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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4


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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  Kiko Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:12 pm

    Journalist Hersh announced a new investigation into Nord Stream, 03.07.2023.

    Journalist Hersh said he would publish a new investigation about Nord Stream next week.

    The author of the investigation into the sabotage at Nord Stream, American journalist Seymour Hersh, in an interview with Izvestia on Tuesday, March 7, said that he would publish a new investigation about Nord Stream next week.

    "I wrote this investigation. And I will publish a new investigation on this topic next week,” he said.

    Izvestia asked Hersh to comment on the publication of The New York Times (NYT) that, according to new US intelligence , some pro-Ukrainian group may be behind the explosions.

    Answering a question, Hersh noted that he learned about the NYT material from Izvestia journalists. The Americans' attempt to blame Kyiv made Hersh first surprised and then laughed.

    "What? It can not be true. Can't they be that stupid? Or can? I have not seen this article before,” he said.

    Looking at the publication, the journalist laughed.

    "Let me look at this article now ... Wow, the sources are not named ... Oh my God! "Special services suggest", "pro-Ukrainian group"! Oh my god,” Hersh said with a laugh.

    The New York Times wrote on Tuesday, citing U.S. officials, that new intelligence suggests that a pro-Ukrainian group carried out the Nord Stream attacks . The report notes that unnamed U.S. officials, refusing to disclose the nature of the intelligence they studied, said the operation "may have been carried out unofficially by a puppet force with ties to the Ukrainian government or its security services."

    Earlier, on March 5, The American Spectator reported that the topic of the Hersh investigation into the US involvement in pipeline explosions was not discussed in Washington, because they did not want to know the truth. The magazine wrote that many Western politicians viewed Nord Stream 2 as a serious potential source of income for Moscow and, as a result, a "gaping hole" in the economic anti-Russian sanctions that the West could impose because of the conflict in Ukraine.

    According to the authors of the material, despite the fact that Hersh's investigation is based on information from anonymous sources, against the backdrop of US President Joe Biden's promises to end the Russian gas pipeline, it seems plausible.

    On February 8, Hersh published an investigation into sabotage on Russian gas pipelines. It says that divers from the United States planted bombs during the Baltops exercise in the Baltic Sea back in June last year, and the Norwegians activated the explosives. Washington's motives, according to the journalist, were to force Germany to provide military and financial support to Ukraine.

    A little later that month, Hersh said that Biden made the decision to undermine the gas pipelines purely for political reasons . In his opinion, the goal was to prevent Germany and Western Europe from opening the pipeline in the event of an early onset of cold weather.

    On March 2, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Moscow was shocked by the impunity of sabotage on the Nord Stream, which took place in the zone of responsibility of NATO and the European Union (EU).

    Leaks at Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 were discovered in September 2022. The representative of the seismic center of Sweden, Bjorn Lund, said that two powerful underwater explosions were registered in the area of ​​​​leaks in pipelines at the time of the emergency . Traces of explosives were found at the crash site. The Russian Federation called the incident an act of state terrorism.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:41 am

     Specifically, according to information from the ARD capital studio, Kontraste, SWR and ZEIT, the investigators succeeded in identifying the boat that was allegedly used for the secret operation. It is said to be a yacht rented from a company based in Poland, apparently owned by two Ukrainians. According to the investigation, the secret operation at sea was carried out by a team of six people. It is said to have been five men and one woman. Accordingly, the group consisted of a captain, two divers, two diving assistants and a doctor, who are said to have transported the explosives to the crime scenes and placed them there. The nationality of the perpetrators is apparently unclear. The assassins used professionally forged passports, which are said to have been used, among other things, to rent the boat.

    So why are they calling them assassins?

    Surely terrorists is a better term, and FP is correct... pro Ukrainian assassins would perfectly describe US forces too.

    Ironically the Germany could use this revelation that Ukrainians have seriously damaged Germany and the EUs energy security and use that to halt all weapons and ammo and other support from being sent via the EU to Kiev... if they wanted an excuse to deescalate, and the US and Kiev could then blame the EU for lack of support for Kievs defeat and collapse...

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    Post  Kiko Wed Mar 08, 2023 12:53 pm

    The West sounded the alarm because of the new threat from Russia and India, 03.08.2023.

    Reuters: Russia-India oil deals undermine dollar dominance.

    MOSCOW, March 8 - RIA Novosti. The oil trade between India and Russia has begun to undermine the dollar's longstanding dominance, Reuters reported.

    As the authors pointed out, after the start of a special military operation in Ukraine and Europe's refusal of Russian oil, Moscow became the main supplier of black gold to India.

    While most Russian banks have been sanctioned since the start of the conflict, Indian clients and Russian suppliers intend to continue trading in Russian oil, the Indian source said.

    "Russian suppliers will find other banks to accept payments. The government is not asking us to stop importing Russian oil, so we hope that in the event of blocking the existing system, it will be possible to find an alternative payment mechanism," the agency quoted the interlocutor as saying.

    A month after the Ukraine conflict broke out, Gita Gopinath, chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, said sanctions against Russia could undermine the dollar's dominance as international trading blocs shift to other currencies.

