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    Politics and Government of Russia


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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  Werewolf Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:36 pm

    Communism, Democracy,Oligarchy,Plutocracy,Capitalism,theocracy all this forms and more all Dictatorships.

    Communism is the Dictatorship of no rich no poor, a shared pool of resources managed for the bright public.

    Democracy is the dictatorship of majority over the minority (Which in reallity is the opposite, Banks and Big companies select their politicians) so it's an oligarchic plutocracy.

    Oligarchy a dictatorsip by minority usually rich.

    Plutocracy dictatorship by rich people.

    Capitalism is actually not a political systeme but an economical systeme but which has direct result and direct dictatorship of domestic and foreign policy, the dictatorship of the market.

    theocracy the dictatorship of a religion.

    Most of the time none of this alone rules a country but are connected with each other.

    USA is ruled by private rich banks, oil companies, energy overall and military industrie (oligarchy/plutocracy) but are also ruled by others countries policies (Xenocracy), Israel has such a huge influence on foreign and domestic policies of USA and some EU countries like Germany that it is to evident itself to deny.

    Germany a totalitarian Xenocracy, ruled by Pentagon and Tel aviv with a capitalistic economy that is based on "growth" and oligarchs from Brussels (EU).

    Canada has capitalistic and in private sector socialistic veins, but has overall a balance between oligarchy of companies and some minor democracy veins.

    Russia has capitalistic with minor socialistic veins, which are reinstalled after gorbachov and yeltzin destroyed everything good in the country, and more democracy than any western country so far not much but still more with a decreasing core of oligarchs.

    There is no pure systemes only a mishmash of several things.

    No true communism was ever existent in any country most of the time ruled by xenocracy like bolshewiks.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:52 am

    I think we should set aside the politics from this thread... except those directly related to the topic. Smile

    And no offense taken dino00.

    I have not given a negative vote to anyone on this forum, and I certainly wont start now.

    I like to hear the opinions of others even when they are different from mine... not because I like to argue, but because I like to hear about other perspectives.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty World Currency Shift

    Post  Scarr25 Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:29 pm

    I have read that China has been amassing all the gold it can acquire for some time. The intent is to displace the American dollar with the Yuan as the
    world currency. If this happens how would that affect the valuation of arms sales to China among others?

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Οpinions on Russia

    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:34 am

    Unlikely to happen but currency value fluctuations are usually catered to in contracts... the time between payment and delivery can result in significant changes in currencies and it is usually in the contract as to how or if that is dealt with.

    Strong currencies tend to benefit importers rather than producers...

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  George1 Thu Jan 08, 2015 2:50 pm

    Smile Zhirinovsky show


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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  Kyo Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:53 pm

    Is it true or West trying to drive a wedge into Russian government?

    Russian Insider wrote:Putin-Medvedev Divorce? It's Only a Matter of Time

    President Putin is about to dismiss Prime Minister Medvedev over the latter's appeasing attitude towards the West, according to Panorama, Italy's leading political weekly

    Daniele Pozzati Wed, Jan 28

    Putin regards Medvedev as “too soft with Barack Obama and the European leaders," writes Panorama's Moscow correspondent Cristina Giuliano.

    She quotes, among others, Russian political scientists Alena Ledeneva of University College London: “Medvedev might even resign, maybe not immediately, but as soon as the economic situation will stabilize a little”.

    Medvedev originally fell out of favor with the Siloviki—Kremlin's strong men, whom The Saker refers to as “Eurasian sovereignists”—during the 2011 Libya crisis, when Western intervention led to the toppling of Muammar Gaddafi.

    A Russian documentary film on the Libya crisis openly accused him of “treason” for his compliant, pro-Western handling of the crisis, and supine acceptance of its outcome.

    Among the first Siloviki to point the finger at Medvedev were Evgeny Primakov, former prime minister and head of Russia's foreign secret services, and Vladimir Chamov, Russian ambassador to Libya at the time of the crisis, removed for objecting to the very toppling of Gaddafi.

    Retired general Leonid Ivashov said during the Libya documentary: “Unfortunately Russian presidents cannot be prosecuted for treason”.

    Putin's comeback as President was especially cheered by the Siloviki during the 2013 Syria crisis. Had Medvedev been there, another area under Russian influence would have been “sold out” to the West.

    How the US reacted to Russia stop playing balls with an ever-expanding West we learned last year: by organizing a coup next to Russian borders, and turning Ukraine into a neo-Nazi killing ground.

