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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2


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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:51 am

    Russia could just remove India from her list of prospective customers.

    They could, but why would they?

    Now that the war in Ukraine has taken out Kiev as competition for support contracts for Soviet material and most of eastern europe has just been drained of ammo and material of the Soviet period and will now transition to making western shit, Russia is in a very good position to make good money selling weapons and ammo and equipment to support their older catalogue of products to the world that still wants them (because they are simple and reliable and cheap).

    Russia makes weapons, and India needs weapons... the only places that would be overjoyed at Russia turning its back on India would be the west, which just shows what a stupid idea it would be.

    Bad for Russia and bad for India too.

    Not sever relations with India. What I mean is Russia should carry out these projects without looking at India as a prospective buyer.

    This aircraft programme seems to be in conjunction with UAE and not India just yet, but if the specs and numbers pan out India would be stupid to ignore such an aircraft... they probably can't make Tegas for the price they could buy Checkmate for and Tegas is not a 5th gen stealth fighter.

    I agree that Russia should not design and make weapons and equipment that rely on India buying them to make them viable but this is clearly not the case and it wasn't the case with the Su-57 either despite most western organisations trying to suggest the reason Russia could afford a 5th gen fighter was because India was funding it.

    Indias programme was totally separate from the Russian programme.

    They may put down an order for 100 SU57s and suddenly change at the last minute when the US offers them F15EXs for double the money.

    You say they might but that does not make it true. There is a pro France faction in the Indian military, but I am not so sure they are so excited about their American kit which is rather expensive.

    Algeria will never do this. Nor will Vietnam. Nor will Iran, Angola or Myanmar. These are the countries Russia should prioritize.

    You say this too but does that make it true?

    Algeria dropped their order of MiG-29SMTs when they got an offer from Sukhoi for Su-30s at the same price, and Iran hasn't got a perfect record with Russia either.

    What country would turn down a better offer out of loyalty?

    Not many...

    Especially when the decisions are normally taken by politicians where bribes come into the equation.

    However some of these corrupt politicians are also in love with western equipment for some reasons and like to criticize russian systems instead.

    The western propaganda machine runs 24/7 promoting western kit and glossing over its problems and weaknesses, while the complaints about Russian and Soviet equipment come thick and fast and repeated and amplified over and over every chance they get... and even then when fair trade does not work there is economic threats of sanctions like CAATSA etc.

    Their mig-29k are slightly older than russian mig-29k. They also don't know how to maintain them.

    New builds that incorporate western technology... western propaganda would claim the Indian MiGs should be better than the Russian MiGs.

    Their weapons also suck. Export R-77 is really shitty and they don't have rvv-sd or r-37M.

    Hahaha.... yes, western propaganda is that their R-77s suck and AMRAAMs are superior despite evidence in combat suggesting otherwise.

    They could order RVV-SD and RVV-BD if they wanted them.

    R-73 is still world class and R-74 (RVV-MD) is even better.

    They need to face chinese carrier groups. A rafale with meteor is way better than their mig-28K with r-77.

    Again western propaganda at work... India has no more reason to prepare for war with China than Mexico has reason to prepare for war with the US, or the US has reason to prepare for war with Canada.

    Rafale would require cats... the US wont sell their cats technology so India can buy French planes... French carriers use US cat technology don't they?

    16 Rafales for a single aircraft carrier would triple the cost of the carrier...

    MiG-29KR should be compatible with R-37M and Russia has a habit of selling things to India that they don't sell to anyone else so it might be a 300km range version instead of the normal export 200km range model (compared with the 400km range domestic model... but that is because it is carried by the MiG-31 and is launched at 18-22km altitude at speeds of mach 2.5 plus).

    But frankly I suspect Rafale or f-18 to be way worse in terms of maintenance which will make their carriers useless.

    The Hornet would be their worst choice because at least they have MiGs and Rafales in service already, but the requirement for cats makes the two western options less appealing and more expensive than they already are.

