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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  limb Sun Dec 04, 2022 11:58 am

    GarryB wrote:Continue with the western propaganda Limb, you family will love you being such a nazi supporter I guess... how is aunty Goebells?

    Just look at the title you posted in your quote... the first two symbols are British and Ukrainian flags... but you post it here like it is a Russian saying this...

    Your help to your enemy is being rewarded I hope... selling out your people for free is worse than doing it for money.

    Damn, now claiming rybar is western propaganda, I guess normal after you called vladlen tatarskiy a ukrainian troll.

    Those flag emojis were changed after google translate, if you go to the original russian link, the emojis are russian and ukrainian. I feel like im wasting my time responding to such a meaningless nitpick.

    Man, personal insults too. Really helping you support your argument right there.

    Why don't you actually go to russian telegram channels made by actual soldiers and wartime journalists.  You can use google translate to get the gist of what they're saying.

    I wonder what made you so allergic to russian self criticism. This article isn't saying the russians are failing, but there are better ways to defeat the enemy, because this way is really inefficient and loss prone.

    Bbbbut most russians are fatalistic doomers, you'll say.  
    1. Big promises require big results. Every ethnicity expects this
    2. Russians are risking their lives, so they're right to criticize when theres reason to criticize. ATM theres a lot to criticize.
    3. Russians are superior to westerners(including you) because they don't get high on their own propaganda.  You support russia and get high on the MoDs propaganda, neocon westerners support NATO and get high on NATO MSM propaganda.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  JohninMK Sun Dec 04, 2022 12:04 pm

    From an old poem. Kerry is in Ireland. Not much has changed.

    "Now that was the story my grandfather told,
    As he sat by the fire all withered and old.
    "Remember," me lad ,"that the Irish fight well,
    But the Rooshian artillery's hotter than Hell."

    - The Kerry Recruit

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    Post  Hole Sun Dec 04, 2022 12:47 pm

    Are the pics indoor for that purposes or is there also a certain fear of COVID as well?

    I think it´s both, security reasons and COVID.

    I am beginning to see on some twitter feeds that Russian forces may or may not be massing on Ukraine's border's again has anyone else heard or seen this?
    All those trains with vehicles are not moving around for fun.  Very Happy
    According to McGregor up to 500.000 troops with 5.000 armored vehicles, including 1.500 tanks.
    Some claim an assault trough Belarus to cut off the western parts of 404, others claim the troops and stuff will be spread around the whole frontline to increase the pressure.

    Third, any special Advent deliveries made by Russian air and rocket forces lately?
    Only the usual daily deliveries of shells and rockets, some drone strikes and a cruise missile here and there.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  Isos Sun Dec 04, 2022 12:51 pm

    Second video in few days of forpost attacking targets. They may have started production of the little kab-20 munitions.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  SolidarityWithRussia Sun Dec 04, 2022 1:23 pm

    I guess years of wasted efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan have made the Empire of Lies believe that they could win against Russia with their silly counterinsurgency strategies. scratch

    Btw. what happened to the quote button in this forum? I must have missed something.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  JohninMK Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:35 pm

    Btw. what happened to the quote button in this forum? I must have missed something.

    Garry disabled it due to abuse, i.e. the Forum rules being ignore too often.

    Has had a big impact thumbsup

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:51 pm

    Chronicle of the Special Military Operation for 2 Dec 2022⚡

    ♦#Belgorod Region:

    ▪ Ukrainian militants shelled the village of Stary Khutor, damaging several residential buildings and a power line.

    ▪ Overnight, air defence assets were engaged against aerial targets in the #Belgorod region.

    ♦#Starobelsk Direction:

    ▪ The enemy attempted an offensive in the direction of #Chervonopopovka and #Kuzemovka, without visible success for the Ukrainian formations.

