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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3


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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 18 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Aug 30, 2021 10:09 pm

    kvs wrote:You make a good point.  Recently Banderastan demanded to be given the role of operator of Nord Stream II.  ...

    Did they put it in official document?

    I could use a laugh

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    Post  kvs Tue Aug 31, 2021 12:00 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    kvs wrote:You make a good point.  Recently Banderastan demanded to be given the role of operator of Nord Stream II.  ...

    Did they put it in official document?

    I could use a laugh  

    VZ link

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 18 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  flamming_python Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:36 am

    kvs wrote:
    GarryB wrote:The rules regarding ownership of pipes and ownership of the gas being delivered is interesting because doesn't the gas going down the pipes belong to the customer... and the pipes belong the Gazprom so where is the conflict of interest?

    Suggests that the EU want an excuse to buy the pipes from the Russians so they can make more money, but wont invest in building the pipes themselves.

    Anyway... agree with Medo... follow their stupid rules and let them suffer because of them in the cold and dark.

    You make a good point.  Recently Banderastan demanded to be given the role of operator of Nord Stream II.    This is not just some
    Kiev regime inanity, they must be getting signals from Bruxelles and its masters in Washington.    So the idea of the customer
    controlling the Russian pipelines is indeed a serious desire in the EU.

    Let them control it. Russia as sole possible supplier will still set the price and the supply quantity.

    I'm sure the Germans would be happy with that turn of events, for the Ukraine to hold their gas supply hostage

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 18 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  ALAMO Tue Aug 31, 2021 10:06 am

    Is there really any reason for you to discuss the daily shitload produced in 404?
    They can announce themselves as owners of Mars and the whole Solar System.
    The last time I have checked, Jesus Christ was announced Ukrainian.
    Who cares?
    It can be considered as a stand-up only, and have some entertainment value.
    The issue is already resolved, gas will be traded at SPIMEX.
    German or Dutch consumers will buy it, and pumping via NS2, making it de jure "filled by alternative supplier".
    This is all antimonopoly legislature, all companies operate in the same conditions.
    In all EU member countries, the electric grid is separated from energy producers and operated by independent companies.
    The same applies to gas.
    There is no alternative gas for the EU. Point. Gazprom will get the money in any scenario. Instead of selling 100% volume at $200/tcm, they will sell 49% at $600. And it is under strong devaluation of RUB, and increasing import independence resulting in RUB evaluated prices for their operations.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 31, 2021 12:02 pm

    EU has an issue with "monopoly" and will pretend to fight with ones under antimonopoly legislature.

    But it is only a monopoly because no other company or group of companies is prepared to spend the money to build a rival pipeline.

    If Gazprom have to share their pipeline with non existent other gas suppliers and keep 50% capacity in their pipes available for these non existent rivals to use if they need it then Gazprom should be allowed to charge EU customers extra for that anti monopoly potential because Gazprom is not earning money from the unused 50% capacity and as no one is actually using that capacity then no one is paying for the upkeep, which is a cost and responsiblity that goes to Gazprom.

    EU rules demand this capacity be set aside so EU countries should pay for its upkeep as an extra fee to doing business.

    This is all antimonopoly legislature, all companies operate in the same conditions.

    Amusing how they are so selective regarding such antimonopoly legislation... I mean Microsoft gets contracts with european governments and EU departments by default every year... it only ever seems to be mentioned with regard to the Russians trying to supply cheap energy to the EU.

    Gazprom will get the money in any scenario.

    Still think they should stop working so hard to deliver cheap gas.

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    Post  ALAMO Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:39 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    This is all antimonopoly legislature, all companies operate in the same conditions.

    Amusing how they are so selective regarding such antimonopoly legislation... I mean Microsoft gets contracts with european governments and EU departments by default every year... it only ever seems to be mentioned with regard to the Russians trying to supply cheap energy to the EU.

    It took me one minute to make a fact check.
    And you are perfectly wrong my friend.
    There is a dedicated EU-driven project for open-source software - OSS.
    Citing from the EC official materials :
    In December 2000, the European Commission defined a strategy concerning the internal use of open source software (OSS) that created the context for the recognition and use of the Apache Web Server as a recommended solution on UNIX systems.

    In July 2003 a revised version of the strategy was presented to the Comité Technique Informatique (CTI), a committee made up of persons responsible for IT in their Directorates General. A set of clear objectives was defined and approved by the CTI. This approach led to important achievements, the most prominent being the recommendation of Linux as Server OS, the use of Apache to power the server and the use of open source software for the Commissioners' blogs and public forums.

