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    Decline of the western society #2


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  kvs Sat May 13, 2023 4:44 pm

    The attack on "whites" is not going to bring a happy utopia, it is a power grab by rotten elites who want to keep everyone down including the precious
    identity minorities.

    The smell of totalitarian dystopia is overwhelming. We will get there thanks to the credulous sheeple.


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  kvs Sun May 14, 2023 3:44 am

    Western legal systems are transitioning to kangaroo jokes.


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Sun May 14, 2023 3:49 am

    This is the inevitable result when you give your women voting rights, you get stupid shit like this.

    Russia should take note.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Scorpius Mon May 15, 2023 11:13 pm

    There's something about Europe, which is a blooming garden, and the rest of the world is a wild jungle.

    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 IMG_20230515_133220_502
    Blooming apple trees and lilacs today in the Botanical Garden in Moscow

    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 IMG_20230515_135805_104
    People are walking during their lunch break along one of the Moscow alleys.

    The photos were taken by me this afternoon on a mobile phone.
    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 1f609

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Werewolf Tue May 16, 2023 12:04 am

    I don't know if I am alone with my thoughts and believes but I would like to lay out a few crumps of thoughts.

    I think we get fooled by the current decline of the West, which definitely exists, but is designed the way it is, which I think nobody here can deny.

    I have mentioned before how all these made up groups are affecting the birth rates of all western countries in a negative way (Feminism and LGTBQ) communities and their prevalence in entire western hemisphere through media, laws, education system from kindergarden(LGBTQ and Drag Queen shows) to universities (gender studies/rape culture propaganda).

    What all this does primary is not just reduction of western population, which I thought was the ultimate goal. I am convinced that I a and probably many of us were wrong. The reduction of population is just a mechanism to put pressure on society (mostly men) for the following goal, to make the vast population acceptable for extreme measures to deal with the created problems.

    Feminism was invented by Rothschild and all these extremistic voices of feminists and allied identities like the alphabet community are financed and broadcasted by the few families who own every form of media in the west. Hashtags like #KillallMen, #Metoo and the laws that have been passed to pay women more despite the non-existent paygap, quotas and public/medial shaming of men for being to masculine.

    Every single family by now is some form affected by all the laws they have passed. If you are white you and male are automatically a slaver, racist and rapist. If you are straight you are a bigot and oppressor. If you have kids then you are imposing automatically wrong gender on your child. If you are for family, religious values you are a right-wing Nazi and automatically therefore a threat to society, which immediately justifies every action that is taken against you and your kind.

    What I was going to say is, currently all politics, absolutely all and without exception, are designed by think tanks to piss off the majority of all western population to be not only welcoming but demanding of extreme measures of policies to revert all of this madness.

    You can see it the US and especially in Germany. Where the current government is filled with illiterate clowns like Baerbock, Scholz, Habeck and the entire green party. They are designed to be undesirable and out right un-electable by the population. They try to silence the right wing parties like AfD, which says normal things, specifically to agitate the citizens to divide into two camps.

    It is not just Germany and the US, it's the same shit in Poland, Czech and the Pre-baltic Chihuahua countries.

    All this extreme nonsense seeming left wing politics right now is only there to piss off the majority so that everyone feels it on his own skin. No matter if you are made to vote for right wing politics because of Drag-Queens trying to touch your child, because you can't buy food anymore, because you lose your job for diversity, you get told to be a fascist because you are of the wrong skin color or whatever it is that is moving you to accept right wing politics. The only important factor is you become acceptive of extreme measures by the state to "correct" all the shit show.

    The ultimate goal is raise the western population to be aggressive, become fascist and after everything is "corrected" there will be some pogroms like "Reichkristall Nacht" which will be blamed on Russia since we are "communists" that paid the communists in the West for pogroms.
    This will be I think the start of the actual WW3.

    Nobody pays so much billions and trillions for media to create nonsense like we have today to piss of whites, heterosexuals, families, children (95% of the population)and give the smallest minority of mentally ill so much power in society.

