successfully compete in high tech business with the West? It is not like there is a magic wand Putin can wave. Even if Russia has a legacy of mathematical and engineering education inherited from the USSR, it does not have a legacy of turning those ideas into profitable businesses. More to the point, the most profitable markets are in the West (or China). Those Western markets can be protected from Russian competition by sanctions or trade barriers as well as be simply not respecting Russian intellectual property via the courts. China is in a different situation by virtue of having the second largest economy in the world and by having a population of 1.4 billion.
In terms of soft power, the US/UK have perfected soft power over the last 70 years. (It was Churchill who said in 1947 all future empires will be empires of the mind). The reason the USSR lost the Cold War ultimately came down to this advantage. The US/UK invested billions in the application of mass social psychology - a field the grew organically in the West as a result of Madison Avenue style commercial marketing. Control ultimately rests with control of the meta-narrative - what is in the press or in social media. In the not to distant future, what is directly in peoples' minds.
The world speaks English. The dollar is the world's reserve currency - to be replaced someday by a virtual currency. Asian women undergo painful cosmetic surgery to look for European - no European women undergo surgery to look Asian. No, Russian will not compete and win in the way that you propose and I think Putin is very much aware of that. He is trying to do the best with what he has to work with.
calripson wrote:What makes you think Russia can successfully compete in high tech business with the West? It is not like there is a magic wand Putin can wave. Even if Russia has a legacy of mathematical and engineering education inherited from the USSR, it does not have a legacy of turning those ideas into profitable businesses. More to the point, the most profitable markets are in the West (or China). Those Western markets can be protected from Russian competition by sanctions or trade barriers as well as be simply not respecting Russian intellectual property via the courts. China is in a different situation by virtue of having the second largest economy in the world and by having a population of 1.4 billion.
In terms of soft power, the US/UK have perfected soft power over the last 70 years. (It was Churchill who said in 1947 all future empires will be empires of the mind). The reason the USSR lost the Cold War ultimately came down to this advantage. The US/UK invested billions in the application of mass social psychology - a field the grew organically in the West as a result of Madison Avenue style commercial marketing. Control ultimately rests with control of the meta-narrative - what is in the press or in social media. In the not to distant future, what is directly in peoples' minds.
The world speaks English. The dollar is the world's reserve currency - to be replaced someday by a virtual currency. Asian women undergo painful cosmetic surgery to look for European - no European women undergo surgery to look Asian. No, Russian will not compete and win in the way that you propose and I think Putin is very much aware of that. He is trying to do the best with what he has to work with.
You have a rosy view of the west. The so-called soft-power is mostly primitive coercion such as sanctions which includes full blown black mail of businesses as in the case of Nord Stream II. The reason why the myth of soft power evolved was because the mercantilist pirate west developed first and became a mecca for high standard of living. Even people in countries such as India which were raped and hard by the British Empire fawn over the mystical western wealth and good living.
Russia is not some 3rd world toilet which can't raise its own standard of living. And we see now how true this is with massive improvements in living conditions even in the Russian hinterland. All of this happened in the 20 years of Putin's watch. The so-called developing world has basically stood still compared to Russia during this period of time. I do not classify China and India as developing since they are basically Europe size and complexity regions in terms of numerous cultures and languages. Excluding these special cases we have essentially nothing to report from Latin America, Africa and most of the rest of the world outside the NATO west.
As for technology. It's funny to see people yapping about consumer trinkets like iPhones as "tech". It is trash. And Russia actually does make money from these items. The "glass" screens used for these devices are 50% sourced from one Russian company making synthetic sapphires. The only thing that matters is that Russia has demonstrated a clear import-substitution ability like no other country. That some Japanese women have surgery on their eye-lids to look more western does not make the NATO west into some sort of invincible utopia. All the evidence points to the west eating itself through PC rot and the gradual loss of its global pirate racket.
Development is not open-ended, it eventually becomes a case of diminishing returns & marginal improvement. The "West" is as developed as it is ever going to get, and internal mechanisms such as unsustainable debt levels, collapsing demographics in the native populations, and changing social/ethnic makeup and cultural conventions will have a deleterious effect on its soft power going forward.
Russia is working form a lower base than the West and has yet to approach its vast potential. The West has achieved its potential, and now struggle to maintain what they have, let alone improve.
The idea that Russian tech can't find a niche in the West is simply nonsense. If someone suggested in 1980 that China would one day be a world leader in computer network technologies they would have laughed at. Today the Chinese are undisputed leaders, and the collective West, as paranoid as it is about China's growing power, are adopting Chinese tech, even though the US Sinophobe establishment is trying its best to torpedo Chinese involvement.
What makes you think Russia can successfully compete in high tech business with the West?
Because it does.
Even if Russia has a legacy of mathematical and engineering education inherited from the USSR, it does not have a legacy of turning those ideas into profitable businesses.
Profitable business is not necessarily good business.
Case in point spending $1 a day per worker in an African diamond mine with a bonus of $50 when a worker finds a big valuable stone is extremely profitable, but is it good business?