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  owais.usmani Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:28 pm

    Amur gas chemical complex in February 2023

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  Kiko Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:48 am

    Shame on Germany and Scholz:

    Nord Stream, or the fake news of the century between the USA and Germany, 03.08.2023.

    The New York Times and Die Zeit 'report' on the perpetrators of the attacks against the Nord Stream.

    Nord Stream: Suddenly, the 'truth' is out

    According to The New York Times, a pro-Ukrainian group carried out the attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines. Meanwhile, on the same day the German newspaper Die Zeit, has published that German investigators identified the vessel that allegedly participated in the attack on the gas pipelines, noting that "the tracks lead in the direction of Ukraine." Everything is published four days after the meeting in Washington between US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

    Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: "It is clear that the perpetrators of the terrorist attack want to divert attention. It is clear that this is a coordinated media hoax." Meanwhile, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on her Telegram channel: "I wonder who allows such leaks to fill the information space. The answer: those who do not want to conduct an investigation in a legal sphere, and are going to divert the public's attention from the facts in every possible way."

    Yandex Translate from Spanish

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    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:33 am

    I wonder if the people of Germany are as whipped as their leaders are?

    WWII is clearly no surprise and WWIII is inevidible I guess with the stupidity of the west.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:04 pm

    All this is simply "decoys", to use a term from the spy jargon.

    The West wanted to make Ukrainians guilty of the attack on Nord Stream, by Daria Volkova for VZGLYAD. 03.09.2023.

    Experts pointed to the inconsistency of the version about Ukrainian enthusiasts who blew up the Nord Streams.

    The Western press suddenly began to reveal the details of the terrorist attack on the Nord Streams. The Americans, and then the Germans and the British, unanimously supported the version that a group of Ukrainian conspirators was behind this, and the Western countries had absolutely nothing to do with it. Why can't this version be considered valid and what caused such attempts by the West to blame everything on Kyiv?

    On Tuesday evening, the Western press suddenly broke into reports about the "revealed details" of the terrorist attack on the Nord Stream in September last year. Thus, the American newspaper  New York Times  (NYT), citing its sources and intelligence data, writes that the “pro-Ukrainian group” could have blown up the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines.

    At the same time, the newspaper notes, “US officials said they had no evidence that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky or his aides were involved in the operation.” “Or that the criminals acted on the instructions of Ukrainian officials,” they write in the material.

    NYT interlocutors also claim that the explosives could have been planted with the help of experienced divers who had not previously worked for the military or intelligence services, but had received special training. Intelligence believes that the sabotage was carried out by some pro-Ukrainian group, which includes both citizens of Ukraine and Russia.

    Unnamed officials indicated that US and British citizens did not take part in the attack on the highways. They also found no evidence of Russian involvement. At the same time, NYT interlocutors pointed to "huge gaps" in the case of sabotage at Nord Stream in the American and European intelligence communities, but new data "may be the first significant clue." At the same time, as the newspaper emphasizes, any suggestion of involvement in the explosions of Ukraine, whether direct or indirect, "may disrupt the difficult relationship between Ukraine and Germany, undermining the support of the German public."

    Following this  , the German newspaper  Die Zeit  reported that an investigation in Germany had identified a vessel that could have been involved in the Nord Stream bombings, traces leading to Ukraine. According to investigators, the vessel was leased by a company based in Poland and likely owned by two Ukrainian citizens. Presumably, we are talking about a yacht.

    According to the German investigation, a group of six people participated in the "secret operation": five men and a woman.

    According to Die Zeit, the nationality of the band members is unknown, and they used fake passports to rent a boat. It is alleged that the equipment for the yacht was delivered to the port in advance by truck. The ship left the German city of Rostock on September 6, 2022, and traces of explosives were found in the cabin of the yacht.

    In addition, Die Zeit claims that Western intelligence officers handed over to European services a notification about the involvement of the Ukrainian side in the explosions back in the fall. Investigators have not yet been able to find out who ordered the sabotage, but they admit that the evidence leading to Ukraine could have been falsified.

    After that, the British also spoke out: The Times published an article from which it follows that the intelligence of Western countries knows the name of the alleged Ukrainian “sponsor” of sabotage at Nord Stream. According to the publication, the special services did not disclose this information so as not to provoke a conflict between Ukraine and Germany, since at that time the FRG was supposed to supply Ukraine with weapons, including Leopard 2 tanks and IRIS-T air defense systems.

    The newspaper, without citing sources, claims that the sabotage was carried out “not by Americans, Russians or Poles” and was a private initiative of a Ukrainian businessman not associated with the government of Volodymyr Zelensky. Allegedly, a private Ukrainian sponsor funded the operation to blow up the gas pipelines out of his own pocket, including renting a vessel, hiring elite divers, forged passports and purchasing shaped explosive charges available only to the gas and oil industry. The author of the article is Maxim Tucker, he works from Kyiv.

    Recall that the American journalist Seymour Hersh, in his article, citing an unnamed source, said that American divers installed  explosives under the Nord Streams during the Baltops NATO exercises in the summer of 2022  . Allegedly, Washington  feared that Berlin would "lift sanctions because of the cold winter." Hersh later said that from the very beginning  he considered  the United States the main suspect in the attack.

