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    Decline of the western society #2


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Mar 24, 2023 1:11 pm

    One question.

    If a certain company say that they do not want to hire pregnant women or forbid their employee to be pregnant during work, is it a violation of human rights ?

    The article said that a certain Japanese company forbid their internship employees to get pregant. Foreign interns will be fired and expelled out of Japan if they get pregant.

    Is it a gross violation of the employee's human right ?

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  flamming_python Fri Mar 24, 2023 3:04 pm

    I'm pretty sure it's against the law and/or labour rights. At least in countries where working people are protected.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 25, 2023 11:03 am

    It is important to check your employment contract to see what is in there... and what the employee signed up to when they agreed to take on that job.

    Different countries have very different levels of protection for the worker and the employer, but the problem is that laws are often bad in both directions.

    A friend of mine had a trucking company, and of course as their business expanded they needed to hire more truck drivers, and there was one driver who kept having accidents and making mistakes that cost the company a lot of money. In one case he failed to put on a parking break and a million dollar truck rolled into a lake.

    The rules at the time were that they had to give three verbal warnings and then three written warnings before they could fire him, so they ended up having to pay another 100K in compensation... it it was probably worth it considering the damage he did while he was working for them.

    These days most employment contracts are long and complex and most don't read them in full because they are often so relieved to actually get a job offer.

    A friend of mine visited Japan on holiday a few years back and the magazine he brought back had jobs for mundane work with offers of free hawaiian holidays... it seems everyone has a university degree and no one wants to serve chips and wait tables...

    I would be interesting to test such laws in a court, depending on what international rules Japan has signed up to... I rather suspect if you kicked up a real stink and went to the news media they might reconsider their policy or offer a nice settlement...

    Generally interns are dogsbodies that are to be used "while gaining experience" and are generally abused by the people who used to be interns themselves...

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  andalusia Wed Mar 29, 2023 6:31 am

    Here in the US, calculus is heavily emphasized in high school as the pinnacle of math. A big decline here in America and the rest of the west is the lack of financial literacy.  However, the nation has many financial problems such as the large student loan debt.  I think it would be good to teach Personal finance in schools but they don't.  This article is pretty interesting on the subject.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Werewolf Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:29 pm

    I don't know which thread would be suitable for this but I wanted to post a little bit here about a few tests I have conducted of the bias/non-bias of chatGPT based on political relevant factors as some persons, history, culture, genetics and related other things related to that.

    I asked chatGPT what cultural and genetic connections people prior to ancient Rus' and Russians have to (Ruthenia) the answer was somewhat okay as it was generalizing of the cultures of todays people of western parts of Russia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and of course Galizian-Volniskij "kingdom", which had no relation to my question and wasn't even in the timeline I asked. This raised my suspicion which kind of sources chatGPT used for this answer. The reason why I asked this specific question is based o the fact that Ukrainian historical revisionsm claims that Russian never existed and came after them. So, basically they are trying to UNO-card the history and arguments against 404. I bluntly asked chatGPT what are the sources it used for it's answer.
    It literally named Roman Shuhevich (Ukro-Nazi), Oleksandr Mushkin (historic revisionist), Piotr Tkachenko (Kozaks=ethnical ukrainian reviosionist) also constant critic of Russian historians, another one is Olekseij Tolochko a self-proclaimed deconstructionist of Russian historical chauvinism.

    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 Screen11

    Apparently the sources by chatGPT are highly limited based on this kind of historical,cultural subject based on what they want to be the "consensus".

    Not a single Polish, Russian, Belorussian or Czech historian was named for anything related to this subject.
    Seems absolutely not biased. It even ignored Ukro-SSR historians that were actually in consensus of other historians of Russian Empire and CCCP. If this isn't a coincidence with the entire current algorithms on youtube,wikipedia and all western control media of any kind or form then I don't know how literal Nazis can be called historians or their nazi wishfull thinking can be used in such a subject.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Apr 12, 2023 2:25 am

    Here in the US, calculus is heavily emphasized in high school as the pinnacle of math. A big decline here in America and the rest of the west is the lack of financial literacy. However, the nation has many financial problems such as the large student loan debt.

