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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Trump assassination attempt


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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  ALAMO Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:08 am

    You are putting way too much hope on his hairy head.
    The only difference I predict now, is the one that he will be contested in the office from the Day One.
    In his first term, he had a moment of relative peace, when he could focus on some internal matters.
    Now he won't have a moment, they will start to bite his ankles from the very beginning.
    Oh, did I mention that he can always visit Dallas?
    Otherwise, Dallas can visit him ...

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  kvs Thu Jul 18, 2024 11:21 am

    The expectation is that D. Party judges will totally tie down his administration with lawfare. Trump and Vance will have to rule by decree like dictators.
    But they have the constitutional right to do this. In no country are judges above the elected (or unelected) government. They are confined to
    procedural matters and cannot dictate policy. That will not stop these clowns from trying to act as if they are the ultimate authority in the land, but
    if Trump has a solid faction of support in the USA, he can crack down on them. Trump appears to have a reasonably non-corrupt Supreme Court which
    he can use.

    Anyway, if Trump wants to save America, then he heeds to purge the FBI, CIA, all the other alphabet agencies and the judiciary as well. It is a tall order
    which he is unlikely to carry out. Americans are not prepared for such action as they think that they still live in a "normal" country.

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  Backman Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:35 pm

    It looks like someone was on the very top of the water tower. Its hard to see but look at the black movement at the tip

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  nomadski Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:23 pm

    Two shooters . First shot from 500 meters away water tower or building across lake in opposite direction  , passing through Trump Ear and hitting hydraulic fluid line of crane , with lost oil . Following shot from patsy crooks , wildly to the left hitting crowd . Pasty allowed in , to take the blame !

    Photo of bullet going past Trump head , fabrication to suggest flat trajectory . Shutter speed to capture such bullet , not needed in normal photography . was first bullet fired from higher up ? Or lower down ? Also last bullet that killed shooter from same source ?

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  kvs Thu Jul 18, 2024 9:27 pm

    I was wrong, they did set up a grassy knoll shooter as with Oswald in the Kennedy assassination.

    So this is a much more massive failure than it first appeared. Their pro on the tower did not deliver.

    Also, it makes sense that they would not chance it with the patsy for such a high level operation.

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  Mir Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:05 pm

    Well I wasn't sure what to think about all this but now the "fog of war" has blown widely open Laughing

    A Texas based (BlackRock linked) company apparently short traded on twelve million shares of Trump Media & Technology Group just before the failed assassination attempt. Backtracking now that it was a clerical error. A twelve million clerical error - yeah right! Laughing Laughing Laughing

    Also a little interesting is that the little patsy appeared in an add for BlackRock but that was hastily removed after the shooting.

    In the mean time the Brits on the other side of the Atlantic are getting realy worried. King Charles apparently presents a huge target... Laughing

    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Photo-10

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  kvs Fri Jul 19, 2024 2:25 am

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  Backman Fri Jul 19, 2024 4:50 am

    Keep it playing. You'll see that they are trying to point out the trajectory

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  Backman Fri Jul 19, 2024 6:02 am

    But why. Did they just shoot a couple civilians just because. Like they usually do.

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  nomadski Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:13 am

    Is it me , or is the topography of site sloped severely in the direction of patsy building , being far lower down relative to Trump Soap box stand ? It is severe enough that I think a shot with direct LOS to stand not possible ? May answer why the poorly aimed shots at crowd are on the stands that are higher up than Trump . If so then the shot to the Ear , came from opposite direction at same elevation as stand , the lake was at same elevation as stand ! The real shooter could not be under the Roof of patsy , since too risky and low down . Might be seen or shot . It was a magic trick of distraction , with police looking already in that direction . Also silencing the patsy could not be left to the police on Roof behind Trump . No good LOS ? The water tower shooter was in perfect position to take clear shot , the final shot to silence patsy . The patsy was simply there to fire stupid shots and taking blame ! Killing of crowd coincidental . Poorly aimed shots of patsy consistent with reports of him being a very very poor shot ! Also being bullied ( influenced easily ) consistent with becoming a patsy . Does anyone see a marked slope ? See the top of the flags running parallel to the stands . See the height of stand behind Trump , at the left and Right . Not at same level ?