These poor countries put up with this because they don't have alternatives, but perhaps a good relationship with a non colonial power like Russia who values workers over CEOs and shareholders and they might nationalise those mines and start keeping more of their own countries worth within their own borders instead of sending it off to the 1% in the west to make them a little richer.
More to the point, the most profitable markets are in the West (or China). Those Western markets can be protected from Russian competition by sanctions or trade barriers as well as be simply not respecting Russian intellectual property via the courts.
Bullshit the markets with the richest people have the smallest profit margins... it is growing markets developing markets with lots of poor people working to get rich where the biggest profits are to be made... not stagnating old markets with negative interest rates...
China is in a different situation by virtue of having the second largest economy in the world and by having a population of 1.4 billion.
China has a population so large it effectively creates its own internal market that it can grow and develop with, though it grows much faster when it is the production centre for the world like the US used to be just after WWII... which created the 1950s for the US which were golden times where the father worked and the wife stayed home and brought up the kids and they could buy a house and a car and have holidays every year. Not now.
In terms of soft power, the US/UK have perfected soft power over the last 70 years. (It was Churchill who said in 1947 all future empires will be empires of the mind). The reason the USSR lost the Cold War ultimately came down to this advantage. The US/UK invested billions in the application of mass social psychology - a field the grew organically in the West as a result of Madison Avenue style commercial marketing. Control ultimately rests with control of the meta-narrative - what is in the press or in social media. In the not to distant future, what is directly in peoples' minds.
You mean the west talks shit.... yes... I agree... but so does everyone who wants to sell you something... don't make it out to be some special power...
The west does not control the western media a very few very rich people do and they use it to divert and deflect attention from the very easy lives they and their families now have compared to the shit everyone else still has to put up with...
The world speaks English.
No it doesn't.
The dollar is the world's reserve currency - to be replaced someday by a virtual currency
The dollar being used as a weapon means it is becoming less and less used internationally, and the US printing more ignoring its own debts which are getting bigger an bigger, it is clearly a bubble... and bubbles that expand that far have to burst...
Asian women undergo painful cosmetic surgery to look for European - no European women undergo surgery to look Asian. No, Russian will not compete and win in the way that you propose and I think Putin is very much aware of that. He is trying to do the best with what he has to work with.
European women lie out in the sun or pay money in tanning salons to tan their skin... they cover their skin in all sorts of powders and oils to look young, they spend more money reshaping and recolouring their hair than they spend on their children... so you really think they should be used as a guide?
You have a rosy view of the west. The so-called soft-power is mostly primitive coercion such as sanctions which includes full blown black mail of businesses as in the case of Nord Stream II. The reason why the myth of soft power evolved was because the mercantilist pirate west developed first and became a mecca for high standard of living. Even people in countries such as India which were raped and hard by the British Empire fawn over the mystical western wealth and good living.
He has a rosy view of the west because that is where western soft power works best... go to an African country or an Asian country or a country in Central or South America and their views on the west in general and the US in particular will be rather different... and much more realistic.
Development is not open-ended, it eventually becomes a case of diminishing returns & marginal improvement. The "West" is as developed as it is ever going to get, and internal mechanisms such as unsustainable debt levels, collapsing demographics in the native populations, and changing social/ethnic makeup and cultural conventions will have a deleterious effect on its soft power going forward.
Russia is working form a lower base than the West and has yet to approach its vast potential. The West has achieved its potential, and now struggle to maintain what they have, let alone improve.
The idea that Russian tech can't find a niche in the West is simply nonsense. If someone suggested in 1980 that China would one day be a world leader in computer network technologies they would have laughed at. Today the Chinese are undisputed leaders, and the collective West, as paranoid as it is about China's growing power, are adopting Chinese tech, even though the US Sinophobe establishment is trying its best to torpedo Chinese involvement.
More critically the honest questions are not being asked... what was the point of the west becoming rich and powerful when it seems that the majority of western citizens are lost in a work spiral of doom to retirement... constantly working to pay the endless bills hoping to survive to retirement that keeps getting pushed further and further from reach... so when they finally retire when they are 85 and they have their pitiful pension that buys nothing by then they sit in an old folks home till they die, while the 1% are partying and having a great time... 6 holidays a year to far away exotic locations...
I am just hoping the west pushes China and Russia and India just hard enough so they don't end up following the same path and they end up with a society where there will still be a 1% rich... but not billionaires... just tens or hundreds millionaires, and the rest of the population has the billions spread out so everyone can live a comfortable life and have holidays to exotic places and enjoy life...
The American dream was supposed to be that anyone could turn up there with nothing and with hard work could become rich and comfortable and happy... that really does not happen any more.
calripson wrote:What makes you think Russia can successfully compete in high tech business with the West?