    I have to be honest, I didn't read the article, but I always had the feeling it was the opposite... calculus being more engineering oriented for designing stuff and checking structural strength or aerodynamics of a shape or a structure, whereas stats was about airy fairy shit like population distribution and economics BS.

    I always perceived that the US didn't have enough engineers and had too many lawyers and economics majors and politicians and not enough people actually making stuff because most big US companies shifted making stuff to China or (south) Korea or other countries where labour is cheaper.

    Perhaps I am wrong, the US has plenty of engineers but they are learning the Microsoft business model... ie these things are way to complex to fully test and check out before we start earning money selling the product so the first few years of ownership the buyer can find and report problems and we can deal with them that way... of course the first users also get to pay a high price for this beta testing role they are getting, and later on the price may or may not drop depending on sales... many companies wont buy a Microsoft operating system till at least the third Service Pack is released... meaning most bugs and problems have been found and either fixed or patched with work arounds.

    Problem is that most customers don't want that sort of deal and never did... with microsoft they never got much of a choice because Apple were such censored and in many ways were worse than MS.

    The most expensive project in US history is the F-35... fanboys gloat about how many hundred have been made... probably 700 by now, but still full of bugs and serious problems that have still not been sorted out... it is supposed to be the cheap affordable mass used and mass produced fighter everyone uses but even close allies are looking at new fighter programmes to make their own plane... the off the shelf price of the F-35 that does not really work is so high these friends of the US think they can make their own 5th gen fighter cheaper and better than the F-35... what does that tell you about the state of the American MIC.

    Building in greater numbers is supposed to reduce costs and not increase them... you can reduce costs of materials if you know you are making 3,000 planes you can order in bulk and make in enormous numbers things you are going to need, but they also tried to cut costs by using cheap materials so things that shouldn't be failing are failing too, and those cheap materials don't seem to be making it cheaper either.

    A lot of ideas happen in labs, but lots of innovation and clever improvements happen on the factory floor too and the US is missing out on a lot of that.

    Not a single Polish, Russian, Belorussian or Czech historian was named for anything related to this subject.

    No great surprise... when you create a propaganda platform, don't share it with those who don't agree with your world view... there is no room for alternative views.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  gc3762 Wed Apr 12, 2023 4:14 am

    "airy fairy shit like population distribution and economics BS"

    took this slight on statistics personally because it was one of my best subjects at uni.

    More to do with data how to analyse and present it, sampling, uncertainity, random variables used in many fields including science and engineering.

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Apr 12, 2023 6:03 pm

    The average American has the same chance of a long and healthy life as someone born in the most deprived town in England. And the UK is far from top of the class when it comes to life expectancy in Europe. People born in the very poorest pockets of Blackpool are expected to live fully five years more than the poorest in the US.

    One in 25 American five-year-olds today will not make it to their 40th birthday. "These young deaths are caused overwhelmingly by external causes — overdoses, gun violence, dangerous driving and such — which are deeply embedded social problems involving groups with opposing interests."

    Americans lost 9.4 million years of life to external causes in 2021 alone, more than the 9.1mn lost to Covid over the course of the entire pandemic. And these deaths continue to rise.

    It's social murder (Engels).

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    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:10 am

    took this slight on statistics personally because it was one of my best subjects at uni.

    More to do with data how to analyse and present it, sampling, uncertainity, random variables used in many fields including science and engineering.

    My lack of faith in the force was from the answer I got to a question I asked at university...

    I was working on a statistical formula for population distribution and I asked the lecturer why Pi was part of the equation and he basically said that because with it it works out about right and without it the result is wrong.

    I didn't like that answer... it suggests they don't know what they are doing. Or that lecturer didn't know what she was talking about.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  andalusia Sun Apr 16, 2023 10:42 pm

    The promotion of whole word or balanced literacy in US schools has had tragic results regarding literacy, explicit phonics is superior to both and should have never been abandoned; moreover cursive writing should also make a return:,grammar.%20...%205%20Helps%20with%20learning%20disabilities.%20

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    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 17, 2023 10:15 am

    A first year anthropology paper I did at University a few years ago there was a lecture where the lecturer read out a letter to a newspaper.

    It basically said that things are bad... children have no respect for authority or their parents, they use foul language, they dress funny, they wear their hair funny and they are lazy and have poor spelling and grammar. They smell bad and have no discipline and are tardy and could never hold down a real job.