    And, as we have recently reported, there are signs that Russia has stopped believing in the essential goodwill of the West. The offensive carried out by the rebels in Mariupol on Sunday was followed by Putin describing the Ukraine army as a “NATO legion aimed at restraining Russia.”

    In this rapidly deteriorating climate, a pro-Western prime minister is simply not the right man for the job. With the likely demise of Medvedev, the West has again done its cause yet another disservice.

    Is a possible rebel takeover of the whole of Donbass what a tough Russian prime minister would like to force upon the West? If so, exciting times lie ahead!

    Panorama also mentions “a series of scandals with the Medvedev government: from bed time affairs and corruption that have ensnared former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdjukov, as well as Education Minister Dmitry Livanov’s troubles. His dismissal has been requested even by the staid Academy of Sciences.”

    According to Panorama's source, “Medvedev himself has tight relationships with the West. And the West plays on them to advance its desires. All of this cannot please Putin's men.”

    Who will take over? Rumors abound.

    A much-talked about candidate is Alexei Kudrin, a semi-liberal, and former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.

    Other rumors point to Dmitry Rogozin, the current Deputy Prime Minister, and a hardliner.

    Or maybe Andrej Vorobiov, born 1970, current governor of the rich Moscow region. TIME recently described him as the rising star in Putin's United Russia party.

    Medvedev's eventual resignation could follow what Panorama's source calls: “a sortie à la Yeltsin, because in Moscow we don't wash our dirty laundry in public”.

    Alexei Kudrin... that smartass?

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  sepheronx Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:25 pm

    Nah, I doubt it is true. Seeing as how Putin himself had supported Medvedev. They apparently had disagreements but Medvedev isn't some sort of 5th coloumnist. He is quite pro Russian is very supportive of Crimea and about liberalisation of Russia's private enterprises.

    He just has a very bad reputation due to the Libya crisis. He was more or less convinced to support the NATO engagement, cause I doubt he knew what exactly was going to happen, as he was more than likely lied to. But afterwards, I noticed he hasn't been pushing here and there for all good relations and everything with the west.

    This just sounds like typical media smut.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  George1 Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:04 am

    Russia’s non-systemic opposition to field single list of candidates in 2016 polls

    MOSCOW, April 1. /TASS/. Russia’s opposition has agreed to field candidates on a single list in 2016 elections to the lower house of parliament, the State Duma, former MP Gennady Gudkov said on Wednesday.

    The meeting of the opposition leaders that approved the decision on coordinating actions ended at night.

    "The discussion focused on fielding a single list in the elections to the State Duma in 2016. There is a preliminary agreement," Gudkov said without detailing the particular party. "This is still premature," the politician explained.

    The ex-lawmaker said the meeting was attended by Alexey Navalny of the unregistered Party of Progress, Mikhail Kasyanov of the RPR-Parnas party, lawmaker Dmitry Gudkov, former economy minister in Yegor Gaidar's government Andrey Nechayev, former co-chairman of RPR-Parnas Vladimir Ryzhkov and the leader of the Democratic Choice, Vladimir Milov.

    "We have agreed to coordinate our actions and this meeting will be held on a regular basis and I hope that at least once in a month and also [more often] if needed," Gudkov said.

    "This is not a closed club, and we hope that other opposition forces will join us, including the Yabloko party, and they are still thinking about this," the politician said.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  kvs Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:09 am

    They screech about living in a tyranny but can participate in elections. You will note that in Canada the opposition in
    parliament is called "Her Majesty's loyal opposition". Non-systemic opposition has exactly zero chance in Canada to get
    elected into power of any sort, not even local ridings. Yet Canada is part of the chorus that smears Russia.

    No Canadian or American would vote for candidates that did nothing but bash the country and most importantly accused
    the voters of being cattle and not deserving to vote. But somehow in Russia these idiots are supposed to actually have
    a chance at winning. This proves that NATO's collective brain is diseased with hate against the Russian people.

    Anyone who thinks I am exaggerating should do some research. Yulia Latynina actually writes articles in the Russian
    liberast press that extoll Pinochet's dictatorship and call for the removal of the right to vote from the majority. The
    western media loves to spread tinfoil hat conspiracy theories that Putin is "murdering opponents" by invoking the "proof"
    of Litvinenko's and Politkovskaya's deaths. So how come Latynina is still breathing. Perhaps the average ignorant
    media consumer has no clue, but this NATO propaganda is transparent nonsense. If the "regime" was killing off opponents,
    then there would be thousands of them dead and not some dubious handful. Bot Litvinenko and Politkovskaya were not
    touched when their activity was doing the most damage to Russia. They only died under suspicious circumstances when
    their 15 minutes of fame were over.