    Everything Firebird said in his last post is also a part of the technologies to control the population towards this goal.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  franco Tue May 16, 2023 12:15 am

    Agree it is hard to see the end game at times. I have family members who are fundamentalist Christians and they have their theory on that. Myself I'm an agnostic so still searching for answers.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  higurashihougi Tue May 16, 2023 4:54 pm

    Werewolf wrote:I have mentioned before how all these made up groups are affecting the birth rates of all western countries in a negative way (Feminism and LGTBQ) communities and their prevalence in entire western hemisphere through media, laws, education system from kindergarden(LGBTQ and Drag Queen shows) to universities (gender studies/rape culture propaganda).

    The main reason for declining birth rate in developed countries are economic factors, in more details it is the skyrocketing cost of maintain a family, dwindling income, and stressful workload of wage workers.

    It is especially prevalent in white-collar workers because the cost of education for a white collar is extremely high if you want to have a good diploma to increase your competitiveness in the labour market. Therefore it is expensive and exhausting to raise a lot of children to be white-collars like their parents, inevitably lead to the decision of low birth-rate.

    Low birth-rate are also observed in conservative, Asiatic countries such as Japan and South Korea, where the LGBT or feminism trend are not as prevalent as the West. Developing countries such as Vietnam also begin to see the same effect. China after abandoning one-child policy also struggle to revitalize its birth rate because of the very same reason.

    No offense here but I believe that you are unleashing your anger into wrong targets. And I do not see any reason to describe LGBT communities as demons. They are just normal humans.

    AlfaT8 wrote:This is the inevitable result when you give your women voting rights, you get stupid shit like this.

    Russia should take note.

    The women in these links below may think that your opinion is extremely offensive.

    Europe, which is a blooming garden, and the rest of the world is a wild jungle.

    Should I accuse Josep Borrell of being detrimental to Earth environment ? He is openly calling for deforestation. What a Face What a Face What a Face

    From an ecological perspective a jungle is many times more valuable than a garden. Cool Cool Cool Cool

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Werewolf Tue May 16, 2023 5:29 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:
    The main reason for declining birth rate in developed countries are economic factors, in more details it is the skyrocketing cost of maintain a family, dwindling income, and stressful workload of wage workers.

    The economic conditions are a direct result of the "feminist" movement created by Rothschild. With only half the population being the working force he seeded the idea that the woman is under the oppression of men and therefore not allowed to work. The feminist movement has created a huge influx of more people to the working "market" which has resulted in an inflation of working force.
    They did that with this goal in mind to create an economy of cheap expandable labor force to create productivity but little to no increase of living wage improvements for the population.

    higurashihougi wrote:
    It is especially prevalent in white-collar workers because the cost of education for a white collar is extremely high if you want to have a good diploma to increase your competitiveness in the labor market. Therefore it is expensive and exhausting to raise a lot of children to be white-collars like their parents, inevitably lead to the decision of low birth-rate.

    All that doesn't prevent broke people from having children.
    White-collar workers are more affected by the indoctrination from collage lifes which have been shown to be extreme radical in the current generation. Before this generation they have been bombarded with nonsense of overpopulation. The lifestyle is for them the only truelly deciding factor to have children or not. They are unwilling to be bound to children or lowering their lifestyle to raise children. That is the underlying factor not the cost, but the wish to be higher class. Back then they usually never said that, today they will tell you right into your face, that having kids is robbing them of personal freedom and money. It's a selfish lifestyle.

    higurashihougi wrote:
    You have to understand that low birth-rate are observed in conservative, Asiatic countries such as Japan and South Korea, where the LGBT or feminism trend are not as prevalent as the West. Other countries such as Vietnam also begin to see the same effect. China after abandoning one-child policy also struggle to revitalize its birth rate because of the very same reason.
    This subject is a multifaceted subject and I may have not put my thought to "paper" in the best possible way. The population reduction is not just feminism and LGBTQ, even tho it is their most aggressive front of annoying people in attempt to radicalize them. There are many factors of course and such mechanisms don't work in all societies, that is why we don't see feminism and LGBTQ in societies where they wouldn't survive even 10 minutes after opening their mouths. In non western societies they have different means to pacify and reduce the population. Japan for instance where a big percentage of young males don't even want to meet women. They live like we westerners in a society with absolute abundance of oversexualized images and no matter of your success with women, you can always access pornography and see more naked women than all of your ancestors combined. The instant gratification of masturbation to porn has pacified mostly men from exploring and trying to find relationships.

