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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  flamming_python Sat Dec 31, 2022 7:27 pm

    Actually guided rounds like the guided smerch or tornado $ would be very useful in large numbers in places like Bakhmut where Ukraine is using fixed fortifications. I'm not sure why this continues to elude Garry. Mark positions with UAS, destroy then simultaneously with guided rounds, then magically take way fewer losses in infantry and vehicles.

    You should take your suggestion to the Russian MoD, not to us mere mortals

    Not sure why Russia continues to launch cruise missiles in daylight. It would make it basically impossible for Manpad operators to even fire at them if they were launched at night.

    Might be for damage confirmation. Satellites can't see any better at night than anyone else can.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Hole Sat Dec 31, 2022 7:31 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Fluhes10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Fluorg10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Fluzew10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Arrow Sat Dec 31, 2022 8:15 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Isos Sat Dec 31, 2022 8:34 pm

    That hotel destruction is very weired. It seems like it fall under its own weight. It is clearly not a missile attack.

    The destruction is very clean. Engineering work. Either it was very badly build and just fell under its own weight or someone destroyed it from the inside.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  diabetus Sat Dec 31, 2022 9:09 pm

    "You should take your suggestion to the Russian MoD, not to us mere mortals"

    They were too busy ignoring the signs of the UA offensive in Kharkov to do anything about that. It's common sense. If they could, they would, unless they care more about saving money by using less effective artillery than saving the lives of their men.

    "Might be for damage confirmation. Satellites can't see any better at night than anyone else can."

    Then wait a few hours until it's light for confirmation.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  franco Sat Dec 31, 2022 9:33 pm

    On December 31, thanks to the negotiation process, 82 Russian fighters returned to their homeland.

    The plane with Russian servicemen released from Ukrainian captivity, where they were in mortal danger, landed at the Chkalovsky airfield near Moscow. On New Year's Eve, thanks to the negotiation process, 82 fighters returned to their homeland.

    After landing, the servicemen will be sent to medical facilities of the Russian Defense Ministry, where they will undergo treatment and rehabilitation.

    Earlier, the Russian defense ministry reported that as a result of the negotiation process, 82 Russian servicemen were returned from the territory controlled by the Kiev regime on December 31 , who were in mortal danger in captivity.

    EDIT: apparently as part of today's exchange of prisoners, Ukraine returned 140 soldiers - the head of the OP Yermak.

    Of these, 132 men and 8 women.

    Earlier, the exchange was reported in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. They said they had returned 82 of their servicemen

    EDIT 2: 41 soldiers of the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) were released from Ukrainian captivity, and the servicemen will be returned home. This was announced on December 31 by the LPR Ombudsman Victoria Serdyukova.

    Last edited by franco on Sat Dec 31, 2022 11:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  littlerabbit Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:57 pm

    Nice, if true... Wink

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 FlVSiy8aUAAS8fD?format=jpg&name=large

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Belisarius Sun Jan 01, 2023 1:50 am

    Diabetus wants to convince us of how incompetent the Russian command is for not buying enough guided munitions and for not using them against the fortifications in Donbass, but he doesn't explain how he got access to classified information to know how many guided missiles Russia has, and where Russia uses or does not use them... Rolling Eyes

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  diabetus Sun Jan 01, 2023 2:26 am

    Yeah. Not like there's been any major command shuffling on the Russian side in this conflict, everyone is amazingly competent lol.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  diabetus Sun Jan 01, 2023 3:01 am

    And I'm basing what i said off the lack of any evidence of such usage, and the advocacy of certain people here about the superiority of unguided weapons

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  ucmvulcan Sun Jan 01, 2023 3:37 am

    Shuffling command is not the sign of incompetence. In the US Civil War, Lincoln cycled through several generals who were all important to ultimate Union victory. McClellan was no Napoleon but he built the Army of the Potomac into the force that held and ultimately turned back Lee at Antietam, which was a major turning point in that war. Nevertheless, Lincoln had grown tired of little Mac and fired him after that battle. Then he turned to Burnside who . . . uh . . . well. . . didn't have the chops for command. Then it was George Gordon Meade who turned Lee back at Gettysburg. Yeah, four top commanders, but it wasn't until Lincoln pulled Grant from the west and put him in overall control that the Union destroyed the Rebs.