    The letter was written in the 1700s and not much has changed... everyone thinks their children are going down hill and not getting better... not realising their own parents likely thought the same of them.

    Different children are different and some respond to one way of learning and others don't... the job for the teacher is to identify the best way to teach the children in their care and a big part of that is not giving them more than 10-15 of them at a time in an ideal world.

    Most schools here have classrooms of 29-32 per class in bigger cities and smaller out in the country.

    The less kids in a class the less likely they are to slip through the cracks.

    Some horrendous figure of something like 80% of prison inmates can't read or write... once you get behind there is usually not much chance to catch up and when they are struggling and don't have support they don't have much interest in catching up... they think they are dummies and want to leave school as fast as they can.

    The education system is generally wired to create university professors when what we actually need are plumbers and electricians and builders and plasterers and engineers and doctors and chemists etc etc.

    It is funny that someone can go into a recording studio and sing a little ditty and make millions of dollars while a guy that makes roads that get used by millions of people gets paid by the hour.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  franco Mon Apr 17, 2023 1:18 pm

    Human resources are the most important resources. China realized that. They have more people and they have invested far more in their people.

    China graduates MILLIONS more engineers and designers than the West does every single year. Better technology is the inevitable result

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  andalusia Mon Apr 17, 2023 8:22 pm

    Garry B, the other methods have proven to be terrible, intensive phonics is the superior method.  All children need it; there is no middle ground.  

    Why Did the Educators in the U.S. Abandon Phonics?

    In 1955, Rudolf Flesch published a book titled Why Johnny Can't Read, and What You Can Do About It. Flesch explained that the only sensible way to teach anyone to read English, or any alphabetic language, is to teach them the relationships between letters and sounds, then teach them how to combine those sounds into words. He called it intensive phonics. That's the method that was used in Britain and on the European continent. That's why the schoolchildren in Europe tended to be about two years ahead of American schoolchildren academically. Yes, it's harder to learn to read English than to learn to read Spanish or German or French. Flesch explained that the British compensated by starting their reading instruction a year earlier than everyone else.

    Flesch explained that all of the research -- yes, every single study published up until that time -- solidly supported the phonics approach. Not even one study provided any scientific support for the "look-and-say" method, which has also been called sight reading or whole word. Instead of teaching children how to sound out any word they encounter, the practitioners of the look-and-say method teach children to memorize whole words by shape, as if English words are like Chinese characters.

    Unfortunately, children who are taught to read by memorizing whole words by shape tend to end up functionally illiterate or even dyslexic. Children can memorize only a limited number of word-shapes, and they might accidentally reverse the shapes, such as mistaking was for saw. Worse yet, familiar words often take on an unrecognizable shape if they are in cursive writing or set in all caps or even in a different typeface. Fortunately, even some children in a look-and-say classroom figure out on their own that English letters stand for sounds. They break the letter code on their own. I broke the code on my own when I was four years old, before I ever set foot in any classroom. Many children learn to read despite what goes on in their classrooms.

    The look-and-say method is the basis for the "whole language" curriculum that California adopted in the late 1980s, with disastrous results. Even though the scientific evidence had shown since the 1920s that the look-and-say method was the cause of our epidemics of functional illiteracy and dyslexia, the prominent professors in the teachers' colleges solidly supported look-and-say and used their influence to suppress phonics instruction. After Flesch's book created a public outcry in the mid 1950s, the "experts" redoubled their efforts to suppress phonics and did what they could to destroy Flesch's reputation.

    Flesch warned his readers that the educational establishment's refusal to let teachers use an effective method to teach children to read was...

       "gradually destroying democracy in this country. It returns to the upper middle class the privileges that public education was supposed to distribute evenly among the people. The American dream is, essentially, equal opportunity through free public education for all. This dream is beginning to vanish in a country where the public schools are falling down on the job."

    Flesch was quick to point out...

       "Mind you, I am not accusing the reading 'experts' of wickedness or malice. I am not one of those people who call them un-American or left-wingers or Communist fellow travelers. All I am saying is that their theories are wrong and that the application of their theories has done untold harm to our younger generation."