    Women are on the other opposite. They are fed systematically with power and easy money. All social media and the average male psyche are working into the needs and requirements of females. Attention is their currency and with social media they can have more attention that they would ever have without it. On top of that they can monetize their bodies and beauty and therefore elevate their "minimum-standard" towards men. This results in many women not wanting to date 85% of the male population. That is the case for western and asian societies. This doesn't work in arabic/muslim countries of course.

    For China it is quite the opposite. They have suffered from the one child policy despite many families having 2-3 kids and many of them are just unreported, not allowed to go to school, no public records and no privileges in society. They feared and probably still fear reciprocation due to ignoring and breaking the one-child policy. For other Asian countries it is not only a factor of unstable financial issue but also many having and adopting

    higurashihougi wrote:
    Instead of unleashing your anger to the LGBT communities which I see is completely useless and wasteful, why don't you use your energy to demand a wage rise and decrease working hours for the waged workers whose time for their private life is increasingly appropriated by capital ?

    I am not sure in which part of the world or society you live but you certainly do not have the same experience like vast majority of westerners, who are experiencing exactly that what I have described. What you are suggesting doesn't work as the worker has no power other than as an individual trying to find a better paid job. The majority of the population is and will be not experiencing any increase of wage or better conditions. Germany as one of the "richest" countries the vast majority don't even make 3000€. That is less than 15% of the German population and 3000€ clean is not that much money. The vast majority are living no better than in the US where most just work to be at 0€ at the end of the month.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  higurashihougi Tue May 16, 2023 7:34 pm

    Werewolf wrote:Rothschild seeded the idea that the woman is under the oppression of men and therefore not allowed to work.

    But women is under oppression is a fact.

    In China you still hear the problem of unbalance of gender when families tend to desire male offspring rather than female.

    In Japan you still heat the problem of female workers receive lower salary than males. And females fail to pursue their careers in works because the husbands do not want to or know how to share the house-chord burden. Recently a certain Japan medical university was investigated because they illegally marking down exam scores to curb female enrollment.

    In my country (Vietnam) things is much much better now especially in the urban area. But in about 20-30 years before or more it was not extremely rare to hear stories of women was beaten up by her husband for various reason, including the reason that the women failed to give birth or do not give birth to the gender that the husband desire. Or there were stories of the mother-in-laws who complained "why are you behaving like men ?" when her daughter-in-law keep working in the offices instead of accept the role of a full-time housewifes.

    And till today I still hear stories from some of my colleagues about the "unname", "uncredited" house-work they have to carry out and their lazy, useless husbands do not know how to share the burden.

    It is true that capital exploit the feminist movement to increase the number of reserve army of labour to dumb down the wage. But women is under oppression is a fact, not a fiction invented by Rothschild.

    Werewolf wrote:All that doesn't prevent broke people from having children.
    White-collar workers are more affected by the indoctrination from collage lifes which have been shown to be extreme radical in the current generation. Before this generation they have been bombarded with nonsense of overpopulation. The lifestyle is for them the only truelly deciding factor to have children or not. They are unwilling to be bound to children or lowering their lifestyle to raise children. That is the underlying factor not the cost, but the wish to be higher class. Back then they usually never said that, today they will tell you right into your face, that having kids is robbing them of personal freedom and money. It's a selfish lifestyle.

    From my experience in my country at least, the most common reason for someone not having a marriage or having child is that "when will I have enough money to start a family ?"

    Some people do blabbering about their personal freedom or whatever but many of them are quite blunt about their concern about the financial stability to have a child.