    Here you can check that :

    In fact, the EU commission is whipping Microsoft ass hard, for some time now, due to just the same antimonopoly strategy.

    By the way, and what makes a great point in the whole story: Rosneft just asked for permission to export 10bln cbm a year to Europe.
    From juridical perspective, Rosneft is independent and alternative supplier to Gazprom Laughing and that closes the case.
    So there is no need for Shell to buy gas on St. Petersburg burse Laughing Laughing

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    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 01, 2021 5:38 am

    So 2000 and 2003 they recognised that MS had a monopoly and started talking about it.

    Linux... excellent... but what companies provide IT support to EU organisations?

    But if European uses were using Linux then why care about Microsoft users being able to use alternative software options... is it because most European governments and EU bureaucracies still use Windows?

    Microsoft being naughty in the EU and getting told off in 2007...

    2013 Microsoft being naughty in the EU breaking promises and getting fined again... and not paying tax in some places in the EU too...

    Damn you yoorows are hard on rich powerful American companies...

    And in 2018....

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    Post  ALAMO Wed Sep 01, 2021 10:24 am

    So as you can see with your own links, the EU is applying harsh measures on Microsoft to break its monopoly position, just as it does with the others.

    If you are really interested in the matter, here you have a 1h+ long lecture on the latest achievements, that will be revealed in a full EU commission report in 3Q21.

    I can tell you from my professional experience, as I used to work in IT sector 2003-2005 as a key account manager. There was an increasing role of Linux-powered servers over Microsoft ones, clearly visible in all the tenders for municipal agencies. Some of the servers I have provided operated own, dedicated software, but we are talking IBM and AIX combination here, and there were not more than 50 of such servers in the whole country at that moment I guess.
    What was really interesting there, most of the computers bought by the administrative bodies had no operating system, because it was a part of the tender specification.
    They could not request a specified Windows operating system, because it already broke the antimonopoly law and pubic procurement procedures.
    So what they did, was a mass reinstallation of old systems and old serial numbers on the procured hardware.
    Something unspotted on the regular civil market that operates different way.
    I have lost the issue from my radar, as I have changed the colors, but my educated guess would be that they didn't stop there.
    It was a central EC regulation.

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 18 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  flamming_python Wed Sep 01, 2021 2:30 pm

    ALAMO wrote:Is there really any reason for you to discuss the daily shitload produced in 404?

    Not really. But it is fun

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    Post  kvs Wed Sep 01, 2021 4:10 pm

    Hungary has signed a 15 year gas deal with Gazprom that involves supply via routes bypassing Banderastan formerly known as Ukraine.

    The Kiev regime has flown off the handle and is claiming this is a move against them. They are trying to smear Gazprom as coercing
    Hungary into a raw deal even if Hungary asserts that the price it is getting is very good for it. I guess the Kiev regime has declared
    itself the right to decide what's best for Hungary.

    The clowns operating the rotten gas system in Banderastan are screeching that shipping the gas through other pipelines (South Stream/
    Turk Stream) is more costly than through the leaky and theft prone pipes running through Banderastan. This is an epic joke claim since
    the length of the pipeline route has never figured into the cost in such a fashion. Going around Banderastan does not introduce any
    substantial difference in route length considering the fact that the origin of the gas is remote from both Hungary and Banderastan and
    runs through a long pipeline inside Russia already. This has never been an issue before because it is not an issue.

    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 18 Major_russian_gas_pipelines_to_europe

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    Post  ALAMO Wed Sep 01, 2021 4:42 pm

    It is a very old and inadequate chart.
    The lion's share of differences is located in the Balkans, and all of them are more deadly to 404 positions than NS2.
    I have tried to find more actual and accurate, but can't.
    So just imagine the waste net connecting TurkStream with functionally all the Balkans, heading Italy, and add an "anti-Russian" pipe from the Romanian Black Sea coast up to Austria, with bypasses to both Hungary and Slovakia. Connected to the Turk Stream as well, and filled with Russian gas until 2025 at least (2030 more realistic, in optimistic scenario) Laughing

    Edit : I have found one, still not perfect.

