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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  Hannibal Barca Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:46 pm

    This was a good deal for us.

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  Fred333 Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:32 pm

    Let's hope this rapprochement with Iran means pivoting away from KSA in the long run.
    max steel
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    Post  max steel Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:39 pm

    George1 wrote:US to Inspect Iran’s Nuclear Facilities

    That's brutal ! Only IAEA is allowed to inspect and that too only civilian plants , not military nuclear plants hidden in their secret mountain bases . muirkans will simply mark those hidden secret nuclear labs on their gps navigation system and rest their precision guided bombs and bunker busters will do the job . Iranians Shah aren't that stupid i suppose and don't take it for granted that usa is going to disobey israel's interests .

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  George1 Thu Aug 20, 2015 4:36 pm

    Side Deal: UN Agrees to Let Iran Inspect Alleged Nuclear Work Site

    Iran will be permitted to use its own inspectors to investigate a site that allegedly has been used to develop nuclear weapons, according to the terms of a secret agreement with a United Nations nuclear agency.

    The inspections concession of the Parchin nuclear site – outlined in a document viewed by the Associated Press – is a part of Iran's side agreement with the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    The United States and five other world powers, which reached a deal with Iran last month to curb Tehran's nuclear program, were not party to the concession. But the P5+1 group were briefed by the IAEA and endorsed it as part of the larger nuclear deal reached last month, the AP reported.

    The newly revealed side agreement was slammed by Republican lawmakers who have criticized the overarching international accord with Iran.

    John Cornyn, of Texas, the second-ranking Republican senator, said:

    "Trusting Iran to inspect its own nuclear site and report to the UN in an open and transparent way is remarkably naive and incredibly reckless. This revelation only reinforces the deep-seated concerns the American people have about the agreement"

    California Congressman Ed Royce, who heads the House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman, said the side agreement reflects a capitulation to Iran.

    "International inspections should be done by international inspectors. Period. The standard of 'anywhere, anytime' inspections – so critical to a viable agreement – has dropped to 'when Iran wants, where Iran wants, on Iran's terms.'"

    Instead of letting the IAEA access the Parchin site, Iran is to provide the agency with photos and videos of locations suspected of weapons work, "taking into account military concerns."

    That wording suggests that the IAEA will not get photo of video from areas Iran says are off-limits because they have military importance, the AP reported.

    Olli Heinonen, who was in charge of the Iran probe as deputy IAEA director general from 2005 to 2010, told the AP he could think of no similar concession with any other country.

    The White House, meanwhile, has repeatedly denied claims of a secret side deal favorable to Tehran.

    On Wednesday, a White House spokesman said the Obama administration was "confident in the agency's technical plans for investigating the possible military dimensions of Iran's former program…. The IAEA has separately developed the most robust inspection regime ever peacefully negotiated."

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    Post  George1 Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:27 am

    Iran starts implementing agreement on nuclear program

    In particular, Tehran is cutting the number of centrifuges, including at the Natanz nuclear facility, head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization Ali Akbar Salehi informs

    TOKYO, November 2. /TASS/. Iran has started implementing the agreements on its nuclear program, including by cutting the number of centrifuges for uranium enrichment, head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization Ali Akbar Salehi told Japan’s Kyodo news agency on Monday.

    "We have launched preliminary work," Salehi, who is currently on a visit to Japan, said. "In particular, we are cutting the number of centrifuges, including at the Natanz nuclear facility. However, the full implementation of the agreement will require time," he added.

    TASS reported earlier that during his visit to Tokyo Salehi will hold talks on cooperation in the sphere of nuclear security. During last negotiations that took place in Tehran in October between the foreign ministers of Iran and Japan Javad Zarif and Fumio Kishida, the sides agreed to step up cooperation in the sphere of nuclear technologies and nuclear security. The final document adopted after the meeting defined the framework of possible cooperation, in particular, on working out measures in case of incidents in nuclear centers and on assessing facilities under construction on their adherence to the norms of seismostability and security. The document also envisages sending Japanese experts to Iran and developing educational programs.

    Agreement on Iran’s nuclear program

    On 14 July 2015, the P5+1 group of international mediators (five permanent members of UN Security Council — US, UK, Russia, China, France — and Germany) and Iran signed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Tehran’s nuclear program. Iran will not produce weapons-grade plutonium and limit its stockpile of uranium enriched to 3.67% to 300 kilograms for the next 15 years. Tehran also agreed to modernize its nuclear facilities and use them for exclusively peaceful purposes.

    Sanctions will be gradually removed from Iran. The arms embargo imposed by UN Security Council will be kept in place for five years, ban for supplying ballistic missile technologies to Iran — for eight years. Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will monitor nuclear facilities in Iran for the next 25 years. If any points of the agreement are violated by Iran, sanctions against the country will be renewed.