In terms of soft power, the US/UK have perfected soft power over the last 70 years. (It was Churchill who said in 1947 all future empires will be empires of the mind). The reason the USSR lost the Cold War ultimately came down to this advantage. The US/UK invested billions in the application of mass social psychology - a field the grew organically in the West as a result of Madison Avenue style commercial marketing. Control ultimately rests with control of the meta-narrative - what is in the press or in social media. In the not to distant future, what is directly in peoples' minds.
what makes me think that Russia can compete? Because Rissia is a highly capable nation ,with tremendous potential ,and very good engineers and scientist. it was russians who invented the laser light ,did you knew that? and the the grand parents of today russians , lead the space race too.. you need a lot skills to send equipment to the moon ,mars and venus. .first.. as soviet union did it.. they developed the space shuttle too.. Russia also had major advances too in semiconductors.. it was Russian engineer that worked for intel ,who developed the Pentium pro. so the skills are there.. not only for a high tech focused business ,but also for a space exploration focused economy.. and is very frustrating to see how Putin waste so much opportunities in distractions like olympics.. like super expensive victory parades ,in populism.. that is socialism to score points with people.. he wasted between sochi and world cup 2018.. a whooping 50 +10 billions $USD dollars.. about $60,000,000,000 (60 billions usd dollars) for what? for 2 weeks of fun on each event? Russia also is investing $300 billions dollars in a super train to china..
so thats about $360 billions investement ,that could have been used elsewhere for helping russia counter the soft power influence of the west and their system.. ,instead of distractions.. for comparisons Russia space budget.. is about $2 billions a year.
so shows how serious NOT is russia on its space program.. they invest more money in paying the west for sanctions ,than on its space program..
so basically Putin absolutely , totally disconnected from the problems russia face... he is playing the waiting game.. as if he ask many times for friendship they will get it.. by repetition. US can't back down , the people who control it.. will want all or nothing and will not abandon their hegemony ... and putin do nothing to end the cold war.. all he does is use weakness politess as power, to promote mercy to be nicer with russia.. and by begging for it. but putin tactics will never work.. you don't do parties , or olympics , or build pretty expensive parks ,when your nation face undeclared war .. and they seeking to destroy your country..
and Russia face a real state of war.. they call it cold war , but it gets hot from time to time.. with russian soldiers killed..Russia economy attacked at all times..
US disrespect Russia and very hostile in ... a)in syria b) in ukraine c) in venezuela, d) in cuba , e)in bolivia f)nicaragua
basically all nations friendly to russia are attacked , so is war.. and this is the way Putin should see it. is a proxy /indirect slow war ..what russia face.. and putin needs to fight back can't continue ignoring the danger that US create for Russia own existence.. and if all he does .. is wait for they to change.. and be polite , then Putin weakness will be encouraging them to increase the hostilities ,against russia even more..
and it is very clear they want to break russia economy in a million of parts and they will never back down on this.. because restoring relations with russia ,means removing sanctions and abandon their global ambitions.
Is an influence issue what Putin's Russia face.. ,they don't influence either Europe to abandon NATO and the US unfair and dangerous system ,neither they influence americans to change their aptitude.. something russia could have easily done if Russia was way more ambitious in their space program for example.. since americans love space.. and high tech too... and this will allow Russia to become sanction proof, you saw how americans for examples were influenced by Russia soyuz program.. because they don't have an alternative to it.. so why not do more business like that ? to influence americans to cooperate more? he already have the key how to influence a better behavior in the west... but he don't take advantage of it.. he cut in half the budget of Russia space program ,that was already low... according to Roscosmos chief , Rogozing ,their space program is just 1/20 of what US and china spend.. in theirs.. So for me Putin really don't understand what he is doing...because if he knew.. he will be investing heavily in transforming russia into the absolute leader in space exploration which Russia can do ,if he did not wasted so much in distractions or worshiping the past.. and in high tech.. and work for the creation of a new world wide internet.. this is when only when russia will earn respect and will see nations change their tune.. when they feel they need Russian business ,for their own development.
China huawei business is a perfect example of this soft power in action.. the success of china in high tech, is opening the doors to china in markets ,that previously were only exclusive of americans.. even britain wants china to build their internet 5G network.. even when US demanded europe to not cooperate with china.. so china huawei success if a major example , how much power a nation can get ,by just leading in technology.. to the point of even US allies ignoring US foreign policy of containment of china .. If Russia had today cosmonauts traveling to the moon and mars.. it will have the entire planet in awe.. and it will be the topic of discussion of every day. leading in high tech and space ,had also another huge benefit ,and that is attract scientific and engineering talent world wide to your country ,who wants to be part of that success. and this help another issue of russia and will help populate russia and increase its population.. so many opportunities missed by Putin ,for totally ignoring how the west use so effectively their soft power ,through the leadership of their business and modern culture.
Last edited by Vann7 on Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:35 am; edited 1 time in total
GarryB wrote:European women lie out in the sun or pay money in tanning salons to tan their skin... they cover their skin in all sorts of powders and oils to look young, they spend more money reshaping and recolouring their hair than they spend on their children
I agree with all your other points but this point is not true. This is confirmation bias. Only a handful of European women would spend days tanning themselves in the Sun/salon. And I'm not including Russian women here. Even in Northern and Western parts of Europe only a few White women take to tanning.
Russia built 49,000 railway cars of all types in 2019, breaking the USSR record of 1972 when 42,000 cars were built mostly in Ukraine. Banderastan has been trying to use the WTO to coerce Russia into buying the crapulent production which Russia already rejected back in 2013 (before the Maidan) but lost its case.