    It was refreshing to see someone point out that we should evaluate a theory on its own merits. According to Robert's Rules of Order, "It is not allowable to arraign the motives of a member, but the nature or consequences of a measure may be condemned in strong terms. It is not the man, but the measure, that is the subject of debate." But it makes no sense whatever to imagine that the people who opposed phonics were left-wingers. The anti-phonics crusaders were, to use a phrase that became popular a few years later, the Establishment. They weren't labor organizers or grassroots activists. The people who led the anti-phonics crusade were the ones getting the big royalty checks from the publishing companies and who were depending on wealthy philanthropists for their jobs and for the funding for the colleges where they worked. Thus, the faculty of the teachers' colleges must have faced overwhelming temptation to serve their wealthy and powerful benefactors instead of following Flesch's example of standing up for schoolchildren.

    When people serve the upper middle class (i.e., the bourgeoisie) at the expense of the working class, they are being bourgeois, not left-wing. Left-wingers serve the working class at the expense of the upper classes. That's what those words mean. Flesch certainly knew that. However, he was writing in the United States in the mid 1950s, and he certainly realized that anti-Communist hysteria was making it impossible for many people to think about the real meaning of such words.

    It makes no sense to imagine that the war against phonics was a Communist plot. In reality, Communists (and many people who have been inaccurately labeled as Communists) seem to love phonics. In the early 1960s, the Communist government of Cuba wiped out illiteracy in Cuba by using phonics to teach poor people to read. The democratically elected government of Brazil had a similar literacy program in the early 1960s until it was overthrown in the U.S.-supported coup d'etat, supposedly in the name of fighting Communism. In 1980, the Sandinista government of Nicaragua launched a highly effective literacy campaign based on phonics. The Reagan administration's desire to overthrow the Nicaraguan government, again in the name of anti-Communism, led to the Iran-Contra Affair.

    Of course, Communists aren't the only ones who love phonics. Phonics is as American as apple pie. The number two bestselling book in the U.S. in the 19th century was Noah Webster's Blue-Backed Speller. Webster created this phonics-based method for teaching reading and spelling because he wanted to create a truly American language for the newly independent United States. The United States achieved high literacy in the 19th century even though most households had at most two books: the Bible and Webster's Blue-Backed Speller.

    I admire Flesch for speaking out about phonics. He was absolutely right about the importance of phonics for reading instruction, and the people who opposed phonics teaching or who want to "balance" it with other methods were (and still are) absolutely wrong. There's no "middle ground" on this issue. I particularly admire Flesch for speaking out in the political context of the mid 1950s. As a Jewish lawyer who fled Austria in 1938 when the Nazis took over, Flesch knew about political oppression from first-hand observation.

    As a Jewish man who was involved in education in New York in the 1950s, Flesch must have known that many American Jews had been unfairly fired from their teaching jobs and blacklisted by anti-Semitic McCarthyites. Yet Flesch stood up for the children of the United States and published Why Johnny Can't Read, and What You Can Do About It. Tragically, his warning went largely unheeded. In 1981, he published Why Johnny Still Can't Read: A New Look at the Scandal of Our Schools, which showed that practically nothing had changed in the interim. In 1987, the state of California threw phonics out the window and implemented a "whole language" curriculum statewide. As a result, California's children's reading scores dropped to the third lowest in the United States, ahead of only Louisiana and Guam. This tragedy would never have happened if the people of California had listened to Rudolf Flesch and demanded that their schools use effective teaching methods.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Apr 18, 2023 7:44 am

    The reason typing in all capital letters is considered bad is because it eliminates word shape and makes it harder to read.

    There are pieces of text where the letters are wrong, all shifted around but you can still read it because the word shapes are right.

    When learning to read here we learned to read letters and spell them out, but once you learned the letters and how they sound and of course all the exceptions, then you go on to read based on word shape... you learn the words.

    If you guys in the US stopped doing that then of course that was a mistake.