    On July 20, the corresponding resolution on Iran’s nuclear program agreement was adopted by UN Security Council.

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  George1 Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:12 pm

    Iran on Final Stage of Fulfilling Nuclear Program Agreement

    Tehran is completing its obligations regarding the nuclear deal, a diplomatic source said.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Iran is on the final stage of fulfilling agreements on its nuclear program, Iran’s ISNA news agency reported Thursday citing a source in the country’s Foreign Ministry.

    “The completion of the nuclear agreement is on its final stage,” ISNA quoted Hamid Baedinejad as saying.

    Earlier in the day, Baedinejad said the nuclear agreement completion was "on its final stage," according to Iran’s ISNA news agency.

    On Wednesday, the ministry announced the UN's final report on the Iranian nuclear agreement would be released on Friday.

    In July, Iran and the six world powers, namely Russia, China, the United States, France the United Kingdom and Germany, signed a historic deal on Tehran's nuclear program. The deal guarantees the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions' relief.

    In December, the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency adopted a final resolution to close an investigation into allegations that Iran was developing nuclear weapon, which means all previous UN Security Council sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear program will no longer apply once the JCPOA takes effect.

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  George1 Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:58 am

    European Union, US Lift Nuclear Program-Related Sanctions Against Iran

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  sepheronx Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:16 am

    I guess Russia will now be left out in the dark regarding anything Iran now.  Iran signed agreements to purchase planes from both Boeing and Airbus.  Nothing for Russia.  Russia put in so much effort to lift Iranian sanctions and they will get 0 out of this deal.  Iran isn't a partner of Russia, and the retarded Russian authorities followed along with the illegal sanctions, and all they got in return was sanctioned and no sales to Iran.

    For F sakes.  Are Russian authorities this downright retarded?  And yet, Iran is still going to get sanctioned by US regardless.

    I hope this will act as a rude awakening to Russia and Russian leaderships. Stop trying to help other countries. Simply help itself, build itself up and sell to whomever whenever. All this is bullshit. Russia just shot itself in the foot and Iran will give maybe some breadcrumbs to Russia while the west will win tens of hundreds of billions of dollars in contracts while Russia may get a few billion. God damn this is so f'in pathetic. Never trust a muslim nation like Iran or anyone else outside. They will sell their mothers as soon as they can when sanctions are lifted, to the very people who screwed them.

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  George1 Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:44 am

    sepheronx wrote:I guess Russia will now be left out in the dark regarding anything Iran now.  Iran signed agreements to purchase planes from both Boeing and Airbus.  

    It is obvious that this is the reward for US and EE countries to lift the sanctions. They also want to make business with Iran. But on the other side Russia definitely has the biggest potential in military market of Iran

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  sepheronx Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:47 am

    George1 wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:I guess Russia will now be left out in the dark regarding anything Iran now.  Iran signed agreements to purchase planes from both Boeing and Airbus.  

    It is obvious that this is the reward for US and EE countries to lift the sanctions. They also want to make business with Iran. But on the other side Russia definitely has the biggest potential in military market of Iran

    No it doesn't.  Iran will give nothing to Russia.  Maybe a few tanks purchased, maybe some air defense systems.  But they will turn to US for fighter jets due to their current fleet of aircrafts are American mostly.  Russia doesn't need the money for the defense industry as much as it needs for its civil industries.  And it had a great chance for SSJ-100 in iran.  Now that is pretty much gone.  There is still a chance since Iran needs apparently 500 new aircrafts for its air carriers, but chance of Russia getting the money is pretty much nill.

    Russia should be getting rewards for its god damn hard work put into lifting sanctions on Iran.  If I was Russia, I would tell Iran where they can go, and sanction them entirely as well.  Screw them.  They used Russia and Russia got what out of it?  US is still threatening more sanctions and already still said sanctions will be in place.

    Iran sells their mothers to the devil for nothing. Go figure. I hope Iranians are happy with such a decision. Russians should be storming the Kremlin over such retarded policies as it is now going to cost Russia's economy even more (Iran will eventually flood the European market in oil and Gas and Russia will lose even more. This will cost Russia's economy and will cost Russians themselves, and all thanks to their policies.

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    Post  sepheronx Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:00 am

    BTW, while there is said mention of contracts actually being signed between west and Iran, not a single one is signed between Russia and Iran.

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  OminousSpudd Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:21 am

    Geez... well that's a downer on the day, if what you're saying is true. No

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    Post  sepheronx Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:24 am

    OminousSpudd wrote:Geez... well that's a downer on the day, if what you're saying is true. No  

    It is true:

    Airbus. Woooooo

    I can see that Russia is really getting much out of this.

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  Regular Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:46 am

    Iran is looking very eager to establish ties with western world. They really want to enter oil markets.
    We all gonna love new oil prices.