    Russia February 22  convened  a meeting of the UN Security Council on sabotage. At the meeting, an American diplomat  said that "the accusations of US involvement in these acts of sabotage are a complete lie."

    In Russia, the new details from Western intelligence reacted unambiguously and extremely negatively. Thus, the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov  said that publications about the explosions at Nord Stream are a coordinated stuffing in the media, so the authors of the attack want to divert attention.

    Russian diplomat Andrey Ledenev,  whose words  are quoted by the Russian Embassy in Washington, in his  Telegram channel noted that the NYT publication instantly received a green light in the American information field, which is especially noteworthy given the attempts to openly silence Seymour Hersh's resonant material. Ledenev also recalled the US administration's opposition to the launch of an independent investigation into this act of international terrorism against critical energy infrastructure.

    In turn, Senator Alexei Pushkov  called  the NYT article about the guilt of the pro-Ukrainian group in undermining the Nord Streams an unsuccessful attempt at disinformation. Pushkov noted on his Telegram channel that the United States intelligence is trying to turn away all reasonable accusations against the United States of undermining the Nord Stream and transfer them to some vague "pro-Ukrainian groups" that, even if they existed, would not have the technical ability to carry out such an operation.

    Military analyst Mikhail Onufrienko, in his  Telegram channel, pointed out the degree of “uninhibited thought” in the Western version of “Ukrainian secret amateur divers” who blew up Nord Stream. The expert questions the ability of four men and one woman to find gas pipelines filled with a concrete cushion at a depth of 90 meters under water, install about 800 kg of explosives and still go unnoticed.

    American political scientist Dmitry Drobnitsky called the NYT's attempt to "blame pipeline explosions on some private initiative as extremely unconvincing." In his opinion, the basis here is not even a technical component, but a motivational one.

    “But for the White House, the main thing is that the answer to Seymour Hersh is heard in the public field, and it doesn’t matter whether it is convincing or not,” he explained.

    “The NYT article is intended not so much to emphasize the uncontrollability of the Ukrainian side as much as to disguise the uncontrollability of the United States. The Nord Stream explosion was the result of squabbles in the White House. At the same time, the authors seem to say: “We are not to blame, these are Ukrainians. But Zelensky has nothing to do with it either.” And so on, - added the expert. - It looks like the US Democratic Party is trying to smooth things over, but they are unlikely to succeed. You will see that in the near future several more articles about Nord Streams will be published, and one is more interesting than the other. The opposing factions in the United States will rock this topic,” the analyst predicted.

    “In addition, the story of the terrorist attack can be used against Zelensky when he becomes an asset completely unusable for the United States. Therefore, I think the main information struggle around the Nord Streams is still ahead,” the interlocutor believes.

    In turn, energy expert Igor Yushkov notes that “it is now extremely beneficial for the United States and, in particular, the Biden administration to shift all the blame for this incident to Ukraine.” “There is a certain consensus in the West that Kyiv has the moral right to do whatever it wants and hit Russia wherever they can. Including shooting unarmed prisoners of war contrary to all international conventions,” said an expert from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and the National Energy Security Fund.

    “It turns out that everything boils down to the fact that if you blame Ukraine for something, then no one will turn their tongues to scold them or somehow punish them. After what happened, Germany or any other European country will stop providing assistance to Kyiv? No, they won't stop. This is an absolutely convenient option for the United States to put an end to this story,” he said.

    “At the same time, it is quite obvious that the hype in the information field, caused by the investigation of journalist Seymour Hersh, and our desire to convene a meeting of the UN Security Council forced the Americans to look for an informational way out of the situation. It was impossible to leave all this unanswered, so they tried to turn the story into a direction that would suit the White House, ”concluded Yushkov.

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    Post  JohninMK Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:54 pm

    You have to laugh Laughing I like the FT's final line, highlighted by me.

    US officials urged oil traders to resume the transportation of Russian oil.

    The US has privately urged some of the world’s largest commodity traders to shed concerns over shipping price-capped Russian oil, in a bid to keep supplies stable and regain some oversight of Moscow’s exports. US Department of Treasury officials met executives and traders at Trafigura and Gunvor among others, according to five people familiar with the talks, and offered reassurances over expanding their role in Russian crude and fuel trade without breaching western restrictions. While Washington has never opposed trading of Russian oil within G7-agreed price curbs, the largest independent oil traders have been wary of the market. “We’ve been actively encouraged by the Americans . . . to re-engage on moving the oil,” said one trader who spoke with the Treasury.

    The US reassurances, delivered in meetings with leading independent oil traders in recent weeks, come as Russia has threatened to cut oil supplies this month after western powers ratcheted up support for Ukraine. The Biden administration led the G7 push for a price cap to squeeze Vladimir Putin’s energy revenues. But it also sought to keep Russian oil flowing to international markets, fearing fallout from a collapse in supplies from one of the world’s top energy exporters.

    "The Americans really do want it to move,” said one trader, referring to Russia’s oil.

    The World cannot survive without Russian oil.

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    Post  kvs Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:08 am

    Russia should limit supply in a substantial way to mess these f*ckers up.