    In other country, such as Korea, there a stories of people do not even have enough money to buy a house even if they work for whole life, lead to the degeneration of their lifestyle and thinking, like if I cannot achieve anything then why not spend all the money to enjoy life ?

    In Vietnam, some people begin to have concern about similar problem considering the skyrocketing price of real estate in some areas.

    It is more like economic stress and incentive from my perspective.

    Werewolf wrote:This subject is a multifaceted subject and I may have not put my thought to "paper" in the best possible way.

    I also admit that my biggest mistake sometimes is too focusing on the economic factors and overlook the culture or psychologic effect. My apologize.

    Werewolf wrote:Women are on the other opposite. They are fed systematically with power and easy money. All social media and the average male psyche are working into the needs and requirements of females. Attention is their currency and with social media they can have more attention that they would ever have without it. On top of that they can monetize their bodies and beauty and therefore elevate their "minimum-standard" towards men. This results in many women not wanting to date 85% of the male population. That is the case for western and asian societies. This doesn't work in arabic/muslim countries of course.

    Japan is not the only country having these kinds of people.

    In Vietnam, recently a beauty pageant had caused an uproar when openly claim that beautiful women are destined to marry rich billionaire so that the rich husband can cover all of her expense. She received a huge backlash from both most of male and female netizens, but regrettably she managed to gather some supporters, though.

    Moreover, you haven't meet Vietnamese male humans who frequently and half-jokingly talking about marrying rich women to get rich, do you ? Smile There are quite a number of them Smile)))

    Monetizing their own body is the natural outcome of a society with inequality, when a few have too much and the majority do not have enough. Inevitably, the ones with money and power will buy a lot of women/men to satisfy their most decadent demands. And inevitably, at the lower end of the society, someone may dream of marrying into a prince or a princess to get what they lack in their life. And someone actually attempt to carry out that plan with various levels of success.

    Inequality and poverty in society leads to degeneration of human life and morality.

    In some cases things are the opposite, as the women/men achieve a high level of education or career success and become extremely picky when choosing their life mate. In China, many women refuse to marry men in the rural area because difference in education standard, they can hardly find any rural men have more or less the same education level as them.

    In this society when people are still being tied to their financial problems then marrying for money is a fact. Pure love marriage still possible but in most of the cases it is a mix of both.

    Werewolf wrote:For China it is quite the opposite. They have suffered from the one child policy despite many families having 2-3 kids and many of them are just unreported, not allowed to go to school, no public records and no privileges in society. They feared and probably still fear reciprocation due to ignoring and breaking the one-child policy. For other Asian countries it is not only a factor of unstable financial issue but also many having and adopting.

    For the current Chinese generations, the results of the one-child-policy, economy issue is a huge factor.

    The reason is simple: a couple have to make money for four parents (two from maternal side, two from paternal side) and at least three child if they want to increase the population. Key words: sandwiched generation.

    Werewolf wrote:What you are suggesting doesn't work as the worker has no power other than as an individual trying to find a better paid job. The majority of the population is and will be not experiencing any increase of wage or better conditions. Germany as one of the "richest" countries the vast majority don't even make 3000€. That is less than 15% of the German population and 3000€ clean is not that much money. The vast majority are living no better than in the US where most just work to be at 0€ at the end of the month.

    It is more than the reason for the Western people to stand up and demand their rights.

    The money of Western taxpayer should not be used to finance the meaningless war in Ukraine or to fund the Neo Nazi Maidan murderers. Western people have to stand up and tell that right to the face of the ruling class in their country.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  flamming_python Wed May 17, 2023 12:19 am

    Monetizing one's own body is a sign of inequality, but this inequality is inherent to the human species

    If we're doing Marxist analysis here so then you can apply the method just as much to the relationship between the sexes as you can to say between social classes

    Women have traditionally been reliant on men to be the breadwinners. Or to look at it another way - to benefit from the husband's labour. Because raising kids was a full-time job in centuries past, especially when we didn't have anywhere near the amount of automation, convenience or machinery and even doing something such as cooking was a laborious long task. Cleaning as well, and of course looking after the kids. A large amount of kids were necessary due to the reliance on physical labour and the infant/child mortality rates. While there weren't any schools or kindergartens or other social infrastructure that could free up some of your time for other things.
    So in this sense working and earning money and being independent was with few exceptions an impossibility for women, and thus never a value to be aspired to anyway and often outruled by reigning social hierarchies.