    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 18 A-gas-pipeline-network-of-the-European-continent

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    Post  kvs Wed Sep 01, 2021 6:08 pm

    It is irrelevant to my point the age of the graph I posted. It clearly shows that by far most of the pipeline length running natural
    gas to EU markets is inside Russia. If we follow the Banderite logic, then oil shipped via tanker from more remote locations should
    be more expensive. No such pricing effect exists. The prices are set at hubs such as WTI. Natural gas prices have never been
    set by pipeline length also.


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    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 01, 2021 6:16 pm

    ALAMO wrote:It is a very old and inadequate chart.
    The lion's share of differences is located in the Balkans, and all of them are more deadly to 404 positions than NS2.
    I have tried to find more actual and accurate, but can't.
    So just imagine the waste net connecting TurkStream with functionally all the Balkans, heading Italy, and add an "anti-Russian" pipe from the Romanian Black Sea coast up to Austria, with bypasses to both Hungary and Slovakia. Connected to the Turk Stream as well, and filled with Russian gas until 2025 at least (2030 more realistic, in optimistic scenario) Laughing

    Edit : I have found one, still not perfect.

    Still  has the Southstream link to Bulgaria on it.

    Mind you, I'd lay money that at the point at which Southstream was supposed to go straight ahead, to Bulgaria but instead turned to Turkey, Gazprom installed a T junction with a closed end not a bend. Just in case Laughing Laughing

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    Post  ALAMO Wed Sep 01, 2021 8:22 pm

    Because South Stream is not dead, only suspended Twisted Evil

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    Post  kvs Sat Sep 04, 2021 4:22 pm

    Why is the transit through Banderastan (formerly known as Ukraine) not subject to the 50% limitation that applies to Nord Stream (1 and 2)?
    These verminuous EU hypocrites think they can dictate where Russia ships its gas and what sort of toll it pays for it. Go ahead, EU, buy
    that plentiful US LNG you are endlessly yammering about.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Sep 05, 2021 6:35 am

    Very good point... they should restrict flow to 50% or lower to ensure they don't become a monopoly and damage the EU.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Sep 05, 2021 10:53 am

    Giant module for Arctic LNG 2 sails Northern Sea Route

    Russia’s offshore Arctic industrialization is in full swing. The nearly 50,000 tons first train module for the Arctic LNG 2 project has expected arrival in Murmansk on September 16.

    The module is built at Wison Offshore & Marine’s Zhoushan yard in China and is now under shipping towards Novatek’s Kola yard in Belokamenka north of Murmansk. Here, the giant model will be mounted to a large gravity-based structure before final towing to the coast of far northern Gydan Peninsula in Ob Bay in Siberia.

    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 18 Gpo_heavylift

    The facility will be Novatek’s first train for Arctic liquid natural gas (LNG) 2 plant. Production at Train 1 is scheduled for 2023. A year later, in 2024, Train 2 will start production, while the final Train 3 is set to start operation in 2025.

    Each of the three trains will have a production capacity of 6,6 million tons per year, according to Novatek.

    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 18 Arctic_lng_2

    The company is Russia’s largest privately-owned natural gas company and is today operating the Yamal LNG plant in Sabetta. Unlike Yamal LNG, the Arctic LNG 2 will entirely be based on a floating production concept.

    It is the Norwegian GPO Heavylift’s vessel “GPO Grace” that brings the LNG production plant from China to Murmansk in what is one of the largest structures ever transported via the Arctic shipping lane. On September 2, the vessel sailed northbound outside the Kamchatka Peninsula, according to AIS data. Estimated arrival at the Kola yard in Belokamenka is September 16.

    The “GPO Grace”, though, isn’t the only giant open-deck transport vessel to sail the Northern Sea Route this September. Currently, the “Biglift Barentsz” sails west in the East Siberian Sea with an estimated arrival to Gydan in the Ob bay on September 10. The ship brings infrastructure facilities to the ongoing preparation for Arctic LNG 2. Construction of pipelines, pump stations, housing, an airport, and port facilities are in full swing. According to online ship-tracking service, there are currently more than 40 vessels near the location on the eastern shores of the Ob bay

    August, September, and October are the busiest months for shipping of construction materials to the area, as the Ob bay and waters in the Kara Sea are mostly ice-free.

    The Arctic LNG 2 will process gas from Utrenneye field on the Gydan Peninsula in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

    When the investment decision for the project was made in September 2019, the total costs for bringing the Arctic LNG 2 to full capacity were estimated at $21,3 billion.

