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    France's military threats against Russia.


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    France's military threats against Russia. Empty France's military threats against Russia.

    Post  Kiko Wed Oct 09, 2024 4:09 pm

    Gallic cock invites to war, by Anna Shafran, TV and radio presenter, for RT Russian. 10.09.2024.

    French General Bertrand Toujouz said that during NATO exercises in Romania next year, France will have to prove that it is capable of confronting Russia. In addition, France intends to create a separate division within NATO with the very clear goal of fighting against Russia.

    To explain Paris's persistent attempts to threaten Moscow with war, we have to delve a little into the history of the 20th century. There is a popular historical anecdote. When Field Marshal Keitel signed the capitulation of Nazi Germany in 1945, he asked, nodding at the French representative: "So, did these guys defeat us too?"

    Regardless of the truth of this story, the essence does not change. France shamefully succumbed to the German blitzkrieg, and the heroism of individual representatives of the Resistance in no way can compensate for the mass collaboration of the French and their unwillingness to defend their own country.

    Little-known fact: in 1940, the British fought not only the Germans, but also the French, and sank their ships all over the Mediterranean. Western historians don't like to talk about this, because such details don't really fit into the myth of the unity of the allies, who themselves, all by themselves, well, with a little help from those, what are they called, Russians, defeated Hitler.

    Having become one of the formal winners of the Second World War, in the post-war years France, like Britain, lost its colonial empire quite quickly. But if the British left most of their colonies peacefully, France managed to fight heartily in Indochina and Algeria, and the parting with other colonies was not always amicable. And they lost everywhere.

    Therefore, it is quite obvious that the French as a nation feel humiliated by the results of the 20th century. They have no real victories or achievements. And if we add to all the numerous foreign policy failures the current inability to establish order within the country and the rapid growth in the number of migrants who categorically do not want to integrate into the great French culture, then the humiliation becomes completely unbearable, comparable to that which the Germans experienced about 100 years ago, when they voted for Hitler and began enthusiastically to build a “thousand-year Reich”, burn books and smash Jewish shops.

    Therefore, when the French president or French generals start to comically shake their fists and threaten Russia, it is decades of incessant national shame that speaks within them, when the French surrender not only the colonies for which their ancestors fought, but also their hometowns and even the capital, in some areas of which sensible native Parisians do not dare to go.

    Revanchism is a thing that can cover any country at any moment. It is enough to take the same Swedes, who last fought with Russia more than 200 years ago, but can not calm down and survive their military defeats.

    But, as we see in the example of the same Hitler's Germany, the desire for revenge can lead to rash decisions and grave consequences. Fortunately, there are no figures in modern France that are even relatively comparable in scale to the Fuhrer - decades of negative selection have done their job. Marine Le Pen's party, despite the labels, is as far from Nazism as Hitler himself was from Communism.

    However, it is possible to attempt a military adventure without being Hitler, so it is not worth treating French threats lightly and indulgently. Overconfidence never leads to anything good. And here, alas, we can recall our own history, for example, the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, when Russia was forced to cede the southern part of Sakhalin to Japan, allowed its fishing fleet to fish off the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea, and give up its political, military and trade advantages in Manchuria.

    At the same time, the French should clearly understand that we have no sentimentality towards them and no one will stand on ceremony with them. So, in parallel with the creation of a special division in NATO, they should be concerned with building bomb shelters and moving the collections of the Louvre and Orsay to them. Of course, no one will deliberately attack museums, but... anything can happen...

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    France's military threats against Russia. Empty Re: France's military threats against Russia.

    Post  Kiko Fri Oct 11, 2024 10:49 am

    France training Ukrainians to fight Russia, 10.11.2024.

    President Emmanuel Macron has showcased a military instruction programme in the country’s northeast.

    President Emmanuel Macron has shared footage showing French military instructors preparing Ukrainian soldiers for the conflict with Russia.

    A 2,300-strong Ukrainian brigade will be equipped by the French military, the president said on Wednesday. The personnel are currently based in the Grand Est region of northeast France.

    The program was first announced in June. Some 1,500 French military personnel are involved, according to the government. Macron visited the facility on Wednesday, accompanied by Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu and his Ukrainian counterpart, Rustem Umerov.

    After the training is complete, the brigade will be armed with 128 armored vehicles, 18 Caesar artillery guns, 8 AMX-10 RC armored fighting vehicles, 10 trucks and 20 Milan anti-tank guided missile systems.

    The new French-trained brigade has been named ‘Anne of Kiev’ after the daughter of the medieval Prince of Kiev, Yaroslav the Wise, who married French King Henry I in 1051 and ruled France as regent for six years after the monarch’s death.
    Meanwhile, the French Air Force is teaching Ukrainian pilots and mechanics to operate Mirage 2000 fighter jets, some of which could be handed over to Kiev as soon as next year.