    Nowadays a lot has changed but what we still witness is again, more so than deliberate oppression, more a symptom of the dynamics between the sexes. First of all, we still have inequality inherent even now. While yes women have every opportunity to work, there are kindergardens, schools, all sorts of labour saving devices that offset men's physical advantages, and the opportunity for men instead to stay home and take care of the kids, or receive paternal leave if they wish to - in practice there are a number of nuances. Women are more prone to get ill and lose productivity, they typically have access to less jobs as some are heavily physical or otherwise many women will shy away from working in male-dominated environments, and women employees can be 'disabled' by pregnancy and child-birth. The last one in particular leads employers to frequently favour men instead for hiring and promotions, and it's just biology, not something you can change. Furthermore, even though men taking over childcare duties is legally an option, psychologically women are more drawn towards nurturing and homekeeping, and will often sacrifice their careers or income-earning ability to do so. So again, we still do see this trend of women's dependence on men.

    As for the beauty pageant - it's all fine to talk about markets in economics, but we should not forget the sexual market too, and its influence on people's behavior. Men's value as partners lasts for a longer time then women's, and is more multifaceted; status, income, and other factors weigh as much if not more than physical appearance. Ask women why. Women's value as partners however lasts shorter, indeed their period of fertility is shorter too, and it's mostly geared around physical beauty and also possessing at least a passable personality. Don't ask men why, it's just how we are.
    So the question is - how do men and women raise their value in this sexual market so as to get the highest-value partner in turn? For men it's simple, we strive to earn more money, compete with each other for status and so on. For women it's also simple, and taking part in beauty pageants is certainly a killer strategy for those with the looks to pull it off. Both men's and women's strategies here are really just two halves of the same process, and we're all slaves to it.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed May 17, 2023 6:09 pm

    My god are you all talking in circles.

    Enough semantics, lets get down to the root of the problem, which is the pursuit equality or egalitarianism, pursuing either will lead to the same result, which is fertility decline, why??
    Because hypergamy.

    Women will always aim for the top 20%, once you give these women equal rights to men, the majority of women will only seek a minority of men.
    And this will only become worse the more gynocentric the society becomes.

    Ergo, if you want to restore any country's fertility, you must make your women second class citizens, so then they will see the majority of men as "worthy".

    Patriarchy is your only path to salvation, not your principles, not your morality, not your god nor your socialism.

    You either adhere to realities of female nature or watch your society slowly perish.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  higurashihougi Wed May 17, 2023 7:08 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:Women will always aim for the top 20%, once you give these women equal rights to men, the majority of women will only seek a minority of men.

    You have not met male human who frequently talk about their dream of marrying into family of rich women, right ? I have seem quite a number of them.

    If you want some recorded historical examples then you know Wu Zietan or Ekaterina II, right ? Do you know how many court magistrates and aristocrats applied for their handsome sons to be the concubine of these empresses ?

    In several rare cases in patriarchical society when women managed to achieve huge wealth and power then men automatically gathering around her asking for favor and even applying for being her sex toys. These historically recorded men were doing the exact thing that you accuse women to do.

    It is the historical context of the oppression against women that give birth to the "women aim for the top 20%", not vice versa. In communistic and egalitarianism societies no women aim for the top 20% because there is no top here and everybody have the ability to take care of themselves.

    Do you know this meme ? The number of parasitic male humans want to have rich wives are significant enough to guarantee a meme.

    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Z

    Honestly speaking I don't know what happens in Europe and USA that makes many people hate feminism so much. But I am living in a country when oppression and violence against women used to be very real in the pass and some of the traces are still lingering. That issue of gender inequality are also widely acknowledged by both men and women, by the Party, the Government and the common people.