    The problem is Russia is asking India to be a pan handler again but for a different 5th gen program and our nationalistic Indians in india defense net forum will not be too happy that they fear this will kill their AMCA project. I hate it that 5th gen programs start with immediately asking for other countries to go fund it. Don't start any military aircraft project if your country is not willing to go finance it. I am sure we would score contract deals selling Su-75s to India but asking them to go throw billions is just you know already asking for too much.

    I think you are missing the point... this is Sukhoi saying they will take their product to this years Aero India defence airshow to present their latest product for export.

    It is not a Russian Air Force project, this is something Sukhoi has put together as an export product with UAE... if India wants to buy some or invest then fine, but if they don't that is fine too... there is a good chance that many countries are going to get on board with this aircraft.

    Buying a light 5th gen fighter makes sense because it is affordable so investing into it makes sense... a bit like lots of European countries bought F-16s but not so many bought F-15s because they were too expensive to buy in large numbers unless you were a rich country that was showing off.

    This new light 5th gen fighter is half the price or less of western 4+ gen fighters and its operational costs appear to be similar to the operational costs of the MiG-21 which means you can buy more and also operate more without breaking the bank.... this is a 5th gen light fighter that is probably cheaper to buy and to operate than many US HALE and MALE type drones!!!!

    It hasn't even flown yet... they are showing it around and gauging interest in purchases and production.

    Obviously countries making it themselves will spend rather more, but countries wanting cheap fighters could buy off the shelf and get a great deal.

    The FGFA program failed for a series of factors and unfortunate events

    If you want to make something yourself then you make it more expensive than if you just bought it... if they could have bitten the bullet and just accepted the Russian Su-57 the way it was they might be producing it now at a price where they might have rather a lot entering service and a good return on all their investments.

    With the light 5th gen fighter by its very nature of being cheaper and also cheaper to operate, you often want rather more of these so it actually makes more sense to make your own.

    For India the best deal might be to buy 200 Su-57s in kit form and assemble them in India with an option for the same again in a couple of years time, but to actually set up for production of the numbers plane... the Su-75 because eventually it is going to replace all their other lighter aircraft, from Tegas, through MiG-21, 27, 29, and also Jaguar and M2K.

    They might end up with a fleet of say 400 Su-57s and 5-600 Su-75s with some Su-30s further upgraded and some Rafales for roles where stealth is not needed...

    The FGFA died because India wanted a two seat option and they wanted a higher stealth level but were not prepared to pay for the increases in costs that would create.

    A naval Su-57 programme means a two seat model will likely be developed anyway so India has cancelled its FGFA project but will likely wait for production two seaters and buy them or licence produce them locally.

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  thegopnik Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:06 am

    The Su-57 program I think if I remember correctly was 8-10 billion dollars with the intention that Inda would have payed half for it. So how much is the Su-75 program going to cost since it seems the articles I am reading posted here is what they suggest? Honestly no one can beat a deal like this to purchase 25-30 million dollars 5th gens with an open architecture if they want their own avionics if they like. I can see them possibly purchasing an order of Su-75s but not them spending 4-5 billion dollars on another program with the addition of purchasing the aircrafts. I am already nervous that the 6th gen route will be the same as these last 2 routes.

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:27 am

    The Su-75 aircraft should use many components that have already been developed for the Su-57, only that the radar for that aircraft will certainly have fewer receiver-transmitter modules than the Belka radar. It is also known about the engine, that is, the Su-75 in the serial version should use the izdeliye-30. Even if the final price of the plane is 50 million dollars, it will be a success. For the Russian Air Force, the price will be lower, of course.

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  lyle6 Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:37 am

    thegopnik wrote:The Su-57 program I think if I remember correctly was 8-10 billion dollars with the intention that Inda would have payed half for it. So how much is the Su-75 program going to cost since it seems the articles I am reading posted here is what they suggest? Honestly no one can beat a deal like this to purchase 25-30 million dollars 5th gens with an open architecture if they want their own avionics if they like. I can see them possibly purchasing an order of Su-75s but not them spending 4-5 billion dollars on another program with the addition of purchasing the aircrafts. I am already nervous that the 6th gen route will be the same as these last 2 routes.
    You remember wrong. The Russians had and have no need of foreign funding for their military projects - they are running tens of billions of dollars in surplus every year and the MIC more than pays for itself in export orders.