    Oh, its not just the US Civil War, the Germans in WWI against Russia were only saved by Francois, Hindenburg (who was retired in 1914), and Lundendorff. Also, Rannenkampf, Samsanov and their staffs suggested their incompetence in Manchuria in 1904 before proving it in 1914. In the Great Patriotic War, Stalin cycled through several generals before the team of Vasilevsky, Zhukov, Rokkosovsky, Konev, Chuikov etc gelled and destroyed the fascist beast. Hell even in the West and North Africa SHAEF went through many generals and the same was true of American and British forces in the Pacific.

    In the wars mentioned, many of the officers replaced were competent. However, they were not the right commanders to accomplish the mission. I think Surovikin is part of the solution, and time will tell who he appoints and builds around him.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Belisarius Sun Jan 01, 2023 3:38 am

    Not like there's been any major command shuffling on the Russian side in this conflict

    Yes of course, because Zhukov (an extremely competent commander) wasn't constantly reassigned to command new troops/fronts throughout ww2 lol!

    everyone is amazingly competent lol.

    Competent enough to know that the HE-Fragmentation warheads in their guided rockets are not the best warheads to destroy armed concrete fortifications, and that most Ukrainian fortifications are trenches, which can be easily dealt with with the cheapest unguided shells.

    And I'm basing what i said off the lack of any evidence of such usage, and the advocacy of certain people here about the superiority of unguided weapons

    Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

    and the advocacy of certain people here about the superiority of unguided weapons

    What certain people have defended here is that in saturation attacks, unguided munitions can do the same job as guided munitions at a much lower cost, when you have a front area of hundreds of square meters or several square kilometers, full of infantry (soft targets), what you need is to saturate the area with explosions, here the accuracy of the guided ammunition is irrelevant as your target is an area of hundreds of square meters or several square kilometers.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Erk Sun Jan 01, 2023 4:37 am

    Just found this interview

    It's from IearlGrey who has been doing runs around Donbass dropping off presents to orphans, whilst gathering material for videos.

    One point he makes that caught my ear is that there a huge pay dispute from the regular Russian army and the mobilization soldiers.

    Worth looking into.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  lyle6 Sun Jan 01, 2023 4:51 am

    Belisarius wrote:Diabetus wants to convince us of how incompetent the Russian command is for not buying enough guided munitions and for not using them against the fortifications in Donbass, but he doesn't explain how he got access to classified information to know how many guided missiles Russia has, and where Russia uses or does not use them... Rolling Eyes
    Only its even more incompetent if they used PGMs as our friend here would have it. PGMs are a finite resource, at least compared to the dumb munitions Russia has in abundance and massive production. And what do you with a limited asset? Certainly not use it for mundane applications that is. You use your precious PGMs for the more precious targets of course - enemy HQs, heavy caliber artillery, logistics nodes, enemy staging points, etc. - not against podunk pillboxes and certainly not against earthworks. Like, dude, a trench is just a hole in the ground; a couple dudes can repair whatever damage you caused with your PGMs in just a few hours of back breaking labor - and the enemy has no shortage of meat for the purpose.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 01, 2023 4:52 am

    The only missiles that could be used on Ukr bunkers are the hypersonic ones.   Why should Russia waste thousands of them when it
    can use bombs specifically designed for this task which can deliver more total explosive power.    Russian forces have not conducted
    such bombing runs because the Kiev regime has had an effective missile defense capacity.   All the weenies who pollute the thread
    with their moronic criticisms would have everyone believe that this missile defense is not important that if the super duper Americans
    were conducting the campaign their mighty aircraft would have done the job in a week.   Of course, they rest their BS implicit claims
    on previous US victories over countries without effective air defense systems.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  ucmvulcan Sun Jan 01, 2023 5:07 am

    Oh and happy New Year, 80+ years on and its still relevant:

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Fb_img10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  diabetus Sun Jan 01, 2023 6:53 am

    "Shuffling command is not the sign of incompetence. In the US Civil War, Lincoln cycled through several generals who were all important to ultimate Union victory."