    So personally I am feeling very confused when people talk about women like trashes.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed May 17, 2023 7:35 pm

    Trying to analyz fertility trends of a communist country is a fools errand, i learned that the hard way, too many purges and famines mesing with the statistics..

    Vietnam's fertility rate has been floating around 1.9 for years now, so clearly you guys arent the answer.

    And women aren't trash, they are more like children, children that need a man to manage them.

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed May 17, 2023 7:50 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:And women aren't trash, they are more like children, children that need a man to manage them.

    Care to take a look at how the "children" Wu Zetian, Trưng Trắc, Triệu Thị Trinh, Nguyễn Thị Định manage men ?

    "Hoành qua đương hổ dị / Đối diện Bà vương nan." (It is easy to fight against tiger, but it is hard to face the Lady Queen)

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed May 17, 2023 8:06 pm

    Sorry, but a fertilty rate of 1.9, well it's not even a fight.

    Call me when you have a fertility of at least 3, then we will discuss your queen.

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    Post  GarryB Wed May 17, 2023 10:13 pm

    Fertility has little to do with womens rights, and is more about the standard of education amongst the population.

    Change is normal.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Werewolf Wed May 17, 2023 10:54 pm

    GarryB wrote:Fertility has little to do with womens rights, and is more about the standard of education amongst the population.

    Change is normal.

    Based on your theory the US should experience right now a huge baby boom. In a generation full of illiterate people with one of the worst eduction where they are thought the exact opposite what science proved for centuries.


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  higurashihougi Thu May 18, 2023 8:32 am

    Werewolf wrote:
    GarryB wrote:Fertility has little to do with womens rights, and is more about the standard of education amongst the population.

    Change is normal.

    Based on your theory the US should experience right now a huge baby boom. In a generation full of illiterate people with one of the worst eduction where they are thought the exact opposite what science proved for centuries.

    Standard of education has an association with fertility.

    The jobs with low standard of education, for example manual labour, means less expensive training course, less cost of investment into the person, but generally lower income per capita. Which means more people will bring more money to your family, which means higher fertility.

    While white-collar citizen in developed countries struggle with birth rate while immigrants increase their population at an amazing rate.

    There is no conspiracy theory here, it is mainly the normal economic incentive.

    In my country, from my knowledge there is an instance of a Khmer women who quit school early to work in a factory, then she got married early, and at the age of 40 she already became a grandmother.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Werewolf Thu May 18, 2023 1:57 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:
    Standard of education has an association with fertility.

    The jobs with low standard of education, for example manual labour, means less expensive training course, less cost of investment into the person, but generally lower income per capita. Which means more people will bring more money to your family, which means higher fertility.

    While white-collar citizen in developed countries struggle with birth rate while immigrants increase their population at an amazing rate.

    There is no conspiracy theory here, it is mainly the normal economic incentive.

    In my country, from my knowledge there is an instance of a Khmer women who quit school early to work in a factory, then she got married early, and at the age of 40 she already became a grandmother.

    Fertility has nothing to do with your finanicial status.

    Fertility is a combination of good genetics, youth, healthy lifestyle and environmental circumstances (lack of exposure to toxins, outside hormones and healthy unstressfull social influence).

    Also nothing you say has relevance to what I said from my initial point. The initial point is and was that all economical and social conditions in the WEST are designed that way to make WESTERNERS voluntarily be acceptive of extreme counter measures to the current politics.

    Nothing that is happening in China or other Asian countries has any relevance on that argument I raised.

    My baseline is that the West is designed that way to become canon fodder against Russia.

    The government is letting mentally ill people dictate around what is right and how politics should work.
    ... calling the majority of each western country as an oppressive racist people since their birth.
    ... police force is not allowed to act in certain US citizes, in general not acting in EU if you report muslims or negroids for committing crimes.
    ... CIA flooded the EU with "refugees" from mostly the lowest socio-economical background on the standards of their home countries (males 14-35) not women and children
    ... Extreme left wing politics put insects into our food
    ... In Germany and other countries are being terrorized by green activists paid by the government to glue themselves to roads, destroy art and property, make wildest demands and be hypocrites about it
    ... EU government is currently lifting any laws that are protecting the people from being sniffed on. They try to ban encryption, passwords and blame "ch!ld Cornography" on it (which they are the biggest advocators for)

    + The Green parties across all western countries at some point another have publicly and vocally stated they want to lift ban on sexual activities with |

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Thu May 18, 2023 8:06 pm

    Still going on about the secondary and tertiary effects i see.