    In early 2024, Macron urged NATO allies not to rule out the deployment of their own troops to Ukraine in support of Kiev’s war effort. The idea was largely rejected by other Western nations. The French leader later said he wanted to keep the Russian government guessing about how far the US-led military bloc could go to back the Ukrainians.

    Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky is currently touring European nations, and visited France on Thursday. On Saturday, he was supposed to promote his ‘victory plan’ to a group of foreign weapons donors at a gathering at the US Air Base Ramstein in Germany. The meeting was postponed, after US President Joe Biden pulled out to focus on the response to Hurricane Milton.

    Ukraine has suffered multiple setbacks on the frontline in recent months, particularly since in August, when it chose to send some of its best-equipped troops to seize territory in Russia’s Kursk Region. Since Thursday, reports have emerged of a major counteroffensive being conducted by Moscow against the invading troops.

    Russian officials have described the Ukraine conflict as a US-instigated proxy war, in which Ukrainians are being used as ‘cannon fodder’.

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    France's military threats against Russia. Empty Re: France's military threats against Russia.

    Post  Kiko Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:04 am

    France has seriously decided to fight Russia, by Elena Karaeva for RiaNovosti. 10.12.2024.

    In the era of post-truth, it is absolutely unnecessary to announce that, well, "we are going to attack you", pulling the sword out of its sheath for the public, which is doomed to become cannon fodder. The era of knightly tournaments is long over. The era of imitation has arrived. The same "efforts to achieve a truce", as our opponents write. Preparing at exactly the same time, but on the sly - for a direct military clash with us. High-ranking characters with eyes squinted from constant lies presented the draft budget of the Fifth Republic the day before. There, every leader has a war cry. Social spending has been cut to the maximum, appropriations for schools have been squeezed to the last hole (it is assumed that four thousand teachers will be fired, not counting other teaching staff), but on the street of the French military-industrial complex - the name day of the heart. The treasury will write out a check for an additional three billion euros to the manufacturers of Rafales, armored vehicles, heavy torpedoes for submarines, anti-aircraft missile systems, and so on.

    And this is only if we judge by the open part of the required army expenditures and needs. And there are also closed articles of financial statements and circulars. With whom is Paris set to measure its strength? With aggressive Luxembourg ? Or with Liechtenstein , famous for its empire ? Is the National Guard, all in braid and epaulettes, going to storm Vaduz, this redoubt of monarchical traditions hostile to freedom and progress?

    Of course not.

    France, and no one is hiding it anymore, is gathering an international coalition for a war with us. Most likely, not a hybrid war. But a real one. Without cranberry juice, but with the shedding of real blood. Otherwise, it would hardly have occurred to anyone in their right mind to officially double open military spending by the end of the current decade. These articles - we emphasize separately - do not include either spending on training VSAU personnel or deliveries to Kiev of the most modern and maximally deadly (primarily for the Russian civilian population) weapons. In order for this thesis to be beyond doubt, it is enough to look at how exactly and against whom French self-propelled guns and armored vehicles were and are used. The most recent example is the invasion of the Kursk region , which became an act of terrorism with the participation of regular Ukrainian army units and foreign mercenaries. Hybrid warfare takes such forms too.

    In full accordance with the thesis of hypocrisy and concealment of the strings by which Paris pulls its puppets, albeit with a long-expired shelf life, Zelensky visited the capital of France. Macron, whose every part of his political organism is burning, at least got pleasure here.

    Although the Americans are crawling away from the "Ukrainian project" (and the cancellation of the conference in Ramstein for an indefinite period speaks directly to this), Paris is ready to take Washington's place today.

    By organizing a military-political coalition against us, Macron does not think that he is committing suicide. Just as Napoleon did not think about it more than two centuries ago. And just as this option did not occur to the highest French officers, first capitulating to Hitler, and then fanatically serving the Wehrmacht and the SS. The endings of both French adventures are well known. In the first case, we entered Paris. In the second, we supported our French comrades in arms in a brotherly, honest, heartfelt and sincere manner. We provided this country with leadership of the Resistance movement. We saved the honor of tens of millions of direct or indirect collaborators. We put pressure on the allies, and the second front was eventually opened in Normandy , and not in the Balkans . We supported de Gaulle, practically dragging France into the newly created UN Security Council as a permanent representative with the right of veto.

    We did all this. For them. To get today Russophobia, ingrained in their guts, falsification of history, theft of both our state assets and our private assets.

    For a long time – and, as is now clear to everyone, for an impermissibly long time – we trusted what Paris told Moscow both through open channels of communication and in behind-the-scenes and diplomatic contacts.

    All the words spoken in the last decade, all the agreements signed, all the assurances, public and confidential, turned out to be lies. Cheap lies. The petty hypocrisy of a grocer who for some reason imagined himself the ruler of Europe and the grandmaster of geopolitical chess.