    Utter BS. Every union general was sacked after a failure.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  diabetus Sun Jan 01, 2023 6:54 am

    "You use your precious PGMs for the more precious targets of course - enemy HQs, heavy caliber artillery, logistics nodes, enemy staging points, etc. - not against podunk pillboxes and certainly not against earthworks"

    Cue the videos of Lancet use vs pickup trucks and ladas...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  diabetus Sun Jan 01, 2023 6:56 am

    "Yes of course, because Zhukov (an extremely competent commander) wasn't constantly reassigned to command new troops/fronts throughout ww2"

    Where was Lapin reassigned to? Comparing him to Zhukov now?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  diabetus Sun Jan 01, 2023 6:58 am

    "Competent enough to know that the HE-Fragmentation warheads in their guided rockets are not the best warheads to destroy armed concrete fortifications, and that most Ukrainian fortifications are trenches, which can be easily dealt with with the cheapest unguided shells."

    Easily dealt with, except when they are not after months in Bakhmut.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  ALAMO Sun Jan 01, 2023 10:51 am

    That was a big one ...

    Ani tought what that might have been? It was in Chmelnytsky, so might be in range of Iskander from Belarus ...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 01, 2023 11:44 am

    Actually guided rounds like the guided smerch or tornado S would be very useful in large numbers in places like Bakhmut where Ukraine is using fixed fortifications. I'm not sure why this continues to elude Garry. Mark positions with UAS, destroy then simultaneously with guided rounds, then magically take way fewer losses in infantry and vehicles.

    They have guided rounds and the Orcs lack the IADS to shoot guided rounds down like the Russian Army has been doing with HIMARS rockets aimed at Russian military targets.

    They also have guided 203mm and 240mm rounds which they use against fortified targets where 110kg 203mm and 130kg 240mm rounds have rather more effect than the 90kg warheads of the HIMARs...

    Laser guided artillery shells with drones marking the targets can also hit moving targets as well as the fixed coordinate targets HIMARS doesn't reach when it is shot down midair.

    But surely you appreciate if there are fortified positions anywhere in the Ukraine that the 650kg warhead of an Iskander would be more effective than any light artillery rocket...

    Not sure why Russia continues to launch cruise missiles in daylight. It would make it basically impossible for Manpad operators to even fire at them if they were launched at night.

    Pretty clear Orc air defence is not working otherwise they would. I would add that many targets like HQs or hotel rooms would need to be hit at a specific time to get certain targets that don't remain in places 24/7.

    Daylight attacks would have more effect on civilians watching the show.

    That hotel destruction is very weired. It seems like it fall under its own weight. It is clearly not a missile attack.

    The destruction is very clean. Engineering work. Either it was very badly build and just fell under its own weight or someone destroyed it from the inside.

    I am no expert but I would say that level of damage is more likely from the 40-50kg warhead of a heavy SAM than from a 400kg plus warhead of a cruise missile... I would say it exploded on the front of the building and blew out the front floors of the building and the upper floors collapsed down leaving the roof intact.

    Then wait a few hours until it's light for confirmation.

    There is more footage of Orc SAMs missing missiles than hitting missiles... I would say the damage done by SAMs launched at incoming cruise missiles just adds to the damage being done.