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    Post  Broski Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:22 am

    Russia should limit supply in a substantial way to mess these f*ckers up.
    Now that most of Russia's oil has been redirected East and to the Global South, Russia needs to;
    • Make the EU/UK/US pay for oil (and eventually everything else) in Rubles
    • Set the minimum price for oil above the cap limit for western oil traders by law
    • Drastically limit the amount of oil made available for western countries
    • Keep it that way even when the collective west gives up and drops some of their stupid sanctions

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  Kiko Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:39 am

    Tulsi Gabbard Explains Why US Threw Ukraine Under the Bus by Blaming Kiev for Nord Stream Blasts, by Ilya Tsukanov for SputnikNews. 03.10.2023.

    US media reported this week that a mysterious “pro-Ukrainian group” without established links to any state was responsible for last fall’s sabotage attacks against the Nord Stream gas pipeline network. Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev dismissed the reporting as a “cheap” but “epic Hollywood drama.”

    Former Hawaii congresswoman and presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard has offered an explanation for the Biden administration’s attempt to use the media to shift the blame for the Nord Stream attacks on a third party, saying the international implications of suspected US responsibility for the crime are just too serious to admit.

    "It is so obvious at this point that the United States and NATO are responsible for this act of sabotage and act of war, attacking and destroying this Nord Stream pipeline. They’ve been lying to us all along about it, now they’ve been busted and so they’re trying to sell us this absurd cover-up story,” Gabbard said in a segment on Tucker Carlson’s show, referencing Tuesday’s New York Times reporting citing US intelligence officials fingering a “pro-Ukrainian group” for the sabotage.

    “The reality is that [Washington is] responsible for this and there are short term and long term, serious implications for this action. It sets this precedent for countries like Russia, North Korea, Iran and China to go ahead and launch attacks and sabotage against critical infrastructure against other countries, like gas pipelines, undersea cables, financial systems, satellites, the list goes on and on. Just imagine the kind of problems to say the least that that would cause for us, the American people, and for the world,” Gabbard said.

    The former congresswoman and Iraq War veteran dismissed US and German media reporting on the "Ukrainian trace," saying it “implies that the United States and NATO’s military intelligence agencies are so inept and incapable that nobody knows what was going on,” and that “nobody saw this coming.”

    "This pipeline fed Germany, which is the economic engine of Europe,” Carlson interjected. “Germany is the key player of NATO…We just wrecked the economy of our key NATO ally. If Germany blew up the Hoover Dam would they still be our tight NATO ally? Doesn’t NATO have to disintegrate after we get caught doing this?” he asked.

    Gabbard agreed, saying that the White House and NATO want people to believe the cover-up story to nullify the implications of what actually took place – “an act of war not just against Russia but also against our ally, Germany,” and illegal under US laws to boot, since war can only be declared by an act of Congress.

    Part of a Pattern

    Tuesday’s reporting blaming Ukraine was not the first time during the Ukrainian crisis that the White House has used its access to the legacy press to push its narrative and throw Kiev under the bus.

    In October, before any Ukrainian officials claimed responsibility for the attack on the Crimean Bridge, the New York Times reported that Kiev was responsible, citing a pair of anonymous Ukrainian intelligence officials. Separately last fall, anonymous officials told the newspaper that US intelligence assessed that Ukraine was responsible for last summer’s car bombing murder of Russian journalist Darya Dugina.

    Senior Russian officials have mostly avoided addressing the new reporting about the “pro-Ukrainian group's” and the Nord Stream attacks, instead repeating calls for a comprehensive and transparent probe into the act of terrorism.

    However, former Russian president and Security Council deputy chairman Dmitry Medvedev could not help but react to the story, characterizing it as “ignorant US propaganda” that sounds like a Hollywood blockbuster about a group of “inglorious bastards”-style “lone rangers fighting against the damned Muscovites.”

    Unfortunately, he said, the end result was just “so-so,” featuring “mediocre actors, a director that’s no Quentin Tarantino, very poor casting and camera work, and a script that’s boring as s***.”

    Last month, bombshell reporting by veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh revealed that the pipelines were rigged to blow by a team of US Navy divers operating under the cover of a NATO exercise last summer, and remotely triggered by a Norwegian aircraft flying overhead months later. The Biden administration dismissed Hersh’s story, while most legacy media has either refused to report on it, or tried to smear Hersh, who has an unimpeachable reputation for accuracy and more than 60 years of journalistic experience, as a “discredited journalist.”

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    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:00 am

    "The Americans really do want it to move,” said one trader, referring to Russia’s oil.

    They say they want to move, but perhaps they are setting these companies up for a fall... if Russia cuts production the prices go up, if large amounts of Russian oil gets seized in transit by US and British and EU navies then they get free oil and to cover the losses Russia will have to keep pumping oil... or maybe that is the plan.

    The point is that the US promised not an inch to the east expansion of HATO too and how did that work out for the Soviets...

    Keep it that way even when the collective west gives up and drops some of their stupid sanctions

    They need to make clear that Russian sanctions and actions in response to western sanctions are either permanent or will be applied for twice as long as western sanctions are applied as a punishment for applying them in the first place.

    Photos of two of the proUkrainian terrorist pipe bombers has been revealed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In a time travel accident...:

    Skripals then Titanic and now NS pipes... super villains....