    BTW, the Kiev regime and/or its irregular elements are killing off opponents by the dozen. I don't see NATO complaining.
    max steel
    max steel

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  max steel Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:27 pm

    Russia's chief investigator stands for canceling supremacy of international law

    . The chief of Russia’s Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, has suggested amending Article 15 of the Russian Constitution to remove from it the supremacy of international law over national legislation . "Back in 1993, when the current Constitution was to be adopted, supremacy of international law was presented to us by advisers from the United States as the fundamental value of a state ruled by law. It may look ridiculous, but in a report on the draft Constitution that was published in Rossiiskaya Gazeta in 1993 it was stated with pride that its provisions had undergone foreign scrutiny," Bastrykin recalled.

    About the ratio of international and national law he said that "the criteria must be determined exclusively by the country’s status in the international scene, and also by its strategic and geopolitical interests."

    This is overdue. The West exempts itself from rules it seeks to impose on others. Russia should consider all international treaties void unless or until the West is prepared to abide by them. Their actions over Libya , Syria and Ukraine are not consistent with claiming moral ascendency.

    Russia cant play by rigged rules of a game that the US Hegemony and its allies don't play by .

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  GarryB Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:15 am

    My vote Max...  :0

    This should be a significant step for Russia if taken.

    I am sure the west will squeal if Russia does this, because then other countries might start ignoring international law the way the US and the west does and then there will be chaos... they will say... as if their own flouting of international law doesn't already undermine it as a structure for world affairs...

    Perhaps as a positive a threat to selectively abide by international law the way the west does might make them rethink their actions and revise international law and then actually abide by it... sometimes international laws are very useful, but to get a real benefit from them everyone has to recognise them and follow them. Especially the west as it usually has the biggest hand in creating international laws.

    remember the universal declaration of human rights... something the US violates every day despite being a party to the creation of the rules...

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  Werewolf Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:10 pm

    max steel wrote:   Russia's chief investigator stands for canceling supremacy of international law      

    . The chief of Russia’s Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, has suggested amending Article 15 of the Russian Constitution to remove from it the supremacy of international law over national legislation . "Back in 1993, when the current Constitution was to be adopted, supremacy of international law was presented to us by advisers from the United States as the fundamental value of a state ruled by law. It may look ridiculous, but in a report on the draft Constitution that was published in Rossiiskaya Gazeta in 1993 it was stated with pride that its provisions had undergone foreign scrutiny," Bastrykin recalled.

    About the ratio of international and national law he said that "the criteria must be determined exclusively by the country’s status in the international scene, and also by its strategic and geopolitical interests."

    This is overdue. The West exempts itself from rules it seeks to impose on others. Russia should consider all international treaties void unless or until the West is prepared to abide by them. Their actions over Libya , Syria and Ukraine are not consistent with claiming moral ascendency.

    Russia cant play by rigged rules of a game that the US Hegemony and its allies don't play by .

    Just like i said the russian constitution under Yeltzin had alot of writing and defenition made by US and CIA and there are two that did not want to believe it but it still remains a fact.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Apr 28, 2015 3:01 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    max steel wrote:   Russia's chief investigator stands for canceling supremacy of international law      

    . The chief of Russia’s Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, has suggested amending Article 15 of the Russian Constitution to remove from it the supremacy of international law over national legislation . "Back in 1993, when the current Constitution was to be adopted, supremacy of international law was presented to us by advisers from the United States as the fundamental value of a state ruled by law. It may look ridiculous, but in a report on the draft Constitution that was published in Rossiiskaya Gazeta in 1993 it was stated with pride that its provisions had undergone foreign scrutiny," Bastrykin recalled.

    About the ratio of international and national law he said that "the criteria must be determined exclusively by the country’s status in the international scene, and also by its strategic and geopolitical interests."

    This is overdue. The West exempts itself from rules it seeks to impose on others. Russia should consider all international treaties void unless or until the West is prepared to abide by them. Their actions over Libya , Syria and Ukraine are not consistent with claiming moral ascendency.

    Russia cant play by rigged rules of a game that the US Hegemony and its allies don't play by .

    Just like i said the russian constitution under Yeltzin had alot of writing and defenition made by US and CIA and there are two that did not want to believe it but it still remains a fact.