The video also covers the mythical Chinese hospital construction. Apparently 5th column liberasts have been using as an example a hospital in Wuhan the construction of which started in 2013 and which was supposed to open in May of 2020 and claiming it was built in a few days. The liberasts use this as "proof" that "Putin's regime" does not care about Russians since it took 10 years to build some polyclinic (i.e. they don't even compare to average hospital construction times in Russia).
Funny how pro-NATzO 5th columnists in Russia trumpet fake Chinese "achievements" to beat Russia down, when their beloved NATzO media sources attack the quality of Chinese field hospitals being built. Clearly the ends justify the means for these liars.
The new hospital in Wuhan was really build in a few days. But it is nothing more then a concrete plate as foundation and modified shipping containers stuck together like Lego. Like a field hospital.
Hole wrote:The new hospital in Wuhan was really build in a few days. But it is nothing more then a concrete plate as foundation and modified shipping containers stuck together like Lego. Like a field hospital.
Russian field hospital
The video shows the field hospital. The liberasts were pointing to another 7 year project that was completed a few days ahead of schedule due to the crisis. The liberasts were deliberately confounding the two projects.
Hole wrote:The new hospital in Wuhan was really build in a few days. But it is nothing more then a concrete plate as foundation and modified shipping containers stuck together like Lego. Like a field hospital.
Russian field hospital
It took even too long for a field hospital. That means that they were seriously underdeveloped concerning basic health infrastructure and that they were not ready at all even with army camps.
The Chineses made huge leaps in some areas, where they are leading now, but they are still extremely underdeveloped on many basic things that in most european countries (including Russia) are given for granted since at least 100 years.
And even if the virus spread had not to do anything with their eating habits, the health standards relative to food safety are extremely poor and live animals are slaughtered without any respect to basic hygiene norms.
So China developed incredibly in the last 30 years, also due to the west mistakes, but it is not a good example on everything.
By the way, with the current situation many large chinese firm that provides component for high tech industries all around the world are still closed. That will have serious inpact on the economy of many countries. I hope that it will also be a wakeup call against uncontrolled globalization
Hole wrote:The new hospital in Wuhan was really build in a few days. But it is nothing more then a concrete plate as foundation and modified shipping containers stuck together like Lego. Like a field hospital.
Russian field hospital
The video shows the field hospital. The liberasts were pointing to another 7 year project that was completed a few days ahead of schedule due to the crisis. The liberasts were deliberately confounding the two projects.
Interesting report.. Shows the kind of business "relations" that Putin have with Lukashenko in Belarus.. Basically Lukashenko extort Putin at any opportunity he can ,he make first a deal.. signed in a contract and later wants to change it.. at the expense of Russia economy.. he wanted to pay the lowest gas prices even more lower than the ones Russia give to the economic block from former soviet states.. and then also he wanted to change the terms of a loan ,that he already signed years ago.. for building a nuclear reactor with Russian money... for what? for ending Belarus dependence on russia energy..
So Putin needs to give $10 billions dollars from Russian budget ,to build a nuclear reactor for lukashenko.. then later he complain ,after the deal signed.. years earlier that he wants the paymens to be postponed and extended from 25 years to 35 years.. and he threaten Putin with moving close to the west and US he don't agree with his demands..
So it doesn't suprise me at all.. putin is polite teddy bear ,and everyone try to take advantage of him.. all this things show.. that russia is indeed a gas station and energy station in real practice.. that russia cards of influence is limited to energy prices and selling of weapons.. i remember how lukashenko started an scandal because Putin did not gave the transfer of technology of some Russian missiles .that he wanted.. for self defense.. and then in retaliation he got rockets from china instead..
So Putin is a serious threat for Russia national security ..everyone abuse of him weakness and politeness and extort him.. lukashenko , erdogan ,and netanyahu.. manipulate him into consessions in almost any way they want.. and his mediocre development of Russia ,with an economy focused in energy and commodities and low risk business ,in combination with his insecure personality , is the reason why Russia don't take off , and is so disrespected in the world.. is extorted.. and its interest always attacked..
Lukashenko is ready to go to extreme measures to distance itself from Russia on the Ukrainian model. In this he is supported by Pro-Western Russophobia the opposition previously supported his former Nemesis in violent Belarusization. The West also favors such solutions. Barely ended in dramatic negotiations of Alexander Lukashenko with Vladimir Putin in Krasnaya Polyana, as the Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian Council of Ministers Dmitry Krutoy made an official clarification of the agreements. Judging by the TV spots and accents in the official publications, as well as the comments of advocates, Moscow conceded the demands of the Belarusian delegation to deprive Belarus of favorable conditions for mutual trade, in particular to raise the price of Russian oil for the Belarusian side.
Incredible how to win in the negotiation process on the terms of Russian oil deliveries to Belarus presented to Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Krutoy: "the Russian side agreed that Belarusian refineries would buy the oil by agreement with the Russian oil companies at prices which are set on the world market. By the way, that during all the negotiations have repeatedly demanded our President and the Belarusian side".