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    Post  franco Sun Mar 12, 2023 7:07 pm

    Dark fleet of tankers now comprises 10% of seaborne oil transport

    Sanctions on Russian oil shipments driving the expansion of shadowy and unregulated maritime transport involving more than 400 tankers

    Some 440 tankers above 30,000 dwt tonnes, with an average age of 20 years, have been identified as solely deployed in shipping Iranian, Venezuelan and Russian oil

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    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:04 am

    Sanctions on Russian oil shipments driving the expansion of shadowy and unregulated maritime transport involving more than 400 tankers

    Hilarious... by unregulated, they mean not owned by us so we can't monitor them and know their volumes and price per barrel or their destinations...

    They have tried to damage Russia and so Russia has stopped using western spied on countries to ship and ensure their oil and gas, so now they are complaining about their loss of ability to know everything about Russian energy exports because someone elses boats and moving the goods and someone else is insuring them...

    The US used Ukrainians as the fall guys because Kievs forces are the victims of Russian aggression and who in the west could blame them for attacking Russian pipelines to Germany to try to save themselves.

    It would be like blaming a rape victim for cutting the dick off a rapist... they are innocent and safe from criticism... unlike the dirty bastards that actually did it...

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    Post  Kiko Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:52 pm

    Russian diesel heading to Saudi Arabia – Reuters. 03.13.2023.

    Moscow is reportedly using ship-to-ship transfers to shorten routes and boost exports to new customers.

    Saudi Arabia has ramped up imports of Russian diesel by both direct and ship-to-ship (STS) transfers, Reuters reported on Friday, citing tracking data and traders.

    The Gulf state received its first cargoes totaling 190,000 tons of Russian fuel in the ports of Ras Tanura and Jeddah last month, the outlet said. Russia started exporting diesel to its OPEC+ ally after the EU and G7 embargo on seaborne imports of Russian refined products went into effect on February 5.

    Two cargoes with a total of 99,000 tons of diesel were loaded in the Primorsk port on the Baltic Sea in Russia and have been transferred ship-to-ship on another tanker heading to the port of Ras Tanura in Saudi Arabia, shipping data from Refinitiv showed.

    According to the outlet, another cargo carrying 30,000 tons of gasoil sailed from Russia’s Black Sea port of Tuapse. It also used ship-to-ship loading near the Greek port of Kalamata to transfer diesel to another tanker that had already discharged the fuel at the port of Jizan in Saudi Arabia, according to Refinitiv’s data.

    STS transfers help shorten costly routes for tankers headed to Africa, Asia, and other destinations, the outlet suggested. While the EU and G7 nations have introduced price caps and restrictions on Russian fuel imports, Moscow has successfully diversified its shipments, with China, India, Türkiye, and other countries boosting purchases of its oil and oil products.

    Saudi Arabia will likely refine and re-export some Russian diesel deliveries, the outlet said, citing market sources.

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Mar 15, 2023 1:52 am

    Scott Ritter takes apart the German sailing boat story.

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    Post  Kiko Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:49 pm

    Russian coal export to Asia-Pacific exceeds 140 million tons in 2022, 03.15.2023.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russian companies exported more than 140 million tons of coal to Asia-Pacific countries in 2022, Deputy Energy Minister Sergei Mochalnikov said.

    "Coal exports to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region in 2022 exceeded 140 million tons," the senior official said in an appearance before the press.

    According to recent official figures, in 2022 Russian companies exported, in particular, almost 60 million tons of coal to China and 16.7 million tons to India.

    In total, the shipments of Russian companies to global markets totaled more than 210 million tons of coal last year.

    Mochalnikov pointed out that the coal sector expects a slight increase in exports this year.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Mar 16, 2023 8:28 am

    I'm Telling You, He Did It’: Seymour Hersh Slams Biden as Nord Stream Bomber at National Press Club, by Wyatt Reed for SputnikNews. 03.16.2023.

    Pulitzer-prize winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh made waves again Tuesday night when he excoriated the Biden administration and lambasted mainstream media coverage of the Nord Stream bombing, the Russiagate story, and the Democrat Party's love of war at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
    In a wide-ranging discussion, journalist Seymour Hersh doubled down on his explosive findings that US President Joe Biden ordered the Nord Stream pipelines to be blown up last year using C-4 charges previously planted by US Navy divers, took his former employers at the New York Times to task for their uncritical reporting on the issue, and slammed top Biden officials as "lunatics".

    "We've got to cut; we've got these lunatics," Hersh told audiences at the storied press center.

    While he said he’s "sure they're high IQ," the journalist noted that "[US Secretary of State] Tony Blinken, [US national security adviser] Jake Sullivan, [Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria] Nuland… are just doing insane things."

    As for Biden, there’s no doubt the commander-in-chief played a central role in ensuring that the Nord Stream sabotage took place, Hersh told event attendees.

    "He did it. He did it," Hersh reiterated. "I'm telling you, he did it." And now, the legendary journalist said "the Biden game is to wait it out and never say yes."

    The decision to take out the pipelines was potentially taken due to Biden’s desire to secure reelection, Hersh said. "I think Biden also saw beating up Russia as a ticket. Jack (John F.) Kennedy is a classic example – presidents always did well politically in wars."