    Jesus, there was nothing CIA-like, the Russian Cst of 1993 was based on OECD outlines, Helsinki charter and ultra liberal precepts (AKA Ali Baba). There was almost nothing that related the Russian Cst with the US Constitution, which is a antiquated piece of ... well you know.

    International laws are actually part of treaties Russia has signed, mostly on bilateral basis and then adopted within Russian set of laws. This is blustering by the gentleman, since we all know, abiding or not by the IL isn't something the US can impose on a fellow UNSC member.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  TR1 Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:34 pm

    lol @ Werewofl blabbing about his CIA and Yeltsin fantasies.


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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  Werewolf Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:54 pm

    Ohh yes, one non russian troll that pretends to be a russian and another guy that knows little about russian politics and history.

    Here you go, the entire Gorbatshow and Yeltzin traitor era with the meddling of US agents in Soviet Union and Russia and their hands in making laws and influencing russian constitution.

    Just conspiracy theories, because a troll says so, while it is black on white confirmed by officials and by history.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  TR1 Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:00 pm

    I skimmed the "document".
    Where is the smoking gun that Yeltsin put CIA recommendations into the constitutions, or to back up your previous claims, allowed them access to secrets?

    Go ahead, deliver in your claims.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  GarryB Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:34 am

    This is blustering by the gentleman, since we all know, abiding or not by the IL isn't something the US can impose on a fellow UNSC member.

    The US regularly ignores international law when it suits them... and with their veto in the UNSC there is no practical way for Russia or anyone else to do anything about it.

    This is just a change to Russian law to allow them to ignore international law too and with their veto there wont be much the US and the west can do about that either...

    At best the west might decide to rethink the veto and UNSC system so that international law can be properly enforced for everyone and not just a chosen few and will be willing to renegotiate the current mechanisms which clearly don't actually work.

    At best there might be a change so everyone is subject to international law with no exceptions, and at worst the Russians will be freed up to do as they wish the way the US does... of course only if it suits their interests... they may choose to simply abide by international law anyway, but now they wont actually have to if it does not suit them.

    Go ahead, deliver in your claims.

    He is entitled to his opinion.

    Obviously without hard evidence it would be easy to dismiss claims as just opinion, but I personally think if "civilian contractors" and "weapon inspectors" in all sorts of international bodies are infiltrated by the CIA to subvert their work to Americas interests that when US firms are given advisory roles to the Russian government you could bet your ass quite a few will be on the CIA payroll if not actually agents.

    If the roles were reversed I would expect the same from the Russian secret services...

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:59 am

    GarryB wrote:
    This is blustering by the gentleman, since we all know, abiding or not by the IL isn't something the US can impose on a fellow UNSC member.

    The US regularly ignores international law when it suits them... and with their veto in the UNSC there is no practical way for Russia or anyone else to do anything about it.

    This is just a change to Russian law to allow them to ignore international law too and with their veto there wont be much the US and the west can do about that either...

    Well as I said, it still is blustering, since the IL isn't some monolith, what part of it do you, or don't you follow? Russia has everything to lose here...Furthermore, the sanctions are an illegal on many accounts, but they're also unilateral, there isn't ANYTHING related to the IL regarding these current sanction regime vis à vis Russia.
    This is totally Irrational and a very serious lack of understanding of the different legalities that insterted the primacy of IL within Russian Constitution.

    To put it mildly, it is not because the US can't be condemned for its "adventures" that those "adventures" are legal or that Russia should scrap the playbook all together. It's counterproductive. Plus see how it goes in Ukraine, there's nothing against Russia on the UN, because of the veto issue.

    So you have yet another 'coalition of the willing'.

    At best the west might decide to rethink the veto and UNSC system so that international law can be properly enforced for everyone and not just a chosen few and will be willing to renegotiate the current mechanisms which clearly don't actually work.

    IL is a daydream, having worked in an institution claiming to abide by it, it simply is bullshit. Things never change, you will always have peace and solution through superior fire and will power. Period. The moment the IL becomes a reality, the whole system of privileges goes down and so does the guys that built it.

    At best there might be a change so everyone is subject to international law with no exceptions, and at worst the Russians will be freed up to do as they wish the way the US does... of course only if it suits their interests... they may choose to simply abide by international law anyway, but now they wont actually have to if it does not suit them.

    Go ahead, deliver in your claims.

    He is entitled to his opinion.