    Pay for half, what a tired trope. Well that same jet is out there breaking interception records with some of the hardest targets imaginable - not bad for a project that's only halfway funded. Rolling Eyes

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 13, 2023 1:29 am

    The Su-57 program I think if I remember correctly was 8-10 billion dollars with the intention that Inda would have payed half for it.

    Your memory is clearly made up of western speculation.

    You see the west has the problem if explaining why they spend so much and relatively speaking Russia pays so little while there being no corruption in the west and a much better work ethic and higher production rates in the west because of their superior production and management... all of Europe has failed to produce a 5th gen fighter, the US has managed two but at enormous cost to the economy... the F-35 programme alone cost 1.5 trillion.

    The west has the problem of explaining how western sanctions are destroying Russia while at the same time Russia is at the bleeding edge of modern aircraft and aerospace design... new nuclear power cruise missiles, hypersonic scramjet engines, nuclear powered space tugs, etc etc.

    Russia delayed their light fighter programme so they could focus funding on their PAK FA programme and that is exactly what they did.

    The FGFA programme was with India and they paid peanuts into that and got very little out of it because they decided they didn't want to spend the money needed to make the plane they wanted... they demanded a higher level of stealth and a two seat version but expected Russia to pay for it all.

    So the current situation seems to be they will wait till it is in full serial production and then they will buy some and ask for "upgrades"... essentially the same thing they did with the Su-30MKI programme where they bought the off the shelf Su-30MK and integrated French and other components in the design.

    The PAK FA programme was always going forward and was always funded and never expected any money from India to complete it.

    That is just western bullshit.

    Russians know how to plan and prepare... which is why they are not running out of artillery shells and missiles right now... whereas the west in the same situation would be out of everything because they got rid of most of their excess material in storage to save some money, and probably gave themselves nice fat bonuses to celebrate the money they saved, and will be on holiday now if anyone wants to contact them about the current ammo shortage, but of course their excuse will likely be that the old ammo was dangerous and who ever came after them in power should have boosted production to restock the stores.

    So how much is the Su-75 program going to cost since it seems the articles I am reading posted here is what they suggest?

    How the hell would we know... it would depend on the potential buyers and what they might want... customers like India might demand Israeli or French components be added for their version, but then I would think that would just drive the price up massively and local production would make it not so cheap any more.

    Most countries will just buy what Russia sells to them and get a nice cheap but capable fighter aircraft... with a 3,000km flight range it is probably better than most fourth gen fighters... even some of the heavy ones, and inflight refuelling could increase that even further.

    Commonality with the Su-57 will make it cheaper and easier to make but you wont need to buy both to get the economic benefits... it seems to be a cheap aircraft to buy and to operate... assuming everything goes to plan.

    When the US dollar collapses perhaps we might see some ex HATO countries getting on board.

    Of course there will also be a MiG equivalent aircraft too though that might not be for export for a while.

    Honestly no one can beat a deal like this to purchase 25-30 million dollars 5th gens with an open architecture if they want their own avionics if they like. I can see them possibly purchasing an order of Su-75s but not them spending 4-5 billion dollars on another program with the addition of purchasing the aircrafts.

    If this aircraft can perform to the levels they claim for the price they claim there would be no need for medium and light stealth fighters... this aircraft could directly replace the MiG-21 and be produced in similar numbers and widely used which would make it rather better than most new planes that you can only buy in small numbers because of the costs.

    Having one Javelin is nice, but having 5,000 Kornets for the same price... well it simply isn't a question which would be better.

    I am already nervous that the 6th gen route will be the same as these last 2 routes.

    6th gen is the solution for the west because of their failure with the 5th gen... their 5th gen are so bad they need replacements, but if they can't afford 5th gen how can they afford 6th... or 7th.