"Belarus does not need any special conditions. We want to buy oil on the world quotes, not worse. Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed with this approach. Moreover, he promised that the Russian government will provide every assistance in our work with the Russian extracting companies to supply oil to Belarusian refineries was exactly in such conditions that I said above". Dmitry Krutoy The Belarusian state concern "Belneftehim" in early January, informed that "taking into account the implementation of the next phase of the tax maneuver in the Russian Federation the price of "cheap duty-free Russian oil" today is 83 per cent of the world". Thus, the leadership of Belarus has achieved in Sochi, the increase in the cost of Russian oil to Belarusian refineries.
Cool also reported a more important agreement, which is not too bulged, but is of vital importance for diversification of oil supplies to Belarus, in particular, from Kazakhstan: "There were certain restrictions on access to transit pipe "Transneft". The President of Russia promised all these restrictions removed. They are set for all export markets and supply it in a separate decree. In Belarus, this decree will not apply. That is, every company will be profitable and interesting to work with our refinery, will get the admission to the pipe, transit, supplies via the Transneft as an agent. Any restrictions here will not."
The restrictions were not discriminatory in respect of one only of Belarus. The experience of "contamination" of oil pipeline "Druzhba" last spring demonstrated that restriction of access is necessary, and existed in 2019 access rules should have been tightened.
A curious detail: after much discussion on the supply of "dirty oil" and claims incredible compensation Minsk still has not provided justification for such payments. Population long and in paints told who is guilty, resented the lack of payments from the Russian side, but their calculations are not provided. The Russian side had wisely decided not to give reasons for statements about insufficiently large payments or wrong calculation.
Also noteworthy is the ability of the current leadership of Belarus to think strategically. To make a bargain to carry in the process of large financial and reputational losses, and ultimately pay more — this is signature style. However, to register in the strategy of development of its petrochemical complex by 2030 foreign commodity risks and determine ways to minimize them, to practice to pay more — it is a sign of a special gift of government.
At the same time, statements Steep Deputy head of the state concern Belneftekhim Vladimir Sizov spoke about the preparation of the strategy of development of the petrochemical complex of the Republic for the next ten years, noting: "the Most important factors that we considered when developing the strategy is the external risks and ways to minimize them". He called the "main risk" — the change in the price of raw materials (i.e. crude oil). Describing this risk, he said — "is output at the world price and removal of the dependence of the petrochemical complex of these fluctuations, the ability to work in conditions of global prices for petrochemical raw materials". Judging by the actions of a very specific officials in the leadership of Belarus since the end of last year, they deliberately created such a risk, introducing the most important export industry of the Republic in a state of uncertainty.
The gas issue was also the focus of the Sochi negotiators. In 2019, the official Minsk refused to sign the contracts for the supply of oil and gas from Russia. If oil was to experiment overpayment for an urgent delivery of oil from Norway, with the gas supply there was no alternative.
Lukashenko, in this case, in the terminology of the Cool, "repeatedly demanded" reducing the cost of Russian gas to the level of the Smolensk region. During the Sochi negotiations of the Belarusian delegation pronounce numbers $100 and $94 per thousand cubic meters. As a result, gas in the current year, another unfinished part of the Union state will receive $127 — at last year's price.
"At the talks with Gazprom, of course, we will make a small adjustment in our favor, but as the basic variant, price $127 actually recorded at the presidential level", — said Cool.
He also said: "Now the task is, given that we have a gas contract there is only for two months — January and February still to solve the issue for March-December".
That is, of the Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian government can be understood as follows: the problem in understanding the left for Minsk, and he hopes for a price reduction — in recognition agreements. POPs up the analogy with the end of the fairy tale by Alexander Pushkin about the old man and the Golden fish.
By the way, meanwhile in Belarus again aggravated the problem of adequate perception of the world-genius: just before the Sochi talks, this time in Minsk, vandals defiled the monument to the classic of world literature. Prior to that, the monument to Pushkin in Mogilev disfigured other vandals official, so it's not unusual for Belarusian realities has not happened. These facts also affect the public perception and political leadership of Russia the prospects of integration, in which Lukashenko voiced their economic demands.
"Why did you deceive us? Moreover, don't cheat, and I think we forgot" — asked Lukashenko on 4 February in Dobrush provincial, presenting the claims of Moscow on the gas issue. For some time past he chose such a strange manner of communication with the Russian leadership.
Previously on this topic: Voluntarism Lukashenka provokes a crisis in Belarus
Lukashenka systematically declares that the Russian side does not fulfill the agreements on lowering the gas prices for Belarus, which was allegedly reached more than ten years ago when selling to Gazprom, the Belarusian gas transport enterprise "Beltransgaz" (now JSC "Gazprom transgaz Belarus"). Thus you cannot reference a single document and not telling the truth about that deal, turning the situation into a favourable perspective. Gas, meanwhile, for the Belarusian enterprises is expensive, and raises prices for the Belarusian domestic market, not Moscow.