    Obviously without hard evidence it would be easy to dismiss claims as just opinion, but I personally think if "civilian contractors" and "weapon inspectors" in all sorts of international bodies are infiltrated by the CIA to subvert their work to Americas interests that when US firms are given advisory roles to the Russian government you could bet your ass quite a few will be on the CIA payroll if not actually agents.

    If the roles were reversed I would expect the same from the Russian secret services...

    But again changing that small comma changes everything regarding the way Russia does business legally. And it also changes nothing. This is just an ill thought bravado that will cause a backlash on international level, not because Russia is Evil, but because Russia will have to deal every aspect of it international obligations with every nation.

    For instance, what's the Russian take on the ICC? What would that change from the current status? What about adoptions? What about different consummer protections provisions within treaties like ICAO etc...

    This is madness on the purest form. Russia can't still disengage on a case by case basis from the references that bother its policy, but rejecting the IL as a whole? What?

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  sepheronx Wed May 13, 2015 3:48 pm

    So 5th coloumnists who are funded by an NGO, Golos, who refuses to sign up to counter foreign agent law or even to follow Russian laws, is demanding this guys resignation.

    I say, if they are refusing to register, kick them out of the country as they are illegal. I have no, NO idea why Russian gov is so reluctant in punishing these NGO's, especially foreign funded ones, for committing illegal activity. Are they incompetent, lazy? Or they just want to keep an open eye on them while helping them destroy their own image?

    According to this: They know how much money from US goes to NGO's and who gets what. So they are not oblivious of the activity.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  Werewolf Wed May 13, 2015 4:05 pm

    sepheronx wrote:

    So 5th coloumnists who are funded by an NGO, Golos, who refuses to sign up to counter foreign agent law or even to follow Russian laws, is demanding this guys resignation.

    I say, if they are refusing to register, kick them out of the country as they are illegal. I have no, NO idea why Russian gov is so reluctant in punishing these NGO's, especially foreign funded ones, for committing illegal activity. Are they incompetent, lazy? Or they just want to keep an open eye on them while helping them destroy their own image?

    According to this: They know how much money from US goes to NGO's and who gets what. So they are not oblivious of the activity.

    Jail time 20 years for treason and foreign agent work aka regime change.

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    Post  sepheronx Wed May 13, 2015 4:16 pm

    OK, thats fine but they are not even going after them, even the ones not willing to register! So there seems to be a real lack of any enforcement on the authorities side of things. Can anyone commit a crime and get away with it in Russia? The NGO laws should stipulate all organizations need to provide transparency in their fundings and activities through documentations. As well, any NGO caught providing financial support to a political party gets stripped of its NGO status. None registerers should be fined and either jailed or deported (depending if they are a foreigner or local citizen), with a ban (can be lifted by courts if challanged) on the organization.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  Neutrality Wed May 13, 2015 6:29 pm

    sepheronx wrote:OK, thats fine but they are not even going after them, even the ones not willing to register! So there seems to be a real lack of any enforcement on the authorities side of things. Can anyone commit a crime and get away with it in Russia? The NGO laws should stipulate all organizations need to provide transparency in their fundings and activities through documentations. As well, any NGO caught providing financial support to a political party gets stripped of its NGO status. None registerers should be fined and either jailed or deported (depending if they are a foreigner or local citizen), with a ban (can be lifted by courts if challanged) on the organization.

    I think the FSB is already sitting on a goldmine of evidence against these idiots. When shit hits the fan and these radicals start disrupting elections, they'll arrest every leader, publish the collected evidence and put them away for several decades. Then this whole cycle of "unhappy" citizens can restart again with the FSB doing its job.

    Remember when the video of Udaltsov got published? The entire opposition movement calmed down. Authorities are fully aware where the money is flowing from, who gets it and what happens with it.

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    Post  sepheronx Wed May 13, 2015 7:31 pm

    It gets better:

    Apparently, the head of NED of Russias end, who is funding these NGO's is the daughter of a Ukrainian Nazi. And very critical of Russian gov.

    Russia should constitute this organization as pro nazi supporter and all obtaining funds from it and its affiliates, be put on trial.

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    Post  sepheronx Fri May 15, 2015 1:53 am

    Justice Ministry seeks probe into Khodorkovsky’s Open Russia movement - report


    US money destroys civil consciousness, claims United Russia MP

    Since this is now popping up, I forsee in the coming years major change in laws regarding NGO's and how/where they get their funding from. This is good.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  George1 Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:09 am

    Introduced a bill to ban the governors elected by more than 2 terms

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