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  TMA1 Sat Jul 01, 2023 7:40 am

    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 T-75_n11

    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Lts10

    Saw these floating around the forums. I cannot say whether they are genuine but very interesting (and lovely, gilding the lily, damn). Second one is of paralay's usual awesome fiddlings. Hope he doesnt mind I post it here. I need this to come to life. Damn.

    Edit: first attempt I didnt get both pictures in.

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  LMFS Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:13 am

    Comes from flateric, so to me it is credible. Seems a significant redesign, if true it explains the lack of recent news about the project and the delay that was already communicated.

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Sun Jul 02, 2023 5:58 pm

    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 00000007

    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 00000004

    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 00000005

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  LMFS Mon Jul 03, 2023 2:26 am

    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 F0c3uo11
    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 F0c3uo10

    Looks like there is some new patent going around, but I have still not seen it. The pictures apparently come from it

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  JohninMK Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:48 am

    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 F0VUHrhWwAAFst6?format=jpg&name=small

    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 F0VUHriWwAAB-SE?format=jpg&name=360x360

    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 F0VUHrjXgAASsQ5?format=jpg&name=360x360

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  thegopnik Fri Jul 07, 2023 12:46 am

    cockpit shows zigzags. sigh... another win for the fanboy criticisms from before

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 07, 2023 4:37 am

    These are drawings and most are not even official drawings...

    Just ask those fan boys why it is taking so long to get their shit to Ukraine so Russia can rip them a new one.

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  Scorpius Wed Jul 19, 2023 12:53 pm

    LMFS wrote:Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 F0c3uo11
    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 F0c3uo10

    Looks like there is some new patent going around, but I have still not seen it. The pictures apparently come from it

    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 1689711906-5ec188b28110a8c1cde1230d16b5b622
    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 1689711907-8fee14806b4de6b65db8b9394eb4aeb0
    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 1689711908-55a1c329ec3a9ad4ad2a3f4925837980
    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 1689711909-e74b98aea0e0ccdce616236ad8bac3a4
    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 1689711910-0e21aead8d95c0096cd52ec2e45c728f
    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 1689711912-1dd087e746d9ddd59af0de7db8278966
    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 1689711913-1cb99c5490ad2c9aea650db0d4ea23fe
    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 1689711914-f6db25aaf4057f5331c3d78668fdfa12
    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 1689711911-1924e526c6261294df2e5628824e5855

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  Hole Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:56 pm

    One-seater, two-seater and non-seater.  Very Happy

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty 2 seater

    Post  Gazputin Thu Jul 20, 2023 2:25 am

    2-seater is a stealthy remake of the Israeli F-16I 2-seater bomb truck isn't it
    that spend most of their time lobbing glide bombs etc over the Syrian border ... from inside Israel or Lebanon
    pilot is little more than a taxi-driver .... whilst the back seater does most of the work ...

    makes sense for low intensity conflicts .... much cheaper to run than a big twin engined beast

    new wing shape ...
    ... is it just me but those new plan views - but it is starting to look a bit like a SAAB Draken ?

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  George1 Thu Jul 20, 2023 3:12 pm

    Hole wrote:One-seater, two-seater and non-seater.  Very Happy

    so the non-seater is a drone actually

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  Hole Thu Jul 20, 2023 4:21 pm


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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 21, 2023 5:19 am

    2-seater is a stealthy remake of the Israeli F-16I 2-seater bomb truck isn't it

    In the sense that the F-16 is a copy of the MiG-21 with the air intake moved to the chin area, and the Eurofighter Typhoon is a copy of the Ye-8 prototype of the MiG-21...

    so the non-seater is a drone actually

    Makes it an expensive drone but most drone in that size range are going to be expensive anyway... and at least with the manned versions you can do all your flight testing with a human on board to feel vibration and feel problems which you often don't get flying it by remote control.

    They have had such things in the past like the unmanned Yak-130 drone, but I personally think a drone model should be much simpler than an actual fighter so the Su-57 and S-70 example means the S-70 is not as expensive as an Su-57 though it should match performance close enough to operate together on most missions.