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  sepheronx Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:50 am

    Regular wrote:Iran is looking very eager to establish ties with western world. They really want to enter oil markets.
    We all gonna love new oil prices.
    And So Russians should be thanking their leadership over this stupid moves.  Hopefully by next election, they will vote for someone else, someone with less 5th columnists in their party and less morons that cant see beyond their feet.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:18 am

    Regular wrote:Iran is looking very eager to establish ties with western world. They really want to enter oil markets.
    We all gonna love new oil prices.

    Due to its huge population, while being one of the largest producers of natural gas (2nd largest?), Iran is actually a net importer of gas, and at its current rate of population growth, would have been set to soon become a net importer of crude oil.
    max steel
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    Post  max steel Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:32 am

    Qatar is 2nd largest producer of NG not Iran.
    par far

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  par far Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:57 pm

    There will be deals between Russia and Iran but I think the best deals will likely go to the west because Iran wants to get into new oil markets. Russia will get most of the military deals, deals to to search for oil and gas, deals to build offshore oil rigs, food/fruits, tourists and other deals like that. It would be a added bonus if Russia could get access to the Persian Gulf through Iran, that would give access to Indian Ocean and other juicy things.

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:59 am

    I suspect Iran will want to boost the performance of its ground forces by buying T-90s in late model designs... perhaps even locally produce the vehicle in case ISIS decides to turn to their neck of the woods.

    I would also suspect Iran will be interested in Russian aircraft and SAMs and likely Kalibr anti ship weapons too... I would suspect most of which they will likely want to pay a little more and produce locally.

    I also suspect if they want to grow economically they will look at more nuclear power stations and I suspect they wont be looking to the US...

    There is plenty of scope for Russian Iranian cooperation and I think both countries will benefit greatly... they might even be interested in an export model of Ratnik... Smile
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    Post  max steel Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:28 am

    GarryB wrote:I suspect Iran will want to boost the performance of its ground forces by buying T-90s in late model designs... perhaps even locally produce the vehicle in case ISIS decides to turn to their neck of the woods.

    I would also suspect Iran will be interested in Russian aircraft and SAMs and likely Kalibr anti ship weapons too... I would suspect most of which they will likely want to pay a little more and produce locally.

    I also suspect if they want to grow economically they will look at more nuclear power stations and I suspect they wont be looking to the US...

    There is plenty of scope for Russian Iranian cooperation and I think both countries will benefit greatly... they might even be interested in an export model of Ratnik... Smile

    Yes but Russia not getting any civilian contracts only military or national security like Nuclear Plants. They already have one where US and Israel tried stuxnet virus.

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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Re: Iran nuclear program and sanctions

    Post  Werewolf Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:43 pm

    max steel wrote:
    GarryB wrote:I suspect Iran will want to boost the performance of its ground forces by buying T-90s in late model designs... perhaps even locally produce the vehicle in case ISIS decides to turn to their neck of the woods.

    I would also suspect Iran will be interested in Russian aircraft and SAMs and likely Kalibr anti ship weapons too... I would suspect most of which they will likely want to pay a little more and produce locally.

    I also suspect if they want to grow economically they will look at more nuclear power stations and I suspect they wont be looking to the US...

    There is plenty of scope for Russian Iranian cooperation and I think both countries will benefit greatly... they might even be interested in an export model of Ratnik... Smile

    Yes but Russia not getting any civilian contracts only military or national security like Nuclear Plants. They already have one where US and Israel tried stuxnet virus.

    Count germany in since Siemens and BND were founders of the Stuxnet virus.

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Jan 19, 2016 5:08 pm

    Well, it sounds like EU will follow US and place other sanctions on Iran.  Not decided yet though.  So Russian industries still have a chance.
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    Post  max steel Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:36 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Well, it sounds like EU will follow US and place other sanctions on Iran.  Not decided yet though.  So Russian industries still have a chance.
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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty US imposes sanctions on Iran.

    Post  par far Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:09 pm

    I don't know if these will stick, I don't think Russia and China, will follow these(the whole reason the Iran nuclear deal was made was because Russia and China told the US that they are going to start doing business with Iran and they don't care about the west's sanctions on Iran, this was done so a multi polar world would be born).

    Iran has gotten back most of it's assets and countries are doing business with Iran, so what is this suppose to mean? This just hot air?


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    Iran nuclear program and sanctions - Page 3 Empty Trump and Iran

    Post  crod Wed Sep 20, 2017 5:59 am

    Thoughts on Trump's U.N. speech re Iran nuke deal being the most embarrassing deal the U.S. has ever signed...coupled with mad dog israel's ratcheting up of rhetoric? Isis (or some other half cocked excuse) to reappear in Iran and thus it all begins again?

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