    ♦#Soledar Direction (MAP):

    ▪ In the #Bakhmut (#Artemovsk) sector, units of the 53rd AFU Mechanized Brigade attempted a counterattack near #Opytnoye, while the 5th Separate Assault Regiment of the AFU made a similar attempt in the vicinity of #Mayorsk.

    Both attacks were repulsed by Russian forces.

    ▪ In the #Soledar front section, positional fighting continues near #Spornoye.

    ▪ Russian artillery hit an enemy stronghold in #Toretsk, killing at least 5 AFU militants.

    ♦#Lugansk People's Republic:

    ▪ Ukrainian militants shelled #Starobelsk, #Khoroshoye and #Svatovo with HIMARS and caused damage to civilian infrastructure.

    ♦#Donetsk Direction:

    ▪ Ukrainian militants (terrorists) shelled #Donetsk intensively throughout the day, at least 3 civilians were killed and several others wounded in the city.

    ▪ In the evening, the AFU struck an oil depot in #Shakhtarsk, causing a fire at the facility.

    ▪ The shelling of #Gorlovka damaged the contact network and temporarily halted the operation of electric transport.

    ♦#Zaporozhye Direction:

    ▪ The RF Armed Forces launched several missile strikes on the Zaporozhtransformator plant in #Zaporozhye, where equipment needed to stabilise the Ukrainian power system is produced.

    ▪ In return, Ukrainian militants shelled civilian infrastructure in the town of #Tokmak.

    ♦#Kherson Direction on Southern Front:

    ▪ Artillery duels continue on this sector of the front. The RF Armed Forces have worked on targets in #Kherson, #Kachkarovka, Zolotaya Balka, #Dneprovskoye, #Daryevka and #Nikolskoye.

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:53 pm

    The 🇺🇦Ukraine war exposes the "harsh reality" of the West's weapons capabilities, the Financial Times reports

    Nearly 10 months into the war, allies backing Kiev's military action are increasingly concerned that they have to ramp up ammunition production as the conflict erodes their stockpiles.

    At stake is not only the West's ability to continue supplying Ukraine with the weapons it needs but also the allies' ability to show adversaries such as China that they have an industrial base capable of producing enough weapons to defend against a possible attack reliably.

    "Ukraine has focused us ... on what really matters," said William LaPlante, the Pentagon's chief weapons buyer, at a recent conference at George Mason University. "What matters is production. Production really matters."

    After sending over $40 billion in military aid to Ukraine, mostly from existing stocks, NATO member states' defense ministries are finding that sleeper arms production lines cannot be turned on overnight. Increased capacity requires investment, which in turn depends on securing long-term production contracts.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  billybatts91 Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:54 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  JohninMK Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:57 pm

    The enemy is preparing new strikes: At night, the AFU actively moves equipment from Kherson's direction
    ▪Nights in Mykolaiv and the region are becoming more and more difficult to sleep due to the rumble of the AFU armored vehicles, residents complain that they have not heard that for a long time.
    ▪ Earlier, footage of a crossing near the Dariyivka bridge on the Ingulets River surfaced online.
    ▪The Ukrainian command is preparing to reinforce its groups and strikes in other directions.
    ▪ Tanks, BMPs, and armored vehicles are rushing to Zaporizhzhya, where the enemy has long been preparing attempts to break through. It is also possible that further troops are being moved to Artemivsk in torture to defend the city.
    ▪The artillery duels and copter warfare continue on the Zaporizhia front.
    ▪After the withdrawal of our troops behind the Dnieper, enemy attacks on the Kherson front have weakened due to the inability to force the water barrier.
    ▪The Kherson front also sees artillery duels, exchanges of fire, and clashes with SRGs; at night, saboteurs try to penetrate our coastline but, time after time, come under fire from our fighters who control the coast.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  billybatts91 Sun Dec 04, 2022 3:06 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  Regular Sun Dec 04, 2022 5:14 pm

    Interesting development

    Some employees from Dozht TV got in trouble from their masters.

    One of the presenters called viewers to help fund mobiks and get equipment for them.