    And I'm basing what i said off the lack of any evidence of such usage, and the advocacy of certain people here about the superiority of unguided weapons

    The problem with guided weapons is that you have to have a target coordinate to aim them at... I am sure if you have a complete list of coordinates where all the Ukrainian fortifications are in those contested areas you can forward them to the Russian command and they will deal with them... of course assuming you highlight areas where civilians are located.

    The Germans started their attack on Stalingrad by flattening the place with a massive air bombardment. If anything the rubble was harder for them to move armour and troops through and created more hiding places for the Soviet soldiers resisting their advance, but you are the military expert because obviously every war the US has fought has been won by precision HIMARS fire.

    I suspect the main reason they go apeshit about HIMARS is the power of the western MIC who promote air delivered weapons... in comparison US Army artillery are second class citizens, so they are probably loving their time in the sun... much like they oversold the performance of their air defence capacity during operation Desert Storm... the Patriot was on everyones lips as the solution to Scuds... except it wasn't... just more hype.

    What certain people have defended here is that in saturation attacks, unguided munitions can do the same job as guided munitions at a much lower cost, when you have a front area of hundreds of square meters or several square kilometers, full of infantry (soft targets), what you need is to saturate the area with explosions, here the accuracy of the guided ammunition is irrelevant as your target is an area of hundreds of square meters or several square kilometers.

    Any military force moving forward in combat are told not to bunch together to avoid creating a target where lots can be killed with one shell... most attacks are spread over an area so one 500kg bomb can't completely stop the attack... but no matter how well spread out a salvo from a TOS battery will stop most attacks dead in their tracks because the rockets spread over a wide area and each rocket kills over a large area... if TOS rockets were guided and all landed in the same place it would be useless... as useless as a 100 round machine gun burst where all 100 rounds go through the chest of one man in the middle of the attacking group.

    Great accuracy but bloody useless.

    Cue the videos of Lancet use vs pickup trucks and ladas...

    Lancets are cheap disposable weapons designed to hit enemy troops in the field.

    That was a big one ...

    Impact at 21 seconds, sound heard at 14 seconds... which is 7 seconds, so at 320m/s that is about 2.3km away from the camera... big fireball from that distance.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  d_taddei2 Sun Jan 01, 2023 12:21 pm

    So some crowdfunding page has raised money for 15 Czech Viktor air defense systems. And have made out these are new systems. As if they are going to make a difference. I haven't even heard of this system. They also went on to say that €1.3 m had been raised to buy a modern tank. Hmmmm I don't know any modern tank that costs as little as €1.3m. Anyway this "new" air defense system is a Toyota pickup armed with ZPU-2. Yeah u read that right, a new system that somehow is going to make a difference. lol!
    Description goes as such.

    The Czech Company Excalibur Army has developed a new air defense system called Viktor based on a civilian Toyota pickup chassis fitted with an improved ZPU-2, a Soviet-made 14.5mm anti-aircraft twin gun mounted on the rear of the flatbed platform. It has been designed to offer a low-cost solution of air defense system able to destroy aerial targets flying at low-altitude such as drones, aircraft or helicopters. The Viktor uses a modified Toyota pickup chassis including a reinforced suspension and a modified body allowing firing from inside of the crew cabin. Using the Toyota chassis, the vehicle offers high mobility in the road and off-road conditions.

    The west do like to peddle some nonsense and do like to exaggerated things, in this case they did well. Lol

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  ALAMO Sun Jan 01, 2023 12:24 pm

    Already named "Shahid killers", so beware, you know ... Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

    Do you feel impressed enough already ? Laughing Laughing

    But seriously ... we talk about the country that used to have Tors, Tunguskas, hell of Shilkas, Osas, Strelas ... in literally hundreds pieces. Now they are trying to make pabieda hyping on tachanka with twin 14.5mm ... with optical sight and manual aiming Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Hole Sun Jan 01, 2023 12:45 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Flyafx10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 9 Flyagk10
    NASAM successfully intercepted a... car (again).

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