    So in January of 2022, Hersh said, top Biden officials decided to "see if we can find a way to blow… those pipelines, and put [the Russians] back in the dark ages." But many Americans remain in the dark about the situation, he said, due to what he describes as the mainstream media’s dereliction of duty.

    "We don't ever get news anymore," Hersh lamented. "And the newspapers cover what they want" – mainly, "Biden."

    Asked why legacy media continues to ignore the bombshell report on the Biden administration’s responsibility for the Nord Stream bombings, Hersh was succinct: "they don't like what I'm writing."

    He took aim at the White House Press Corp in particular. "I have a horror about the White House press corps" because "they're so tied to the beat," Hersh explained.

    It’s the "job" of the White House press secretary "to produce pablum (bland, trite and insipid intellectual material). And… reduce everything to pablum. And that's not challenged by anybody."

    Media Subservience & Democrats’ Love of War

    At the infamous February 2022 joint press conference in which Biden threatened to "bring an end to Nord Stream 2" if Russian forces entered Ukrainian territory, corporate media subservience was on full display, Hersh bemoaned.

    When a German reporter pushed back and asked how Biden would “do that, since the project and control of the project is within Germany's control,” the US president was undeterred: “I promise you – we will find a way.”

    As Hersh explains, the power dynamic on display was highly revealing.

    "After that meeting with that unbelievably shoddy, embarrassing meeting with [German Chancellor Olaf] Scholz, who went home, you know, slunk his way back. I hope they put him at least in the Blair House and, you know, not in a Motel Six somewhere."

    "It was really unbelievable. It was so depressing to see this man coming like a lap dog and having 5 minutes in the sun."

    As a veteran reporter who cut his teeth covering the US war in Vietnam, Hersh expressed surprise at the surge in militarism among Democrats in recents years.

    "Ironically, in the Vietnam War, it was always the Democrats and a few moderate Republicans actually were the leaders," he said.

    "Now the critics are reversed. The Democrats are dead on this one. They want this war and they want to push [war] with China. And we do have a considerable body of Republicans who are against it, but they're not the majority."

    "It's a very strange position," Hersh added. "I always thought the Democratic Party was more anti-war, but they're into this one big time."

    Russiagate, Twitter Files & US Desperation

    The Democrat-Republican switch on war matters can partially be traced back to the Russiagate hoax, which took hold in the imaginations of huge numbers of Democrats in 2017. That’s when the Clinton campaign attempted to pin the blame for her surprise loss to former President Donald Trump on a supposed Russian influence campaign.

    There was just one problem: the influence campaign in question never happened, as demonstrated by numerous reports debunking the conspiracy theory. But despite knowing it wasn’t true, high-ranking political authorities continued to run with the narrative for years.

    Yet, as revealed by American journalists like Matt Taibbi in a series of exposés that have become known as the Twitter Files, FBI officials continued to use the specter of Russian election interference to demand the censorship of private Americans for years afterwards.

    “The basic theory is the media did realize the incredible power they had to manipulate on social media,” Hersh explained.

    And now the Twitter Files have revealed exactly "what the government would [do], in its desperation to prove that Russia was behind the 2016 election," Hersh said — and it’s "not pleasant."

    "I have friends that I have trusted for 40 years," Hersh said, and "there's… not a shred of real intelligence" that Russia was behind Trump’s election. "It's really a mess. That story's a mess."

    Caught in the Crosshairs

    But the course charted by American elites in the aftermath of Trump’s election was in many ways predictable, according to the journalist, who went on to state it’s no surprise the US would take any opportunity to go after another one of their long-term targets:

    "I mean, we're big haters. We always, we learned to hate in World War Two. And we've had you know, everybody is on our hit list – Saddam, Bashar Assad."

    Though slain former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad were erstwhile US partners, both found themselves in the crosshairs of American foreign policy in the aftermath of the terror attacks on the World Trade Center, when the US began its rush to war with a number of Middle Eastern nations.

    Since then, the American “hit list” has come to include a number of other foreign leaders as well, Hersh noted.

    "Certainly… all the people in Iran on our hitlist… we always have a big hit list. And of course, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's way up there."

    "[Putin] is very smart. And he knows his facts. And he spits them out and he knows certain things,” Hersh continued, later touching on the Black Sea Grain Initiative that was negotiated by Turkish counterparts and hailed as a win for those in the developing world facing rising hunger.

    "He allowed" grain vessels to depart from the Black Sea "because he was promised that 30% of them would carry grain to the poor in the world," Hersh explained, before going on to offer a prediction for how the conflict may conclude.

    But, as Putin predicted at the time, little of the grain ultimately ended up in the neediest nations, and the deal’s fate is currently up in the air.

    "At a certain point, [Putin] is going to want… a suzerainty, is the word I'm hearing."

    "It's the word in the [intelligence] community, is [it’s] going to be suzerainty,” Hersh claimed, continuing: “the big deal is you cut a deal with the government and the deal is demilitarize."

    And for the US, Hersh predicted, “it's going to be a no-go."

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    Post  franco Thu Mar 16, 2023 5:40 pm

    Since the start of the SMO, Russia has made more than $315 billion in revenue from fossil fuel exports around the world, with nearly half ($149 billion) coming from EU members.