    But you will find that for all the different ways of learning there wont be one way that suits everyone.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  andalusia Wed Apr 19, 2023 8:29 am

    20-year-old woman was shot dead by an upstate New York homeowner Saturday night after the driver of the car she was riding in turned into the wrong driveway, a
    Kaylin Gillis, from Saratoga County, was inside the vehicle with three pals when they made a wrong turn into a driveway while searching for a friend’s house in the town of Hebron, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office said.
    As the driver of the car was leaving, Kevin Monahan, the owner of the home the group accidentally pulled up to, allegedly fired two shots from his patio at the vehicle
    Gillis was struck by one of the bullets.
    Monahan, 65, was arrested and charged with second-degree murder.  What is up with people being so trigger happy in America? Has everybody gone nuts?

    a young woman lost her life because of a gun happy old fool.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 20, 2023 4:55 am

    Some people are scared.... they watch murder mysteries and cop shows on TV and think everyone is out to get them... you see a strange car pull up full of people you don't know... well it is stupid to just open fire like that anyway.

    Some people are so full of their rights to protect themselves and their property they forget to be human and work out the difference between a mistake and an aggressor... look at HATO moving its military bases closer to Russia and China and claiming these countries are the aggressors... words seem to have changed meanings.

    I saw a video on Youtube the other day showing a deaf man talking to his wife on a public street... somebody saw that and thought they were having an argument and called the police, and three cops arrived and from behind ordered him to get on the ground and obviously when he didn't they tasered him multiple times... shouting orders at him to put his hands behind his back... they tasered him several times and kicked him in the ribs while he was on the ground... you could see on the body cam him shouting "I am deaf I am deaf"... ironically they were not listening to him and continued to shout orders at him to lie down and put his hands behind his back...

    He was a rather big guy but did not resist but they treated him like he was threatening to kill them.

    People are afraid and expect the worst... and sometimes that might save their lives... but most of the time it is just dangerous and counterproductive.

    Don't trust everyone, but don't think everyone is going to murder you and steal your stuff.

    I watched another Youtube video where a woman reported a black man who was driving around with two white kids in his car to the police. Now in this case he was looking after the two kids for a friend, but there might have been something wrong... but the kids seemed normal and not upset which is what she should have based her actions on. Instead she saw something odd and reported it.

    Right now in Russia if you see something strange you should report it too because the west is trying to create fear in your country so open sabotage will be going on so anything you do see that is odd you should report and let the authorities sort it out one way or another.

    It is ironic because if you watch most US programmes the problem is that nobody cares and will not get involved in things if they can avoid trouble... stories about men molesting children openly in parks and people just walking by ignoring it and doing nothing is the other side of that coin.

    There is a reasonable balance... if you see someone exposing themselves to children in a park don't ignore it. If kids are with adults that don't look like them but everyone is acting normally don't assume it is a kidnap/hostage situation.

    Not complicated.

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    Post  kvs Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:53 pm

    The cops involved are retards or malicious scum. Humans with developed brains can tell from the body language if two other humans are having a confrontation. The original Karen stukach clearly does not have a developed intellect. The cops following some moronic "rule book" of take downs on a public street making no provision for real circumstances is criminal. If they are so paranoid about their safety, then they should not engage their "policing" in every freaking circumstance.

    BTW, the meddler cops in the US, Canada and elsewhere I am sure, do nothing when privileged minorities (LGBTXYZ, etc) stage physical assault at protests. All this keen engagement in the case of the deaf man is grotesque.

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    Post  andalusia Sat Apr 22, 2023 7:43 am

    This is totally insane, a man shoots a girl and her parents because a basketball rolls into his yard.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Firebird Fri May 05, 2023 11:03 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    The "destruction" of the local population has precise aim.
    With different groups and ethnicity, each one with its own culture and not amalgamated, it is much simpler to control them. Furthermore it will be much more difficult to perceive solidarity and help from your neighbours in that case.
    Everyone will be an enemy and the elites can easily continue to rule and steal money from the population.

    A shrinking workforce is counterproductive to economic growth (i.e. capitalism whether national or global), which yes has in the past profited from 'favouring' the native-born population and exploiting foreign-born labour - but that was at a time when birthrates were above replacement rates everywhere and the workforce was constantly expanding even without immigration.