    “Dozhd TV employees should return to Russia, Latvian minister says”

    It seems that even staunchest Russian opposition abroad can’t play along, dehumanise and hate their own. It already sucks to be an opposition. Hated by west and Russia, how much you want to bet that they will start to hate the west too? Reminds me the middle-eastern hate after 911.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  flamming_python Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:05 pm

    JohninMK wrote:From Cassad

    I have my doubts about this account as it was the US-type infantry small-unit tactics that enabled the Ukrainians to break-through at Kharkov; even if that area was sparsely defended anyway. These aren't COIN tactics but very much conventional warfare. The way the Ukrainians used artillery at the start of the conflict was taught to them by NATO, effective, and very much conventional warfare

    The newly trained Ukrainian force, equipped with NATO-standard vehicles, which was put into action starting August-September, was prepared over a period of months, not weeks.

    Of course it may well be that now that things have become more desperate and training regimes have been shortened drastically. In which case any training is still better than no training, but 2-3 weeks is not enough for any COIN tactics anyhow; but basic rifle discipline, a few trips to the range, a first-aid course, and simple formations, postures, movement at most. And that's really if you're cramming things in.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  flamming_python Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:11 pm

    “Dozhd TV employees should return to Russia, Latvian minister says”

    It seems that even staunchest Russian opposition abroad can’t play along, dehumanise and hate their own. It already sucks to be an opposition. Hated by west and Russia, how much you want to bet that they will start to hate the west too? Reminds me the middle-eastern hate after 911.

    Oh it makes perfect sense, even without the dehumanization and hate campaign

    I posted some articles in various threads lately. One of which dealt with the issue of emigre Russian oppositioners and liberals in 'exile' in Europe, and how they're rather useless to the West away from their own country and not able to reach their native audience.
    It makes a lot more sense for them, and all the draft-dodgers, those looking for easy street abroad, etc... to be forced to live in Russia itself, so that their discontent can be mobilized into anti-government protests.
    Of course this plan will fail too. These liberals and others will simply move from the EU only not back to Russia, but to South Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Israel, UAE, Serbia, maybe somewhere in South America instead. Which will be good for Russia, as a). it might wisen them up, eventually, and b). the less Russians living in the West in general and earning their paychecks there, the less influence the West can have over Russia. Russians living in the rest of the world, regardless of their political sympathies, will increase Russian ties with the rest of the world.

    Like I said before, the US/EU/etc.. bet on the wrong horse. They don't have some core of hardened revolutionaries and militants at their command that disrupt things for the Kremlin.
    Rather they recruited a bunch of mama's boys and people who never had any intention to continue living in Russia, those who's motherland is where their money is, and their values are that of the USD - as their supporters and 'opposition' in Russia.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  franco Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:18 pm

    Btw. what happened to the quote button in this forum? I must have missed something.

    Garry disabled it due to abuse, i.e. the Forum rules being ignore too often.

    Has had a big impact thumbsup

    Except I cannot see your links anymore. For some reason I have never been able to access your links without going to the quote option and then opening them in a new tab...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  ALAMO Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:20 pm

    Just take a look around, and Ask yourself when have you Heard of Navalny last time 🤭😈? Obviously those jerks are needed on the spot only. And as soon as a tool gets broken, IT will be thrown away.

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    Post  flamming_python Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:39 pm

    Just take a look around, and Ask yourself when have you Heard of Navalny last time 🤭😈? Obviously those jerks are needed on the spot only. And as soon as a tool gets broken, IT will be thrown away.

