they find lots of cash or whatever, they have a "right" to seize it. Do not drive in the US with lots of cash, just have credit cards. The video is describing the typical abuse of
the judicial system. Some law is passed for allegedly a narrow focused enforcement effort, but this law is then used for everything. As with the municipality in the Ontario, Kanada,
which is using traffic ticket regulations to charge people for "violating" illegal by-laws to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. So a $100 traffic ticket system is abused to extort
tens of millions from individuals and not in aggregate.
The kangaroo laws in the US are getting worse every year. They can charge you with destroying evidence if you flush a toilet when your house is being raided. Whether you are
a criminal and actually doing this is no longer important. They can't be bothered to check if anything other than urine and feces were actually flushed down the toilet. You may
ask why would someone be raided if they were not dirty. That is nonsense. There is a term called "swatting" where malicious individuals call the cops on a target individual by making
false accusations. For example, claiming that there is a hostage being held or some other "serious crime in progress". The cops treat such malicious pranks as if they are legit
and send in the swat team. If you act the wrong way, the swat team will kill you. American "freedom" is best "freedom".