    Anyway, another aspect of female nature is their desire to NOT be free, women's desire is to be protected and provided for.
    Being Free means that they will have to provide and protect for themselves, aka taking Responsibility for themselves.
    There is no greater kryptonite to women than Responsibility.

    So which ideology promises to provide resources and protection in exchange for their freedom?.... that's right, Socialism.
    And this gentlemen is why women will always vote for GloboHomo and Leftism in general.
    Thereby creating a giant authoritarian, welfare and police state.

    Women are the main reason for the West's downfall.
    All due to the very biological imperatives of Women.

    In the U.S, women are 51% of the population and 55% of registered voters, there is your problem. sniper

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  flamming_python Thu May 18, 2023 10:48 pm

    The 4chan red-pilled trads vs the party-line loyalist Razz

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  higurashihougi Fri May 19, 2023 4:27 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:Anyway, another aspect of female nature is their desire to NOT be free, women's desire is to be protected and provided for.
    Being Free means that they will have to provide and protect for themselves, aka taking Responsibility for themselves.
    There is no greater kryptonite to women than Responsibility.

    Does these women look like someone can't provide and protect themselves ?

    No offense, again, but I have seen many women who is more independent and self-reliable than all of the men in this forum combined.

    AlfaT8 wrote:So which ideology promises to provide resources and protection in exchange for their freedom?.... that's right, Socialism.

    What is your definition of socialism ? Where do you get that definition from ?

    Do you honestly interpret socialism as some sort of welfare state like the Nordic state capitalism ?

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Fri May 19, 2023 4:57 am

    higurashihougi wrote:
    Does these women look like someone can't provide and protect themselves ?

    No offense, again, but I have seen many women who is more independent and self-reliable than all of the men in this forum combined.

    Great a bunch of single mothers reliant on the state handouts, wonderful.

    AlfaT8 wrote:So which ideology promises to provide resources and protection in exchange for their freedom?.... that's right, Socialism.

    What is your definition of socialism ? Where do you get that definition from ?

    Do you honestly interpret socialism as some sort of welfare state like the Nordic state capitalism ?

    Socialism, Communism, Fascism, the ideologies that promise the utopian vision of equality under the state.
    Daddy government will take care of you, up until they achieve absolute power and then they'll start shooting you.

    The U.S is still in the bribery phase, where the Left will give you all the goodies to secure power, but when they finally get that power, well its gonna be a bad day for everyone.

    You can vote your way into Socialism, but you are gonna have to shoot your way out of it.

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    Post  higurashihougi Fri May 19, 2023 5:04 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:Great a bunch of single mothers reliant on the state handouts, wonderful.

    Does these look like they are waiting for state handouts for you ?

    They are working days and nights, even doing menial jobs to raise their family and you accuse them of waiting for state handout ?

    How can you be so ignorant and heartless like that ?

    Why don't you release yourself from the closet and see how the working class are fending off ?

    AlfaT8 wrote:Socialism, Communism, Fascism, the ideologies that promise the utopian vision of equality under the state.
    Daddy government will take care of you, up until they achieve absolute power and then they'll start shooting you.

    Where do you get that definition of socialism ?

    Which book tell you that communism have a state ?

    Have you ever read a single word of Marx, Engels or Lenin about socialism or communism ?

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    Post  higurashihougi Fri May 19, 2023 6:47 am

    flamming_python wrote:The 4chan red-pilled trads vs the party-line loyalist Razz

    There are mothers, sisters, wives who are working in hard conditions to contribute to the family and then some people come out to claim that women cannot do anything and have to rely on men.

    I don't think it is necessary to be a Party theorist to feel offended and frustrated.

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