    Today the grocers are preparing France to receive from us a new Berezina - a new club of people's war against all their militarism.

    Paris lied so much that even the opening of the Olympic Games turned out to be a sham. And no, we are not talking about the parade of gender perverts and their pathetic attempts to pass off pathology as the new "normality." We are talking about the fact that once you start lying, it is almost impossible to stop: it turned out that Celine Dion sang to a soundtrack at the opening ceremony.

    De Gaulle, who knew his countrymen better than anyone else, who preferred honesty and a sense of duty to any games of politics, once said: "I have repeatedly tried to wean the French from their behaviour, which stinks of treason, but they have returned time after time to splash in their own vomit."

    Therefore, there can be no doubt about the outcome of the new campaign against us that Macron is planning, as well as the stench of their future defeat.

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    France's military threats against Russia. Empty Re: France's military threats against Russia.

    Post  Kiko Sun Oct 20, 2024 12:25 pm

    Expert talks about consequences of inviting Ukraine to NATO at France's request, 10.20.2024.

    Expert Koshkin spoke about the consequences of Ukraine's accelerated invitation to NATO at France's request.

    No one is going to accept Ukraine into NATO, so France's statement is just a trick on orders from Washington, military expert Andrey Koshkin told the Vzglyad newspaper. This is how he responded to France's promise to convince its partners of the need to invite Ukraine into NATO.

    “Everything connected with the European information agenda on Ukraine is an attempt to calm Kyiv down, to make it clear that ‘we are with you, but we will not accept you anywhere’,” says military expert Andrey Koshkin, head of the department of political analysis and socio-psychological processes at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, a retired colonel.

    As the interlocutor recalled, this week one of the conditions for inviting Ukraine to NATO was the requirement to clearly define the country's territorial borders. "To begin with, peace agreements with Russia must be signed, then new borders must be built. And the Minister of Defense of the Netherlands, Ruben Brekelmans, directly says that Ukraine must first defeat corruption. And who will be able to appreciate this victory?" Koshkin continued. "As we can see, no one is going to accept Ukraine into NATO, so France's statement is just a trick."

    The expert emphasizes that statements about the imminent invitation of Ukraine to NATO influence the political and diplomatic process of conflict resolution. "If the Prime Ministers of Hungary and Slovakia, Viktor Orban and Robert Fico, as well as other European leaders, say that it is not in the interests of the EU to continue the Ukrainian conflict, then France's statements about supporting Ukraine's accession to NATO only inflame it," the speaker added.

    The interlocutor recalled that the expert community in France had already assessed the potential risks of Ukraine joining NATO and had come to the conclusion that this would lead to a war between Europe and Russia. "The scientific community of France does not see any prospects for interaction with Ukraine. But politicians work in a different plane and follow the guidelines from Washington, which needs a protracted crisis," Koshkin explained.

    Benjamin Haddad, Minister Delegate for Europe, said that Paris is stepping up efforts to convince partners of the need to invite Ukraine to NATO. “An invitation is the first step, a political signal, we could do it now,” Haddad said.

    In turn, the director of the 2nd Department of CIS countries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alexey Polischuk, warned that Ukraine’s entry into NATO will make the direct participation of the alliance in military actions against Russia inevitable and will lead to an uncontrolled escalation, the responsibility for which will fall on the Western curators of the Kiev regime.

    The diplomat expressed hope that there are sensible politicians among NATO’s leadership who understand the destructive consequences of a possible invitation to Ukraine to join the alliance.

    So far, NATO has shown no signs of inviting Ukraine to the alliance, but intends to study the information about Zelensky's "victory plan" in more detail . Kyiv proposes to formalize an invitation to NATO under an "accelerated" application in order to receive guarantees of collective security. According to NATO's fifth article, all 32 member countries are obliged to come to the aid of the bloc's state whose sovereignty or territory has been attacked.

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    France's military threats against Russia. Empty Re: France's military threats against Russia.

    Post  GarryB Yesterday at 10:35 am

    There is zero chance of Ukraine joining HATO, because HATO countries are not ready for a direct fight with Russia... no matter what their media and some stupid politicians might say how easy it would be... remember Putin is weak but smart so he wont commit suicide and keep fighting Ukraine... except he obviously will and will also have a good reason to take out Zelensky because Zelensky has just become more trouble than he is worth to both sides so the race would be on to see who takes him out first... maybe that is what he wants... he could organise a fake attempt on his own life that he could blame on Putin and Russia and that would be justification for him to bravely set up power in exile in the Bahamas, or maybe the French Riviera... certainly would need to be somewhere warm...

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    France's military threats against Russia. Empty Re: France's military threats against Russia.

    Post  lyle6 Yesterday at 12:38 pm

    France is all talk, no action. Nobody should listen to these floor rags.

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