    These days however immigration is not a luxury but a necessity. Throughout this century, if current world demographic trends hold (although this shouldn't be assumed), you will see more and more countries switch to being a 'nation of immigrants' as their model. In fact they will actually start to compete amongst themselves for world immigrant flows. Because birth rates are actually plummeting everywhere. In Europe they are low, but not as low as in East Asia - countries which are already feeling the strain and unless they invent cheap multirole robots soon to replace their aging workforces; will have to start accepting immigrants too and adapting their national identity and ideologies to suit.
    In the Middle East birth-rates are falling, India, Latin America - although they are still above replacement level.
    They are highest in the world in Africa and will remain high there yet, but too are starting to decrease as the populations there continue to urbanize and middle classes build up.

    The West is simply ahead of the game here in terms of coming up with a new national idea and encouraging immigration; the 'global village'. But other countries are following suit with their own models. Russia which has accepted the multi-ethnic component of the globalist trends as its similar enough to its Soviet-era friendship of the peoples anyway, and has opened up for skilled immigration from beyond the ex-USSR. Saudi Arabia/Emirates which are focusing on encouraging immigration from Muslim countries. Poland which is encouraging Americans & Western Europeans to come, Ukrainians of course, basically anyone white & Christian. Israel of course like the West is ahead of the game; it has focused on drawing immigration from the world's Jewish communities, and now the coronation of new ancient communities of Jews in places such as Ethiopia or India as the old sources run dry. And so on.

    As you can see this whole phenomenon stems from the imperatives of economics, and the ideology either stems from that, or exists in parallel but merely accelerates it - it doesn't invent the hunger for immigration itself.
    The ideology is mainly needed for internal use. For the Western/globalist case - mixing people up and then stratifying them into a social hierarchy based on race/sexual orientation/678 gender identities is a more optimal system of control, than the aforementioned natives vs immigrants which just brings constant headaches and unpleasant surprises such as Brexit, that the globalist elites in London were not counting on. So yes, the intention is to get rid of the very concept of an indigenous people eventually - this concept does not conflict with national capitalism, but very much is counterproductive to the economic growth model of global capitalism, with the open borders and everything else.
    Of course you do need some sort of unifying ideology to bind this diverse set of people to; and this is where this global-homo, ecology, 'democracy' mix comes in, as a new religion in all essence.

    For what concerns the Western 'global village' model, it would be fine, and no worse than the Russian, Saudi, etc.. immigration models, were it not for the fact that the West is also starting to wield this concept in international relations too and impose its value system among other things on others through Soros-revolutions or political pressure.

    Mass importation of labour is an utter disaster. It is terminal vandalism against civilised nations by globalist elites who have contempt for the masses.

    The reality is astoundingly simple.
    Developed countries import rubbish. Criminals, chancers, extremists, idiots and the like. The result is a massive decrease in manpower costs. Not just unskilled toilet cleaners but skilled workers too. The migrants love it. Why? Because after as little as FIVE years, they can go home and LITERALLY build a mansion and never work again. Of course sometimes it might be 10 years but the wages are 5, 10 even TWELVE TIMES the indigenous workers. Local workers can't compete and migrants have effectively won the lottery. So they work 70 hour weeks, put NOTHING into the local economy and live in sheds often rotating beds between shifts. No need to pay taxes because its all cash in hand and fraud. Infact migrant social contribution taxes aren't even legally required in places like Britain. 3rd world expenses and 1st world income.
    Massive outflow of capital from the country. Business owners get richer and its all at the expense of the 1st world workers.

    Meanwhile indigeous workers see their wages plummet. Often to 1/3rd or 1/4 of their previous income.
    What happens? They think "damn I can't afford kids". So they put it off and off... and then the women realise they are too old anyway to have kids. No such problem for the migrants, because they have no concept of minimum respectable levels of living. See the human shit in the street around 3rd world migrant places in Britain.

    So less indigenous procreation and the Establishment demand more cheap subservient labour from the migrnats. No reproductive rate problems there. Arranged marriages, being used to squalor. Then there is the "crusade to take over the West" eg from bitter, vengeful 3rd worlders especially radical Islamists.

    So more 3rd worlders = cheaper wages = less first worlders able to afford kids. And so the spiral of descent continues.

    Voting for mass importation of 3rd world labour is no different to voting for a nuke to be dropped on your head for many.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Scorpius Fri May 05, 2023 1:18 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:One question.

    If a certain company say that they do not want to hire pregnant women or forbid their employee to be pregnant during work, is it a violation of human rights ?