    Rolling Eyes

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  kvs Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:58 am

    You are right the topography has a slope in the direction of the patsy's line-of-sight.    

    The video I posted argues that there was a gun shot off from a window in the building on which the patsy was positioned.   But the water tower
    is definitely the source of the shot that hit people in front of the screen and hit the railing.  

    There were probably three shooters.  

    How could they not have a man (or men) on the water tower to secure it and get the best vantage point?   Trump was set up and by some
    miracle survived.

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  thegopnik Sat Jul 20, 2024 5:22 am

    In late June I predicted a Trump assassination was needed to save Zelensky. The red flags are everywhere even if I was in his shoes I would be extra paranoid with secret service nagging them about buildings getting checked for every rally I would go to.

    Biden cabinet is filled with jews, Ambassador Nuland is Ukrainian jew, Ukraine's top government positions are jews, Ukrainian jew congress woman was the one that pushed the raise the draft age bill. I mean the signs were all there that someone would go after your head. Not only that you **** up Zelensky's in his own words another Israel plan and by doing that Russia would grab Ukraine a large land with resources to gain slow ascension to superpower status with China whom are both going after africa. Large population with whites/asians with better living standards eventually will always dominate over a large population of brown dominated countries in statistics regarding academics and knowledge. This would also mean Europe and countries like Taiwan, Japan and South Korea will have to eventually face the reality where they can no longer be guaranteed protection from the US that it would be better off building relations with the two major superpowers instead. Even I know well enough that someone would go after my head if I stopped funding Ukraine to speed up the process of destroying the current world order to a multipolar world.

    I don't think they will make another assassination attempt like a plane crash because assuming they did his VP shares the same views he does whom more than likely will choose a VP that shares his views. Hard to steal the elections considering how extremely unpopular Biden is and how much they hyped up Trump trying to jail him and trying to assassinate him like he cant be stopped. If Biden did win no American will believe in elections which is probably what the government wants to avoid. So the only option I see next is somehow starting an event in Europe before Trump enters office in January 20 that will lead western countries to WW3.

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  nomadski Sat Jul 20, 2024 6:55 am

    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 1f602

    Maybe you are right . Maybe they scared him enough this time . No reason why they won't try to put pressure on him again , maybe by threatening his family ? I think they control the secret service , and he has little chance of fighting the deep state , even with his own private army . He already concedes to the deep state , in his speech that " Iranians ....blah blah ....nuclear ......blah blah ....sanctions.......blah blah . " But the deep state wants war , makes money out of it , sanctions do not interest them . So I think  policy to Ukraine will not change much , perhaps only a matter of sweet talking the  Russians .

    On the actual assassination attempt , after looking at Trump head position , as he was looking sideways , then it becomes impossible for patsy bullet to graze his Ear . A shot from the Tower or from behind him , the lake building , would be possible . He was looking in the direction of the Tower . A shot from patsy position , if it had hit him , would have done so in his face . Elon Musk 65 billion USD for him , better be spent on security , not election propaganda ! He is going to win anyway , if he survived .

    Rolling Eyes

    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Rally-10

    Trump looking to his right along the red carpet ! Actual photo of position of paths ! The bullet would have landed on his nose ! Or left cheek or left Ear . Not right Ear !

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  kvs Sat Jul 20, 2024 8:00 pm

    The bleachers on the right (to the left when looking from the stage towards the crowd in the front) is where a bullet hit a spectator who was standing
    up and then hit the railing on the right-most end. The bullet traveled parallel to the rear of these bleachers in front of the immigration graphic projection.
    This lines up with the water tower and not the building with the patsy on the roof. The video I posted identifies two sets of bullet shots that are
    distinct in their sound plus one or two more that don't fit either of these two sets. I don't know how many rounds the tower shooter let off. He may
    be responsible for only a couple of the shots. The third gunman may be responsible for the second set of shots assuming they are not from the water
    tower. The video analysis indicates that these shots were closer in and from a location close to that of the patsy, so not from the water tower.

    Anyway, we do not have enough information about the gun shot origin points. But there is video of someone on the water tower during the assassination
    attempt and it was not a secret service agent. If the tower shooter was using a silencer (sniper type), then the bullets he shot would not register on
    the amateur recordings.