    Navalny will have his name immortalized by some future English-language documentaries as an important victim of Russian autocracy and repression.
    This will be his final service to his former paymasters

    If he's really lucky, he might get some new sanctions package named after him as Magnitsky had, or an honorary award named after him as Sakharov had; albeit I have my doubts about that last one.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  Belisarius Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:38 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Img_2227
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Img_2228
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Img_2229

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    Post  Belisarius Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:39 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Img_2230
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Img_2231
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Img_2232

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    Post  Hole Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:49 pm

    If he's really lucky, he might get some new sanctions package named after him as Magnitsky had, or an honorary award named after him as Sakharov had; albeit I have my doubts about that last one.
    Or some western capital will name the road with the russian embassy after him.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:15 pm

    19:34 The journey from Kherson to Bakhmut... failed.

    Azov fighters made an unsuccessful attempt to counterattack Wagner's assaults near Bakhmut, resulting in Anton Radko, deputy company commander of the Azov regiment, receiving his dose of lead.

    Presumably, it was not only Radko who was hit (We have already shown several Azog deaths in the last few days.). The exact number of wounded/killed is not reported.

    Now he is in one of the Bakhmut hospitals, there is a possibility of going from WIA to KIA.

    19:41 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Battle for Artyomovsk: Blood-drenched floors and heartbreaking cries of the UAF militants — a stream of wounded is coming to the Liman hospital

    Hundreds of mutilated vushniks are brought to hospitals in nearby cities of Artyomovsk, this was reported by a correspondent of the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, who visited one of the institutions of Krasny Liman. Doctors note that seriously wounded Ukrainian militants are brought to them, in emergency cases they are operated on without anesthesia, the rest are sent to Kiev and the Dnieper.

    19:51 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The lack of equipment was added to the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Bakhmut: the main thing

    Due to the temperature drop in the Bakhmut district, the problem with spare parts and rubber for foreign equipment has worsened for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which the Military Chronicle reported earlier. During the day, impassable mud is replaced by severe frosts, which makes it difficult to use wheeled armored vehicles MaxxPro, Bushmaster, Sisu and Kirpi.

    For the delivery of ammunition, medicines and food to the garrison of the city, the Ground Forces of Ukraine use Soviet armored personnel carriers MT-LB, removed from storage in the Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov regions.

    The advanced units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are forced to get to the line of clashes in civilian vehicles, which is why both regular formations and territorial defense brigades suffer heavy losses.

    From November 30 to December 4, the shortage of armored vehicles caused high losses in the 109th and 241st Territorial Defense Brigades in the southeast in the area of   Opytny, the Kastus Kalinouski Regiment of Belarusian Nationalists, and the 71st Jaeger Brigade. The situation in the Azov National Battalion (the organization was recognized as a terrorist organization) is especially difficult: among others, the deputy commander of the company, Anton Radko, was seriously wounded. When trying to get out of the shelling on the southeastern outskirts of Bakhmut, five Georgian mercenaries from the "Foreign Legion" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were killed.

    The highest percentage of losses in these units was recorded as a result of the use of Kornet and Konkurs ATGMs by Wagner PMC units, as well as T-80BV tanks supported by D-20 and Giacint-B guns.

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    Post  Hole Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:32 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Fjj3mb10
    Some new drone that will be used by the VDV. Someone got more info?
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Fjjuuk10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Scree513
    Ukro POW talking abut the NATO-standard training he received in the UK

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    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:54 pm

    🇺🇦 The Kiev regime encourages ukrops to dig holes and defecate there.

    Leaflets with such a request appeared in residential areas of Kiev

    “You should not go to the toilet even with your own water, flush food leftovers down the drain, as the system will overflow and everything will climb out,” an important announcement says.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 31 Photo_50

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    Post  ALAMO Sun Dec 04, 2022 9:16 pm

    I have told you that a few weeks ago.
    This is one of sympthoms the sewage system is down.
    Shift will flow out of the toilets.
    Starts on the lowest loops of the whole system, but will go up as the pipes will get the load.
    Saw that. Not a nice view.

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    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Dec 04, 2022 9:19 pm

    To Alamo...

    Good evening bro... Very Happy
    I was wrong when I wrote a couple of times that they are going back to the 19th century because they seem to be going to the Dark Ages...

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