Another question, who commented on the Steep after the negotiations of Lukashenka and Putin in Krasnaya Polyana — the construction of the Belarusian NPP. And here Minsk also initiated the revision of the reached arrangements. They are bonded not only presidents, but also intergovernmental agreements, contracts, and loans, for the most part already been spent on the construction of a nuclear power station. And now, after all this time and without regard to specific legal obligations by the price of nearly ten billion dollars, Lukashenko proposes to revise the deal for the NPP.
Read the news story: the NPP
"Today is probably the most significant joint integration project", — said the Deputy Chairman of the government of Belarus, making it clear that Minsk is aware of the importance of the initiated step.
According to Cool, the governments of Belarus and Russia will discuss the change in credit terms to Finance the construction of a nuclear power plant in the Grodno region. The Vice-Premier said: "there is an obvious solution, given the short delay of time. We are asking to delay the start time of the payments on the loan. Plus we ask, not to bear the additional load, extend the term of the loan and reduce the interest rate, bringing it in line roughly with those contracts that exist in the "Rosatom" in other countries. There may be a small interest rate adjustments".
Lukashenko at the negotiations on 7 February tried to convince Putin not only to reduce the rate of loan of the government of the Russian Federation, but also to extend the period of the Belarusian service obligations and debt repayment from 25 to 35 years. The intergovernmental loan agreement on granting to the government of Belarus, the Russian state export loan for the NPP construction was signed on 25 November 2011. The expense of the Russian budget in the amount of $10 billion make up a large part of the money for the project. Likewise been attracted by other Russian and foreign resources, the development of which was carried out by Russian, Belarusian and Chinese companies.
It would seem that Minsk and Moscow had agreed on the terms of crediting of the project. However, as with the price of Russian oil and gas, Lukashenka periodically initiates the scandals with the requirements to review the cost of Russian credit resources. Funding the NPP is no exception. Mikhail Babich thoroughly explained this issue last year when he was the Russian Ambassador and special representative of the President of Russia on development trading-economic cooperation with Belarus.
The NPP is intended to reduce the dependence of Belarus on imports of Russian energy. The solution to this problem, judging by the current rhetoric of Belarusian officials and Pro-Western opposition, will allow to deprive Russia of the possibility of "energy blackmail". In this context, it is clear why Lukashenka suddenly decided to pay out of people's pocket for "alternative" oil from Norway and other countries. The overpayment will constitute, by various estimates, several billion dollars that Minsk has no.
Political, or rather ideological considerations, judging by the wafting from Minsk rhetoric outweigh rational economic calculation. Lukashenko is ready to go to extreme measures to distance itself from Russia on the Ukrainian model. In this he supports the Pro-Western Russophobia the opposition previously supported his former Nemesis in violent Belarusization. The West also favors such solutions, as evidenced by recent statements by Secretary of state Michael Pompeo, Minister of foreign Affairs of Lithuania Linas Linkevičius, Minister of foreign Affairs of Poland Paul Jablonski and many other officials, experts, and leaders of NGOs.
Lukashenko initiated the revision of long-standing and achieved a few dozen hours ago agreements demonstrates his inability. The success they started bargaining with Russia on oil and gas better judge of the Belarusian Directorate and millions of ordinary people, barely getting by. A number of Russian experts considers expedient for Moscow to take a pause in the discussion of serious issues with Minsk. Belarusian society, in turn, will have to decide with the prospect of living under such control on or soon to sacrifice something for a better future.
the most short sighted people with less iq.. ,will always blame always others.. for russia problems.. oh is lukashenko ,,he is such a pussy.. ohh is kasakistan government , the reason why they removing russian language.. ohh.. is kazan ,the reason they want more automamy.. ohh is their liberals what destroy the world.. is the west ,what creates the 5th column.. they had to be paid.. but very few will see the connection with Putin mediocre and weak leadership and outdated vision of Russia development.. with the poor and mediocre influence Russia have over christian nations.. mostly muslims third world country with zero leadership , follow Russia ,only for its weapons.. and to convert the nation into their religion..
had Russia was a modern nation with modern culture and a modern economy , a business super power it will not need tolerate disrespect and extortion of so many nations and will impose its will without dropping a single bomb or firing a bullet.. notice how baltics and all europe pay the prices that US demands.. they tell jump and they do it.. why is that? but Russia is completely disrespected by west.. and allies too..and why is that ? because US is a strong nation with strong business that leads world development and influence the entire world with its modern culture .. and Russia not.. is a follower. So anyone who wants to trade with US business will need to follow their lead and their demands.. because russia export nothing ,than the world could not get elsewhere..except for cheap prices. then russia becomes the less followed and only nations isolated from the world or rejected for their culture ,follows russia.
Austin wrote:Sechin said that the East Oil project will lead to an increase in Russia's GDP by 2% per year
And later so called "geniuses" in this forum claim Russia economy is not a gas station .... when its economy is so reliant in selling energy ,energy prices and services related to energy maintanance and energy security in police and military protecting those pipelines and nuclear reactors ,no mentioning the monumental engineering jobs, that russia energy industry , creates.. from oil to gas alone..