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    Post  JohninMK Mon Mar 20, 2023 8:27 pm

    The latest on N1 and N2

    And NO Western medium even mentions

    Start an interview with Putin from yesterday !!
    Abstract :
    Russia is knocking on all doors, Germany is pulling in its tail

    The issue of investigating the Nord Stream terrorist attack remains high on the agenda. A sensational find was reported this week in Danish waters 30 kilometers from the site of the explosion. The object is not part of the pipeline structure. It is possible that it is an explosive device or an element of it. This is another argument for a comprehensive international investigation.

    Our correspondent Pavel Sarubin asked the Russian President about the find. Putin said:

    “Gazprom has received permission from the Danish government to investigate the site of the explosion. But Gazprom did not limit itself to examining only the site of the explosion. The ship rented by Gazprom continued along the pipeline and about 30 kilometers from the site of the explosion a post was found in a place like the site of the explosion. What is this position? This is the most vulnerable part of the gas pipeline, a pipe connection. And at this point a post was found. Experts believe it could be an antenna receiving a signal to detonate an explosive device that may have been placed under the pipeline system. Now, of course, we would like to get permission from the Danish government to carry out the necessary investigations, either alone or together with them, or, even better, by forming an international team of experts and explosives experts who can work at such depths. And if necessary, defuse that explosive device if it's there, of course. But when we asked the Danish government about it, we got the answer that they had to think about it and would give us an answer if they thought it possible. We received this vague answer.”

    Listen, there could actually be another trap lurking here for Russia when we're dealing with such a deceitful and underhanded opponent. The allegedly "forgotten" item could be an element of an unexploded explosive device - a soaked charge, an antenna or a dropped piece of equipment. But what if it's some sort of moulage stuffed with Russian components, left behind on purpose to find and be horrified? Oh God! That's how they are, the Russians! It's the Russians, isn't it? You found the evidence. Isn't that russian? The first to say it's not Russian should throw the first stone. And so forth. Could it be such a trap? yes it could After the explosion of the Nord Streams and the stream of lies that followed, anything is possible.

    Russia is knocking on all doors: both at the UN and at the NATO countries affected by the terrorist attack in the Baltic Sea. Yet even the seemingly mighty Germany sits with its tail between its legs, not even daring to question the United States. Why?

    In this context, Putin pointed out that Germany has never really been a sovereign state in the proper sense of the word since World War II. According to Putin, the explanation is simple:

    “The Soviet Union once withdrew its troops from Germany and ended its virtual occupation of the country. The Americans, as you know, did not do this, they continue to occupy Germany. But it's not just about Germany, in my opinion the Europeans have lost the gene of independence, sovereignty and national interest. The more they are hit on the nose or on the forehead, the deeper they bow and the wider their smiles become. It's hard to do anything about it, that's the generation of leaders today, they've lost the instinct for the national interest. There are many reasons for this – economic dependency, political dependency, media dependency, industrial dependency, there are a lot of threads that create these conditions of humiliating dependency. There is nothing you can do. In my opinion everything will change at some point, but when that will be is difficult to say at the moment.

    "Do you think there is a future for Nord Stream?" Sarubin asked.

    "Yes, of course, I think so. If our European partners are interested, if their instinct for national interests is revived, then of course the project has a chance. But sometimes I have the impression that they do everything they are told from across the ocean," Putin said.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 21, 2023 4:35 am

    We are told how amazing and powerful HATO is, but really the only lions are Hungary and Turkey and all the rest are little pussies doing what the US tells them to do.

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    Post  ALAMO Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:53 am

    The thing blinked in front of my eyes on the weekend.
    Rosneft announced some huge oil deposits freshly discovered, at 80+ mln tons of crude. That is more than 600 mln barrels.
    In oil nomenclature, everything above the 0.5b barrels is called "giant".

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    Post  Kiko Wed Mar 22, 2023 3:12 pm

    What a shame, Olaf, you little prat!

    Hersh: Scholz has been helping the US hide data on the state of emergency at Nord Stream since autumn. 03.22.2023.

    Hersh: German Chancellor Scholz has been helping the United States to hide data on the undermining of Nord Stream since autumn.

    MOSCOW, March 22 - RIA Novosti. Since autumn, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has supported Washington's attempts to hide information about the Nord Stream explosions, American journalist Seymour Hersh said , citing a source.

    According to him, today the question remains whether the German politician knew in advance about the sabotage. Nevertheless, he is somehow involved in the attempts of the United States to withhold information, the journalist stressed.

    “At this point, it should be noted that Chancellor Scholz <...> has been clearly implicated since last fall in supporting the Biden administration’s cover-up of its operation in the Baltic Sea,” he wrote in a material on the Substack platform.

    Hersh recalled that in early March, the German chancellor visited the United States. His trip included only two public events, and neither Scholz nor US President Joe Biden held press conferences with questions from journalists. However, as Hersh noted, later it became known about the 80-minute meeting of the two leaders, which most of the time was not even attended by assistants. At the end of the conversation, no official statements followed, but, according to a source with access to diplomatic information, it was about "exposing the topic of gas pipelines."

    Hersh specified that after the meeting between the leaders of the two countries, the CIA was instructed to prepare a cover, together with German intelligence, which would provide the American and German press with an alternative version of the state of emergency at Nord Stream. As the journalist noted, Biden made a stupid decision to sabotage and now he is forced to lie about it.