    The article said that a certain Japanese company forbid their internship employees to get pregant. Foreign interns will be fired and expelled out of Japan if they get pregant.

    Is it a gross violation of the employee's human right ?

    YES, this is a gross violation of basic human rights and freedoms. In particular, only parents have the right to decide on the birth of a child. No corporate rules can go against basic human rights.
    Moreover, in the example given by the link, we see that similar measures are applied to a Vietnamese citizen. Birth control of ethnic minorities is one of the definitions of GENOCIDE.

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    Post  JohninMK Sat May 06, 2023 1:20 pm

    Below is one of the mist significant graphs you will ever see. There is so much buried in it.  These are just a few quick points.

    The inflection date is when the US$ was freed from the discipline of being tied to gold. This unleashed over the following years what has turned out to be an exponential rise in the amount of money being created. This is where basically inflation comes from.

    The major impact on society was that those who owned assets, from a house to shares in a business (including those paid to look after them) were on the top line, whilst those paid for their labour were left on the bottom line. It shows that the latter, even though they are now being paid a multiple per hour of what they were getting are in real terms are only slightly better off.

    The gap between the lines showing that vitually all the financial rewards of the increase productivity went to the monied classes. It was almost as if that was their intention, believing that those with capital were superior to those who had to work.

    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 FvbUhitXsAEwHtI?format=jpg&name=small

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon May 08, 2023 9:30 am

    some more information to supplement the post of @johninMK.

    Do ‘excessive’ wage rises lead to rising inflation and thus drive economies into a wage-price spiral? (...) First, “wage rises generally happen in the track of previous price rises” – it’s a catch-up response, not due to ‘excessive’ and unrealistic demands for higher wages by workers.  Second, it is not wage rises that cause rising inflation.  Many other things affect price changes. A general rise in the rate of wages will result in a fall of the general rate of profit, but not affect the prices of commodities.

    In other words, wage rises are much more likely to lower the share of income going to profits and thus eventually lower the profitability of capital.  And that is the reason capitalists and their economist prize-fighters oppose wage rises.  The claim that there is a wage-price spiral and that wage rises cause price rises is an ideological smokescreen to protect profitability.


    Despite this evidence refuting the wage-price spiral, mainstream economics and the official authorities continue to claim that this is the key risk to sustained inflation. (...) The real aim of interest-rate hikes is not to stop a wage-price spiral but to raise unemployment and weaken the bargaining power of labour.  I am reminded of the comment of Alan Budd, then chief economic adviser to British PM Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s: “There may have been people making the actual policy decisions… who never believed for a moment that this was the correct way to bring down inflation. They did, however, see that [monetarism] would be a very, very good way to raise unemployment, and raising unemployment was an extremely desirable way of reducing the strength of the working classes.”

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    Post  kvs Mon May 08, 2023 1:57 pm

    The graph above is a demonstration of why macro-economic statistics can be highly misleading. What is "efficiency" and "productivity"? They
    are not what people think these terms mean from their daily use. "Productivity" increases if workers are paid less even if no production increase

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    Post  kvs Mon May 08, 2023 2:05 pm

    The posts above by andalusia of gun happy retards highlights that pro-gun talking points are BS. We are supposed to believe that some kook with
    a hand gun and automatic rifle is the bulwark of individual freedom against state oppression. This is a moronic joke. The state can roll over any number
    of gun toting nobodies. None of these clowns is a one man army. All that guns are good for is engaging other civilians and in most cases in a criminal
    fashion. Not the "defence" that is claimed by gun-tards. Pulling up in the driveway and having a ball roll into a yard are not cases of self-defence.

    The gun-tards always stretch and cope to push their BS. Supposedly gun toting stops mass shootings. But I have never seen an example where mass
    shooting was prevented by another gun owner. Sure, there are cases where eventually someone shoots back, but that is not good enough. US gun owners
    already live in a de facto one party police state, so their guns are not propping up democracy.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 26 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Mon May 08, 2023 10:00 pm

    This guy is still trying to peddle the "Incel civil war in China" idea.
    But he is relatively on point with what is going on in the West.

    BTW, the solution is Patriarchy, there is no 2 ways around this, either you take Women's rights away or someone else will down the line.

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