    The only advantage of an Su-75 based drone would be that it could keep up with the fighter if the fighter had to run away at supersonic speed for example... in fact with a bit of structural strengthening you could possibly make the drone a super high g fighter... maybe 15g plus that no human could survive... but with no human on board it could pull high g quite a lot. The Su-75 with a human on board could pull 9g perhaps but even then the pilot would not be doing anything except trying not to black out... they wont be thinking about anything else or doing anything else...

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  lyle6 Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:09 am

    Gazputin wrote:2-seater is a stealthy remake of the Israeli F-16I 2-seater bomb truck isn't it
    that spend most of their time lobbing glide bombs etc over the Syrian border  ... from inside Israel or Lebanon
    pilot is little more than a taxi-driver  .... whilst the back seater does most of the work ...

    makes sense for low intensity conflicts .... much cheaper to run than a big twin engined beast
    The 2nd seat is going to be primarily for command and control of drones. The avionics on the Su-57 are advanced enough to not need a dedicated WSO for combat tasks outside of flying, capable of detecting, tracking, and designating its own targets, fly itself, and operate the self-protection systems all on its own. Commanding a small team is a full-time job itself however, so the 2nd seat is a must.

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  LMFS Sat Jul 22, 2023 12:51 pm

    Several LTS patents, the first two relate to the aircraft's structure

    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 00000002-m

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  Gomig-21 Mon Jul 24, 2023 12:29 am

    TMA1 wrote:Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 T-75_n11

    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Lts10

    Saw these floating around the forums. I cannot say whether they are genuine but very interesting (and lovely, gilding the lily, damn). Second one is of paralay's usual awesome fiddlings. Hope he doesnt mind I post it here. I need this to come to life. Damn.

    Edit: first attempt I didnt get both pictures in.

    Looks friggin' great! Even with canted V-stabs, it's still weird to see a fighter jet without H-stabs. Even though the YF-23 had the same design concept, it was also weird to see it without any horizontal stabilizers but IIRC, they were canted a lot more than these ones on the Checkmate which suggests that they would take on the roll of not only the V-stabs, but the horizontal stabilizers as well.

    The aerodynamics and moveable surfaces that control pitch are mostly performed by the H-stabs which also makes it even more interesting how it will perform its pitching. Perhaps the use of thrust vectoring will compensate.

    Let's hope we see the first prototype take flight really soon!

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  kvs Sun Aug 13, 2023 3:05 am

    According to Mercouris the Su-75 is not going to be developed and did not get any international buyers. Does anyone have any news on this


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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  sepheronx Sun Aug 13, 2023 7:26 am

    kvs wrote:According to Mercouris the Su-75 is not going to be developed and did not get any international buyers.   Does anyone have any news on this

    Never heard any official news but its possible. Russia did state it was specifically an export jet to begin with.

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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  LMFS Sun Aug 13, 2023 10:14 am

    I call that BS. They have just published several patents with all the variants in the new design. They already said that they don't need an international partner to finish the project, and in any case to cancel it because it allegedly did not to secure orders before flying makes zero sense. Mercouris should stay away of military topics

    GarryB, flamming_python, d_taddei2, kvs, JohninMK, Rodion_Romanovic, Sprut-B and like this post


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    Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Sukhoi LTS "Checkmate" #2

    Post  Backman Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:48 am

    kvs wrote:According to Mercouris the Su-75 is not going to be developed and did not get any international buyers.   Does anyone have any news on this

    Why would Mercouris have any inside scoops on it ? He probably seen some garbage floating around in the western defense media about it.

    The project is probably going to be on the slow burn anyway. And the western media is going to be saying it is cancelled and a failure at every turn. Just as it did with the su 57. Mercouris probably isn't up to speed on how this game is played.

    If you want to maintain an aircraft industry, you need projects like this to keep it going. It will be needed eventually.

    kvs, Rodion_Romanovic, Sprut-B, Hole, BenVaserlan, owais.usmani, Rasisuki Nebia and like this post

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