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    Post  Kiko Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:08 pm

    ‘Blackout’: Sy Hersh Says US, Germany Coordinated NYT ‘False Cover Story’ for Nord Stream Bombing, by Fantine Gardinier for Sputniknews. 03.22.2023.

    On September 26, 2022, a massive explosion ripped through the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines on the Baltic seabed, severing a major natural gas connection and releasing colossal amounts of methane. The US had long objected to the line, which runs from Russia to Germany, urging Europe to buy more expensive US gas instead.

    A new report by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh lays blame at the feet of US and German intelligence for a New York Times article claiming it was Ukrainian terrorists, not US Navy divers, who bombed the Nord Stream pipeline last September. Hersh said it was part of a coordinated “blackout” of his expose of Washington’s role in the attack.

    “There is no evidence that any reporter assigned there has yet to ask the White House press secretary whether Biden had done what any serious leader would do: formally “task” the American intelligence community to conduct a deep investigation, with all of its assets, and find out just who had done the deed in the Baltic Sea,” Hersh wrote on Wednesday.

    “According to a source within the intelligence community, the president has not done so, nor will he,” the journalist asserted. “Why not? Because he knows the answer.”

    Hersh pointed to a curious meeting in Washington earlier this month between Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in which both media and aides were almost totally absent.

    “There have been no statements or written understandings made public since then by either government, but I was told by someone with access to diplomatic intelligence that there was a discussion of the pipeline exposé and, as a result, certain elements in the Central Intelligence Agency were asked to prepare a cover story in collaboration with German intelligence that would provide the American and German press with an alternative version for the destruction of Nord Stream 2,” Hersh wrote.

    “In the words of the intelligence community, the agency was ‘to pulse the system’ in an effort to discount the claim that Biden had ordered the pipelines’ destruction,” he explained.

    Indeed, The New York Times, which was one of two newspapers that ran the story, has admitted in the past to letting the CIA proofread certain stories before publishing them.

    Along with the NYT, which published an article on March 7 claiming “a pro-Ukrainian group” might have been behind the pipeline explosion, the German weekly Der Zeit published a companion piece that same day claiming German investigative officials had found a luxury yacht chartered by a group of Ukrainians under false pretenses in the area of the explosions just a few weeks before they occurred.

    Both reports were largely absent on precise facts, heavy on anonymous sourcing, and admitted that, as the Times put it, “there was much they did not know.” Hersh’s February expose on the pipeline bombing was derided by critics for using anonymous sources, who claimed it undermined the integrity of Hersh’s audacious claims.

    In fact, the Der Zeit story even noted the belief among some “in international security services” that the yacht story “was a false flag operation.”

    “Indeed it was,” Hersh wrote in reply.

    He quoted a source within the American intelligence community as telling him: “It was a total fabrication by American intelligence that was passed along to the Germans, and aimed at discrediting your story.”

    To further make his point about just how little the journalists behind the two papers’ exposes really knew about their supposed bombshell reports, Hersh quoted a NYT podcast interview with story co-author Julian Barnes from a few days after its publication in which Barnes admits their primary method for establishing the facts of the article was “asking exactly the right questions” of US intelligence officials.

    “All those states that we just went through, did Russia do it? Did the Ukraine state do it? And that was just hitting dead end after dead end. We weren’t finding officials who were telling us that there was credible evidence pointing at a government,” Barnes told the podcast. “So my colleagues Adam Entous, Adam Goldman, and I started asking a different question. Could this have been done by non-state actors?”

    “Well, we started asking, who might these saboteurs be? Or if we couldn’t answer that, who might they be aligned with? Could they be pro-Russian saboteurs? Could they be other saboteurs? And the more we talk to officials who had access to intelligence, the more we saw this theory gaining traction.”

    Hersh finished his article by faulting the NYT journalists for using their trade to protect Biden from the ugly ramifications of the sabotage order he personally signed.

    Hersh has been a journalist for more than 50 years, winning a Pulitzer Prize in 1970 for his work in exposing the My Lai massacre of Vietnamese civilians by US troops and its subsequent coverup. He later exposed the US' secret bombing campaign in Cambodia in the 1970s, US torture of detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, and the false attribution of a chemical weapons attack in Ghouta, Syria, to the Syrian government instead of to a group of US-backed Islamist rebels.

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    Post  lancelot Fri Mar 24, 2023 1:17 am
    Russia to supply 22 bln cubic meters of gas to China over Power of Siberia — Novak
    "We expect 22 bln cubic meters of gas this year and will reach the design 38 bln cubic meters by 2025," the Deputy Prime Minister said

    MOSCOW, March 23. /TASS/. Russian gas supplies to China over the Power of Siberia gas pipeline will stand at 22 bln cubic meters in 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on the air with the Rossiya-24 TV Channel.

    "We are gradually reaching the design capacity of the Power of Siberia. We expect 22 bln cubic meters of gas this year and will reach the design 38 bln [cubic meters] by 2025," Novak said.

    Russia exported record high 15.5 bln cubic meters of gas to China over the Power of Siberia gas pipeline as of 2022 year-end.

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