Russian oil & gas companies to invest $20B in Iraq – reports
even the Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov ,have said that.. that the economy is too dependent in energy (in other words a gas station) and that they will try to modernize it.. but such thing never happens.. with Putin the imbecile in power.. he thinks that by just raising the gdp a few points , he will be able to counter the west ,who is already at war with Russia.
This is why US foreign policy interfere so much with oil and gas exporting nations that they don't influence as venezuela ,iraq and iran.. and why there is a war with syria.. which one of its most important goals ,was a pipeline to bypass Gassprom in europe.
Here is the biggest misconceptionabout US foreign policy.. they don't need at all the oil ,they have plenty.. through fracking , they don't care about contamination. of if civilians die.. they actually have a depopulation agenda...too many americans in US . neither they need the oil of the nations they invade..not for personal use.. they need the oil of middle east ,africa and latin america.. to flood the market with oil and destroy Putin's Russia and its gas station economy.. because they know ,Russia economy is a third world nation economy...that is sensitive to commodities exports and price of commodities.., like african economies are..and so is extremely sensitive to the prices of oil..that also affect natural gas prices too.. any change in oil prices.
So if putin depends in oil.. Americans flood the market with oil... i even remember how the bastard Putin. was ridiculizing Mcain in an interview ,when he was proposing releasing all oil reserves in US to flood the market with oil.. and damage Russia economy.. he even laughed at the interview.. saying they can't do that because it will damage american energy industry too and because use oil reserves only will last 6months.. So putin bragged that americans can't flood the market with oil.. and damage russia economy.. and this is exactly what US did ,without the need to use reserves.. just fracking. the crashed russia economy 2 points.. with oil prices attacks.. it damage US energy industry too.. so what? it damage Russia more.. because Putin is an idiot who have made russia economy extremely sensitive to oil prices.. So americans will not mind sending bankrupt a few dozens of energy companies..if with that they can collapse the entire Russia economy.. it hurts them.. but it hurts far more Russia.. and this is the point the moron in chief in Russia did not understand.. he still double down in energy.. when americans can very easily cam make the energy industry very unprofitable for russia..
if putin invest heavily in potatoes.. then american will build a potato factor in all russian borders.. if putin invest in sports.. what american did.. they banned russia from olympics now ,so russia no longer can hold major events in russia..
if putin invest in space.. then american invest ..errr... in space is not easy to neutralize russian business.. because high tech is not easy to replace.. this is why king of fools putin.. all that the moron needs to do.. to develops its nation.. it to build an economy that is sanctions and sabotage proof.. and how can he do that ?
by transforming Russia third world nation commodities economy that is easy to counter by US , into a state of the art high tech and space leadership economy.. americans can't provide an alternative to Russia soyuz program ,until now.. and so this is why US can't sanction it.. because they need it.. and so all that putin need to do to counter the west ,to gain respect and to end the cold war.. and end the american empire.. is transform russia economy into a high tech space exploration economy ,and this will make it impossible for the west to damage or limit russia economic development. is a leadership problem what russia face .. nothing more , nothing less.
Have putin had any brains.. he will have rented /privatized its energy industry to France and germany and china and let them build the pipelines with their own money and leave happy with a commission and taxes from each oil and gas extracted.. and not have pipelines debt. this will have allowed Russia energy to totally become a monopoly in europe , and in china and russia earn a lot without having to worry at all ,on energy prices..with the money earned for privatizing its energy industry and if a major war start..with europe? no problemo.. Russia can nationalize back its energy industry and take it for free..and europe without gas.. ,
But putin is an idiot and wants to develop Russia ,same way staling did with soviet union.. an oil exporter country ,a gas station. by privatizing the energy industry , the money russia makes ,can reinvest modernize Russia economy ,from commodities based economy ,like venezuela and africa is.. to a space exploration and high tech based economy.. that way Russia not only earn the respect and influence it wants with the west.. but also directly counters US economy with business leadership.. as China is doing with huawei.. this also will disband NATO , when russian high tech and space business becomes more important than american ones..
Putin is the only sole responsible for the wars he is facing.. the west target the energy prices ,because knows russia economy depends a lot on it.. and can easily attack Russia interest because US have more business power ,business leadership ,than Russia.. why on earth invest 2 billions in iraq oil industry ,when the entire business can be shut down with an american cruise missile ? or an alqaeda drone attack ? Putin is like a cancer for russia development.. he creates the perfect conditions , for the west to attack Russia . he develops russia economy the most lamest and lazy way possible.. ie.. gas station ,tourism and sports.. and later the imbecile don't understand why nobody listen russia.. and disrespect its interest.
Russia is disrespected rejected nations by almost the entire world.. like iran ,venezuela and north korea will always follow rusia. but leading developed nations will follow US and their sanctions.. vast majority of times.