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  nomadski Sat Jul 20, 2024 10:09 pm

    We do know , even from open source material and you tube videos : ( 1 ) Up to four different sets of shots and weapons , different acoustics . ( 2 ) Trajectories that do not match up with single Crook  shooter on the Roof theory . But the establishment will go along with the  cover story , both the Republicans and Democrats . Any score settling will be private . Democrats now accepting Republican win . Trump now towing the line in private , much more . A lot of Horse trading going on .

    Scott Ritter , today gave interview on you tube , stating that the bullet as well as piercing Trump Ear , had also grazed his head behind his Ear . If true , then it throws even more doubt on the theory that bullets fired by patsy were responsible . Since for this to be true , Trump would have had to look to his left , noticeably . And he sure did not do this . This gives more weight to the theory that the bullet that injured him , came from the direction of water tower .

    Also if you looked at the hydraulic line behind Trump that was punctured , you will clearly see fluid leaking in a direction of the water tower . The fluid escaping rapidly behind the stand and not in front of it . A hit from the direction of patsy , would puncture the hydraulic lines , so that fluid escaped in the direction of Trump !


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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  Backman Mon Jul 22, 2024 10:46 pm


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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  Backman Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:56 am

    The shooter was wearing a T shirt from a gun bro Youtube channel with 11.7 million subs. Nice touch. Playing the gun angle

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  kvs Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:46 pm

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  nomadski Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:27 pm

    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Unname10

    There is a battle going on , the deep state minions , short of being able to debunk the multi- shooter theory , and not being able to put a convincing " mad lone wolf transvestite sharp shooter , " theory , are now concocting the " foreign paid ( Iranian for now ?) super agent , " theory with multiple encrypted bank of phone accounts ! All of course without evidence !

    I found this photo , the original photo was supposedly posted on 13 or 14 July ! Showing a hole in the right side of Trump Jacket . At that time there were no questions regarding the nature of the shots or positions of shooter , especially no reference to the water tower . So I think , this photo is genuine and is very close to the event and likely true ! Other photo have since appeared that were doctored to omit this hole and showed the bodyguards of Trump with a smile on their faces !

    This photo can be subject to computer digital analyses and if genuine , would indicate that the position of real shooter , the one who fired the first three shots , was either the water Tower of between the Tower and patsy building . I do not have such software , by other countries do , and if they can definitively prove second shooter , then this stops the deep state from turning this attempted assassination , into a false flag , justifying a foreign war !

    Rolling Eyes

    Last edited by nomadski on Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  Mir Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:35 pm

    I've seen that - but I think it's probably photoshop. The hole represents a large caliber round. There is no ways in the world that anyone - let alone a 78 year old - would be able to get up from the ground that quickly (even when aided) without being heavily winded and in excruciating pain. The vest might stop a bullet but you will most certainly feel like you've been hit by a bus. Broken ribs is a very painful experience for quite some time! Laughing

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  nomadski Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:45 pm

    How about a snub nose 9 mm from close up ?


    The five consecutive shots , after the first three shots , sounded tinny , fired very very fast , coming from short barrel weapon of even pistol ? No Rifle shooter from 150 meters could hit anything like that , but pistol shooters can at close range !

    Rolling Eyes

    Last edited by nomadski on Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  Mir Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:30 pm

    A pistol is a possibility but I have to think its unlikely as a shooter from very close range would have been spotted easily. Something like an AR-15 type rifle is very easy to double tap with its relatively low recoil. This is almost a copy book JFK assassination attempt so maybe in 200 years we will actually know the real story. Laughing Laughing

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  George1 Tue Jul 23, 2024 10:00 pm

    itsnot the first time that we have a secret service stand down...

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  Backman Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:10 am

    This isn't a verified still shot yet. It is being checked. But it shows some muzzle flashes from the windows inside the building that the shooter was on top of.

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    Trump assassination attempt  - Page 4 Empty Re: Trump assassination attempt

    Post  George1 Tue Jul 30, 2024 8:43 am

    kvs wrote:I was wrong, they did set up a grassy knoll shooter as with Oswald in the Kennedy assassination.  

    So this is a much more massive failure than it first appeared.  Their pro on the tower did not deliver.

    Also, it makes sense that they would not chance it with the patsy for such a high level operation.

    In Kennedy case, William Greer (limo driver) finished the job. It's clearly obvious in the original zapruder film

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