    Novatek holds a 60% share in the project, while TotalEnergies, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) hold 10% each. That last 10% belongs to a consortium of the two Japanese corporations JOGMEC and Mitsui.

    Like the LNG produced at the Sabetta plant, the Arctic LNG 2 will ship the gas to markets both in Asia and Europe. A large fleet of ice-classed LNG tankers will sail east and west, and two reloading facilities are to be established, in Ura Guba on the Kola Peninsula for European shipping and another at Kamchatka for the Asian market.


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    Post  owais.usmani Sun Sep 05, 2021 4:16 pm

    Today, in the teleconference mode, a solemn ceremony of commissioning the world's largest logistics center for servicing helium containers for transporting liquid helium to the world market took place.
    The helium hub is located on the territory of the Nadezhdinskaya ASEZ in the Primorsky Territory - near the seaports. It is a key link in the supply chain of commercial helium from the Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP). The hub's task is to service containers sent to the GPP for filling, organize logistics, receive, weight control and prepare insulated containers arriving from the Amur GPP for the upcoming loading on sea vessels. The containers are designed to maintain a temperature of -269 ° C to keep helium in a liquefied state.

    Transportation of containers is provided by the own vehicle fleet of the helium hub operator - Gazprom Helium Service LLC. The KAMAZ-5490 Neo main-line tractors specially designed for Gazprom are equipped with air suspension, which provides the necessary conditions for the safe transportation of helium. At the same time, cars use environmentally friendly motor fuel - liquefied natural gas. It is produced directly at the hub site.

    The launch of the logistics center is synchronized with the consistent increase in the capacity of the Amur GPP. The second technological line of the plant was launched the day before (there will be six in total). The first of three helium extraction, liquefaction and filling units began operation. Unit capacity - 20 million cubic meters. m of helium per year. In the technological process for the production of helium, in particular, spiral heat exchangers are used. Their production was first mastered in Russia - at a machine-building plant in St. Petersburg.

    After the Amur GPP reaches its design capacity, 60 million cubic meters of gas will be produced here annually. m of helium - according to this indicator, the plant is the world leader.

    “The throughput capacity of the hub will reach more than four thousand operations with iso-containers per year. This is an unprecedented amount, since at the moment there are only two thousand cryogenic iso-containers in the world, which together transport all the helium produced in the world. Starting today, the entire technological chain - from helium production at the Amur Gas Processing Plant to its delivery to consumers - is in operation! " - said Alexey Miller.

    The construction of the Amur GPP, one of the most powerful in the world, is being carried out in the area of ​​Svobodny, Amur Region. Multicomponent gas from the Chayandinskoye field (Yakutia) is supplied to the plant via the Power of Siberia gas pipeline; in the future, gas will also be supplied from the Kovykta field (Irkutsk Region). The design capacity of the plant will be 42 billion cubic meters. meters of gas per year.

    On June 9, 2021, with the participation of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, a solemn ceremony of launching the first production line of the Amur GPP took place. The implementation of such a large-scale refining project has no analogues in the history of the Russian gas industry. From 2025, the GPP will reach its full design capacity.

    The products of the Amur GPP are commercial gas (methane) and components isolated from it, valuable for the gas chemical and other industrial sectors. With the help of the most modern equipment and advanced cryogenic technologies at full load, 2.4 million tons of ethane, 1.5 million tons of liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LPG), 200 thousand tons of pentane-hexane fraction will be produced here annually. The main consumer of ethane and LPG from the Amur GPP will be the Amur Gas Chemical Complex (a joint project of SIBUR and the Chinese company Sinopec).

    The investor, customer and operating organization of the Amur GPP is OOO Gazprom pererabotka Blagoveshchensk (part of the Gazprom group). Construction management is carried out by JSC NIPIGAZ (SIBUR Group).

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    Post  Kiko Sun Sep 05, 2021 11:48 pm

    Construction of Nord Stream 2 will be completed in the coming days, 06/09/2021.

    Former head of the Austrian oil company OMV Rainer Seeele said that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will be completed in the coming days.

    "Matthias Warnig (CEO of Nord Stream 2 AG - Ed.) Said unequivocally that the [gas pipeline] construction work will be completed this week," Seele said in an interview with TASS .

    According to the ex-head of OMV, the first gas supplies via Nord Stream 2 will begin this year.

    “I heard from (the head of Gazprom - Ed.) Alexey Miller that this year gas will go through this pipeline,” the agency's source added.