Washington tells the world.. you either choose US or Russia for business.. and naturally most of the world who wants development will choose US.. even china trade more ,with US ,than with Russia.. Putin short sighted development of Russia economy is the reason ,Russia is the most disrespected country in the world. They know they need to stop Russia ,because have a high potential ,to one day with another leadership ,discover the mistakes of Putin administration and how his backwards development of russia economy system and correct them.. Soft power , post industrial business power ,is what can end US global ambitions of a global goverment.. and only China is fighting back ,with business that directly counters US high tech industry. Putin all he does is better nukes ,and weapons and hope that this will convince the west to become friends.. no idea how that moron ever got into politics in russia.. but knowing what was the alternative.. then you see ,he was the less bad option of all. he is a terrible leader.. and the only thing good about putin is his patriorism.. but this is not enough..a real strategy is needed for Russia to put an end of the dangerous economic war the west have in Russia.. that can only be stoped with a real military war.. or with business civilian leadership in things the world really love and likes ,but nobody have or almost no one. this is why russia nation future will depend on heavily on business leadership in space and high tech exports for consumer and business use , and not in gas stations or sports or museums tourism.
Last edited by Vann7 on Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:15 am; edited 1 time in total
miketheterrible wrote:Because Vann, you are too much of a fucking retard to figure out that oil and gas constitutes to 6% of GDP as posted so many times.
Mods, can you finally ban him for blatant trolling?
no is not..
this have been proven when oil prices collapse ,russia economy collapse too... and even russian economy minister have said it.. i have seen all your bullshit evidence.. and claims russian economy is dependent on services.. but don't explain what does services are.. are services to energy industry ,services can be police , security.. services that are highly dependent on energy market.. if the oil goes down.. the russian economy exponentially goes down.. this is totally different to american economy.. when oil was at lowest $30 it was the time the american dollar was the strongest.. the american dollar even when is a fraud.. nations will continue supporting it ,no matter how much putin try to encourage nations to not use it.. the reason is simple US business are needed in the world . and so as long they have business leadership ,they dollar will be used and nations will want to trade with them.. all those charts neither mentions how much money putin invest in energy.. far more than in any other industry in russia.. russian debt is an energy debt. so to say that russia economy is not energy dependent is a lie.. this is why putin artificially work with saudi arabia to rise the prices of oil... by holding production.. because he have created the most lamest laziest economy in russia.. all dependent in energy sales and energy prices ,and energy related jobs.. those pipelines needs an army on people to support them..
Using Russia own government numbers.. this is a report that shows how much dependent is russia economy on oil..
Claim in 2018: “Russia relies heavily on energy exports for close to three-quarters of its export earnings and over half of its budget.”
so russia energy exports produce more money ,that the mining ,weapon industry ,agriculture industry ,machinery industry and any other exports of russia .. , half of russian budget.. comes from russia energy industry .. whoahhhh!!!!! if russia is not energy dependent .. then no idea what dependence means .. Stop your bullshit propaganda.. already,.. even the Russian economic minister says it.. that they want to end Russia economy heavy dependence on energy .. but they never do anything about it..
Russian debts is almost all energy related.. those pipelines cost a lot of money to build ,to europe and china. so no only russia economy is heavily dependent on energy ,but russia investments too.. to convert russia from an energy dependent economy, to an energy vampire economy.. because now china too.. will be selling oil but will have to sell it incredible cheap with very little profits ,thanks to the american pressure. on oil prices.
so is a failure strategy what putin is doing.. he bet all russia economic hopes in business that americans can very easily sabotage.. they invested billions in venezuela oil industry and now is sanctioned.. with the stroke of a pen.. trump vanished those billions russia invested in venezuela..
While the Russian economy remains dominated by oil and gas revenues , its agriculture sector has boomed in recent years. Russian farmers produced their largest ever crop in the 2017 agricultural year, breaking the 40-year-old Soviet record, and harvesting more than 130 million tons.
In 2016, Russia became the world’s leader in wheat exports. Since the early 2000s, the Russian share of the world wheat market has quadrupled, from four to 16 percent.
Although agriculture still remains far behind the energy sector , it surpassed arms sales and became the country's second-largest export.
So everyone lies , right? -The russian economic minister lies ,when he says russia economy is heavily dependt in energ? - the central bank also lies says the same.. - also lies..
the only ones not telling the true are the worst kind of fanboys in this forum.. people that will say anything in order to get attention and support putin mistakes.
americans will not be flooding the market with oil ,even at the expense of the own private energy industry , if russia economy was not so heavily dependant in oil.. so leave the bullshit already.. russia is a gas station. with a debt based on investesment to this gas station.. a nation that half of its budget comes from energy industry qualify to me as a gas station.
so keep telling your bullshit lies to yourselves but stop lying in this forum with your propaganda. if even the economic minister of russia says their country is heavily energy dependent is because it is.. period. and no amount of bullshit you claim or charts you interpret in your own way ,will change that.
Putin strategy is a total mistake.. no amount of pipelines he build will help Russia to counter the economic siege ,the war US have in Russia economy.. US have endless way to sabotage nations energy business.. ask venezuela.. just increase the pressure on germany and france and you will see in little time nordstream 2 cancelled ,hopefully that happens , so the moron finally give up on developing russia economy like a third world nation in africa do it.. with economies based on oil ,gas ,mining and agriculture.. real development nations long time ago , moved their economies from commodities bananas economy ,to digital modern economies , selling digital media content in the entire world, high tech and proffesional high tech services ..