Not 100% true. Like it or not US companies are strong and many of them like Microsoft have a monopoly on the entire world.
They are bullies and bastards and set themselves up as monopolies because they are bastards and if most customers had other options they would probably prefer to deal with someone else.
Microsoft would love you to think there is no alternative, but there are plenty of alternatives that are not given a chance because Microsoft does everything it can to force people to remain with them.
Monsanto and John Deere and Apple and Amazon... all bastards.... Amazon makes billions and pays the workers that earn it all that money minimum wage and they fire people if they get sick so they don't have to pay anything in healthcare except premiums... which I bet they get a special deal consider the pay the premiums but the workers never get any healthcare benefits because if they get sick they get fired...
Not just bastards... also scum.
Burger King got fined here recently because they had a worker at one of their stores who was on a salary working all hours of the day so they didn't have to hire someone else. The hours he had to do getting all his work done meant he was actually earning less that anyone else working in that store... less than minimum wage, which is why they got fined.
They don't care.
The world's dependency on US dollar to be a leader is scary but it's not the only thing.
I wouldn't call it a dependency now, and the demand for the US dollar to use in international transactions was what made it possible for them to print as much as they want, but as it gets dropped it is going to really struggle when they print and print and borrow and borrow... over 30 trillion debt and they print as much of their own money as they like... tell me there is no problem there?
The Pentagon doesn't audit itself and doesn't know where most of the money goes... secret projects obviously... the US is the first country in history to try to deal with corruption by first of all ignoring that it exists, and second of all just trying to print more money than the thieves can steal... and only the first part seems to work.
What indian company is famous ? None. Who like Bollyhood ? Indians only. Who want to switch to indian culture ? Only some fanatic hippies. India can't be a superpower.
The fact of the matter is that western culture is broken and there is no debate or discussion allowed in that regard... the point is not to replace US culture with India culture or French culture or Russian culture or any other culture... why does it have to be one culture dominating at all?
Why can't Indian culture dominate in India? French culture dominate in France, etc etc.
You're right, but if the US economy falls, then the Indian economy would also take a big hit in the process.
It depends... if it is a collapse and violence, or if it is just a decline of a super power like Britain and France... Any change is difficult to start with.... it has taken Russia 23 years to get off the western white powder, and it was really only possible because the west essentially rejected them rather than the other way around.
With over a billion consumers there will always be countries wanting to be part of and trade with India and that includes China if you let them.
For Russia its technology and skills but no white colonial mentality, they make a useful alternative to dealing with the west for the rest of the world.
The US has to deal with their elite and powerful because they are selfish self centred bastards who care for nothing and no one but themselves... a bit of a French revolution might be in order for the US.
We don't have a self sufficient industrial-based economy and our service sector based enconomy is intertwine with US economy. Indian IT firms and other big tech companies would all get destroyed way before any collapse of the US economy.
Industry is important, but you have an opportunity to shift from providing services and IT to the west to providing it to the rest of the world.... a much bigger market... a market that is new and growing and wont be dominated by western monopoly countries with the might of their embassy and their deep pockets winning contracts from you that they don't deserve.
Meanwhile most indians want to live like US citizens.
If everyone lived like consumerist Americans the human world would end and it will be time for something else to take over... maybe that is the game.... Earth... for a time the dinosaurs ruled and before them something else dominated... at one time probably plants or insects were the top of the food chain, and right now it is human beings screwing everything up... who knows what comes next... spiders, octopus, sentient bacteria...
Given agreements with the UAE, Indonesia and Sri Lanka, it looks like the Indian rupee's usage area continues to grow, challenging the hegemony of the US dollar.
Indeed... it makes no sense to have to buy US dollars for India to trade with its neighbours and major trade partners that are not the US.