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    Post  medo Mon Sep 06, 2021 1:01 pm

    Construction of NS2 pipe is finnished. Now they are preparing for golden welding of pipes together.

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    Post  JohninMK Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:43 pm

    In the night from Sunday to Monday, the laying of pipes on the Russian Baltic gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 was completed, and preparations for the welding of the so-called “Golden” connection, which will mark the end of construction work on this energy project, which due to the imposed US sanctions is delayed with the originally planned start of work for almost a year and a half.

    Russia’s smaller pipelayer Fortuna last night completed the laying of a second pipeline in Danish waters and reached the end of a pipeline in German Baltic Sea waters, according to Eadaily.

    This is followed by raising the other end of the pipeline and the beginning of the final welding, ie. merging which can take several days. This is followed by testing, which is already being completed on the first pipe, which was fully completed in early June and could start operating in September or October, which will depend on certification and permission to officially start work by the German regulator. The second pipe, which is currently being completed, could then start operating in December this year at the earliest.

    Russia’s Gazprom, as the majority owner of the pipeline and a gas supplier, has previously announced plans to deliver 5.6 billion cubic meters through the Nord Stream 2 pipeline this year.

    Namely, before the start of the heating season in the EU, the level of occupancy of its underground gas storage capacities is only 67%. We have often written about the reasons before, and they are mainly reduced to the reduced inflow of gas to the EU due to the circumvention of the European market by suppliers of liquefied gas (LNG) and its placement on the Asian and South American markets due to more favorable. higher prices, but also due to the reduction of Russian gas supplies through existing gas pipelines, given that Gazprom primarily fills the emptied Russian storage capacities.

    Gazprom reports that it is fulfilling its existing contractual obligations to Europe, but that it will be able to make additional orders only after the launch of Nord Stream 2. Meanwhile, natural gas prices on the European market jumped to unprecedented levels, and last week were more than $ 600 for 1,000 cubic meters of gas. The diversion of Algerian gas to the EU and the launch of the Southern Gas Corridor for the delivery of Azerbaijani gas from the Caspian Sea did not help much.

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    Post  owais.usmani Wed Sep 08, 2021 3:29 pm

    August 23, 2021 in the area of ​​the settlement Perevalnoye of the Republic of Crimea, a gas pipeline section was blown up.

    In the course of the carried out operational-search measures and investigative actions, it was established that the sabotage was organized by the territorial subdivision of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in Kherson - the so-called operational service "Tavria" with the participation of the organization "Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People" banned in Russia ("Majlis").

    On September 4, 2021, FSB officers detained residents of the Republic of Crimea - mediator - deputy chairman of the Mejlis Nariman Dzhelyalov, direct perpetrators of the sabotage Asan and Aziz Akhtemov.

    At the direction of one of the leaders of the banned "Mejlis" in June of this year. performers traveled to Ukraine in Kherson, where employees of the GUR taught them explosives. For committing sabotage, the military intelligence of Ukraine promised them a monetary reward of about $ 2,000.

    An explosive device in a conspiratorial way in July of this year. was delivered to the Crimea.

    The action was planned to coincide with the Independence Day of Ukraine.

    The organizers of the sabotage are - Riza Yagyaev-Veliulaev, an agent of the GUR, who fled Crimea after a thwarted terrorist act in August 2016, in whose complicity he took part, as well as his curators - Ukrainian military intelligence officer Maxim Martynyuk and his immediate superior, the head of the operational service Tavria - Viktor Zelinsky.

    This sabotage was sanctioned by the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kirill Budanov - a participant in an unsuccessful action in 2016, during which he killed an employee of the FSB of Russia.

    The territorial security agency opened a criminal case under Part 1 of Art. 281 of the Criminal Code of Russia ("sabotage"), which provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment from 10 to 15 years.

    All detainees have been chosen as a preventive measure - detention.

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    Post  Hole Wed Sep 08, 2021 7:53 pm

    Russia has the right to retaliate. In every way, even by bombing the parliament in Kiev.

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    Post  owais.usmani Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:23 am

    During a morning briefing at Gazprom, Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Management Committee, announced that the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline was fully completed at 8:45 am (Moscow time) earlier this morning.


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    Post  medo Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:26 am

    The second pipe on North Stream 2 is finnished. Fortuna pipelayer finnished its job. Goddess Fortuna really protect ship Fortuna, that it did its job with all those sanctions and troubles around NS2.

    Ave Fortuna!

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